American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Articles Banking Big Lie Blowback Bullying Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Fear Finance Frauds Israel Jews Journalism Laws Money Mossad Palestine Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Satanic Talmud Theft Totalitarianism United States War Criminals

How The Israeli Army Benefits From US Tax Law by Philip Giraldi

Tax exemptions that support war crimes are not “charitable” The United States tax code allows exemptions from federal taxes for certain categories of nonprofit organizations or groups that frequently serve either an educational or charitable purpose. Such organizations are categorized as 501(c)(3) and exempt from Federal income taxes while the donors who contribute to their […]

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Articles Big Lie Blackmail Censorship Crimes Against Humanity Death Fear Genocide Government Israel Jews Mainstream Media Middle East Money Mossad Palestine Political Propaganda Radio Satanic Talmud Television Theft United States Video Rebel War Criminals

2024: The Year The Israel Lobby Loses Its Grip On The World? by Video Rebel

Video Rebel Archive With 73 Posts Israel cannot defeat Hamas. Israel cannot defeat Hezbollah. Israel cannot defeat Iran. So the Israeli leadership has decided to go to war with Hezbollah knowing that a sufficient number of atrocities will bring Iran and hopefully the US into the war. They hope that the US will blow up […]

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Anti-Semitism Articles Censorship Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity Death Frauds Freedom Fighter Genocide Geopolitical Government History Israel Jews Journalism Laws Lobbyists Middle East Money Mossad Palestine Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Propaganda Racism Satanic Slavery Starvation Talmud Theft Totalitarianism United States War Criminals

Protecting Israel Is Washington’s Number One Job by Philip Giraldi

The White House and Congress rally around the Star of David Flag Philip Giraldi Archive With 92 Posts When, as expected, President Joe Biden signs off on the Antisemitism Awareness Act the Department of Education will be empowered to send so-called antisemitism monitors to enforce civil rights law at public schools as well as at […]

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Christianity Constitution For The United States Corruption Domestic Terrorism Espionage Genocide Government Hate Crimes History Israel Jews Lobbyists Money Mossad Palestine Political Propaganda Racism Satanic Slavery Soul Talmud They Live Totalitarianism United States War

Working Definition Of Antisemitism by International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

Editor’s Note: This historically cunning and deceitful tribe are trying to usurp our First Amendment with the Antisemitism Awareness Act passed by the 118th Congress, 320 – 91, and now going to the Senate. H.R.6090 – Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 Read the full text of the IHRA’s non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism and […]

Adolf Hitler Articles Banking Blowback Censorship Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Economics Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Freedom Fighter Geopolitical Germany Gold And Silver Government History Ingenious Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws Love Money NSDAP Political Unemployment World War II

Hitler And The Banksters: The Abolition Of Interest-Servitude by Stephen Mitford Goodson

At the end of November 1918, Adolf Hitler returned to Munich and then proceeded to a military camp in Traunstein in south-eastern Bavaria. When the camp was disbanded in April 1919, he went back to Munich, which was still being ruled by a Soviet republic founded by a Polish Jew Kurt Eisner (real name Salamon […]

Articles Assassinations Blowback Geopolitical Government History Mark R. Elsis Articles Meetings And Stories Military Military-Industrial Complex Money New York City Political United States Vietnam War War

Terminological Inexactitude by Mark R. Elsis

Meetings and Stories, Chapter 8 I was driving my taxi in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, when a man and a woman flagged me. As I approached the couple, I realized the man was Alexander Haig. Immediately, I felt bad energy, but kept a smiling poker face on. They both got in, and Alexander […]

Adolf Hitler Articles Banking Communism Corruption Coup d'État Courage Crimes Against Humanity Death Economics Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Germany Government History Inflation Inspiration Jews Mark R. Elsis Articles Money NSDAP Political Protests Rudolf Hess Theft They Live World War I World War II

One Hundred Years Ago Today by Mark R. Elsis

On November 8–9, 1923, Adolf Hitler led a coalition group in an attempt to overthrow the German government.This attempted coup d’état came to be known as the Beer Hall Putsch, it is also known as the Munich Putsch. “National revolution is underway . . .against the Berlin Jew government and the November criminals of 1918.”Adolf […]

Articles Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Digital Currency Entrapment Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Globalists Government History Inflation Internal Revenue Service International Monetary Fund Jews Mark R. Elsis Articles Money Political Rothschild Family Satanic Slavery Talmud Taxes Theft They Live Totalitarianism United Kingdom United States Usury Videos

The Ominous Change At The Federal Reserve by Mark R. Elsis

From Jewish Janet L. Yellen,To Gentile Jerome H. Powell,And What The Dow Jones Did. “I am writing for humanity in a world eaten by usury.”Ezra Pound As of today, October 31, 2023, the United States national debt is $33.7 trillion. Incredibly, the national debt has increased just over $600 billion this month alone. That’s 20 […]

Articles Asia Catastrophe Censorship Central America Chile China Commodities Corporations Corruption Economics Fear Finance Foods Geopolitical Government History Journalism Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic South America Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Wall Street Corruption

The Shocking Story Of The Trans Pacific Partnership by Dr. Vernon Coleman

In 2005, New Zealand, Chile, Brunei and Singapore created the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The partnership was a mutual trade agreement. In 2008, the United States decided to take over the TPP and the Obama administration sponsored lobbyists to transform the TPP into an agreement designed to block the public regulation of health, the environment, or other […]

Anthony Fauci Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Chuck Baldwin Corruption COVID-19 Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity Death DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Frauds Genocide Government Hawaii Journalism Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic Theft United States

Biden Cares More About Ukraine Than He Does The United States—Fauci Cashes In Big From Covid Vaccine Royalty Payments by Chuck Baldwin

What’s the old saying? Oh, yes, “Better late than never.” No idiom better fits the articles of impeachment recently filed against Joe Biden. MSN has the report: It’s official: Articles of impeachment have been introduced against President Joe Biden following the investigation into his complicit involvement in his son Hunter’s illegal overseas business deals.Biden is […]

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Anti-Semitism Articles Big Lie Censorship Chris Hedges Crimes Against Humanity Government History Israel Jews Laws Lobbyists Money Palestine Political President John F. Kennedy Robert F. Kennedy Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Satanic Talmud Theft United States War

