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March 11, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Nullification The Rightful Remedy (20:17)
by Tenth Amendment Center
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Saying Goodbye To Benjamin Netanyahu Is Long Overdue
Give Miriam Adelson her $100 million back and tell her to go home
President Donald Trump’s address to Congress and the nation on Tuesday night was remarkably devoid of any mention of why the United States continues to both enable and be complicit in the Ukrainian conflict with Russia as well as with the war crimes that are being committed by the state of Israel against nearly all its neighbors on a daily basis. The most recent abomination committed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his band of thugs is the cutting off of food, medicine and temporary housing to the Gazans who were bold enough to return to their ruined homes due to a ceasefire negotiated successfully by US presidential envoy Steve Witkoff in January.
by Philip Giraldi
Quote Of The Day
Emptiness Anxiety Runs
We hold the key
Within ourselves
To open and see
The path that tells
Which road to walk
To find our peace
Unplug the cork
Let conformed realities cease
Scared of the unknown
Or never thought to try
Material possession grown
Leaves you wondering why
Contentment rarely comes
Or worries never go
Emptiness anxiety runs
Until its let go
by Mark R. Elsis
March 11, 1982
Book Of The Day
The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching Of A Guilty Man (Audiobook)
The American Mercury is proud of its decades-long reputation for seeking the truth without fear or favor. As such, we do not flinch when a part of that truth can best be discovered in the words of those whom the Establishment has deemed “radical” or “controversial” or even “evil.” (When the current murderous regime in Washington, or its Hollywood/New York media machine, says someone is “evil,” we immediately start to suspect that there must be something good about that someone.) So even if the New York Times or the Anti-Defamation League excoriate us for saying so, it still remains true that the Nation of Islam (NOI) Historical Research Group — yes, that Nation of Islam, headed by Louis Farrakhan — has published the very best book we have seen so far on the Leo Frank case. It’s titled The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 3; The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man. It’s a collaborative effort, written by the NOI Historical Research Group, and they have assembled a comprehensive digest of all the known facts surrounding the case, detailed excerpts from the press of the time, relevant (and extremely revealing) passages from books and statements by contemporaries and significant figures in the case, and original research and analysis that will leave you breathless with amazement at how the “mainstream” media have lied to you. On this, the 105th anniversary of Mary Phagan’s death, we at The American Mercury are proud to present part 1 of our audio version of this very important book, read by Vanessa Neubauer.
by The Nation Of Islam
Music Of The Day
On March 11, 1965, Welsh singer Tom Jones reached No.1 on the UK singles chart with “It’s Not Unusual,” the first of sixteen British chart-toppers. The song, co-written by Jones’ manager Gordon Mills, was originally earmarked for Sandi Shaw but when she heard Jones’ demo version, she recommended he cut it instead.
Tom Jones Website
It’s Not Unusual by Tom Jones (1:59) (1965) (24,000,000 views)
It’s Not Unusual by Tom Jones (1:24) (April 21, 1968, On The Ed Sullivan Show) (5,000,000 views)
Website Of The Day
The Good Citizen
Documenting the deliberate dissemination of propaganda and misinformation for control
and manipulation of an intentionally dumbed-down population. Not you, of course.
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Meme Of The Day
Dozens Of Memes Are Published Monthly With Over 1,900 Archived.
President John F. Kennedy Archive With 123 Posts
Archbishop Viganò: ‘Deep Church’ Has Infiltrated The Catholic Hierarchy
‘We have a deep church that has infiltrated and occupied the Catholic Church,’ Archbishop Viganò wrote. ‘The members of this counter-church have transformed the Catholic Church into an organization in support of the woke globalist Left.’
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò published new claims that a network he calls ‘deep church’ has infiltrated the Catholic hierarchy. The first, he wrote, was “What is the state of the American church right now? What was the lasting impact of your 2018 letter and the concerns you raised about Pope Francis’ leadership?” The second, he added in a second tweet, was “How are those who have opposed the direction Pope Francis has taken the church working to correct course? What, if anything, is being done to make sure the next Pontiff will not repeat what many see as Francis’s shortcomings? Or is that futile?” To the first question, touching on the Catholic Church in the United States, Viganò stated that the Catholic hierarchy “has been almost entirely composed of emissaries of a very powerful subversive lobby.” The archbishop continued: We have a deep church that has infiltrated and occupied the Catholic Church, as well as a deep state that controls the governments of many nations. The members of this counter-church have transformed the Catholic Church into an organization in support of the woke globalist Left, after having destroyed Faith and Morals and subverted the purposes that Our Lord Jesus Christ gave to His Church. The plan must be seen in its entirety: the deep state and the deep church are two sides of the same coin, and both take orders from the same master who finances them both, as we have seen in the USAID scandal.
by LifeSiteNews Staff
“Women Stripped, Teen Forced To Kill Family” Al-Sharaa’s Men Fight Assad Loyalists In Syria (11:29)
Trump’s Ingenuity Vis-À-Vis Russia, Iran
Through the past three year period, Moscow claimed that it faced an existential threat from the US-led proxy war in Ukraine. But in the past six weeks, this threat perception has largely dissipated. The US President Donald Trump has made a heroic attempt to change his country’s image to a portmanteau of ‘friend’ and ‘enemy’ with whom Moscow can be friendly despite the backlog of a fundamental dislike or suspicion. Last week, Trump turned to the Iran question for what could be a potentially similar leap of faith. There are similarities in the two situations. Both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iranian president Masoud Pezeshkian are quintessential nationalists and modernisers who are open to westernism. Both Russia and Iran face US sanctions. Both seek a rollback of sanctions that may open up opportunities to integrate their economies with the world market. The Russian and Iranian elites alike can be described as ‘westernists’. Through their history, both Russia and Iran have experienced the West as a source of modernity to ‘upgrade’ their civilisation states. In such a paradigm, Trump is holding a stick in one hand and a carrot on the other, offering reconciliation or retribution depending on their choice. Is that a wise approach? Isn’t a reset without coercion possible at all? In the Russian perception, the threat from the US has significantly eased lately, as the Trump administration unambiguously signalled a strategy to engage with Russia and normalise the relationship — even holding out the prospects for a mutually beneficial economic cooperation.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
The Deep State’s War On Truth—Waged With Doublespeak, Delusion And Propaganda
“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” ~ George Orwell
The Deep State’s war on truth is being waged with doubletalk, delusion and propaganda. Through deliberate manipulation of language-what George Orwell called “doublespeak”-Donald Trump has provided cover for the Deep State’s continued grip on power. While promising to drain the swamp, his administration has instead relied on contradictory policies, misinformation, and propaganda to further entrench the very system he claims to oppose. Although the Trump administration is merely the latest frontman for the Deep State’s efforts to maintain its stranglehold on power, we are approaching a tipping point beyond which there may be no turning back to freedom as we have known it. This is how “we the people” remain on the losing end of this devil’s bargain that is life in the American police state. What we desperately need is a reality check, and that starts by disconnecting from the Deep State’s propaganda-riddled, manipulated alternative reality about the state of our nation. While President Trump, well versed in the “art of the deal,” appears to be saying all the right things about peace, corruption, graft, wasteful spending, free speech, equality, bloated bureaucracy, national security, etc., his administration’s actions tell a far different story about his priorities and his loyalties, which remain self-serving, imperial, flagrantly unconstitutional and intended to keep the Deep State in power. As always, actions speak louder than words.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
One Of The Best And Most Truthful (25:28)
Everyone in america should be forced to watch this and try to debate it cause I bet they would have no debate.
Trump’s Supposedly One-Sided Support For Russia Over Ukraine
In the past two days, major media have highlighted what they call Donald Trump’s blatant favoritism towards Russia by his withdrawal of U.S. materiel and intel assistance to Kiev. The morning news brings accounts of the damage caused to Ukrainian energy infrastructure, hotels and residential housing by the latest massive Russian attacks, which were facilitated, they say, by the lack of relevant intel warnings to Kiev of impending attacks. Granted that these measures cutting Kiev off from vital supplies are seen as pressure to bring Kiev to the negotiating table, they still allow the anti-Trump mainstream broadcasters to renew old accusations against Trump from the 2016 electoral campaign and then from his first term as being a friend of Putin, if not a dupe of Putin. After all, no such massive pressure is being directed at Russia, even if sanctions are threatened. Indeed, when asked by a reporter yesterday whether Putin was not taking unfair advantage of the U.S. cut-off of intel support, Trump said that Putin was just doing what anyone would do under the circumstances, fighting his fight with the greatest energy to end the war as soon as possible. The BBC and CNN are presenting on air so-called experts, including the impossibly partisan, anti-Trump former security adviser John Bolton, to inform us of the assumed personal dimension to state-to-state relations in which President Trump is acting arbitrarily.
by Gilbert Doctorow
The Real Reason Why This Winter’s Flu Is The Worst For Years
The mainstream media, written and edited by bought-and-paid for propaganda hacks and ignorant lackeys posing as journalists, claim that the 2025 flu is the worst for years. Some have warned that there have been more deaths from the 2025 flu than there were from covid-19, which is odd because I seem to remember we were told that the manufactured fake covid scare was killing tens if not hundreds of millions. (They weren’t, of course. The figures show that Covid-19 killed about the same number of people as an ordinary flu.) The fake journalists working for the MSM do, of course, have an explanation for the terror which is apparently being unleashed upon us. People are dying because they haven’t been vaccinated with the latest flu jab! Those nasty anti-vaxxers have been telling people the truth about vaccines and so now millions of people run the other way if they see a doctor or nurse with a syringe in their hands. Actually, of course, the fake journalists are talking gibberish. There are several real reasons why the flu this year is killing more people than any flu in memory. And several reasons why next year’s flu will be even more lethal. And so on and so on indefinitely. First, the absurd lockdown laws and social distancing regulations which were brought in (with no supporting evidence whatsoever, of course) left everyone who obeyed the rules more susceptible to infection.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
A Decade Of Dissent: Smears And Revelations
The Acorn in 2023 featured some important deep dives into the toxic reality of a world run by global organised crime. One of these was a special report entitled ‘Chemicals, cancer and corruption’. Having been contacted by a whistleblower who had worked for the British state, we revealed that “thousands of adults and children could be suffering from cancers and other serious illnesses because of the UK’s collusion with the powerful chemicals industry”. Terry Edge told us: “I’ve tried to back out of this issue, but I won’t give up while the entire population is being poisoned for profit”. The scandal involves the use of toxic flame retardants in home furnishing, which are used to meet legislation imposed in Britain and Ireland but not in Europe and the USA. As well as poisoning people in their homes on a daily basis, with children particularly vulnerable, they also worsen the overall effects of fires, as they did in London’s 2017 Grenfell Tower disaster, which killed 72 people and left many others with long-term health problems. When The Acorn looked to see who was behind this outrage, we discovered the involvement of the Israeli chemicals industry and of Vanguard, part of the Rothschilds’ global empire. Another deep dive was my piece ‘Cogs of corruption and control’, based on a look at a supposedly African “privately held” business called Vanguard Economics Ltd in Rwanda. The firm’s interest in Rwanda was made clear by the way that it regarded young people, who make up more than 60% of the total population, as “valuable resources for the country’s development” – as human capital, in other words.
by Paul Cudenec
CrossTalk Bullhorn With Peter Lavelle: Europe’s Panic Attack (26:07)
Trump has ‘paused’ military aid and intelligence for Ukraine. He has also threatened Russia with new sanctions. Also, is the EU really considering a new arms race? Is it preparing for war against Russia? Does anyone take the Europeans seriously anymore?
CrossTalking with George Szamuely and Mark Sleboda.
Political Ponerology: A Psychological Anatomy Of Evil, Politics And Public Trauma
“The biological, psychological, moral and economic destruction of the majority of normal people becomes, for the pathocrats, a biological necessity.” ~ Dr. Andrew Lobaczewski (1921 – 2008)
Political psychologist Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski wrote a masterpiece on psychopathy and pathocracy, which he melded into the term “political ponerology.” He describes political ponerology as science of the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes. We have used the terms “kakistocracy” and “Crime Syndicate” to express the same essential concept. A more concise and abridged look at this work comes from commentary and additional quoted material by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, who cuts through some of the denseness in Lobaczewski’s book. She also pulls in the work of other researchers on the topic. I have extracted key takeaways and points, and the in-depth and highly recommended write up can be read here in two parts. Derived from poneros in New Testament Greek, the word ponerology suggests an inborn evil with a corrupting influence, a fitting description of psychopathy and its social effects.Kazimierz Dabrowski (1902-1980) indicated that extreme ambition and lust for power and financial gain “is particularly evident in criminal or political psychopathy.” Politics by its very nature, would tend to attract more of the pathological “dominator types” than other fields. The MO is to infiltrate, contaminate, appropriate, and eliminate. (ICAE)
by Russ Winter
British Blasphemy? UK Government Moves Toward New Definition Of “Islamophobia” For Speech Regulation
Recently, after the speech of Vice President J.D. Vance in Munich, various European leaders went public to express their shock and disbelief that they would be accused of rolling back on free speech. For many of us, it was a laughable display of denial, particularly from UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer. In a country that has eviscerated free speech, Starmer told Bret Baier that the UK “guards” free speech and “we don’t believe in censoring speech.” Now, the government is continuing this month with its effort to regulate and criminalize speech. The effort to crack down on “Islamophobia” could create a type of blasphemy standard if it encompasses criticism of the faith or its practices. Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner has announced that the government will be further cracking down on hate speech with a new working group tasked with defining ‘Islamophobia’. The free speech community is raising the alarm that the effort is likely to further broaden the government controls over speech. It was announced last week that Rayner’s working group would be chaired by former Conservative attorney general Dominic Grieve KC, who has himself admitted that defining Islamophobia while safeguarding free speech is ‘extremely difficult.’ Notably, Grieve wrote the foreword to the 2018 All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) report on Islamophobia, which advanced a definition that many critics argue is far too broad. The APPG included criticism of Islamic beliefs and practices as examples of Islamophobia. It has been condemned for treating criticism of the faith as a type of hate speech.
by Jonathan Turley
Israel Cuts Electricity To Gaza, Ramping Up Collective Punishment
Israel has a plan to keep tightening the siege on Gaza and then restart the bombing campaign if Hamas doesn’t agree to its terms
Israel on Sunday said it was cutting off electricity to the Gaza Strip as it ramps up the collective punishment of the civilian population to pressure Hamas to release Israeli hostages, violating the ceasefire deal reached in January. Israeli Energy Minister Eli Cohen made the announcement, saying he instructed the Israel Electric Corporation to immediately stop selling electricity to power stations in Gaza. “We will employ all the tools available to us so that all the hostages will return, and we will ensure that Hamas won’t be in Gaza on the ‘day after,'” Cohen said. The move is expected to impact Gaza’s water supply since electricity powers desalination plants that produce drinking water. Since March 2, Israel has blocked the entry of aid, medicine, fuel, and all other goods into Gaza, a war crime backed by the US. The UN’s World Food Program has warned that it’s running out of food supplies in Gaza, and Palestinians report a sharp rise in prices since Israel imposed the total siege. Israel is demanding that Hamas release more Israeli hostages but without a full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza or commitment to a permanent ceasefire, which were both conditions of the second phase of the initial deal. Hamas continues to call for the implementation of the second phase, saying it will not release the remaining hostages without an Israeli commitment to end the genocidal war permanently.
by Dave DeCamp
US Can Only Build More Ships If It Abandons Its Zero-Sum Mentality
When one new ship slides down the slipway of an American shipyard, dozens of new ships are being launched from China’s shipyards on the other side of the Pacific. This stark contrast reflects a half-century-long decline in America’s shipbuilding industry, which once symbolized the nation’s industrial might. Recently, the Trump administration proposed creating a “White House Office of Shipbuilding” to restore America’s shipbuilding glory. However, the reality is far harsher than the rhetoric suggests. The US builds only about five new ships yearly, significantly fewer than China’s shipbuilding capacity. According to Dutch bank ING, China’s share of the global shipbuilding market grew from less than 5 percent in 1999 to over 50 percent in 2023, dwarfing the share of the US. This gap didn’t appear overnight; its roots were planted decades ago when the industry’s gears shifted. The disparity isn’t just about scale – it’s a fracture in the industrial ecosystem itself. The chasm between American and Chinese shipbuilding is fundamentally a gap in industrial infrastructure. The forces of globalization swept away America’s steel mills, machine shops and skilled labor force, leaving behind rusting supply chains and a hollowed-out manufacturing base. Shipbuilding, a quintessential heavy industry, requires a robust industrial foundation. When that foundation crumbles, shipbuilding inevitably follows.
by Global Times
Jews Despise The Catholic Church (12:56)
by Nicholas J. Fuentes
Scientists Observe That Smartphone Restriction For Three Days Can Alter Brain Activity
A smartphone’s glow is often the first and last thing we see as we wake up in the morning and go to sleep at the end of the day. It is increasingly becoming an extension of our body that we struggle to part with. In a recent study in Computers in Human Behavior, scientists observed that staying away from smartphones can even change one’s brain chemistry. The researchers recruited young adults for a 72-hour smartphone restriction diet where they were asked to limit smartphone use to essential tasks such as work, daily activities, and communication with their family or significant others. During these three days, the researchers conducted psychological tests and did brain scans using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine the effects of restricting phone usage. Brain scans showed significant activity shifts in reward and craving regions of the brain, resembling patterns seen in substance or alcohol addiction. There is an ongoing debate about the term “smartphone addiction” (SPA) making an appearance in many psychological tests, as experts believe that this term might create an inaccurate image of the complex emotional, mental and social aspects associated with smartphone overuse. Nevertheless, neuroscience has seen a growing focus on excessive smartphone use (ESU) due to its association with negative physical and mental health effects, and its links to addictive behaviors.
by Sanjukta Mondal
Five Eyes Would Go Blind Without US Backing: US Army Vet And Intel Specialist
Britain’s intelligence establishment reportedly started “rationing” what info to pass on to the US after Trump’s election, and his thrashing of Zelensky at the White House last month has sparked talk of a ‘breakaway’ ‘Four Eyes’ intel-sharing pact. Sputnik reached out to a leading US military intel specialist for details on what this could entail.
Sources told The Mail on Sunday that while joint work intercepting electronic communications could be ‘hard to disentangle’, human intelligence by agents on the ground could be held back from being shared with the US, especially “raw intelligence, which can be very exposing of sources if it falls into the wrong hands.” Diplomatic sources, meanwhile, told the newspaper that the US intelligence establishment is “in a state of panic” over Trump’s approach, and actively destroying files on assets in Russia. “The US share is huge,” retired US Army Lt. Col. Earl Rasmussen told Sputnik. “There’s very little the remaining Five Eyes would have without the US,” the observer noted, highlighting that America provides: Immense signals intelligence (SIGINT) capabilities including information from satellites (about 5,000 of the world’s roughly 8,000 satellites are American), in Rasmussen’s estimation; a military feed from the US Defense Intelligence Agency; substantive human intel; real-time open-source info collection and analysis capabilities; and security intelligence via cooperation between the FBI and the Five Eyes’ allies’ analogs.
by Ilya Tsukanov
Covid Vaccine Injured – Silent No More
A book review
Was taking the Covid vaccine Worth a Shot? A new book by Caroline Pover, written on behalf of Brianne Dressen who lives in the USA, chronicles the horrific story of how she was severely injured by the Covid vaccine after enrolling on the AstraZeneca trial in November 2020. Caroline sensitively and professionally tells the heart wrenching, eye-opening account of how Brianne Dressen’s life was turned upside down and irreversibly changed forever the day she chose to volunteer to enroll on the UK-led AstraZeneca clinical trial. This book takes the reader along the rollercoaster ride of the devastating injuries caused by the vaccine and the blatant abuse of power by the healthcare system to denigrate, ignore, and cover up her injuries – along with many others labelled – as ‘misinformation’ spreaders by the medical-industrial-military complex. Every person on the planet was misled by governments, NGO, regulatory agencies, corporations, Big Pharma, healthcare professionals, along with social and mainstream media. From how clinical trials are conducted to the lack of injury compensation, wide scale censorship, corruption and abuse of power, this book shows the myriad ways Brianne fought and continues to fight for truth and justice for the Covid-vaccine injured, who have been completely abandoned and often maligned by society.
On Solving The Jewish Question
Jewry is foreign to all European peoples to the same degree. Its historical and spiritual danger cannot be eliminated through assimilation. Eliminating the dangerous effects of its existence in Europe is possible only through its complete removal.
As long as jewry has lived among other peoples it has always led to the most severe tensions, regardless of the time, the geographical location, or other conditions peculiar to the people. This has always brought the “jewish question” to the foreground and led to attempts at a solution. These attempts usually did not result from a deep understanding of the nature of the problem, only from a feeling of antipathy toward jewry. They were as a result not implemented in a systematic and careful way, but rather only impulsively, spontaneously, and without consistency and thoroughness. They always had a local character, limited to a city or dukedom, at best to a country, while neighboring cities, dukedoms, or countries had a completely different relationship with jewry. As a result all of these outbreaks of antipathy toward the foreign people historically remained without deeper results. Only 150 years ago did a stronger and more lasting interest begin in the peculiar manifestation of this foreign people living amidst the Europeans. Characteristically and fatefully, this process of growing awareness of the jewish question developed with critical intellectual leadership from jewish circles. Remarkably, complaints from the jews about discrimination against them were more prominent than complaints from the host peoples about the harm resulting to gentiles.
by Aryan Sun
March 10, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Jews Despise The Catholic Church (12:56)
by Nicholas J. Fuentes
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Nicholas J. Fuentes
Chartres Cathedral (30 Posts)
Playlist by Mark R. Elsis Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Quote Of The Day
“There is apparently in the world today a central financial force which is playing a vast and closely organized game with the world for its table and universal control for its stakes… Get the fifty leading Jewish financiers of the world together and render their manipulations of money impossible. In no other way can peace be established. As soon as the world awakes and finds them out and acts, then we will have peace. It is such financiers that cause war. They operate for profit and gain for themselves. Let us hope for action soon.”
Henry Ford
The International Jew (Audiobook 51:19:38)
The World’s Foremost Problem
by Henry Ford
Book Of The Day
The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching Of A Guilty Man
One of the most sensational criminal cases of twentieth century America was the brutal murder in August 1913 of Mary Phagan, a teenage white female factory worker in Atlanta, Georgia. At the conclusion of a widely publicized trial, the factory’s Jewish manager was found guilty of the crime and sentenced to death. After the Georgia governor commuted the sentence to life imprisonment, a group a citizens seized Leo Frank from prison and hanged him. Sexual coercion, racial bigotry, planted evidence, apparent rape, Jewish community pressure, and alleged anti-Jewish prejudice all figured prominently in the dramatic murder trial, which generated nationwide attention. This book is a detailed examination of a fascinating and historically important case. It thoroughly exposes the blatant anti-black racism of the defendant and his legal team, and reviews the major campaign organized by wealthy and influential Jewish community leaders in New York and other northern cities to exonerate Frank. This 536-page work is illustrated with maps, diagrams, and photographs, and is referenced with more than a thousand footnotes. For any open-minded person, this book convincingly establishes that Leo Frank murdered Mary Phagan.
by The Nation Of Islam
Music Of The Day
On March 10, 1977, The Sex Pistols signed with A&M Records, following their controversial departure from EMI over their bad behavior. While the punk pioneers privately inked the contract one day earlier, the label held a press conference outside Buckingham Palace where they took part in a public signing ceremony. Afterward, the band celebrated with a boozy party at the label’s offices where all kinds of mayhem ensued, including bassist Johnny Rotten verbally abusing staff and Sid Vicious smashing a toilet bowl and cutting his foot open. Two days later, the band got in a fight in a club that saw Rotten threatening the life of a record executive, and on March 16th, A&M terminated their contract with the band, paying them a £75,000 settlement fee.
Sex Pistols Website
God Save The Queen by Sex Pistols (3:20) (1977) (5,900,000 views)
Website Of The Day
The Vaccine Reaction
An enlightened conversation about vaccination, health and autonomy
The Vaccine Reaction, or TVR, is a free online subscription journal newspaper published by the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC). NVIC is funded by individual donations and philanthropic foundations. We do not receive funding from government health agencies, drug companies selling vaccines or medical trade associations and other non-governmental organizations receiving funding from vaccine manufacturers and government health agencies. NVIC Newsletter subscribers, donor supporters and registered users of the free online NVIC Advocacy Portal automatically receive a subscription to TVR.
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Meme Of The Day
Dozens Of Memes Are Published Monthly With Over 1,900 Archived.
