Articles Assassinations Big Lie Censorship Communism Corruption Courage Creepy Joe Biden Death Department Of Homeland Security Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Fear Hate Crimes History Jews Mark R. Elsis Articles Political President Donald J. Trump Satanic Talmud Totalitarianism United States Videos

Trump Assassination Attempt by Mark R. Elsis

Bullet flying perilously close to Trump’s head,moments before another grazed his ear.Photograph by Doug Mills This page will be updated regularly with pertinent articles, news, photographs, and videos. Questions and answers on the Trump assassination attempt, where he missed death by less than an inch:The patsy assassin has been identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks […]

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Articles Bible Big Lie Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism Censorship Children Christianity Communism Corruption Courage Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity Divide And Conquer Family Freedom Fighter God Government Inspiration Jesus Christ Jews LGBTQ Medical Pedophiles Political Prayer Protests Satanic Social Engineering Talmud Totalitarianism United States Whistleblowers

Statement Of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò On The Scandalous Proclamation Of March 31 As “Transgender Visibility Day” by “President” Joe Biden

The word Apocalipse, in Greek, means unveiling, revelation. This revelation, in Sacred Scripture, concerns first and foremost the objective reality of Good and Evil, that is, the collective awareness of the ongoing war between God and Satan, between the children of Light and the children of darkness. The unprecedented and scandalous proclamation of March 31 […]

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Armageddon Articles Bible Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Communism Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Death DNA / mRNA Injection Freedom Fighter Globalists God Government Inspiration Jews New World Order Propaganda Totalitarianism

“The Globalist Cabal Want To Establish The Kingdom Of The Antichrist On Earth” by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

“These murderers will soon find themselves answering for their crimes,if not before the tribunal of the world, then certainly before God.” Editor’s note: The following is the full text of a message from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò for the “First Health Holocaust Remembrance Day.” Dear Friends, I am grateful for the invitation of Professor Massimo […]

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn Articles Big Lie Books Censorship Christianity Civil Rights Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Education Fear Freedom Fighter Future God Government History Immigration Inspiration Jews Laws Military Political Soul Teachers Totalitarianism United States USSR

Live Not By Lies by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

On the day Solzhenitsyn was arrested, February, 12, 1974, he released the text of “Live Not by Lies.” The next day, he was exiled to the West, where he received a hero’s welcome. This moment marks the peak of his fame. Solzhenitsyn equates “lies” with ideology, the illusion that human nature and society can be […]

Adolf Hitler Articles Banking Communism Corruption Coup d'État Courage Crimes Against Humanity Death Economics Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Germany Government History Inflation Inspiration Jews Mark R. Elsis Articles Money NSDAP Political Protests Rudolf Hess Theft They Live World War I World War II

One Hundred Years Ago Today by Mark R. Elsis

On November 8–9, 1923, Adolf Hitler led a coalition group in an attempt to overthrow the German government.This attempted coup d’état came to be known as the Beer Hall Putsch, it is also known as the Munich Putsch. “National revolution is underway . . .against the Berlin Jew government and the November criminals of 1918.”Adolf […]

Anti-Semitism Banking Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Divide And Conquer Dumb Us Down Fear Federal Reserve Feminism Frauds Globalists History Hollywood Holocaust Revisionism Jews Kalergi Plan Political Politically Correct Propaganda Rothschild Family Satanic Surveillance Talmud Theft Totalitarianism United States Usury Videos War War Criminals

Truth Is Anti-Semitic by Rebel Of Oz (6:14)

Truth Is Anti-Semitic by Rebel Of Oz (6:14)(To view with many links, click the link below.) Jews Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Articles Automobile / Car Big Lie Blowback Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Constitution For The United States Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Death Divide And Conquer Frauds Freedom Fighter Future God Government Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Second Amendment Surveillance Totalitarianism United States World Economic Forum

They Are Coming For Our Guns, Our Cars And Everything Else by Chuck Baldwin

Don’t let the rhetoric of Joe Biden and his gaggle of gun grabbers fool you: They ARE coming for our guns. Their anti-Second Amendment agenda has nothing to do with “common sense gun legislation” or safety—and they know it. They are bloodthirsty wolves talking in the tongue of harmless sheep. They are deceivers; they are […]

Articles Banking Bible Censorship Christianity Communism Corruption Coup d'État Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Dr. Thomas Dalton Fear Federal Reserve Finance Globalists Government History Hollywood Israel Jews Mainstream Media Palestine Political Satanic Talmud Theft Usury Wall Street Corruption War

Confronting The Judeocracy: The Six Stages Of Enlightenment by Thomas Dalton Ph.D.

This 2,000-year history of hatred and contempt for the rest of humanity is played out in the present day, though with much stealth and deception. Jews often work in the background, hidden, out of the limelight; they are, as Hitler said, the “wire-pullers” (Drahtzieher) of contemporary society, using money and power to steer events in […]

Antifa Assassinations Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Big Pharma Big Tech Black Projects Blowback Bullying Cancel Culture Censorship Central Banks Communism Corruption Coup d'État COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Critical Race Theory Cultural Department Of Homeland Security DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Eugenics Euthanasia Fear Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Freemasonry Globalists Government Hollywood Holocaust Revisionism Israel Jeffrey Epstein Jewish Bolshevik Revolution Jews John F. Kennedy Jr. Mainstream Media Military-Industrial Complex Mossad Noahide Laws Palestine Political President John F. Kennedy Propaganda Psychology Purim Rachel Corrie Robert F. Kennedy Russia Sackler Family Sanctions Satanic Slavery Stolen Elections Surveillance Talmud Television Theft They Live Totalitarianism Ukraine United Kingdom United Nations United States USS Liberty Usury Videos Wall Street Corruption War War Criminals World Economic Forum World Health Organization World War I World War II World War III

Why Are People Afraid Of The Facts About Jews? (17:35)

Why Are People Afraid Of The Facts About Jews? (17:35)(To view with many links, click the link below.) Jews Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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Truth Unchained (Six Episodes) Peter Gumley Interviews Bishop Richard N. Williamson

An insightful six-part series where Peter Gumley interviews Bishop Richard N. Williamson on a wide variety of historical and religious issues. Bishop Richard N. Williamson Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Abortion Addiction African Americans American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Assassinations Banking Bible Big Lie Big Pharma Big Tech Blowback Bullying Cancel Culture Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Communism Corruption Coup d'État COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Depopulation Digital Currency Digital ID Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Economics Education Eugenics Euthanasia Fear Federal Reserve Fluoride Globalists God Government History Hollywood Holocaust Revisionism Immigration Infanticide Israel Journalism Kalergi Plan Laws LGBTQ Mainstream Media Middle East Military-Industrial Complex Mossad Multiculturalism Palestine Pedophiles Political Politically Correct Pornography President John F. Kennedy Propaganda Psychology Public Schools Rachel Corrie Russia Satanic Second Amendment Social Engineering Talmud Ukraine United Nations United States USS Liberty Usury Videos Wall Street Corruption War War Criminals World Economic Forum World Health Organization World War I World War II

