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Healing Prayer by Horse237

My greatest desire is to return to healing on a larger scale. Over the past few years healing has not been plentiful in my life. Yet, I believe everyone prays and prays all the time. How is that possible? Spirit is your mind at its highest level. Below that is the level of psyche which […]

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Battlefield, The Mass by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Bishop Richard N. Williamson Archive With 95 Posts Between the New Mass and the Old is war,Ending not with sweet talk, but blood and gore! “Take away the Mass, destroy the Church” is a famous quote attributed to Martin Luther (1483–1546). Perhaps he never said it, although it seems highly likely that he did, but […]

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United Health by Jesse Welles

United Health (1:27)(To view with many links, click the link below.)by Jesse Welles Jesse Welleshttps://WellesMusic.com Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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Rosary Power by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

The humble Rosary, praised by every Saint –A surer help to Heaven there simply ain’t. When these “Comments” concluded last week (# 890, August 3) that praying the Rosary was the solution to the present madness of supposed Church laws being “imposed” upon us by modernist Rome, many readers may have wondered, what connection can […]