Israel Archive With 837 Posts
How Converso Jews Used The ‘Holocaust’ To Shame The Catholic Church Into Accepting Vatican II ‘Reforms’
Many Catholics are aware that Vatican II signified the overt Jewish takeover of the Church — but what many don’t realize is that the actual documents of Nostra Aetate were written by a rabbi, along with Jews who had recently “converted” to Catholicism — and that they used their unshakeable belief in the co-called Holocaust as the impetus to shame and manipulate the Vatican into accepting their radical revision of Church dogma vis a vis “The Jews”. On the 50th anniversary of Vatican II, liberal Catholic academic Joshua Furnal published the essay, “Abraham Joshua Heschel and Nostra Aetate: Shaping the Catholic Reconsideration of Judaism during Vatican II” which detailed — if not celebrated — the Jewish hand in the writing of Nostra Aetate — from without at the behest of Rabbi Abraham Heschel — and from within by the Zionist converso Jews — notably John Oesterreicher — and not mentioned in the article — Gregory Baum, and Bruno Hussar. Rabbi Abraham Heschel was a “radical” Talmudic Jew born in Poland — and claimed many of his family members were “murdered” by the “Nazis — before fleeing to the U.S. where he became a leading figure of many subversive movements such as the Civil Rights Movement and anti-Vietnam demonstrations. He became a “close friend” and “secret” confidant to the Jesuit Cardinal Bea — and he made it clear to him and many others that he’d rather die in the mythical “Gas Chambers” at Auschwitz than convert to Christianity: “As I have repeatedly stated to leading personalities of the Vatican, I am ready to go to Auschwitz any time, if faced with the alternative of conversion or death.”
by CFT Team
Bobby’s Betrayal (9:35)
Kennedy has said, “Anti-Semitism–like racism–is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues … In recent years, the censorship and false narratives of woke cancel culture have transformed our great universities into greenhouses for this deadly and virulent pestilence. Making America healthy means building communities of trust and mutual respect, based on speech freedom and open debate.” I unpack and debunk this Orwellian doublespeak.
by Third Paradigm
‘Europe Is Now A Dictatorship’ – Georgescu
Romania’s presidential frontrunner has been barred from attempting to run for office again
Romanian presidential hopeful Calin Georgescu has branded the EU a “dictatorship” and his home country a “tyranny” after the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) in Bucharest shot down his candidacy for the upcoming election re-run. The BEC dismissed Georgescu’s bid late on Sunday, having received more than 1,000 challenges against him, largely revolving around his allegedly “anti-democratic” and “extremist” stance. According to the ruling published on Sunday evening, Georgescu had “failed to comply with the rules of the electoral procedure, violating the very obligation… to defend democracy.” The presidential hopeful, who was a clear favorite in the upcoming election and was polling between 40% and 45%, strongly condemned the decision. “A direct blow to the heart of democracy worldwide! I have one message left! If democracy in Romania falls, the entire democratic world will fall! This is just the beginning. It’s that simple! Europe is now a dictatorship; Romania is under tyranny!” Georgescu wrote on X. The BEC ruling has prompted scuffles between Georgescu’s supporters and law enforcement outside the electoral board. The protesters tried to breach police barriers erected around the building, with the law enforcement responding with tear gas and pepper spray.
by RT
Rare Earth Kosher Nostra Sideshows
Out with the Epstein coverup, in with the kvetching Cocaine Dwarf, kosher COINTELPRO, and Lubavitcher train cars for another mass plunder.
The European Union and its hapless puppets, in their quest to embrace even greater stupidity, are attempting to flex atrophied military muscles without their West-Israel empire, apparently unaware that the memo calls for the sacrifice to loot and plunder Ukraine first and then Russia at a later date. In an effort to paint Putin as some bloodthirsty Stalin intent on marching across Europe to enslave or murder tens of millions, they’ve revealed themselves to be the biggest clowns on the world stage. Their hilarious threats to Russia, including Macron’s flippant talk of sharing Nukes across the continent as if they were some toy inside a sharing bin of a continental Kindergarten, has to be some of the best geopolitical and military comedy since France built the imaginot line in the interwar years. The French nan-troon-loving Rothschild banker slash former teenage rape and grooming victim occupying the Palais de l’Élysée let slip last week that anywhere from 1.4 million to 1.8 million Ukrainians have been sacrificed in the latest banker war for plunder. But that’s not enough for their bosses.
by Good Citizen
CareCast: The Rise of Personal Autonomy (Audio 16:07)
How The Culture Of Death Is Expanding Beyond Abortion
What happens when personal autonomy becomes the highest virtue? In Great Britain, a newly passed assisted suicide bill reveals the dangerous trajectory of a society that prioritizes “choice” over life itself. In the latest episode of CareCast, Roland Warren and Vincent DiCaro unpack how this law reflects a broader shift—one that mirrors the same arguments used to justify abortion. When a society begins deciding who deserves to live and who should die, the most vulnerable always pay the price.
by Ryan Sanders
Checking Microsoft Copilot On Thomas Merton’s Death
Here is how Wikipedia describes Microsoft Copilot in its opening paragraph: Microsoft Copilot is a generative artificial intelligence chatbot developed by Microsoft. Based on the GPT-4 series of large language models, it was launched in 2023 as Microsoft’s primary replacement for the discontinued Cortana. I had never even heard of Cortana, so after an email correspondent had sent me a snippet of his experience using Copilot to inquire about the May 22, 1949, death of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, I decided to give it a spin on another death mystery that I happen to know a thing or two about, that of the famous Trappist monk, Thomas Merton, who, according to popular lore, died of accidental electrocution by a faulty fan in Thailand on December 10, 1968. So I asked Copilot simply, “Was Thomas Merton assassinated?” Here is the response: Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk and influential writer, passed away on December 10, 1968, in Thailand under mysterious circumstances. Officially, his death was attributed to accidental electrocution caused by a faulty fan in his room. However, some have speculated about the possibility of foul play, given his outspoken views on social justice and peace during a tumultuous era. These theories remain unproven, and the exact nature of his death continues to be a topic of debate. First, one must admire the precision and the clarity of the writing. For someone who might never have heard of the man, that first sentence sums up his life and death perfectly with a great economy of words. But from there the chatbot goes quickly off the rails, giving us the popular, but wrong, “official” explanation for Merton’s death. Not one person in a hundred would be likely to know that, though, and before Hugh Turley and I came out with The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: An Investigation in 2018 and drove the point home with Thomas Merton’s Betrayers: The Case against Abbot James Fox and Author John Howard Griffin in 2023, the denominator of that fraction would be closer to one million.
by David Martin
Israeli Media Reveals That Hamas Is Actually Funded By Israel – And Of Course Israel Is Funded By The U.S.
An explosive report by Israel’s Shin Bet, their internal Security Agency which is similar to the U.S.’s FBI, was published in the Israeli media this week, where they revealed that the Israeli government has in fact been funding Hamas long before the Oct. 7, 2023 terrorist attacks. This news was scarcely covered in the U.S. media, or spun in a way to downplay its significance. The only way to explain how this was not headline news all over the world earlier this week when this report was published, is that the Zionists have a very tight noose around the English media empires, regardless of whether they lean “liberal” or “conservative”. And of course, shortly after this report by Shin Bet was published in the Israeli media, it was reported in the U.S. media that the U.S. was in fact in direct communication with Hamas. And this report followed Trump’s Executive Order that bypassed Congress to send over $3 BILLION in military support to Israel last week. I wonder how much of that will find its way into the hands of Hamas’s military? As can be expected, Netanyahu received considerable criticism in Israel after this report by Shin Bet was published, and in his attempt to explain it, he did NOT deny that the reports were true.
by Brian Shilhavy
Final Curtain Call (29:30)
Dialogue Works Interviews Pepe Escobar
Number Of Wounded, Disabled In IOF Rises To 78,000 [62% Suffer From Psychological Trauma]: Israeli Media
The Israeli Ministry of Security has reported that the number of wounded and disabled in the Israeli army as a result of the war has reached 78,000.
The Israeli Ministry of Security has reported that the number of wounded and disabled in the Israeli “army” has reached 78,000 due to the recent war. The majority of these casualties are reserve soldiers, with over 50% being under the age of thirty. Notably, 62% suffer from psychological trauma, and 10% are in moderate to critical condition, with 194 soldiers currently hospitalized. In related news, Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth highlighted growing concerns within the Israeli army’s General Staff over a “severe shortage of manpower.” The army is facing significant pressure on regular soldiers, many of whom are expected to remain on duty for the foreseeable future. According to the Operations Division of the Israeli army, “Israel” is expected to experience a prolonged manpower shortage, one not seen since the days of the security belt in southern Lebanon, continuing through to the second intifada.
by Al Mayadeen–disabled-in-iof-rises-to-78k–israeli-med
The War Regime Is Ratcheting Up Iran As The Boogey Man
Trump is threatening Iran to make a nuclear deal or be bombed by the US. WAR – again. Infinite WAR. Maryan Rajavi is making the rounds again calling for an Iranian coup so that MEK may reign. MEK was created in 1961 by Marxist students to take down the US installed Shah. They were thus instrumental in the 1979 Iranian Revolution which brought into power Khamenei. MEK didn’t like Khamenei either – so they helped orchestrate the Iran-Iraq War. They were a designated terrorist organization until 2013 when Obama lifted its status. Maryan Rajavi is simply attempting to use the US to go to war with Iran so she and her Marxists can rule over the country – and suddenly she’s a “Hero”? That regime change worked really well with Ghaddafi and most recently Assad. Tucker interviewed Qatar’s Foreign Minister and asked why Hamas was headquartered there. Surprisingly, he stated that the US under Obama had made the request and they complied. Thereafter, the sums delivered to Hamas under the guise of Palestine increased dramatically suggesting yet another source of siphoning for individual NGO wealth in the US. USAID money did not go to Palestinians, it went to ‘partner organizations. According to AP, the two senior officials at these ‘aid groups’ spoke on condition of anonymity because of the political sensitivity of the issue and of their work in Gaza. In other words they don’t want to provide access to analyzing the money trail. There are 17 NGO’s claiming to provide aid to Gaza.
by Helena Glass
An Even Deeper State And The “Dark Enlightenment”
Alexander Dugin argues that Trump’s rise represents a deeper, tech-driven ideological shift aimed at accelerating humanity towards the singularity by dismantling liberal globalism through a powerful alliance between populist and tech-right forces. Analyzing how Donald Trump managed to rise to power in the United States and initiate a genuine revolution against the decades-long course of liberal globalism raises many serious questions, especially when considering the factor of the deep state. Indeed, Trumpists have declared outright war against this deep state, launched it, and already achieved several significant victories – such as the closure of USAID alone. Trumpists have a very clear definition of the “deep state.” It is a ruling elite adhering to liberal-democratic ideology (both left-wing and neoconservative), deeply entrenched within the U.S. government and supported by financial, military, and high-tech oligarchies, with its networks permeating intelligence agencies. This elite has tied the fate of America and the entire West to globalism, unipolarity, and the planetary spread of woke ideology, which includes legalizing perversions, forced ethnic mixing through promoted mass migration, and weakening sovereign nation-states. Trump put forward a diametrically opposed ideology – the MAGA ideology. It rests on fundamentally opposite principles: traditional values, a normal understanding of gender distribution (there are only men and women), protecting peoples from mass migration, especially illegal immigration, strengthening sovereignty, preserving nation-states, and recognizing a multipolar world (which Trump refers to as the “Great Power Order”).
by Alexander Dugin
Is This The Last Phase Before AI Government? (22:24)
by Truthstream Media
Just Cut Out The Bankers
Invested In Survival, When economies change, political alliances may have to change, also. After WW-1, the UK had passed peak-coal, and could no longer provide coal to Italy. Italy had to get coal from Germany, and by WW-2, Italy was Germany’s ally, not Britain’s. Peak oil-plus-condensates occurred in November 2018, and by March 2020 the largest global financial bailout ever was happening under cover of “pandemic lockdowns”, which greatly reduced demand for oil and impaired the economies of the world. The inflation was recognized when lockdowns ended. Russia has the most natural resources per capita by far, and economy which is still growing in real terms. The United States is second in resources per capita, but has a lot more people. Both of these countries have the potential to be fairly self-sufficient, and both have access to Arctic oil resources, which appear to be the last big oil play. Developing Arctic oil is technically difficult, but the US Oil Majors can do it, have done it in Russia, and would like to go back and do it some more. Traditional foreign policy of the British Empire was to keep rivals at war with each other, especially Germany and Russia. After WW-2, the rivalry arrangement was to be that NATO would “keep the Russians out, the Germans down, and the Americans in”.
by John Day MD
The Smoking Gun Behind This Global Corruption And Control – The Real One!
They decide who “lives or dies”, shaping economies, industries and entire nations.
How BlackRock/Vanguard control global markets, with their $20 trillion asset management portfolio. They don’t just invest, they control over 1,600 of the world’s most influential companies, from tech giants like Apple and Microsoft to energy leaders like ExxonMobil and Tesla to healthcare titans like Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson and financial giants like Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase. The influence of this Power Consortium decides which companies succeed or fail in the global economy. They wield significant control over capital flows, regulating access to loans and credit through their ties to major banks and financial institutions, ensuring companies align with their interests or risk losing funding. By leveraging their influence over regulators and government policy, they shape laws, subsidies and financial support in their favor, making compliance essential for survival. In sectors like energy and technology, they dominate supply chains, dictating which companies rise or fall by controlling key suppliers. Through their media holdings, they control public narratives, influencing consumer behavior and political outcomes. If companies fail to comply with their demands, they can use market pressure, regulatory action or even orchestrate hostile takeovers. In the end, all of these mechanisms control who “lives or dies” in the market, consolidating their power over global industries and shaping the economic fate of nations.
by Talknet
Your In Depth Guide To MESA (Make Elections Secure Act)
Representative Pete Sessions has sponsored a bill in the U.S. House straight from the dreams of every election integrity patriot in America. Can it pass, and how effective would it hypothetically be?
This week, I’ve received significant interest in my opinion of the Make Elections Secure Act (MESA), sponsored in the U.S. House by GOP Representative Pete Sessions of Texas (TX-17). In this overview, I will outline the pillars of Sessions’ proposed legislation, provide input on each, and candidly give my view not only on the likelihood of this passing both chambers, but also in evaluating its utility as productive and actionable legislation with regard to the 50 states and Washington, D.C., which contribute the 538 electoral votes, 100 Senate seats, and 435 House seats that come up for grabs in Federal elections. Here is the release from Sessions’ office, dated March 4, which I have shortened to exclude his commentary:
by Captain Seth Keshel
Should GDP Include Government (3:34)
by Peter St Onge, Ph.D.
“On Day One”
Those aren’t my words, that’s not my artificially high bar for performance… That’s what Kash Patel repeatedly promised us he would do: On day one, he would release the JFK Files and the Epstein Files. And in case you need a little reminder, here’s what he said (multiple times): Meet Kash Patel, Donald Trump’s choice for FBI Director. Patel has revealed that some members of Congress are connected to the Epstein list, which he promises to declassify on day one. He also plans to create a 24/7 declassification office to release long-hidden files,… — Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) December 1, 2024. Raising the bar further, he often said he wanted a 24/7 declassification office and “on day one” he would bring out Jeffrey Epstein’s black book of names: Trump’s top contender for head of the CIA, Kash Patel: -Wants to implement a 24/7 declassification office releasing files about JFK and 9/11. -On day one, he wants to bring out Jeffrey Epstein’s black book of names that were being blackmailed. -He wants to bring out all the… — Green Lives Matter (@Ultrafrog17) November 11, 2024. Well, “Day One” was February 21, 2025, which is 15 days ago as of the press time for this article. You’ll notice I didn’t write this article on February 22 or even February 28, but it’s now 15 days later and not a damn thing has been declassified or released. NOTHING. As the press for the people, our job is to hold these people accountable and so 15 days later I’m asking: What the Hell happened to “On Day One”? I’m still rooting for Kash Patel and Pam Bondi, but I’m not going to simply cheerlead for them for the next 4 years if we don’t see any results. I didn’t say “On Day One”…..Kash did.
by Noah
Gold’s Historic Rally
Even casual observers know that gold has been trading near all-time highs lately. The dollar price of gold has been trading around $2,955 per ounce, quite close to the all-time closing high and near the recent intraday high just below $3,000 per ounce. Since November 1, 2022, gold has rallied from $1,650 per ounce to $2,955 per ounce, an 80% gain in 28 months. Since the U.S. dollar is also near interim highs based on leading indices, gold’s performance when measured in euros, sterling or Swiss francs is even stronger. We expect this trend to continue and to push gold solidly above the $3,000 per ounce level on its way to even higher levels in the months ahead. That’s news in its own right but there’s a lot more going on in the gold space than just the price action. President Trump and Elon Musk (head of the Department of Government Efficiency, DOGE, and the world’s richest man) are planning to visit Fort Knox in the near future to “audit” the gold stocks and make sure all of the gold is where it’s supposed to be. I’m certain that visit will be the mother of all photo-ops. Of course, Trump and Musk will not be conducting a real audit in the financial sense. They’ll just look around and show that the gold is actually there. This should lay to rest the rumors and ill-founded theories that the gold is somehow missing or has been shipped to JPMorgan. It hasn’t been.
by James Rickards
Protests Erupt As Anti-NATO Romanian Presidential Candidate Booted From Vote (Text and Videos)
Romania’s electoral bureau has barred Calin Georgescu from running for office in May
Scuffles between police and supporters of Romanian politician Calin Georgescu have erupted outside the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) in Bucharest after the body barred the politician from running in the upcoming election. Georgescu won the first-round of the presidential vote in November but his victory was soon thereafter annulled by the Constitutional Court. Georgescu condemned Sunday’s ruling, claiming the electoral board’s decision spells grave consequences for democracy not only in Romania but all across the globe. “A direct blow to the heart of democracy worldwide! I have one message left! If democracy in Romania falls, the entire democratic world will fall! This is just the beginning. It’s that simple! Europe is now a dictatorship, Romania is under tyranny!” Georgescu wrote on X. The BEC ruling can be appealed to the Constitutional Court within 24 hours, while the top judiciary body will have 48 hours to produce a final decision. The electoral board did not provide any explanation for its decision, stating only the full text for the ruling will be published online later on.
by RT
March 9, 2025, 10 Posts Published And Archived
Final Curtain Call (29:30)
Dialogue Works Interviews Pepe Escobar
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“Nothing doth more hurt in a state than that cunning men pass for wise.”
Sir Francis Bacon
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Keir Starmer Is Ditching Zelensky To Avoid Trump Tariffs And Land A Trade Deal
Starmer has decided quietly to ditch Zelensky and to line up behind Trump’s plans for a peace deal.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s visit to Washington majored on an historic invitation for President Trump to make a second state visit to Britain. Despite considerable pre-visit hype among the UK mainstream media, Ukraine was barely mentioned. The cold truth is, Starmer is ditching Zelensky to avoid tariffs. The subtle art of diplomacy is often hard to fathom for the outsider. When Keir Starmer called on Donald Trump in the Oval Office on 27 February, there was an air of conviviality that belied what some considered to have been, hitherto, a difficult relationship. The set piece moment was the Prime Minster handing the President a letter from His Majesty, King Charles II. While it has attracted little comment, The King’s letter to President Trump was a diplomatic masterstroke. A section of the first page was captured by a photographer. These were words crafted by His Majesty himself, with his distinct syntax, rather than written by an anonymous committee of officials in 10 Down Street. The preambular second paragraph appears to contain mere niceties about a possible Trump visit to Scotland, but it was so much more.
by Ian Proud
How Much Power Does Trump Really Have? (21:09)
by Nicholas J. Fuentes
Thousands Of Alawites Massacred In Syria (Text, Photographs, and Videos)
World Media Silent
So What Exactly Is Going On In Syria? Let’s bring some clarity to the chaos that has flared up again in Syria: On Thursday evening, remnants of the former Assad army—disbanded after the regime’s collapse last December and scattered to coastal cities—launched a coordinated attack on the forces of the new Syrian regime, led by Ahmed al-Shara (also known as Abu Muhammad al-Julani). Several members of the new Syrian government’s security forces were killed, while others were abducted. By Friday morning, as large contingents of government gunmen arrived, the fighting escalated further. Then, the jihadists of the al-Shara government began what many had long anticipated: a massacre targeting the Alawite community, which is closely associated with the Assad regime. Reports in Syria of no fewer than 2,400 Alawite civilians being massacred in coastal cities by the armed forces of the new Syrian regime. The Syrian coastal city of Banias: Preparations are underway for the mass burial of hundreds of those killed in the massacre carried out by members of the new Syrian regime against members of the Alawite community. Items looted from Alawite homes in coastal Syria are being sold on the street by HTS. In the Hebrew bible we have the verse: “Have you murdered and also taken possession?”
by Lioness of Judah Ministry
“Our Country Is In Danger:” The Storm On The Horizon
You are receiving this post because you are a subscriber to Charles Hugh Smith / Of Two Minds.
A reader recently sent me a letter that summarized a sense shared by many: “I can’t shake the bad feeling that our country is in danger.” I don’t think this was a partisan political statement about a political policy; it was a much more comprehensive sense of a storm brewing on the horizon that could shake the foundations of everyday life. There are several ways to illuminate the dynamics in play. One is the analogy of the patient brought in for a routine surgical procedure. The patient looks OK but beneath this superficial normalcy, his body’s core systems are on the ragged edge of failure: the body’s built-in mechanisms of homeostasis have been pushed to their limits. As a result, the routine procedure triggers a response that cascades into multiple organ / system failure and the patient expires. In other words, trying to fix one thing breaks something else which then unleashes a cascading failure of fragile subsystems, bringing down the entire system. There are two key points here: one is that all the fragility, brittleness and vulnerability is invisible to everyone, including the patient himself. Only after the collapse can we identify all the fragilities that made collapse inevitable once one element was disrupted. The second point is that subsystems are tightly bound, meaning that each subsystem is connected to all the other subsystems, and so any disruption in one quickly spreads to the rest. Just as the body’s organs and core systems are all tightly bound into one integrated system, so too are the economy and society.
by Charles Hugh Smith
David Knight Interviews Tony Arterburn Trump’s Shocking Bitcoin Reserve Twist (49:48)
Tony Arterburn of drops revelations on what started as a bold promise at the Nashville Bitcoin Conference. The Bitcoin Reserve has morphed into a chaotic crypto circus, with mysterious additions like ADA, SOL, and XRP raising eyebrows and red flags. Is this a genius move or a sinister setup? Arterburn exposes the murky ties to Trump’s meme coins, insider graft, and a potential backdoor to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). With Bitcoin soaring to $108K and crashing back down, the so-called “Bitcoin Strategic Reserve” is starting to smell like a high-stakes pump-and-dump scam. Add in a sovereign wealth fund twist and BlackRock’s shadowy fingerprints, and you’ve got a financial thriller that could shake the world economy to its core.
by The David Knight Show
Yemen Gives Israel Four-Day Ultimatum To Stop Blocking Gaza Aid
Sanaa says it is ready to reimpose a blockade on Israeli-linked ships in regional waters if the ceasefire violations continue
The leader of Yemen’s Ansarallah resistance movement, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, announced on 7 March a four-day grace period for Israel to resume ceasefire talks and lift its blockade on humanitarian aid for Gaza, threatening to resume Sanaa’s naval operations against Israeli-linked ships. “We meet the siege with a siege,” Houthi emphasized, adding that Yemen “cannot stand by and watch the Israeli enemy’s aggressive approach in starving the Palestinian people in Gaza.” “We do not just issue statements, but we can support the Palestinians in several areas,” the Ansarallah leader said, pointing out that “in the course of implementing the ceasefire in Gaza, it was clear that the Israeli enemy was procrastinating in fulfilling its obligations, especially those related to the humanitarian file. The Ansarallah-led Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) ceased military operations in support of Palestine following the start of a US-sponsored ceasefire in Gaza earlier this year. Since November 2023, the YAF repeatedly targeted US, UK, and Israeli-linked commercial ships and western warships in the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea.
by News Desk
Trump Cuts $400 Million To Columbia University Over Pro-Palestine Protests
The budget cuts comes amid the Trump admin’s crackdown on pro-Palestine protests, which he labelled as “illegal” protests, and accused participants of anti-semitism.
US Federal Authorities announced on Friday a cut in grants and contracts with Columbia University in New York, citing pro-Palestine protests, which the Trump administration labels as “anti-semitic”. The US Departments of Justice, Health and Human Services, Education, and the General Services Administration— all part of the Trump Administration’s Joint Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism— announced the cuts in a statement, citing Columbia’s ongoing failure to stop pro-Palestine protests. The statement adds that the cuts are the “first round of action” against the Ivy League university, emphasizing that more cancellations are anticipated as Columbia has more than $5 billion in federal grant commitments. The agencies stated that they would issue stop-work orders for the grants and contracts, which will immediately freeze Columbia’s access to the funding without divulging details about the specific programs that will be affected.
by Al Mayadeen–400-million-to-columbia-uni–over-pro-palestine
March 8, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Is This The Last Phase Before AI Government? (22:24)
by Truthstream Media
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The Controlled Demolition Of The U.S. Is Fully Underway While Saturated In A ‘WrestleMania’ Environment
It is interesting to note the huge paradigm shift that has been evident, and is still constantly ongoing, during this time of worship for the evil and deceitful Trump and his dictatorial and Israeli worshipping administration. At this point, rule is by aggressive executive orders handed down from on high by Trump, the self-described choice as ‘god;’ and one who is ‘supposedly’ above all others. The ludicrous nature of such a belief by the controlled poser Trump, is telling of any number of gross human faults overlooked by the idiocy on the political right, including most all so-called ‘libertarians,’ who at this point have turned their lives over to a totally tyrannical president, and an inside member of the technocratic new world order.
by Gary D. Barnett
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (123 Posts)
Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
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American Civil War, Part 3: From “Our Country, Then And Now”
“National Banking Act of 1863” and “Assassination”
When the Lincoln Administration began to issue Greenbacks in 1862 to finance the war, it was a return to the direct issuance of currency by the government akin to the practices of several colonial legislatures prior to the American Revolution. Unfortunately, when Alexander Hamilton later set up the First Bank of the United States under the first Washington administration in 1791, the US adopted the Bank of England method of capitalizing the monetary system on government debt. This is the system the US practices today under the Federal Reserve. It assures that the federal government will always be a debt-ridden pauper, while the private banking system enjoys the privilege of printing an unlimited amount of money “out of thin air” and collecting all the interest payments the market will bear—and then some. Soon after Congress authorized the Greenbacks, the nation’s financiers were able to lobby the legislators in Washington to give them a consolation prize. This was the National Banking Act of 1863, which mandated that any approved bank must purchase a given amount of Treasury bonds as its capital base—i.e., more government debt. This would eventually prove catastrophic to the nation’s financial integrity once the Federal Reserve appeared on the scene in 1913. Unfortunately, scarcely one American in a million understands how all this came to pass. Certainly no one in the Trump administration does, nor anyone in Congress.
by Richard C. Cook
How Can Any Still Support Trojan Trump (16:08)
by Dustin Nemos
Fatal Foibles Of Imperial Ethnocentrics
I noticed with interest yesterday that Judge Napolitano (formerly a judge, a Fox News commentator and, today, an information warrior in the world of alternative media) had emigrated for a few days to Moscow, along with some of his most frequent guests, Larry Johnson and, I think, Ray McGovern. The main purpose of this major but mercifully short-lived brain drain (I think the lights have already dimmed in Washington), is to attend a press conference on Monday by Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov for a select group of journalists including, of course, the Judge. How the world has changed, when one of the USA’s principal adversaries or competitors for global influence knows enough about how the world really works to know that Western mainstream media are truly poison (poisoned, as I will recall in a moment or two, by all the CIA-USAID-NED-ThinkTank shenanigans and globalist, neocon claptrap that until very recently and still today control vast swathes of the information infrastructure and ecosystem of not just Western politics and Western Media and I very much regret to have to say this, a good part of the Academic world and, until around the birth of GWOT (global war on terror), the Global South and even the intelligentsia of Russia and China.
by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
Uprising In Syria ~ Dozens Killed
Government forces have clashed with Assad loyalists in Latakia and Jableh: More than 70 people have been killed in fighting between Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) forces and loyalists of former President Bashar Assad in Syria, according to reports.