In Black And White by Dave Gahary And Ayo Kimathi

“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”Henry David Thoreau“An excellent, must-watch eight-part series, for those who are open-minded and truly care about the truth, by two astute, Jew-wise gentlemen, who are most definitely striking at the root of the evil in our world.”Mark R. […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship China Communism Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Deep State Domestic Terrorism Frauds Gaslighting Government History Jews Journalism Laws Money Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Propaganda Satanic Stolen Elections Theft Ukraine United States War

Who Stole The 2020 Presidential Election? by Philip Giraldi

Antony Blinken and others have much to answer for The corruption engaged in by the Democratic Party leadership appears to be never-ending and no one is ever held accountable. A recent report described how Michael Morell, the former acting Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director, colluded with Antony Blinken, who was then a senior official in […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Constitution For The United States Corruption Fear Freedom Fighter Government History Inspiration Jews Laws Michael Hoffman Never Give Up Political Propaganda Satanic Second Amendment Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War

A Diabolic Gun Control Strategy by Chuck Baldwin

My good friend Michael Hoffman recently wrote an outstanding thesis on the subject of the growing efforts of Democrats (and some Republicans) to push the anti-Second Amendment envelope as far as possible. I borrowed the title of Michael’s thesis for the title of this column. For instance, right now Tennessee Republican Governor Bill Lee is […]

Architecture Art Beauty Big Lie Blowback Brain Catastrophe Censorship Communism Films God History Jews Love Music Philosophy Poetry Religion / Spirituality Roger Scruton Satanic Videos

Why Beauty Matters by Roger Scruton (2009)

Why Beauty Matters by Roger Scruton (2009) (58:59)(To view with many links, click the link below.) Roger Scruton Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Bank For International Settlements Banking Books Censorship Central Banks Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Fear Federal Reserve Frauds Globalists Government History Jews Journalism Laws New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft Totalitarianism War

Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story Of The Committee Of 300 by John Coleman (Book)

Undoubtedly the “Bible” of conspiracy books, the completely revised and updated Fourth Edition landmark book is filled with information not previously disclosed. It names one of the contenders for the White House who is closely related to one of the oldest “300” families whose fortune was derived from opium trade with China, and no, it […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Brain Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Drug Pushers Entrapment Frauds Government Journalism Laws Medical Political Propaganda Satanic Theft They Live VAERS War

The Covid Jabs Have Created Millions Of Zombies by Dr. Vernon Coleman

I believe that the vaccine pushers knew that the inadequately tested and unnecessary covid jab was going to kill huge swathes of populations around the world. I now believe that the deaths and the maimings weren’t side effects at all – they were the main effects. And in addition to the deaths and the serious […]

America Articles Big Lie Blowback California Catastrophe Censorship Children Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Entrapment Family Future Government Immigration Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism Video Rebel War

$1.68 An Hour, $862,000 Homes. LA Is America’s Future by Video Rebel

Latina illegal aliens are working for as little as $1.68 an hour in clothing sweat shops in Los Angeles according to Zero Hedge . A real estate agency said home prices have dropped to an average of $862,000 in Los Angeles county though Black people and illegal aliens in Watts can buy homes for as […]

America Antifa Articles Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Children Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Corruption Cultural Education Entrapment Family Fear Freedom Fighter Future Government History Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Second Amendment Talmud Theft War

America, Arm Your Schools Now! by Chuck Baldwin

Tragically, it has happened again. A mentally deranged woman (who called herself a man) walked into a private Christian church-school and killed three nine-year-old children (one of whom was the church pastor’s daughter) and three adult school employees. And once again, the shootings took place in a gun-free zone. The attack ended when two police […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Digital Currency DNA / mRNA Injection Dr. Vernon Coleman Fear Future Government History Laws Never Give Up Political Propaganda Russia Theft They Live Totalitarianism Ukraine War

There Has Been A Global Coup Part I, II, And III by Dr. Vernon Coleman

There has been a global coup. The covid-19 fraud was devised with a purpose; it was part of a plan which started in earnest back in the 1960s when a group of people met and agreed that the world was overcrowded. They decided to cut the size of the population down to a level last […]

Catastrophe Censorship Communism Constitution For The United States Corruption Freedom And Liberty Government Jews Laws Political Surveillance Talmud Theft Totalitarianism Tucker Carlson Videos

Tucker: This Would Give The Government Terrifying Power (9:52)

Tucker: This Would Give The Government Terrifying Power (9:52) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Tucker: This Would Give The Government Terrifying Power (9:52) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Tucker Carlson Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Fear Frauds Government Jews Laws Military-Industrial Complex NATO Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine United States War War Criminals

Send In The Clowns by Philip Giraldi

Yellen and Garland perform back-to-back surprise visits to UkraineSometimes I think that the script being used by the Biden Administration to manage its foreign and national security policies has been written by George Orwell, though I am not sure if it based on 1984 or Animal Farm. Maybe it is a combination of the two. […]

Communism Corruption Food Shortages Genocide History Holodomor Jews Joseph Stalin Political Satanic Starvation Talmud The New York Times Theft They Live Ukraine United States USSR Videos War

The Holocaust The New York Times Ignored by FEE (11:19)

The Holocaust The New York Times Ignored by FEE (11:19) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Holocaust The New York Times Ignored by FEE (11:19) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Holodomor Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News […]

Big Lie Books Bullying Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Communism Corruption Courage Cultural Death Divide And Conquer Entrapment Fear Freedom Fighter Government History Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Racism Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live United States Usury War

Defensive Racism by Edgar J. Steele (Book)

An Unapologetic Examination of Racial DifferencesAn overview of racism in America and chilling forecast of things to come, such as emerging intact from the coming economic meltdown and breakup of America, presents a bold, powerful, and persuasive argument to deal with racial differences we all recognize, yet pretend not to notice. Only the true racist, […]

Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Deep State Divide And Conquer Economics Fear Gaslighting Government Jews John W. Whitehead Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Surveillance Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War

Circus Politics Are Intended To Distract Us. Don’t Be Distracted by John and Nisha Whitehead

It is easy to be distracted right now by the bread and circus politics that have dominated the news headlines lately, but don’t be distracted. Don’t be fooled, not even a little. We’re being subjected to the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell […]

Bank For International Settlements Banking Catastrophe Central Banks Communism Corruption David Rockefeller Digital Currency Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Government Greg Reese Jews Money Political Privacy Satanic Slavery Surveillance Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Usury Videos

