Articles Big Lie Biology Blowback Cancer Catastrophe Censorship Chemicals Corporations Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Death Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Entrapment Fear Frauds Gaslighting Health History Jews Journalism Laws Medical Money Nurses Propaganda Satanic Science

What Doctors Won’t Tell You About Chemotherapy by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive With 160 Posts A decade ago doctors agreed that one in three people would get cancer. Today, the same doctors tell us that one in two people will get cancer. There, in that simple statistic, is all the proof you need that the so-called War on Cancer is a total failure. […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Biology Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Children Corporations Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Entrapment Family Fear Frauds Gaslighting Government Health Journalism Laws Lobbyists Mainstream Media Medical Money New Normal Political Propaganda Satanic Science SIDS Slavery Totalitarianism United States War Whistleblowers

Is Vaccination A Synonym For Genocide? by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive With 159 Posts In 1986, babies between 0 and 12 months old in the United States were given around five vaccines. This year, babies between 0 and 12 months old in the United States are given around 32 vaccines. And, of course, all those vaccines are given to keep children healthy. […]

Articles Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Children Communism Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Crony Capitalism Cultural Divide And Conquer Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Education Euthanasia Externalities Family Fear Freedom Fighter Future Gaslighting Government History Jews Journalism Laws Money New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Talmud Totalitarianism United Kingdom War

Britain Will Soon Be Closed by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive With 158 Posts Everyone who has skills or a little money is leaving Britain. Most of the really rich have gone. Tourists aren’t coming to the UK because they know there is no health care and the transport system is broken. Soon all that will be left will be the scroungers, […]

America Articles Blowback Censorship Communism Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity Divide And Conquer Economics Entrapment Family Fear Gary D. Barnett Government History Israel Jews Kamala Devil Harris Laws Military-Industrial Complex New World Order Palestine Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Satanic Slavery Talmud Totalitarianism Wall Street Corruption War War Criminals World War III

The Evil Hypocrisy Of Government ‘Elections’ Is At Levels Beyond Imagination by Gary D. Barnett

“Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption.”Wes Fesler We live in a country of political hypocrites in every single aspect of government and far beyond; gaslighting, brainwashing, indifference, gullibility, and idiocy, all among a nation of fools. Life for most has become little more than irrational and moronic false perception, […]

America Articles Bank For International Settlements Bishop Richard N. Williamson Catholicism Censorship Children Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Depopulation Economics Education Family Fear Future Globalists God Government Israel Jews Laws New World Order Nuclear Weapons Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Talmud Totalitarianism United States War World Economic Forum World Health Organization

Evil Globalism by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

If enemies of God so seem to prevail,It’s only because His friends, in praying, fail. In his book, now censored, “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: the Story of the Committee of 300,” Dr. John Coleman (born 1940), who has long studied the criminal rulers of the modern world, presented a list of 20 means by which they mean […]

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Articles Blowback Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Domestic Terrorism Economics Entrapment Fear Frauds Gaslighting Government History Israel Jews Journalism Kamala Devil Harris Laws Military Mossad Palestine Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Satanic Slavery Talmud Torture Totalitarianism United States War War Criminals World War III

Israel Rules Washington by Philip Giraldi

Political Parties compete in what they will do for the Jewish State If there is anyone out there who seriously doubts that it is Israel that is in the driver’s seat when it comes to its relationship with the United States, last week’s filing of criminal charges directed against Hamas’s leadership should be a wake-up […]

America Articles Blowback Censorship Civil Disobedience Communism Consciousness Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Economics Entrapment Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Gary D. Barnett Gaslighting Government Jews Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Talmud Totalitarianism War Criminals

The Truth: You Can’t Handle The Truth! by Gary D. Barnett

“The terrorist in my life is the corrupt government.”Steven Magee There is no need to beat around the bush. The United States is a complete fraud and a terrorist monster. There you have it, so how will you handle this information? Most tend to fly a bloody flag, salute and pledge allegiance to the State, […]

America American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Economics Espionage Fear Frauds Friendship Gaslighting Genocide Government History Israel Jews Journalism Laws Lobbyists Mainstream Media Military-Industrial Complex Mossad Palestine Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Starvation Talmud Theft Torture Totalitarianism United States War War Criminals Whistleblowers

Israel Will Bleed America Dry And Discard It Like An Old Shoe by Philip Giraldi

The United States must disengage from the Israeli Death Grip There are some simple truths surrounding all the nonsense being spewed by Israel’s agents and its cheerleaders in the United States, Canada, Europe as well as elsewhere in the Anglophone world. First of all, Israel is no democracy and never has been one since its […]

America Articles Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Cultural Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Economics Fear Freedom And Liberty Gary D. Barnett Gaslighting Globalists Government Jews Journalism New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Talmud Totalitarianism War

America Is A Slave State: All The Rest Of You Are The Enslaved by Gary D. Barnett

Today we live so cowed under the bombardment of this intellectual artillery that hardly anyone can attain to the inward detachment that is required for a clear view of the monstrous drama. The will-to-power operating under a pure democratic disguise has finished off its masterpiece so well that the object’s sense of freedom is actually […]

Adolf Hitler Articles Banking Blowback Censorship Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Economics Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Freedom Fighter Geopolitical Germany Gold And Silver Government History Ingenious Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws Love Money NSDAP Political Unemployment World War II

Hitler And The Banksters: The Abolition Of Interest-Servitude by Stephen Mitford Goodson

At the end of November 1918, Adolf Hitler returned to Munich and then proceeded to a military camp in Traunstein in south-eastern Bavaria. When the camp was disbanded in April 1919, he went back to Munich, which was still being ruled by a Soviet republic founded by a Polish Jew Kurt Eisner (real name Salamon […]

Adolf Hitler Articles Banking Communism Corruption Coup d'État Courage Crimes Against Humanity Death Economics Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Germany Government History Inflation Inspiration Jews Mark R. Elsis Articles Money NSDAP Political Protests Rudolf Hess Theft They Live World War I World War II

One Hundred Years Ago Today by Mark R. Elsis

On November 8–9, 1923, Adolf Hitler led a coalition group in an attempt to overthrow the German government.This attempted coup d’état came to be known as the Beer Hall Putsch, it is also known as the Munich Putsch. “National revolution is underway . . .against the Berlin Jew government and the November criminals of 1918.”Adolf […]

Africa Agriculture Argentina Articles Asia Banking Brazil BRICS China Commodities Economics Energy Foods Future Geopolitical Government India Iran Laws Pepe Escobar Russia Saudi Arabia South Africa

