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Compilation: Our Reality Is An Illusion (3:05:46)
by The Why Files
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Evil Globalism
If enemies of God so seem to prevail,
It’s only because His friends, in praying, fail.
In his book, now censored, “Conspirators’ Hierarchy: the Story of the Committee of 300,” Dr. John Coleman (born 1940), who has long studied the criminal rulers of the modern world, presented a list of 20 means by which they mean to force upon the world their New World Order. The interest for Catholics is to recognise, if they have not yet done so, just how criminal are our real rulers today, who control our puppet governors but are themselves hidden from public view. Catholics must realise with what cunning and co-ordination the globalists operate, and how close they are to achieving their totally godless aims. God will not let them finally conquer, but He will let them put us through the severe trial which they show that we deserve – To erect a One World Government with a single Church and a single money-system, under their control. To destroy completely all sense of national identity and pride in one’s nation, since only so will men accept a World-Government above all nations. To destroy all religion, especially the Christian religion, with one exception: their own new “religion.”
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
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Book Of The Day
Shroud Encounter
Explore the World’s Greatest Unsolved Mystery
Experience the mystery of the Shroud of Turin (the sacred linen believed by millions to be the authentic burial cloth that wrapped Jesus in the tomb).
It was a crime scene investigation like no other. A man was tortured, beaten, and killed. He was popular with the people, but many in power wanted Him dead. After a mock trial, the powerful had their way. He was given a hasty burial, but now the body has disappeared. Was there a clue left behind? A bloody sheet offers evidence of a horrific execution. Was the body stolen? By whom and why? Did it just vanish? What does the cloth reveal about the disappearance? The Shroud of Turin (Italy) bears the faint front and back image of a bearded crucified man with corresponding bloodstains that match the Gospel accounts of what happened to Jesus. It is the most analyzed artifact in the world yet remains an unsolved mystery. While there are no artistic substances on the linen cloth, the blood is real, and testing corresponds with type AB. The blood has soaked through the cloth; however, the image resides only on the top 1 percent of the surface fibers. Could it be the same Shroud that wrapped Jesus in the tomb?
by Russ Breault
Quote Of The Day
“Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible.”
Thich Nhat Hanh
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Venezuelan Gangs Sent To America By Design (4:45)
by Greg Reese
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Israel Rules Washington
Political Parties compete in what they will do for the Jewish State
If there is anyone out there who seriously doubts that it is Israel that is in the driver’s seat when it comes to its relationship with the United States, last week’s filing of criminal charges directed against Hamas’s leadership should be a wake-up call. The seven-count criminal complaint was filed in a federal court in New York City on September 2nd. It includes charges such as conspiracy to bomb a public space, conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization resulting in deaths, use of weapons of mass destruction, conspiring to and also murdering US nationals and conspiracy to finance terrorism. The document also claims that Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah have been providing financial support, weapons, to include rockets, as well as military supplies to Hamas for use in their attacks on Israel. The document’s legitimacy, though one hesitates to use the word, is based on the assumption that the US has a mandate to go after terrorists and their supporters, even to kill them, anywhere in the world when and if it considers it appropriate to do so.
by Philip Giraldi
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Book Of The Day
Dissolving Illusions
Disease, Vaccines And The Forgotten History
Not too long ago, lethal infections were feared in the Western world. Since that time, many countries have undergone a transformation from disease cesspools to much safer, healthier habitats. Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s. The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and much more. Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths. But is this really true? Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases. If the medical profession could systematically misinterpret and ignore key historical information, the question must be asked, “What else is ignored and misinterpreted today?” Perhaps the best reason to know our history is so that the worst parts are never repeated.
by Dr. Suzanne Humphries
Quote Of The Day
“Dante once said that the hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who,
in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.”
John F. Kennedy
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September 6, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
ACH (2406) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of How Without Revival We Will Have Revolution (1:07:12)
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Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
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Book Of The Day
Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax In History
Dr. Vernon Coleman, a multiple bestselling author, is one of the few medically qualified authors writing on medical matters without bias and without any professional or commercial commitments or allegiances. In this seminal 512-page work, he unravels the COVID-19 orchestration and proves conclusively that the related vaccines are extremely dangerous.
by Vernon Coleman
Quote Of The Day
“As long as mankind continue to pay “National Debts,” so-called – that is, so long as they are such dupes and cowards as to pay for being cheated, plundered, enslaved, and murdered – so long there will be enough to lend the money for those purposes; and with that money a plenty of tools, called soldiers, can be hired to keep them in subjection. But when they refuse any longer to pay for being thus cheated, plundered, enslaved, and murdered, they will cease to have cheats, and usurpers, and robbers, and murderers and blood-money loan-mongers for masters.”
