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Trump: “Make Israel Great Again” by Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Archive With 47 Posts At a Republican rally in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, September 19, billed as “opposing antisemitism,” Donald Trump made several remarks that lived up to his title of “America’s First Zionist President.” Leaving the “Make America Great Again” mantra, Trump promised his audience that he would “make Israel great again.” […]

Articles Bible Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism Christianity Cultural Family Freedom Fighter Future God Happiness History Inspiration Jesus Christ Meditation Miracles Prayer

Rosary Power by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

The humble Rosary, praised by every Saint –A surer help to Heaven there simply ain’t. When these “Comments” concluded last week (# 890, August 3) that praying the Rosary was the solution to the present madness of supposed Church laws being “imposed” upon us by modernist Rome, many readers may have wondered, what connection can […]

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Articles Bible Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Children Chuck Baldwin Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Domestic Terrorism Entrapment Family Fear Frauds Gaslighting Genocide Geopolitical God Government History Israel Jews Journalism Laws Mossad Palestine Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft Totalitarianism United States War Criminals

The Depravity Of The Zionist Mind by Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Archive With 46 Posts I am absolutely convinced that until the U.S. Congress and America’s evangelical churches sever their ties with and devotion to the Zionist State of Israel, America will continue its societal, cultural, economic, spiritual and political collapse. I believe a strong case could be made for the proposition that Israel’s […]

Articles Bible Big Lie Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Death Entrapment France God History Jesus Christ Jews LGBTQ New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Sports Talmud Television Woke

Olympic Scandal by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Behind appearances, our world mocks God.But mocked He is not. Souls, expect the rod! When the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games held recently in Paris, France, included a blasphematory presentation of the Last Supper held by Our Divine Lord with His Apostles on the eve of His crucifixion, the scandal was such that all […]