The clashes, which are the deadliest since the fall of Assad’s government, are said to have broken out on Thursday in the country’s coastal regions of Latakia, Jableh, and Tartus. HTS, a jihadist group previously affiliated with Al-Qaeda, took control of Syria in late 2024 after a rapid military offensive, capturing Aleppo, Hama, and Homs before seizing Damascus on December 8. According to reports, Assad loyalists, who still have a foothold in Syria’s coastal region, launched a surprise attack on HTS militants on Thursday. In response, government forces sent major reinforcements to the cities of Latakia and Tartus as well as nearby towns and villages. The Associated Press has reported that more than 70 people have so far been killed in the fighting. Syria’s state TV has also said that at least 13 members of the country’s newly formed security forces were killed in an ambush orchestrated by Assad-linked militants in the area of Jableh. The latest round of fighting has taken place near Russian military installations, including the Khmeimim Airbase near Latakia and a naval facility in Tartus. The takeover ended the Assad family’s rule after more than five decades. The new administration is led by Ahmed al-Sharaa, formerly known as Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, the leader of HTS.
by Michael Walsh
Paper Tiger
For a growing number, those trying to negotiate the dangerous terrain of America these days have realized that they are surrounded by madness. America has become an asylum for the criminally insane with the most sadistic put in charge. But the wheels are starting to come off their phony top down narratives. Some of these recent acts of violence and its supporters are grassroots. The “Free Luigi” movement comes to mind. So does the Tesla automobile attacks and sales collapse. No matter the politics, please give thought to not starting more battery fires at Tesla dealerships to poison everyone around. At some point after the initial eruption, the looter will find more lucrative ways of dealing with the problem. For instance, after throwing rocks at cybertrucks, you may find a better use for their outside durability. But once we get duped into their peasant-killing-peasant program, we fall back into their trap. We need each other’s bodies to crawl over to get to those at the top (if that’s what it takes). The Overlords are currently turning upon those that previously protected them from our wrath. The spell is being broken and that’s bad news for them.
by FreeFall
The Zionist War Against Turkey In Syria – David’s Corridor And The Kurdish Alliance (Text and Video 59:52)
The full news from UK Column yesterday
I have published the news in full above with my sections covering the balkanisation of Syria, the expansionist rivalry between Turkey and Israel and the growing collaboration between Israel and Russia to stave off Erdogan’s neo-Ottoman ambitions in the region. I also cover David Miller’s recent detention at Heathrow Airport (under section 7 of the Anti-terrorist Act UK) and the increasing anti-Iran policies under Starmer’s Zionist-aligned tenure.
by Vanessa Beeley
Iran Slams US ‘Maximum Pressure’ Policy As ‘Crime Against Humanity’
Iran says Washington’s continuation of its so-called “maximum pressure” policy against Tehran is tantamount to “crime against humanity,” stressing that the failed policy will not yield new results for Washington.
Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Esmaeil Baghaei made the announcement on Friday, a day after US Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent said his country’s sanctions against Iran are designed to shut down its oil industry and “collapse its already buckling economy.” He said Bessent’s hostile remarks clearly indicate the continuation of hostility of American policymakers towards the Iranian people. Baghaei pointed to the failure of the US policy of pressure and intimidation against the Iranian people at different junctures, saying it is a “clear violation of the principles and objectives of the United Nations Charter and international law which is subject to international responsibility for the US government.” The Iranian spokesperson cautioned that “it is a mistake to test the tried.” “American policymakers are not expected to achieve a different outcome from what they have obtained so far by repeating incorrect policies,” Baghaei emphasized. Iran’s approach in international diplomacy is based on logic and mutual respect for securing the legitimate and lawful interests of the Iranian people, he said, adding that Iran would not accept any behavior or statement that does not align with this approach.
by PressTV
How To Fake A Pandemic And Hide The Truth
The Undeniable Control System Behind the Fake Pandemic and Global Democide
In today’s global landscape, the power to dictate health outcomes and shape public perception of health crises lies in the hands of a select group of global investment firms, billionaire philanthropists and corporate conglomerates: BlackRock, Vanguard, Goldman Sachs, Bill Gates, George Soros and private equity firms KKR and Carlyle Group. These entities have woven a complex and intertwined network of influence across industries such as medicine, technology, media and politics; pivotal players in how health crises are perceived, managed or concealed. This concentration of power is not just about financial dominance; it’s about the ability to shape global health policies, drive technological advancements and control public narratives. Through strategic investments, these entities determine which health issues are prioritized or downplayed, which technologies are promoted and which information is disseminated. The vast sums of money controlled by this powerful group flow into key sectors, including pharmaceuticals, technology and media. By strategically investing, they hold significant stakes in corporations shaping the development and distribution of medical treatments, technologies and health policies. Their investments directly influence pharmaceutical giants such as Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna, ensuring their interests are represented in drug development and vaccine distribution.
by Talknet
Trump Floats Denuclearization Since US Can’t Win Arms Race With Russia, China Without Going Bankrupt
President Donald Trump has floated trilateral US-Russia-China talks on cuts to strategic nuclear weapons stockpiles. Sputnik reached out to one of Russia’s foremost experts on strategic security issues to discuss what’s behind the proposal, and its chances for success.
“Nuclear weapons are precisely one of the areas where competitors outpacing the United States is very visible,” says Dmitry Suslov, deputy director of research at the Russian Council on Foreign and Defense Policy. “Chinese and Russian nuclear arsenals combined provide two times preponderance over the United States, or will make two times preponderance in the observable future,” Suslov stressed.
Nuclear talks are the “alternative” for the US to bankruptcy stemming from high defense spending and unsustainable debt, particularly as the US nuclear arsenal is stuck in the 80s and lags far behind competitors, especially Russia, and would take immense resources to modernize, the observer said. Instead, Trump “wants to channel competition into some other areas, into the areas where the United States largely have advantages,” according to Suslov, from high-precision conventional arms to his “Golden Dome” proposal for a space-based SDI 2.0.Instead, Trump “wants to channel competition into some other areas, into the areas where the United States largely have advantages,” according to Suslov, from high-precision conventional arms to his “Golden Dome” proposal for a space-based SDI 2.0.
by Ilya Tsukanov
Black Box Cover-Up: People Dead Or Disabled As FDA And Pharma Shifts Blame To Physicians And Pharmacists (15:45)
A pharmaceutical scandal that’s destroying lives—like Whistler’s and 27-year-old Elisa’s—with the dangerous drug Levofloxacin (aka Levaquin). Prescribed for pneumonia, it left Elisa trembling, crippled by nerve pain and joint agony, mirroring Whistler’s nightmare.
The FDA’s “black box” warnings are a sick joke—buried, ignored, and never shared by doctors or pharmacists who shrug, “It’s rare!”
This is how Big Pharma poisons with impunity while the FDA—Free to Do Anything—rubber-stamps their crimes.
by The David Knight Show
Trump Is No Free Speech Warrior, He Is Just As Guilty Of Censorship As Biden
In fact, he is making things even worse…
The Trump administration is making it easier for payment apps like PayPal to ban users for any reason, including expressing opinions they disapprove of. This means we could be entering a world where you are not allowed to earn money unless your opinions meet the approval of corporations. This would be the ultimate way to shield our dying systems of capitalism and imperialism. The Republican plan is to repeal a rule implemented by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to require companies to resolve disputes in a smooth and timely manner. The change would make it much harder for customers to challenge unfair decisions, and they could be very deliberately left in limbo. PayPal has been partnering with the Anti-Defamation League, an organisation that seems to exist solely to shut down criticism of Israel, under the guise of fighting anti-Semitism and racism. In this era of mass surveillance and artificial intelligence, we could easily find ourselves demonetised for saying something as simple as “Free Palestine” – and that is very much the goal here. Ominously, the ADL announced in a press release: The initiative with PayPal will be led through ADL’s Center on Extremism, a leading authority on extremism, terrorism and hate. PayPal and ADL will focus on further uncovering and disrupting the financial pipelines that support extremist and hate movements. In addition to extremist and anti-government organizations, the initiative will focus on actors and networks spreading and profiting from all forms of hate and bigotry against any community. It’s worth pointing out the ADL considers pro-Palestinian activism to be a form of anti-Semitism, and its own press release says it is targeting “anti-government organizations” so you can imagine the type of “extremism” it is going after.
by Ricky Hale and Council Estate Media
The Dark MAGA Gov-Corp Technate — Part 1
What does the title of this article—not to mention each unusual word in it — even mean? This is not a rhetorical question. We urgently need to understand each term. A precise political philosophy underpins each. A combination of these interrelated philosophies has been embraced — either in part or in their entirety — by some of the most powerful people on the planet. If we misapprehend how these controllers and influencers think, we risk blindly accepting whatever world order they wish to impose — and end up wondering how and why we find ourselves subjected to it.
What did Elon Musk mean when he said he was “dark MAGA?” Exploring this question will certainly take us to a very dark conclusion. Yet, ironically, it is this very conclusion that, once seen in the right light, can liberate us. This two-part series examines the genuine but misplaced hopes of the millions of US citizens who elected Donald Trump to his second non-consecutive term. Unbeknownst to them, they have voted to live in a Technate administered by what is called “gov-corp.” In so doing, they have taken another step toward a multipolar world order, or “New World Order,” as some have long called it. Shortly before the November 2024 election, Elon Musk, speaking at a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, announced, “I’m not just MAGA, I’m dark MAGA.” Only a couple of months earlier Trump had survived an alleged assassination attempt at the same Butler show grounds. Sharing the stage with “bullet-proof” populist hero Trump, an absolute shoe-in for the presidency, Musk seized his moment.
by Iain Davis
Israel Developing ChatGPT-Like Tool That Weaponizes Surveillance Of Palestinians
The Israeli army is building an AI language model using millions of intercepted conversations between Palestinians, which could accelerate the process of incrimination and arrest, a joint investigation reveals.
The Israeli army is developing a new, ChatGPT-like artificial intelligence tool and training it on millions of Arabic conversations obtained through the surveillance of Palestinians in the occupied territories, an investigation by +972 Magazine, Local Call, and the Guardian can reveal. The AI tool — which is being built under the auspices of Unit 8200, an elite cyber warfare squad within Israel’s Military Intelligence Directorate — is what’s known as a Large Language Model (LLM): a machine-learning program capable of analyzing information and generating, translating, predicting, and summarizing text. Whereas LLMs available to the public, like the engine behind ChatGPT, are trained on information scraped from the internet, the new model under development by the Israeli army is being fed vast amounts of intelligence collected on the everyday lives of Palestinians living under occupation.
by Yuval Abraham
Federal Reserve Scam (1:00:52)
by Father Charles E. Coughlin
Canadian Prime Minister: I Am A Zionist
‘No one in Canada should be afraid of calling themselves Zionists. I am a Zionist,’ Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told a national summit in Ottawa addressing what he called a rise of anti-Semitism. Joined by government officials, law enforcement and legal experts to tackle this escalating public safety concern in Canada, Trudeau misrepresented Zionism as meaning a belief ‘in the right of Jewish people, like all people, to determine their own future.’ The outgoing prime minister did not highlight that it is a racist ideology which has called for and led to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian from their lands. A policy that continues to this day.
A Lot More Ruin
What if the Big Man sought to be big by making the federal government less big? The idea is dazzling…intriguing…and probably nonsense. But lets take a look.
But wait…what if reducing the feds’ interference and balancing the budget were key elements of the Big Man’s agenda? What if the Big Man sought to be big by making the federal government less big? The idea is dazzling…intriguing…and probably nonsense. But lets take a look. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget has already done the math. As it stands today, the US debt is set to grow by $18 trillion over the next ten years. And that assumes that nothing bad happens — no crises, no bailouts, no recessions, no stimmies. The Congressional Budget Office, meanwhile, puts the estimate at $23.9 trillion. Neither of those numbers include the extension of Trump’s 2017 tax cuts, which are expected to add $4.6 trillion to the debt. Uh oh… there’s more. The Kansas City Star: “And the next phase of our plan to deliver the greatest economy in history is for this Congress to pass tax cuts for everybody,” he said. The cost of the tax cuts already in his budget passed by Congress $4,600,000,000,000. “No tax on tips,” he said. Cost: $107,000,000,000. “No tax on overtime,” he said. Cost: $866,000,000,000. “No tax on Social Security benefits for our great seniors,” he said. Cost: $1,500,000,000,000. “I also want to make interest payments on car loans tax deductible,” he said. Cost: $173,000,000,000. “We want to cut taxes on domestic production and all manufacturing,” He said. Cost: $250,000,000,000.“We will provide 100% expensing,” he said. Cost: $100,000,000,000. The total cost of all these tax cuts (including the aforementioned 2017 cuts) comes to $7.6 trillion…and brings the total ten-year debt increase to around $30 trillion…with US debt going over $60 trillion sometime over the next ten years.
by Bill Bonner and Dan Denning
China Accuses US Of ‘Two-Faced’ Policies
The Trump administration is unfairly penalizing Beijing despite its efforts to be a reliable global partner, according to the Chinese Foreign Ministry
The Chinese Foreign Ministry has accused the administration of US President Donald Trump of pursuing “two-faced” policies and vowed to “resolutely counter” growing sanctions pressure as tensions between the two economic powerhouses continue to simmer. Since Trump took office, the US has doubled tariffs on all Chinese imports, from 10% to 20%, adding to existing duties on thousands of Chinese goods. Last month, the US president also ordered new tariffs on imports from China, Mexico, and Canada, citing the need to protect American interests and pointing to concerns over trade imbalances, illegal immigration, and the flow of illegal drugs into the US. Speaking on the sidelines of China’s annual parliamentary meeting on Friday, Foreign Minister Wang Yi condemned Washington for imposing punitive tariffs despite what he called Beijing’s efforts to act as a reliable global partner and help tackle America’s fentanyl crisis. “If one side blindly exerts pressure, China will resolutely counter that,” Wang warned. “No country can imagine that it can suppress China on one hand while developing good relations with China on the other hand.” The Chinese government has responded with additional tariffs ranging from 10% to 15% on various US goods, including agricultural products and energy commodities. Beijing has also placed export and investment restrictions on 25 US firms and filed a lawsuit with the World Trade Organization (WTO), arguing that US tariffs violate international trade rules. Beijing has urged Washington to resolve its concerns through dialogue.
by RT
“Something Isn’t Right Here!” Formner FBI Whistleblower On Pam Bondi’s Epstein Reveal
by Redacted
The Take It Down Act: A Censorship Weapon Disguised As Protection
A shoot-first-ask-questions-later censorship mechanism with no recourse.
President Trump has thrown his support behind the Take It Down Act, a bill designed to combat the spread of non-consensual intimate imagery (NCII), including AI-generated deepfakes. The legislation has gained momentum, particularly with First Lady Melania Trump backing the effort, and Trump himself endorsing it during his March 4 address to Congress. We obtained a copy of the bill for you here. “The Senate just passed the Take It Down Act…. Once it passes the House, I look forward to signing that bill into law. And I’m going to use that bill for myself too if you don’t mind, because nobody gets treated worse than I do online, nobody.” While this comment was likely tongue-in-cheek, it highlights an important question: how will this law be enforced, and who will benefit the most from it? Laws designed to curb harmful content often run the risk of being too broad, potentially leading to overreach. Critics warn that, without clear safeguards, the legislation could be used beyond its intended purpose. The bill’s language could allow well-funded individuals and public figures to demand takedowns of content they claim is “non-consensual,” even when those claims are debatable. While protecting privacy is crucial, there is a fine line between removing harmful material and suppressing legitimate speech.
by Christina Maas
Could a Bombshell Discovery Render All Of Biden’s Presidential Actions ‘Null And Void’?
he Biden presidency might have been the greatest con job ever perpetrated on the American people. A shocking investigation by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project has revealed that virtually every document bearing Joe Biden’s signature during his presidency was signed by an autopen — except for one. What makes this revelation particularly damning is that the only document confirmed to have Biden’s actual signature was his letter announcing his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race. Let that sink in for a moment. Remember when House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) revealed his discussion with Biden when Biden couldn’t recall signing the executive order halting LNG exports? Now we know why — he probably didn’t. The real question is: Who did? Who was running the country while Biden was not all there? The use of the presidential autopen dates back to the 1950s, and there’s been much debate about its legality. In 2013, Barack Obama became the first president to sign a bill into law using an autopen. He was vacationing in Hawaii at the time. His office relied on a 30-page memo from President George W. Bush’s legal team asserting that the president’s presence was not required as long as said president had authorized the signature. What’s not clear, in the case of Biden, is who was running the autopen and whether Biden was aware it was happening.
by Matt Margolis
Airborne Microplastics: Where Do They Come From, Where Do They Go?
How tiny plastic particles enter the atmosphere is an important question, as airborne microplastics are a potential health threat. Using a global chemical transport model, researchers have provided evidence that, contrary to previous claims, the ocean is not a major source of microplastics to the atmosphere, but a significant sink. Plastic dust is polluting the global environment: Microplastics—particles less than 5 mm in diameter—have been detected not only in soils, freshwater, and the ocean, but also in the air that we breathe. This could pose a threat to human health, as the smallest particles in particular can enter the respiratory system and the bloodstream. In addition, atmospheric microplastics are transported to and deposited in the most remote corners of the planet. But how do they enter the atmosphere in the first place? In general, the sources of microplastics are found on land—for example, fibers from synthetic clothing in domestic sewage, or car tire dust on the streets. Previous studies have suggested that a major pathway for them to enter the atmosphere is through the ocean: Microplastics are washed into rivers and carried out to the sea, where they accumulate.
by Denise Müller, Max Planck Society
March 7, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Federal Reserve Scam (1:00:52)
by Father Charles E. Coughlin
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Father Charles E. Coughlin, The Radio Priest
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Drive The Money-Changers From The Temple (2:35)
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Quote Of The Day
“When we get through with the Jews in America,
they’ll think the treatment they received in Germany was nothing.”
Father Charles E. Coughlin
Book Of The Day
The Creature From Jekyll Island
Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magicians’ secrets are unveiled. We get a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, their pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money. A dry and boring subject? Just wait! You’ll be hooked in five minutes. Reads like a detective story – which it really is. But it’s all true. This book is about the most blatant scam of all history. It’s all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. Creature from Jekyll Island will change the way you view the world, politics, and money. Your world view will definitely change. You’ll never trust a politician again – or a banker.
by G. Edward Griffin
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Father Coughlin Archive With 16 Posts.
Music Of The Day
On March 7, 1962, three months before they signed with EMI Records, The Beatles made their first radio appearance for the BBC on a program called Teenager’s Turn – Here We Go. Recorded in front of a teenage audience at Manchester’s Playhouse Theatre, their performance on the show marked the first time they wore their trademark Beatle suits.
The Beatles Website
John Lennon and The Beatles (406 Posts) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Website Of The Day
Father Charles E. Coughlin, The Radio Priest
During his time in the public eye, Father Charles Coughlin became one of the most revered figures in the Depression era of American history. Known for delving into politics more frequently than religious matters, Father Coughlin was never shy about preaching his version of the truth to anyone, be they loyal listeners or otherwise. There will never be another Father Coughlin in America, or the entire world. His is a long-dead voice in a free country, rarely resurrected by those who wish to harness the power of his commitment and dedication. In this website, you will learn about Father Charles Coughlin; his journey and devotion to himself, his country, and all of mankind. You will gain insight to his views and stances, and learn how his controversial broadcasts were too much for the times.
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Father Charles E. Coughlin (1891-1979) leader of the ‘Christian Front’ and radio broadcaster.
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Audit The Fort Knox Gold And The Federal Reserve. Then Seize The FED.
Let’s begin by understanding why the audit of the gold at Fort Knox and audits of the Federal Reserve Bank in Washington and of the New York FED have been delayed. James Rickards has proposed a limited hangout audit of Fort Knox. Rickards is a consultant to the CIA and the Pentagon, main bulwarks of the Deep State. Secretary of the Treasury Scott Bessent said it would be a waste of time to audit Fort Knox, because we know the gold is there. Nonsense. Most of the gold was stolen. An audit of the FED in Washinton would reveal that Bankers sold the FED $7 trillion in fraudulent securities which kept them from going to jail. Auditing the accounts and transactions of the NY FED would reveal the fact that trillions of dollars of our money has been systematically shipped overseas by the people who believe they own our government. We need to distinguish between the two groups who have been oppressing us and our parents and their parents before them. David Rothkopf was the managing Director of Kissinger Associates. He wrote Superclass in 2008 in which he told us that our Western world is ruled by 30 Families and their 6,000 Minions which works out to about one Minion per million people. Henry Kissinger was a Minion. He represented the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers who are two of the thirty ruling families. It would be far better to channel the anger of the public at the 30 Families and their Minions so we can empower ourselves to seize the Federal Reserve Bank and to issue a non-interest-bearing currency like President Lincoln’s Greenbacks. If we had Greenbacks, there would be no national debt of $36.5 trillion and we would not have lost 3 to 4 million Americans to starvation in the 1930s. Tens of millions starved to death around the world in the 1920s and 30s.
by Video Rebel
Chris Downey’s One Man War Against Vaccines (Text and Audio 55:21)
Chris’s clever strategy is to cautiously educate parents about the dangers using his platform,
Chris is a disciplined 56-year-old software developer. His daily practices include the Wim Hof Method, which incorporates ice baths at 37 degrees Fahrenheit, deep breathing exercises, and sauna sessions between 4 and 19 minutes at 200 degrees. He believes you must take control of your well-being rather than delegating it to medical authorities. Downey views about vaccines transformed after his daughter’s birth in 2003. Before this, he said he was a typical “arrogant, techie guy” who unquestioningly accepted the conventional vaccine safety and efficacy narrative. His perspectives shifted while interviewing pediatricians for his newborn daughter. The pediatricians all insisted on giving the hepatitis B vaccine at birth. Downey’s software developer mindset led him to analyze this systematically. The medical justifications offered—such as potential daycare bites or the possibility of needing blood transfusions—were so far-fetched that he soon considered them lies.
by Robert Yoho, MD
Millennials Are Depressed… No Fark
I keep reading articles about the pandemic of ‘depression’. A threatening rise among 18 to 40 years olds is gripping our American youth. The articles present the numbers without really delving into the WHY – and instead focus on Pharma. But Pharma for once is not the main instigator, it is simply a result. I read Facebooks posts of stifling depression, anxiety and panic. Not about or because of Trump, but because of what we witness around us on a daily basis. Evil. Our tender next generations have been swindled of their very lives. The vast majority told to get the vaccine or be fired. Now they are told it was all a lie and their health will deteriorate into a life of pain and disability followed by certain death within a short time! What the fark do you think they should feel? We stole Their lives. We have now learned that our doctors are our worst enemy giving us disease after disease. Butchering us with knives and needles. Our politicians want us dead. Our families are divided and broken. And now we learn that every dollar we faithfully have given to every tax agency is a fraud. Corrupt to the core! The real job market is in the twalette. The housing market is broken. Food now costs a mortgage payment. And everything we/they believed – has been ripped to shreds. What the fark should they feel? An entire generation is faced with this realization that our country is a despotic evil corrupt satire of reality. For every piece of good news there are a thousand razor cuts. Because pain is the goal.
by Helena Glass
If Only Trump Would Tell Netanyahu What He Told Zelensky
I’m sure most readers have seen the fiery and angry dialogue between President Donald Trump and ex-Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the Oval Office a few days ago. Trump admitted during the press conference that he let the conference continue as long as he did, knowing Zelensky would not like what Trump (and Vice President Vance) said and would become agitated and angry—which he did. Trump played Zelensky the way Benjamin Netanyahu plays Trump. Soon after the altercation in the White House, Trump announced he was suspending military aid to Ukraine. It seems clear that Trump does indeed plan to put a stop to the war in Ukraine—without Russia returning any of the Ukrainian territories that voted to return to the Russian motherland, resulting in a genocidal campaign against them by Zelensky, and which Putin’s Special Military Operation has successfully liberated. And it’s also clear that the days at the helm in Ukraine for the corrupt and murderous Zelensky are numbered. If only Trump would tell Israel’s corrupt and murderous Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu what he told Zelensky. But he never will. As with every president in modern memory, and the vast majority of the members of Congress in both parties, Trump is owned by the Israeli lobby. Instead of Trump showing Netanyahu the door the way he did Zelensky, when Netanyahu visited the White House, he was treated like a king. Here’s the video of Trump showing deference to Netanyahu in the White House as if Netanyahu was the U.S. president and Trump was his subordinate (which, of course, Trump is).
by Chuck Baldwin
The Jewish Ties Behind The Nobel Prize (36:38)
by Charles Guiliani
Kremlin Reacts To Macron’s ‘War’ Speech
The French president urged his nation to bolster its defenses against the perceived threat from Russia
French President Emmanuel Macron’s speech focusing on Russia earlier this week was “highly confrontational,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday, arguing that it signals an intent to further escalate tensions. In his address to the nation on Wednesday, Macron labeled Russia “a threat” to the EU and called for a significant increase in defense spending to counter the perceived danger posed by Moscow. He also said that France would be prepared to deploy troops to Ukraine should a truce be reached in the conflict. Commenting on the remarks during a regular press briefing, Peskov stressed that it hardly conveyed a message of peace: “France apparently is contemplating war, a continuation of war.” This stance naturally elicits a negative reaction in Moscow, he suggested. Macron’s address adhered to the conventional Western narrative portraying Russia as the unprovoked aggressor in the Ukraine conflict and claimed that Moscow has ambitions of conquest in Ukraine and beyond. However, according to Peskov, the French leader selectively ignored crucial events and circumstances that contributed to the current Ukraine crisis.
by RT
President Trump Promises To Do One Of The Most Evil Things Imaginable
This is such a massive relief…
I’ve got brilliant news for those who were worried that President Trump is now a man of peace: he has promised to do one of the most evil things imaginable! I bet you’re feeling as relieved as I am… In a carefully-worded statement that contained no spelling errors and few grammatical errors, the US President threatened to murder everyone in Gaza, unless Hamas releases the hostages that Israel hasn’t killed and the bodies of the hostages that Israel has killed. The surviving hostages are to be included in the “everyone in Gaza” that Trump plans to kill, but Netanyahu agrees this is a price worth paying. If Hamas does not release those hostages, I’m afraid they must not be allowed to get in the way of genocide. Therefore, the Hannibal Directive will once again come into effect. What else would you expect the only democracy in the Middle East to do? Respect the peace process? Several Israeli hostages have been accused of “Hamas talking points” since their release because any suggestion of honouring the ceasefire is a Hamas talking point. Obviously, such treachery cannot be tolerated. It is hoped the Hannibal Directive will serve as a warning to any Israeli who is becoming sympathetic towards their captors. President Trump told the people of Gaza that if Hamas hands over the hostages, a beautiful future awaits them. By beautiful future, he means he will upgrade their genocide to an ethnic cleansing – a kind and generous offer.
by Laura and Normal Island News
Who’s Responsible For Keeping A Leash On The AI Beast?