‘Welcome To The BRICS 11’ by Pepe Escobar

‘No mountains can stop the surging flow of a mighty river.’ With the addition of six new members that add geostrategic clout and geographic depth to the once sputtering BRICS, the multilateral institution is now gathering the momentum needed to reset international relations. In the end, History was made. Surpassing even the greatest of expectations, […]

Articles Asia Catastrophe Censorship Central America Chile China Commodities Corporations Corruption Economics Fear Finance Foods Geopolitical Government History Journalism Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic South America Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Wall Street Corruption

The Shocking Story Of The Trans Pacific Partnership by Dr. Vernon Coleman

In 2005, New Zealand, Chile, Brunei and Singapore created the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The partnership was a mutual trade agreement. In 2008, the United States decided to take over the TPP and the Obama administration sponsored lobbyists to transform the TPP into an agreement designed to block the public regulation of health, the environment, or other […]

Articles Asia Blowback BRICS China Commodities Corruption Crony Capitalism Economics Energy Europe Foods Friendship Geopolitical Government History India Iran Journalism Military NATO Pepe Escobar Political Propaganda Russia South Africa Totalitarianism Ukraine United Kingdom United States War

Central Asia Is The Prime Battlefield In The New Great Game by Pepe Escobar

So long as Russia and China remain the region’s dominant political and economic powers, the Central Asian heartland will remain a US and EU target for threats, bribes, and color revolutions. Samarkand, Uzbekistan – The historical Heartland – or Central Eurasia – already is, and will continue to be, the prime battlefield in the New […]

Adolf Hitler Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Audios Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Divide And Conquer Dr. Peter Hammond Economics Europe Frauds Genocide Germany History Jews Laws Military-Industrial Complex Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Totalitarianism Ukraine United Kingdom United States Vladimir Putin War World War II World War III

ACH (2205) Dr. Peter Hammond – Similarity Of Propaganda Against Putin’s Russia And Hitler’s Germany (Audio 1:08:46)

ACH (2205) Dr. Peter Hammond – Similarity Of Propaganda Against Putin’s Russia And Hitler’s Germany (Audio 1:08:46) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Archive Dr. Peter Hammond Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Books Catastrophe Censorship Compassion Corporations Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Drug Pushers Economics Entrapment Fear Frauds Government Journalism Medical Nurses Propaganda Satanic Theft Torture United Kingdom

Hospitals Aren’t Safe For The Sick by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Before the industrial age hospitals were built like cathedrals in order to lift the soul and ease the mind. Hospitals were decorated with carvings, works of art, flowers and perfumes. Modern hospitals are built with no regard for the spirit, eye or soul. They are bare, more like prisons than temples, designed to concentrate the […]

Articles Banking Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Depopulation Economics Fear Federal Reserve Frauds Freedom Fighter Globalists Government History Jews Laws New World Order Political Propaganda Starvation Talmud Theft Totalitarianism United States Video Rebel

Preventing The Coming Collapse by Video Rebel

Economists say a Financial Collapse is inevitable. As I previously said, Depressions are periods in time when Unpayable Debts are cancelled en masse which evaporates our debt based money supply. Since we have more debts to cancel than anytime in history, we are headed to the worst financial collapse in at least 500 years which […]

Articles Australia Big Lie Canada Catastrophe Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Entrapment Eugenics Euthanasia Fear Future Gaslighting Government Health Laws Medical Never Give Up Political Propaganda Religion / Spirituality Satanic Spain Suicide

An Epidemic Of State-Sanctioned Euthanasia by Dr. Vernon Coleman

In numerous countries around the world, euthanasia programmes have been introduced in order to eliminate the elderly and the sick by encouraging them to end their lives. Life, it seems, is imitating art for in 1953, Evelyn Waugh wrote a novel called ‘Love Among the Ruins’ in which he described a state-run euthanasia centre. In […]

Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Children Corruption Digital Currency Economics Fear Federal Reserve Food Shortages Future Government Laws Military-Industrial Complex Pedophiles Political Russia Theft They Live Totalitarianism Ukraine United States Video Rebel War World Economic Forum

4 Turning Points Before Election Day 2024 by Video Rebel

November 5, 2024 is scheduled by law to be America’s Presidential election day. Previously, I reported that Colonel Douglas Macgregor said we might not be able to have elections in 2024 as things will be that bad. I have been predicting Nationwide Food Riots in America which will take down our major cities before November […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Books Corporations Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Drug Pushers Economics Elderly Fear Frauds Gaslighting Government Health Journalism Money Political Propaganda Science Theft United Kingdom War Whistleblowers

The Lancet And The Drug Industry by Dr. Vernon Coleman

The following article is taken from my book The Dementia Myth: ‘My experience is that issues which are unpopular with the drug companies (the usefulness of vivisection or the questioning of the value and safety of vaccination for example) are ignored by all medical journals. Medical journalists writing for popular papers often quote articles which […]

America Articles Bible Christianity Chuck Baldwin Civil Disobedience Civil War Constitution For The United States Corruption Courage Economics France Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter God Government History Immigration Inspiration Journalism Laws Military Money Native Americans Political United Kingdom War

A Short Library Of American Liberty by Chuck Baldwin

The Spanish-American philosopher Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás (known in English as simply George Santayana) famously said in his book The Life Of Reason, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” For all intents and purposes, America is in the process of fulfilling Santayana’s proverb. If America’s founders […]

Big Lie Blowback Censorship Corporations Corruption Courage Cultural Deep State Economics Education Elon Musk Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Globalists Government History Inspiration Journalism Military-Industrial Complex Political Television They Live Totalitarianism United States Videos War X

Tucker On Twitter by Tucker Carlson

An archive of all Tucker On Twitter video episodes. Tucker Carlson Tucker Carlson Tucker Carlson Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Abortion Addiction African Americans American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Assassinations Banking Bible Big Lie Big Pharma Big Tech Blowback Bullying Cancel Culture Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Communism Corruption Coup d'État COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Depopulation Digital Currency Digital ID Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Economics Education Eugenics Euthanasia Fear Federal Reserve Fluoride Globalists God Government History Hollywood Holocaust Revisionism Immigration Infanticide Israel Journalism Kalergi Plan Laws LGBTQ Mainstream Media Middle East Military-Industrial Complex Mossad Multiculturalism Palestine Pedophiles Political Politically Correct Pornography President John F. Kennedy Propaganda Psychology Public Schools Rachel Corrie Russia Satanic Second Amendment Social Engineering Talmud Ukraine United Nations United States USS Liberty Usury Videos Wall Street Corruption War War Criminals World Economic Forum World Health Organization World War I World War II

In Black And White by Dave Gahary And Ayo Kimathi

“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”Henry David Thoreau“An excellent, must-watch eight-part series, for those who are open-minded and truly care about the truth, by two astute, Jew-wise gentlemen, who are most definitely striking at the root of the evil in our world.”Mark R. […]