Lysander Spooner, No Treason No. VI. The Constitution Of No Authority, 1870
Website Of The Day
Strategic Culture
The Strategic Culture Foundation provides a platform for exclusive analysis, research and policy comment on Eurasian and global affairs. We cover political, economic, social and security issues worldwide. Since 2005, our journal has published thousands of analytical briefs and commentaries with the unique perspective of independent contributors. SCF works to broaden and diversify expert discussion by focusing on hidden aspects of international politics and unconventional thinking.
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Why The Political Establishment Won’t Touch The Chronic Disease Issue
Two weeks ago, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his campaign for president. In his nearly hour-long speech explaining the decision, Kennedy highlighted what he sees as the three biggest issues facing the United States. The first two-the threat to free speech and the danger of the war in Ukraine-are familiar to anyone following the daily political fights happening online and in the traditional media. But when Kennedy got to his third concern, it was striking how absent any discussion of it has been from our hyper-active national discourse. The issue was the scale of chronic disease affecting the American population and, especially, American children. Kennedy explicitly called this “the most important issue” and, as he laid out the scale of the problem, it’s easy to see why he feels that way. As Kennedy said in the speech, two-thirds-or around 222 million Americans-suffer from chronic health issues. In the 1970s, the rate was lower than one percent. On top of that, nearly three out of every four Americans are now overweight or obese, and the childhood obesity rate stands at 50%. There has been an explosion in diabetes in both kids and adults, as well as neurological illnesses and disorders like Alzheimer’s and autism. Kennedy also highlighted the sharp increase we’re seeing in food allergies, ADHD, and cancer, among others. His point is that, at the same time Americans are paying more for healthcare than the populations of nearly every other country, we are also quickly becoming the sickest. What’s astonishing about all of this is that almost nobody denies the health emergency Kennedy lays out. Some argue that he is exaggerating a few of his numbers slightly or is misleading people with some rates of increase that are inflated by changes in how chronic diseases are defined and screened-something Kennedy and those he cites claim to have corrected for. But most of Kennedy’s critics in the media simply ignore what he says about this topic.
by Connor O’Keeffe
The Decades Of Evidence SSRI Antidepressants Cause Mass Shootings
How Dangerous Must a Drug Be Before it is Pulled from the Market?
Story at a Glance: SSRI antidepressants have a variety of horrendous side effects. These include sometimes causing the individual to become agitated, feeling they can’t be in their skin, turning psychotic, and occasionally becoming violently psychotic. During these psychoses, individuals can have out of body experiences where they commit lethal violence either to themselves or others. As lawsuits later showed, this violent behavior (and the frequent suicides that followed it) were observed throughout the SSRI clinical trials, but were covered up by the SSRI manufacturers and then the drug regulators (e.g., the FDA). Once the SSRIs entered the market, there has been a wave of SSRI suicides and unspeakable acts of violence-which continue to this day. Sadly, the idea that SSRIs could cause any of this has always been viewed as a “conspiracy theory” or “mistaking correlation with causation” because very few are aware of the extensive evidence linking SSRIs to violent and psychotic behavior-despite it now being on the warning label of those drugs. Most holistic doctors consider Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) anti-depressants to be one of most harmful mass-prescribed drugs on the market (it typically makes their top 5-which typically also includes the NSAIDs, Statins, and Acid Reflux PPIs). However unlike the other drugs, which are just unsafe and ineffective, SSRIs also have a fairly unique problem-they can kill people who are not even taking the drugs. Note: the only other examples I know of where a drug hurts non-users are birth control pills (which are designed to not break down) being recycled in certain municipal water supplies and shedding of the COVID-19 vaccines—something which theoretically should not be possible but nonetheless is happening and harming the more sensitive members of society.
by A Midwestern Doctor
The Deep State’s Plan To Control Our Speech (2:07:10)
Tucker Carlson Interviews Mike Benz
Media: ‘Authoritarian’ Move Proving US Empire Has No Clothes
The US Justice Department’s sweeping crackdown on Russian media on Wednesday to the thunderous applause of the legacy media will leave Americans a little less informed, less safe and a lot less free, observers including long-time Sputnik contributors say.