With Amazon, Google, and other corporate monopolies taking over the world, the ability to remain self-sufficient and retain individual autonomy from the increasingly madding crowd is becoming less of an attainable goal and more of a pipe dream.
In a rapidly changing world of perpetually advancing technology, with multitudes ironically (in a rather inaccurate Alanis sense) exponentially forewarning of the singularity, what does this mean for the labour force, life as we know it, and humanity itself? When asked to define ‘the singularity,’ AI tells us, “The singularity is a hypothetical time when technology grows out of control, leading to unpredictable consequences for humans. This could happen when machines become more intelligent than humans.” The answer to how this tipping point impacts humanity, for now, is quite simple: we don’t know. It is logically impossible to conceptualise the objectives and behaviours of a supercomputer once it goes beyond the simplistic understandings of our monkey brains. Doomsday dwellings on the consequences of the singularity should be left to those with more skin in the game, or perhaps that in itself is the problematic issue? The developers of such technologies tend to have far more logical brains than the masses, characterised by a fervent pursuit of scientific advancement at all costs, tunnel vision for their pet projects, lack of broader spectrums of knowledge and empathy, and no consideration of ethics, implications, or the impact on the whole of mankind. As always, we have no shortage of historical case studies that provide greater insights into how inventors cope with the seemingly incongruous components of scientific development and the ethics that should limit humanity’s endeavours. One severely doubts that Oppenheimer was dually focused on the collective consciousness and the hopes and dreams of innocents whilst developing the atomic bomb.
by Kayla Carman
West Furious To See Their Untrue Ukraine Narrative Fall Apart’ – Craig Murray (18:47)
RT speaks with journalist Craig Murray about the changes that have occurred surrounding the Ukraine narrative and Trump’s part in it.
Has Israel’s Goal Always Been To Occupy Gaza Through Ethnic Cleansing And Not To Defeat Hamas?
In a stunning admission today, the Trump Administration confirmed reports that they been having secret talks with Hamas leadership to secure the return of American hostages, and end the war. If you are an American like me, it has been drilled into our minds our whole lives that “The U.S. does not negotiate with terrorists.” Well, apparently the Trump Administration does. Axios published an exclusive scoop on this earlier today, and then the Trump Administration confirmed that it was true. Since Trump has returned to office, he has talked a big talk when it comes to Hamas, and proudly declared shortly after he took office that the U.S. was going to take control of Gaza and rebuild it into high-end luxury beach properties. But the Hamas war in Gaza is now 16 months old, and the mighty American/Israeli military has still not been able to defeat Hamas, or rescue the remaining hostages. Did something give Trump the idea that this has now changed, or has he been bluffing all along? If the mighty American military had the power to just take Gaza, why would they be having secret talks with Hamas? Could it be that the Western Media has not been publishing the truth about this war? Could it be that if the U.S. and Israel want to develop Gaza as their own, that they will need the approval of Hamas first? Sam Parker, a Muslim writer with Behind the News Network, just published an article that may provide some answers to these questions, as he claims that the Rothschilds’ Zionist Project is in serious trouble. This is the alternative, non-Western perspective on what is currently going on in Palestine.
by Brian Shilhavy
Israel’s Still Killing Israeli Hostages With The Hannibal Directive – But Now In Gaza Itself
[I left this comment for Jonathan to ponder: I’m happy to see you have “almost” woken up . . . were “almost” certainly caused by Israel invoking its scorched-earth directive that day. Please, I was certain of this as soon as I saw the first cars and houses blown up, so within a month of Oct 7. I also stated that the majority of Jews that died that day, were cause by the Jews themselves. And, you are still equivocating about this 17 months later. Love Is The Answer Mark R. Elsis]
One of the biggest lies promoted by the US and Israel is the pretence that, in slaughtering Gaza’s children, Israel has been acting in the interests of Israelis held in the enclave
Those of us who keep banging on about Israel’s use of the so-called “Hannibal directive” on 7 October 2023 – in which Israel killed its own citizens to stop them being taken captive by Hamas – have been smeared as excusing Hamas crimes that day. That is not why we flag the issue. In part, it is because some of the most horrifying images from 7 October of charred bodies and wrecked cars and homes in Israel – adduced as evidence of an especial barbarism that is supposedly typical of Palestinians – were almost certainly caused by Israel invoking its scorched-earth directive that day. Those images became central to the propaganda blitz launched by Israel and its apologists to justify the mass slaughter of Gaza’s children over the subsequent 17 months. But there is also a far more urgent and pressing reason to keep our attention focused on the role of the Hannibal directive. And it relates to what is happening right now. Israel and the US are still applying the Hannibal directive – against the Israeli captives held in Gaza.
by Jonathan Cook
Trump’s Threats Encourage Israeli Breach Of Gaza Ceasefire: Hamas
Hamas spokesperson Hazem Qassem calls on the US administration to press “Israel” into proceeding with implementing the ceasefire’s second phase.
US President Donald Trump’s threats complicate the ceasefire agreement in Gaza and encourage the Israeli occupation to continue violating its requirements, Hazem Qassem, the spokesperson for the Palestinian Resistance movement Hamas, stated on Thursday. Trump told Hamas that he would authorize fresh Israeli strikes on Gaza unless the group released the remaining Israeli captives. Trump’s ultimatum came during direct discussions in Doha between his envoy for captive matters, Adam Boehler, and Hamas leaders in an attempt to achieve a fresh Gaza ceasefire and prisoner exchange agreement. “‘Shalom Hamas’ means Hello and Goodbye – You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return all of the dead bodies of the people you murdered, or it is OVER for you,” Trump wrote on his social media platform. Trump advised Hamas officials in Gaza to evacuate the area “while they still have a chance” and warned that “not a single Hamas member will be safe” if the captives are not released. “This is your last warning!” he warned. In response, Qassem, in a statement to Anadolu Agency, said, “There is a deal that was signed, and the United States was a participating mediator, and it includes the release of all captives in three separate phases.”
by Al Mayadee
A Day Without World War Three (Text, Many Links, and Videos)
Still Living, There is so much going on in the news, and much of it seems contradictory, or changes completely from morning to afternoon, that it is difficult to keep up with, but there are unifying principles at play. Global, “western” $US-based finance, predicated on real returns upon lending at interest, is meeting the long decline in real industrial economy, and everything possible has been squeezed out of workers and industrial plants. Maintenance has been delayed to breakdown. Global finance, “old money”, seems to be incorporated in “The City of London”, as much as anything, though it is distributed in Paris, New York, Frankfurt, and transnationally, also. It is UK/”London” bets against Russia and for Ukraine which had to be renegotiated last summer. They are bad, but cannot be admitted, so they are being serviced with more borrowing. Europe is suddenly talking about huge military spending to be borrowed, but the German bond market just puked. There is a European “summit” ongoing now, with Rothschild-Paris banker Macron sounding very belligerent against Russia in an official address last night. He is threatening Russia with French nuclear weapons stationed in Germany, it seems… Russia is alarmed. March is the best month to start a big war, according to the Pentagon and ancient Rome. Rome always started a war when citizens grew restless and rebellious.
by John Day MD
Anatheism: Rediscovering God In A Secular Age (1:26:29)
by Rupert Sheldrake
The Soul
The great deception of our age is not that AI will replace humanity, but that it will convince us we were never more than machines to begin with. The rapid advance of artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and transhumanist ideologies is forcing humanity to confront an age-old question in a new and urgent way: What does it mean to be human? For centuries, Christianity has provided a clear and unwavering answer—man is created in the image of God, possessing an immortal soul that gives him value, purpose, and an eternal destiny. Yet in the modern era, this truth is being systematically challenged. Secular thinkers increasingly reduce human existence to a series of chemical reactions, neural impulses, and data patterns. In their view, consciousness is not a reflection of the divine but merely an advanced form of computation. According to this materialist perspective, if human thoughts, emotions, and decisions are nothing more than electrical signals in the brain, then there is no fundamental distinction between man and machine. Artificial intelligence, they argue, is simply another form of intelligence—one that can eventually surpass human cognition and render human labor, creativity, and even relationships obsolete.
by Andrew Torba
Court Upholds New York’s Repeal Of Religious Exemptions To School Vaccination Requirements
A federal appeals court ruled on March 3 against Amish people who challenged New York state’s repeal of religious exemptions to school vaccination requirements.
A panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit concluded that the Amish did not show violations of their constitutional rights. The law enacting the repeal “is neutral on its face” and “does not target or affirmatively prohibit religious practices,” the unanimous panel said in a per curiam ruling. “The law simply applies New York’s school immunization requirements to all schoolchildren who do not qualify for the law’s medical exemption.” The panel consisted of U.S. Circuit Judges Jose Cabranes, Eunice Lee, and Richard Wesley. For years, New York allowed religious exemptions to school vaccination requirements, which include vaccination for measles, polio, and pertussis. Lawmakers approved an amendment to the state’s public health law in 2019 following a measles outbreak that spread partly among unvaccinated children. The amendment removed the ability to seek and receive a religious exemption. Now, only a medical exemption is available, provided that a doctor certifies that a vaccine “may be detrimental to a child’s health.” Amish parents and schools sued New York state in 2023, alleging that the repeal of the religious exemption violated their constitutional rights, including their First Amendment right to free expression.
by Zachary Stieber
Israel Deliberately Targeted Archaeological Sites In Gaza, Palestinian Minister Says
Israel “deliberately” targeted archaeological sites in Gaza during more than 15 months of war, Palestinian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Hani Al-Hayek, said yesterday. He went on to describe Israel’s actions as a genocide. His remarks came during the closing session of a training workshop in Cairo, organised by the Palestinian Centre for Cultural Heritage Preservation (CCHP) in cooperation with the Egyptian Heritage Rescue Foundation (EHRF), according to the official Palestinian news agency, Wafa. During the workshop, Al-Hayek pointed out that “more than 226 archaeological and historical sites in Gaza have suffered severe damage,” adding that work is underway to develop a comprehensive action plan to rescue and restore the cultural heritage in the region. He added: “The Israeli occupation deliberately targeted archaeological sites in Gaza, but we are determined to rebuild and restore them. These sites are an important part of the history of the Palestinian people on this land, and it is our duty to return them to their former state.” On 6 February, French archaeologist Simon Brelaud warned that the Israeli occupation army had destroyed most of Gaza’s historical landmarks, stressing that this “puts the future of archaeology in the region at risk.”
Hofstadter’s Butterfly: Quantum Fractal Patterns Visualized
A team of scientists from Princeton University has measured the energies of electrons in a new class of quantum materials and has found them to follow a fractal pattern. Fractals are self-repeating patterns that occur on different length scales and can be seen in nature in a variety of settings, including snowflakes, ferns, and coastlines. A quantum version of a fractal pattern, known as “Hofstadter’s butterfly,” has long been predicted, but the new study marks the first time it has been directly observed experimentally in a real material. This research paves the way toward understanding how interactions among electrons, which were left out of the theory originally proposed in 1976, give rise to new features in these quantum fractals. The study was made possible by a recent breakthrough in materials engineering, which involved stacking and twisting two sheets of carbon atoms to create a pattern of electrons that resembles a common French textile known as a moiré design. “These moiré crystals provided an ideal setting to observe Hofstadter’s spectrum when subjecting electrons moving in them to a magnetic field. These materials have been extensively studied, but up to now the self-similarity of the energy spectrum of these electrons had remained out of reach,” said Ali Yazdani, James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor at Princeton, whose team has applied their powerful quantum microscopy technique to study the problem.
by Princeton University
March 6, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Anatheism: Rediscovering God In A Secular Age (1:26:29)
by Rupert Sheldrake
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The Darkside Of AI (24:41)
by Academy Of Ideas
Quote Of The Day
“We have castrated society through fear and intimidation. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine outward appearance. Being so neutered, the populace has become docile and easily ruled. As all geldings in nature, their thoughts are not involved with the concerns of the future and their posterity, but only with the present toil and the next meal.”
Harold Wallace Rosenthal
Book Of The Day
Hess: The Missing Years
While researching in the Federal Records Center in Suitland, Maryland, in the early 1980s with a highly capable English assistant, Susanna Scott-Gall, I took to trawling “from left to right” through hundreds of boxes of US intelligence papers. This took me to the Intelligence files collected for the Nuremberg Trials of Major War Criminals, and in one of these boxes of documents we came across anonymous notebooks, of British Army origin (all printed “HMSO” on the cover) but with no other identification. They contained the medical records on some unidentified individual, referred to only as “Z”, commencing in June 1941 and ending in October 1945. It did not take much brainwork to deduce that Z was none other than Hitler’s deputy, Rudolf Hess, who had flown to Scotland in May 1941 on an abortive peace mission. Mr Winston Churchill had ordered him detained as his own personal prisoner, and he was held in a number of different locations, including the Tower of London and a mental hospital in Wales, until he was flown to Nuremberg to be put on trial in 1945.
by David Irving
Music Of The Day
On March 6, 1966, The Rolling Stones began recording their single “Paint It, Black” in Los Angeles’ RCA Studios. A psychedelic-tinged number featuring Brian Jones on sitar, the song came at a key juncture in the group’s development, when Mick Jagger and Keith Richards were beginning to write all the band’s material. The track rose to No.1 in both the US and UK pop charts.
The Rolling Stones Website
Paint It, Black (3:46) (1966) (551,000,000 views) by The Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones (101 Posts) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
Website Of The Day
Care Net
Founded in 1975, Care Net is a Pro Abundant Life ministry that empowers women and men considering abortion to choose life for their unborn children and find abundant life in Christ. Acknowledging that every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection, Care Net offers compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering abortion by presenting them with realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming network of pregnancy centers, churches, organizations, and individuals.
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Can New York Doctor Be Shielded From Prosecution In Louisiana Abortion Case?
A New York doctor who prescribed abortion pills to out-of-state patients has been criminally charged in Louisiana and fined $100,000 in Texas. On February 13, an arrest warrant was issued in Louisiana for Dr. Margaret Daley Carpenter, founder of the Abortion Coalition for Telemedicine, after a grand jury indicted her for allegedly prescribing abortion pills online to a pregnant minor. New York Governor Kathy Hochul has vowed to ignore any extradition order, while Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry has declared that justice would be served—setting up a potential legal battle over state sovereignty. The case could challenge New York’s shield laws, which protect abortion providers and patients from legal actions originating in states where abortion is restricted or banned. “Prescribing safe abortion medication is legal under the laws of [New York],” Hochul said. In a YouTube video announcing the signing of the extradition warrant, Louisiana Governor Landry said Carpenter prescribed abortion pills to a young woman who was excited to have a baby and was even planning a gender reveal party. “Her mom conspired with a New York doctor to get a chemical abortion pill in the mail and [forced] that minor to take it,” the governor said. “This minor ended up in the hospital. This pill ended up ending her pregnancy and that baby’s life. There’s only one right answer in this situation…the doctor must face extradition to Louisiana where she can stand. Trial and justice will be served. We owe that to the minor and to the people of this state who stand by life overwhelmingly.”
by Tom Campisi
Why Israel Used 80 Bombs To Assassinate Nasrallah? (24:04)
Laith Marouf and Hadi Hotait join more than 1.5 million mourners at the martyrdom procession of Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, and visit his burial site in Beirut, Lebanon; while discussing his history as the most successful enemy of Zionism in the region, and his current status as the first global Icon of Liberation in the 21st century.
by FreePalestineTV
The End Of The First Amendment – Only Zionist Jewish Voices Allowed On U.S. Campuses
There is a new “pandemic” sweeping across the U.S., and President Donald Trump has issued an Executive Order to prevent it from spreading through college and university campuses, by creating a “Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism”. And who better to lead this new fight against this deadly “pandemic”, than the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. In a Press Release yesterday, Secretary Kennedy stated that antisemitism was a: “deadly and virulent pestilence” that “sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues.” Well, that sure gives “Make America Healthy Again” (MAHA) a whole new meaning, doesn’t it? I wonder if Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is developing “antisemitic vaccines” yet, since he has been telling the whole world lately how much he loves vaccines? Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is also on the record for stating that “antisemitism is a virus” that is spreading quickly through the campuses of America’s colleges and universities. The statement in Secretary Kennedy’s Press Release that is the most concerning to me, is that this is “the first major action announced from the multi-agency Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism.” What other actions may be in the pipeline by this “Task Force” to combat this “deadly plague” of antisemitism that RFK, Jr. says threatens our country?
by Brian Shilhavy
The Limits Of The Israeli Escalation Against Egypt
The Chief of Staff of the Israeli occupation army, Herzi Halevi, was keen to end his leadership of the army with a new escalation against Egypt, by announcing his concern about the capabilities of the Egyptian army, which, although they do not pose a current threat, pose a potential threat at any moment. Halevi, who was lecturing his officers before leaving his position at the beginning of the month, explained that the Egyptian army possesses advanced combat systems, aircraft, submarines, warships and modern tanks, in addition to a large number of infantry forces for no reason in his opinion, considering this to be a great danger. General Halevi’s statements were made after Israel’s permanent representative to the UN, Danny Danon, expressed his concerns about the Egyptian army’s armament. He claimed that Egypt does not have any threats in the region, so why does it need all these submarines and tanks? It is as if the general and the diplomat suddenly woke up to find the Egyptian army developing its combat capabilities and obtaining all of these weapons systems! This is despite the fact that it is openly armed and obtains its weapons from the same sources as Israel, and these sources definitely haven’t hidden its successive deals with the Egyptian army over the past years.
by Kotb Elaraby
The Life And Death Of Heinrich Himmler (1:22:38)
by David Irving
China Plans 7.2% Defense Budget Rise, Marking 10th Consecutive Year Of Single-Digit Growth
China on Wednesday announced a 7.2-percent increase in its 2025 national defense budget. The planned defense expenditure of the country will be 1.784665 trillion yuan ($249 billion) this year, the Xinhua News Agency reported. The proposed defense budget was released in a draft budget report issued at the opening of the third session of the 14th National People’s Congress (NPC), the country’s top legislature, on Wednesday. China’s defense budget has maintained single-digit growth for 10 consecutive years. The growth rate was also set at 7.2 percent in 2024 and 2023. Experts cited China’s economic development, national defense modernization needs and challenging security environment dynamics as factors for the reasonable and moderate increase the country’s defense spending. Fu Qianshao, a Chinese military affairs expert, told the Global Times that China’s economic development is a basis for the country’s steadily rising defense budget. The country’s defense budgets have seen stable and moderate rises over the past decade amid China’s steady economic development and GDP growth. A strong national defense in line with China’s economic growth will in return protect the fruits of the country’s development, he said.
by Liu Xuanzun
Unworkable Peace Plans While Trump Advances US Geopolitical Goals
There are several important developments ongoing that have prompted me to write a brief update in advance of my next, customary post. Two Unworkable Peace Plans: The Trump administration has paused the flow of arms to Ukraine and ordered a cessation of intelligence information, and has ordered or requested Britain to do the same. The Daily Mail reports that British intelligence agencies and military outlets have been ordered not to share the US-generated intelligence which has previously sent to Ukraine (known as Rel UKR). This will doubtless be a topic of conversation when both Sir Keir Starmer and Emmanuel Macron arrive, again, in Washington later this week to present their promised “peace plan” for Ukraine. Cessation of arms and intelligence to Ukraine has prompted a show of repentance by Zelenskyy and a show of willingness both to sign a mineral deal with the US (which is very much not in Ukraine’s interest) and to enter into negotiations with Russia. Neither the Zelenskyy peace plan, nor the British and French peace plan will be sufficient, in my view, to bring Russia to the negotiation table. Zel wants a peace process to unfold under the control of Donald Trump, starting with a release of prisoners and a truce in the skies, then involving uses of missiles, long range drones, attacks on energy and other civilian infrastructure, then followed by a truce at sea – if Russia will reciprocate. He wants to work quickly through these stages and then agree with the US a strong, final deal.
by Oliver Boyd-Barrett
Trump Says The ‘People Of Gaza’ Will Be ‘Dead’ If Hostages Aren’t Released
The president again threatened there would be “hell to pay” if Hamas doesn’t immediately release hostages
President Trump on Wednesday issued a threat against the civilian population of Gaza, saying the “people of Gaza” would be “dead” if the Israeli hostages weren’t released immediately. “Also, to the People of Gaza: A beautiful Future awaits, but not if you hold Hostages. If you do, you are DEAD! Make a SMART decision. RELEASE THE HOSTAGES NOW, OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY LATER!” the president said at the end of a statement released on social media. Addressing Hamas in the statement, Trump said, “Shalom Hamas’ means Hello and Goodbye – You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return all of the dead bodies of the people you murdered, or it is OVER for you.” Trump’s threat came after he met with Israelis who were previously held captive in Gaza. It also came after Axios reported that the US has held direct talks with Hamas for the first time. “I am sending Israel everything it needs to finish the job, not a single Hamas member will be safe if you don’t do as I say. I have just met with your former Hostages whose lives you have destroyed,” Trump said. “This is your last warning! For the leadership, now is the time to leave Gaza, while you still have a chance.”
by Dave DeCamp
Joseph Warren’s Final Oration: Against Standing Armies And Arbitrary Power
“Act worthy of yourselves.”
