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If You Are Over 50 Your Government Wants You Dead by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive With 164 Posts In Britain, it is now official Government policy to ignore the needs of the elderly. This policy is common throughout the world. Doctors and nurses are told to let old people die – and to withhold treatment which might save their lives. Hospital staff are told to deprive […]

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United Health by Jesse Welles

United Health (1:27)(To view with many links, click the link below.)by Jesse Welles Jesse Welleshttps://WellesMusic.com Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Articles Bible Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Children Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Entrapment Fear Gaslighting Genocide God Government History Islam Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jerusalem Jews Journalism Laws Lebanon Military Military-Industrial Complex Money Mossad Palestine Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Racism Satanic Slavery Starvation Talmud Theft Torture Totalitarianism United States War Criminals

Trump: “Make Israel Great Again” by Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Archive With 47 Posts At a Republican rally in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, September 19, billed as “opposing antisemitism,” Donald Trump made several remarks that lived up to his title of “America’s First Zionist President.” Leaving the “Make America Great Again” mantra, Trump promised his audience that he would “make Israel great again.” […]