Federal Reserve Bank Launches Phase One Of CBDC This July by Greg Reese (3:49)

Federal Reserve Bank Launches Phase One Of CBDC This July by Greg Reese (3:49) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Federal Reserve Bank Launches Phase One Of CBDC This July by Greg Reese (3:49) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Greg Reese Archive Subscribe To The […]

America Art Bill and Hillary Clinton Blowback Censorship Comedy Communism Constitution For The United States Corruption Courage Cultural Entrapment Fear Freedom And Liberty Future Gab Government Jews Laws Memes Political Prison Propaganda Satanic Surveillance Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism War

The Regime’s War To Make Memes Illegal by Pastor Andrew Isker

The Regime is currently trying to put a man behind bars for ten years for making memes. The most important First Amendment case of our lifetimes is taking place, and many have no idea it is even happening. United States v. Douglass Mackey began this week and is a major part of the Left’s war […]

America Articles Blowback Catastrophe Colonel Douglas Macgregor Communism Corruption Courage Creepy Joe Biden Deep State Economics Energy Fear Government History Journalism Military Military-Industrial Complex NATO Peace Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Ukraine War

The Gathering Storm by Douglas Macgregor

America’s self-inflicted trouble in Ukraine aggravates our dangerous trouble at home. The crisis of American national power has begun. America’s economy is tipping over, and Western financial markets are quietly panicking. Imperiled by rising interest rates, mortgage-backed securities and U.S. Treasuries are losing their value. The market’s proverbial “vibes”—feelings, emotions, beliefs, and psychological penchants—suggest a […]

Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity Cryptocurrencies Digital Currency Federal Reserve Freedom And Liberty Government Governor Kristi Noem Mainstream Media Money Political Second Amendment Slavery Social Credit Score Surveillance Tucker Carlson United States Videos

Tucker Carlson: SD Governor Kristi Noem Explains Why She Vetoed A Central Bank Digital Currency Bill (4:27)

Tucker Carlson: SD Governor Kristi Noem Explains Why She Vetoed A Central Bank Digital Currency Bill (4:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Tucker Carlson: SD Governor Kristi Noem Explains Why She Vetoed A Central Bank Digital Currency Bill (4:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Tucker […]

Articles Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Children Civil Disobedience Communism Corruption Cultural Dumb Us Down Education Fear Foods Future Gary D. Barnett Government History Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Social Engineering Surveillance Totalitarianism United States War

The Bulk Of This Population Has Been Rendered Mentally Harmless By The Elimination Of Individuality by Gary D. Barnett

Many wonder why things are as they are today, why unique and sovereign individuals gather in large groups en masse, (as one) why they seek and embrace the herd mentality, and why they demand a dominate government, when this behavior can only lead to a loss of identity and an elimination of all critical thought. […]

Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Family Fear Government Laws New Normal Political Propaganda Russia Satanic Theft They Live Totalitarianism Ukraine United Kingdom United States War War Criminals

The Madness Never Ends by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Medical treatment in the UK is made available according to committees of social workers whose priorities are different to the priorities most of us would favour. So, for example, all other things being equal an unemployed illegal immigrant from Neptune with twelve children and bomb making skills would receive precedence over Shakespeare, Dickens or Milton. […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Brain Catastrophe Censorship Civil Disobedience Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Digital Currency Digital ID Entrapment Fear Gary D. Barnett Government Jews Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War

The Relationship Between The American People And Its Evil Government Is The Epitome Of Mass Stockholm Syndrome by Gary D. Barnett

Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological phenomenon usually attributed to a person or persons who have been taken hostage by one or more people, and during the span of time held hostage, becomes sympathetic and attached to his captor to such an extent as to form a bond or devotion to the perpetrator. This is a […]

Abortion Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Children Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Family Fear Freedom Fighter Genocide Government Health Jews Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live United States War

Talmudics Are Out Front Promoting The Abortion Agenda—Again! by Chuck Baldwin

As I have stated before, and as many others have shown, Tel Aviv, Israel, is the world capital in regards to the glorification and promotion of abortion, homosexuality and all things hedonistic. That evangelical Christians continue to regard the Zionist State of Israel as “The Holy Land” and Talmudic Jews as “God’s Chosen People” is […]

Banking Civil Disobedience Comedy Communism Corporations Corruption Death Deep State Direct Actions Federal Reserve Globalists Government Music New World Order Political Protests Totalitarianism Videos

Time For Guillotines by Trevor Moore (4:10)

Time For Guillotines by Trevor Moore (4:10) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Time For Guillotines by Trevor Moore (4:10) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Music Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Abortion Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Big Lie Cancel Culture Catholicism Children Communism Corruption COVID-19 DNA / mRNA Injection Economics Education Euthanasia Family Globalists Health LGBTQ NATO New World Order Russia Satanic Stolen Elections Transgender Ukraine War Woke World Economic Forum

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò The Globalist New World Order Has The Marks Of The AntiChurch Of Satan (28:26)

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò The Globalist New World Order Has The Marks Of The AntiChurch Of Satan (28:26) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò The Globalist New World Order Has The Marks Of The AntiChurch Of Satan (28:26) (To view with many links, click the link below.) […]

Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corporations Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Entrapment False Flags Freedom Fighter Future Gary D. Barnett Gaslighting Globalists Government Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Totalitarianism United States War

Concerning The State, There Are No Accidents, No Coincidences, And No Natural ‘Emergencies’ Or Threats: All Is Planned by Gary D. Barnett

We are in the midst of one perceived fake threat after another claimed by the state, and each day seems to bring more and more events best described as fantasy; or to a greater extent, purposely produced and directed theatre. Hollywood could not manage these false flags any better, or maybe the movie design of […]

Communism Corruption Economics Federal Bureau Of Investigation Globalists Government Jews New World Order Political Redacted Satanic Switzerland Talmud Theft Videos World Economic Forum

Leaked! What The WEF Is About To Do At Davos 2023 Revealed by Redacted With Clayton Morris (8:11)

Leaked! What The WEF Is About To Do At Davos 2023 Revealed by Redacted With Clayton Morris (8:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Leaked! What The WEF Is About To Do At Davos 2023 Revealed by Redacted With Clayton Morris (8:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.) […]

Adolf Hitler Audios Catholicism Christianity Communism Europe Germany Institute For Historical Review Jews Mark Weber Religion / Spirituality United Kingdom United States Videos World War II

Christianity In Wartime Germany And Religion In World War Two by Mark Weber (50:40)

Christianity In Wartime Germany And Religion In World War Two by Mark Weber (50:40) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Christianity In Wartime Germany And Religion In World War Two by Mark Weber (50:40) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Mark Weber Archive Subscribe To The […]