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – The Israel Lobby’s Useful Idiot by Chris Hedges

To stand up to Israel has a political cost few, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr., are willing to pay. But if you do stand up, it singles you out as someone who puts principles before expediency, who is willing to fight for the wretched of the earth and, if necessary, sacrifice your political future to […]

Africa Articles Asia Big Lie BRICS China Corruption Crony Capitalism Fear Frauds Future Government Jews Journalism Military-Industrial Complex Money Pepe Escobar Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Totalitarianism Ukraine United Kingdom United States War War Criminals World War III

First We Go For Moscow, Then We Take Beijing by Pepe Escobar

Three interventions in St. Petersburg summarize the pan-African drive to finally get rid of exploitative neocolonialism. The Global Majority is free to choose two different paths to counteract the rabid, cognitive dissonant Straussian neocon psychos in charge of imperial foreign policy; to relentlessly ridicule them, or to work hard on the long and winding road […]

Big Lie Big Pharma Biology Catastrophe Chemicals Cultural Doctors Drug Pushers Family Fear Feminism Frauds Future Gaslighting Government Jews Laws LGBTQ Mainstream Media Medical Money Nurses Pedophiles Political Propaganda Red Ice TV Satanic Theft Transgender Transhuman United States Videos

The Dark And Perverted Roots Of Gender Ideology by Red Ice TV (19:06)

The Dark And Perverted Roots Of Gender Ideology by Red Ice TV (19:06)(To view with many links, click the link below.) Red Ice TV Archive Transgender Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Big Lie Blowback Books Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity David Irving Dresden Bombing Frauds Geopolitical Government History Jews Journalism Laws MI6 Military Money Political Propaganda Satanic Uncategorized United Kingdom Videos War War Criminals Winston Churchill

Churchill’s War by David Irving (1:48:26)

Churchill’s War by David Irving (1:48:26)(To view with many links, click the link below.)’s-War-by-David-Irving David Irving Archive Winston Churchill Archive World War II Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Addiction Adolf Hitler Art Articles Books Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity David Irving Espionage Fear Frauds Gambling Gaslighting Geopolitical Government History Institute For Historical Review Jews Joseph Stalin Journalism Laws MI6 Military Money Political Propaganda Rudolf Hess Satanic Talmud United Kingdom United States War War Criminals Winston Churchill World War I World War II

Winston Churchill: An Unsettled Legacy by Mark Weber

Churchill’s War: Triumph in Adversity (Vol. II), by David Irving. London: Focal Point, 2001. Hardcover. 1060 pages. Photographs. Appendices. Source references. Index. Review by Mark Weber It has been fourteen years since the publication of the first volume of David Irving’s three-part biography of Britain’s legendary wartime leader. This second volume, subtitled “Triumph in Adversity,” […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Books Corporations Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Drug Pushers Economics Elderly Fear Frauds Gaslighting Government Health Journalism Money Political Propaganda Science Theft United Kingdom War Whistleblowers

The Lancet And The Drug Industry by Dr. Vernon Coleman

The following article is taken from my book The Dementia Myth: ‘My experience is that issues which are unpopular with the drug companies (the usefulness of vivisection or the questioning of the value and safety of vaccination for example) are ignored by all medical journals. Medical journalists writing for popular papers often quote articles which […]

America Articles Bible Christianity Chuck Baldwin Civil Disobedience Civil War Constitution For The United States Corruption Courage Economics France Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter God Government History Immigration Inspiration Journalism Laws Military Money Native Americans Political United Kingdom War

A Short Library Of American Liberty by Chuck Baldwin

The Spanish-American philosopher Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás (known in English as simply George Santayana) famously said in his book The Life Of Reason, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” For all intents and purposes, America is in the process of fulfilling Santayana’s proverb. If America’s founders […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship China Communism Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Deep State Domestic Terrorism Frauds Gaslighting Government History Jews Journalism Laws Money Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Propaganda Satanic Stolen Elections Theft Ukraine United States War

Who Stole The 2020 Presidential Election? by Philip Giraldi

Antony Blinken and others have much to answer for The corruption engaged in by the Democratic Party leadership appears to be never-ending and no one is ever held accountable. A recent report described how Michael Morell, the former acting Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director, colluded with Antony Blinken, who was then a senior official in […]

Articles Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Big Tech Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Digital Currency Digital ID Divide And Conquer Dr. Vernon Coleman Entrapment Fear Federal Reserve Frauds Government Jews Laws Money Political Satanic Theft They Live War

The End Of Cash Is Terrifyingly Close – Why Don’t People Care? by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Central bankers, bankers and left wing politicians are all desperately keen to eradicate cash and to force everyone to use digital money – in the form of credit cards, debit cards, crypto-currencies and accounts with organisations such as PayPal. Scores of central banks already have their digital currencies ready – eventually they’ll be moulded into […]

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Audios Bank For International Settlements Banking Books Censorship Central Banks Crimes Against Humanity Dr. Peter Hammond Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds History Inflation Jews Laws Money Political Satanic Talmud Taxes Theft Usury War

The History Of Central Banking And Its Enslavement Of Mankind

An Excellent Five-Part Audio Series Based On The Book by Stephen Mitford GoodsonLearn About The Most Important Issue Facing HumanityAnd The Root Cause Of All The Problems We Now FaceAudio by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and Dr. Peter Hammond Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Archive Dr. Peter Hammond Archive Central Banks Archive Usury Archive Subscribe To The […]

Articles Banking Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Corruption Digital Currency Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Entrapment Fear Finance Frauds Freedom Fighter Government Journalism Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Surveillance Theft War World Economic Forum

From Bank Crash To Digital Currency And 15 Minute Cities by Dr. Vernon Coleman

I have been explaining for over a year that the conspirators need a world war in order to destroy the global economy, to get rid of banks and cash and to usher in their beloved new digital currency. Most people don’t know this is happening. And most people who know it’s happening don’t seem to […]

Articles Banking Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corporations Corruption Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Globalists Government History Journalism Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic Theft United States Usury Wall Street Corruption Whitney Webb

The Rise Of Jamie Dimon by Whitney Webb

As JPMorgan’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein are being scrutinized in court, Whitney Webb reveals how the same powerful players who brought Epstein to prominence were largely responsible for the rise of JPMorgan CEO, Jamie Dimon. Earlier this month, a judge ruled that two different lawsuits against JPMorgan Chase over the bank’s ties to deceased “financier” […]

