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‘Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax In History’ by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive With 163 Posts The individuals who were honoured for creating and promoting the toxic covid-19 vaccine should surely now have their honours taken from them. The covid-19 vaccine didn’t do what it was said to do and has, I believe, done more harm than any other pharmaceutical product in history – […]

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Holocaust Revisionism by Father James Mawdsley

Father James Mawdsley has produced five in-depth and insightful videosthat have completely exposed the Holocaust fraud. Source: Father James Mawdsley Father James Mawdsley Archive With 4 Posts Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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The Wisdom Of Animals by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Below is the Foreword from the book `The Wisdom of Animals’ It’s surprisingly difficult to obtain real facts about animals. Much of what we read, and think we know, owes more to imagination than to science. Rumour, gossip and folklore have, over the years, taken the place of solid research. Surprisingly little accurate research has […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Books Catastrophe Censorship Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Depopulation DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Drug Pushers Fear Globalists Government Health History Medical Money Political Propaganda Satanic Science Totalitarianism Whistleblowers

Are Vaccines The Cause Of The Epidemic Of Cancer Among Young People by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Doctors all over the world are confused by the fact that cancer rates among millennials and Gen Xers have risen sharply. Seventeen types of cancer are much commoner among today’s young people than they used to be. Individuals born in 1990 face risks of getting cancer that are two or three times the risks faced […]

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How Israel Wages Game Theory Warfare by Jeff Gates

In 2005, the Nobel Prize in Economic Science was awarded to Israeli mathematician and game theory specialist Robert J. Aumann, co-founder of the Center for Rationality at Hebrew University. This Jerusalem resident explains: “the entire school of thought that we have developed here in Israel” has turned “Israel into the leading authority in this field.”Israeli […]

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David Irving: History Is Politics And ‘Free Speech’ Comes With A Price

David Irving David Irving Archive With 28 Posts Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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Live Not By Lies by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

On the day Solzhenitsyn was arrested, February, 12, 1974, he released the text of “Live Not by Lies.” The next day, he was exiled to the West, where he received a hero’s welcome. This moment marks the peak of his fame. Solzhenitsyn equates “lies” with ideology, the illusion that human nature and society can be […]