Crop Circles And The CIA Coverup by The Why Files (55:30)(To view with many links, click the link below.) The Why Files Archive Crop Circles Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News
Shroud Of Turin: Evidence Of Its Authenticity by The God Talk (1:43:30)
This video is excellent. It’s the best and by far the most thorough that I’ve ever watched on the Shroud of Turin, and it’s also probably the last thing the Jewish oligarchy want people to know about. I do believe that they were behind the false Carbon 14 dating test that became worldwide news, so […]
The End Of Cheap Food by Charles Hugh Smith
Global food production rests on soil and rain. Robots don’t change that. Of all the modern-day miracles, the least appreciated is the incredible abundance of low cost food in the U.S. and other developed countries. The era of cheap food is ending, for a variety of mutually reinforcing reasons. We’ve become so dependent on industrial-scale […]
What Is Permaculture? by Bill Mollison
I’m replacing Lea Harrison, who has a perforated ear drum and can’t fly. So I don’t have any lecture notes, I’m sorry to say. Her lecture was “What is Permaculture?” The more you know about it, the harder it is to say what it is. And I know a lot about it, so you won’t […]
Ignore The Prophets Of Doom – Organic Food Can Feed The World by Colin Todhunter
The EU’s ‘farm to fork’ strategy advocates for at least a 20% reduction in synthetic fertiliser use by 2030 and at least a 50% reduction in pesticides. This has come under fire from the US government and its cronies in the agrochemical sector who forward tired and discredited arguments that this will fuel hunger and […]
Review: Science Set Free by Ryan Matters
In Science Set Free, Rupert Sheldrake sets out to probe the shaky foundations of materialist science and question long-held beliefs that have, over time, hardened into dogmas. Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author of numerous technical papers. He was a fellow of Clare College, Cambridge University, where he was director of studies in cell […]
Would You Stick Your (Head, Food, Water, Anything) In A Microwave Oven? by Arthur Firstenberg
All of the pepper seedlings pictured above were grown under identical conditions for 200 days, except for one difference. The plants in the top three frames (A, B and C) were watered daily with tap water that had first sat in a glass flask for one hour. The plants in the bottom three frames (D, […]
Glyphosate: Bad For Human And Plant Health by Video Rebel
The short answer is that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, binds to and removes minerals that make both humans and the plants they eat healthy. This is not good. Glyphosate binds with calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, molybdenum, cobalt and boron. Boron is needed in the cell wall of plants to protect them from diseases […]
Being There (Final Scene) (1979) (0:54)
Being There (Final Scene) (1979) (0:54) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) From Dr. Vernon C