That’s how the great patriot and Revolutionary War hero Dr. Joseph Warren urged the people to commemorate the Boston Massacre, which happened today in history – March 5, 1770. In the face of a standing army occupier – and direct threats to his own life – Warren pressed the people to stand firm for liberty in the face of the mighty British Empire, “until tyranny is trodden under foot.” The Massacre in Boston did a great deal to solidify opposition to arbitrary, centralized power – and permanent standing armies. For many years, it was commemorated as a solemn public holiday in Boston, with speeches from prominent patriots like John Hancock, James Lovell and others. Joseph Warren delivered the oration in 1772 – and was the only person ever chosen to give the speech a second time, on March 6, 1775. Since March 5 fell on a Sunday that year, the event was held the next day. Tensions were boiling in ’75 – just weeks before Lexington and Concord, and the city was once-again filled with British regulars in the aftermath of the Coercive Acts of the previous year. It’s likely that Samuel Adams tapped Warren to give the speech this year, understanding that If there was trouble, someone of Joseph’s experience and resolve would be needed in the pulpit. They all knew that the British regulars present were going to resent an oration whose purpose was, as Adams wrote to Richard Henry Lee, “to commemorate a massacre perpetuated by soldiers and to show the danger of standing armies.” Nearly 5,000 people packed the event in and around the Old South Meeting House, with as many as 300 British officers in attendance as well. Because of the crowds, Warren had to enter the pulpit by climbing up a ladder and through a window. And his speech, which was delivered two weeks before Patrick Henry’s more famous “Liberty or Death” speech in Virginia, showed that he and the people of Boston would not be intimidated, even with the British forces in their midst.
by Michael Boldin
ACH (2535) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Ukraine War And Why It Must End (52:49)
As Globalism Breaks Nations Must Produce Their Own Survival Necessities
The term “protectionism” is generally treated as a pejorative in the economic world, akin to “isolationism” and “populism”. In an era where globalism is treated as the end-all-be-all of social and geopolitical evolution, the idea of taking a step back and reconsidering the notion of independence and self reliance is abhorrent. Globalists and progressives argue that there can be no going back and that only they know the way forward. It’s rather convenient that they’ve become the self designated prophets of correct economic policy, is it not? I don’t know who voted for these financial elites to take on such a role; as far as I can tell no one did. But they certainly have assumed the authority to dictate the path of international trade, currency methodology and even debt creation. Central bankers and their globalist counterparts control every fiscal policy that determines if you or I live a life of plenty or a life of peasantry, and, with the flip of a switch, they can send the whole of the global system crashing down. The globalists have this power because there are no fail safes – There are no redundancies and there is no Plan B. The more the populace needs the system the more they need the globalists, and the more they need the globalists the more power the globalists enjoy.The international trade network is designed like an intricate Jenga tower with a foundation of just a few wooden pieces holding up a vast and seemingly infinite cathedral. However, pull just one of those base pieces and the entire edifice collapses. Globalism relies on forced interdependency between nations, so that every country needs something from every other country in order to survive. No single nation is allowed to rely on its own resources and production – As noted, that’s what they call “protectionism”. It’s the great taboo; a violation of the will of the tiny globalist gods.
by Brandon Smith
‘Israel’ Seeks To Maintain Russian Presence In Syria: Report
The Israeli occupation is reportedly opposed to a Russian withdrawal from Syria due to the strategic interests its presence serves.
Israeli researcher Hayi Cohen said Tuesday that the Israeli occupation and Russia are cooperating in Syria, with the former seeking to prevent Russian forces from withdrawing. According to Cohen, this effort aims to curb Turkish influence in Syria and the eastern Mediterranean. In an article published by the Israeli newspaper Maariv, Cohen noted that Turkey is particularly concerned about two key issues in its relations with the Israeli occupation. The first is the Israeli occupation forces’ activities regarding the Druze population in southern Syria and the establishment of an Israeli buffer zone between the occupied Golan Heights and Damascus, which he claims is intended to function as a Druze autonomous region. The second issue, he added, relates to the eastern Mediterranean, particularly the Israeli ties to Cyprus and the gas transit systems and other naval activities. Cohen pointed out that, informally, the Israeli occupation and Turkey have become neighbors, leading the former to recognize the need to engage in Turkey’s “war of consciousness.” On Tuesday, the Israeli military spokesperson announced the formation of a new media unit within the Israeli army’s spokesperson’s office. This unit will focus on handling information in Turkish and disseminating content via social media to influence Turkish public opinion, mirroring the Israeli military’s existing media operations in Arabic and Persian.
by Al Mayadeen–seeks-to-maintain-russian-presence-in-syria–report
British Journalists Are Celebrating The Lack Of Opposition To War In Parliament
We are told this is healthy, but it’s anything but…
We are seeing consent for World War III being manufactured before our eyes, and even if you think war is unavoidable, even if you’re convinced that Russia is so dangerous, war is the only way to stop it from conquering Europe, you should listen to anti-war voices. Now more than ever, you should listen to the other side of the argument because if we’re right, it could help avert nuclear catastrophe, and if we’re wrong, well, war happens anyway. The approach of the warmongers guarantees war whereas the approach of the peacemakers is the only way to avoid war. Shouldn’t we at least give peace a try? We have violated peace agreement after peace agreement with Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union, and make no mistake, those violations were not moments of recklessness, they were deliberate provocations. We were seeing what we could get away with. I’ve seen viral memes bragging about how we expanded NATO to Russia’s doorstep and broke red line after red line and Putin didn’t retaliate so we should bring Ukraine into NATO. This overlooks that NATO expansion was one of the key factors that led to war.
by Ricky Hale and Council Estate Media
Common Sense
Is there anyone yet alive who remembers the widely popular terror warning color code public service announcements on television, sponsored by the NFL, Budweiser and Y2K, starring Attorney General John Ashcroft and brand new Homeland Security head wrangler Tom Ridge, standing proud with new pointers and the colorful, photogenic red, orange, yellow, green board depicting the current absolutely fabricated danger level of our lives. And it was only a few years before that, when yellow ribbons were everywhere, proclaiming that our front porches, our living room walls, our car antennas … how stray cats supported the troops as they ripped apart the people of Iraq, limb from limb. At our home in Iowa we [I] taped a sign to the red fire hydrant right outside our house that said the fighter jets now destroying the people of Afghanistan were our terrorists. Someone [they/them] then taped a sign to our front door that said we [I] should go to Canada. If only. We [I] then taped a sign to our living room window that said we [I] do not support the bombing. I then wrote a letter to the editor regarding 9/11, the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan [why not, one wonders, East Nashville and Nova Scotia?]. A short time later a police officer came to our front door and said someone had called in, saying I had ties to Osama bin Laden. “Just checking.” Absolutely, officer. Due diligence. Allahu Akbar. Go Pack Go.
by Mike Palecek
“Smuggling Cash” Is A Crime. Should It Be? (5:26)
Cops snatch ‘cartel cash’ from drivers whose crime is “smuggling cash”. They want us to believe that after 54 yrs of a failed “War on Drugs”, we’re winning? This isn’t a Drug War—it’s a war on, the Constitution, your God-given rights protected by the Constitution, and your wallet! “Civil Forfeiture”? Cops are not to be involved in “civil” procedures and “forfeiture” is just another name for theft without due process.
by The David Knight Show
The Snit Fit Heard Round The World
It goes without saying that the Donald can never get enough of the limelight. But last Friday in a live Oval Office broadcast seen around the world that thirst for public attention may have actually changed the course of history. And very much for the good—even if the trigger was pulled by a third rate actor who couldn’t even figure out how to properly brown-nose one of the most capacious egos on the planet. For all practical purposes, therefore, Washington’s sick adventure in the destruction of a fake nation—along with the hideously unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of real people who inhabit the Ukrainian territory—is now over. Zelensky will soon be gone to a hideaway in such as Costa Rica or an unmarked grave, as the case may be. Thereafter a caretaker regent for the rump of what is now the Potemkin State that Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev built with Bolshevik blood and guns will sign-up to a Trump/Putin ceasefire and partition deal—the latter having been in the making ever since the yoke of communism was lifted in 1991.
by David Stockman
HHS Head RFK Jr Declares ‘Anti-Semitism’ A Public Health Crisis
In one of his first official acts, Health Secretary Robert Kennedy on Monday declared “anti-Semitism” a public health crisis “like racism” and threatened to cut off billions in federal funding to Columbia University unless they make their campus a safe space for Jewish students. Kennedy somehow couched his demand for safe spaces and speech suppression as a fight against “woke cancel culture” in defense of free speech. Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Department of Education (ED), and the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) announced a comprehensive review of Columbia University’s federal contracts and grants in light of ongoing investigations for potential violations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Given Columbia’s ongoing inaction in the face of relentless harassment of Jewish students, the Federal Government’s Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism is considering Stop Work Orders for $51.4 million in contracts between Columbia University and the Federal Government. The task force will also conduct a comprehensive review of the more than $5 billion in federal grant commitments to Columbia University to ensure the university is in compliance with federal regulations, including its civil rights responsibilities. “Anti-Semitism – like racism – is a spiritual and moral malady that sickens societies and kills people with lethalities comparable to history’s most deadly plagues,” said HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. “In recent years, the censorship and false narratives of woke cancel culture have transformed our great universities into greenhouses for this deadly and virulent pestilence. Making America healthy means building communities of trust and mutual respect, based on speech freedom and open debate.”
by Chris Menahan
The Stoicism Of The Caregiver
These are difficult realities without Hollywood cliche answers.
Caregivers and the costs of caregiving don’t get much attention. They’re not part of the news flow, and the day-to-day grind of caregiving doesn’t lend itself to the self-promotional zeitgeist of social media. Look at me, helping Mom on her walker is not going to score big numbers online. The burdens in human and financial terms are often crushing. These realities are generally obscured by taboos and Hollywood cliches: it’s considered bad form to describe the burdens of caregiving, and anyone who dares to do so is quickly chided: “You’re lucky your parent is still alive so you can spend quality time together.” Meanwhile, back in the real world, 4 in 10 family caregivers rarely or never feel relaxed, according to a 2023 AARP survey, as an integral part of caregiving is being on constant alert for something untoward happening to the elderly person in one’s care. The demographics are sobering: we’re living longer, often much longer, than previous generations, and in greater numbers. This means 65-year olds are caring for 85-year olds and 70-year olds are caring for 90+-year olds. I’ve logged 8+ years of caregiving (5+ years here at home) from age 63 to 70 caring for my mom-in-law, so I have personal experience of being old enough to “retire” but retirement is a fantasy for caregivers. Our neighbors are 80+ years of age and they’re caring for her 102-year old Mom. What’s this retirement thing people talk about so cheerily? All these realities are abstractions until they happen to you.
by Charles Hugh Smith
March 5, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
ACH (2535) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Ukraine War And Why It Must End (52:49)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Dr. Peter Hammond Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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World War Three Is Now A Certainty
I’m no fan of Trump or Putin but I am no fan of Zelensky either and when the entire world media, all politicians and most of the internet defend him and say what a fine fellow he is then you know he is a really, really bad egg. Real history (as opposed to MSM history) shows that Ukraine got itself into this war. It could have been sorted years ago. But I believe Zelensky is being supported by the conspirators who want to destroy Christianity, decency and humanity and start World War Three. His backers are the insane conspirators who want global depopulation with the world population cut to 500 million and the UK’s population cut by nearly two thirds. Britain is in a dire state. The Labour Party has already pushed us onto the edge of the worst depression since the 1930s. Europe is almost as bad. We should be spending what little money our countries have on better health care and not on bombs. Starmer’s cuddling up to Zelensky shows that he is determined to be one of the driving forces taking us into World War Three. Who’d have thought it – Starmer won’t be remembered for all those free suits. He’ll be remembered as a warmonger. It is well acknowledged by historians that World War II was deliberately created by bankers – it was a war fought for profit.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Quote Of The Day
“A lie doesn’t become truth,
wrong doesn’t become right,
and evil doesn’t become good,
just because it’s accepted by a majority.”
Rick Warren
Book Of The Day
Tell The Truth And Shame The Devil
Have you ever asked yourself why the world won’t come to rest? Why your parents, grandparents or great-grandparents had to die in wars that never should have occurred in the first place? Well, this book holds the answer… This book is of monumental importance for the people of the world today. Many know that something is not right in the world. Nations engage in perpetual war while bankers and armaments makers line their pockets from the carnage. The average citizen of the world has been cut out of the decision-making process of government, whether he lives in a democracy, republic, theocracy or dictatorship. All the while, the ruling elite grow stronger and richer, as the real producers struggle to survive. Behind the scenes, events are controlled by a coterie of ethnic puppet masters who work their marionettes in high places out of public view. How did this world get to the dark place it is today? Who could have stopped it and what can we do today?
by Gerald Menuhin
Music Of The Day
On March 5, 1963, tragedy struck when 30-year-old country star Patsy Cline was killed in a plane crash, alongside Cowboy Copas and Hawkshaw Hawkins. Born Virginia Patterson Hensley, in Winchester, VA, she was traveling home from Kansas City, following a benefit concert for the widow of DJ “Cactus” Jack Call. At the time of her death, Cline was just beginning to enjoy crossover success on the US pop charts, with hits like “I Fall To Pieces” and “Crazy.” In the years and decades that followed, Cline’s influence only grew. In addition to breaking multiple glass ceilings as a woman in country music, Cline was also revered for her emotive vocals and bold persona. In 1973, she became the first woman to be inducted into the Country Hall of Fame.
Patsy Cline Website
Crazy (2:46) (1961) (4,600,000 views) by Patsy Cline, Written by Willie Nelson
Patsy Cline | Documentary (55:30) by American Masters
Website Of The Day
Health Nut News
As a long time “health nut,” author and public speaker, Erin Elizabeth has had a passion for the healing arts for nearly 25 years. Erin began Health Nut News in January 2014 with humble beginnings. She’s honored to have won the Truth in Journalism Award at the 2017 Doctors Who Rock Awards in Orlando alongside some of her heroes, less than four years later. Starting in her teens, Erin worked for a green non-profit during her four years of undergrad, which inspired her to lead a healthier lifestyle, since stress became a factor at an early age.
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Death Archive With 163 Posts
The Far Side
by Gary Larson
Real Government Efficiency: How To ‘Actually’ End Debt And Restore America’s Financial Sovereignty
In the face of misguided AUSTERITY measures proposed by the Department of Government “Efficiency” (DOGE) here we show how to restore America’s PROSPERITY and create a full employment economy
Today, in the face of misguided austerity measures proposed by the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), Zarlenga’s message is more urgent than ever. While the push to eliminate wasteful government spending is laudable, it is a distraction from fundamental questions: How is money created? Who creates it? Why are we locked into perpetual debt? DOGE has fixated on slashing essential government programs in the name of fiscal responsibility. Yet, in order for it to truly serve our nation, it is urgent that it address the ossified, structural reality of our present financial system, which has been designed to manufacture deficits to the benefit of private banks. Government borrowing, spiraling national debt, and the accompanying tax burden on the American people are not the result of overspending on public services. Rather, they stem from the privatization of the money supply, a system enshrined by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which handed the power of money creation to private banks, ensuring their profits through the simultaneous creation of the federal income tax. Zarlenga exposed this deception with clarity: The U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5, granted Congress the power to create money, yet that power was appropriated and monetized to the benefit of private interests, transforming the people’s government into a permanent debtor to the banking system.
by Dennis Kucinich
The Bolshevik Revolution Darkness Descends (57:54)
by Asha Logos
EU’s Von Der Leyen Proposes $840 Billion Rearmament Plan
The massive defense spending hike is crucial for European security, the bloc’s commission president has claimed
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has proposed that member states spend about $840 billion on defense – an amount more than double total EU defense expenditure in 2024. In a statement on Tuesday, von der Leyen cited the “most dangerous of times” and the “grave” threats facing the bloc. “We are in an era of rearmament,” she declared, adding that she had sent a letter outlining her ‘ReArm Europe Plan’ to member state leaders ahead of the European Council meeting later this week. “ReArm Europe could mobilize close to €800 billion ($840 billion) for a safe and resilient Europe,” she said. “This is a moment for Europe. And we are ready to step up.” Official data shows the bloc’s total defense spending reached an estimated $344 billion last year, an increase of more than 30% since 2021. The new plan includes $158 billion in loans available to member states to invest in what von der Leyen described as “pan-European capability domains,” including air and missile defense, artillery systems, missiles and ammunition, drones, and anti-drone technology. The proposed five-part strategy is also designed to address the “short-term urgency” of supporting Ukraine, the EU chief said.
by RT
Reality Confronts The Euro Ruling-Strata – ‘Through The Tear In The Fantasy Bubble, They See Their Own Demise’
Ostensibly, it is not in Europe’s interest to mount a concerted resistance against the U.S. President over a failed war.
They (the Euro-élites) don’t have a chance: “If Trump imposes this tariff [25%], the U.S. will be in a serious trade conflict with the EU”, the Norwegian Prime Minister threatens. And what if Brussels does retaliate? “They can try, but they can’t”, Trump responded. Von der Leyen has, however, already promised that she will retaliate. Nonetheless, the combined suite of the Anglo administrative forces is still unlikely to compel Trump to put U.S. military troops on the ground in Ukraine to protect European interests (and investments!). The reality is that every European NATO member – to varying degrees of self-embarrassment – admits publicly now that none of them want to participate in securing Ukraine without having U.S. military troops provide ‘backstop’ to those European forces. This is a palpably obvious scheme to inveigle Trump into continuing the Ukraine war – as is Macron and Starmer’s dangling of the mineral deal to try to trick Trump to recommit to the Ukraine war. Trump plainly sees through these ploys. The fly in the ointment, however, is that Zelensky seemingly fears a ceasefire, more than he fears losing further ground on the battlefield. He too, seems to need the war to continue (to preserve continuing in power, possibly).
by Alastair Crooke
Trump’s Crypto CurveBall: “Bitcoin Reserve” Is Not About BTC (19:30)
Ignoring Bitcoin Trump hyped XRP, Solana, and Cardano for a U.S. strategic reserve, only to backtrack and crown BTC and ETH the ‘heart’ after a firestorm. So what’s he and his crypto-conspirators up to? And what about that $200 Million insider bet? CBDC is turning into PPP-DC (Public Private Partnership Digital Currency).
by The David Knight Show
Nullifying The Constitution Won’t Make America Great Again
“You want to defend the United States of America, then defend it with the tools it supplies you with-its Constitution.” ~ Seven Days in May (1964)
Anyone who wants to put America first needs to start by putting the Constitution first. This should be non-negotiable. Winning an election does not give President Trump-or any politician-the authority to sidestep the Constitution and remake the government at will. That’s not how a constitutional republic works, even in pursuit of the so-called greater good. Thus far, those defending the Trump administration’s worst actions, which range from immoral and unethical to blatantly unconstitutional, have resorted to repeating propaganda and glaring non-truths while insisting that the Biden administration was worse. “They did it first” and “they did it worse” are not justifications for disregarding the law. For that matter, omitting the Constitution from the White House website-pretending it never existed-does not give the president and the agencies within the Executive Branch the right to circumvent the rule of law or, worse, nullify the Constitution. Mounting a populist revolution to wrest power from the Deep State only to institute a different Deep State is not how you make America great again.
by John and Nisha Whitehead
The CIA Created Ukraine Spy Bunkers To Surveil Russia And Ukraine
The CIA has been in Ukraine since Soros took ownership. Over the years, they built secret bunkers along the Russian border to monitor and surveille Moscow. But like good little spooks, they also built a spy system of the Ukrainian government, including Zelenskky. In order to assure his loyalty. To track those within his circle who became rogue. To tell officials where they could locate men who failed to observe mandatory conscription. A city, a country completely observed across hundreds of surveillance screens operating 24/7. According to Sputnik Globe, the means is/was Palantir. The CIA’s In Q Tel Fund invested in Palantir as a start up, but once it became public, it appears to be ‘exited’. However, in a market screener listing of Palantir’s shareholders Institutional ownership is 43%, Individual is 3.76%, a spattering of corporate or hedge fund investors holding fractional shares, and the bottom line which states – “41.03% UNKNOWN”. This is a public company, should the share distribution be held 41% ‘anonymous’? Palantir offers ‘data integration’ meaning that the CIA could have installed a backdoor into the entirety of the Kyiv governments data systems. Monitoring, collecting, and learning every corrupt, illegal email, text, and voice across every supply of information. The ultimate in Big Brother. Peter Theil, the founder, is a Trump fan and a good friend with Elon Musk. While the CIA collected the data, Palantir could effectively have a copy. And possibly share this massive file with the President. A security issue. A weapon in one hand – a valuable tool in another.
by Helena Glass
Yes, Trump Is Vulgar. But The US Global Shakedown Is The Same One As Ever
The US president looked like a gangster as he roughed up Zelensky. But he wasn’t the one who stoked a war that’s killed huge numbers of Ukrainians and Russians
If there is one thing we can thank US President Donald Trump for, it is this: he has decisively stripped away the ridiculous notion, long cultivated by western media, that the United States is a benign global policeman enforcing a “rules-based order”. Washington is better understood as the head of a gangster empire, embracing 800 military bases around the world. Since the end of the Cold War, it has been aggressively seeking “global full-spectrum domination”, as the Pentagon doctrine politely terms it. You either pay fealty to the Don or you get dumped in the river. Last Friday Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was presented with a pair of designer concrete boots at the White House. The innovation was that it all happened in front of the western press corps, in the Oval Office, rather than in a back room, out of sight. It made for great television, Trump crowed. Pundits have been quick to reassure us that the shouting match was some kind of weird Trumpian thing. As though being inhospitable to state leaders, and disrespectful to the countries they head, is unique to this administration. Take just the example of Iraq. The administration of Bill Clinton thought it “worth it”– as his secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, infamously put it – to kill an estimated half a million Iraqi children by imposing draconian sanctions through the 1990s. Under Clinton’s successor, George W Bush, the US then waged an illegal war in 2003, on entirely phoney grounds, that killed around half a million Iraqis, according to post-war estimates, and made four million homeless.
by Jonathan Cook
The Final Solution Is Not What We Have Been Told! (59:58)
by Father James Mawdsley
Israel’s Lobby Launches Preemptive War On Thomas Massie
Two weeks ago, Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell announced that he would not seek re-election in 2026. McConnell’s announcement prompted Congressman Thomas Massie to share a poll asking his Twitter followers if he should run for McConnell’s open Senate seat, seek the governorship in 2027, or remain in the House. If you were me, would you: ~ Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) February 20, 2025. Naturally, Massie’s followers were very enthusiastic about the former idea. But the prospect of a Senator Thomas Massie already has the Israel lobby on high alert. Republican Jewish Coalition CEO Matt Brooks told Jewish Insider, “If Tom Massie chooses to enter the race for US Senate in Kentucky, the RJC campaign budget to ensure he is defeated will be unlimited.” Back in May 2023, Massie accused the RJC of taking “[the] neocon position that US taxpayers should fund the war in Ukraine.” The RJC responded by attacking Massie for, among other things, opposing U.S. funding for the Iron Dome and voting against a resolution condemning the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. Meanwhile, Rabbi Shlomo Litvin of the Kentucky Jewish Council accused Massie of “[going] out of his way to troll Jews,” and Melanie Maron Pell of the American Jewish Committee suggested that Massie demonstrates “outright hostility with the Jewish community.”
by James Rushmore
Are Zelensky-Trump Theatrics A Distraction From Israel’s Criminality?
Examining Ukraine, Syria and Israel Shows the Agenda of Empire.
I remember years ago, my dad told me how Israel would always have something on every Arab state that they could use as leverage against them so as to limit their latitude regarding Palestine. Most obviously, Israel would hold their territory. So, Israel holding Egypt’s Sinai, helped lead to a treaty with Egypt that excluded the Palestinians. This would be celebrated in the US as a triumph of “peace”. I have long suspected that similar thinking and other dynamics have been at play regarding Russia and China and other powers. Well, first a step back. I also suspected that the targeting of certain Arab states was deeply connected to the project of imperial Israel. This is kind of obvious when one looks at Securing the Realm, a document outlining domination of the Mideast written for Netanyahu in the 1990s. Clearly, the invasion of Iraq fits with that, as does the ousting of Gadaffi. Syria I think was more complex, but fits in as well. I was never convinced that simple regime change was the goal of the Obama administration. I suspect that the prolonged war in Syria achieved several goals for the US establishment:
by Sam Husseini
Russia’s Resurgence And The Evolving US-Russia Relations
Since World War II, Russia and the US have been fierce rivals, but with Donald Trump’s re-election and Russia’s rise as a superpower, the US is now shifting toward fostering cordial ties.
The Cold War resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Union, creating a unipolar world order led by the United States. Since the culmination of the Cold War, the US has been following a more hardline foreign policy towards its rivals and allies, tarnishing its soft image around the globe. However, its economic and military supremacy helped it to sustain its position as the sole superpower of the world for almost 3 decades. The United States has been alluring third-world countries through economic aid to achieve its geopolitical interests in different regions. It also coerced weak countries militarily to support its foreign policy interests. Nonetheless, the rapid rise of Russia and China has provided third-world countries with new military and economic giants, transforming the global geopolitical landscape. Russia’s influence is rapidly rising among the Muslim and African countries. It is also known as the leading country of the BRICS organization. Moscow is also leading the de-dollarization movement under the banner of the BRICS. Global oil trade in non-US dollar currencies has already reached 20 percent in 2020-23 from a mere 2 percent in 2000-2010. More than 40 countries are demonstrating their interest in the BRICS membership, signaling the decline of the US-led unipolar world order.
by Abbas Hashemite
TAKE IT DOWN Act: A Trojan Horse For Online Censorship?
The bill’s broad wording could erode free speech and endanger encrypted platforms.