Bank For International Settlements Banking Books Censorship Central Banks Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Fear Federal Reserve Frauds Globalists Government History Jews Journalism Laws New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft Totalitarianism War

Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300 by John Coleman (Book)

Undoubtedly the “Bible” of conspiracy books, the completely revised and updated Fourth Edition landmark book is filled with information not previously disclosed. It names one of the contenders for the White House who is closely related to one of the oldest “300” families whose fortune was derived from opium trade with China, and no, it […]

America Articles Big Lie Blowback California Catastrophe Censorship Children Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Entrapment Family Future Government Immigration Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism Video Rebel War

$1.68 An Hour, $862,000 Homes. LA Is America’s Future by Video Rebel

Latina illegal aliens are working for as little as $1.68 an hour in clothing sweat shops in Los Angeles according to Zero Hedge . A real estate agency said home prices have dropped to an average of $862,000 in Los Angeles county though Black people and illegal aliens in Watts can buy homes for as […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Economics Fear Federal Reserve Finance Frauds Government Jews Laws Military-Industrial Complex NATO Political Propaganda Russia Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism Ukraine United States Usury Video Rebel War World War III

US Dollar And Military Both In Their Death Throes by Video Rebel

NATO is a cause of war and instability in Europe. Without NATO we may have a real prospect of peace. ~ Alexander Mercouris of the Duran Alex also said that the US administration has been trying for 6 weeks to get President Xi Jinping of China to take a phone call from President Biden. All […]

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Audios Bank For International Settlements Banking Books Censorship Central Banks Crimes Against Humanity Dr. Peter Hammond Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds History Inflation Jews Laws Money Political Satanic Talmud Taxes Theft Usury War

The History Of Central Banking And Its Enslavement Of Mankind

An Excellent Five-Part Audio Series Based On The Book by Stephen Mitford GoodsonLearn About The Most Important Issue Facing HumanityAnd The Root Cause Of All The Problems We Now FaceAudio by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and Dr. Peter Hammond Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Archive Dr. Peter Hammond Archive Central Banks Archive Usury Archive Subscribe To The […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Bullying Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Economics Entrapment Fear Government History Jews Journalism Kevin MacDonald Laws Military-Industrial Complex Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism Ukraine United States War World War III

Christopher Caldwell’s “Why Are We In Ukraine? A Steep Bill Comes Due For Decades Of Democracy Promotion.” by Kevin MacDonald

Writing for the traditionally neocon-friendly Claremont Institute, Christopher Caldwell (Summer, 2022) describes the unintended consequences of the Ukraine war—consequences that are indeed playing out now. Caldwell starts out with Prof. John Mearsheimer’s view on the causes of the war: [2014] was a hinge year. Ukrainian diplomats had been negotiating an “association agreement” with the European […]

Articles Banking Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Corruption Digital Currency Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Entrapment Fear Finance Frauds Freedom Fighter Government Journalism Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Surveillance Theft War World Economic Forum

From Bank Crash To Digital Currency And 15 Minute Cities by Dr. Vernon Coleman

I have been explaining for over a year that the conspirators need a world war in order to destroy the global economy, to get rid of banks and cash and to usher in their beloved new digital currency. Most people don’t know this is happening. And most people who know it’s happening don’t seem to […]

Articles Banking Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corporations Corruption Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Globalists Government History Journalism Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic Theft United States Usury Wall Street Corruption Whitney Webb

The Rise Of Jamie Dimon by Whitney Webb

As JPMorgan’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein are being scrutinized in court, Whitney Webb reveals how the same powerful players who brought Epstein to prominence were largely responsible for the rise of JPMorgan CEO, Jamie Dimon. Earlier this month, a judge ruled that two different lawsuits against JPMorgan Chase over the bank’s ties to deceased “financier” […]

Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Deep State Divide And Conquer Economics Fear Gaslighting Government Jews John W. Whitehead Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Surveillance Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War

Circus Politics Are Intended To Distract Us. Don’t Be Distracted by John and Nisha Whitehead

It is easy to be distracted right now by the bread and circus politics that have dominated the news headlines lately, but don’t be distracted. Don’t be fooled, not even a little. We’re being subjected to the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell […]

Articles Assassinations Banking Catastrophe Corruption Digital Currency Economics Fear Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Future Government Jews Laws Money Political Propaganda Rothschild Family Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Usury Video Rebel War

Bankers Plan To Kill The Dollar And You – Really Soon by Video Rebel

Janet Yellen, Treasury Secretary and ex-Federal Reserve Chairman, is presiding over the death of the dollar. Others are responsible for the bioweapons that are attacking us and our food supply.Jamie Dimon at JP Morgan Chase is getting billions in deposits every day from depositors at small and regional banks. He is gladly depositing that money […]

America Articles Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Chuck Baldwin Civil Rights Civil War Corruption Economics Entrapment Fear Freedom Fighter Gaslighting Government History Journalism Laws Military Nuclear Weapons Political Propaganda Slavery Theft They Live Totalitarianism War War Criminals

My List Of America’s Top Ten Worst Presidents by Chuck Baldwin

To be sure, it’s quite a challenge to try and pick America’s top ten worst presidents when so many qualify for the distinction. But then again, I am personally quite convinced that the ones who made my list truly deserve their ignoble entry. So here goes: America’s top ten worst presidents. 1. Abraham Lincoln (Republican) […]

America Articles Blowback Catastrophe Colonel Douglas Macgregor Communism Corruption Courage Creepy Joe Biden Deep State Economics Energy Fear Government History Journalism Military Military-Industrial Complex NATO Peace Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Ukraine War

The Gathering Storm by Douglas Macgregor

America’s self-inflicted trouble in Ukraine aggravates our dangerous trouble at home. The crisis of American national power has begun. America’s economy is tipping over, and Western financial markets are quietly panicking. Imperiled by rising interest rates, mortgage-backed securities and U.S. Treasuries are losing their value. The market’s proverbial “vibes”—feelings, emotions, beliefs, and psychological penchants—suggest a […]

Articles Blowback BRICS China Economics Finance Future Government Iran Iraq Israel Jews Laws Middle East Military NATO Peace Political Russia Saudi Arabia Ukraine United States Video Rebel War

Iran After That Persian Gulf Summit In Beijing by Video Rebel

The Chinese have announced a Persian Gulf summit in Beijing. China had brokered a deal to restore diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud (MBS) had been begging for a summit with President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran for several months. Perhaps MBS has seen articles planted in US […]

Adolf Hitler Banking Big Lie Blowback Brain Censorship Central Banks Economics Education Finance Germany History Jews NSDAP Political Rothschild Family Talmud Usury Videos World War II