Banking Catastrophe Censorship Children Christianity Climate Change Communism Corruption COVID-19 Death Divide And Conquer Economics Family Fear Freedom And Liberty Future God Government Inspiration Lockdowns Military-Industrial Complex Money Neil Oliver Political Propaganda Ukraine Videos War Criminals

Neil Oliver: We Welcome 2023, But It Might As Well Be Groundhog Day (10:37)

Neil Oliver: We Welcome 2023, But It Might As Well Be Groundhog Day (10:37) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: We Welcome 2023, But It Might As Well Be Groundhog Day (10:37) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The […]

Articles Beauty Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Blowback Catholicism Children Communism Corruption Courage Cultural Divide And Conquer Education Entrapment Fear Frauds God Government History Hungary Inspiration Jesus Christ Journalism Love Miracles Political Prayer Religion / Spirituality

Come, Infant Jesus! by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Better be run through with a flaming sword Than scandalise the little ones of Our Lord. This is the story of a miracle that took place a few days before Christmas of 1956 in Communist-occupied Hungary. The story comes to us through one Fr. Norbert, a parish priest in Budapest, who later fled to the […]

Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism Censorship Christianity Communism COVID-19 Germany God History Holocaust Revisionism Inspiration Jesus Christ Jewish Bolshevik Revolution Jews Satanic Talmud USSR Videos World War II

War On God by Bishop Richard N. Williamson (6:10)

War On God by Bishop Richard N. Williamson (6:10) (To view with many links, click the link below.) War On God by Bishop Richard N. Williamson (6:10) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Bishop Richard N. Williamson Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free […]

Children Christianity Christmas Communism Corruption COVID-19 Cultural Family Fear Freedom Fighter Globalists God Government History Jesus Christ Jews Lockdowns Love Neil Oliver Political Satanic Sovereignty Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism Transgender Transhuman Videos War

Cancelling Christmas Is Sinister, Says Neil Oliver (11:47)

Cancelling Christmas Is Sinister, Says Neil Oliver (11:47) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Cancelling Christmas Is Sinister, Says Neil Oliver (11:47) (To view with many links, click the link below.),-Says-Neil-Oliver Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Adolf Hitler Audios Catholicism Censorship Christianity Communism Germany History Inspiration Institute For Historical Review Jews Journalism Mark Weber NSDAP Religion / Spirituality Videos World War II

Religion And Christianity In Third Reich by Mark Weber (50:57)

Religion And Christianity In Third Reich by Mark Weber (50:57) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Religion And Christianity In Third Reich Germany by Mark Weber (50:57) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Mark Weber Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And […]

Communism Corruption Economics Frauds Future Globalists Government History Jews Mainstream Media Neil Oliver Political Poverty Propaganda Protests Satanic Slavery Talmud United Kingdom Videos

Neil Oliver: I Keep Waiting For The Betrayal Too Far (9:33)

Neil Oliver: I Keep Waiting For The Betrayal Too Far (9:33) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: I Keep Waiting For The Betrayal Too Far (9:33) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, […]

Adolf Hitler Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Christianity Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Entrapment Genocide Germany Government History Jews Journalism Laws NSDAP Poland Political Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Torture Videos War War Criminals World War II

The Untold Story Of The Danzig-Bromberg Massacres (56:02)

The Untold Story Of The Danzig-Bromberg Massacres (56:02) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Untold Story Of The Danzig-Bromberg Massacres (56:02) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’s-Reich World War II Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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What Is The Big Lie? Excerpt From Mein Kampf (2:37)

Adolf Hitler was earnestly trying to warn the world about “The Great Master of Lies” Yet, nearly all now believe it was Hitler who was boasting about doing this himself – Such is the cunning and deceitful Jewish clout to turn the truth into – The Big Lie. What Is The Big Lie? Excerpt From […]

Abortion Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Central Banks Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Dr. E. Michael Jones Economics Energy Europe Films Government History Jesus Christ Jews Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States Usury Videos

Culture Wars And The Age Of Decadence With Dr. E. Michael Jones (1:38:36)

Culture Wars And The Age Of Decadence With Dr. E. Michael Jones (1:38:36) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Culture Wars And The Age Of Decadence With Dr. E. Michael Jones (1:38:36) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Dr. E. Michael Jones Archive Subscribe To The […]

Abortion America Articles Artoons Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Communism Corruption Creepy Joe Biden DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Fear Frauds Government January 6, 2021 Lockdowns Medical New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Surveillance Theft They Live Totalitarianism War

The Conspirators by

The Democrat party have demonstrated judicial malfeasance by their flagrant abuse of power starting with the fabricated dossier during the Trump administration, the groundless impeachment trials and false witnesses, including the partisan arrests, framing, and imprisonment without trial of peaceful and innocent protesters on January 6th. Political persecutions through one-sided commissions and communist-style show trials […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Divide And Conquer Economics Entrapment Fear Freedom Fighter Government History Holocaust Revisionism Jews Journalism Kevin MacDonald Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft United States War

Jewish Assimilation? by Kevin MacDonald

An issue that comes up when talking about Jewish influence, especially, say, in the early twentieth century, is how to interpret the calls of some Jewish intellectuals for Jews to assimilate. Assimilation can mean many things. We can all agree that Orthodox and Hasidic Jews tucked away in self-created ghettos and eschewing secular education are […]

Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Catastrophe Central Banks Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Government History Jews Money Neanderthals Political Slavery Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine Usury War

The Hidden History Of Khazarian Jews (15:11)

The Hidden History Of Khazarian Jews (15:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Hidden History Of Khazarian Jews (15:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Jews Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Articles Big Food Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Europe Expose-News Family Farming Fear Freedom Fighter Gardens Globalists Government Jews Journalism Political Propaganda Satanic Seeds Soil Talmud Theft They Live War World Economic Forum

Netherlands’ Land Grab: Government’s Proposal To Seize Up To 600 Farms Within A Year, By Force If Necessary by Rhoda Wilson

Tens of thousands of farmers have taken to the streets to oppose new government climate goals that will force thousands of farmers out of business. Despite all of these protests, the Dutch government is now talking about state-forced buyouts of 500-600 farms as early as within the next year. In other words, the state could […]

Academy Of Ideas Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Central Banks Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Government History Inflation Jews Money Political Roman Satanic Slavery Talmud Taxes Theft Usury Videos

How Inflation Precipitates Societal Collapse by Academy Of Ideas (12:46)

How Inflation Precipitates Societal Collapse by Academy Of Ideas (12:46) (To view with many links, click the link below.) How Inflation Precipitates Societal Collapse by Academy Of Ideas (12:46) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Academy Of Ideas Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Entrapment Fear Freedom Fighter Gary D. Barnett Journalism Never Give Up New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War

