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Daily Satan by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

The Devil works hard to make us lose our souls.Our Lord works just as hard – at the controls! “Ab inimico disce” is another of those pithy Latin sayings – “Learn from your enemy.” The text quoted in italics below is a classic illustration of the principle. It comes from a video-clip accessible in French […]

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On November 13, 1964, Pope Paul VI Abandoned The Tradition Of Wearing An Ornate, Bejeweled Crown by Papal Artifacts (Text and Video)

The Day The Pope Gave Up His Papal Tiara To Feed The PoorBeginning in the 8th century, the papal tiara – a jewel-encrusted, ornately decorated three-tiered, conical crown – was the symbol of papal authority. Worn by new popes on the occasion of their coronations and other solemn occasions, the headdress represented the Bishop of […]

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Holocaust Revisionism by Father James Mawdsley

Father James Mawdsley has produced five in-depth and insightful videosthat have completely exposed the Holocaust fraud. Source: Father James Mawdsley Father James Mawdsley Archive With 4 Posts Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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Trump: “Make Israel Great Again” by Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Archive With 47 Posts At a Republican rally in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, September 19, billed as “opposing antisemitism,” Donald Trump made several remarks that lived up to his title of “America’s First Zionist President.” Leaving the “Make America Great Again” mantra, Trump promised his audience that he would “make Israel great again.” […]