“It looks like the US Department of Justice is producing another election year spectacular. Sixty days before the election we are invited to suspend our disbelief and embrace ‘Russia, Russia, Russia: The Sequel.’ And once again the DOJ is rounding up the usual suspects: Trump, Russia and Democracy,” political commentator and Newsmax columnist Michael Shannon told Sputnik, commenting on the DoJ’s unprecedented crackdown on Russian media Wednesday over alleged “disinformation” and an election-related “malign influence operation.” “I predict the audience for this lame sequel will be the remaining mask wearers, Clot Shot booster advocates, Trump haters, consonant crusaders and government employees. Anyone else with simple common sense will see it for what it is: The DOJ’s attempt to influence the election,” Shannon stressed. The figures being alleged by the Justice Department are also laughable, according to the observer. “Let’s put alleged Russian influence buying in perspective. The indictment says Tenent Media was given $10 million to ‘influence the election.’ I’ve got news for you. $10 million would barely influence a US Senate race. The amount is hardly a drop in the bucket for a presidential race. Donald Trump and Joe Biden combined spent $1.85 BILLION in 2020,” Shannon emphasized.
by Ilya Tsukanov
Israeli Rapists And The Depravity Of The Zionist Mind (Text and Video)
Anyone who doubts that “Israel” is an asylum for the criminally insane, and that the lunatics are in charge, must not be following news about the Sde Taiman torture facility. That is where a scandal erupted in early August following the arrest of nine Israeli reservist soldiers on charges of gang-raping a Palestinian hostage with a stick. (They were only charged because their crime was caught on camera, so the US pushed the Israeli authorities to go through the motions of a pro forma prosecution.) In the world’s eyes, the scandal was that only nine of the torturers at Sde Taiman had been arrested. Israel’s most notorious torture camp, Sde Taiman had long been the site of regular and systematic infliction of the most depraved forms of torture imaginable. Human rights lawyer Khaled Mahajneh, one of the few outside observers who has managed to get inside the torture prison, said: “The treatment is more horrifying than anything we have heard about Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.” According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, more than 30 Palestinian hostages have been tortured to death at Sde Taiman since last fall. But in “Israel,” the scandal was that the nine gang-rapists had been arrested! Immediately a “right to rape” movement broke out, supported by a chorus of voices throughout much of the Israeli media, and featuring pro-rape protesters gathering to show their rabid support for sexual violence at many locations around the country.
by Kevin Barrett
Illegal Election Interference (0:40)
by Alexa
Six Takeaways From The UK’s Decision On Arms Sales To Israel The Media Are Hiding
British Jewish leaders are incensed by the 8% cut in weapons to Israel. Judged by the very rules Starmer imposed on Labour, that makes him a proven antisemite
The Guardian reported this week a source from within the Foreign Office confirming what anyone paying close attention already knew. By last February, according to the source, Britain’s then Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, had received official advice that Israel was using British arms components to commit war crimes in Gaza. Cameron sat on that information for many months, concealing it from the House of Commons and the British public, while Israel continued to butcher tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians. Several points need making about the information provided to the Guardian: The source says that the advice to Cameron on Israeli war crimes was “so obvious” it could not have been misunderstood by him or anyone else in the previous government. Given that the new Labour government has been similarly advised, forcing it to partially suspend arms sales, one conclusion only is possible: Cameron is complicit in Israel’s war crimes. The International Criminal Court must immediately investigate him. Its British chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, needs to issue an arrest warrant for Cameron as soon as possible. No ifs or buts. Now in government, Labour has a legal duty to make clear the timeline of the advice Cameron received – and who else received it – to help the ICC in its prosecution of the former Foreign Secretary and other British officials for complicity in Israel’s atrocities.
by Jonathan Cook
Holocaust Remembrance: What’s Behind The Campaign?