The Man Who Fought The Bank (6:13)

The Man Who Fought The Bank (6:13) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Man Who Fought The Bank (6:13) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Adolf Hitler Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Audios Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Books Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Globalists Government History Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft Usury War

A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind by Stephen Mitford Goodson (Audio Of Book 5:55:08)

A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind by Stephen Mitford Goodson (Audio Of Book 5:55:08) (To view with many links, click the link below.) A History Of Central Banking And The Enslavement Of Mankind by Stephen Mitford Goodson (Audio Of Book 5:55:08) (To view with many links, click the link below.) […]

Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Books Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Eustace Mullins Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Globalists Government History Inflation Jews Laws Mainstream Media Money Political Propaganda Talmud Taxes Theft Usury Videos

The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve: A Lecture by Eustace Mullins (1:32:09)

The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve: A Lecture by Eustace Mullins (1:32:09) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve: A Lecture by Eustace Mullins (1:32:09) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Eustace Mullins Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support […]

Banking Economics Finance Greatest Depression Money Switzerland Videos

A Massive Bank Run Threatens To Crash A Major Bank As They Desperately Try To Avoid Insolvency (11:27)

A Massive Bank Run Threatens To Crash A Major Bank As They Desperately Try To Avoid Insolvency (11:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) A Massive Bank Run Threatens To Crash A Major Bank As They Desperately Try To Avoid Insolvency (11:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) […]

Big Lie Big Pharma Children Corruption COVID-19 Depopulation DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Dr. Ana Mihalcea Dumb Us Down Economics Fear Frauds Genocide Government Health Journalism Mainstream Media Pfizer Political Propaganda Satanic Stew Peters Theft They Live Unvaccinated Vaccine Shedding VAERS Videos

Stew Peters Interviews Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Jab Recipients Are Walking Dead And Pure Bloods Aren’t Safe (21:00)

Stew Peters Interviews Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Jab Recipients Are Walking Dead And Pure Bloods Aren’t Safe (21:00) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Stew Peters Interviews Dr. Ana Mihalcea: Jab Recipients Are Walking Dead And Pure Bloods Aren’t Safe (21:00) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’t-Safe Stew […]

Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Family Fear Government Laws New Normal Political Propaganda Russia Satanic Theft They Live Totalitarianism Ukraine United Kingdom United States War War Criminals

The Madness Never Ends by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Medical treatment in the UK is made available according to committees of social workers whose priorities are different to the priorities most of us would favour. So, for example, all other things being equal an unemployed illegal immigrant from Neptune with twelve children and bomb making skills would receive precedence over Shakespeare, Dickens or Milton. […]

Catholicism Children Christianity Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Cultural Economics Family Geopolitical Globalists Government Jews LGBTQ Military Pedophiles Political Religion / Spirituality Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud They Live Totalitarianism Transgender Ukraine United States Videos Vladimir Putin War

Putin: Destruction Of Family, Perversion, Mockery Of Children, And Pedophilia Are Declared The Norm (2:08)

Putin: Destruction Of Family, Perversion, Mockery Of Children, And Pedophilia Are Declared The Norm (2:08) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Putin: Destruction Of Family, Perversion, Mockery Of Children, And Pedophilia Are Declared The Norm (2:08) (To view with many links, click the link below.),-Perversion,-Mockery-Of-Children,-And-Pedophilia-Are-Declared-The-Norm Vladimir Putin Archive Subscribe […]

Abortion Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Big Lie Cancel Culture Catholicism Children Communism Corruption COVID-19 DNA / mRNA Injection Economics Education Euthanasia Family Globalists Health LGBTQ NATO New World Order Russia Satanic Stolen Elections Transgender Ukraine War Woke World Economic Forum

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò The Globalist New World Order Has The Marks Of The AntiChurch Of Satan (28:26)

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò The Globalist New World Order Has The Marks Of The AntiChurch Of Satan (28:26) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò The Globalist New World Order Has The Marks Of The AntiChurch Of Satan (28:26) (To view with many links, click the link below.) […]

Agriculture Big Pharma Bill Gates Censorship Computers Depopulation DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Economics Farming Foods Globalists Government Internet Money Music Political Satanic Videos

“Gates Behind The Bars” by Five Times August (3:30)

“Gates Behind The Bars” by Five Times August (3:30) (To view with many links, click the link below.) “Gates Behind The Bars” by Five Times August (3:30) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Music Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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Revealed – The Capitalist Network That Runs The World by Debora Mackenzie and Andy Coghlan

As protests against financial power sweep the world this week, science may have confirmed the protesters’ worst fears. An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy. From Orbis 2007, a database listing 37 million companies and investors […]

Corruption Economics Europe Finance Geopolitical Gonzalo Lira Government Jews Money Political Russia Theft Ukraine United States Videos War

The US Has Legalized Theft by Gonzalo Lira (18:27)

The US Has Legalized Theft by Gonzalo Lira (18:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The US Has Legalized Theft by Gonzalo Lira (18:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Gonzalo Lira Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Armageddon Children Climate Change Corporations COVID-19 Depopulation Digital Currency Digital ID Economics Family Fear Foods Freedom And Liberty Future Globalists Government Mainstream Media Neil Oliver Political Privacy Propaganda Protests Satanic Science Videos War World Health Organization

Neil Oliver: Nothing Less Than Our Way Of Life Is Under Threat Now (10:59)

Neil Oliver: Nothing Less Than Our Way Of Life Is Under Threat Now (10:59) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: Nothing Less Than Our Way Of Life Is Under Threat Now (10:59) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Corruption COVID-19 Digital Currency Digital ID DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Energy Fear Government Laws Medical Money Political Propaganda Rothschild Family Satanic Totalitarianism United Kingdom United States War

They Want Your Money And Your Life by Dr. Vernon Coleman

It is now abundantly clear that the move towards a digital, cash-free world is accelerating. We are heading into the jaws of the Great Reset at frightening speed. Make no mistake about it, the conspirators are unlike Highwaymen such as Dick Turpin who always gave their victims a choice. The conspirators want your money AND […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Economics Future Gary D. Barnett Globalists Government Jews Journalism Laws Mainstream Media New World Order Political Propaganda Slavery Theft Totalitarianism United States War

Can Suing The Government, Pharmaceutical Industry, And Mainstream Media, End Tyranny? Absolutely Not! by Gary D. Barnett

This subject can only be approached with extreme pessimism, because in order to gain real and honest justice in this heinous system, one must deal with the courts. It should be obvious to most, but it is not, that all courts are in fact an arm of, and an integral part of the State. In […]

