Jewish Terrorist Laughingly Describes How He Shot Palestinian Children During The Creation Of Israel (0:55)
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Jewish Terrorist Laughingly Describes How He Shot Palestinian Children During The Creation Of Israel (0:55)
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Always here to defend the indefensible actions of the jew aren’t you? This your day job?
Most likely it is his day job, his only job. If you have ever read the Talmud, it clearly states that it’s alright, EVEN ENCOURAGED, to lie, cheat, steal, and kill the Goyim. Who are the Goyim you ask? ANYONE WHO IS NOT A JEW. Now maybe you will begin to see how they came to be in control of the entire world, mostly through the use of their banking system. But they are not above using other tactics and forms of control. As you can clearly see listening to this jewish murderer of innocent Palestinians, that means Men, Women, and Children this monster shot down like they were rabid dogs in the streets. THEY WERE NOT DOGS, CATS, OR ANY KIND OF OTHER ANIMALS! They were human beings WITH THEIR HANDS IN THERE AIR SURRENDERING. They are taught from birth that the Goyim are animals and there to serve the jew. Their Talmud says, nay encourages, them to use Goyim children as sex toys. The Talmud is the filthiest book I have ever had the displeasure of reading. But in order to understand these people, you must suffer through the reading of it. It will literally change your view on them forever and you will understand who is their true god, and it isn’t God and his son Jesus. It clearly states in the Talmud that Jesus should burn alive forever in hot excrement. As I said, in order to truly understand these people, you must read the book that they live and die by.
So unrepentant of the slaughter of the Palestinian people aren’t you? Nothing at all about him being a monster, which he is. He is no different, and in many ways worse, than the Nazis ever were. You are obviously not a Catholic, so why is it exactly you are here?
I pity you. It is not the whites or any other race BUT THE DEVIL’S CHILDREN the jew. You are obviously delusional and a troll, why don’t you educate yourself and read the Talmud and you will better see what these people who live this filthy abomination of a book truly are.
May God bless you and your’s in Jesus’s name I pray. God loves you, and his son Jesus loves you, pray and repent before it is too late.
Anonymous and Synonymous are obviously the same person and are trolling this site. I hope those who manage this site do the right thing. It’s clear this troll is not a Catholic and here to harass, terrorize, and demean those who are of the Catholic faith.
Where did the comments go? What did they say? Did censorship take over this platform as well? SMH.