Since the late 1970s “Holocaust Remembrance” has become ever more important in the United States and many other countries. The campaign to remember the Holocaust — often defined as the genocidal killing of six million Jews in Europe during the Second World War – includes numerous commemorative events, education courses in many schools, and a stream of motion pictures, television specials, books and magazine articles. Across the United States, prominent political and civic leaders participate in annual Holocaust commemoration ceremonies. A number of countries, including Britain, Germany and Italy, officially observe a yearly Holocaust Remembrance Day. In 2005 the United Nations General Assembly approved a resolution introduced by Israel to designate January 27 as an international Holocaust remembrance day. Every major American city has at least one Holocaust museum or memorial. Worldwide there are more than 250 Holocaust museums and memorials, most of them in the US and Europe. /1 The largest is the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, which is run by a taxpayer-funded federal government agency, and draws some two million visitors yearly. The public is continually reminded of Jewish suffering during World War II. Between 1989 and 2003 alone, more than 170 films with Holocaust themes were made. /2 In many American and European schools, and in all Israeli classrooms, a focus on the wartime suffering of Europe’s Jews is obligatory. /3
by Mark Weber
Free And Independent States: Forgotten Conclusion Of The American Revolution (32:27)
Signed on Sept 3, 1783 – the Treaty of Paris was intended to end the war for independence. But the war didn’t officially end on that date with the signatures of Franklin, John Adams and John Jay. The treaty, made with 13 free, sovereign, and independent states, still needed their approval, and it almost didn’t happen. This forgotten history reveals the true nature of the revolutionary American system.
by Tenth Amendment Center
Now Comes The “Good Squad” And The Great Realignment
Needless to say, long before the public debt reached $150 trillion the financial system would implode because even the Keynesian mad-men, mad-women and mad-theys domiciled in the Eccles Building couldn’t come up with an excuse to monetize even a small share of the tsunami of public debt now coming down the pike. And make no mistake, the only reason we are at $36 trillion today is that the Fed has enabled it politically. That is, by massively monetizing the public debt it has temporarily deferred what would have otherwise been a severe crowding out of private borrowers and escalation of yields in the bond pits. Still, we don’t think that the public debt will get to the financial implosion point because we do not believe that American democracy is inherently suicidal. In fact, even in the context of today’s tightening fiscal vice we see the emergent shadows of a path to resolution or at least a stick-save not too far down the treacherous road ahead. To wit, it is now exceedingly likely that Donald Trump will not only win the 2024 election, but it is also possiblethat his return to the Oval Office could trigger the Great Realignment that might finally shatter the UniParty’s death grip on the fiscal equation. To be sure, we italicize the “possible” part for good reason: The Donald is one of the most unstable, inconsistent and unpredictable politicians to ever prance upon the stage of presidential politics in America—so anything can happen, even a worse mis-governance disaster than his first time around the barn.
by David Stockman
My Biggest Battle (Text and Documentary 35:48)
A harrowing testimony to courage from extreme triathlete Heiko Sepp
A new documentary titled “My Biggest Battle” explores the life-altering journey of renowned extreme triathlete Heiko Sepp after receiving a COVID-19 vaccination. The 35-minute film highlights Heiko’s incredible athletic accomplishments, the onset of debilitating health complications, and his relentless search for answers while suffering from post-vaccination injuries. “My Biggest Battle” is more than just a documentary—it’s a conversation starter. Our hope is that Heiko’s battle encourages the public to share this powerful film to raise awareness about the challenges faced by individuals like Heiko. By sharing his story, you contribute to an important dialogue supporting those impacted by vaccine-related events. The documentary paints a vivid picture of Heiko’s life in Norway, where he lives with his wife and their two young sons. Known for his remarkable achievements in extreme triathlons, including podium placements in grueling races like the Norseman, Heiko’s passion for the sport is central to his identity. However, everything changed in September 2021 when Heiko received his second COVID-19 vaccination. What began as chest pain rapidly escalated into a series of debilitating symptoms, including heart inflammation, joint pain, and muscle spasms, leaving Heiko’s once vibrant life shrouded in pain and uncertainty.