Communism Corruption Economics Federal Bureau Of Investigation Globalists Government Jews New World Order Political Redacted Satanic Switzerland Talmud Theft Videos World Economic Forum

Leaked! What The WEF Is About To Do At Davos 2023 Revealed by Redacted With Clayton Morris (8:11)

Leaked! What The WEF Is About To Do At Davos 2023 Revealed by Redacted With Clayton Morris (8:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Leaked! What The WEF Is About To Do At Davos 2023 Revealed by Redacted With Clayton Morris (8:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.) […]

Articles Big Lie BlackRock Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Economics Europe Freedom Fighter Future Government Journalism Laws Military-Industrial Complex NATO Pepe Escobar Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Strategic Culture Theft They Live Ukraine United States Vanguard War

All Quiet (Panic) On The Western Front by Pepe Escobar

The mainstream media of the collective West, in unison, will be spinning non-stop, for a week, all the “news” that are fit to print to extol new declinations of The Great Reset, re-baptized The Great Narrative, but actually framed as a benign offer by “stakeholder capitalism”. These are the main planks of the shady platform […]

Articles Assassinations Catastrophe Civil Disobedience Civil War Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Fear Federal Reserve Food Shortages Future Government Immigration Israel Jews Kalergi Plan Money Nuclear Weapons Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud United States Usury Video Rebel War

Neocon Successes Afloat Until They Sink by Video Rebel

The Bank of England hath the benefit of interest on money it created out of nothing. William Paterson 1694, 1stGov of the Bank of England. John Wilkes Booth killed President Lincoln paving the way for the end of the non-interest bearing Greenback. Wilkes was the name of unrelated neighbors in Baltimore. Booth is from the […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Corruption Crimes Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Entrapment Fear Frauds Freedom Fighter Future Government History Internal Revenue Service Journalism Laws Money Political Satanic Slavery Surveillance Taxes Theft They Live Totalitarianism United Kingdom United States

Living In A Fascist Country by Dr. Vernon Coleman

The move towards the Great Reset started many years ago. Here, below, is a small taste of the advice I included in my book Living in a Fascist Country which was published in 2006 – that is now 17 years ago. Everyone must report cash transactions to the police. If you buy a car with cash, […]

Canada Catholicism Christianity Death Economics Eugenics Euthanasia Political Propaganda Sarah Cain Satanic Television Videos

This Is Evil: Canada’s Suicide Ad by Sarah Cain (8:40)

This Is Evil: Canada’s Suicide Ad by Sarah Cain (8:40) (To view with many links, click the link below.) This Is Evil: Canada’s Suicide Ad by Sarah Cain (8:40) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’s-Suicide-Ad-by-Sarah-Cain Sarah Cain Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Corporations Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Fear Frauds Government Laws Medical Money Political Propaganda Satanic Science Theft Totalitarianism United Kingdom United States War

The Peer Review System Is Worthless And Dangerous by Dr. Vernon Coleman

The majority of journalists and some members of the public tend to regard the peer review system as a vital part of the scientific process. If a new piece of research is published they will dismiss it as worthless if it hasn’t been ‘peer reviewed’.I’ve got bad news for them. The peer review system is […]

Banking Catastrophe Censorship Children Christianity Climate Change Communism Corruption COVID-19 Death Divide And Conquer Economics Family Fear Freedom And Liberty Future God Government Inspiration Lockdowns Military-Industrial Complex Money Neil Oliver Political Propaganda Ukraine Videos War Criminals

Neil Oliver: We Welcome 2023, But It Might As Well Be Groundhog Day (10:37)

Neil Oliver: We Welcome 2023, But It Might As Well Be Groundhog Day (10:37) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: We Welcome 2023, But It Might As Well Be Groundhog Day (10:37) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The […]

Articles Banking Big Lie Blowback BRICS Catastrophe Censorship China Corruption Economics Fear Food Shortages Frauds Freedom Fighter Future Government Jews Journalism Laws Military-Industrial Complex Political Russia Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism Ukraine United States Video Rebel War

Things To Come Before November 2024 by Video Rebel

I am absolutely certain the US dollar will die before the November 2024 elections. I am also certain that we will have Nationwide Food Riots before the end of summer 2024. I have also said before that America might not be able to have presidential elections in 2024. Dmitry Medvedev, the former Russian President, predicted […]

Big Lie Blowback Censorship Courage Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Economics Education Energy Europe Freedom Fighter Future Government History Laws Mainstream Media Military Military-Industrial Complex Political Russia Sanctions Ukraine United Kingdom United States Videos War

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Speech For The New Year, 2023 (7:08)

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Speech For The New Year, 2023 (7:08) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Speech For The New Year, 2023 (7:08) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’s-Speech-For-The-New-Year-2023 Vladimir Putin Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, […]

Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Digital ID DNA / mRNA Injection Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Energy Fear Freedom Fighter Future Government Laws Political Propaganda Russia Surveillance Theft Totalitarianism United Kingdom United States Videos War

What’s Going To Happen In 2023? by Dr. Vernon Coleman (20:09)

What’s Going To Happen In 2023? by Dr. Vernon Coleman (20:09) (To view with many links, click the link below.) What’s Going To Happen In 2023? by Dr. Vernon Coleman (20:09) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’s-Going-To-Happen-In-2023-by-Dr.-Vernon-Coleman What’s Going To Happen In 2023? by Dr. Vernon Coleman (20:09) (To view […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Entrapment Europe Fear Frauds Future Gaslighting Government Jews Journalism Laws Military-Industrial Complex Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Theft United States War

Lock Up The White House Silverware! Volodymyr Zelensky Is In Town! by Philip Giraldi

In my humble opinion the surfacing of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Washington last week was possibly the most disgusting example of the corruption of our country and its values since Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu arranged for a similar invitation to address a rapturous Congress back in 2015. Zelensky’s “surprise” visit had in fact been […]

Christianity Dr. Ron Paul Economics Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Globalists Government Middle East Military-Industrial Complex Peace Political Propaganda Theft Torture Usury Videos War

“What If” Speech by Ron Paul February 12, 2009 (3:33)

“What If” Speech by Ron Paul February 12, 2009 (3:33) (To view with many links, click the link below.) “What If” Speech by Ron Paul February 12, 2009 (3:33) (To view with many links, click the link below.),-2009 Dr. Ron Paul Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And […]

Big Lie Bill Gates Canada Censorship Corruption Death Depopulation Economics Elon Musk Eugenics Euthanasia Frauds Future Globalists God Government Jews Microchip Implants Political Satanic Talmud Technology The People's Voice Theft They Live Transhuman Videos War World Economic Forum

Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ And The WEF Is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’ by The People’s Voice (8:51)

Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ And The WEF Is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’ by The People’s Voice (8:51) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ And The WEF Is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’ by The People’s Voice (8:51) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’s-Voice The […]

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Big Lie Big Pharma Blessed Virgin Mary Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Economics Fear Future God Government Inspiration Jesus Christ Jews Laws Miracles Political Propaganda Satanic Videos War

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Pandemic Farce Served As A Trial Balloon For The New World Order (22:59)

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Pandemic Farce Served As A Trial Balloon For The New World Order (22:59) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Pandemic Farce Served As A Trial Balloon For The New World Order (22:59) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Archbishop […]

Bill Gates Blowback Canada Censorship Cosmology Crimes Against Humanity Death Depopulation Doctors Economics Elon Musk Euthanasia Future Globalists Government Jews Medical Political Poverty Satanic Slavery Suicide Talmud The People's Voice Theft They Live United States Videos World Economic Forum

Bill Gates Tells World Leaders ‘Death Panels’ Will Soon Be Required by The People’s Voice (9:52)

Bill Gates Tells World Leaders ‘Death Panels’ Will Soon Be Required by The People’s Voice (9:52) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Bill Gates Tells World Leaders ‘Death Panels’ Will Soon Be Required by The People’s Voice (9:52) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’s-Voice The People’s Voice […]

Articles Asia Banking Brazil Central Banks China Courage Economics Finance Future Government India Inspiration Journalism Money Pepe Escobar Political Russia South America Technology War

The Global South Births A New Game-Changing Payment System by Pepe Escobar

Challenging the western monetary system, the Eurasia Economic Union is leading the Global South toward a new common payment system to bypass the US Dollar. The Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) is speeding up its design of a common payment system, which has been closely discussed for nearly a year with the Chinese under the stewardship […]

Banking Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Children Civil Disobedience Corruption Digital Currency Digital ID Economics Energy Family Fear Frauds Government History Jews Laws Neil Oliver Political Poverty Propaganda Protests Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live United Kingdom Usury Videos War

The Government Should Be Afraid Because They’re Behaving Unforgivably by Neil Oliver (11:09)

The Government Should Be Afraid Because They’re Behaving Unforgivably by Neil Oliver (11:09) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Government Should Be Afraid Because They’re Behaving Unforgivably by Neil Oliver (11:09) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’re-Behaving-Unforgivably-by-Neil-Oliver Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter […]

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Irish Slavery And The Myth Of White Privilege by Vertigo Politix (4:28)

Irish Slavery And The Myth Of White Privilege by Vertigo Politix (4:28) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Irish Slavery And The Myth Of White Privilege by Vertigo Politix (4:28) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Vertigo Politix Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support […]

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CBDCs: Beyond The Basics by Corbett Report (58:54)

CBDCs: Beyond The Basics by Corbett Report (58:54) (To view with many links, click the link below.) CBDCs: Beyond The Basics by Corbett Report (58:54) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Corbett Report Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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The FTX Disaster Is Deeper Than You Think by ColdFusion (29:39)

The FTX Disaster Is Deeper Than You Think by ColdFusion (29:39) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The FTX Disaster Is Deeper Than You Think by ColdFusion (29:39) (To view with many links, click the link below.) ColdFusion Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And […]

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Goodbye G20, Hello BRICS+ by Pepe Escobar

The increasingly irrelevant G20 Summit concluded with sure signs that BRICS+ will be the way forward for Global South cooperation. he redeeming quality of a tense G20 held in Bali – otherwise managed by laudable Indonesian graciousness – was to sharply define which way the geopolitical winds are blowing. That was encapsulated in the Summit’s […]

Communism Corruption Economics Frauds Future Globalists Government History Jews Mainstream Media Neil Oliver Political Poverty Propaganda Protests Satanic Slavery Talmud United Kingdom Videos

Neil Oliver: I Keep Waiting For The Betrayal Too Far (9:33)

Neil Oliver: I Keep Waiting For The Betrayal Too Far (9:33) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: I Keep Waiting For The Betrayal Too Far (9:33) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, […]

Articles Bullying China Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity Economics Finance Frauds Geopolitical Government Jews Laws Military Political Sputnik Totalitarianism United States War

Beijing Warns US Of ‘Red Line’ In Relations by Ilya Tsukanov

China-US ties have sunk to their lowest point since the normalization of relations in 1979, with problems stemming from the trade and tech wars launched by the Trump administration in 2018, complemented by the Biden White House’s repeated violations of the One China policy on Taiwan. Taiwan is a security “red line” for China which […]

Adolf Hitler Beauty Catholicism Christianity Courage Economics Freedom Fighter Germany Government History Inspiration Journalism Laws NSDAP Political Religion / Spirituality Videos World War II

The People Who Knew The Führer (1:37:07)

The People Who Knew The Führer (1:37:07) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The People Who Knew The Führer (1:37:07) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Adolf Hitler Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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Culture Wars And The Age Of Decadence With Dr. E. Michael Jones (1:38:36)

Culture Wars And The Age Of Decadence With Dr. E. Michael Jones (1:38:36) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Culture Wars And The Age Of Decadence With Dr. E. Michael Jones (1:38:36) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Dr. E. Michael Jones Archive Subscribe To The […]

Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Frauds Globalists Government Inflation Jews Neil Oliver Political Talmud Theft Videos War World Economic Forum

Neil Oliver: We Are Expected To Forget Those Promising To Fix The Disaster Caused It (10:28)

Neil Oliver: We Are Expected To Forget Those Promising To Fix The Disaster Caused It (10:28) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: We Are Expected To Forget Those Promising To Fix The Disaster Caused It (10:28) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Corporations Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Frauds Goldman Sachs Government India Journalism Laws M. K. Bhadrakumar Military New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Theft They Live Totalitarianism United Kingdom War

The UK’s Transition From Tweedledee To Tweedledum by MK Bhadrakumar

Don’t expect Britain’s first Asian prime minister to radically reverse the UK’s direction, as he is a pillar of the establishment. Rishi Sunak’s inauguration as Britain’s prime minister turned out to be a cathartic experience for Indian elites, spontaneous in its emotional release and spiritual cleansing. But Indians often tend to go overboard when it […]

Articles Big Lie Big Tech Blowback Consciousness Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Entrapment Fear Freedom Fighter Government Happiness Health Journalism Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Theft They Live United Kingdom War

Toxic Stress – The Deadly Epidemic by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Before he was demonised and lied about for telling the truth about covid-19, `‘he Spectator’ magazine described Vernon Coleman as ‘marvellously succinct, refreshingly sensible’. We live in strange, difficult and confusing times. In some ways, largely material, we are richer than any of our ancestors. In other ways, largely spiritual, we are infinitely poorer. Most […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Domestic Terrorism Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Environmental Family Fear Frauds God Government Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Theft They Live United Kingdom War