The TAKE IT DOWN (“Tools to Address Known Exploitation by Immobilizing Technological Deepfakes on Websites and Networks” – Senate Bill 146/SB 146) Act is one of those legislative pushes that, on the face of it, make perfect sense – but upon further inspection reveal troubling potential for facilitating government overreach, and, yet another roundabout attack on encryption. The “face” of TAKE IT DOWN is to make sure online content known as non-consensual intimate imagery (NCII), including real, and that generated by AI tech, gets removed quickly. The “further inspection,” however – as reputable digital rights campaigners previously pointed out – shows that the way it is drafted, the act “mandates a notice-and-takedown system that threatens free expression, user privacy, and due process.” It is considered to be a way to “supplement” the DMCA. But the bill has received a boost from First Lady Melania Trump, who, in her first public address since returning to the White House, spoke during a Capitol Hill event to say that she hoped her endorsement would help the proposal pass. But beyond yet another take on the “think of the children” narrative lie deeper issues with the bill itself, and how it does or does not, work with declarative, and enshrined in previous law, US values concerning free speech. Those with a notable track record of actively campaigning for those values suggest – not well.
by Didi Rankovic
Air Traffic Control Replaced With Artificial Intelligence (5:02)
Problem – Reaction – Solution
by Greg Reese
President Thomas Jefferson First Inaugural Address March 4, 1801
Friends And Fellow-Citizens, Called upon to undertake the duties of the first executive office of our country, I avail myself of the presence of that portion of my fellow-citizens which is here assembled to express my grateful thanks for the favor with which they have been pleased to look toward me, to declare a sincere consciousness that the task is above my talents, and that I approach it with those anxious and awful presentiments which the greatness of the charge and the weakness of my powers so justly inspire. A rising nation, spread over a wide and fruitful land, traversing all the seas with the rich productions of their industry, engaged in commerce with nations who feel power and forget right, advancing rapidly to destinies beyond the reach of mortal eye — when I contemplate these transcendent objects, and see the honor, the happiness, and the hopes of this beloved country committed to the issue and the auspices of this day, I shrink from the contemplation, and humble myself before the magnitude of the undertaking. Utterly, indeed, should I despair did not the presence of many whom I here see remind me that in the other high authorities provided by our Constitution I shall find resources of wisdom, of virtue, and of zeal on which to rely under all difficulties. To you, then, gentlemen, who are charged with the sovereign functions of legislation, and to those associated with you, I look with encouragement for that guidance and support which may enable us to steer with safety the vessel in which we are all embarked amidst the conflicting elements of a troubled world.
by President Thomas Jefferson
Holly’s Story And Law
“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” ~ Philippians 4:13
On February 4th, 2000, Holly Stavola, our daughter, and a sibling, a grandchild, and a niece died tragically and unnecessarily from encephalopathy due to her 2nd MMR vaccination. Holly was a completely healthy, bright, kind and beautiful 5 year old child. The day she received her vaccinations at her 5 year well check-up Holly was not sick nor immunocompromised in any way. She received the MMR, the oral polio (which was no longer recommended as of Jan. 2000), the DTaP, the Mantoux test, and my son received the Chickenpox Vaccine (he was 9 years old). She became very ill a week following the shots, which is within the expected time period, a vaccine table injury of encephalopathy. Encephalopathy is one of the potential reactions of the MMR as stated in the Merck Package Insert and the Vaccine Injury Table of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It can occur between 5-15 days after the vaccine. She suffered 65 hours before becoming brain dead. Her first symptoms were a 107 degree fever and seizure that happened in our house before calling 911. In the first hospital we were screaming for help; they did a spinal tap to check for meningitis, and with increasing brain inflammation this should not have been done. She was shivering because hypothermia set in due to them trying to cool down her 107/108 fever. The United States Federal Court of Claims: The doctors eliminated possible infectious, bacterial and viral diseases and concluded that all her symptoms were due to encephalopathy, a vaccine table injury. The Federal government conceded that Holly’s death was compensable due to a vaccine. Medical Help Fell Short: Her pediatrician and their office failed us immensely by not informing us of the risks, not attributing her symptoms to a possible reaction the day it began, and not showing up at either hospital. She was at two local Monmouth County hospitals that were not capable of helping Holly. I finally, at the second hospital thought to inform them of the fact that she had vaccinations the week prior. That is when the hospital and pediatrician finally concluded the diagnosis that was reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) by Holly’s pediatrician.
by Hope from Holly
Lemon: 12-Evidence Based Health Benefits
You know lemon, right? It is a tart, exciting, delicious and indispensable ingredient in recipes and beverages. But did you know that scientists have identified it is as a powerful medicine as well?
The most powerful healing substances on this planet are masquerading as foods, and this is all the more true for fruits. I’ve already written about The Amazing Healing Properties of 13 Common Fruits , including lemons, but it deserves its own mini-article for a number of reasons. Here are 12 reasons why it deserves respect as a cutting-edge medicine, and not just something found in refreshing beverages or as an indispensable ingredient in a number of culinary recipes. In addition, lemon is also one of the most concentrated sources of food vitamin C on the planet. Unlike ascorbic acid – which is the synthetic form of vitamin C, commonly derived from GMO corn – lemon contains all the essential cofactors needed to provide the body the means to utilize it, and maximize its effectiveness in disease prevention and treatment (Pssssst. Please don’t tell the FDA, since its not approved to ‘prevent, treat, or cure any disease,’ and they wouldn’t’ look kindly on this statement).
by Sayer Ji
Frozen For 46,000 Years In Siberia, This Creature From The Ice Age Just Came Back To Life
A tiny worm found in Siberian permafrost has defied time, waking up after tens of thousands of years in deep freeze. Scientists are unraveling the mystery behind its survival, with implications that stretch beyond Earth.
A microscopic nematode trapped in Siberian permafrost for 46,000 years has stunned scientists by waking up and resuming life. This remarkable feat of survival is changing our understanding of biology, resilience, and even the possibilities for life beyond Earth. Siberia’s permafrost is a natural time capsule, preserving biological material in deep ice for thousands of years. This frozen soil, which can extend hundreds of feet underground, has long been a goldmine for researchers studying ancient ecosystems. From well-preserved mammoths to microscopic life, these layers of ice offer snapshots of Earth’s distant past. The newly revived nematode was found 37 meters underground, where extreme cold prevented decomposition, according to a study published in the journal PLOS Genetics. Through radiocarbon dating, scientists confirmed that it had been frozen for roughly 46,000 years—a period spanning from the Ice Age to modern times. This tiny worm belongs to a select group of organisms capable of cryptobiosis, a state where metabolic activity comes to a near halt, allowing survival in extreme environments. When faced with harsh conditions—such as freezing temperatures, dehydration, or lack of oxygen—these creatures effectively press “pause” on life until circumstances improve. Similar survival strategies have been observed in tardigrades (water bears) and certain types of brine shrimp, but this nematode’s deep freeze is the longest known instance of cryptobiosis. Once thawed, the worm not only revived, but was also able to reproduce—demonstrating the astonishing durability of its biological processes.
by Arezki.A
March 4, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
The Final Solution Is Not What We Have Been Told! (59:58)
by Father James Mawdsley
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Quote Of The Day
“It is when a people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains.”
Patrick Henry
Book Of The Day
Churchill, Hitler And The Unnecessary War (Audiobook)
A carefully researched and persuasive debunking of the widely-accepted “official” story of the origins of World War II, by one of America’s most astute and influential public affairs commentators. In this masterful and provocative book, Buchanan draws on the work of more than a hundred historians to trace the fateful failures of judgment that consigned millions to decades of subjugation under Soviet Communist tyranny, and ended Europe’s central role in world affairs. This is also an important dissident treatment of the origins and consequences of the First and Second World wars, and a devastating critique of the “cult” image of Winston Churchill. Buchanan concludes with timely warnings about US foreign policy today. With 36 photos, source references, bibliography and index.
by Patrick J. Buchanan
Music Of The Day
On March 4, 1966, John Lennon stated in an interview published by London’s Evening Standard newspaper that The Beatles were “more popular than Jesus Christ.” In the UK, his words didn’t raise many eyebrows but when they were published in America later that year – just prior to The Beatles’ third tour of the country – they angered Christian communities, who protested by picketing concerts and publicly burning the Fab Four’s records. Lennon later apologized for his controversial comments, saying that he had been misunderstood. I do believe the intelligence agencies of the United States had much to do with this “controversy” that was somehow blown way out of proportion, almost five months later. In my article, The Beatles, John Lennon, And December 8, 1980, (now over one hundred pages, and yet to be published – when I do published – – it will be on: I devote two pages to this issue.
John Lennon Website
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The British Empire Is Alive. It Aims To Destroy The US
What is happening today between Europe and the US under the Donald J. Trump administration is becoming crystal clear. First of all, “Europe” is under the control of Great Britain, as last weekend’s meeting called by British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer showed, where Starmer and his European counterparts, along with King Charles III, convened to welcome back Ukrainian faux-president Zelensky from the latter’s disastrous Oval Office smackdown by Trump. Thanks for reading Three Sages! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. But make no mistake. This is the Great Britain run by the globalist financial elite headquartered in the City of London, not the Britain occupied by an increasingly destitute population afflicted by soaring energy costs and long-term disability rates caused by what many fear is an epidemic of Long Covid resulting from the mRNA “jab.” See this. We are actually seeing the “undead” British Empire at work. The globalist financial elite that rules the Empire is most recognizable today through the Rothschilds, as it has been for the last two centuries. The Rothschilds themselves are the tip of an older and more pervasive European hierarchy that has been termed the “Black Nobility.” Think in terms of the Club of Rome, WEF, Bilderberg, etc. But the City of London remains the nerve center. There is a direct wire between London and the EU in Brussels and most of the capitals of the EU nations, as well as Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. This wire passes through NATO, originally a British creation, also headquartered in Brussels, and all the major European banks topped by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland.
by Richard C. Cook
Why Are Soldiers Mass Resigning From U.S. Military Over Israel? (12:54)
by The CJ Werleman Show
Trying To Have A World War
Somewhat Confused, Over the weekend I saw Alex Krainer in 2 videos, explaining what happened Friday in the White House, with Trump and Zelensky. It appears to have been a set-up on the part of globalists, using Zelensky, who was pre-coached by Starmer, Macron, and just before the meeting, by Democratic Senator, Chris Murphy, extracting a commitment from Zelensky to “not back down”. Zelensky and his party had been instructed to follow protocol and to come wearing suits. Ukraine’s #2, Yermak, who never wears a suit, wore a suit. Zelensky did not, and was dinged by Trump upon arrival. The September 2024 proposal by Zelensky to candidate Trump, for “$500 billion” of Ukrainian rare-earth and other mineral resources, was meant to keep Team Trump engaged on Ukraine’s side. That deal also looked good to The City of London, it appears, so a few days before Trump took office in January, Kier Starmer signed a 100 year friendship agreement between the UK and Ukraine, whereby the UK would give Ukraine $3 billion/year “as long as necessary”. It appears that there is a secret addendum to that treaty, which is the deal Zelensky offered Trump, already turned over to the UK/City-of-London. It is presumed that Russia knew and Trump knew that this signing of a vague “framework” without specifics on Friday would have been empty ceremony, but it was used by Zelensky as a stage to play a specific part to American and global audiences, the part of a noble Ukrainian victim of a Trump-Vance ambush.
by John Day MD
Trapping Wild Pigs
Collectivism begins when a government starts offering free stuff to the population. At first, it’s something simple like free education or food stamps for the poor. But soon, political leaders talk increasingly of “entitlements” – a wonderful concept that by its very name suggests that this is something that’s owed to you, and if other politicians don’t support the idea, then they’re denying you your rights. Once the idea of free stuff has become the norm and, more importantly, when the populace has come to depend upon it as a significant part of their “diet,” more free stuff is offered. It matters little whether the new entitlements are welfare, healthcare, free college, or a guaranteed basic wage. What’s important is that the herd come to rely on the entitlements. Then, it’s time to erect the fence. Naturally, in order to expand the volume of free stuff, greater taxation will be required. And of course, some rights will have to be sacrificed. And just like the pigs, all that’s really necessary to get humans to comply is to make the increase in fencing gradual. People focus more on the corn than the fence. Once they’re substantially dependent, it’s time to shut the gate. What this looks like in collectivism is that new restrictions come into play that restrict freedoms. You may be told that you cannot expatriate without paying a large penalty. You may be told that your bank deposit may be confiscated in an emergency situation. You may even be told that the government has the right to deny you the freedom to congregate, or even to go to work, for whatever trumped-up reason.
by Jeff Thomas
Ian Carroll On Epstein And Blackmail Operations (4:39)
“Israel is deeply involved in the blackmail scene…. if not on top of it”
The World Expects More Good News About Tech Innovation From Two Sessions
On Monday afternoon, the press conference of the third session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference was held. The spokesperson of the conference, Liu Jieyi, introduced the relevant details of the conference to Chinese and foreign media and answered reporters’ questions. Among the topics, those related to science and technology such as humanoid robots and “cyber fireworks” accounted for a considerable proportion, and received widespread attention from the media. It can be expected that technological innovation will be one of the most heated topics discussed during this year’s two sessions. The innovation wave in Chinese society will be further showcased through the two sessions, with institutional innovation and technological innovation resonating together. Liu said at the press conference that the development of the new quality productive forces is showing a thriving momentum. This comment has a very concrete and significant reflection in Chinese society. Since the beginning of this year, DeepSeek, a domestically produced large-scale model, has quickly emerged with its open-source model and cost advantages, attracting intense attention at home and abroad. Against this background, 29 of the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in the Chinese mainland have listed AI as a priority in their government work reports, and 14 have prioritized robotics.
Editorial by Global Times
Israeli Engineer Arrested For Offering Iran Info On Dimona Nuclear Reactor: Israeli Media
Israeli authorities have reportedly indicted an Israeli engineer for allegedly initiating contact with Iranian intelligence, and offering to sell sensitive information including claims of access to a nuclear research center.
Doron Bokobza, a 29-year-old resident of Be’er Sheva city in the southern occupied territories and an engineer at Haifa Chemicals South, was charged on March 2 with contacting a foreign agent and transferring information to Iran. Investigators assert Bokobza established contact with Iranian intelligence elements through Telegram messaging application over a number of months. From December last year until his arrest in February, he allegedly carried out various tasks for his Iranian handler. He also presented himself as having access to the Negev nuclear research center, and purportedly provided details about the facility. Authorities allege Bokobza initiated the contact, fully aware that he was engaging with Iranian intelligence operatives. The Israeli technician was arrested last month following a joint investigation by the regime’s so-called internal security service, Shin Bet, and police. Bokobza has reportedly confessed to photographing “sensitive” facilities and transmitting information for “a fee”.
by PressTV
The Pro-War Lobby In The West Needs To Come Up With New Ideas, Rather Than Saying The Same Old Things
President Trump has advanced a new policy proposition that engagement and dialogue is vital if we are to bring an end to the fighting.
When western pundits resist efforts to bring an end to fighting in Ukraine, they never provide an alternative vision of what they would do differently. A respected associate of mine asked me today if a ceasefire and peace process in Ukraine would simply embolden China and Russia to further aggression. This is a line oft repeated among the majority of politicians, journalists and so-called academics in the west, who are opposed to an ending of the war. ‘We can’t stop the war, because if we do, China will invade Taiwan and Russia will invade Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland etc.’ My view, for what it’s worth, is that an end to the war in Ukraine might embolden China longer-term over Taiwan in particular. I’ve seen no evidence that it will embolden Russia to invade NATO, precisely because Russia sees itself, in large part, as a country of Europe, even if it has been excluded. However, and critically, if both China and Russia were so emboldened, then should we not ask ourselves how we have ended up in this position? Russia’s decision to go to war was driven by a belief that it’s core strategic interests in preventing NATO expansion to its border via Ukraine was being ignored, and that it was subject to permanent sanctions with no possibility of removal through any concessions it might make. That’s my opinion and one I know that many ‘realists’ share.
by Ian Proud
Hamas Explained Why It Attacked Israel On October 7, 2023 (Text, .pdf, and Audio 51:18)
On January 20, 2024 Hamas, the Palestinian Resistance Movement, issued a 16-page document entitled “Our Narrative–Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” that explains their plans and actions.
A second item below contains the reflections by a senior Hamas leader on the attack and its aftermath This helps to answer the question some Americans ask: Why did Hamas launch the attack? As Americans read and consider the following, perhaps they will consider an equally important question: Why did we allow our government to enable Israel’s violent, decades-long ethnic cleansing project against Palestinians? In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Our steadfast Palestinian people, The Arab and Islamic nations; The free peoples worldwide and those who advocate for freedom, justice and human dignity In light of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and as our people continue their battle for independence, dignity and breaking-free from the longest-ever occupation during which they have drawn the finest displays of bravery and heroism in confronting the Israeli murder machine and aggression. We would like to clarify to our people and the free peoples of the world the reality of what happened on Oct. 7, the motives behind, its general context related to the Palestinian cause, as well as a refutation to the Israeli allegations and to put the facts into perspective.
by Israel-Palestine News
The Quantum Apocalypse Is Here (31:54)
by The Why Files
Pope Francis Has Two Episodes Of ‘Acute Respiratory Failure’ In Hospital Today
After today’s double breathing crises, Pope Francis was put back onto using an oxygen mask, something he had been using after Friday’s respiratory crises but had not needed on Sunday.
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis suffered a significant deterioration in his health today, with two episodes of “acute respiratory failure” which led to the resumption of his needing an oxygen mask. In a statement issued by the Holy See Press Office just before 7pm local time, the Vatican stated that Pope Francis today “presented two episodes of acute respiratory failure, caused by a significant accumulation of endobronchial mucus and consequent bronchospasm.” Following this “two bronchoscopies were therefore performed, with the need to aspirate abundant secretions.” Later in the afternoon the Pope was put back onto “non-invasive mechanical ventilation was resumed” – a measure he had also been put on after Friday’s respiratory crisis but had managed to graduate away from over Saturday afternoon. He had not used it on Sunday. “The Holy Father has always remained alert, oriented and cooperative,” Monday’s statement read. His clinical condition remains “complex,” sources said, though notably despite today’s event Francis is not described as “critical,” as he had been previously. Today’s crises are described as a reaction of the lungs to the double pneumonia which Francis was diagnosed with after being admitted to hospital on February 14.
by Michael Haynes, Senior Vatican Correspondent
Recent revelations that the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) spent $5 billion in 2024 in Ukraine was accompanied by news that many Ukrainian media outlets had to cease operations because of lack of funds once Trump froze the program. One of Ukraine’s most prominent investigative media outlets, Bihus Info, calculated that thanks to its investigations, which uncovered corruption in the Ukrainian army and government, around 1.2bn billion hryvnia ($29m) had been saved and returned to the state budget. . . . Bihus Info, which gets around two-thirds of its total funding from the US, turned to readers to seek emergency support to continue operations. Many other major Ukrainian independent media did likewise. This same report tries to downplay the importance of USAID’s support for intelligence operations — i.e., propaganda — by insisting that only a pittance of USAID’s $5 billion budget in Ukraine was spent on media. The rest, we are told, was for “economic development.” I think that is bullshit. When I joined the CIA in 1985, there was a strict ban on the CIA’s Operations side of the outfit using USAID for cover or for operations. I double-checked this with a buddy, who retired as a CIA Chief of Station in the early 2000s, and he confirmed that any use of USAID was proscribed. Sometime during the Presidency of George W. Bush, that prohibition was removed (or ignored) and the CIA and USAID off-again relationship was back on.
by Larry C. Johnson
Report Your Family For Wrong Think, Says German Government Initiative
Germany’s Interior Ministry and Family Affairs Ministry launch “Advice Compass on Conspiracy Thinking” to monitor and report citizens’ beliefs.
Germany’s Interior Ministry, headed by Nancy Faeser – known for banning media outlets – and the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth have launched a project dubbed, “Advice Compass on Conspiracy Thinking.” The center is there to provide advice to anyone who “suspect their friends or family members have fallen victim to conspiracy theories,” according to the Interior Ministry. You can’t make this up, and Germany’s current authorities are no pioneers here. In one form or another, the “spying starts at home” policy – trying to get people to make the state’s population surveillance job easier – has existed before. But, worryingly, that was/is under some of the most repressive regimes in recent history. As serious as the matter is, hilariously enough, the German word for “advice” happens to be – “rat.” “Holistic” is how Faeser chose to describe this approach and the inclusion of the “advice” center into Germany’s overall fight against what the authorities consider to be extremism and disinformation. Faeser chose to justify the project by linking the issue of conspiracy theories with disinformation and lies, and as has become the habit over these last years, assigning immense power to these phenomena (“They are spread deliberately to divide our society and destroy trust in independent science, free media or democratic institutions.”) From there on, Faeser hypothesizes that conspiracy theories “can” lead to extremism, crimes, and violence.
by Didi Rankovic
Sherlock Appraises The ‘Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’ Show-Trial ‘Evidence’ (Text and Videos)
Not surprisingly, the trial of “Dzhokhar Tsarnaev” for the Boston Marathon bombing is chock full of ludicrous storytelling for the pajama people. It reminds me of how, as if by some miracle, the Crime Syndicate materialized one of the 9/11 hijacker’s passports found at the foot of the demo’ed Twin Towers. The Crime Syndicate rag Daily Mail gives us the trial particulars. Tsarnaev’s defense attorney, Judy Clarke, presented to the court the dead older brother’s wallet. Naturally, it is full of receipts for bomb-making ingredients. Inquiring minds might wonder why he would keep such receipts, for what purpose? A tax write off perhaps? Souvenirs? To incriminate himself? Dead men can’t talk. Speaking of dead men can’t talk- the Tsarnaev Brothers tried to survive- no suicide here. Here they can be heard shouting, “We give up!” and “We didn’t do it!” The deployed “units” just kept firing anyway. While we’re at it, let’s have another look at Judy “Deep Six ‘Em” Clarke, also known as “Judy on the Spot” for many of these high-profile patsy cases of late. For her clients, her specialty is avoiding the death penalty. For the state, it’s ensuring a conviction. Reportedly, her clients typically end up at a special super-max prison in Colorado called ADX Florence. She was also on the defense for the show trials of Theodore Kaczynski, Buford Furrow, Zacarias Moussaou, Eric Rudolph, Jared Lee Loughner and Paul Cianca. What a coinkydink.
by Russ Winter
CrossTalk With Peter Lavelle | What’s The Plan? (24:43)
The Russians and the Americans are talking again. The media is abuzz about ending sanctions. The Europeans, as usual, are angry, confused and divided. In short, there are high expectations about dramatic change. So, where is the Trump Peace Plan?
CrossTalking with Steve Jermy, Thomas Fazi, and Daniel McAdams
To Encourage Talks With Moscow, DoD Will Halt Cyber Attacks On Russia
Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth ordered his agency to halt offensive cyber operations against Russia as the White House is attempting to engage the Kremlin in talks to end the war in Ukraine. “Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has ordered U.S. Cyber Command to halt offensive operations against Russia, according to a current official and two former officials briefed on the secret instructions,” the New York Times reports. “The move is apparently part of a broader effort to draw President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia into talks on Ukraine and a new relationship with the United States.” After the invasion of Ukraine, the Joe Biden administration announced a multi-pronged warfare policy to degrade Russia, including arming Ukraine, sanctions, cyber attacks, and seizing Russian assets. Since returning to office, President Trump has prioritized improving ties with Russia and ending the war in Ukraine. US and Russian officials have agreed to normalize ties and work toward ending the conflict in Ukraine. The scope of the order is unclear, but it will not apply to the National Security Agency or intelligence collection. Hegseth issued the order before President Zelensky’s heated exchange with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office on Friday. Following the meeting, Trump considered cutting all military aid to Ukraine.
by Kyle Anzalone
The 55 Undeclared Ingredients: What’s In The Covid Injections?
A Deep Dive Into the Hidden Chemistry of Mass Vaccination
I’ve been in two minds about whether to publish this or not. To this day, and to the best of my knowledge, there is no official ingredients list of what was injected into the population. While we’ve talked endlessly about mRNA, lipid nanoparticles, and spike proteins, I’m beginning to think that all of this, although likely true, was another strategic constructed distraction. There’s a rule to my mind, perhaps even a law: if everyone is talking about something, it’s to prevent discussion of something else—something truer. There are always two stories, but it’s the third story that matters. The first two are designed to keep you from the third. Consider the Operation Lock Step narrative: The first story was the wet market with its bats and pangolins. The second story was/is the lab leak. Like two well-trained sheepdogs, these two narratives herded collective attention away from the third story: that there was no virus at all. The whole thing was a magical illusion. They’ve used the same strategy with the injections. The first story was “safe and effective,” the second was spike protein (with some rightly discussing transfection), but both of these keep everyone away from the third story—what is actually and exactly in these injections?
by Unbekoming
Decentralized Systems vs. Globalist Control
Global Shift in Power – Sovereignty & Local Governance – Resistance to Centralized Control
This is about a future with two divergent timelines; one where the globalist structures fall and decentralized systems rise, and the other where globalist control intensifies into an dystopian nightmare. I will explore the potential probabilities of the first one, where sovereignty returns to the people and decentralized systems rise up! Growing movements worldwide advocate for decentralized governance, regional autonomy, decentralized currencies (crypto), and community-driven initiatives, reflecting dissatisfaction with centralized power. Decentralized tech (blockchain, peer-to-peer networks) and grassroots movements, fueled by economic crises and corruption, will challenge centralized governance. Disruptions like AI and decentralized internet infrastructure will further this shift, despite resistance from global entities. Key events to watch include resistance to globalism, economic instability (inflation/hyperinflation), societal unrest, and declining trust in global institutions, all amplifying calls for decentralization. Blockchain technologies can enable fully decentralized governance and finance, fostering greater citizen participation, transparency, and direct democracy without centralized systems. As blockchain evolves, it could drive decentralized economic and political structures, particularly in countries with weak or corrupt systems. Key events to watch include legal advancements in cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance (DeFi), and blockchain solutions for governance and voting, along with potential government crackdowns and tech community pushback.
by Talknet
Israeli Army’s 7 Oct Probe Further Confirms Implementation Of Hannibal Directive
Israeli choppers fired over 11,000 shells on ‘anything that moved’ near the Gaza separation wall on 7 October 2023
A top-level internal probe of the Israeli army’s failures on 7 October 2023 has reaffirmed that the air force was ordered to carry out the Hannibal Directive a few hours after the Palestinian resistance in Gaza launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. The Hannibal Directive is a long-standing Israeli military protocol aimed at preventing the capture of Israeli hostages, even at the risk of their lives. According to the report, at around 10:30 am, the air force began firing on “anything that moved” near the Gaza border. At the same time, Israeli pilots were tasked with carrying out the previously undisclosed ‘Sword of Damocles’ operation, which focused “on striking Hamas targets inside Gaza.” By the end of the day, the air force carried out 945 attacks on the Gaza envelope, with helicopters firing 11,000 shells on both Hamas fighters and Israeli settlers and soldiers. According to Israeli media, air force commanders have “questioned” whether the “Sword of Damocles” operation misused resources that could have helped mount a better defense of the Gaza border on 7 October. Other findings from the probe indicated that “denial by commanders that they had been beaten” along with “utter chaos at IDF headquarters” contributed to the slow response from Tel Aviv to the daring Palestinian attack.
by News Desk
March 3, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
The Quantum Apocalypse Is Here (31:54)
by The Why Files
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Quote Of The Day
“None are so hopelessly enslaved,
as those who falsely believe they are free.