Banking Big Oil Blowback Catastrophe Children Civil Disobedience Crimes Depopulation Energy Farming Food Shortages Foods Fractional Reserve Banking Globalists Government History Immigration Income Inequality Inflation Jews Maritime Disasters Money Neil Oliver Poverty Protests Slavery Taxes Usury Videos

Neil Oliver: Learn From History (11:12)

Neil Oliver: Learn From History (11:12) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: Learn From History (11:12) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: Learn From History (11:12) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The […]

Articles Assassinations Banking Catastrophe Corruption Digital Currency Economics Fear Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Future Government Jews Laws Money Political Propaganda Rothschild Family Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Usury Video Rebel War

Bankers Plan To Kill The Dollar And You – Really Soon by Video Rebel

Janet Yellen, Treasury Secretary and ex-Federal Reserve Chairman, is presiding over the death of the dollar. Others are responsible for the bioweapons that are attacking us and our food supply.Jamie Dimon at JP Morgan Chase is getting billions in deposits every day from depositors at small and regional banks. He is gladly depositing that money […]

Bank For International Settlements Banking Catastrophe Central Banks Communism Corruption David Rockefeller Digital Currency Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Government Greg Reese Jews Money Political Privacy Satanic Slavery Surveillance Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Usury Videos

Federal Reserve Bank Launches Phase One Of CBDC This July by Greg Reese (3:49)

Federal Reserve Bank Launches Phase One Of CBDC This July by Greg Reese (3:49) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Federal Reserve Bank Launches Phase One Of CBDC This July by Greg Reese (3:49) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Greg Reese Archive Subscribe To The […]

Banking Digital Currency Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Gold And Silver Money Really Graceful United States Usury Videos

What The Media Won’t Tell You About The Silicon Valley Bank Collapse by ReallyGraceful (12:03)

What The Media Won’t Tell You About The Silicon Valley Bank Collapse by ReallyGraceful (12:03) (To view with many links, click the link below.) What The Media Won’t Tell You About The Silicon Valley Bank Collapse by ReallyGraceful (12:03) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’t-Tell-You-About-The-Silicon-Valley-Bank-Collapse-by-ReallyGraceful Really Graceful Archive Subscribe […]

Bank For International Settlements Banking Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Digital Currency Entrapment Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds God Gold And Silver Government Harry Vox Israel Jews Money Political Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live United States Usury Videos

It’s Game On – Get Your Money Out Of The Banks by Harry Vox (25:16)

It’s Game On – Get Your Money Out Of The Banks by Harry Vox (25:16) (To view with many links, click the link below.) It’s Game On – Get Your Money Out Of The Banks by Harry Vox (25:16) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’s-Game-On—Get-Your-Money-Out-Of-The-Banks-by-Harry-Vox Harry Vox Archive Subscribe […]

Bank For International Settlements Banking Brother Nathanael Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Cryptocurrencies Digital Currency Entrapment Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Gold And Silver Government Israel Jews Money Political Satanic Talmud Theft United States Usury Videos War

The Jews Behind SVB’s Collapse by Brother Nathanael (7:36)

The Jews Behind SVB’s Collapse by Brother Nathanael (7:36) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Jews Behind SVB’s Collapse by Brother Nathanael (7:36) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Brother Nathanael Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity Cryptocurrencies Digital Currency Federal Reserve Freedom And Liberty Government Governor Kristi Noem Mainstream Media Money Political Second Amendment Slavery Social Credit Score Surveillance Tucker Carlson United States Videos

Tucker Carlson: SD Governor Kristi Noem Explains Why She Vetoed A Central Bank Digital Currency Bill (4:27)

Tucker Carlson: SD Governor Kristi Noem Explains Why She Vetoed A Central Bank Digital Currency Bill (4:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Tucker Carlson: SD Governor Kristi Noem Explains Why She Vetoed A Central Bank Digital Currency Bill (4:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Tucker […]

Creepy Joe Biden Cryptocurrencies Digital Currency Federal Reserve Freedom And Liberty Government Money Political Redacted United States Videos

We Warned You! Biden’s Digital Dollar Is Coming by Redacted (7:12)

We Warned You! Biden’s Digital Dollar Is Coming by Redacted (7:12) (To view with many links, click the link below.) We Warned You! Biden’s Digital Dollar Is Coming by Redacted (7:12) (To view with many links, click the link below.)!-Biden’s-Digital-Dollar-Is-Coming-by-Redacted Redacted Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And […]

Banking Centers For Disease Control Digital Currency DNA / mRNA Injection Federal Bureau Of Investigation Federal Reserve Foods Gold And Silver Greg Reese January 6, 2021 Money New World Order Videos X

The Banking Collapse Has Begun by Greg Reese (4:12)

The Banking Collapse Has Begun by Greg Reese (4:12) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Banking Collapse Has Begun by Greg Reese (4:12) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Greg Reese Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve: A Lecture by Eustace Mullins (1:32:09)

The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve: A Lecture by Eustace Mullins (1:32:09) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve: A Lecture by Eustace Mullins (1:32:09) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Eustace Mullins Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support […]

Banking Economics Finance Greatest Depression Money Switzerland Videos

A Massive Bank Run Threatens To Crash A Major Bank As They Desperately Try To Avoid Insolvency (11:27)

A Massive Bank Run Threatens To Crash A Major Bank As They Desperately Try To Avoid Insolvency (11:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) A Massive Bank Run Threatens To Crash A Major Bank As They Desperately Try To Avoid Insolvency (11:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) […]

Big Lie Big Pharma Censorship Children Corruption COVID-19 Depopulation Digital Currency Digital ID DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Drug Pushers Elderly Euthanasia Face Masks Fear Frauds Genocide Globalists Jews Lockdowns Mainstream Media Money Neil Oliver Propaganda Videos World Health Organization

Neil Oliver Takes On The Mainstream Media (12:31)

Neil Oliver Takes On The Mainstream Media (12:31) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Takes On The Mainstream Media (12:31) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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Neil Oliver: Don’t Buy The Lies (9:59)