How Does It Feel To Live In This ‘Newfound’ Communist Country? by Gary D. Barnett

How Does It Feel To Live In This ‘Newfound’ Communist Country? Let us forget about any alleged “Constitutional Republic,” or any democracy, Fascist, Socialist, or any other evident political leanings in the U.S., and just concentrate on reality. The United States today is based more on a Communist society than any other single political system […]

Articles Brain Censorship Christianity Communism Courage Crimes Against Humanity Education Freedom And Liberty Future Government Jews Journalism Laws Military Political Russia Sanctions Sputnik Talmud Theft Totalitarianism Ukraine United Kingdom United States Vladimir Putin War

‘People Have Made Their Choice’: Putin Marks Support For Four New Regions’ Entry Into Russia by Ilya Tsukanov

Between September 23 and 27, the Donbass republics and areas of Kherson and Zaporozhye freed during the course of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine held referenda on whether to accede into Russia. Overwhelming majorities of residents in each territory voted in favor of doing so. Vladimir Putin has expressed his full support for the incorporation […]

Catastrophe Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Education Freedom Fighter God Government Jesus Christ Jews Journalism Political Propaganda Religion / Spirituality Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States War

Christianity Soon To Be Minority Faith In America by Chuck Baldwin

The number of people adhering to the Christian faith in America has been on a steep downward spiral since the advent of the current century. That trend is only accelerating. It will not be long and people identifying themselves as Christians will be a distinct minority in this country. Here are snippets from a recent […]

Communism Corruption Fear Globalists Government Immigration Jews Kalergi Plan Multiculturalism Neil Oliver New World Order Political Propaganda Videos

Neil Oliver: No Time For Silence (4:30)

Neil Oliver: No Time For Silence (4:30) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: No Time For Silence (4:30) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Big Lie Books Censorship Central Banks Communism Corporations Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Eustace Mullins Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Government Inflation Jews Journalism Laws Money Political Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live United States Usury War

The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins (Book)

The original investigative report, spanning over three decades reveals all about the Federal Reserve. From its contrivance to its intended purpose. Mullins presents some bare facts about the Federal Reserve System with subjects on: it IS NOT a U.S. government bank; it IS NOT controlled by Congress; it IS a privately owned Central Bank controlled […]

Big Pharma Biology Blowback Bullying Catastrophe Censorship Chemicals Children Christianity Communism Corruption Crimes Doctors Dr. Ron Paul Economics Entrapment Frauds Jews Laws LGBTQ Medical Money Pedophiles Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Talmud Theft United States Videos

Scandal At Vanderbilt: Mutilating Children…For Profit! by The Ron Paul Liberty Report (33:11)

Scandal At Vanderbilt: Mutilating Children…For Profit! by The Ron Paul Liberty Report (33:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Scandal At Vanderbilt: Mutilating Children…For Profit! by The Ron Paul Liberty Report (33:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.)…For-Profit!-by-The-Ron-Paul-Liberty-Report Dr. Ron Paul Archive Subscribe To The […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Central Intelligence Agency Communism Corruption Federal Bureau Of Investigation Government Internal Revenue Service Jews Laws Military-Industrial Complex National Security Agency Political Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Video Rebel War

The 2022 Democrat Platform – An Honest Version by Video Rebel

The average life expectancy of a trafficked child is two years. That is after two years of being raped daily. Lara Logan. Note: This 2022 Democrat party platform is from the UN, the IMF, NATO, Davos, Wall Street and the City of London so the agenda applies to your nation as well even if you […]

Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Dr. William Luther Pierce Economics Fear Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Government Jews Journalism Laws Military Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Videos War

Talmudic Judaism by Dr. William Luther Pierce (14:29)

Talmudic Judaism by Dr. William Luther Pierce (14:29) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Talmudic Judaism by Dr. William Luther Pierce (14:29) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Dr. William Luther Pierce Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Articles Assassinations Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Coup d'État Crimes Against Humanity Fear Frauds Genocide Government History Jewish Bolshevik Revolution Jews Joseph Stalin Larry Romanoff Military Noahide Laws Political Propaganda Russia Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live USSR War

Stalin’s Jews by Larry Romanoff

This topic is important not only for its own sake but because it provides linkages that help us to put other historical events in perspective, and even more because it is an astonishing, even astounding, example of how history is spun, of how the omission of only a few crucial facts can totally distort an […]

Addiction Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship China Communism Computers Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Economics Family Films Finance Frauds Government History Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Theft They Live United States Videos War

My Son Hunter A Film by Robert Davi (1:35:27)

My Son Hunter A Film by Robert Davi (1:35:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) My Son Hunter A Film by Robert Davi (1:35:27) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Creepy Joe Biden Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News […]

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Jews And Revolutions by Larry Romanoff

Much of the so-called “history” we were taught in our schools has not been so accurate as we might have believed. In particular, the book publishers, with cunning aforethought, have managed to eliminate much of the most important information necessary to give us a real understanding of the world in which we live. After the […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Domestic Terrorism Entrapment Fear Frauds Freedom Fighter Gary D. Barnett Government Inspiration Jews Journalism Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States War

American Subjects Think They Want To Know The Truth: But Can They Handle The Truth!? by Gary D. Barnett

The predetermined outcome of every aspect of the political system is the backbone of tyranny, in that fooling, frightening, and dividing the masses is the single best way to control them. Everything that happens in the political sphere is pre-planned and manipulative, regardless of which ‘side’ has currently been purposely selected and placed in power. […]

Brother Nathanael Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Government Jews New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Videos War

Biden’s Psycho-Babble by Brother Nathanael (6:09)

Biden’s Psycho-Babble by Brother Nathanael (6:09) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Biden’s Psycho-Babble by Brother Nathanael (6:09) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Brother Nathanael Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Articles Bible Blessed Virgin Mary Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Christianity Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Domestic Terrorism Dr. Lorraine Day Fear Frauds Government Jesus Christ Jews Mainstream Media New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud United States War

How The New World Order Is Using The Christian Churches And Their Pastors To Destroy Christianity! by Dr. Lorraine Day

Over two decades ago, in the December 1987 Pulpit Helps, which reaches thousands of ministers, frightening statistics were published after being gathered by the Jeffrey Hadden survey. Questions were sent to some 10,000 Protestant clergymen, 7,441 replied. Pastors from many different denominations were surveyed. The questions, together with the percentages in the replies are shown […]

Ashli Babbitt Censorship Communism Constitution For The United States Coup d'État Creepy Joe Biden Entrapment Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Hate Crimes January 6, 2021 Jews Military Never Give Up Police Brutality Political President Donald J. Trump Prison Propaganda Rosanne Boyland Stolen Elections Videos