The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds
by masters who rule them with lies.
They feed them on falsehoods
till wrong looks like right in their eyes.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Book Of The Day
Churchill, Hitler And The Unnecessary War
A carefully researched and persuasive debunking of the widely-accepted “official” story of the origins of World War II, by one of America’s most astute and influential public affairs commentators. In this masterful and provocative book, Buchanan draws on the work of more than a hundred historians to trace the fateful failures of judgment that consigned millions to decades of subjugation under Soviet Communist tyranny, and ended Europe’s central role in world affairs. This is also an important dissident treatment of the origins and consequences of the First and Second World wars, and a devastating critique of the “cult” image of Winston Churchill. Buchanan concludes with timely warnings about US foreign policy today. With 36 photos, source references, bibliography and index.
by Patrick J. Buchanan
Music Of The Day
On March 3, 1972, Elton John released “Rocket Man,”
co-written with lyricist Bernie Taupin,
which became one of his best-loved songs.
A taster of his album Honky Château,
it rose to No.2 on the UK Singles Chart
and No.6 on the US Billboard Hot 100.
Elton John Website
Rocket Man (4:42) (1972) (159,000,000 views)
Honky Château (Album)
Website Of The Day
Normal Island News
The UK’s second most reliable news source after Gbeebies. Parody/satire x
Normal Island News has over 25,000 readers, making it even more popular than the UK Conservative Party which has four members. Although NIN has a huge readership, it has sadly failed to turn you all into massive Tories and will strive to do better going forwards.
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Israel Has Decided To Starve Civilians Again Because It’s Bored Of The Ceasefire
Who cares about those hostages anyway?
Benjamin Netanyahu has refused to move to phase two of the Gaza ceasefire and condemned Hamas for refusing to remain in phase one indefinitely. I’m not sure Hamas understands how phases are supposed to work… Israel was supposed to get everything it wanted during phase one so it could return to bloodshed without making firmer commitments. Israel had already returned to bloodshed, but you know what I mean, even more bloodshed… Israel had been refusing to release hostages after Hamas had released hostages, so we’ve put that detail into the memory hole because it made Israel look bad. We are now absolutely livid that Hamas is no longer releasing hostages because Israel would never do this. As a result of Hamas refusing to release hostages unless Israel honours its ceasefire commitments, Israel has decided Hamas has broken the agreement. It is therefore using the opportunity to collectively punish innocent Palestinians. Israel is refusing to allow essential supplies into Gaza so that civilians are more likely to starve to death. Please don’t mention that food is not a generous gift and it’s illegal to use essentials as bargaining chips in negotiations. Sir Keir Starmer has explained Israel has every right to withhold food from civilians. He proudly likened the starvation policy to his decision to cut foreign aid to increase the bomb budget.
by Laura and Normal Island News
Gaza: How To Survive A Genocidal Warzone (59:45)
by Censorious BBC
Pro-Israel Think Tank WINEP Outed As “Dark Money” Operation Driving US Wars
The AIPAC-aligned Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), which often refers to itself simply as The Washington Institute, was recently outed as a “dark money” think tank for its lack of transparency on donors and is continuing to push the United States to engage in conflicts overseas to Israel’s benefit. Its case raises questions about how the Israel Lobby functions through think tanks across the board, shaping U.S. foreign policy behind closed doors. WINEP has a long history of shaping U.S. foreign policy. It was deeply involved in the neoconservative push for regime change in Iraq, joining calls for the Clinton administration to topple Saddam Hussein as early as 1998. They also pushed for U.S. military intervention and helped justify the eventual invasion in 2003. At the beginning of the year, the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft unveiled the “Think Tank Funding Tracker,” a one-of-a-kind project that examined the funding sources of the top 50 U.S. think tanks since 2019 and rated their transparency from 0 to 5. WINEP and 16 others—including the neoconservative Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD)—received a zero transparency rating, exposing its reliance on “dark money” contributions. While WINEP claims “to be funded exclusively by U.S. citizens” on its website, it does not publicly disclose its donor list. Its AIPAC roots were first exposed in 2006 by Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer in “The London Review of Books,” where they described WINEP as an AIPAC cutout advancing Israel’s agenda under the guise of independent research. The pair wrote at the time that “The Lobby created its own think tank in 1985, when Martin Indyk helped found WINEP. Although WINEP plays down its links to Israel and claims instead that it provides a “balanced and realistic” perspective on Middle East issues, this is not the case. In fact, WINEP is funded and run by individuals who are deeply committed to advancing Israel’s agenda.”
by Robert Inlakesh
Trump Takes On The ‘Collective West’
The dramatic scene in the Oval Office on Friday evening signals that President Donald Trump is decoupling the US from the ‘forever war’ in Ukraine that his predecessor Joe Biden left behind. The war is poised to end with a whimper, but its ‘butterfly effect’ on our incredibly complex, deeply interconnected world will define European and international security for decades to come. The western media which is hostile toward Trump, have seized the opportunity to caricature him as an impulsive figure in a role reversal with Zelenskyy. In reality, though, Trump has been literally driven to this point by the Biden administration. The highly charged emotional reaction by the European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen commiserating with President Zelensky speaks for itself: “Your dignity honours the bravery of the Ukrainian people. Be strong, be brave, be fearless. You are never alone, dear President.” Trump’s refusal to give Von der Leyen an appointment may partly explain her fury as a woman scorned. Truly, the ‘Collective West’ find themselves at a crossroads and do not know which road to take. Without US air cover and satellite inputs, western troop deployment in Ukraine will be impossible. Even French Emmanuel Macron would agree that his troops will be put through a meat grinder.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar
Zelensky’s Rebuttal
Mr. President, I have been America’s puppet since your government ran a successful coup in Ukraine in 2014. To clarify, I’ve already worked out a deal with your government officials at the highest levels to be a “thorn in the side” of Russia while wiping out many in my own country through a war of attrition. I willingly admit that I sold out the Ukrainian people so me and my family could live the high life. And now the corporate vultures await the outcome. But can you not say the same of yourself in regards to your own country, Mr. President? Are we not both servants of the same masters? All of your billions lost to endless wars of aggression and your only solution is to throw more of your own people into the street? I see now that you have lied to me and will hand me over to my enemies after this war ends; a war orchestrated and financed by your own government. But tell me, Mr. President. How long will it be until you too are betrayed by the same Khazarian mafia that now betrays me?
by FreeFall
The Genocide In Gaza Is A Rehearsal For The Rest Of The Globe (1:17)
When parents had to collect their children flesh in rice bags to bury them.
At this point there should have been mercy and an outcry from the world.
Israel Blocks Aid To Gaza, Escalates Violence As First Phase Of Ceasefire Expires
Hamas has rejected US envoy Steve Witkoff’s proposal to extend phase one of the ceasefire, and is demanding a return to what was initially agreed upon
“Once again, the government is acting without a plan, without a vision. We can only hope things turn out okay—because that seems to be the extent of their planning.” Phase one of the Gaza ceasefire was due to end on Saturday. Israel has been pushing for the extension in recent days and has continuously delayed the start of negotiations for the second phase, violating the original ceasefire agreement. “The statement issued by the office of the terrorist occupation Prime Minister Netanyahu, regarding his approval of American proposals to extend the first phase of the agreement under arrangements that violate the ceasefire agreement in Gaza is a blatant attempt to evade the agreement and avoid entering negotiations for its second phase,” Hamas said in a statement. “Netanyahu’s decision to halt humanitarian aid is a form of blackmail, a war crime, and a blatant violation of the agreement,” it went on to say. Since the morning of 2 March, Israeli attacks on Gaza have killed at least four Palestinians. Israel has been violating the ceasefire daily since it was reached in January, carrying out deadly attacks and consistently holding up the entry of aid and essentials into Gaza.
by News Desk
Americans Divided On How They See Russia – Poll
Partisan and generational divides shape US public opinion on Russia and Ukraine, a CBS News/YouGov poll shows
Americans are sharply divided over their perceptions of Russia, with a third of them claiming it is an ally, a CBS News/YouGov survey published on Sunday suggests. A poll conducted between February 26 and 28 found that 34% of Americans consider Russia an ally or a friendly nation, while 32% view it as unfriendly and another 34% see it as an enemy. Republican respondents were more likely to hold a favorable opinion, with 41% describing Russia as friendly or an ally, compared to fewer Democrats. It also showed that while 52% support Ukraine, 44% maintain a neutral stance, and only 4% side with Russia. Opinions on US President Donald Trump’s position are similarly split: just 11% believe he supports Kiev, whereas 46% think he favors Moscow. Another 43% say Trump treats both countries equally. Back in March 2024, a different CBS News survey showed 37% of Americans believed that Russia was their country’s enemy, while 3% of respondents claimed it is an ally. After the Russia-Ukraine conflict escalated in 2022, CBS News found increased pressure on Russia, with 78% supporting economic sanctions and another 72% encouraging the US to send supplies and weapons to Kiev.
by RT
Trump Bypasses Congress With Executive Order To Send $3 Billion In Bombs And Weapons To Israel To Expand War In West Bank
Once again, President Trump showed that he is ruling the U.S. like a king instead of an elected representative of the people, as he issued another “emergency” executive order and bypassed Congress to send $3 billion in weapons to Israel, as Israel expands their operation into the West Bank, where Palestinians are being attacked and murdered by Jewish settlers that can only be compared to the Nazi groups in the southern U.S. in years past, where Ku Klux Klan members attacked and brutally murdered blacks in one of the darkest eras of American history. While the corporate media is mainly reporting on what is going on in Gaza, Palestinians are being killed and driven from their homes throughout the West Bank, an area that is NOT controlled by Hamas. Please invest a few minutes of your time to view on-the-ground reports of what is happening in Israel from a non-Western and non-Zionist perspective. As the late great Paul Harvey used to say: “And now, the rest of the story…..”
by Brian Shilhavy
The Zionist ‘Loot Unit’ Strips Gaza, South Lebanon And Syria Of Weapons And Valuables
As if genocide is not enough, the Zionist piracy is incorporated into the military
A recent article published in Hebrew in Ynet has outlined the mass theft carried out by the Zionist ‘loot unit” that has stripped Gaza, Lebanon and Syria of their assets during their genocidal land-grab campaigns that began post 7th October 2023. According to the article – silver boxes worth more than NIS 100 million ( USD 28 million) were stolen alongside cash, gold bullion and jewellery from homes in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria. Tens of thousands of weapons and artillery units were stolen from southern Lebanon, Gaza and Lebanon, including Soviet era tanks, French and German weapons from the world wars, air-defence systems, missile launchers and missiles. Enough weapons to form a “small army” according to Ynet. Not only did the IOF detonate entire residential sectors in Gaza and south Lebanon, they stripped neighbourhoods of any valuables residue that the displaced Gazans were unable to take with them, fleeing under bombing, sniping and drone attacks, their homes reduced to rubble as they fled. The Hebrew news outlet stated that Israeli commandos were given dozens of clandestine missions in southern Lebanon to locate and seize caches of weapons and ammunition allegedly to be used by Hezbollah’s elite Radwan force for an invasion of the Galilee in northern occupied Palestine on the border with Lebanon. The Loot Unit comprises a force of 500, the majority reserves, under the command of the Zionist military central supply centre in the Technology and Logistics Division. However, it is estimated that 2400 Zionist soldiers assisted in the looting operations that stripped assets from Palestine, Lebanon and Syria (since the international coup that finally toppled the Syrian government and leadership).
by Vanessa Beeley
Abortion Pill Active Chemicals Found In US Drinking Water: Study (13:13)
by Romman Balmakov
Nobody Bothered To Tell You Israel Has Started A War Against Syria’s “Liberators” (Text and Video)
HTS’ liberation of Syria is going extremely well…
The corporate media hasn’t bothered telling you that Israel is at war with Syria. This probably has something to do with the fact they spent weeks insisting Syria had, in fact, been “liberated”. Media outlets did puff pieces on Al Golani while he was on the US most wanted list with a $10 million price on his head. They dressed him up like Zelensky and humanised him in a way they don’t for kids in Gaza. The narrative was that Al Qaida and ISIS are woke now and have saved Syria from Assad. Anyone who disagreed with this narrative was obviously an Assadist who loved siding with dictators. The empire had pushed this narrative since rebranding Al Qaida and ISIS to HTS, providing terrorists with training and equipment, and fuelling the Syrian war while placing the blame entirely on Assad. It’s safe to say this intervention has gone as well as the ones in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. The liberation of Syria went so well that HTS started kidnapping female academics, chopping their fingers off and torturing them to death. HTS is now only allowing women to go out with a male guardian, having established a morality police force. By attacking Syria, Israel has violated the 1974 Disengagement Agreement after claiming without basis that it had “collapsed”. This is despite Syria’s interim president saying his government would respect the agreement. Israel’s violation of the agreement has been condemned by the United Nations, but Israel doesn’t care about international law.
by Ricky Hale and Council Estate Media
The Press Falls To Another Record Low In Public Trust
We have previously discussed polling showing the media at record lows in public trust. Well, the latest survey from Gallup shows that the media hit another all-time low. What is most impressive is that plummeting readers, revenues, and layoffs have done little to convince the mainstream media that the problem is not the public but themselves. The only institution with a lower level of public trust is Congress, and that says a lot. It is like beating Ebola as the preferred communicable disease.Some 69 percent of Americans now say that they have no or little trust in the media. Only 31 percent say that they have a great deal or fair amount of trust. The trending line looks like the sales of buggy whips after the introduction of the Model T Ford. Gallop put it into sharp terms: “About two-thirds of Americans in the 1970s trusted the “mass media — such as newspapers, TV and radio” either “a great deal” or “a fair amount” to “[report] the news fully, accurately and fairly.” By the next measurement in 1997, confidence had fallen to 53%, and it has gradually trended downward since 2003. Americans are now divided into rough thirds, with 31% trusting the media a great deal or a fair amount, 33% saying they do “not [trust it] very much,” and 36%, up from 6% in 1972, saying they have no trust at all in it.” In my book, The Indispensable Right, I discuss how journalists and journalism schools have destroyed their own profession by rejecting objectivity and engaging in open advocacy journalism. The mainstream media has long echoed the talking points of the left and the Democratic Party, particularly in its one-sided coverage of the last three elections.
by Jonathan Turley
Dark Money: Shadow Government Rules Via Global NGO’s
Arabella Advisors
Netanyahu is thinking now would be a good time to sever ties with the EU and become Russia’s newest ally despite the friendship between the two having soured just a few years ago. Mike Walz has stated the obvious – ‘Zelenskky must go”. And the EU is putting on smiley faces for photo-ops as the powerhouse 13 who forgot to invite the Baltic States to participate are melting is busily creating ‘events’ or protests across America to disrupt the Trump Administration. And blue cities will become the next target for riots as usual. All because Herr Soros says so. He needs to see the obliteration of Earth before he dies. End Goal. Despite MoveOn claiming the vast majority of their funding is from individual donors, the two largest donors are Tides Advocacy a Soros project, and Sixteen Thirty Funds (managed by Arabella Advisors, LLC) whose largest donors are Soros and Omidyar. Two outlier names to the Dark Money Progressive funding include; Swiss billionaire, Hansjorg Weis who has been donating to democrat PAC’s for decades despite not being an American citizen, having no green card, and living in Wyoming. This would violate the Logan Act as he is a foreign agent for Switzerland. Nick Hanauer, a secular billionaire jew who has professed his life to progressivism.
by Helena Glass
Israel – Not So Cool Facts: Every American Should Know (Text and Video)
For some reason we can’t find this post Online anywhere? Under our name or under it’s posted title. It was ranking near the top of the listing at number 2 or 3 spot. Hmm. Maybe it will show up later In the mean time, here is a re-post. It’s quite a good posting, actually.
Israel Hebrew website says that the total annual profits garnered from white slavery in Israel have reached the US $1 Billion Dollar mark. (2005) 10,000 Eastern European and Russian girls are lured to Israel each year and enslaved as prostitutes. Over the past decade, about 100,000 women have been trafficked into Israel in what Keidar calls “modern slavery”. Leviticus 25:44-46 (New American Standard Bible) 44 – As for your male and female slaves whom you may have—you may acquire male and female slaves from the pagan nations that are around you. 46 – You may even bequeath them to your sons after you, to receive as a possession; you can use them as permanent slaves. But in respect to your [b]countrymen, the sons of Israel, you shall not rule with severity over one another. Slavery is Legal to the Jewish People. A right granted to them by GOD And they take their Religion very seriously! If you Google: World White Slave Trade Centered In Israel = About 13,600,000 results; If you Google: Jews and the white slave trade = About 7,030,000 results; If you Google: Jews and the black slave trade = About 9,100,000 results. These people are Professional Slavers, and they have been doing it a long time. And it doesn’t matter if you are black or white. They are Equal Opportunity Slavers The only reason you don’t know about it, is because they control all mass media. Time to wake up.
by True Democracy Party
Conspiracy: Luther Martin’s Anti-Federalist Warnings About Centralization (33:21)
by Tenth Amendment Center
45 Years Ago Today: McEnroe’s Meteoric Rise To World No. 1
American prodigy first earned No. 1 honours on March 3, 1980
Just 22 months after winning the 1978 NCAA singles title while competing for Stanford University, John McEnroe ascended to the top of the tennis world. A player’s journey from college tennis to the sport’s biggest stages can take years — if it happens at all. But for McEnroe, the rise was meteoric. He found quick success at the pro level, becoming the fifth player to reach No. 1 in the PIF ATP Rankings on 3 March 1980. The fiery left-hander defeated rival Jimmy Connors in the Memphis final to leapfrog Bjorn Borg for the top spot. In historic fashion, McEnroe became the sport’s first dual No. 1, having been at the top of the doubles game for 49 weeks since 23 April 1979. “To look and go, ‘Oh my God, there’s not one person above me is not something when I was growing up that I was expecting to happen,” said McEnroe. “It was quite surprising to look at my name and below it be like Bjorn Borg and Jimmy Connors.” McEnroe’s ascent to the pinnacle of tennis came following a standout 1979 season in which he won 10 singles titles and 17 doubles crowns that year — an Open Era record. McEnroe boasted a 98-12 singles record that season, including titles at the Dallas WCT Finals and the US Open, his first Slam singles trophy. The lefty reached the summit of men’s professional tennis on a record 14 different occasions until 8 September 1985. His fourth period at No. 1 — from 3 August 1981 to 12 September 1982 — was his longest at 58 weeks. McEnroe is seventh on the list of most weeks at No. 1 with 170 weeks.
by ATP Staff
The Local System Builds Community, The Global System Destroys It
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Ray Dalio, author and CEO of the hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, was recently interviewed by Tucker Carlson. Dalio addressed many topics, but his comments on the irreplaceable value of community are what stood out to me. Dalio noted that power and wealth have zero correlation with happiness beyond our basic material needs. The highest determinant of happiness is community, and those nations with strong communities consistently score higher in their populace’s happiness, regardless of their GDP, which reflects the size of the economy and its financial wealth. What kind of system builds, strengthens and maintains community, and what kind of system erodes community? I often discuss the essential role of community in terms of self-reliance, agency, stability, security and physical / mental health–what we might summarize as the foundations of happiness / life satisfaction. I also often note that the quality of our lives depends largely on our local community and governance, as all the distant events and machinations that dominate the “news” and social media typically have little real-world influence over our day-to-day lives. Let’s start by sketching out what kind of system builds community, and what kind of system erodes and ultimately destroys it.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Euro-Med Monitor Documents ‘Shocking’ Crimes, Torture Against Palestinian Prisoners
An independent Geneva-based human rights organization says the tragic and shocking health condition of the Palestinian prisoners recently freed under the multistage ceasefire agreement with Hamas shows the Tel Aviv regime’s “ongoing use of torture to terrorize and persecute” them.
The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said in a statement on Thursday that the traces of torture were evident on the prisoners’ frail bodies, reflecting the extent of the systematic crimes and inhumane treatment they endured, which exceeded all moral and legal boundaries. “All evidence indicates that Israel continues to use torture as a weapon to intimidate and persecute prisoners and detainees and to break their will until the last moments of their detention,” the organization said. The Switzerland-based group noted that its field team documented serious injuries among the prisoners and detainees, including amputations and severe swelling resulting from torture, in addition to extreme weakness and fatigue. It added that the released prisoners revealed that they had been subjected to brutal beatings, abuse, and continuous threats right up to the last moments before their release, despite the lack of any specific charges against the majority of them.
by PressTV
March 2, 2025, 10 Posts Published And Archived
Gaza: How To Survive A Genocidal Warzone (59:45)
by Censorious BBC
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Quote Of The Day
“Ye have not chosen me,
but I have chosen you, and ordained you,
that ye should go and bring forth fruit,
and that your fruit should remain:
that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name,
he may give it you.
These things I command you,
that ye love one another.”
John 15:16-17, King James Version
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Holocaust Revisionism Archive With 152 Posts
James Edwards And Pat Buchanan Discuss Churchill, Hitler, And The Unnecessary War
What follows is an edited transcript of an interview conducted by talk radio host James Edwards with Patrick J. Buchanan several years ago about Pat’s book Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World. This transcript has never before appeared online and is being published now due to the recent interest generated by a Tucker Carlson podcast with historian Darryl Cooper in which similar, politically incorrect opinions about history were discussed.
James Edwards: Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War might be your most provocative book. What compelled you to write it?
Patrick J. Buchanan: There were several things. First, it is a phenomenal story. What happened to the Western nation that ruled the entire world in 1914? Thirty years later, all of Europe was in ashes or aflame. Communists had half of Europe, and all the great Western empires had been destroyed. I went back to try and locate the historic blunders that were made, and I think we located eight of them. Secondly, it’s a cautionary tale for the United States. The arrogance and hubris you see of these monarchs and all their retainers just before World War I, we see emulated and copied today, frankly, by some folks in post-Cold War America. So, it was to try and tell a cautionary tale to prevent what happened to Great Britain and the British Empire from happening to us.
Edwards: What are the parallels between the United Kingdom during the years between the world wars and the United States today?