Neil Oliver: Don’t Buy The Lies (9:59) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: Don’t Buy The Lies (9:59) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’t-Buy-The-Lies Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Articles Bank For International Settlements Banking Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Corruption Digital Currency Digital ID Federal Reserve Freedom Fighter Gary D. Barnett Globalists Jews Laws Money Political Privacy Satanic Slavery Social Credit Score Surveillance Technology Theft United States War

The Final Chapter Of Slavery Hinges On Widespread Implementation Of Central Bank Digital Currencies by Gary D. Barnett

We don’t know, for example, who’s using a $100 bill today and we don’t know who’s using a $1000 peso bill today. The key difference with the CBCD the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we […]

Agriculture Big Pharma Bill Gates Censorship Computers Depopulation DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Economics Farming Foods Globalists Government Internet Money Music Political Satanic Videos

“Gates Behind The Bars” by Five Times August (3:30)

“Gates Behind The Bars” by Five Times August (3:30) (To view with many links, click the link below.) “Gates Behind The Bars” by Five Times August (3:30) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Music Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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Revealed – The Capitalist Network That Runs The World by Debora Mackenzie and Andy Coghlan

As protests against financial power sweep the world this week, science may have confirmed the protesters’ worst fears. An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy. From Orbis 2007, a database listing 37 million companies and investors […]

Corruption Economics Europe Finance Geopolitical Gonzalo Lira Government Jews Money Political Russia Theft Ukraine United States Videos War

The US Has Legalized Theft by Gonzalo Lira (18:27)

The US Has Legalized Theft by Gonzalo Lira (18:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The US Has Legalized Theft by Gonzalo Lira (18:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Gonzalo Lira Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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Dead Name Trailer by Taylor Reece: Banned Documentary On The Horrors Of Transgender Ideology (2:22)

Dead Name Trailer by Taylor Reece: Banned Documentary On The Horrors Of Transgender Ideology (2:22) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Dead Name Trailer by Taylor Reece: Banned Documentary On The Horrors Of Transgender Ideology (2:22) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Transgender Archive Subscribe To […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Corruption COVID-19 Digital Currency Digital ID DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Energy Fear Government Laws Medical Money Political Propaganda Rothschild Family Satanic Totalitarianism United Kingdom United States War

They Want Your Money And Your Life by Dr. Vernon Coleman

It is now abundantly clear that the move towards a digital, cash-free world is accelerating. We are heading into the jaws of the Great Reset at frightening speed. Make no mistake about it, the conspirators are unlike Highwaymen such as Dick Turpin who always gave their victims a choice. The conspirators want your money AND […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Cancer Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Drug Pushers Fear Freedom Fighter Government Heart Attack History Iatrogenic Laws Medical Money Nurses Political Satanic Theft They Live United Kingdom United States War

Scary Truths About Doctors by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Doctors are threatening to go on strike. Before you start to worry please read the following paragraphs taken from my book Betrayal of Trust – first published in 1994 and just republished in paperback. Everything in the book is still valid – and scary. ‘Even more startling, perhaps, is the evidence of what happens when doctors […]

Death Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Government Health Medical Money Nurses Political Satanic United Kingdom Videos

Murdered For Her Bed by Dr. Vernon Coleman (17:00)

Murdered For Her Bed by Dr. Vernon Coleman (17:00) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Murdered For Her Bed by Dr. Vernon Coleman (17:00) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Murdered For Her Bed by Dr. Vernon Coleman (17:00) (To view with many links, click the link […]

Articles Assassinations Catastrophe Civil Disobedience Civil War Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Fear Federal Reserve Food Shortages Future Government Immigration Israel Jews Kalergi Plan Money Nuclear Weapons Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud United States Usury Video Rebel War

Neocon Successes Afloat Until They Sink by Video Rebel

The Bank of England hath the benefit of interest on money it created out of nothing. William Paterson 1694, 1stGov of the Bank of England. John Wilkes Booth killed President Lincoln paving the way for the end of the non-interest bearing Greenback. Wilkes was the name of unrelated neighbors in Baltimore. Booth is from the […]

COVID-19 Depopulation DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Earth Energy Face Masks Fear Foods Frauds Government Health Immigration Jews Lockdowns Mainstream Media Medical Money Neil Oliver Police Political Propaganda Sovereignty Talmud Theft They Live Transgender United Kingdom Videos Woke

A Potemkin Village by Neil Oliver (10:56)

A Potemkin Village by Neil Oliver (10:56) (To view with many links, click the link below.) A Potemkin Village by Neil Oliver (10:56) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Corruption Crimes Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Entrapment Fear Frauds Freedom Fighter Future Government History Internal Revenue Service Journalism Laws Money Political Satanic Slavery Surveillance Taxes Theft They Live Totalitarianism United Kingdom United States

Living In A Fascist Country by Dr. Vernon Coleman

The move towards the Great Reset started many years ago. Here, below, is a small taste of the advice I included in my book Living in a Fascist Country which was published in 2006 – that is now 17 years ago. Everyone must report cash transactions to the police. If you buy a car with cash, […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Corporations Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Fear Frauds Government Laws Medical Money Political Propaganda Satanic Science Theft Totalitarianism United Kingdom United States War

The Peer Review System Is Worthless And Dangerous by Dr. Vernon Coleman

The majority of journalists and some members of the public tend to regard the peer review system as a vital part of the scientific process. If a new piece of research is published they will dismiss it as worthless if it hasn’t been ‘peer reviewed’.I’ve got bad news for them. The peer review system is […]

Banking Catastrophe Censorship Children Christianity Climate Change Communism Corruption COVID-19 Death Divide And Conquer Economics Family Fear Freedom And Liberty Future God Government Inspiration Lockdowns Military-Industrial Complex Money Neil Oliver Political Propaganda Ukraine Videos War Criminals

Neil Oliver: We Welcome 2023, But It Might As Well Be Groundhog Day (10:37)

Neil Oliver: We Welcome 2023, But It Might As Well Be Groundhog Day (10:37) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: We Welcome 2023, But It Might As Well Be Groundhog Day (10:37) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The […]

Aviation Banking Big Tech Censorship Civil Disobedience Films Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Government Money Political Privacy Protests Surveillance Travel United States Videos War

The Most Canceled Man In America (47:27)

