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National Socialism: The Right And Only Way To Free Ourselves by Stefan Timm

National Socialism is the right and only way because it first of all is a racial ideology, whose principles teach us the importance of racial purity and integrity, for what is a culture without its race? A culture whose people have lost their racial identity through miscegenation in the end dies, for a real culture […]

America Anthony Fauci Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Biology Black Projects Blowback Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Communism Consciousness Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Entrapment Espionage Externalities Family Fear Food And Drug Administration Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gambling Gaslighting Genocide Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health History Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Israel Jews Journalism Kyle Hunt Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Never Give Up New Normal New World Order Pfizer Political Propaganda Psychology Religion / Spirituality Renegade Tribune Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Talmud Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS War Whistleblowers

Israel Pushing FDA To Approve Booster Shots For Americans; Fauci Says 3rd Jab Likely Coming September 20 by Chris Menahan

Israel, which recently gave Anthony Fauci a million dollar “award,” is planning to “brief” the FDA on why they need to approve endless booster shots for the American public. This meeting is clearly being timed right before the White House’s Sept 20 booster approval deadline. This seems like it’s all part of a scheme to […]