Massive Iskander Attack Sends Rats Scurrying
It’s been an eventful past day, as major Russian attacks galvanized panic-headlines and seemed to catalyze a sudden Ukrainian government purge or mass exodus: All the people who resigned in Ukraine in recent days: Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba; Minister of Justice Denis Maliuska; Minister for Strategic Industries Alexander Kamyshin; Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Strelets; Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olga Stefanishyna; Deputy Prime Minister – Minister for Reintegration of Uncontrolled Territories of Ukraine Iryna Vereshchuk; Deputy head of Zelensky’s office Rostislav Shurma. The timing seems odd and obviously paints a portrait of a mass exodus of rats fleeing the now-obviously sinking ship. The strike on the 179th training center of the Signal Troops military institute in Poltava-officially called the Poltava Institute of Military Communications-was particularly grievous for Ukraine because it appeared to house not only a vital drone-technical program, but valuable Swedish instructors for the upcoming transfer of Swedish AWACS planes, billed as more future ‘game changers’ that would work in tandem with the F-16s to decimate the Russian airforce from afar.
by Simplicius
$1.2 Trillion Real Estate Disaster (3:37)
by Peter St Onge, Ph.D.
Why Would Six Israelis Receive More Attention Than 41,000 Murdered Palestinians
Israeli firsters, Sayanim, in the West, use their positions to sanctify Israeli Jewish life while demonizing Palestinian one.
On September 1, 2024, 27 Palestinian families woke up to mourn their loved ones, including at least 11 who were killed at a supposedly “safe” shelter, in Safad School in the al-Zaytoun neighborhood east of Gaza City. On the same day, the Israeli occupation military recovered the bodies of six Israeli captives, who were killed as a direct or indirect result of an Israeli incursion into a tunnel in Rafah. By the end of the day, the smiling faces and names of these six Israelis were prominently featured across digital and print media, while the murdered Palestinians were reduced to mere statistics, nameless and faceless. Both groups, however, share one tragic commonality: their demise was caused by the same killer. Indiscriminate bombing is a murder without distinction. Despite being warned of the risk of attempting to retrieve the captives by force, Netanyahu opted to sacrifice them to eliminate a political burden that could be seen as an obstacle to achieving his “war goals.” Their disappearance — by a deal or death — would free Netanyahu’s hand and ease pressure from the public, who otherwise supports his war of genocide in Gaza. Inarguably, there is an inherent interest for the Palestinian Resistance in protecting the lives of the Israelis, simply to exchange them with Palestinian hostages held in Israeli jails. On the other hand, the Netanyahu coalition government has a political motive to reduce the value of Israeli captives in the hands of the Palestinians, and their death could be an option.
by Jamal Kanj
The Summit Of The Future Is Only Weeks Away Yet The Public Remains Ignorant
On September 22 and 23, the United Nations member states will gather in New York City at the UN headquarters for the historic Summit of the Future with the intention to sign the Pact for the Future. This document is expected to radically accelerate the push towards the completion of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Agenda 2030.
The Summit of the Future is taking place during the 79th session of the annual UN General Assembly. The summit has been in the making since at least 2022 after repeated calls by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to shift financial resources to rapidly complete the Agenda 2030 goals set by the UN in 2015. Although this historic gathering is sure to impact the majority of the world’s population, it has received very little coverage from the corporate media, and almost no coverage from the independent media. One issue which has received mainstream coverage relates to 77 Nobel Laureates and world leaders signing a letter complaining about references to fossil fuels being removed from the Pact for the Future. The references were later reinserted after the letter was made public.
by Derrick Broze
International Public Notice: Japanese Research Links 201 Diseases To Covid Injections
The Japanese are nothing but scrupulous researchers. Their entire culture faces facts. We all know that and appreciate that—- an appreciation reflected in the high esteem enjoyed by the Japanese scientific community worldwide. So it means something when we pass on this information. Japanese researchers are saying this, and it’s not good news — Covid injections are linked now to 201 types of diseases. This isn’t talking about individual diseases. This is talking about categories of diseases, whole families of diseases, that cause or exacerbate conditions detrimental to health and wellness. For example, both Chicken Pox and Shingles are associated with one virus, but these resulting diseases which create different symptoms and attack, generally speaking, different age groups, are a category or family of diseases associated with this single common cause. So, 201 types of diseases can actually represent thousands of different presentations of disease in individuals. The upshot is — one way or another, you are going to be made ill from and will eventually die, as a result of the Covid injection, as one thing after another wears out your immune system— but this straightforward decline and death spiral will be masked by the number of different symptoms and diseases that this “vaccine” can trigger in individuals.
by Anna Von Reitz
Fibrous “Clots” Grow Postmortem And Walz Bribed Parents To Vax 5 Year Olds (12:59)
by The David Knight Show
The Media Lies Add Up
For some nine years, the media and the left have successfully fed the country a succession of rank deceptions and conspiracies.