The Most Canceled Man In America (47:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Most Canceled Man In America (47:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Censorship Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Cognitive Dissonance Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Divide And Conquer Entrapment Fear Frauds Freedom Fighter Future Gary D. Barnett Government Jews Journalism Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic Surveillance Theft They Live United States War

The Age Of Conformity Has Led To The Edge Of Hell On Earth by Gary D. Barnett

Consider and accept individual critical thought, self-interest, total independence and freedom, non-aggression, and consider compassion; shun at every level any form of nationalism, ‘patriotism’ to state, conformity, compliance, and obedience. To become an individual is to become free, and being free awakens the soul, opens and cleanses the mind, exposes the beauty of life, and […]

Articles Asia Banking Brazil Central Banks China Courage Economics Finance Future Government India Inspiration Journalism Money Pepe Escobar Political Russia South America Technology War

The Global South Births A New Game-Changing Payment System by Pepe Escobar

Challenging the western monetary system, the Eurasia Economic Union is leading the Global South toward a new common payment system to bypass the US Dollar. The Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) is speeding up its design of a common payment system, which has been closely discussed for nearly a year with the Chinese under the stewardship […]

Bank For International Settlements Banking Blockchain Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Corbett Report Corruption Digital Currency Digital ID Economics Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Globalists Government Jews Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic Social Credit Score Talmud Usury Videos

CBDCs: Beyond The Basics by Corbett Report (58:54)

CBDCs: Beyond The Basics by Corbett Report (58:54) (To view with many links, click the link below.) CBDCs: Beyond The Basics by Corbett Report (58:54) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Corbett Report Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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The FTX Disaster Is Deeper Than You Think by ColdFusion (29:39)

The FTX Disaster Is Deeper Than You Think by ColdFusion (29:39) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The FTX Disaster Is Deeper Than You Think by ColdFusion (29:39) (To view with many links, click the link below.) ColdFusion Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Entrapment Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Good Citizen Government Jews Journalism Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States War

U.S. Selection Autopsy 2022 by Good Citizen

Only the vote counters count. All hail pussy hat voters, noble gynopatriots of the Soy Republic and Karentocracy. The demographic that consistently vote for tyranny over any other? College-educated women. The new election theft cover to emerge in the past twenty-four hours? Baby killing. Forget the lockdowns, masks, toxic injection mandates, state-ordered child abuse, chemical […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Brian Shilhavy Catastrophe Censorship Cognitive Dissonance Corruption Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Frauds Government Jews Journalism Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Stolen Elections Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War

Big Picture, 2022 Midterm Elections Highlight The Distinct Difference Between Ballots And Votes by Sundance

As the political discussion centers on the 2022 wins and losses from the midterm election, one thing that stands out in similarity to the 2020 general election is the difference between ballots and votes. It appears in some states this is the ‘new normal.’ Where votes were the focus, the Biden administration suffered losses. Where […]

Banking Blowback Censorship Corruption Divide And Conquer Fear Finance Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Gab Government Inspiration Internet Jews Journalism Money Political Privacy Propaganda Reclaim The Net Surveillance Talmud Theft They Live United States War

10 PayPal Alternatives – For Privacy Or Free Speech by Tom Parker

Some alternatives to the financial technology giants that harvest data and censor users. As digital payments have become increasingly popular, many of the largest companies in this sector have used their dominant position to censor users, harvest their private financial data, and threaten them with huge fines if they violate vague and subjective rules. Here […]

Articles Assassinations Bank For International Settlements Banking Central Banks Corporations Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Government History Jews Laws Money Political Propaganda Rothschild Family Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Usury War

Usury: The Root Cause Of All Problems On The Planet by Edward Morgan

Debt Slavery, Central Banks, Wars, Assassinations Usury and the insane debt-slavery banking system is the root cause of all problems on this planet – yes, the root cause of all of them. It allows evil people to rule over us. Until we sort out the banking and get rid of Usury/High interest charges and eliminate […]

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The Hidden History Of Khazarian Jews (15:11)

The Hidden History Of Khazarian Jews (15:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Hidden History Of Khazarian Jews (15:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Jews Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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The Origins Of Oil by Colonel L. Fletcher Proudly (8:02)

The Origins Of Oil by Colonel L. Fletcher Proudly (8:02) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Origins Of Oil by Colonel L. Fletcher Proudly (8:02) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Colonel L. Fletcher Proudly Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, […]

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Tucker: “Some Uppity Foreigner In A T-Shirt Demanding Money . . . Up Yours Buddy” (0:47)

Tucker: “Some Uppity Foreigner In A T-Shirt Demanding Money . . . Up Yours Buddy” (0:47) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Tucker: “Some Uppity Foreigner In A T-Shirt Demanding Money . . . Up Yours Buddy” (0:47) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Tucker Carlson Archive […]

Academy Of Ideas Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Central Banks Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Government History Inflation Jews Money Political Roman Satanic Slavery Talmud Taxes Theft Usury Videos

How Inflation Precipitates Societal Collapse by Academy Of Ideas (12:46)

How Inflation Precipitates Societal Collapse by Academy Of Ideas (12:46) (To view with many links, click the link below.) How Inflation Precipitates Societal Collapse by Academy Of Ideas (12:46) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Academy Of Ideas Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And […]

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America: Freedom To Fascism by Aaron Russo (2006) (1:47:45)

America: Freedom To Fascism by Aaron Russo (2006) (1:47:45) (To view with many links, click the link below.) America: Freedom To Fascism by Aaron Russo (2006) (1:47:45) (To view with many links, click the link below.) America Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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SUICIDED: The Suicides Of Those Exposing Child Trafficking (2021) (23:56)

SUICIDED: The Suicides Of Those Exposing Child Trafficking (2021) (23:56) (To view with many links, click the link below.) SUICIDED: The Suicides Of Those Exposing Child Trafficking (2021) (23:56) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Bill And Hillary Clinton Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, […]

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A Story About Money by Neil Oliver (9:20)

A Story About Money by Neil Oliver (9:20) (To view with many links, click the link below.) A Story About Money by Neil Oliver (9:20) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Anthony Migchels Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Government Inflation Jews Journalism Money Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States Wall Street Corruption War

The Petrodollar’s Swan Song And The Rise Of The New Gold Standard by Anthony Migchels

The Euro has been worth more than the Dollar for 20 years, but is now standing at a mere $0,97. The Pound has not been as low since 1985. The Yen not since 1998. The Yuan will be forced into devaluation soon. It’s already a major crisis, and it’s all going to end very badly, […]

