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Imagining The Gaza Riviera And Other Follies by Philip Giraldi

Philip Giraldi Archive With 101 Posts The problem is that those folks who are looking nervously at what President Donald Trump is doing to reshape the Middle East to the benefit of Israel are not looking deeply enough into the US domestic policy changes that are also being promoted that will strip Americans of fundamental […]

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If You Are Over 50 Your Government Wants You Dead by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive With 164 Posts In Britain, it is now official Government policy to ignore the needs of the elderly. This policy is common throughout the world. Doctors and nurses are told to let old people die – and to withhold treatment which might save their lives. Hospital staff are told to deprive […]

Articles Catastrophe Children Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Genocide Geopolitical Government History Israel Jews Laws Military Military-Industrial Complex Money Palestine Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft Torture United States War War Criminals

The Genocide Generation by Chuck Baldwin

Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column. To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here. Chuck Baldwin Archive With 48 Posts Whatever Joe Biden did or didn’t do during his four years as president will always be overshadowed by his calloused complicity to the Gazan genocide. He will forever be known […]

Articles Bible Catastrophe Catholicism Central Intelligence Agency Christianity Compassion Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Death Freedom Fighter God Government History Israel Journalism Laws Military Mossad Palestine Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Theft United States Videos War War Criminals

Pope Francis Should Go To Gaza! by Philip Giraldi

It’s time to end Israel’s destruction of Christianity in Palestine Philip Giraldi Archive With 100 Posts The death of former President Jimmy Carter started me thinking about how long it’s been since the United States has been led by a head of state who was also a thoroughly decent human being. To be sure, while […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Censorship Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity Death Fear Genocide Government History Iran Iraq Israel Jews Laws Middle East Military-Industrial Complex Money Mossad Palestine Political Satanic Syria Talmud Theft Totalitarianism United States War Criminals

Israel Gives Biden His Marching Orders by Philip Giraldi

Syrian land will be annexed into “Greater” Israel Philip Giraldi Archive With 99 Posts My former CIA colleague Larry Johnson has a real ability to clarify the significance of the constantly growing deep dark hole that Joe “Mumbles” Biden, he of failing mental capacity, has hurled the American people into. Larry wrote on December 12th […]

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United Health by Jesse Welles

United Health (1:27)(To view with many links, click the link below.)by Jesse Welles Jesse Welleshttps://WellesMusic.com Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News