January 6th Prisoner USMC Veteran Ryan Nichols (5:54)

January 6th Prisoner USMC Veteran Ryan Nichols (5:54) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) January 6th Prisoner USMC Veteran Ryan Nichols (5:54) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) January 6, 2021 Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, […]

Articles Communism Death Europe Freedom Fighter Government Military Military-Industrial Complex NATO Nuclear Weapons Peace Political Russia Russia Today / RT United States USSR War

Mikhail Gorbachev Dies At 91 by RT

He will be remembered as the father of ‘perestroika’ but also for presiding over the fall of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, the first and only president of the Soviet Union, has died at the age of 91, in Moscow. His death was reported on Tuesday night by the Central Clinical Hospital, which said in […]

America Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Digital Currency Digital ID Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Entrapment Fear Freedom Fighter Gary D. Barnett Government Inspiration Journalism Political Propaganda Satanic Theft They Live War

The Destruction Of Everything Considered Normal Has Created Division, Hate, Instability, And Chaos? by Gary D. Barnett

The Marxist position concerning the social nature of man as opposed to the individual is fatally flawed if decency, respect, morality, and freedom are sought, regardless of the lie that Communism is for the benefit of the people. Once the individual is sacrificed and is forced to conform to the wishes of society, any system […]

America Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Corruption Courage Freedom Fighter Government Jews Journalism Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War

“The Decline And Fall Of The Western Empire” by Chuck Baldwin

Almost everyone sees it, and almost no one wants to discuss it: America and Western Europe are spiraling out of control. And the speed of the descent is crescendoing rapidly. It took a long time for the old Roman Empire to collapse. The seeds of its demise blossomed slowly, but the historically astute among the […]

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Audios Big Lie Books Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Communism Corruption Courage Espionage Fear Freedom Fighter Government Israel Jews Journalism Laws Military Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud United Kingdom United States USSR War World War I World War II

The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Great Eight-Part Audio Series Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Catastrophe Catholicism Communism Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Fear Freedom Fighter God Government Inspiration Jesus Christ Jews Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War

Tower Of Babel by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Fr Peter Lang is another brave priest of the Society of St Pius X, thinking clearly and writing in public about the full religious dimension of the secular horrors overtaking the world around us. Instead of hiding his head in the sand, he is informing his flock of the full threat now menacing their eternal […]

America Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship China Communism Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Fear Frauds Government History Journalism Military-Industrial Complex Political Propaganda Russia Satanic Theft They Live Totalitarianism Ukraine War War Criminals World War III

Producing New Enemies For No Reason Whatsoever by Philip Giraldi

Why did Nancy Pelosi go to Taiwan?A good friend of mine, learning of the impending visit of Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, recalled Homer’s description of Helen of Troy, “The face that launched a thousand ships and burnt the towers of Ilium.” Well, Nancy ain’t no Helen of Troy, but […]

Blowback Catastrophe Communism Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Domestic Terrorism Federal Bureau Of Investigation Frauds Government Jews Laws Paul Joseph Watson Political President Donald J. Trump Satanic United States Videos War

The Truth About The FBI Raid On Trump by Paul Joseph Watson (7:19)

The Truth About The FBI Raid On Trump by Paul Joseph Watson (7:19) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) The Truth About The FBI Raid On Trump by Paul Joseph Watson (7:19) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Paul Joseph Watson […]

Articles Blowback Catastrophe Communism Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Domestic Terrorism Federal Bureau Of Investigation Frauds Government Jews Laws Political President John F. Kennedy Satanic Talmud United States War

About The [Jewish] Magistrate Judge Who Issued The Mar-A-Lago Warrant by Mark Wauck

I saw references to Bruce Reinhart last night, and the fact that he had previously defended Jeffrey Epstein (who didn’t kill himself). Commenter ML has also drawn attention to the matter. Technically, that’s not legally relevant-everyone is entitled to legal representation. The ethics of a defense lawyer should be judged by the quality of his […]

Communism Federal Bureau Of Investigation Government Jews President Donald J. Trump Satanic Stolen Elections United States Videos War

“This Is Some Third World Bullshit” Dan Bongino Weighs In On FBI Raid On Trump’s Home

“This Is Some Third World Bullshit” Dan Bongino Weighs In On FBI Raid On Trump’s Home (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) “This Is Some Third World Bullshit” Dan Bongino Weighs In On FBI Raid On Trump’s Home (To view full screen, also with many links, click the […]

Ashli Babbitt Communism Corruption Coup d'État Frauds Government History January 6, 2021 Jews Police Brutality Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Rosanne Boyland Stolen Elections Videos

The Truth About January 6th by (45:32)

The Truth About January 6th by (45:32) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) The Truth About January 6th by (45:32) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) January 6, 2021 Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, […]

America Articles Bible Big Lie Blessed Virgin Mary Cancel Culture Catastrophe Catholicism Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Corruption Cultural Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Entrapment Frauds Future God Israel Jesus Christ Jews Political Propaganda Religion / Spirituality Satanic Talmud Theft War

Evangelical Paganism by Chuck Baldwin

It’s time to face reality: The evangelical church is now mostly nothing more than another brand of religious paganism. There is almost nothing Christian about it. Granted, church edifices still have the tapestry, symbols and ceremonies resembling historic Christianity, but it’s all a ruse. The heart and soul of the Christian faith is dead in […]

Agriculture Big Food Bill Gates BlackRock Communism Corporations Corruption Farming Food Shortages Foods Globalists Holodomor Jews Nature New World Order Organic Permaculture Political Seeds Soil Starvation Truthstream Media Vanguard Videos Wall Street Corruption Water World Economic Forum

Davos Elite Plan To Fundamentally Change The Way Food Is Produced And Consumed by Truthstream Media (58:02)

Davos Elite Plan To Fundamentally Change The Way Food Is Produced And Consumed by Truthstream Media (58:02) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Davos Elite Plan To Fundamentally Change The Way Food Is Produced And Consumed by Truthstream Media (58:02) (To view full screen, also with many links, […]

Big Food Bill Gates BlackRock Climate Change Communism Corruption COVID-19 Creepy Joe Biden DNA / mRNA Injection Face Masks Farming Food Shortages Genocide Holodomor Microplastics Neil Oliver Obesity / Overweight Organic Plastic Pollution Seeds Slavery Soil Ukraine Vanguard Videos Water

Neil Oliver: An Anti-Human Agenda (10:33)

Neil Oliver: An Anti-Human Agenda (10:33) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: An Anti-Human Agenda (10:33) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

America Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Constitution For The United States Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Freedom And Liberty Government Jews Journalism Political Public Schools Satanic Theft They Live War