Only God Can Help Us Now by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Before he was demonised and lied about for telling the truth about covid-19, The Good Book Guide said: ‘Vernon Coleman writes brilliant books’. Truss and Kwarteng were living evidence of the proof of the Peter Principle – that people in a hierarchy rise to their level of incompetence. They seemed to have no idea of […]

Articles Blowback Catastrophe Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Energy Espionage Europe False Flags Frauds Future Geopolitical Germany Jews Journalism Laws Military NATO New World Order Political Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine United Kingdom United States War

Russian MoD: UK Royal Navy Officials Involved In Nord Stream Terrorist Act by Oleg Burunov

Moscow classifies the Nord Stream pipeline blasts as acts of international terrorism, as Denmark and Sweden bar Russia from probing the incidents. The Russian Foreign Ministry underscores that the investigation can be considered reliable and objective only if Moscow participates in it. The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) has stated that UK Royal Navy officials […]

Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Depopulation DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Drug Pushers Economics Fear Films Frauds Genocide Government Jews Journalism Mainstream Media Political Propaganda Satanic Stew Peters Talmud VAERS Videos War

Died Suddenly (Trailer) (4:20)

Died Suddenly (Trailer) (4:20) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Died Suddenly (Trailer) (4:20) (To view with many links, click the link below.) DNA / mRNA Injection Depopulation Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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New UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak A Triumph For Globalists, Immigration Enthusiasts by James Kirkpatrick

Of Course, UK May Not Survive—But, Like US, Ruling Class Hates It Anyway The Conservative (“Tory”) Party has been in power in the United Kingdom for 12 years, with a long line of forgettable Prime Ministers surfing over restive voters who demanded Brexit, reduced immigration, and more national sovereignty [How long have the Conservatives been […]

Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Europe Fear Government History Jews Laws Mike Whitney Military-Industrial Complex NATO Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Theft Totalitarianism Ukraine United Kingdom United States Videos War

Putin’s Winter Offensive by Mike Whitney

“Every dead Russian and Ukrainian in this war, every family anywhere in the world that suffers the consequences of this war, every business that shuts down because of the economic damage this war is causing and the increased risk of nuclear annihilation, it’s all US Govt made.” Twitter @KimDotcom – Proxy War (def)– a war […]

Articles China Economics Future Geopolitical Government Journalism Pepe Escobar Political Russia

China: Xi Gets Ready For The Final Countdown by Pepe Escobar

What drives China and Russia is that sooner rather than later they will be ruling the Heartland.President Xi Jinping’s 1h45min speech at the opening of the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing was an absorbing exercise of recent past informing near future. All […]

Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Economics History Journalism Military-Industrial Complex Political Propaganda Russia Russia Today / RT Sanctions Theft They Live Ukraine United Kingdom United States Videos War

RT’s CrossTalk: Ukraine Falling With Pye Ian, Anthony Webber And Matt Ehret (24:30)

RT’s CrossTalk: Ukraine Falling With Pye Ian, Anthony Webber And Matt Ehret (24:30) (To view with many links, click the link below.) RT’s CrossTalk: Ukraine Falling With Pye Ian, Anthony Webber And Matt Ehret (24:30) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’s-CrossTalk-Ukraine-Falling-With-Pye-Ian,-Anthony-Webber-And-Matt-Ehret Russia Today / RT Archive Subscribe To The […]

Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Central Intelligence Agency China Corruption Economics Europe Family Geopolitical Government Italy Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Russia Sanctions Theft Ukraine United States War

And Now for Something Completely Different by Philip Giraldi

Decline and fall of Western Civilization part one My wife and I completed a cruise recently that started in Venice, visited islands and historic sites in the Eastern Mediterranean, and concluded in Rome after stops in Valletta, Palermo and Naples. There were inevitably good things and bad things in terms of how the shore excursions […]

Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Frauds Globalists Government Inflation Jews Political Talmud Theft Videos War World Economic Forum

Neil Oliver: Corrupt Establishment (10:54)

Neil Oliver: Corrupt Establishment (10:54) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: Corrupt Establishment (10:54) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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The Dawning Of The Light by Video Rebel

We are at a turning point in modern history. We already knew that the US government is a war crimes machine funded by tens of trillions in money stolen from long suffering taxpayers. As yet, the majority of voters have not pushed back against Wall Street. But things are rapidly changing on several fronts. Below […]

Articles Big Food Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Energy Fear Food Shortages History Journalism Political Propaganda Russia Satanic Slavery Theft They Live Ukraine United Kingdom United States War

Everything Is Now Going To Get Much Worse by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Supermarkets are reporting that shoppers can no longer afford meat or dairy products and have become vegan. It has been reported that households which eat vegan or vegetarian can save a third on their food bill. These new vegetarians and vegans aren’t changing their diets because they don’t want to eat animals or because they […]

Big Lie Blowback Bullying Catastrophe Censorship Clare Daly Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Economics Europe Fear Frauds Government Jews Laws Military-Industrial Complex NATO Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Theft Ukraine United States Videos War War Criminals

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black by Clare Daly MEP Dublin (1:16)

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black by Clare Daly MEP Dublin (1:16) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Pot Calling The Kettle Black by Clare Daly MEP Dublin (1:16) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Clare Daly Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Divide And Conquer Economics Entrapment Fear Freedom Fighter Government History Holocaust Revisionism Jews Journalism Kevin MacDonald Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft United States War

Jewish Assimilation? by Kevin MacDonald

An issue that comes up when talking about Jewish influence, especially, say, in the early twentieth century, is how to interpret the calls of some Jewish intellectuals for Jews to assimilate. Assimilation can mean many things. We can all agree that Orthodox and Hasidic Jews tucked away in self-created ghettos and eschewing secular education are […]

Articles Assassinations Bank For International Settlements Banking Central Banks Corporations Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Government History Jews Laws Money Political Propaganda Rothschild Family Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Usury War

Usury: The Root Cause Of All Problems On The Planet by Edward Morgan

Debt Slavery, Central Banks, Wars, Assassinations Usury and the insane debt-slavery banking system is the root cause of all problems on this planet – yes, the root cause of all of them. It allows evil people to rule over us. Until we sort out the banking and get rid of Usury/High interest charges and eliminate […]

Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Catastrophe Central Banks Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Government History Jews Money Neanderthals Political Slavery Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine Usury War

The Hidden History Of Khazarian Jews (15:11)

The Hidden History Of Khazarian Jews (15:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Hidden History Of Khazarian Jews (15:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Jews Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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The Origins Of Oil by Colonel L. Fletcher Proudly (8:02)

The Origins Of Oil by Colonel L. Fletcher Proudly (8:02) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Origins Of Oil by Colonel L. Fletcher Proudly (8:02) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Colonel L. Fletcher Proudly Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, […]

Academy Of Ideas Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Central Banks Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Government History Inflation Jews Money Political Roman Satanic Slavery Talmud Taxes Theft Usury Videos

How Inflation Precipitates Societal Collapse by Academy Of Ideas (12:46)

How Inflation Precipitates Societal Collapse by Academy Of Ideas (12:46) (To view with many links, click the link below.) How Inflation Precipitates Societal Collapse by Academy Of Ideas (12:46) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Academy Of Ideas Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And […]

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The Thin Red Line: NATO Can’t Afford To Lose Kabul And Kiev by Pepe Escobar

Russia will not allow the Empire to control Ukraine, whatever it takes. That’s intrinsically linked to the future of the Greater Eurasia Partnership. Let’s start with Pipelineistan. Nearly seven years ago, I showed how Syria was the ultimate Pipelineistan war. Damascus had rejected the – American – plan for a Qatar-Turkey gas pipeline, to the […]

Articles Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Economics Europe Fear Freedom Fighter Geopolitical Globalists History Jews Journalism Military NATO Peace Pepe Escobar Political Russia Sanctions Ukraine United Kingdom United States Vladimir Putin War World War III

Terror On Crimea Bridge Forces Russia To Unleash Shock’n Awe by Pepe Escobar

The western narrative of a ‘losing Russia’ has just been decimated by Moscow’s blitzkrieg against Ukraine and its foreign-backed terror operations The head of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, confirmed face-to-face with Putin that Terror on the Bridge was carried out by the SBU – Ukrainian special services. Bastrykin told Putin, “we have already […]

Blowback Brain Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Economics Entrapment Fear Frauds Freedom Fighter Genocide History Israel Jews Journalism Laws Military Palestine Political Propaganda Satanic Syria Syrian Girl Talmud United States Videos War War Criminals

Power Of Israel: Chatter Interviews Maram Susli (Syrian Girl) (56:21)

Power Of Israel: Chatter Interviews Maram Susli (Syrian Girl) (56:21) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Power Of Israel: Chatter Interviews Maram Susli (Syrian Girl) (56:21) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Syrian Girl Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free […]

Articles China Economics Journalism Political Propaganda Sanctions Tyler Durden United States War

“No Possibility Of Reconciliation” Any Longer: US And China Are Now “Officially In An Economic War” by Tyler Durden

Semiconductor stocks across the globe – in Hong Kong, Europe and certainly in the US – are tumbling after the Biden administration on Friday unveiled new restrictions on technology exports to China which are meant to undercut Beijing’s ability to develop wide swaths of its economy, from semiconductors and supercomputers to surveillance systems and advanced […]

America Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Federal Reserve Films Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Government Inflation Jews Journalism Laws Money Monopoly Political Satanic Talmud Taxes Theft Usury Videos War

America: Freedom To Fascism by Aaron Russo (2006) (1:47:45)

America: Freedom To Fascism by Aaron Russo (2006) (1:47:45) (To view with many links, click the link below.) America: Freedom To Fascism by Aaron Russo (2006) (1:47:45) (To view with many links, click the link below.) America Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Censorship Central Banks Corporations Corruption Courage Digital Currency Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Government Jews Journalism Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic Theft They Live United Kingdom United States Usury Videos

A Story About Money by Neil Oliver (9:20)

A Story About Money by Neil Oliver (9:20) (To view with many links, click the link below.) A Story About Money by Neil Oliver (9:20) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Articles Big Lie Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Economics Energy Europe Germany Journalism Laws Military-Industrial Complex NATO Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Theft They Live Totalitarianism Ukraine United Kingdom United States War War Criminals

Misled, Misleading by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Men want instead of God to run the world. Watch the disaster being by men unfurled! There is a famous old saying of the Latins: “Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.” By the present moral decadence and suicidal foolishness of Europe, we know that it is going mad. It is much […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Energy Europe Fear Frauds Germany Good Citizen Journalism Military-Industrial Complex NATO Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Theft They Live Ukraine United Kingdom United States War

The Novorossiya Play by Good Citizen

Some words about the current expansion of Russia and agenda of the west. As you know, referendums have been held in the Donetsk and Lugansk and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. The ballots have been counted and Russia has announced the results. The Russian Federal Assembly will support the constitutional laws on the accession to […]

America Articles Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Energy Europe Frauds Germany Government Jews Journalism Military New World Order Pepe Escobar Political Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism Ukraine War War Criminals World War III

Germany And EU Have Been Handed Over A Declaration Of War by Pepe Escobar

The sabotage of the Nord Stream (NS) and Nord Stream 2 (NS2) pipelines in the Baltic Sea has ominously propelled ‘Disaster Capitalism’ to a whole new, toxic level. This episode of Hybrid Industrial/Commercial War, in the form of a terror attack against energy infrastructure in international waters signals the absolute collapse of international law, drowned […]

Anthony Migchels Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Government Inflation Jews Journalism Money Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States Wall Street Corruption War

The Petrodollar’s Swan Song And The Rise Of The New Gold Standard by Anthony Migchels

The Euro has been worth more than the Dollar for 20 years, but is now standing at a mere $0,97. The Pound has not been as low since 1985. The Yen not since 1998. The Yuan will be forced into devaluation soon. It’s already a major crisis, and it’s all going to end very badly, […]

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Europe Cries Sabotage As Explosions Rock Nord Stream Pipelines (4:26)

Europe Cries Sabotage As Explosions Rock Nord Stream Pipelines (4:26) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Europe Cries Sabotage As Explosions Rock Nord Stream Pipelines (4:26) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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Should Europeans ‘Thank’ the Americans for Destroying Nord Stream? by Robert Bridge

Europe should have heeded the advice of Henry Kissinger: “To be an enemy of the U.S. is dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal.” With an investigation continuing into the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline that provided energy supplies to Europe from Russia, there appears to be just one prime suspect, and […]

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The Americans Declared War On Europe by Gonzalo Lira (13:17)

The Americans Declared War On Europe by Gonzalo Lira (13:17) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Americans Declared War On Europe by Gonzalo Lira (13:17) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Gonzalo Lira Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free […]

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The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins (Book)

The original investigative report, spanning over three decades reveals all about the Federal Reserve. From its contrivance to its intended purpose. Mullins presents some bare facts about the Federal Reserve System with subjects on: it IS NOT a U.S. government bank; it IS NOT controlled by Congress; it IS a privately owned Central Bank controlled […]