The public is exhausted after a decade of chronic untruth from the left-wing and its media. The 2016 presidential campaign will be long remembered for the false allegation that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to warp the election. Citing the bogus “Steele dossier,” loser Hillary Clinton and other Democrat grandees claimed that the victorious Trump was an “illegitimate” president. Almost immediately, the left and media then pushed for the appointment of special prosecutor Robert Mueller. He assembled a ‘dream team’ of partisan prosecutors to prove Trump-Russian collusion. Some 22 months later, Mueller found no evidence that Donald Trump improperly won the 2016 election with help from any colluding Russians. More hysteria followed when Trump was impeached in December 2019. The left claimed he had pressured the Ukrainian government to look into the family of Joe Biden (then a potential 2020 election opponent) for its corruption with Ukrainian oligarchs—as a condition for releasing military aid designated to Kyiv. Yet Hunter Biden was paid nearly $1 million a year by a Ukrainian energy company to enlist his father, Vice President Joe Biden, for quid pro quo services. In turn, Joe Biden himself later bragged he had pressured Ukraine to fire its prosecutor, Victor Shokin—who happened to be looking too closely into the various shady schemes of the Biden family. The deceptions and lies continued.
by Victor Davis Hanson
Gun Death Statistics By Caliber
A Review of Calibers and Crime in 2024
In the late 1960s, anti-gun coalitions pushed to ban the Saturday Night Special, claiming it was responsible for high homicide rates. However, this specific firearm is rarely seen in crime reports today, despite never being banned. People naturally gravitate towards the most effective tools available to them. The anti-gun lobby often oversimplifies the issue by blaming guns in general, and specific models in particular, for crime. There is also considerable debate over the lethality of different calibers. This article explores gun deaths by caliber and the often overlooked variables involved. aims to provide accurate and reliable information from reputable sources, which can be found here. Report Highlights: The 9mm caliber is used in more fatal and non-fatal shootings than any other caliber, according to recent studies. Handguns are involved in 46% of all homicides in the United States. Larger caliber bullets, though used less frequently, result in more fatalities per shot. Medium-caliber bullets are used in more crimes but have lower death rates compared to larger calibers.
by Cassandra McBride
Telegram Is No ‘Anarchic Paradise’ – Durov
The CEO has denied the claims that the messenger is a safe haven for criminals
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has said that it is completely wrong to portray his encrypted messenger as a platform where criminals act with impunity. The Russian-French businessman defended Telegram after being charged by the French authorities with allowing the dissemination of illegal content. Durov released a lengthy statement on his Telegram channel on Thursday, saying that he had cooperated with French law enforcement in the past. “When asked, I personally helped them establish a hotline with Telegram to deal with the threat of terrorism in France,” he wrote. Durov acknowledged that Telegram, which currently has more than 950 million monthly active users, has been experiencing “growing pains” that made it easier for criminals to abuse the platform. He promised to “significantly improve” content. “Establishing the right balance between privacy and security is not easy. You have to reconcile privacy laws with law enforcement requirements, and local laws with EU laws,” Durov continued, stressing that his company has been open to dialogue and “committed to engaging with regulators to find the right balance.” The tech billionaire added that Telegram was “prepared to leave markets that aren’t compatible with our principles,” citing disagreements he had with regulators in Russia and Iran. Telegram was banned in Russia from 2018 and 2020, and continues to be blocked in Iran. “We are driven by the intention to bring good and defend the basic rights of people, particularly in places where these rights are violated,” Durov wrote.
by RT
Kosher Tax On Food (8:03)
by TalmudicEdomiteHybrids
Top Health Official Admits In Court That ‘Independent’ Pandemic Expert Advice Was Steered By Politicians, That Virus Risk Assessments Were Political And That Vaccine Mandates Had No Scientific Rationale
The President of the Robert Koch Institut (the German CDC) destroyed much of the public mythology of the pandemic response in testimony before an Osnabrück administrative judge earlier this week.