The Hidden Agenda Of The Founding Fathers’ Antagonists by Chuck Baldwin

Never in American history have our illustrious Founding Fathers been under such vile attack from within our own country as they are now. Both the Left and Right, secularists and “Christians,” feel constrained to “warn” us about the evil, sinister hearts and motives of the great men and women whom God inspired to raise up—at […]

Banking Big Lie BlackRock Blowback Catastrophe Children Communism Corporations Corruption COVID-19 Creepy Joe Biden Crony Capitalism DNA / mRNA Injection Economics Energy Farming Food Shortages Government Jews Laws Neil Oliver Political Propaganda United Kingdom Vanguard Videos Woke

Corrupt Institutions by Neil Oliver (9:53)

Corrupt Institutions by Neil Oliver (9:53) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Corrupt Institutions by Neil Oliver (9:53) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Banking Children Communism Corporations Corruption Crony Capitalism DNA / mRNA Injection Economics Face Masks Farming Food Shortages Government Journalism Lockdowns Mainstream Media Neil Oliver New World Order Slavery Unemployment United Kingdom Vaccine Passports Videos Woke World Economic Forum

Neil Oliver: They Think They Own Us (10:28)

Neil Oliver: They Think They Own Us (10:28) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: They Think They Own Us (10:28) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Dr. Vernon Coleman Fear Frauds Freedom Fighter Government Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws Medical New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism United Kingdom War

We’re All Being Governed By Psychopathic Morons by Dr. Vernon Coleman

In all communist and totalitarian societies it is customary for the oppressed people to do whatever they feel will make their lives easier – even if they feel embarrassed and ashamed of themselves.If you destroy people’s beliefs, they become weak, frightened, susceptible, vulnerable and ready to do what they are told. People who are uncertain […]

Abortion African Americans Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism Communism Creepy Joe Biden Father James Altman God Government Immigration Infanticide Jesus Christ Jews Laws Mainstream Media Police Political Prayer Protests Public Schools Racism Satanic Second Amendment Talmud Videos World War I World War II

Father James Altman Pray And Prepare (8:44)

Father James Altman Pray And Prepare (8:44) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Father James Altman Pray And Prepare (8:44) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Father James Altman Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And […]

Articles Big Lie Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Frauds God History Jews Journalism New World Order Political Propaganda Religion / Spirituality Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War

Francis Fights On by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Like it or not, the Church still comes through Rome. Faith lacking there can only make us groan. Here follows the summary of a recent article by a French journalist, Jean-Marie Guénois of Le Figaro in Paris, France. He paints a persuasive picture, alas, of how Pope Francis is not at all changing course.Rome is […]

Abortion America Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Children Christianity Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Family Frauds Government Infanticide Jews Journalism Karens Laws Medical Paul Joseph Watson Political Propaganda Satanic Supreme Court Theft They Live Videos War

Hoes Mad by Paul Joseph Watson (7:18)

Hoes Mad by Paul Joseph Watson (7:18) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Hoes Mad by Paul Joseph Watson (7:18) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Paul Joseph Watson Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Your Honest Independent […]

Articles Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Entrapment Family Freedom And Liberty Globalists God Government Inspiration Jesus Christ Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft

Bankrupt Liberalism by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Liberty-from, maybe, but liberty then for what? A positive programme liberty-from has not. On the TFP website is another excellent article by John Horvat from one month ago entitled As Liberalism crashes, where should we look for solutions? Now these “Comments” no more agree with everything that that appears on the TFP website than TFP […]

Abortion America Articles Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Children Christianity Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Death Doctors Frauds God Government Infanticide Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws Medical Nurses Political Satanic Supreme Court Talmud Theft They Live War

Roe v. Wade Is Dead by Techno Fog

The fight for life now turns to the States. Today, the Supreme Court overturned nearly 50 years of bad abortion law: “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled.” The issue of abortion will be left to the States. In 1973, the Supreme Court legalized abortion under the auspices of the “right of privacy,” […]

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Armageddon Audios Big Lie Blessed Virgin Mary Brain Catholicism Censorship Christianity Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Dr. Lorraine Day Freedom And Liberty Future God Jesus Christ Jews Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War

ACH (1817) Dr. Lorraine Day – When Will The Specific Biblical Time Of Trouble Begin? (Audio 1:00:52)

ACH (1817) Dr. Lorraine Day – When Will The Specific Biblical Time Of Trouble Begin? (Audio 1:00:52) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) ACH (1817) Dr. Lorraine Day – When Will The Specific Biblical Time Of Trouble Begin? (Audio 1:00:52) (To view full screen, also with many links, […]

America Assassinations Big Lie Books Censorship Communism Corruption Courage David “DC Dave” Martin Domestic Terrorism Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Hate Crimes Israel James Forrestal Jews Journalism Laws Military Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War

The Death Of James Forrestal by Cornell Simpson (Book .pdf)

Mystery surrounds not only the circumstances of Forrestal’s death, but the allegedly pseudonymous author of this work as well. Simpson’s book, allegedly written in the mid-1950s was “too controversial or too dangerous” to publish. The John Birch Society’s publishing arm, Western Islands, finally published it in 1966. It’s a fascinating, conspiratorial account of the life […]

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Articles Big Lie Blessed Virgin Mary Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Communism Corruption Courage COVID-19 DNA / mRNA Injection Economics Fear Freemasonry God Jews Journalism Laws Political Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism War World Health Organization

Freemasonry Is Using The WHO And The ‘Bergoglian Church’ To Advance Its Global Coup by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

‘We are being governed by members of a global lobby of criminal conspirators who tell us directly that their plan is to eliminate us, and the whole time we are sitting here wondering why we have to wear masks on buses and not in restaurants.’ Editor’s note: The following is the transcript of a video […]

America Bank For International Settlements Banking Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity David Knight Economics Federal Reserve Finance Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Geopolitical Globalists Jews Political Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Usury Videos War

Let’s Talk Usury by The David Knight Show (8:03)

Let’s Talk Usury by The David Knight Show (8:03) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Let’s Talk Usury by The David Knight Show (8:03) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)’s-Talk-Usury-by-The-David-Knight-Show The David Knight Show Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter […]

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Anti-Semitism Audios Bank For International Settlements Communism David Rockefeller Education Espionage Federal Reserve Gold And Silver History Holocaust Revisionism Immigration Israel Jews Mainstream Media Money Mossad Palestine Protests Psychiatrist Psychology Rothschild Family War Water

The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1964-1978 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (40:58)

The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1964-1978 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (40:58) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1964-1978 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (40:58) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Andrew Carrington Hitchcock […]

Abortion America Big Tech Blowback Censorship Children Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Family Fear Frauds Government Infanticide Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Surveillance Talmud Theft They Live Videos War

