It’s time to end Israel’s destruction of Christianity in Palestine Philip Giraldi Archive With 100 Posts The death of former President Jimmy Carter started me thinking about how long it’s been since the United States has been led by a head of state who was also a thoroughly decent human being. To be sure, while […]
Battlefield, The Mass by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Bishop Richard N. Williamson Archive With 95 Posts Between the New Mass and the Old is war,Ending not with sweet talk, but blood and gore! “Take away the Mass, destroy the Church” is a famous quote attributed to Martin Luther (1483–1546). Perhaps he never said it, although it seems highly likely that he did, but […]
Daily Satan by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
The Devil works hard to make us lose our souls.Our Lord works just as hard – at the controls! “Ab inimico disce” is another of those pithy Latin sayings – “Learn from your enemy.” The text quoted in italics below is a classic illustration of the principle. It comes from a video-clip accessible in French […]
On November 13, 1964, Pope Paul VI Abandoned The Tradition Of Wearing An Ornate, Bejeweled Crown by Papal Artifacts (Text and Video)
The Day The Pope Gave Up His Papal Tiara To Feed The PoorBeginning in the 8th century, the papal tiara – a jewel-encrusted, ornately decorated three-tiered, conical crown – was the symbol of papal authority. Worn by new popes on the occasion of their coronations and other solemn occasions, the headdress represented the Bishop of […]
Holocaust Revisionism by Father James Mawdsley
Father James Mawdsley has produced five in-depth and insightful videosthat have completely exposed the Holocaust fraud. Source: Father James Mawdsley Father James Mawdsley Archive With 4 Posts Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News
Vigano-Carlson II by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
By Christendom Christ is absolutely needed.Archbishop Vigano’s teaching must be heeded. Last week these “Comments” presented in summary form the first part of a most interesting article of Archbishop Vigano from last year, inspired by a broadcast of the American journalist, Tucker Carlson. Carlson argued that secular humanism may claim to repudiate all religion, but […]
Vigano With Carlson – I by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
We’re told today that God does not exist.But if that’s true, why is He so much missed? Tucker Carlson is a well-known American journalist, and he is not Cathol