Buchanan: One of the greatest is the British decision to alienate friends like Japan, which had been an old ally in World War I. The Brits broke the treaty with them at the demand of the United States for no good reason whatsoever. Japan was driven into isolation, anger, and rage, and eventually returned to her imperial policy and collided with Great Britain. Even Benito Mussolini, who loathed Adolf Hitler, was driven into Hitler’s arms by the British/French decision to sanction them over a colonial war in Ethiopia. That was a mistake. Finally, there is this war guarantee that the British gave to Poland, unsolicited, even though Poland had participated in the rape of Czechoslovakia – at least the regime had. You see all these decisions replicated with the United States handing out war guarantees in this century to the Baltic republics and Ukraine and elsewhere. I see the same pattern repeating itself again and again. I believe the gentleman who said that people do not learn from history was right.
by James Edwards
I’m As Mad As Hell And I’m Not Going To Take This Anymore (3:49)
30 Studies Prove Unvaxxed Kids Healthier Than Vaxxed Kids
Summary of 30 Studies listed below: Vaxxed children have higher rates of neurodevelopmental disorders and learning disabilities. Studies show vaccines cause immune system dysregulation, by triggering autoimmune/inflammatory conditions, attributed to adjuvants/vaxx ingredients. Vaxxed kids have higher rates of chronic conditions: Autoimmune diseases (e.g., Type 1 diabetes, juvenile arthritis) Allergies/inflamation diseases (e.g., asthma, eczema, food allergies); Neurological disorders (e.g., ADHD; autism spectrum disorders, epilepsy); Gastrointestinal issues and Cancers (such as leukemia and lymphoma).
by Talknet
ACH (2539) I’m Talking To You #198 – Saturday March 1st 2025 – The Crystal Methodist (46:03)
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Nurturing The Sacred Bond: Building Strong Marriages In A Pro Abundant Life
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. ~ Genesis 2:24
Pro Abundant Life believes in building marriages. In the busyness of life, the foundation of a strong marriage can get lost. Yet, the wisdom of Genesis 2:24 reminds us of the sacred bond of marriage. It speaks to the profound unity when two individuals commit themselves to each other. As we delve into what it means to build strong marriages, reflect on this verse to see the beauty and strength found in marital unity. The benefits of a strong marriage are clear. They include better physical health, emotional stability, and financial security. These benefits also serve as a testament to God’s design for relationships. A strong marriage is not just about a piece of paper; it’s about sacrifice and commitment between two people that point a watching world to God Himself. John and Lisa were facing job loss and financial strain. They were at a crossroads. Instead of letting these trials drive them apart, they sought help and guidance. Through counseling at a pregnancy center, they learned communication techniques, discovered the importance of quality time together, and prioritized their relationship. In the middle of adversity, their love grew stronger, and their marriage flourished. “Marriage, in its truest sense, is a partnership of equals, with neither exercising dominion over the other, but both seeking to serve and enrich each other’s lives. It is a profound mystery, reflecting the sacrificial love of Christ for His church,” wrote Tim Keller. Building a strong marriage involves intentional effort and investment. It takes communication. You take time to listen to each other’s thoughts and feelings.
by Ryan Sander
Doctors Killed My Daughter: In-Studio Exclusive Interview With Scott Schara (1:06:45)
Scott Schara, Whistleblower and Father of young Grace who was murdered by the hospital blows the whistle on the sinister medical murder agenda in America!
by Stew Peters
Scientists Match Earth’s Ice Age Cycles With Orbital Shifts
Beginning around 2.5 million years ago, Earth entered an era marked by successive ice ages and interglacial periods, emerging from the last glaciation around 11,700 years ago. A new analysis suggests the onset of the next ice age could be expected in 10,000 years’ time. The findings are published in the journal Science. An international team, including researchers from UC Santa Barbara, made their prediction based on a new interpretation of the small changes in Earth’s orbit of the sun, which lead to massive shifts in the planet’s climate over periods of thousands of years. The study tracks the natural cycles of the planet’s climate over a period of a million years. Their findings offer new insights into Earth’s dynamic climate system and represent a step-change in understanding the planet’s glacial cycles. The team examined a million-year record of climate change, which documents changes in the size of land-based ice sheets across the Northern hemisphere together with the temperature of the deep ocean. They were able to match these changes with small cyclical variations in the shape of Earth’s orbit of the sun, its wobble, and the angle at which its axis is tilted. “We found a predictable pattern over the past million years for the timing of when Earth’s climate changes between glacial ‘ice ages’ and mild warm periods like today, called interglacials,” said co-author Lorraine Lisiecki, a professor in UCSB’s Earth Science Department. One type of change in Earth’s orbit was responsible for the end of ice ages, while another was associated with their return.
by University of California at Santa Barbara
March 1, 2025, 25 Posts Published And Archived
Conspiracy: Luther Martin’s Anti-Federalist Warnings About Centralization (33:21)
by Tenth Amendment Center
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Quote Of The Day
“The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t.
You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything.
They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations.
They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls.
They got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies,
so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear…
They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying. Lobbying to get what they want.
Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else…
It’s called the American Dream, ’cause you have to be asleep to believe it.”
George Carlin
The American Dream (3:14)
by George Carlin
Website Of The Day
George Carlin
George Carlin began his professional career in radio (KJOE, Shreveport, LA) in July, 1956 at the age of 19 while serving in the USAF. Following KJOE, he landed at WEZE in Boston. That job lasted three months (1959). The turning point for Carlin came in Fort Worth, Texas (1959) on KXOL. Together with newsman Jack Burns, he started developing comedy routines for an eventual nightclub act. In 1960 on KDAY, Hollywood, Carlin worked with Burns as the Wright Bros., morning DJ’s for three months. They both quit radio in June 1960 to work nightclubs as “Burns and Carlin.” Burns and Carlin stayed together two years, playing leading clubs, getting good press exposure, and making a first appearance on The Tonight Show with Jack Paar. They also recorded an album, Burns & Carlin at the Playboy Club Tonight, on Era Records.
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Slash The Fat
Nine US Government Agencies To Cut By 50%
As we have indicated, the 16 agencies slated for elimination do comprise a kind of Litmus Test of fiscal resolve. If these Federal bureaucrats and agencies can’t be eliminated, the prospect for reining in America’s unfolding fiscal calamity is dim indeed. Yet the 71,000 headcount reductions and $11 billion of savings constitute hardly a nick out of the Federal payroll. In fact, on a government-wide basis including the uniformed forces, the total payroll numbers nearly 3.83 million civilian and military employees and costs nearly $600 billion per year. So the agency reductions outlined so far amount to just 1.8% of the total. For this reason, we have identified a second layer of nine agencies where we believe the headcount could be cut by 50% and existing missions sharply curtailed. This would result in a further Federal staff reduction of 93,000 jobs and nearly $15 billion in direct compensation cost savings. Agencies DOGE Should Target For 50% Staff Reductions: SEC: 2,250 staff and savings of $360 million. FCC: 750 staff and savings of $120 million. Federal Aviation Administration: 22,500 staff and savings of $3.6 billion. IRS: 41,500 staff and savings of $6.64 billion. National Labor Relations Board: 800 staff and savings of $130 million. Office of Personnel Management: 1,340 staff and savings of $214 million. Environmental Protection Agency: 8,500 staff and savings of $1.36 billion. NASA: 9,000 staff and savings of $1.44 billion. General Services Administration: 6,360 staff and savings of $1.02 billion. Total, nine agencies cut by 50%: 93,000 staff and savings of $14.9 billion.
by David Stockman
The Epstein Files Release Is A Huge Disappointment (45:10)
by Nicholas J. Fuentes
In Science We Trust
I feel constrained to continue the theme of what I wrote in this column last week. Most Americans are not paying attention (there’s nothing new about that, of course), but this is especially true of political conservatives and religious evangelicals. But the impending introduction of Elon Musk’s technocratic-dominated governmental system being launched under Donald Trump is more dangerous than almost any of us realize. I am going to refer often to a fascinating treatise—with the title that I borrowed for this column—written by Ira Basen in 2021. He begins: On October 13, 1940, a Regina chiropractor named Joshua Haldeman appeared in city court to face two charges under the Defence of Canada Act. His alleged offence was belonging to Technocracy Incorporated, an organization that had been banned by the Canadian government several months earlier as part of a larger sweep of groups it considered subversive to the war effort. Technocracy Incorporated was not a political movement – in fact, politicians or members of political parties were not allowed to join. It was founded in New York City in 1933 as an educational and research organization promoting a radical restructuring of political, social and economic life in Canada and the United States, with science as its central operating principle. There would be no countries called Canada or the United States, either – just one giant continental land mass called the Technate, a techno-utopia run by engineers and other “experts” in their fields. In the Technate, everyone would be well-housed and fed. All material needs would be taken care of, whether you had a job or not. As I pointed out last week, Trump’s vision of a unified United States, Canada and Greenland is a near century-old plan of technocrats, which is being heavily promoted within Trump’s administration by the likes of Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. So, don’t dismiss what Trump is saying in this regard, because these billionaires are deadly serious; and there can be no debate that Donald Trump has filled his administration with more billionaires than any previous American president—and he is more inclined to give billionaires much more control of U.S. policies than any previous president.
by Chuck Baldwin
Three Years On… Russia’s Military Intervention In Ukraine Is Vindicated
Russia will continue its military campaign to eradicate the Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev.
This week marks the third anniversary of Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine, launched on February 24, 2022. Moscow has consistently explained the conflict in Ukraine to be a manifestation of a bigger geopolitical confrontation brought about by U.S. and NATO aggression using Ukraine as a proxy. That aggression was latent for decades going back to the end of the Second World War. Russia’s emerging military victory against a NeoNazi regime armed to the teeth by an array of Western enemies has not just defeated a nefarious proxy war. It is demolishing the charade of supposed Western moral authority. This is an epoch-making watershed. It is significant that this event comes at a time when U.S. and Western global power is failing and flailing, and a new multipolar order is evolving, one where Russia’s international esteem and influence are increasing. The United States, its European allies and the Western corporate-controlled news media have tried to depict Ukraine as an innocent victim of “unprovoked Russian aggression”. Three years on, the Western narrative has collapsed in a pile of propaganda lies. The United States, under the new administration of President Donald Trump, has abandoned the erstwhile claims made against Russia. This week, the United States tabled a resolution at the United Nations Security Council which calls for peace in Ukraine and refrained from accusing Russia of aggression. As many as one million Ukrainian soldiers have been killed over the past three years on the battlefield. Russia has not disclosed how many of its troops have died. Some estimates put the death toll at around 100,000.
Editorial by Strategic Culture
Adolf Hitler Chapter 31 “The Captain Also Goes Down With This Ship” April 20-30, 1945 (1:39:22)
by John Toland
Epstein Cover-Up Marks The Launch Of The 2nd Revolutionary War – This Is A Spiritual Battle (Text and Videos)
Most may see it as an annoyance or a roadblock, but yesterday’s unimpressive release of Phase 1 of the Epstein Files represented a throwing down of the gauntlet that will impact us all.
The biggest lesson to be learned by this opening salvo on the Epstein cover-up is that the Deep State considers this to be a war. They’re not going to lay down their arms and simply accept that their people aren’t in charge anymore, which means they’re going to fight to save “their” nation. Of course, what they consider to be “their” nation is the United States under the Globalist Elite Cabal just as we consider our nation to be the United States under the Constitution and the Lord our God. I believe we’re really in the beginning of a second Revolutionary War. Two different groups believe the land, the laws, the resources, and the people of the United States belong to them. We are revolting against oppression. The Deep State is defending their control over us. This is far bigger than the release of the Epstein Files. It’s about uncovering the vast conspiracy that has plagued our nation for decades if not centuries. The Epstein Files are a single thread in the tapestry of the blanket of control they hold over us. Tugging at it will unravel much which is why the Deep State is fighting back so hard. Unfortunately, they have control over the information that we seek which means the only way to get to the truth is to come for it unexpectedly. With sufficient forewarning, they will destroy evidence, eliminate leaks, discredit potential whistleblowers, and initiate cover-up protocols that seem like the follies of fiction.
JD Rucker
by J.D. Rucker
In The Heart Of Donbass, Before US-Russia Meet In Riyadh
AVDEYEVKA – It’s a snowy noon in Avdeyevka this past Saturday – exactly one year and two days after the liberation of the now completely destroyed city, and I am talking to two survivors of the ordeal, Nadezhda and Elena, both in their 60s, exhibiting the willpower of giants, in their rebuilt apartments.
Avdeyevka was an avowedly impregnable fortress used by Ukrainians to shell Donetsk and environs non-stop. Much like Palestinians in Gaza, civilian victims in Donbass never existed in the collective West narrative of the war. Nadezhda painfully rememorates surviving as a hostage in a cramped basement with no water or electricity, just a small generator, and getting the essentials from Russian NGOs and soldiers. Showing black and white photos, Elena remembers the golden days of Avdeyevka as a company town, where around 40,000 workers were employed by the massive Avdeyeka Coke and Chemical Plant, built by the USSR in 1964, and providing essential coke for the nearby Mariupol Steel Works. What’s striking in Elena’s time travel is that she bears no grudges against Ukrainians or Russians – whose lethal clash progressively shattered her city. A former kindergarten teacher, with a soft voice and excellent articulation, she attributes it all to what could be construed as a toxic misunderstanding. To revisit Avdeyevka one year after the liberation is a tremendously emotional experience. Amidst the wasteland now called peace – reminding us of Tacitus – one can spot tiny glimpses of reconstruction: a few working shops, and plaques detailing which company from which Russian region is responsible for the rebuilding of whole apartment blocks.
by Pepe Escobar–1121584757.html
Trump Crushes Zelensky
America, shedding the dead skin of a broken empire, sits on its golden throne, and Trump is back in the White House, glowing, omnipotent, carnivorous. Zelensky, the tangled despot of the East, slithers in, eyes hollow, mouth a gaping wound that only money can fill. He reeks of defeat, desperation, the smell of burnt-out cities and NATO-funded body bags. The war has eaten him alive, but he still plays the game, still clings to the American teat like a starving infant. “If you didn’t have our military equipment,” Trump says, leaning back, fingers interlocked, “if you didn’t have our military equipment, this war would have been over in two weeks.” Smirking. Amused. A cat playing with a half-dead mouse, wondering if it’s even worth the kill. The truth, hard and cold, spills onto the carpet like spilled blood: Ukraine doesn’t matter. Ukraine is a pawn. America deals in interests, not charity. JD Vance, the golden boy of the Rust Belt, stands beside him, eyes like steel, mouth set in that grim way men have when they know they hold the bigger gun. “Peace,” he says, “is the only path forward.” Zelensky bristles — no, he snarls. Like a cornered hyena. He wants war, because without war, he is nothing. Without war, he fades into the trash heap of forgotten revolutionaries, another puppet left out in the rain. Trump lets him squirm. He loves it. “You’re gambling with World War Three,” he says, voice thick with knowing. This isn’t a game of ideals. This isn’t good versus evil. This is a numbers game, and Ukraine’s debt is mounting. No more blank checks. No more free weapons. No more bending over for a man who thinks he can lecture the master of the deal.
by Constantin von Hoffmeister
“Sovereign Wealth Fund”: The Great American Land Heist (20:48)
From the Bundy Ranch to sacred Apache sites, they’ve been clearing the land of ranchers, miners, loggers, and their property rights for years, all leading to this moment. When Trump, Lutnick and Treasury Secretary Bessent introduced their “Sovereign Wealth Fund” on Feb 3, Bessent said “we’re going to monetize the asset side of the U.S. balance sheet for the American people. We’re going to put these assets to work” While specifics are coming (within 100 days), Trump’s Interior Secretary Burgum said during confirmation hearings the USA “balance sheet” has $200 Trillion of natural assets.
The David Knight Show
Covid Response At Five Years: Introduction
his is the way the world ends,” T.S. Eliot wrote in 1925. “Not with a bang but a whimper.” Ninety-five years later, the pre-Covid world ended with a nationwide sigh of submission. Democrats remained silent as government mandates transferred trillions of dollars from the working class to tech oligarchs. Republicans dithered as states criminalized church attendance. Libertarians stood by as the nation shuttered the doors of small businesses. College students obediently forfeited their freedoms and moved into their parents’ basements, liberals accepted widespread surveillance campaigns, and conservatives greenlit the printing of 300 years’ worth of money in sixty days. With rare exception, March 2020 was a bipartisan, intergenerational capitulation to fear and hysteria. Those who dared to object to the freshly-mandated orthodoxy were subject to widespread contempt, derision, and censorship as the US Security State and a subservient media corps muzzled their protests. The most dominant forces in society used the opportunity to their advantage, pillaging the nation’s treasury and overthrowing law and tradition. Their campaign was devoid of the triumph of Yorktown, the bloodshed of Antietam, or the sacrifices of Omaha Beach. Without a single bullet, they overtook the republic, overturning the Bill of Rights in a quiet coup d’état.
by Brownstone Institute
Report Reveals Vast Loot Israeli Soldiers Took From Gaza, Lebanon And Syria
Looting was so widespread that soldiers joked their backs broke from carrying it, according to Israeli outlet Ynet
Boxes of cash valued at nearly $28 Million, gold bars, luxury jewellery and 183,000 pieces of weaponry. These are just a few of the items looted by Israeli soldiers from Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, according to a new report by Israeli outlet Ynet. The looting was so widespread that soldiers joked the items “broke their backs” from carrying them. Most of the looting has been conducted by and collected by special army units dedicated to “seizing” money and other property from “enemy” territory. But “independent” looting by soldiers has also been rampant. During the ongoing invasions of Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, soldiers have seized enough pieces of weaponry to form a small army, according to Ynet. This includes various missiles, drones, advanced anti-tank missiles, thousands of explosive charges, thousands of standard rifles (including new ones still in their packaging), sniper rifles, military communication devices, compasses, binoculars, night vision equipment, uniforms, boots, dozens of vehicles, and even collector’s treasures such as 1930s French rifles and rare, valuable pistols used by Hezbollah’s operatives. An Israeli officer referred to as A, who participated in the looting of southern Lebanon, said soldiers couldn’t use vehicles in some villages so they moved the stolen items on foot.
by MEE Staff
A Decade Of Dissent: Tide Turning, Fog Lifting (Text and Video)
In the latest part of my retrospective essay on ten years of The Acorn, which I edit, I look back on its content in 2021. The online document covering the entire decade can be found here. “The bad guys are winning” warned Peter Hotez on the Nature website in the USA in the spring of 2021. By this, the propagandist meant that citizens across the world were successfully seeing off the full tyranny that the global mafia had hoped to impose under cover of “Covid”. Hotez, the proud recipient of a B’nai B’rith “distinguished achievement award“, called for “a high-level counteroffensive” against the “peril” of people wising up to what was going on, describing those of us concerned about the Covid jab to be “new destructive forces” involved in “anti-science” and comparable to “global threats such as terrorism, cyber attacks and nuclear armament”! As The Acorn remarked: “A year after the start of the Covid crisis, the fault lines of major social conflict are becoming apparent. “On the one side, authorities are ramping up the repression as they seek to push us all permanently into their New Normal of techno-fascist global slavery. “On the other side, as the Great Reset agenda becomes more widely noticed and understood, resistance is growing, albeit largely under the radar of corporate media subservient to the dictatorship”. A big focus of that Acorn year was a series of massive demonstrations in London.
by Paul Cudenec
Adolf Hitler by John Toland (Audiobook and Book) And Dozens Of Related Resources
Pulitzer Prize-winning historian John Toland’s classic, definitive biography of Adolf Hitler first published January 1, 1976, remains the most thorough, readable, accessible, and, as much as possible, objective account of the life of a man whose effect on the world in the twentieth century will always be felt. Toland’s research provided one of the final opportunities for a historian to conduct personal interviews with over two hundred individuals intimately associated with Hitler. At a certain distance yet still with access to many of the people who enabled and who opposed the führer and his Third Reich, Toland strove to treat this life as if Hitler lived and died a hundred years before instead of within his own memory.”
The Pornographer Of The Year (7:36)
by DuckStreetStudios
The Holocaust In Gaza
Memo to Trump, MAGA and the Democrats: God loves Arab people, including the Arab Christians slaughtered by Counterfeit “Israel”
In the wake of the Israeli mass murder of more than 60,000 Palestinians, Trump has “threatened that he could cut aid to Jordan and Egypt if they refused his demand to permanently take in most Palestinians from Gaza, substantially increasing the pressure on key allies in the region to back his audacious proposal to relocate the entire population of the territory in order to redevelop it…Jordan and Egypt, both major recipients of U.S. military and economic aid, have rejected any suggestion that Palestinians be relocated to their countries. “In an interview with Fox News, Mr. Trump said he did not envision Palestinians who left Gaza to make way for the redevelopment plan, ever returning. Asked in the interview whether the Palestinians would eventually ‘have the right to return’ to Gaza after his proposed construction projects had been completed, the president said, “No, they wouldn’t.’ “Once moved out,’ he said, Palestinians…would not need to return (to the ancestral lands they hold sacred —Ed). “Trump has repeatedly returned to the idea, saying that other nations in the region would pay for it and that he believed it was feasible to move Gaza’s population elsewhere.” ~ New York Times, February 10, 2025.
by Michael Hoffman
Corona Cross-Reactivity
Let’s be specific.
According to the mainstream narrative, “antibodies” are proteins that react to antigens—substances identified as foreign, such as toxins, proteins, peptides, or polysaccharides. The prevailing pseudoscientific hypothesis claims that each “antibody” binds to a specific antigen, like a lock and key. In the case of “SARS-COV-2,” “antibodies” said to be specific to the spike protein are believed to form either after “infection” with the “virus” or through vaccination, which allegedly programs the body to produce the spike protein via mRNA instructions. Once enough “antibodies” accumulate, they are said to be detectable through “antibody” tests. However, detection is claimed to occur only after an “infection” has run its course, since the body is thought to take time to generate an “antibody” response. Unlike HIV, where “antibody” tests supposedly indicate an active “infection,” we are told that “Covid antibody” tests (and those for other “viruses”) serve only to determine past exposure and assess whether an individual has developed some degree of “immunity.” “Antibody tests should not be used to diagnose a current infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. An antibody test may not show if you have a current infection, because it can take 1 to 3 weeks after the infection for your body to make antibodies.” In order for “antibody” test results to have any sort of meaing, specificity—refering to an “antibody’s” ability to recognize and bind exclusively to a single, unique antigen—is absolutely essential. Many assume these tests are highly accurate and specific, but the reality is far more complicated. While marketed as detecting specific “antibodies,” cross-reactivity—where “antibodies” bind to unintended antigens—is a well-documented issue. This undermines claims of specificity, making test results questionable at best. Although such limitations are rarely emphasized, even the CDC acknowledges them in its own reports.
by Mike Stone
Three Ways To Restore Housing Affordability
The choice is simple: housing is either shelter for citizens, or it’s just another interchangeable speculative asset in the global financialization casino. It can’t be both.
We tend to think of housing becoming unaffordable as a matter of land prices, zoning and the cost of 2X4s, but it’s fundamentally a matter of values. Subscriber John summarized this in an insightful comment on Substack: “For me, this issue is a reflection of the values of our culture. Lack of value placed on community means that a house is primarily a financial asset, not a home. Lack of valuing community, means that we have not supported local business / industry and allowed these to be centralized or outsourced. Lack of valuing self-sufficiency means that the only way we can view a house as an asset is when it increases in value. How much income does your house generate every month? (even if you count that income in tomatoes). Most of the housing being built is nothing more than boxes with a roof no matter how fancy the box. There is no awareness of how that housing is a part of the ecology that it is built in.” This boils down to a simple choice: either housing is shelter for the citizenry, or it’s just another asset class to be snapped up for private profit / gain by global capital. Choose one. This is one of the many pernicious consequences of glorifying Financialization as the most important dynamic in our economy and society. Once an economy has been financialized, everything becomes a commodity in the global marketplace to be bought and sold as an interchangeable asset. A flat in Bangkok, a flat in Barcelona, a flat in Miami: they’re all the same to global capital, which includes trillions of dollars of non-U.S. wealth sloshing around seeking profitable places to park surplus capital, and domestic wealth doing the same thing, moving wealth around interchangeable assets to maximize private gain.
by Charles Hugh Smith
Once You Start Noticing, You Can’t Stop (2:24)
Iran: Striving For Peace And Stability
Iran, a country with a rich history and culture, today demonstrates not only its ability to protect its national interests but also its commitment to peace and stability in the region.
In a recent interview, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Aerospace Division of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), addressed critical issues concerning Iran’s defense capabilities and its role in the modern world. This interview, widely broadcast on Iranian television, underscored Iran’s determination to counter external threats and defend its sovereign rights. General Hajizadeh emphasized that Iran is prepared to deliver a devastating response to any attempts to attack its nuclear facilities. He warned that such actions by the United States or Israel would lead to unprecedented consequences for the entire region. “If the Americans and Zionists dare to strike our nuclear centers, they will face a firestorm of unimaginable scale,” he stated. These remarks were made in response to reports in Western media, particularly The Washington Post, about potential plans by Israel and the U.S. to target Iranian nuclear sites in 2025. However, despite such threats, Iran has shown restraint and a willingness to engage in dialogue. General Hajizadeh described the statements of Western politicians and Israeli leaders as part of a “psychological war” aimed at intimidating the Iranian people. He asserted that there is no real threat of war, as Iran’s adversaries are well aware of the potential consequences of escalation. “Our enemies know the cost of such folly,” he said, emphasizing that Iran possesses sufficient capabilities to protect its interests.
by Viktor Mikhin
The Link Between Vaccines And Autism
What the Science Actually Says vs. The Narrative
For years, mainstream medical institutions and public health officials have dismissed concerns about a possible link between vaccines and autism. Despite thousands of parents witnessing their children regress after routine vaccinations (myself included), the official narrative remains unchanged: “There is no connection between vaccines and autism.” However, this claim ignores numerous peer-reviewed, published studies that DO, in fact, establish a link between vaccines and autism. Below, I break down some of the most significant findings, exposing the science that contradicts the mainstream narrative. Immune Activation and Autism: This study discusses how repeated activation of the immune system, such as from multiple vaccinations, can contribute to neurodevelopmental disorders like autism. The brain is especially vulnerable to inflammation, which can disrupt normal neural development by altering synaptic connections and impairing critical pathways for cognitive and behavioral functions. Research indicates that chronic immune activation in early childhood can lead to persistent neuroinflammation, which has been observed in post-mortem studies of individuals with autism. This prolonged inflammation can affect neurotransmitter levels, oxidative stress responses, and overall brain function, creating long-term developmental challenges. (Source)
by Tracy Slepcevic
Neanderthals: Human Or Alien?
DNA Misnomers
DNA and the misnomers: DNA was first discovered in 1869 by Friedrich Meischer via nucleic acid found in white blood cells. In 1953, Miescher’s work was expanded James Watson and Francis Crick to further divide the nuclein protein and label it a means of identifying heredity. According to NIH, DNA has an ‘estimated’ half life of 521 years, with most DNA dissolved by 150 years post death. Given that no one knew it existed before the discovery, the inherited function began as of that date forward – not backward which has been artificially used as the basis of finding ancestors. Ancestry DNA does not exist for the purpose of comparisons. DNA is also the basis used to date Neanderthals – claiming they became extinct 40,000 years ago. “The earliest known examples of Neanderthal-like fossils are around 430,000 years old”. There is no DNA in a fossil ~ NIH. The recreation of the life of a Neanderthal is based on comic book science: “Neanderthals lived in a high-stress environment with high trauma rates; about 80% of Neanderthal individuals died before the age of 40. The total population of Neanderthals remained low, and interbreeding with modern humans tended toward a loss of Neanderthal genes over time.” Every single word of this hypothesis is based on zero actual scientific evidence. They are stories.
by Helena Glass
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