The Firebombings You Haven’t Heard About by Sarah Cain (4:25)

The Firebombings You Haven’t Heard About by Sarah Cain (4:25) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) The Firebombings You Haven’t Heard About by Sarah Cain (4:25) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)’t-Heard-About-by-Sarah-Cain Sarah Cain Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter […]

Abortion Big Lie Cancel Culture Communism Corruption Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Education Feminism Frauds Government History Jews Laws LGBTQ Political Politically Correct Propaganda Psychology Satanic Talmud Totalitarianism Transgender Videos War Woke World Economic Forum

Cultural Marxism (7:36)

Cultural Marxism (7:36) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Cultural Marxism (7:36) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Your Honest Independent News

America Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Communism Corruption Courage Divide And Conquer Dr. E. Michael Jones Education Entrapment Family Fear Frauds Government Jews Laws LGBTQ Pedophiles Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Transgender Videos War Woke

Operation Scorpio 113: Dr. E. Michael Jones – Rise Of The Gay Disco (55:11)

Operation Scorpio 113: Dr. E. Michael Jones – Rise Of The Gay Disco (55:11) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Operation Scorpio 113: Dr. E. Michael Jones – Rise Of The Gay Disco (55:11) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)—Rise-Of-The-Gay-Disco Dr. […]

America Articles Artificial Intelligence Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Courage Digital Currency Digital ID Fear Frauds Future Gary D. Barnett Globalists Jews Journalism Laws New World Order Political Privacy Propaganda Satanic Social Engineering Surveillance Totalitarianism War

Digital Humanity Heading Toward A Digital World Reality by Gary D. Barnett

A Robotic and Distorted Environment Without Culture, Caring, or Intellect? This dystopian nightmare is being advanced right before our eyes, as the majority of the populace is voluntarily allowing it to take place. Many think the people are winning this battle against the destruction of freedom, but they are very mistaken, and seemingly blind to […]

Big Lie Cancel Culture Catastrophe Communism Divide And Conquer Films Frauds Identity Politics Jews LGBTQ Mainstream Media Politically Correct Propaganda Satanic Transgender Videos War Woke

What Is A Woman? by Matt Walsh (2022) (1:34:56)

What Is A Woman? by Matt Walsh (2022) (1:34:56) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) What Is A Woman? by Matt Walsh (2022) (1:34:56) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Your Honest Independent News

America Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Domestic Terrorism Entrapment False Flags Fear Federal Bureau Of Investigation Frauds Gaslighting Government Jews Journalism Laws LGBTQ Michael Hoffman Political Propaganda Satanic Totalitarianism Transgender War Woke

Coeur d’Alene “Patriot Front” White Nationalist Arrests by Michael Hoffman

Another Cryptocracy Charade I have been asked to comment on the tempest in a teapot here in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho concerning the preemptive detention of thirty-one “white nationalist” so-called “Patriot Front” members on June 11, which has been reported across America and throughout the western world. The players arrested fall into the category of (mostly) […]

Articles Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism Censorship Communism Corruption Courage Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists God Government History Inspiration Jesus Christ Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Religion / Spirituality Satanic Soul Talmud Theft War

Rerum Novarum – II by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

You want to look after men? No need to search.The God Who makes them also made the Church.Since in Rerum Novarum, his famous Encyclical Letter to Catholic Bishops of 1891, Pope Leo XIII castigated Socialism as being radically opposed to man’s God-given nature (see these “Comments” of last week), it might be thought that he […]

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Art Assassinations Audios Big Lie Bilderberg Group Censorship Christianity Communism Cultural Economics Education Ezra Pound Family Henry Ford Holocaust Revisionism Israel Jews Laws Mainstream Media Mossad President John F. Kennedy Psychology Satanic Television Usury War

The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1951-1963 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (31:41)

The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1951-1963 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (31:41) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1951-1963 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (31:41) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Andrew Carrington Hitchcock […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty God Government Jews Journalism Laws Military Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States War

The Long Gray Line, The Long Red Line And The Freedom Documents by Chuck Baldwin

The Long Gray Line is the assembly of graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point. The Long Red Line is the trail of blood resting beneath the soil of this country, deposited by America’s Patriots. A few days ago, “Concerned Graduates of West Point” wrote and signed a Declaration of Betrayal of […]

Canada Cancel Culture Communism Corporations Corruption Cultural Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Feminism Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists Jews Laws New World Order Political Propaganda Psychiatrist Satanic Surveillance Talmud Theft They Live Unemployment Videos War Woke

Leftist Lunatic (2:19)

Leftist Lunatic (2:19) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Leftist Lunatic (2:19) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Your Honest Independent News

Articles Big Lie Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Communism Corruption Courage Economics Family Globalists God Government Inspiration Jesus Christ Jews Political Propaganda Religion / Spirituality Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War World Economic Forum

Rerum Novarum – I by Bishop Ricard N. Williamsom

Men hungry for power want Socialism to reign. Thus Globalists want universal pain. Did not Karl Marx once say that Communism can be summed up in one simple phrase – “the abolition of private property”? And did not a supreme Globalist, Klaus Schwab, recently promise all souls alive that under Globalism “they will own nothing […]

Bank For International Settlements Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Dr. William Luther Pierce Family Federal Reserve Frauds Freedom And Liberty History Jews Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism Usury Videos War

Dr. William Pierce: The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion (14:01)

Dr. William Pierce: The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion (14:01) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Dr. William Pierce: The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion (14:01) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Dr. William Pierce Archive Subscribe […]

America Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Divide And Conquer Freedom And Liberty Future Government Greg Reese Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws Political Sovereignty Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism Videos War

How We Can Take Back America by Greg Reese (5:39)

How We Can Take Back America by Greg Reese (5:39) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) How We Can Take Back America by Greg Reese (5:39) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Greg Reese Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter […]

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Audios Bank For International Settlements Banking Censorship Central Banks Communism Corruption Council On Foreign Relations Courage Federal Reserve Freemasonry Genocide Jews Political Russia Satanic Talmud Theft United Kingdom United States USSR Usury Wall Street Corruption

The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1921-1931 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (Audio 31:22)

The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1921-1931 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (Audio 31:22) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1921-1931 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (Audio 31:22) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Andrew […]

Abortion America Antifa Audios Big Lie Catastrophe Catholicism Children Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Dr. E. Michael Jones Family Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists Infanticide Inspiration Jews John Friend Journalism Laws Medical Political Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War

The AFP Report: John Friend Interviews Dr. E. Michael Jones (57:07)

The AFP Report: John Friend Interviews Dr. E. Michael Jones (57:07) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) The AFP Report: John Friend Interviews Dr. E. Michael Jones (57:07) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) John Friend Archive Dr. E. Michael […]