You may remember the so-called “RKI protocols.” These record the meetings of the “Covid Crisis Team” that was formed within the Robert Koch Institut (RKI) to advise our politicians on the pandemic response. Part of these minutes – through April 2021 – were first released in heavily redacted form in March 2024; following a public outcry, the Health Ministry agreed to remove all but the most essential redactions, and finally delivered on this promise in May. Thereafter, a former RKI employee leaked all documents available to him in completely unredacted form to the independent journalist Aya Velázquez. She published this enormous leak in July. The RKI protocols are important for one reason above all: They show that the allegedly independent Scientific of the RKI provided was in fact heavily influenced by German politicians. While our elected leaders claimed to be Following the Science, they were eagerly adjusting the Science behind the scenes wherever necessary to make it into the kind of thing that they already wanted to Follow. We could surmise that this was happening at the time, of course, but the protocols provide hard, undeniable proof of this dynamic. That is why they matter.
by Eugyppius
A Great Poster On The mRNA Technology From My Colleagues Drs. Klaus Steger And Alexandra Henrion-Caude
Available in several languages
by Meryl Nass
When Science Becomes ‘Fake News’: The Case Of GreenMedInfo And Wikipedia’s Controversial List
In an era where information is power, who decides what’s real and what’s fake? The case of, a natural health website with nearly 100,000 peer-reviewed scientific abstracts and/or extensively referenced translational articles, being labeled as a “fake news” site by Wikipedia, raises alarming questions about censorship, scientific debate, and the future of free speech in the digital age.
Wikipedia’s “List of fake news websites,” initiated on October 26, 2020, includes, accusing it of deliberately publishing “hoaxes and disinformation to drive web traffic inflamed by social media.”1 This characterization seems to attribute malicious intent to a website that primarily hosts peer-reviewed scientific abstracts from the National Library of Medicine. The accusation that the majority of its content is somehow “fake” or mere “news” appears not only misguided but potentially defamatory. One of the most troubling aspects of this situation is the anonymity afforded to Wikipedia editors. The individuals responsible for labeling GreenMedInfo as a “fake news” site are not publicly accountable for their actions.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group
September 5, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived
Illegal Election Interference (0:40)
by Alexa
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He Just Wanted To Fix His Shoes
On 3 August at 7 pm, Israeli occupation forces struck al-Hamama and al-Huda schools in Gaza’s Sheikh Radwan neighborhood. Seventeen people were killed and more than 60 were injured. Those martyred and injured are not just numbers. An hour before the bombings, struggling with famine and difficult living conditions in the north, Ahmed Nayef Ayish, 16, the brother of a close friend of mine, had asked his sister Jumana if he could go to the tailor to get a torn shoe fixed since he couldn’t afford a new one. The tailor was next to al-Hamama School. This is life in Gaza.
by Soha Hamdona
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Book Of The Day
Ireland 1845-1850: The Perfect Holocaust And Who Kept It “Perfect”
We are offering this historical masterpiece free to everyone! The book is also available in hard copy format direct from Christopher Fogarty, (email: and he will sign and inscribe any message you so desire, the cost is $25 + shipping. Download your free copy of “Ireland 1845-1850: The Perfect Holocaust and Who Kept It Perfect” and invite your friends, family and anyone with a love for Ireland and a love for truth and the true history of Ireland. Only when you, the Diaspora and the Proud Irish Men and Women, spread the truth of what really happened during that terrible time in Ireland’s history of 1845-1850 and seek recognition and justice, only when you stand up for the truth, can the 5+ Million souls who perished, truly Rest In Peace. Read the Book, Sign The Petition and together let us shine the Light of Truth on the dark history of The Irish Holocaust. Ireland 1845-1850: Famine Lies vs. Holocaust Facts. Ireland starved because its food, from 40 to 70 shiploads per day, was removed at gunpoint by 12,000 British constables reinforced by the British militia, battleships, excise vessels, Coast Guard, and by 200,000 British soldiers (100,000 at any given moment). If Britain’s census figures for Ireland are correct the British government murdered approximately 5.16 million Irish men, women, and children; making it the Irish Holocaust.
by Christopher Fogarty
Quote Of The Day
“The most effective way to destroy people
is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
George Orwell
Website Of The Day
The Cradle
Finally, a journalist-driven publication covering West Asia that represents the tens of millions of regional voices not heard in the world’s English-language media. That’s not our only differentiator. We are also not owned by any of our donors, and so they have no say over what we write or don’t write.
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