Big Lie Books Censorship Central Banks Communism Corporations Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Eustace Mullins Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Government Inflation Jews Journalism Laws Money Political Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live United States Usury War

The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins (Book)

The original investigative report, spanning over three decades reveals all about the Federal Reserve. From its contrivance to its intended purpose. Mullins presents some bare facts about the Federal Reserve System with subjects on: it IS NOT a U.S. government bank; it IS NOT controlled by Congress; it IS a privately owned Central Bank controlled […]

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Scandal At Vanderbilt: Mutilating Children…For Profit! by The Ron Paul Liberty Report (33:11)

Scandal At Vanderbilt: Mutilating Children…For Profit! by The Ron Paul Liberty Report (33:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Scandal At Vanderbilt: Mutilating Children…For Profit! by The Ron Paul Liberty Report (33:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.)…For-Profit!-by-The-Ron-Paul-Liberty-Report Dr. Ron Paul Archive Subscribe To The […]

Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Corporations Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Finance Frauds Government Jerry Day Jews Journalism Laws Money Political Privacy Propaganda Satanic Talmud Taxes Theft They Live United States Videos War

The CAFR Swindle: The Biggest Game In Town by Jerry Day (14:59)

The CAFR Swindle: The Biggest Game In Town by Jerry Day (14:59) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The CAFR Swindle: The Biggest Game In Town by Jerry Day (14:59) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Jerry Day Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support […]

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Blackpilled: What They Don’t Tell You About Money (6:55)

Blackpilled: What They Don’t Tell You About Money (6:55) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Blackpilled: What They Don’t Tell You About Money (6:55) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’t-Tell-You-About-Money Money Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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My Son Hunter (Trailer) (2:21)

My Son Hunter (Trailer) (2:21) (To view with many links, click the link below.) My Son Hunter (Trailer) (2:21) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Creepy Joe Biden Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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Here’s How They’ll Bankrupt You by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Their plan is to make every one of us bankrupt and they’re well on the way to succeeding. Only the billionaire conspirators are likely to avoid this. The conspirators must be delighted at the way things are going. To start with, of course, the rising cost of food and energy will eat into our savings. […]

Articles Artificial Intelligence Banking Blowback Catastrophe Censorship China Computers Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Digital Currency Digital ID Dr. Vernon Coleman Fear Frauds Globalists Government Journalism Laws Money Political Satanic Social Credit Score Surveillance Technology Theft They Live War

Social Credit: Forcing Us Into A Dystopian Digital World by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Social credit is leading us straight into the sort of world predicted by Orwell and Huxley. Your body, your mind, your spirit and everything you once thought you owned will belong to the conspirators and their world state. Social credit, promoted by the WEF, the UN, the WHO and a bunch of independent, unelected billionaires, […]

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Julian Assange: The Goal Is To Use Afghanistan To Have An Endless War To Wash Money (0:29)

Julian Assange: The Goal Is To Use Afghanistan To Have An Endless War To Wash Money (0:29) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Julian Assange: The Goal Is To Use Afghanistan To Have An Endless War To Wash Money (0:29)(To view full screen, also with many links, click […]

Australia Banking Central Banks Climate Change Fear Fractional Reserve Banking Geopolitical Government Inflation Jews Journalism Money Neil Oliver Political Propaganda Satanic Solar Energy Talmud The Great Reset Theft Totalitarianism United Kingdom United States Videos Wind Turbines

Neil Oliver: A Bunch Of Banking Gangsters (9:29)

Neil Oliver: A Bunch Of Banking Gangsters (9:29) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: A Bunch Of Banking Gangsters (9:29) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Your Honest Independent […]

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The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1964-1978 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (40:58)

The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1964-1978 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (40:58) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1964-1978 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (40:58) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Andrew Carrington Hitchcock […]

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Nightmare On Your Street by Dr. Vernon Coleman (34:54)

Nightmare On Your Street by Dr. Vernon Coleman (34:54) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Nightmare On Your Street by Dr. Vernon Coleman (34:54) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Tech Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Economics Education F. William Engdahl Facebook Frauds Gaslighting Globalists Google Government Jews Journalism Laws Money New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Stolen Elections Talmud Theft They Live War

Zuckerberg, Rockefeller, Google And The Privatization Of Election Integrity by F. William Engdahl

Through deceit and capitalizing on loopholes in US law for non-profit entities, private corporate and foundation interests have and are pouring vast sums of money to corrupt the US election process in the interest of a dystopian Green Agenda and worse. It consists of a complex network of interests including Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Google, […]

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Two Thinkers Who Can Give Us A Better World by Video Rebel

We live in perilous times. We are governed by people who care not for us. I told my classmates years ago that we would see the rise of a National Security State. Why? Because our ruling class will steal our pensions and then they would blow up buildings with Americans inside just so they could […]

Children Compassion Corruption Courage Crimes Laws Love Money New Normal Psychology Religion / Spirituality Satanic Theft They Live Videos War

Social Experiment: Humanity Has Fallen From Grace (0:56)

Social Experiment: Humanity Has Fallen From Grace (0:56) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Social Experiment: Humanity Has Fallen From Grace (0:56) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free Media

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Federal Reserve – II by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Good institutions help, but if the men Are bad, what use are institutions then? In a godless society like our own in the West today, men do not want to recognise that religion governs politics, because even if “God” exists, they do not want to give Him any importance. True, He played a large part […]

Alasdair Macleod Articles Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Blowback Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Fear Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Globalists Jews Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft Totalitarianism United Kingdom United Nations War

Cycles Are Driven By Credit by Alasdair Macleod

Central bankers’ narratives are falling apart. And faced with unpopularity over rising prices politicians are beginning to question central bank independence. Driven by the groupthink coordinated in the regular meetings at the Bank for International Settlements, they became collectively blind to the policy errors of their own making. On several occasions I have written about […]

America Big Lie Big Pharma Bill Gates Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Fear Frauds Globalists Jews Laws Money Monkeypox Political Propaganda Salty Cracker Satanic Talmud Theft Totalitarianism Videos War World Health Organization

Everyone Knows Bill Gates Is Behind The Monkeypox Outbreaks by Salty Cracker (8:31)

Everyone Knows Bill Gates Is Behind The Monkeypox Outbreaks by Salty Cracker (8:31) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Everyone Knows Bill Gates Is Behind The Monkeypox Outbreaks by Salty Cracker (8:31) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The […]

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Russian Doctor Warns Against “Totalitarian” Pandemic Treaty, Says Bill Gates Is A Freak by Edward Slavsquat

“The fight is now not for us, but for our children and grandchildren. Under these controls, they will live worse than slaves” Longtime readers of this blog will surely remember Russian physician and whistleblower, Dr. Denis Ivanov. Ivanov is a member of Russia’s Doctors for Truth and has been a tireless campaigner against Virus Tyranny […]

America Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Gonzalo Lira Inflation Jews Journalism Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Usury Videos

The Federal Reserve Is In A Pickle by Gonzalo Lira (12:00)

The Federal Reserve Is In A Pickle by Gonzalo Lira (12:00) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) The Federal Reserve Is In A Pickle by Gonzalo Lira (12:00) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Gonzalo Lira Archive Subscribe To The […]

African Americans Black Lives Matter Catastrophe Censorship Civil Rights Critical Race Theory Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Frauds George Soros Jews Laws Money Political Propaganda Protests Psychology Racism Satanic Slavery Theft United States Videos

Zuby Calls Black Lives Matter A “Disingenuous Sham” (8:11)

Zuby Calls Black Lives Matter A “Disingenuous Sham” (8:11) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Zuby Calls Black Lives Matter A “Disingenuous Sham” (8:11) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free […]

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In Musk We Trust? by Thought Crimes

Elon Musk at the Met Gala (2018) revealed embroidered pattern on the back of his jacket. It reads: Novus ordo Seclo rum = New World Order. Before our eyes, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are creating the global wireless technology via satellites, for the digital ID prison being built on earth, that soon nobody will […]

Articles Bank For International Settlements Banking Catastrophe Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Derrick Broze Digital Currency Digital ID Fear Federal Reserve Government Jews Laws Money Political Privacy Propaganda Satanic Social Credit Score Surveillance Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism War

Exposing The “Digital ID Is A Human Right” Scam by Derrick Broze

A major component of the Great Reset-Technocratic Agenda is the implementation of a worldwide digital identity scheme. One of the first steps to realize this goal is to convince the public that digital identity programs are a “human right” worth fighting for. Why is the push for digital identity absolutely vital to the Technocrats visions? […]

America Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Corruption Economics Entrapment Fear Federal Reserve Finance Food Shortages Foods Frauds Government History Inflation Jews Journalism Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Sundance Talmud Theft They Live Usury Wall Street Corruption War

Producer Price Inflation Continues Surging at 11 Percent, Annualized Processed Food Increases Now 34.8 Percent by Sundance

The “Producer Price Index” (PPI) is essentially the tracking of wholesale prices at three stages: Origination (commodity), Intermediate (processing), and then Final (to wholesale). Today, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) released April price data [Available Here] showing another 11.0% increase year-over-year in Final Demand products at the wholesale level. Last month when looking […]

America Articles Bank For International Settlements Banking Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Corruption Economics Federal Reserve Finance Government Greatest Depression Jews Journalism Money New World Order Political Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Usury Videos Wall Street Corruption War

The Biggest Crash In History Is Coming? Kiyosaki Says So by Lance Roberts

As I stated, Kiyosaki is right. The biggest crash in world history is coming, and it will be due to the most powerful financial force in the financial markets – mean reversions. The chart below shows the deviation of the inflation-adjusted S&P 500 index (using Shiller data) from its exponential growth trend. Note that the […]

Articles Bank For International Settlements Banking Catastrophe Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Digital Currency Entrapment Fear Federal Reserve France Government Jews Journalism Kit Knightly Money Political Satanic Social Credit Score Surveillance Talmud Technology Theft Totalitarianism Usury War

Report: “90% Of Nations Planning Central Bank Digital Currency“ by Kit Knightly

A new report from the Bank of International Settlements estimates that up to 90% of national central banks are at least in the planning stages for launching a central bank digital currency (CBDC): Nine out of 10 central banks are exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and more than half are now developing them or […]

Actors Banking Comedy Films France History Laws Money Music Peter Sellers Videos

The Return Of The Pink Panther: Musician, Monkey, Bank Robbing (2:17)

The Return Of The Pink Panther: Musician, Monkey, Bank Robbing (2:17)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Peter Sellers Archive Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

Alasdair Macleod America Articles Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Federal Reserve Finance Government Jews Laws Money Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft Usury Wall Street Corruption War

Value Destruction by Alasdair Macleod

It’s all about interest rates [Usury]. Rising interest rates undermine financial asset values and falling rates increase them. From 1981 until March 2020, the trend has been for the inflation of prices to subside and interest rates to decline with them. And following Paul Volcker’s interest rate hikes at that time, this is when the […]

America Articles Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Federal Reserve Finance Globalists Government Jews Journalism Laws Money New World Order Political Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live Usury War

Yoda’s Evil Deluded Twin, Janet Yellen, Declares World Bankers’ Dictatorship by Barbara Boyd

On April 13th, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen gave a speech at the Atlantic Council in Washington. In the speech, “On the Way Forward for the Global Economy,” Yellen chillingly sketched the new “globalist order” she fantasizes will emerge from the Biden Administration’s provoked war with Russia in Ukraine—while portraying herself literally as “the world.” It […]

Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Computers Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Dr. Reiner Füellmich Economics Fear Finance Freedom Fighter Future Government History Journalism Laws Money Political Russia Sanctions Satanic Theft They Live Ukraine United States Videos War

Martin Armstrong | Session 100: Last Stop: Justice by Corona Investigative Committee (1:33:04)

Martin Armstrong | Session 100: Last Stop: Justice by Corona Investigative Committee (1:33:04) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Martin Armstrong Archive Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Archive Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

America Articles Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Blowback Brain Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Finance Freedom And Liberty International Monetary Fund Jews Journalism Money Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine War War Criminals

Russia’s Sergey Glazyev Introduces The New Global Financial System by Pepe Escobar

The world’s new monetary system, underpinned by a digital currency, will be backed by a basket of new foreign currencies and natural resources. And it will liberate the Global South from both western debt and IMF-induced austerity. Sergey Glazyev is a man living right in the eye of our current geopolitical and geo-economic hurricane. One […]

America Articles Blowback California Corruption Crimes Fear Hate Crimes Income Inequality Journalism Laws Michael Snyder Money New Normal Political Theft War

A “Robin Hood Mentality” Emerges On The Streets Of America As Gangs Of Thieves Start To Prey Upon The Rich by Michael Snyder

In the old days, we used to enjoy movies in which Robin Hood would “take from the rich and give to the poor”. But in the real world things are not supposed to work that way. In a civilized society, property rights are supposed to be respected. Unfortunately, the truth is that the U.S. is […]

5G America Artificial Intelligence Banking Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Electric Cars Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Elon Musk Fear Frauds Good Citizen Jews Journalism Laws Money Political Propaganda Robots South Africa Space Travel Talmud Theft They Live X

Our Fren Elon by Good Citizen

He’s Such A Swell Guy. Isn’t He?Update: Some have viewed this piece as a ‘hit piece’ on Musk the man. That’s my fault Good Citizens, I focused too much on his history of fraud and hucksterism, his post-humanist brain chip/satellite AI borg aims, which are well documented in the Reese video, which I can tell […]

5G America Banking Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Electric Cars Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) Elon Musk Fear Frauds Greg Reese Jews Journalism Money Propaganda Robots Satanic South Africa Space Travel Talmud Technology Theft Transhuman Videos

Elon Musk Exposed by Greg Reese (6:31)

Elon Musk Exposed by Greg Reese (6:31) The fake genius to help lead humanity into the abyss. (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

America Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Commodities Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Economics Fear Finance Freedom And Liberty Globalists Government Inflation Jews Journalism Money Political Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Video Rebel Wall Street Corruption War

Hyperinflation Before Election Day November 2024 by Video Rebel

Since the US is printing an International Reserve currency, I would stand by the definition I made a decade ago that for the US Dollar Hyperinflation starts at 25% annual inflation. Shadow Stats says we are at just above 15% inflation if you use the statistical measures of 1980. That means we are already more […]

Agriculture America Articles Blowback Catastrophe Commodities Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Economics Energy Federal Reserve Finance Foods Government Inflation Jews Journalism Money Political Satanic Sundance Talmud Theft They Live Wall Street Corruption War

Inflation Rate Jumps To 8.5 Percent As Energy, Food And Gasoline Prices Skyrocket by Sundance

If we were using the old CPI method for analysis, current inflation would be well above 20%. This is not going to be news to CTH readers and intellectually honest analysts. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics has released the March consumer pricing data [DATA HERE] showing the recent surge in energy, gasoline and food […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Bill Gates Black Projects Catastrophe Censorship Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Depopulation DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Economics Finance Food Shortages Frauds Globalists Inflation Jews Journalism Money Russia Satanic Talmud Theft Videos War

Breaking Humanity’s Back With Needles, Bombs, And Starvation by Dr. Mark Sircus

America is also suiciding itself and its privileged position of holding the world’s reserve currency. As a result, the world order dominated by the United States is being ripped asunder, with Russia, China, India, and even Saudi Arabia leading the charge into a bipolar world. So is it goodbye to globalization, or is it globalized […]

Articles Bank For International Settlements Big Lie Censorship Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Digital Currency Economics Finance Frauds Government Jews Journalism Laws Money New World Order Satanic Social Credit Score Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism Videos War World Economic Forum

World Government Summit Speculates On “Digital Money” For Full Centralized Control by Christina Maas (Text and Video)

A “financial system” to underpin the “world order.” On March 29 and 30th, senior government officials and leaders of international organizations from more than 190 countries met in Dubai for the World Government Summit 2022. The participants present their ideas for the future from their different fields. Dr. Pippa Malmgren, an economist who served as […]

America Articles Big Oil Blowback Catastrophe Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Energy Europe Finance Freedom And Liberty Geopolitical Jews Journalism Money Political Russia Sanctions Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine Video Rebel Vladimir Putin Wall Street Corruption War

If I Were Vladimir Putin… by Video Rebel

Vladimir Putin has changed the world. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Wall Street had ruled the planet. Do it our way or else. Saddam Hussein dared to sell his oil for euros. His country was bombed, invaded and occupied. Colonel Qaddafi wanted to create an African dollar backed by oil and gold to […]

Articles Banking Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Central Banks China Commodities Economics Energy Europe Finance Government Jews Journalism Military-Industrial Complex Money NATO Pepe Escobar Political Russia Sanctions Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine United States War World War III

‘Rublegas:’ The World’s New Resource-Based Reserve Currency by Pepe Escobar

Rublegas is the commodity currency du jour and it isn’t nearly as complicated as NATO pretends. If Europe wants gas, all it needs to do is send its Euros to a Russian account inside Russia. Saddam, Gaddafi, Iran, Venezuela – they all tried but couldn’t do it. But Russia is on a different level altogether. […]

Audios Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Finance Freedom Fighter Government History Jews Journalism Michael Hudson Money Political Russia Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine United States War

Michael Hudson: US Dollar Hegemony Ended Abruptly Last Wednesday by Margaret Flowers (Audio 1:00:01)

On Wednesday, March 23, 2022, the United States announced that it would freeze Russia’s access to its gold. Russia has the fifth highest amount of gold in the world. Economist Michael Hudson explains that this action, which follows the US seizing Venezuela and Afghanistan’s gold and assets, has effectively ended dollar hegemony, which has been […]

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The Future Of Digital Cash Is Not On The Blockchain by Gilad Edelman

If you want the privacy of paper money, you need something that leaves no paper trail.“If we’re to have a public option for digital finance, it needs to include everyone,” says Raúl Carrillo, a researcher at Yale Law School, who like Grey consulted on the legislation. “A key part of that is being able to […]

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‘Very Legitimacy’ Of Biden’s Presidency In Doubt by Jeff Miller

Joe Biden and officials serving under him will eventually have to deal with Hunter Biden’s laptop. The scandal broke by reporters three weeks before the 2020 election, but Joe Biden and his aides ignored it for 17 months. In denying the disclosures, and lying about the assertions, they have resorted to their corrupt friends in […]

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Happiness by Steve Cutts (4:16)

Happiness by Steve Cutts (4:16) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter