October News


John Lennon And The Beatles (396 Posts) Playlist by Mark R. Elsis

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October 9, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

It’s All A Simulation (22:53)
by The Why Files
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The Why Files

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Book Of The Day
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.” ~ Edward Bernays
by Edward Bernays

Quote Of The Day
“There are no problems only solutions”
John Lennon

Website Of The Day
John Lennon

(On what would have been his 84th birthday.)
John Lennon is arguably the greatest songwriter of his generation. As founder and leader of The Beatles and also as a solo artist, Lennon has won seven GRAMMY® Awards, including two Lifetime Achievement Awards, Five BRIT Awards including two Special Awards for Outstanding Contribution to Music, 21 NME Awards, 15 Ivor Novellos and an Oscar (Academy Award). He has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Songwriters Hall of Fame and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In 2008, Rolling Stone ranked Lennon in the Top 5 of the magazine’s “100 Greatest Singers Of All Time” list.

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DoD Directive 5240.01: The Stealth Expansion Of Military Intelligence Powers In Life-Or-Death Domestic Scenarios
The recent reissuance of Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 5240.01 approved at the highest levels of the Pentagon and signed into effect by the Secretary of Defense, represents a significant challenge to the core Constitutional protections that we hold dear. Here’s how it threatens these freedoms: Violation of the Posse Comitatus Act: This Act limits the powers of the federal government in using military personnel for domestic law enforcement. The new DoD directive, by permitting the use of lethal force through military assistance in civilian law enforcement, effectively overrides these limitations. Erosion of the First Amendment: Natural health advocates, and others exercising their First Amendment rights, such as questioning the government’s response to COVID-19 or the integrity of elections, are now being labeled as potential domestic extremists. This directive expands those classifications into lethal force interventions, potentially silencing voices under the guise of national security. Fourth Amendment Infringement: This directive also allows intelligence sharing between military and law enforcement under emergency conditions, raising concerns about the right to privacy and unlawful surveillance. Due Process Violations (Fifth Amendment): The possibility of military use of lethal force in domestic scenarios introduces concerns about bypassing due process protections before potentially life-ending decisions are made. Were it not for being personally targeted by this very administration during the COVID-19 era, I might not even be aware or feel compelled to report on a topic that seems out of range for natural health advocacy or health freedom. Yet, this strikes at the heart of what it means to be both healthy and free: for the government to have the authority to use lethal force in emergency situations without adequate transparency or debate is something that should not go unnoticed. ~ Sayer Ji
by GMI Reporter

IDF Uses Irish UNIFIL Troops As Human Shields In Lebanon
It’s fair to say Israel’s ground invasion of Lebanon has not been going well. Every time Israel has encountered enemy troops (people who are actually capable of fighting back), its soldiers have run away like they did when they encountered bees in Gaza. Let’s be honest, we’d all run away from angry bees and we’d all run away from men armed with rifles. Thankfully, Israel has come up with an ingenious plan (to deal with Hezbollah, not the bees): human shields. After years of accusing the enemy of using human shields whenever it needed an excuse to mow the lawn, Israel has decided to use human shields itself. Obviously, it’s only bad when the other side does it. It all started when Israel ordered Irish peacekeepers to abandon the Lebanese village it wanted to ethnically cleanse. The Irish soldiers said “no”, because they’re hard as fuck and feel they have a moral obligation to protect those civilians. Their courage and integrity came as a shock to the IDF, who not only have a Dahiya Doctrine, but a Hannibal Doctrine too. Bizarrely, the Irish soldiers were prepared to give their lives to protect Lebanese civilians because they see those civilians as human beings. I know, I can’t work it out either. Israel’s first instinct was to carpet-bomb the entire village, UNIFIL or no UNIFIL, but someone pointed out the US president is Irish and this might cause a diplomatic incident. Therefore, Israel came up with a brilliant strategy: it decided to station troops in the village and fire on Hezbollah! Israel has set up a Forward Operating Base right next to UNIFIL Outpost 6-52 and is ignoring protests from the United Nations. This cunning strategy depended on Hezbollah respecting the rules of war more than Israel does.
by Laura and Normal Island News

Israel’s Lebanon Massacre Could Be Stopped By US (26:56)
Owen Jones Interviews Professor Karim Makdisi

DeSantis, Dark Brandon, And CNN Hit Kamala With Laser Eyes Over Hurricane ‘Phone Call’ Stunt
After completely biffing her 60 Minutes interview (after which the network edited out her word salad), Vice President Kamala Harris has come under fire for accusing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis of “political gamesmanship” after reports emerged that he didn’t take her calls ahead of Hurricane Milton. When asked about the alleged snub, Harris said DeSantis was being selfish and “utterly responsible” for not taking her call. Reporter: There are reports that DeSantis is ignoring your calls. Kamala Harris: Playing political games at this moment…It’s utterly irresponsible and it is selfish and it is about political gamesmanship instead of doing the job that you took an oath to do pic.twitter.com/lySDD98xO9 – Acyn (@Acyn) October 7, 2024. In a Monday evening interview with Fox News, DeSantis said he’s “leveraging all resources available, including from the federal government” to prepare for the storm that’s headed straight for Tampa [The latest models have it well South of Tampa, and it looks like it is headed straight for where I live, Venice Florida – Say a prayer, for right now at 1 am Milton is a Cat 5 at 160 mph, and due to make landfall in 24 hours]. DeSantis said he’s been in touch with both President Joe Biden and officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
by Tyler Durden

Shaken Baby Syndrome And Vaccination
It seems that in cases where parents (and others) have been accused of murdering their children by shaking them, or in some other way abusing them, the real culprit may well have been a vaccine. Around the world an increasing number of parents have been arrested and charged with injuring or killing their babies. Some of those parents are undoubtedly guilty. But many (and possibly most) are not because in many cases the baby or young child almost certainly died not because he or she was attacked by a parent who had lost control but because his or her brain was damaged by a vaccine or some other medication. Shaken Baby Syndrome (in which the brain is damaged by a vaccine) is now a very real problem in all societies where vaccines are routinely (and in some countries forcibly) administered. The damage done to the baby or child by the vaccine mimics the damage that would be done if the baby was forcefully shaken. The problem is that when the police investigate the sudden death of a child, and a pathologist produces a report showing that the child died because of brain damage, the chances are high that one of the parents will be charged with murder. In America this can mean that the misinformed prosecution will call for the death penalty. A lot of people (Governments, drug companies and the medical establishment) have a powerful, financial interest in suppressing the truth and so naturally, doctors and drug companies deny that vaccines can kill in this or any other way. Compliant journalists believe what they are told and naively print the denials.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman

FEMA Helicopter Intentionally Flew Low Over A Volunteer Supply Drop Zone Because The Volunteers Refused To Let FEMA Confiscate Their Supplies (0:22)
Imagine being the bootlicking pos order follower who goes along with this. Traitorous filth.

EZ Water (Text and Video)
On the Fourth Phase of Water with Gerald Pollack
We are mostly water, yet we know so little about water. More constructed ignorance. Agnotology. If we are mostly water, and doctors are not educated on water during their decade plus of indoctrination, what do they really know? I watched this fascinating discussion with Gerald Pollack. I’m realizing that this subject connects with everything biological, so I’ve decided to highlight, summarize and promote it. EZ Water is a key, quite possibly the key, to understanding health. It cannot be separated from the discussion of electricity, electrons and electron flow. What is Exclusion Zone (EZ) Water: Pollack introduces the concept of EZ (exclusion zone) water, also calling it the fourth phase of water or structured water. He describes it as having a gel-like consistency, similar to raw egg white, and being more viscous than ordinary liquid water. This water forms when in contact with hydrophilic surfaces, particularly in biological systems. The key characteristics of this water, whether called EZ water or structured water, include: A negative electrical charge; The ability to exclude solutes (hence “exclusion zone”); A more ordered, crystal-like molecular structure; A composition of H3O2 rather than H2O [minute 41.00 in the podcast]. Imagine a busy city street full of pedestrians walking randomly in all directions. This is like ordinary liquid water, where water molecules move about freely with no particular order. Now, picture a military parade where soldiers march in perfect formation, lined up in neat rows and columns. This organized structure is similar to EZ water.
by Unbekoming

After A Year Of Genocide And Despite The Unbelievable Pain, Palestinians Emerge Stronger
No one expected that one year would be enough to recalibrate the Palestinian cause as the world’s most pressing issue, and that millions of people across the globe would, once again, rally for Palestinian freedom. The past twelve months have witnessed an Israeli genocide in Gaza and unprecedented violence in the West Bank, as well as legendary expressions of Palestinian sumud, steadfastness. It is not the enormity of the Israeli war, but the degree of the Palestinian sumud that has challenged what once seemed to be a foregone conclusion to the Palestinian struggle. Yet, it turned out that the final chapter on Palestine was not ready to be written, and that it would not be Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who would write it. The ongoing war has exposed the limits of Israel’s military machine. The typical trajectory of Israel’s relationship with the occupied Palestinians has been predicated on unhindered Israeli violence and deafening international silence. It was largely Israel alone that determined the timing and objectives of war. Its enemies, until recently, seemed to have no say over the matter. This is no longer the case. Israeli war crimes are now met with Palestinian unity; Arab, Muslim and international solidarity; and early, albeit serious, signs of legal accountability. This is hardly what Netanyahu was hoping to achieve; just days before the start of the war, he stood in the UN General Assembly brandishing a map of a “New Middle East”, a map that had completely erased Palestine and the Palestinians.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud

Tucker Carlson Interviews Elon Musk (1:48:41)

10 Clever Ways To Smuggle Humanitarian Supplies Past FEMA
With thousands of people still missing and countless more in desperate need of food, water, and assistance, you may be looking for ways to get help to victims of Hurricane Helene. But WAIT! First, you must sneak that aid past the ever-watchful eyes of FEMA so they don’t confiscate it. The Babylon Bee has conducted extensive research to come up with the following list of surefire ways to smuggle humanitarian aid past FEMA: Inform them you simply need to stock the boys’ bathrooms with tampons: This is the kind of aid FEMA can really get behind. Disguise all of the insulin as puberty blockers: A basic human necessity. Hire a team of orthodox Jews from New York to dig an underground smuggling tunnel: It’s entirely possible that one already exists. Carry a Donald Trump scarecrow with you: Just watch all the government employees flee in terror. Label all of the boxes “Kamala Harris Ballots”: Surely FEMA knows all voting precincts are waiting on shipments of those. Tell FEMA all the supplies are for illegal migrants: FEMA knows who gets priority on all humanitarian supplies. Getting much-needed supplies to hurricane victims is easy. All you have to do is use some good old-fashioned American ingenuity.
by Babylon Bee

The Deadly Art Of Precipice Dancing
The consensus among the sources I most regularly consult appears to be that if Israel has not yet attacked Iran then it soon will do. If it does, then opinions are divided as to whether it will be a modest, calibrated escalation or something much more existential. I am inclined to the former for several reasons: a cautious, calibrated attack by Israel on Iran is more likely to yield only a cautious, calibrated Iranian response; Israel may be incapable right now of a major assault, short of nuclear, given the difficulties that I referred to in my previous post of conducting a major launch against such things as nuclear energy facilities and given the fact, one that Israel itself regularly refers to, namely, that its resources are spread over fighting a war on seven fronts; while the US appears incapable of not supporting Israel with an infinite flow of lethal missiles – assuming that Israel is, in any meaningful sense, actually in the driving seat – it will likely counsel restraint, particularly restraint in the use of nuclear weapons, an especially wise counsel given the closeness of the alliance between Russia and Iran, and China’s dependence on Iran oil and gas; Finally, I would note that Israel is already attacking Iran by attacking its allies, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in the West Bank, the Houthis in Yemen as well as regularly attacking all manner of targets in Syria and Iraq. Not only attacking, in the sense of military targets, but every day murdering large numbers of civilians and causing even larger numbers of excess death from illness, starvation, wounds, despair and the rest of it (I would place the overall total now as well in excess of 200,000), as well as massive population displacements. We should also note, with all the horror and revulsion that it deserves, that of all the violent deaths a very large percentage, often cited at around 70%, are the deaths of children and women.
by Oliver Boyd-Barrett

Russia Will Respond To Western Greenlight For Ukrainian Long-Range Missile Strikes – Lavrov
The attacks would trigger the contingency plan outlined by President Vladimir Putin, the foreign minister has warned
Moscow would trigger a “contingency plan” outlined by President Vladimir Putin in the event that Ukraine receives permission to use Western-supplied long-range missiles for strikes deep inside Russia, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has warned. Putin earlier said that any such strikes would be treated by Moscow as a direct attack by the countries that provided the weapons. The diplomat was commenting on an upcoming meeting of Kiev’s foreign arms donors, which Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has been touting as “historic.” Moscow does not follow statements on the issue as it already has a response prepared, the foreign minister said. “As soon as this decision is taken [by the West to allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles], if it is taken, we will learn that, and the contingency mentioned by Vladimir Putin will already be in action,” Lavrov told Russia’s Channel 1 broadcaster. Putin has warned that any such attack by Ukraine with Western-supplied long-range missiles would be treated by Moscow as being directly launched by NATO. He has suggested that Russia could arm enemies of the West with similar weapons in response.
by RT

“Hellstorm”: Thomas Goodrich On WWII Anti-German Holocaust (53:53)
I’m reposting my March 6, 2015 interview with Thomas Goodrich, along with a rough transcript, to accompany the new Alan Sabrosky interview, which will be posted shortly. -KB
Thomas Goodrich, author of Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944—1947, argues that the REAL “holocaust” of World War II was not the Nazi killing of 6 million (or was it .6 million) Jews, but the deliberate and militarily useless Allied mass murder of millions German and Japanese civilians by firebombing; the murder of more than a million German POWs who were either slaughtered by the “take no prisoners” Allies or deliberately starved to death; the Morgenthau plan to kill tens of millions of Germans (which was partially implemented, then withdrawn); and the mass rape (often followed by the murder) of millions of German women by Russian and, yes, American soldiers. (That’s why your great-uncle or grandpa would never talk about the war.) Maybe it’s time to convert Holocaust museums to “Anti-German Holocaust” museums?
by Kevin Barrett

The Chained Lady (Text and Video)
Sirrah? Alamak? Is it written in the stars?
When we look at the night sky and see Andromeda immortalized in celestial permanence (or programmed holographic deception?), the constellation is marked by two key stars. Sirrah and Alamak. Nothing impressive until these stars are spelled backward. Harris Kamala. A cosmic coincidence? A playful wink from the universe? A poison pill from past Arabic astronomers in Islam’s Golden Age eight centuries ago? Revealation of the method? The name is not uttered in silence to oneself without the cringy echo of an idiot’s voice. One can hear that retarded vocal fry running circles around her five brain cells. The significance of the passage of time is significant because of its significance. Or, to a southern audience… The significance of the passage of time is significant because…well it just is, y’all!For the coup de grâce…these stars Amalak and Sirrah, denote Andromeda’s head and foot. Not foot in mouth, but head and foot. While I knew that Papa Dementia would never make it to the 2024 finish line, I never could have imagined the demoralization ritual of planting Amalak Sirrah as his replacement—after the primaries without a single vote, and calling her the pro-democracy candidate while being championed by corporate media with the most incredible deadpan abilities of any non-human bunch in history. That she’s been endorsed by all those vapid blackmailed celebrities, paid handsomely to keep a straight face and serious tone while destroying their credibility forever is the final cherry atop one of the biggest political farces in history.
by Good Citizen

Israel Drops ‘Depleted Uranium Bombs’ Inside Beirut: Official
Radioactive dust emitted by depleted uranium munitions has been linked to rises in cancer and congenital defects in babies following the US bombing of Iraq
On October 6, the head of the president of the Lebanese Association of Social Medicine said Israel has been bombing the southern suburbs of Beirut using banned bombs with uranium warheads and called for collecting samples from the bombed sites to send to the UN as part of an international investigation. President of the Lebanese Association of Social Medicine Raif Reda called for “collecting samples from the bombing sites and sending reports to the United Nations so the world can witness the bloody, criminal history of the Zionist enemy,” according to statements reported by the National News Agency (NNA). Warheads made with depleted uranium casings are designed to penetrate deep fortifications, causing significant destruction and releasing toxic gases. They are also radioactive and have been linked to massive increases in cancer rates in Iraq following the US wars on that country in 1991 and 2003. Lebanese newspaper L’Orient Today reports that Israeli air forces may have used depleted uranium bombs when its air force dropped 80 one-ton (2,000lb) bombs on at least four residential buildings in Beirut’s southern suburbs on September 27 to kill Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.
by News Desk

US Spent Record $17.9 Billion On Military Aid To ‘Israel’ Since Oct. 7
A report reveals how the Biden administration engaged in “bureaucratic maneuvering” to obscure the full amounts and types of aid to “Israel”.
A report from Brown University’s Costs of War project reveals that the United States has allocated at least $17.9 billion in military aid to “Israel” since the outset of the war on Gaza. Released on the anniversary of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and finalized before “Israel” expanded its aggression on Lebanon in late September, this report is one of the initial assessments of US expenditures as the Biden administration supports “Israel” in its military actions in Gaza and Lebanon. Since “Israel” significantly intensified its airstrikes on Lebanon in late September, at least 1,400 people have died. According to the report, the financial estimates were compiled by Linda J. Bilmes, a professor at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, along with researchers William D. Hartung and Stephen Semler, who have evaluated the comprehensive costs of US military engagements since September 11, 2001. “Israel”, a close ally of the United States since 1948, has received the largest amount of US military aid in history, totaling $251.2 billion in inflation-adjusted dollars since 1959, according to the report. Notably, the $17.9 billion allocated since October 7, 2023, is the highest military aid amount sent to “Israel” in a single year, cited the report. The US committed to providing billions in military assistance to both “Israel” and Egypt as part of their 1979 agreement, and a subsequent agreement during the Obama administration has set “Israel’s” annual aid at $3.8 billion through 2028.
by Al Mayadeen English

Alan Sabrosky On The Real WW2 Holocaust (Against Germans) (55:27)
Alan Sabrosky discusses revisionists’ assertions that yes, there was a Holocaust during World War II, and yes, the Germans were involved…but as victims, not perpetrators.

The Unstoppable Path To Ever-Increasing Currency Debasement
The Federal Reserve has returned to monetary easing in an environment of elevated inflation. It raises an important question… If one of the steepest rate hike cycles in history couldn’t defeat inflation… And the Fed can’t raise rates much further without bankrupting the US government because of the soaring interest expense… How will the Fed EVER escape the trap of ever-increasing currency debasement? I don’t think it will be possible. It’s like being on a runaway train with no brakes. When you put together the pieces to see the Big Picture, it’s clear that ever-increasing currency debasement is the inescapable outcome of the US government’s debt spiral. The US government will not voluntarily “abandon credit expansion,” as Mises puts it, because Washington is dependent on issuing increasing amounts of debt to pay for the ever-growing costs of Social Security, national defense, welfare, and interest on the federal debt. That means their only choice is to debase the US dollar by ever-increasing amounts until, as Mises puts it, the “final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.” I believe rampant currency debasement will be the most important investment trend of this decade, and it will devastate most people. The worst of it could go down soon… and it won’t be pretty. It will result in an enormous wealth transfer from savers and regular people to the parasitic class—politicians, central bankers, and those connected to them.
by Nick Giambruno

Civil War Scenario: Blockade And Airstrike
An introduction to CW Scenario Wargaming
Whatifalthist, a young commentator (younger than me!) is one of the best geopolitics commentators out there today. He has publicly said he thinks this election cycle will result in a US Civil War, most likely this year… But very likely in the fallout years, same way the election of Abraham Lincoln in Nov 1860 took until April of 1861 for Fort Sumter to be fired upon. I’m not as aggressive as Whatifalthist, I think there’s a lot of scenarios where a major regional war in the Middle-East occurs, or WW3 begins with Russia (we’ve gotten very close to Nuke launches during the war with Ukraine) as factions in the deep state push for an October surprise if they think Trump might win. Likewise I think there’s numerous ways where a crisis could happen that results in a minor war or last minute corrupt compromise that lets America limp on to 2028? Maybe 2032? If you look at the Russian revolution, there was the Russo-Japanese war that was supposed to resolve the Russian Empire’s geopolitical and internal problems, then Russia lost, then the revolution of 1905 occured which left the Tzar in charge with a nominal “Not a Constitution” and a sort-of democratically elected duma… Then it limped on sort-of on and off in a state of low level almost civil war (the Prime minister Stolypin was assassinated right in front of the Tzar and his family at the opera in the period by radical leftists)… And then ww1 happened, and then the february revolution of 1917 happened, and then the October revolution that brought the Bolsheviks to power… THEN they had their full on civil war.
by Kulak

Debunking Israel’s New Campaign Linking Hamas To ISIS To Justifying Annexation
As Israel again ramped up its bombing campaign across the Gaza Strip, while threatening a seizure of the northern portion of the besieged territory as part of its “military buffer zone”, a series of dubious claims began emerging in the corporate and social media, attempting to tie Hamas to Daesh (ISIS).
In September the Israeli government began implementing what it calls the “next phase” of its war in Gaza, which will entail the seizure of northern Gaza after the remaining refugees living there are forced to flee. The plan is to annex the north of Gaza, while also maintaining a troop presence in what is known as the Netzarim Corridor — in the middle of besieged territory — and Philadelphia Corridor; between Egypt and Gaza. So far, Israel’s so-called buffer-zone in Gaza has amounted to the seizure of 16% of the entire territory, according to an investigation by Amnesty International. If Israel succeeds in seizing northern Gaza, in addition to maintaining a prolonged military presence in central Gaza and along the Rafah border, this would in effect make half of the territory inaccessible to its native inhabitants. All of this is being done in the name of “defeating Hamas”.
by Robert Inlakesh

Our Misfortune: Jews Were Behind World War II (35:12)
International Jewry instigated World War 2. The video features Kenan/SonOfEnos.
by AurigaBooks

What if The First Black Female Presidential Candidate Isn’t Black?
Donald Trump created a firestorm in July while appearing at the Association of Black Journalists when he said of Kamala Harris, “She was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was Black until some years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know, is she Indian or Black?” Trump then said, “And you know what, I respect either one, but she obviously doesn’t. Because she was Indian all the way and all of a sudden she made a turn and became a Black person. I think somebody should look into that.” When Harris was elected to the Senate, the newspapers in California proclaimed on the front page, “Kamala Harris Becomes The First Indian-American Elected To The Senate.” Does that sound like a proper way in woke liberal California to introduce a promising young Black politician? It would if she was Black. When confronted about his comment, why didn’t Trump just say that? TV’s Judge Joe Brown has weighed in with some information I haven’t seen reported anywhere which is not surprising because if the mainstream media doesn’t want the information to get out they cover it up. Judge Brown reveals that he has known Kamala Harris for over 20 years and has always known her to be Indian, never as a Black woman. Brown said he met Harris’s father Donald and he told him that his ancestors were Irish and Indian, he is not Black. Her mother is Indian as well, and evidence has surfaced that her grandmother on her father’s side is White. More on that later.
by Patrick J. McShay

“Mind Your Own Business”
Walz Gets One Right
A couple of days ago, the Pony Express dropped off a postcard from the United States Census Bureau directing us to a website respond.census.goc/acs. Instead of “please”, the next line read “Your response is required by law”. Well! Nothing gets my attention more than being ordered what to do – and neatly folded into a threat. Being a notoriously gentle soul, my diplomatic response is “F You”. Like other mailed junk, I ignored it – but held on to it for…research. Yesterday, we received a second gift from the USCB: a 47-page brick with the same implied threat: “Your response is required by law”. I’ve long been uncomfortable with the incremental expansion and personal intrusions that have crept into the Census, a head count for representation purposes. Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the US Constitution states [the Census] is confined to “determining the number of Representatives in the House and imposing direct Taxes among the several States.” If you read the whole thing, you’ll see the power and manner to make laws is restricted to the “actual enumeration.” Got it? How many heads live here? 4! OK, we’re done. End of Census. But not with the ACS (American Community Survey), First, where is the power to do a ‘mid-one’ census (there isn’t) and request deep personal info under the banner of ‘an enumeration’? (not there either) That ‘mid-decade’ BS is just a cheap disguise to trick you into thinking it’s legitimate census info they need; the fine is to scare you into complying.
by Brian Wilson

Researchers Propose Hydrogen Storage Using Existing Infrastructure In Lakes And Reservoirs
In a new Nature Communications study, researchers propose a new method for hydrogen storage using existing pipes located at the bottom of lakes and reservoirs. Hydrogen has surfaced as a promising alternative to fossil fuels for energy generation in several industries. The focus is especially on green hydrogen, which is produced via electrolysis of water using renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and air. Nonetheless, the broad adoption of green hydrogen has faced challenges, primarily due to a lack of adequate storage solutions. This study recommends the use of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes as a means of storing green hydrogen. HDPE pipes are used at the bottom of lakes, reservoirs, or hydropower storage systems for water management. Phys.org spoke to the study’s first author, Dr. Julian David Hunt, a Research Scientist at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia. He pointed out that his past work on compressed air energy storage (CAES) in the deep sea inspired his exploration of new strategies for hydrogen storage.
by Tejasri Gururaj

October 8, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Tucker Carlson Interviews Elon Musk (1:48:41)
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Tucker Carlson

Elon Musk

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Book Of The Day
Hitler On The Jews
Edited by Thomas Dalton, PhD
by Adolf Hitler

Quote Of The Day
“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men,
they create for themselves in the course of time,
a legal system that authorizes it,
and a moral code that glorifies it.”
Frederic Bastiat

Website Of The Day
BreakThrough News
At BreakThrough News we tell the untold stories of resistance from poor and working-class communities. At present, five corporations dominate the media landscape, including 90% of what we read, watch, listen to, and depend on for information about the world. Nowhere among the headlines do we hear the perspectives of working people and movements for social justice. Our mission is to break through the static, disinformation and fluff

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Ideals (11:11)
by Asha Logos

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American Neocons Get Their Iran War As Congress Sleeps
Over the weekend, the Commander of the US Central Command (CENTCOM), General Michael Kurilla, arrived in Israel to “coordinate” with the Israeli military and plan a military strike against Iran. Think about that for a moment: one of the highest-ranking officers in the US military is planning a war in a foreign country against another foreign country which will be fueled by American weapons, American intelligence, and American tax dollars. Did that foreign country – Iran – attack the United States or threaten Americans? No, it did not. What did Iran do to warrant a CENTCOM commander bringing the weight of the US military into play to plan a war – possibly WWIII? It retaliated against Israeli airstrikes including the assignation of a Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran. It was the Israeli missile attack on Tehran – an unprecedented event – that set off this chain of escalation, but few would know if from media coverage. This war fever between Israel and Iran not only has nothing to do with us, but our increasing involvement actually hurts our national interests in the region.
by Ron Paul

The Misconception Of The “Man Of System”
In 1759, Scotsman Adam Smith, who is widely regarded as the world’s first true economist, published his first great work, The Theory of Moral Sentiments. In it, he postulated that all social evolution can be attributed to “individual human action,” as opposed to “individual human design.” By this, he meant that whatever understanding worked well between any two people was likely to lead to progress. The reason for this was that such agreements would, of necessity, be based upon “trust and empathy.” He believed that, if mankind were left alone to sort out all commerce and other interaction on their own, using truth and empathy, they’d succeed at moving the society forward. He further postulated that, historically, the failure to progress could be attributed to what he termed to be the “Man of System.” The Man of System was any individual who believed that he knew what was best for others and sought to impose his system (from the top, down) on the population, whether they agreed or not. Mister Smith felt that the failing in all such systems was the same – that the Man of System was dangerous for two reasons. First, the Man of System believed that he knew more than he was actually capable of knowing. Second, the Man assumed that, if he simply dictated human action, the individuals in question would comply – much like pieces being moved around on a chessboard.
by Jeff Thomas

Jewish Supremacy (2:38)
by Gideon Levy

Report: US To Give Israel ‘Compensation’ If It Hits Only US-Approved Targets In Iran
The ‘compensation’ will include full diplomatic support and new military aid
The US has offered Israel a “compensation package” if it avoids hitting certain targets in its planned attack on Iran, The Jerusalem Post reported Sunday, citing the Israeli TV channel Kan 11. Amichai Stein, a correspondent for Kan 11, said the package would include military aid and a guarantee that the US would provide total diplomatic support. “An American official said, ‘If you don’t hit targets A, B, C, we will provide you with diplomatic protection and an arms package,” Chair said. “Israeli officials responded saying, ‘We consider the United States and listen to them. But we will do anything and everything we can to protect the citizens and the security of the State of Israel.'” The US is coordinating with Israel on its plans to respond to the Iranian missile barrage that hit Israel last week, which came in response to several Israeli escalations throughout the region, including the July 31 assassination of Hamas’s political chief, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran. The US has said it will ensure Iran faces “severe consequences” but has warned against certain types of attacks, including attacks on Iran’s civilian nuclear facilities. President Biden said the US and Israel were discussing the idea of strikes on Iranian oil sites, but later said if he was in Israel’s shoes, he would be thinking about “other alternatives than striking oil fields.”
by Dave DeCamp

The Voice Of The Dead Unburied: An Interview With John O’Looney (Text and Video)
‘Sometime I’ve sat there and I’ve thought, “Have I just prolonged everyone’s suffering?” — ‘cos these people seem hell-bent on killing us off. But I just couldn’t ignore it.’
‘It’s a Biblical crime. History will tell the story and I’ll be on the right side of history, win or lose. I won’t be complicit in the murder of people.’ Imagine the impossible scenario whereby the political establishments of the world acquiesced in a demand by secret and unelected forces beyond their shores that they suspend the rights and freedoms of their people and subject them to an elongated soft martial law on the sole basis of an entirely baseless assertion concerning a ‘deadly virus’ that was about to wipe out millions of people. This initiative, though unlawful in every respect, has the support of all but the occasional functionary of the infrastructure of all these countries, including health services judiciaries, practitioners of ‘The Science’, media, police and all the main churches. Within a short time of the launch of this initiative it becomes clear to anyone who has avoided the attendant brainwashing that the deadly virus is a crock, which is to say they it is at most a relatively harmless bug posing no risk to anyone under average life expectancy, and highly treatable for anyone over it.
by John Waters

Eva Vlaardingerbroek: Governments Are Deliberately Creating Food Shortages (2:36)

How Israel Killed Hundreds Of Its Own People On 7 October
If Hamas made a miscalculation in the planning of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, it was perhaps to overestimate the value Israeli planners assigned to the lives of their own people. In 2006, Hamas successfully captured Israeli occupation soldier Gilad Shalit, exchanging him for 1,024 Palestinian prisoners in 2011 – including the current leader of Hamas Yahya Sinwar. A similar exchange was made with the Lebanese resistance in 2008. Although exchanging prisoners is a common element of conflict, Israeli leaders felt weakened and embarrassed by what they saw as compromises. So they secretly modified their policies, preparing to strike with lethal force against their own people in the event of future captures. At the heart of these plans was the Hannibal Directive, established in secret by Israeli generals in 1986, and named after an ancient Carthaginian general who killed himself rather than be captured alive by the Roman Empire. Initially, the doctrine was targeted at soldiers. In 2014, captured Israeli soldier Hadar Goldin was killed in a deliberate artillery strike during Israel’s August invasion of the Gaza Strip. Up to 200 Palestinian civilians were killed in the bombardment on Rafah, including 75 children. As a result, the secretive military doctrine was forced into the light. Despite continued obfuscation, the Israeli military admitted that the directive existed and may have been used on an Israeli solider. Two years later, the Israeli military distanced itself from the directive, claiming that “the order as it is understood today” would be canceled. “This move was not necessarily a full change in policy but a clarification,” The Times of Israel reported in 2016. Yet multiple Israeli press reports have now confirmed that Hannibal was not only reactivated on 7 October – if it ever truly went away – but was actually extended to captured Israeli civilians on their way to Gaza.
by Asa Winstanley

Why Is The ‘Liberal’ Media Peddling The Vilest Genocide Apologism?
A phalanx of the UK’s most influential journalists brought this odious article to print, decrying as a ‘blood libel’ the reporting of Israel’s killing of thousands of children in Gaza
I can’t put this strongly enough. Howard Jacobson’s article in today’s Observer newspaper may be one the vilest pieces of journalism published in Britain in living memory, arguing that any reporting of Israel’s documented slaughter of many thousands of Palestinian children in Gaza is a “blood libel” and antisemitic. It is pure genocide apologism. But far worse is the fact that the Guardian Media Group signed off his column. This isn’t the work of one Zionist loon. A whole army of journalists brought it to print. And note: Jacobson, odious as he is, isn’t responsible for the choice of photo. That is entirely down to the Observer newsroom. I worked at both the Guardian and the Observer, its Sunday sister paper, for many years. The comment editor, the photo editor, the revise sub-editor, the Observer’s chief editor and all the section heads would have approved not only Jacobson’s text but that photo too. What on earth did they all imagine that “illustrative” photo of a blood-smeared doll suggested?
by Jonathan Cook

Tut Tut Tut… When Are You Going To Address This, Kamala? (0:53)
by Candace Owens

Sergey Lavrov: Ukraine And Its Puppeteers Play With Fire, Restoring Peace Not Part Of Their Plan
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expounded on the ongoing Ukraine conflict, Russia’s continued commitment to a politico-diplomatic settlement aimed at removing the root causes of the crisis, and the overal shift towards a multi-polar world order in an interview with the US magazine Newsweek on October 7.
Restoring peace is not part of Ukraine’s plan, while its Western patrons continue “playing with fire,” oblivious of the dangerous consequences, stressed Sergey Lavrov in the interview for Newsweek. “Zelensky has not revoked his decree banning negotiations with Moscow. Washington and its NATO allies provide political, military and financial support to Kiev so that the war would go on. They are discussing authorizing the AFU to use Western long-range missiles to strike deep into Russian territory,” Lavrov explained. Russia’s top diplomat emphasized that the February 2014 agreement was ripped up by the US-backed opposition, then the Minsk accords were sabotaged and subsequently revealed to have never been fulfilled by Ukraine’s patrons, and finally the 2022 Istanbul agreements were “not signed by Zelensky at the insistence of his Western supervisors, in particular, the then British prime minister [Boris Johnson].”
by Svetlana Ekimenko

Supreme Court Rejects Biden Admin Attempt To Force Texas To Allow ‘Emergency’ Abortions
The Supreme Court on Monday left in place a lower court ruling that blocks the Biden administration from forcing Texas doctors to commit abortions for so-called ‘emergency’ reasons.
The Supreme Court rejected a bid by the Biden-Harris administration to force doctors in Texas to commit so-called “emergency” abortions in violation of state law. The justices rebuffed the Biden Justice Department’s appeal of a lower court ruling that blocked enforcement of pro-abortion federal guidance mandating that emergency facilities commit abortions in states that ban them. The guidance, released by the Biden administration in July 2022 in response to the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, purported to reinterpret the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) of 1986 to require physicians to “provide” abortions to women with an “emergency medical condition” – even if doing so violates state abortion restrictions. EMTALA, which applies to hospitals that participate in Medicare, does not mention abortion and actually requires protection for an “unborn child.” Abortion – the destruction of an innocent preborn child – is always gravely immoral and is never necessary nor justifiable for alleged reasons of “health.”
by Peter Martin

Georgia Supreme Court Reinstates State’s Abortion Law
A judge’s ruling striking down Georgia’s abortion ban was stayed on Oct. 7 by the Georgia Supreme Court. The stay means the ban on abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected will go back into effect as the case proceeds. Six justices granted a request by Georgia officials to reinstate the law after a county judge on Sept. 30 concluded that the law violates the right of women in the state to have an abortion. Georgia’s Constitution gives residents liberty, and that liberty includes the right of women to “control what happens to and within her body,” Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney said in his ruling. In a one-page order from the Georgia Supreme Court, a majority of justices said they were staying McBurney’s ruling as of 5 p.m. on Oct. 7. The majority did not explain their reasoning. The law states that abortion is not authorized if the heartbeat of an unborn child has been detected. Exceptions include cases where doctors determine a medical emergency exists and, in some instances, incest or rape.
by Zachary Stieber

German And Austrian Popular Parties Labeled ‘Extremist’ For Calling For Peace In Europe (6:47)
As German’s Bundestag MP and prominent politician Sahra Wagenknecht calls for diplomacy instead of US missiles, German establishment is using her rhetoric to allow voters to express their discontent without any threat to power. More popular parties, like AfD, are less fortunate, because they are labeled ‘extremists’ for the very same views. RT’s Rachel Marsden explains.
by RT

Children 6 Times More Likely To Die after Covid ‘Vaccine’
A damning study has identified a shocking 500% surge in deaths among children who have been “vaccinated” for Covid with mRNA shots. The alarming study of 64,000 children and teenagers found that kids are six times more likely to die after receiving a Covid “vaccine” when compared to unvaccinated. The finding was buried in a study published earlier this year that identified Covid shots as the cause of increasing cases of new-onset asthma in children. However, the disturbing discovery of increased deaths among kids went largely unreported as it was only quite mentioned toward the end of the study’s paper. The study’s note about death rates among vaccinated children was highlighted by Alex Berenson. Led by Professor Chiao-Yu Yang, the study was conducted by top researchers from Taiwan’s Institute of Public Health and the Chung Shan Medical University Hospital in Taichung City. The findings were published in the Springer Medical Journal. In the “Conclusion” section of the study’s paper, the researchers wrote: “The study highlights a strong link between COVID-19 infection and an increased risk of new-onset asthma in children, which is even more marked in those vaccinated.”
by Frank Bergman

66-Year-Old Palestinian Beaten, Killed By Israeli Occupation Forces (Text and Video)
Sixty-six-year-old Palestinian activist, Ziad Abu Ehlayyel, was killed after being brutally beaten by Israeli occupation forces during a raid on his home in the occupied West Bank town of Dura, south-west of Hebron. According to security sources, Israeli forces stormed Abu Ehlayyel’s home this morning and violently assaulted him until he lost consciousness. Despite being rushed to Dura Hospital, medical staff were unable to save him and he was pronounced dead due to the extent of his injuries. Abu Ehlayyel was a respected community figure who had been subjected to multiple assaults by Israeli occupation forces during past raids into the town. Quds News Network shared an archival video showing Abu Ehlayyel confronting Israeli soldiers, pleading with them to stop firing at Palestinian children. In the footage, he can be heard saying: “We don’t want you to shoot anyone, we don’t want you to kill anyone; this is a nonviolent procession, why do you keep shooting at them? Why don’t you stop your settlers from attacking us?”

Crimean Bridge ‘Priority Target’ For British-Supplied Storm Shadow Missiles – Naryshkin
Russia’s top spy says the West is committed to enabling Kiev to conduct “penetrating strikes on Crimea”
The head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Agency (SVR), Sergey Naryshkin, has claimed that the Crimean Bridge remains a high priority for Ukraine in its attacks on the peninsula using Western weapons. Speaking at a meeting of the heads of CIS security agencies in Astana, Kazakhstan, Naryshkin noted that the bridge, which connects the peninsula to the Russian mainland and has repeatedly come under Ukrainian attack, is likely to be targeted by British-supplied Storm Shadow missiles. He also pointed out that Ukraine has been using other Western supplied weapon systems to attack the peninsula, such as when Kiev’s troops used American-made ATACMS missiles in June, killing four people, including two children, and injuring over 150 at a beach in Sevastopol. Naryshkin went on to recall that CIA Director William Burns had previously told the US Senate Intelligence Committee that Washington’s military aid to Ukraine is meant to enable Kiev to “inflict tangible damage on Russia,” which includes “penetrating strikes on Crimea.” “Burns thus voiced the old Anglo-Saxon maxim – to cut off Russia’s access to the ‘warm sea’ at all costs,” Naryshkin said.
by RT

ACH (2431) Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #128 – Prayer (Audio 10:41)
In today’s show originally broadcast on October 6, 2024, Andy presents a show entitled, “Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #128 – Prayer”.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Hezbollah’s Indomitable Resolve
“Israel,” backed by the US, has relentlessly sought to cripple resistance movements in Lebanon and Palestine; yet their fundamental misreading of the Resistance has led to repeated failures.
Despite repeated efforts by “Israel” and the US to dismantle resistance movements, especially in Lebanon and Palestine, these attempts have consistently fallen short. The core reason for this failure lies in the West’s misreading of the Resistance itself—the Resistance is rooted in deep historical injustices, sustained ideological strength, and has a great capacity to adapt. While leaders may be targeted and eliminated, their movements continue to thrive, fueled by an unwavering dedication to justice and freedom. The assassinations of key figures like Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Commander Hajj Imad Mughniyeh, and Commander Fouad Shokor, among others, have not resulted in Hezbollah’s downfall over the years. Instead, the group has only grown stronger, showcasing the inability of “Israel” and the US to truly understand the dynamics of the Lebanese Resistance. These movements are not reliant on individual leaders; they are deeply rooted in collective resilience and continue to thrive despite targeted assassinations.
by Lea Akil

Waiting For Godot
The big question remains: will Israel strike Iran and, if not, why not? Of course in an important sense Israel is already striking at Iran in continuing its offensive on what we can loosely call Iran’s proxy, Hezbollah, in southern Lebanon and striking at Hezbollah leaders in southern Beirut at the cost of thousands of civilian lives. In doing so it seeks to strike terror in the hearts of the Lebanese. If that is the intent the result is probably to the contrary. Furthermore, Alastair Crooke’s assessment today is that Israeli’s domination of what is reportable from the battlefield and what is sayable in Western mainstream media manages to disguise the fragility of its so-called advances into Lebanon and the scale of its losses in confrontations with Hezbollah. Crooke, whom I regard as one of the best available sources, believes that Hezbollah has reconstituted its leadership and that 90% of its fighting potential remains intact. Dropping over 100 13 ton guided bombs on the pretext of wanting to kill top leaders of Hezbollah, Israel is more likely to intensify regional hatred of Israel and feed a thirst for vengeance that could create a tidal wave of Arab resolution that could yet sweep away the bought-out regimes of Jordan and Egypt and inject some moral integrity into Turkey’s.
by Oliver Boyd-Barrett

One Year Later Israelis Again Bomb Northern Gaza Signaling Start Of Ethnic Cleansing Plan
Returning to northern Gaza almost exactly 1 year from the start of the Hamas-Israel war on October 7, 2023, the IDF is again attacking Palestinians and forcing all the remaining Palestinians to leave northern Gaza. Israel’s military says it has encircled Jabalya, northern Gaza and launched a new ground operation, after seeing signs of Hamas rebuilding, despite nearly a year of fighting and strikes in the territory. Despite attention shifting to Lebanon after Israeli forces escalated their attacks on the Hezbollah militant group, Israel continues to operate across Gaza and is again focusing on an area it previously said was rid of Hamas. Elsewhere in Gaza, at least 25 people are confirmed dead after Israeli airstrikes hit a mosque and a school in the center of the territory, hospital officials say. Israel said Hamas was embedded in both buildings. (Source.) Dave DeCamp, writing for AntiWar.com, writes that this is part of the “general’s plan” to complete ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from areas in Gaza north of the Netzarim Corridor, paving the way for Jewish settlements in the area.
by Brian Shilhavy

Americans Left To Suffer After FEMA’s Failed Response To Hurricane Helene (7:34)
Today, I am discussing the aftermath of Hurricane Helene and the criticisms surrounding FEMA’s response.
by Misha Petrov

Fact-Checking Or Fact-Shielding? Twitter Files Journalist Slams Politifact’s Defense Of Government Pressure On Big Tech
Poynter Institute’s PolitiFact, a Meta fact-checking partner, has decided that the Biden-Harris administration is not engaged in censorship at an industrial scale. This claim made by vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance is false, PolitiFact has asserted, because the Biden-Harris White House “contacting” (according to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, they were contacted to be pressured) social media companies to flag content for removal “didn’t cross the line into coercion.” Not only that but pressuring these companies (yet allegedly never coercing) to censor online speech is not a threat to democracy, PolitiFact was told by a Colombia professor – if the censors decide that speech is disinformation about Covid or election results. The scale and nature of the way the US government leaned on tech companies to stifle speech that did not suit its political agenda is, to date, best revealed in the Twitter Files. One of the journalists who worked on publishing the internal documents, Michael Shellenberger, now examined this PolitiFact “verdict” and the arguments the organization used. He rejects the notion that suppressing voters’ free speech is somehow “not a threat to democracy.”
by Didi Rankovic

Misleading Millions: The American Cancer Society’s Flawed Mammogram Report Exposed
The American Cancer Society’s rosy breast cancer statistics mask a deadly reality: mammograms may be doing more harm than good.
Quick Summary: ACS report downplays severe risks of overdiagnosis and overtreatment from mammograms. Pharmaceutical conflicts of interest taint breast cancer awareness campaigns and research. Growing evidence suggests mammography screening may increase rates of advanced breast cancer. As we approach October, dubbed “Pinktober” by breast cancer awareness campaigns, it’s crucial to critically examine the information bombarding women about breast health. The American Cancer Society’s (ACS) latest report, released just ahead of this annual pink-washing extravaganza, deserves particular scrutiny. The Pink Ribbon Deception Unmasking the ACS Report’s Dangerous Omissions: For decades, the American Cancer Society (ACS) has been at the forefront of breast cancer awareness, championing mammograms as the gold standard for early detection and prevention. In fact, the ACS was a founding partner in the creation of Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) in 1985, along with the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, formerly part of Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI). AstraZeneca, whose blockbuster breast cancer drugs Tamoxifen and Arimidex are still part of the standard treatment for those diagnosed with the disease, played a significant role in launching the pink ribbon campaigns.
by GMI Reporter

FEMA Arrests Noah For Running Unauthorized Flood Rescue Operation
ASHEVILLE, NC — FEMA arrested Noah this week after they caught the prophet attempting to help rescue people afflicted by the floods. “This is an unapproved rescue operation and we will not tolerate such behavior,” FEMA Spokesman Randy Tarwater told the press. “We apprehended Noah and his so-called ‘ark’ attempting to save human and animal lives. That’s not what FEMA represents.” After Hurricane Helene annihilated entire communities, the Prophet Noah steered his ark into needy areas to help rescue stranded Americans. FEMA reportedly blocked the seer and told him his saving people was really getting in the way. “I tried to bring a large shipment of food and water into Appalachia, but FEMA turned me back and told me if I tried to deliver any more supplies they’d arrest me,” Noah said. “But I’ve never been one to take the directives of naysayers to heart so back I went! That’s when a guy put me in handcuffs and hauled me away. FEMA even impounded my ark! I worked so hard on that thing.” As of publishing time, FEMA had confiscated all Noah’s animals and auctioned them off to pay for another $50 billion to Ukraine.
by Babylon Bee

October 7 by Mark R. Elsis

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Greater Israel Explained: The Israeli Plan To Conquer The Arab World (13:46)
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Hitler On The Jews (Audiobook 7:02:06)
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“Hate speech means anything the jews hate to hear,
especially the truth about themselves.
Therefore, truth is hate to those who hate the truth.”
Pastor Mark Downey

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Washington Report On Middle East Affairs
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Hugely Exciting World War III Updates
Get your popcorn out, the end of the world is gonna be fun!
If you were worried that Israel would not succeed in starting World War III, you can stop worrying because boy do I have some exciting news! Over the past 24 hours, Israel has managed to extend this war beyond everyone’s wildest dreams. It all seemed to be going in the wrong direction when Macron stopped arms sales to Israel after only a year of genocide. The French president even had the gall to ask other countries to do the same. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Jeremy fucking Corbyn? Israel considers the arms suspension a huge insult because it wants the genocide to go on much longer than a year. It has therefore sent a massive shipment of exploding vibrators to France. Zionists have such a brilliant sense of humour. France is not the only country in Israel’s sights. Ireland disgracefully refused to remove its peacekeepers from Lebanon because they’re protecting civilians in the villages Israel wants to ethnically cleanse. Israel has understandably declared war on Ireland. Irish-American president Joe Biden is yet to be told he will be bombing his ancestral homeland, but who would care about something like that? Ancestral homelands are so overrated.
by Laura and Normal Island News

What Is Actually Going On In North Carolina? (47:43)
by Truthstream Media

Re-Imagining Armageddon
We can look with some trepidation to consideration of what kinds of spectacular murder the criminal regime of Tel Aviv can conjure for Monday, October 7. But this is not to say that Israel has not already exacted its revenge for Iran’s attack last Tuesday on Iran. Having killed hundreds of civilians in Beiruit in its endeavor to kill Hezbollah leader Nasrallah, it yesterday murdered hundreds of more civilians in an endeavor to kill Nasrallah’s most likely replacement, Hashem Safieddine. Nor has Israel ceased its murderous rampage in Gaza and in southern Lebanon, where, in addition to its killings of 2,000 Lebanese citizens in the past few days, Israel is now demanding Lebanon evacuate villages as far north of the original UN imposed buffer zone, that stops at the Litani river, as Sidon. For their part, the US and UK are helping along the process of Israeli genocide by attacking the only Arab actors who have shown the means and courage to withstand it, namely the Houthis of Yemen, whose energy facilities and ports (Hodeidah, particularly) are now under Western and Israeli attack. These are counter productive mesasures for the West, as is almost everything else the West does, given that an attack on Hodeidah strengthens Yemeni resolve to disrupt Red Sea shipping and in itself conveys the message to the shipping community that the Red Sea is far from safe.
by Oliver Boyd-Barrett

a world without rationality (text and video)
low identity + high trauma = useful idiocy as personal identity
people have become so subsumed and consumed by their ideas and ideals that that have been driven quite mad and what’s left behind are not even people, they are parasitic infections of ideology roaming around in human guise absent any sense, sensibility, vestige of rational capacity, or (increasingly) even any instinct for self preservation. such delusion then manifests around the precepts of jihadi religion and the self-righteous conflict of “us against everything not us.” any deviation from these increasingly baroque hallucinations is experienced as intolerable oppression and personal attack because these low identity failures to conceive of viable internal personhood have placed all their fragile eggs in the basket of externalized identity to the point where tribal membership and slavish devotion to doctrine ARE the self and any contradiction is outright war. reason has left the building. what remains is one of the most unreasonable, unreasoned, and intractable human movements since mao whipped up the students into marxist fervor and tortured scientists in struggle sessions before marching them off to hard labor and frequent death. this is not a good thing.
by el gato malo

Investigating Israeli War Crimes In Gaza (1:20:59)
by Al Jazeera Investigative Unit

West Asian Crisis Prompts Biden To Break Ice With Putin
The US president Joe Biden sprang a surprise during a press gaggle with reporters outside the White House on Thursday when he essentially didn’t rule out a potential meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at the upcoming summits of the Group of 20 or the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. Biden sort of signalled, ‘Barkis is willing.’ As he put it, “I doubt that Putin will show up.” As these White House gaggles generally go, Biden deliberately chose to respond to the TASS correspondent who asked the question, who of course knew that Biden knew that a trip by Putin to the Western Hemisphere to attend the G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on November 18-19 is under active consideration in the Kremlin. Biden and Putin have a lot to talk about but what adds up is that Biden signalled his interest in a conversation just a day after the massive Iranian missile strike against Israel, which came as a bolt from the blue and dramatically upended the legacy of his presidency. Don’t be surprised if the Middle East crisis dominates a Biden-Putin summit in Rio de Janeiro — that is, if such a meeting takes place. The Ukraine war is coasting inexorably toward a Russian victory. Biden’s interest lies in making sure somehow that Ukraine’s capitulation — and NATO’s humiliation — get carried over to January 20. But Putin must cooperate. This is one thing.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar

Nasrallah’s Presumed Successor Killed By Israel – Media
Hashem Safieddine, along with several Iranian aides and other Hezbollah commanders, was eliminated in a strike on Beirut, Al Arabiya claims
Hashem Safieddine, the man rumored to have succeeded Hezbollah’s late chief Hassan Nasrallah, was killed in Israel’s airstrike on Beirut on Friday, the TV channel Al Arabiya claimed on Saturday. The outlet’s sources claimed that the 60-year-old cleric, who headed up Hezbollah’s Executive Council and was often described before Nasrallah’s death as the number two within the organization, was assassinated after an attack on the southern part of the city, along with several unnamed Iranian aides and Hezbollah commanders. Safieddine was reportedly hiding in a deep bomb shelter. Echoing the claim, an unnamed Lebanese official cited by Reuters and Sky News Arabia said that the chances of anyone surviving in the targeted area are “almost zero.” Moreover, a Reuters source said that Safieddine had been unreachable since Friday’s strike. A Jerusalem Post report also said that Esmail Ghaani, commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, was likely injured in the Israeli strike on the Lebanese capital.
by RT

Neil Oliver: The End Of The World? (14:52)

American Killed By Israeli Bombardment Of Lebanon
A Michigan man is one of more than one thousand people in southern Lebanon killed by Israel over the past two weeks. Israel has conducted massive bombardments of its northern neighbor, often using American weapons to perform the operations. Kamel Ahmad Jawad was killed in southern Lebanon Tuesday morning, according to his family. He frequently made trips where he provided financial support and other assistance to the people of southern Lebanon. Israel has ramped up its attacks in Lebanon over the past several weeks. Last month, Tel Aviv conducted multiple widespread terror attacks by planting explosives in small electric devices. Then, Israel killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah after he accepted a ceasefire deal. The assassination of Nasrallah kicked off a large-scale bombing campaign and a ground invasion of southern Lebanon. Israel has hit a number of civilian targets, often claiming some kind of Hezbollah assets were hidden in homes and other structures. The State Department said it was “aware and alarmed” regarding Jawad’s death, but did not go on to condemn or threaten Tel Aviv for the murder. Throughout the Joe Biden administration, there has been a distinct difference in reaction compared to when Americans are killed by Israel or if they are killed by a militant in a resistance group.
by Kyle Anzalone

Jewish Press Admits ‘International Plot’ To Spread Lies About Hitler And Lure ‘Gullible’ Americans Into War
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) A new book admits that a cynical misinformation campaign launched by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency against Germany was a pivotal part of plans by British Intelligence and the Soviet KGB to lure “gullible” Americans into supporting a war which they had no interest in being part of: “…The Overseas News Agency was founded in 1940 as part of Jewish Telegraphic Agency. While ONA was designed as a straightforward news outlet, within its first year of existence the British Foreign Intelligence Agency commissioned it to produce fabricated stories. As Religion News Service reports, the goal of the assignment was to manipulate American sentiments by painting Britain as strong in the war effort and smearing Adolf Hitler and the Nazis as unhinged. Stories under the ONA masthead were designed to push the then-neutral United States to join World War II. Here’s the crazy thing: It kind of worked. Even papers like The New York Times and Washington Post ran stories based on ONA “reporting.” Beginning in the 1920s, Adolf Hitler appropriated the term “Lügenpresse” — or Lying Press — to describe how the communist-sympathetic newspapers under the control of the Jews routinely smeared him and his political allies — even going so far as to claim that he himself was a Jew. But the problem with this false JTA narrative here is that even many powerful Jews in America — such as Chief Rabbi, Stephen Wise and Supreme Court Justice, Felix Frankfurter — did not believe these early reports of the so-called “Holocaust” coming out of judeo-communist “witnesses” in Europe. Neither did J. Edgar Hoover nor Franklin Roosevelt — after all, declassified documents from British Intelligence show that they knew the Holocaust “atrocity” stories were part of a cynical propaganda campaign to distract the public from the very real genocide — the Red Terror — that the judeo-Bolsheviks had committed in Russia and Eastern Europe.
by CFT Team

George Galloway Interviews Professor Seyed Marandi On Middle East War (22:56)

‘Biggest West Bank Massacre In Decades’: Israel Bombs Crowded Tulkarem Café
An entire family was killed in the Israeli attack, which indiscriminately targeted a number of West Bank resistance leaders
Israel bombed a café in the occupied West Bank city of Tulkarem late on 3 October, killing at least 20 in what is being described as the worst massacre in the territory since the Second Intifada. In what is being described as the biggest massacre in the occupied West Bank since the Second Intifada in 2002, last night, an Israel bombed a café in Tulkarem refugee camp, killing at least 20 Palestinians, among them a woman, her husband, and their child. Among those killed were a woman, her husband, and their child. A Quds Brigades commander, Ghaith Radwan, and a member of Hamas’ Qassam Brigades, Zahi al-Aoufi, were killed in the indiscriminate attack on Tulkarem. “In the attack, a number of key operatives who were also active in the terrorist infrastructure in Tulkarem were eliminated,” the Israeli army and Shin Bet security service said in a joint statement. Aoufi was reportedly the head of Hamas’ organization structure in Tulkarem. “He provided weapons to terrorist operatives in the area and planned to carry out numerous attacks on settlements in the West Bank and deep inside Israel,” according to Yedioth Ahronoth. Israeli warplanes fired at least one missile at the café in Tulkarem’s Hamam neighborhood on Thursday night as it was packed with civilians, according to WAFA news agency’s correspondent.
by News Desk

Prelude To Independence: Thomas Jefferson Declares British Acts Null And Void
“A nullity” and “we declare these acts void” This was the bold conclusion about British Acts that Thomas Jefferson came to in his powerful pamphlet A Summary View of the Rights of British America. Written nearly two years before the Declaration of Independence, the pamphlet foreshadowed ideas Jefferson would later develop further. He asserted several fundamental principles that underpin the American constitutional system, including the sovereignty of states within a broader union, and the view that usurpations of power are null and void. Taxation and interference with the colonial economies were significant factors in the American Revolution, but it was fundamentally a constitutional crisis. The American colonists believed the British king and Parliament were violating their rights as Englishmen and the limits of power under the unwritten British constitution. Jefferson wrote the pamphlet hoping to influence the Virginia delegation to the First Continental Congress, which met from September 5 to October 26, 1774, to take an aggressive stand against British actions. In it, he outlined colonial grievances, naming specific acts and actions taken by the British government, ultimately declaring them a “nullity” and “void.” In many ways, A Summary View was a precursor to the Declaration of Independence. Many of the “unwarrantable encroachments and usurpations” Jefferson outlined reappear in the Declaration.
by Mike Maharrey

Adolf Hitler (52:07)
Chapter 27 “And With The Beasts Of The Earth” April 1943-April 1944
by John Toland

Gangsta Kamala And American Hoax Crimes
Living in The Trumaine Show
Kamala Harris herself has created a past that is a hoax. She frequently refers to being “raised in a middle-class family.” Harris went to private schools, and lied about working at McDonald’s. One neighbor described Harris as living in “an upper class enclave in Montreal…the richest one in all of Canada.” Her parents had an income in 1972 that was listed as $600,000. Look at the photo below. That is the mansion Harris was raised in. That’s quite a unique brand of “middle class.” Now, the “fact checkers” are saying this is all “disinformation.” Harris actually grew up in a more modest, but still pretty impressive looking house. Who are you going to trust- people on the internet, or the “fact checkers?” The “fact checkers” don’t have a good record of telling the truth. I’m still waiting for them to verify the first negative thing about our corrupt leaders. And for the first real “hate crime” against Blacks by Whites.
by Donald Jeffries

The Hidden Tyranny
The most revealing and shocking interview of a Jew, Mr. Rosenthal, an influential Jew learned in the Jewish ways and involved in the workings of government in Washington, D.C., explained the Jewish involvement and cause of the major problems we face today. Introduction: The following contains the text of a most revealing and shocking interview of a Jew by the name of Harold Rosenthal,which was conducted in 1976, by a concerned American, a Walter White, Jr. Mr. Rosenthal, an influential Jew learned in the Jewish ways and involved in the workings of government in Washington, D.C., explained the Jewish involvement and cause of the major problems we face today. Rosenthal, in exposing certain aspects of the ‘inner invisible world of Jewry, revealed the modes and tactics Jews have used in destroying Western civilization and covertly attaining control over our lives and governments. The result has been a ‘hidden tyranny’ upon us like the tyranny waged against the Saints by the red beast system of Revelations referred to as ‘Mystery Babylon.’ But how could such a small number of Jews enslave so many people and gain such an overwhelming control over their governments, especially without their being aware of it? The answer to this may be found in Christ’s parable of the unjust steward, which represents Jewry. They are able to prevail in the world despite their ungodly ways because of their cunning and shrewd ways. As Christ said–“For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.” Luke 16:8 In other words, the Jew, with his worldly mind set, is craftier than God’s Christian people. When you read the words of Mr. Rosenthal the reality of this statement will come to light. This problem was so prevalent and important for us to overcome that Christ had instructed us to “be wise as serpents” Matt 10:16 America and the world is now covered in political, economic,moral, and social problems which need to be acted upon by God loving people. As Edmund Burke stated: “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”But before we can properly act we need a proper (not just a superficial) understanding of the problem. What follows will help provide the reader with that understanding.
by Charles A. Weisman

General Qassem Soleimani Wins: Israel Falls Into The Trap Of The Axis Of Resistance
The strategy of prolonged war against the Zionist regime is generating positive fruits for the Resistance.
In 2020, the U.S. military assassinated Iranian General Qassem Solemani in a terrorist attack with drones in Iraq. The purpose of the operation was simply to eliminate one of the greatest military thinkers in history – the man largely responsible for creating the trap that Israel has just fallen into, four years after his death. Much more than a mere military officer, Soleimani was a strategist and negotiator – perhaps it would not be an exaggeration to even call him a “war diplomat”. An expert in clandestine operations, intelligence and special forces’ tactics, Soleimani was responsible for enabling the network of anti-Zionist organizations known as the “Axis of Resistance”. Overcoming religious, ethnic and ideological differences between the various Islamic and anti-Zionist movements, Soleimani united different factions in a joint strategy against Israel. Obviously, this strategy was centered on Iran and gave the Islamic Republic the leading role in the fight against the Israeli occupation and its regional proxies. However, one of the keys to the success of the Axis is precisely its largely decentralized nature, guaranteeing autonomy of action for its members, without tight Iranian control over all the acts of the coalition. The Axis of Resistance was victorious in Syria, where several militias, with the support of Hezbollah and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), defeated ISIS and other Israeli proxies. At the time, Soleimani’s military diplomatic success was so great that even a dialogue with the Kurdish militias (historically supported by the West) was possible at a time of confrontation against more dangerous groups – such as ISIS itself.
by Lucas Leiroz

Null And Void: Thomas Jefferson’s 1774 Radical Declaration (Show Links and Video 37:39)
Two years before the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson penned a long and detailed list of grievances regarding British acts going back more than a century. He not only referred to them as a “nullity” but pointed out that “we declare them void.” Jefferson’s pamphlet, “A Summary View of the Rights of British America,” is an incredibly important part of the foundation of the American Revolution – something the government-run schools barely even mention today.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center

The FBI Entraps Another Fake Assassin
“This is a low intelligence person that they were able to cultivate here,” says Friend. “What if he just at one point had a moment of clarity and said, ‘Hey, this is a huge lift? I don’t have the logistics. I don’t have the financing. Why don’t I just grab a giant knife and stab an infidel?’ But that’s not something the FBI ever takes into consideration because they don’t think about the people they’re supposed to be protecting.” The FBI’s problem isn’t just that it’s fudging statistics to boost its budget and win accolades, raises, and promotions all around for “solving” a high-profile case. The much bigger issue is timing. After all, Merchant was arrested a day before the first attempt on Trump’s life in Butler. There’s no evidence that the Secret Service’s failures that afternoon can be attributed to anything but incompetence. But the fact that the FBI is importing foreigners and encouraging them to plot against Trump raises questions that both the Secret Service and FBI would prefer to ignore. Typically, the Bureau hides facts by claiming they are part of an active investigation and can’t be divulged to the public. This time, FBI Director Christopher Wray, notoriously stingy with facts he is bound to share with the American public, must come clean.
by Lee Smith

Clarity After Iran Strike, As Israel Tries To Pivot To Nuclear Arc (Text and Videos)
Two days out from Iran’s seminal strike on Israel and some things are being clarified. All the early claims of having shot everything down were slowly retracted, with more realistic headlines slowly taking their place as testament to the confusion behind the scenes. Iranian missiles were able to overcome Israel’s multi-layered air defense, writes the magazine “Der Spiegel”. The publication notes that this time the missile attack was significantly more successful than the previous one in April, when Israel and its allies still managed to intercept 99 percent of Iranian missiles and drones. “They probably learned from the April attacks and chose ballistic missiles this time,” says military expert Fabian Hinz of the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS). Videos like this one are hard to deny—watch the end to see major explosions at the site of whatever was hit. We’ve finally got some BDAs of the hits, though they do present uncertainty as to Iran’s true objectives. Here’s a news report confirming one of the missiles landed outside the Mossad HQ. But was it a miss, or a deliberate “message” sent? There are two camps now: one claiming Iran cannot hit anything, the other that Iran deliberately avoided causing too much damage. There is some evidence for both.
by Simplicius

Bottlenose Dolphins ‘Smile’ At Each Other While Playing, Research Shows
Dolphins are extremely playful, but little is known about how they—and other marine mammals—communicate during playtime. New research published October 2 in the journal iScience shows that bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncates) use the “open mouth” facial expression—analogous to a smile—to communicate during social play. The dolphins almost always use the facial expression when they are in their playmate’s field of view, and when playmates perceived a “smile,” they responded in kind 33% of the time. “We’ve uncovered the presence of a distinct facial display, the open mouth, in bottlenose dolphins, and we showed that dolphins are also able to mirror others’ facial expression,” says senior author and evolutionary biologist Elisabetta Palagi of the University of Pisa. “Open-mouth signals and rapid mimicry appear repeatedly across the mammal family tree, which suggests that visual communication has played a crucial role in shaping complex social interactions, not only in dolphins but in many species over time.”
by Cell Press

October 6, 2024, 5 Posts Published And Archived

What Is Actually Going On In North Carolina? (47:43)
by Truthstream Media
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Featured News
What Doctors Won’t Tell You About Chemotherapy
A decade ago doctors agreed that one in three people would get cancer. Today, the same doctors tell us that one in two people will get cancer. There, in that simple statistic, is all the proof you need that the so-called War on Cancer is a total failure. The huge multi-billion dollar cancer industry has helped make things worse not better. Seventeen types of cancer are much commoner among young people than they used to be. And it isn’t difficult to see why the cancer industry is a failure. The industry (by which I mean the comfortable, rich conspiracy of drug companies, cancer charities and the medical establishment – all of which have got very rich through their failure) has failed because it has put most of its effort into a form of treatment, chemotherapy, which almost certainly kills more people than it saves, and little or no effort into other treatments or into education and prevention. The cancer industry now spends hundreds of billions a year but if it were judged by results it would be closed down tomorrow. No medical or nursing journal will dare review my new book. No mainstream publication will dare discuss the contents. No one will dare interview me. The reviews will consist largely of one star reviews on Amazon which are unaccompanied by any actual reviews – and which will probably be posted by bots working for the cancer industry.

by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman’s new book `What doctors won’t tell you about chemotherapy’ is now available.

Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive With 160 Posts

Book Of The Day
The Iliad
The centuries old epic about the wrath of Achilles is rendered into modern English verse by a renowned translator and accompanied by an introduction that reassesses the identity of Homer. In Robert Fagles’ beautifully rendered text, the Iliad overwhelms us afresh. The huge themes godlike, yet utterly human of savagery and calculation, of destiny defied, of triumph and grief compel our own humanity. Time after time, one pauses and re-reads before continuing. Fagles’ voice is always that of a poet and scholar of our own age as he conveys the power of Homer. Robert Fagles and Bernard Knox are to be congratulated and praised on this admirable work.
by Homer

Poem Of The Day

The Weight Of The World

I want to see the majesty
I want to sense the wonder
I want to avert the tragedy
I want to stop the blunder

The weight of the world
The time running out
The hate constantly unfurled
The crime of silence all about

by Mark R. Elsis

October 6, 1996

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October 5, 2024, 5 Posts Published And Archived

Investigating Israeli War Crimes In Gaza by Al Jazeera (1:20:59)
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Investigating Israeli War Crimes In Gaza
by Al Jazeera Investigative Unit

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Featured News
Vigano-Carlson II
By Christendom Christ is absolutely needed.
Archbishop Vigano’s teaching must be heeded.
Last week these “Comments” presented in summary form the first part of a most interesting article of Archbishop Vigano from last year, inspired by a broadcast of the American journalist, Tucker Carlson. Carlson argued that secular humanism may claim to repudiate all religion, but it does that only by itself acting as a full-blown substitute religion. In this idea the Archbishop supported Carlson as only an eminent Catholic churchman can do, because only such a churchman can have the sufficient truth, height and breadth of view to grasp fully what is at stake. With this or that solution proposed by Archb. Vigano one may beg to differ, for instance sedevacantism (if that is still tempting him), or the driving out of mankind’s treacherous authorities in Church and State (how could that be done, when they hold all the levers of power, as never before?). But the Archbishop is at least grappling with the full depths of the problem. If only Mother Church had today a dozen bishops with his clarity and courage, she would not be in the same trouble. For a summary of the rest of the Archbishop’s article, read on –
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Full Article: https://EarthNewspaper.com/Vigano-Carlson-II-by-Bishop-Richard-N-Williamson

Book Of The Day
Medical Nemesis
The Expropriation Of Health
“The medical establishment has become a major threat to health.” with this opening assertion, Ivan Illich – one of the most brilliant social critics of our time – launches a devastating analysis into “iatrogenesis” (doctor-made illness), examing what medicine really does, as opposed to the myth that has been built around it. “Medical Nemesis” poses some basic questions not only about the medical profession but about the direction of modern society and its dependence upon a maintainence system that is categorically robbing us of power, money, dignity – even life itself.
by Ivan Illich

Quote Of The Day
“The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the noblest causes.”
Thomas Paine

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October 4, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Neil Oliver: The End Of The World? (14:52)
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Neil Oliver

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Book Of The Day
The Alternative To Abortion: Why We Must Be Pro-Abundant Life
The conversation surrounding the pro-life movement is redefined with a biblical and holistic perspective. This book urges Christians to move beyond political debates and engage in true discipleship. Warren calls the church to lead the charge for abundant life. After the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June of 2022, many pro-life Americans — especially Christians – began asking, “Now what?” In the more than two years that have passed since that momentous Supreme Court decision, the pro-life movement has provided a variety of answers. But as these (sometimes conflicting) answers have been tested and debated, Americans, when given the option, have chosen more abortions and more pro-choice laws, not fewer. Against this backdrop, Roland C. Warren, president and CEO of Care Net, one of the nation’s largest and oldest pro-life ministries, lays out his unique vision for the future of the pro-life movement in this groundbreaking book, The Alternative to Abortion: Why We Must be Pro Abundant Life. In it, Warren weaves together his personal story, timeless Biblical truths, American history, and the latest social science to make a clear and compelling case for why being pro-life is no longer enough – and how a new pro abundant life approach is what has been needed all along to truly vanquish abortion.
by Roland Warren

Quote Of The Day
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.

It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us
for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
C. S. Lewis

Website Of The Day
Neil Oliver
Neil Oliver is a Scottish television presenter and author. He has presented several documentary series on archaeology and history, including A History of Scotland, Vikings and Coast. He is also an author of popular history books and historical fiction. He was the president of the National Trust for Scotland from 2017 to 2020. Since 2021 Oliver has been a presenter for UK News channel GB News. Oliver was born in Renfrew and raised in Ayr and Dumfries, where he attended Dumfries Academy and then the University of Glasgow. He obtained an MA (Hons) in archaeology and then worked as a freelance archaeologist before training as a journalist.

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Is Armageddon Just The Globalist’s Plan To Depopulate The Earth?
“When the masses consciously decide to be unconscious, the masses decide to be annihilated by conscious will. And by the laws of the universe, their desire must be fulfilled, for they have used freewill against themselves.” ~ Robin Sacredfire
The world as we know it, at least given the attitudes and indifference as practiced by the masses, will end not by some magical force from the ‘heavens,’ but by man’s own destructive hand. This I think is nearly certain, as manmade (rulers, governments, and apathy-ridden populations) horror is now worldwide. I am not of course speaking about the hoax of “climate change,” but of man’s terror campaign against each other, plants, animals, and nature, all across this country and the world. There is much talk throughout media that many events taking place today are “biblical,” when in fact it is most assuredly a foregone conclusion that much if not most is being done intentionally in order to achieve a particular outcome. My comments are not just concerning weather events, but that is now a big part of everything going on, and is leading to fulfilling the agenda items sought by all the evil ruling class of globalists who desire to depopulate the earth. Floods, famine, ‘super’ storms, cloud-seeding, HAARP, fire, directed energy, radio wave technology, chemical trails, and devastation at every level are going just as planned. Of course, most of this is being blamed on ‘climate change,’ but it seems obvious, likely certain, that man is at fault, but not due to the bogus claims promoted by climate idiots about the day to day lives of the proletariat. The ending of life as we know it will be done by the hand of man, but it is an intentional plan pursued by those who rule over others, and not the result of regular human activities.
by Gary D. Barnett

Port Strike “Cripples” America (3:44)
by Peter St Onge, Ph.D.

Bank Of England Issues Oil Price Shock Warning
The global cost of crude has risen 3% on concerns about disruption of supplies from the Middle East
The escalating conflict between Iran and Israel could leave the global economy vulnerable to a 1970s-style energy shock, Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey said on Thursday, in an interview with the Guardian. The warning comes shortly after Israel’s invasion of southern Lebanon and Iran’s subsequent launch of ballistic missiles at Israel. The prospect of an all-out regional war in the Middle East immediately sent oil prices surging as much as 3%. Brent futures for December delivery was up 1.91% at $75.31 per barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate crude for November delivery climbed 2.21% to $71.65 per barrel, as of 13:25 GMT. “Geopolitical concerns are very serious,” Bailey said, adding that the regulator was watching developments “extremely closely.” “It’s tragic what’s going on. There are obviously stresses and the real issue, then, is how they might interact with some still quite stretched markets in places,” he added. The central bank chief also warned that there were limits to what could be done to prevent the cost of crude rising if things “got really bad.” According to analysts, the prospect of a broader conflict across the Middle East that could disrupt crude oil flows from the region has overshadowed a stronger global-supply outlook.
by RT

Our Totally Corrupt, Jewish Run, Communist, Federal Government
This needs to go far and wide to put pressure on the government to do the right thing and save lives. This evening, from a Peak Prosperity member to me via PM at my site:
Them: I can’t post this online because it’s not quite public yet, but government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of chimney rock and basically told them the town was being bulldozed, bodies and all and the land was being seized by the federal government they would not be able to move back and basically their homes the ones that were standing were no longer theirs and the federal government owned it all. I don’t know what crazy play for land this is, but there’s a lot of conspiracy about lithium mines and let me just tell you, as someone who lives in Charlotte and has friends who live in the area of Western North Carolina, they are not being helped and this is actually being a stand down operation by federal government
Me: What the heck…? That’s quite disturbing. Is this first-hand, second-hand, or more distant info?
Them: Our friend owns an Airbnb in Chimney Rock. They had a town meeting yesterday and someone from the federal government told them all of those things in the town meeting, but doesn’t want the information getting out. Also, they are not picking up the bodies. The stench of the bodies everywhere is insane and for some reason, the government does not want to pick up the bodies. One pastor of a local church was going to order to door delivering water and they changed their delivery request to body bags because so many of the homes that they’ve gone to have needed body bags, we’re trying to keep the body count. They’re not picking up the bodies. They don’t wanna identify the bodies and they’re just leaving them to rot in the streets.
Me: God bless you. Let me know if I can help.
Them: Someone with a large national megaphone needs to amplify how bad it is. People are now starting to die trapped. My town is Operation Air Drop NC central command. They need pilots with planes and now are asking just for trucks. People with big equipment are needed but more than anything the nation needs to put pressure on Washington to deploy the National Guard asap. The 82nd was begging to go since Saturday but has been told to stand down. Every fucking Apache we have should be flying rescue missions. Please amplify the message!!!
Tweeted by Chris Martenson, PhD

“Beating Heart Cadavers”: Brain Death And Live Organ Donors (22:27)
by The David Knight Show

The UN Won’t Protect Gaza, But Can Adopt A ‘Pact For The Future?’
The United Nations has become a parody of itself. As world leaders gathered in New York this week, Gaza, Lebanon, and Palestine were nowhere on the agenda, but a rammed-through US Pact designed to protect the ‘rules-based order’ was right at the top.
The United Nations and its Security Council’s inability – and unwillingness – to stop a live-streamed genocide has discredited it beyond any possible redemption. Any serious resolution inflicting serious consequences to Israel’s deadly psychopathology was, is, and will be blocked at the UN Security Council. Cue to a surrealist spectacle this past Sunday and Monday in New York right before the 79th annual General Assembly, where heads of state convened to deliver their lofty speeches at the GA podium. UN member-states adopted a Pact for the Future, with 143 votes in favor, only seven against, and 15 abstentions. The devil is in the details, of course: who actually designed it and approved it; how did it make its way to the top of the agenda while the world is burning; and why do we smell a (giant) rat? The UN public relations machine announced, cheerfully, that the “key outcome of the Summit of the Future is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to steer humanity on a new course towards our common future.” Nice language, but to be clear, this is nothing like the Chinese, inclusive, philosophical concept of “community of a shared future for mankind.” It’s more like the common future envisaged by the Atlanticist plutocracy that rules the so-called “garden,” which only produces diktats for the “jungle.”
by Pepe Escobar

Proof That The Covid-19 Vaccine Causes Mental Illness
I’ve reported this before, but very few doctors seem to have noticed so I’ll try again. There is now clear, indisputable evidence showing that the covid-19 vaccine causes mental (as well as physical) illness. In a scientific paper entitled Psychiatric adverse events following covid-19 vaccination: a population based cohort study in Seoul, South Korea’ the authors concluded that covid-19 vaccination increased the risks of depression, anxiety, dissociation, stress-related and somatoform disorders and sleep disorders’. The authors warned that special cautions are necessary for administering additional covid-19 vaccinations to populations vulnerable to psychiatric adverse events. The study involved a randomly selected 50% of the population residing in Seoul. A total of 4,348,412 individuals (excluding those under 20 years of age) were involved in the study which compared those who had been vaccinated with those who had not. If you find me any scientific study performed by a vaccine manufacturer which involved over four million people I will eat my second best hat. I repeat: any doctor or nurse still giving the covid-19 vaccine should be arrested and they should lose their licences to practice. The covid-19 vaccine does not do what it is intended to do but does cause a wide range of physical and mental disorders (most of which I warned about on this website in 2020). Please put this article on X, Facebook etc., etc., (I’m banned from ALL social media) and send copies to your doctor and your local media.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Israel’s 1981 Attack on Nuclear Facility “Started” Iraq’s Nuclear Weapons Program
As Israel eyes striking Iran, another Big Lie in service of imperial Israel….
Biden announced that Washington doesn’t support an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, which to some knowledgeable observers, given Biden’s record, makes that more likely. There are many other hypocrisies and fallacies, but obviously the first thing to be said about Israel’s propaganda regarding Iran’s nuclear program being weaponized is that Israel has its own massive nuclear weapons program that both it and the US government have refused to acknowledge for decades, as I’ve long documented. But one myth is little known and important to understand as Israel seems to be eyeing striking Iran’s nuclear facilities. The Telegraph yesterday claimed: “Israel did the world a historic favour when it bombed Iraq’s Osirak reactor in 1981.” Bullshit. Israel would claim in 1981: “From sources whose reliability is beyond any doubt, we learn that this reactor, despite its camouflage, is designed to produce atomic bombs.” Which seems to be a case of projection given their deceit regarding their Dimona facility.In fact, Richard Wilson, who was Mallinckrodt research professor of physics at Harvard University, visited the Osirak Iraqi reactor in 1982 after it was bombed by Israel. He told me back in 2006: “Many claim that the bombing of the Iraqi Osirak reactor delayed Iraq’s nuclear bomb program. But the Iraqi nuclear program before 1981 was peaceful, and the Osirak reactor was not only unsuited to making bombs but was under intensive safeguards.
by Sam Husseini

Iranian Retaliation And The Context That Led To The 200+ Missile Launch (24:24)
My reports yesterday for UK Column News
by Vanessa Beeley

Why Iran’s Retaliatory Attack On Israel Was Justified
Following Iran’s retaliatory attack against Israel on Monday, the governments of the collective West and their corporate media wings have piled on with condemnation and countless unsubstantiated allegations against Tehran. Examining the evidence reveals that Iran’s strikes achieved successes, were justified, and that there was no indication that civilians were an intended target, or even hit.
If we are to believe the Western/Israeli narrative, then the “Iranian terrorist regime”, as the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau calls it, “launched over 200 ballistic missiles at civilian targets in Israel” according to British Prime Minister Keir Starmer. Then, in the words of US Vice President, Kamala Harris, “initial indications are that Israel, with our assistance, was able to defeat this attack”, explaining that “successful cooperation saved many innocent lives”. The Israeli military said that “approximately 10 million civilians are the targets of Iranian projectiles”. But rest assured that according to Israeli army spokesperson, Daniel Hagari, there were only “a small number of hits in the centre of Israeli and other hits in the southern Israel [sic]” and “the majority of the incoming missiles were intercepted”. “Millions of people could’ve died yesterday…but we defended our country”, said the Israeli military. The corporate media asked “what would you do if missiles were fired at your country” with no sense of their own hypocrisy as they ignore how this has been the Palestinian reality for decades, as well as Syria, Lebanon, etc. Western leaders repeated the same illegitimate claim that “Israel has the right to defend itself” (which is not the case as an occupying force) and “we stand with Israel” despite its actions being objectively illegal.
by Robert Inlakesh

Iran Warns Of ‘Unconventional Response’ In Case Of New Israeli Attack (Text and Video)
In indirect message to the US via Qatar, Iran says it doesn’t want a regional war, but that Israel must be ‘deterred’, an Iranian official tells Al Jazeera.
Iran has told the United States via an intermediary that any Israeli attack against Iran would meet an “unconventional response” that includes targeting Israeli infrastructure. In exclusive remarks to Al Jazeera, an Iranian official said on Thursday that his country has sent a message to the US, via Qatar, addressing rising regional tensions after Iran’s missile attack on Israel. In the message, Tehran told Washington that “the phase of unilateral self-restraint has ended”, adding that “individual self-restraint does not secure our national security requirements”. The indirect message also emphasised that Iran does not want a regional war, the official said. On Wednesday, Israel pledged to respond after Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) fired a two-wave ballistic missile attack at military and security targets in Israel. Iran says Tuesday’s missile attack was in response to Israeli attacks on the besieged Gaza Strip and Lebanon, and the killing of key officials in Hezbollah and the Palestinian group Hamas. The Iranian official who spoke to Al Jazeera said that in the message to the US, Iran reiterated the need to curb Israel “and its unbridled madness” in the region.
by Al Jazeera

Why Did Israeli Air Defense Systems Again Fail To Intercept Iranian Missiles?
The successful military operation launched by the Iranian armed forces on Tuesday against the Israeli-occupied territories again demonstrated the inefficacy of Israeli air defense systems.
Iranian military officials did not specify the number of ballistic missiles that were fired directly at the Zionist entity, however, media reports put the number of missiles at more than 400. According to a statement released by the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC), almost 90 percent of missiles managed to penetrate through air defenses to hit the intended target. Israeli regime sources claimed that Iran launched 180 ballistic missiles and that “a large number” or “the majority” were intercepted by air defense systems. Some Israeli and Western media reports also claimed that 99 percent of missiles were intercepted. Evidence in the form of verified videos circulating on social media showed that the interception was very little as missiles successfully landed on the ground, hitting the targets. There was smoke and fire all around as sirens blared loudly across the occupied territories. In Iran, private footage shared on social media platforms showed one salvo of missiles near Kermanshah, another salvo near Tabriz, and another salvo near Shiraz. Hundreds of direct strikes were reported in the Israeli-occupied territories, many of them hitting the Nevatim Airbase, Tel Nof Airbase, Hatzerim Airbase and the Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv. Overall, the data of hundreds of ballistic missiles and 80-90 percent success rates almost perfectly match the IRGC sources and confirm that the Israeli regime is once again resorting to disinformation.
by Ivan Kesic

Julian Assange Makes First Public Statement Since Prison Release by SBS News (22:04)

Russia Sends 33 Tons Of Humanitarian Aid To Lebanon Amid Exodus From South
Russia has delivered dozens of tons of humanitarian aid to Lebanon, amid the growing series of crises afflicting the country and its population amid Israel’s bombardment of some areas in recent weeks. According to a statement by Russia’s Emergency Situations Ministry, Moscow this week sent a special Il-76 aircraft to Beirut under the direction of President Vladimir Putin and Emergency Situations Minister, Alexander Kurenkov. The plane reportedly carried 33 tons of humanitarian aid, which included food, essential goods, medicines and portable power stations, all of which are intended to assist the Lebanese population, especially those who have been fleeing the destruction in the south of the country over the past few weeks and who have been heading further north. That destruction is the direct result of Israel’s ongoing air strikes on areas throughout Lebanon, particularly in the south where the Hezbollah group is largely based and has its stronghold.

Gotta Get A Few More Things Off My Chest
A few weeks ago, I unloaded. People responded. Apparently, their chests were piled up like mine. So why not go for two? Here we go: Yeah I care about the ‘Yellowstone’ series, and I don’t give a shit if nobody else does. First, though, let me do a little, what should I call it, “background.” Did I read this right? Some poor bastard in England got 18 months in jail for shouting WHO THE FUCK IS ALLAH at a protest over migrant stabbings of British kids? Where is the Muslim who goes to jail for yelling something about Jesus? I was gonna write about that but then I saw a fucking parade in Afghanistan with Taliban sitting on American armored vehicles left behind in the withdrawal and I lost my train of thought. Withdrawal? Is that what it was? It was Santa Claus leaving all the presents under the tree along with his sleigh and his reindeer and slinking off to a bar to get loaded. TREASON. Biden should have been thrown to the curb on that alone. And those shitheel generals at the Pentagon painting their nails and trying on dresses shoulda been dropped in the middle of the Ukraine War. Naked. Moving on…there are actually idiots out there who say we in America always took in the huddled masses from foreign lands, so this wave is no different. What??!! That’s complete bullshit. Utter and complete, because when a guy got out of Ellis Island in 1900 and found himself, boom, on the streets of New York, he didn’t have a pot to piss in or a helping hand or a job. He was cut loose. He was sink or swim. He was all by himself a huddled mass yearning to SURVIVE.
by Jon Rappoport

With 100 Flights, Starmer Pursues Sunak’s Policy Of Spying On Gaza
In August, the Labour Party’s first month in power, the Royal Air Force (RAF) performed 42 missions over the destroyed Strip.
The British Labour administration has ordered 100 surveillance flights over Gaza to help “Israel’, Declassified UK reported. Since Keir Starmer took over on July 5, there has been an average of more than one daily flight. Despite halting 30 arms export licenses for “Israel” last month, alleging “a clear risk” that the weapons would be used in a “serious violation” of international law, the espionage flights have continued unabated. Although the Ministry of Defense (MoD) declined to provide information, Declassified independently discovered planes departing from Akrotiri, Britain’s massive airbase on Cyprus, to fly over Gaza under Starmer’s supervision. In August, the Labour Party’s first month in power, the Royal Air Force (RAF) performed 42 missions over Gaza. Pro-Palestine and anti-war demonstrators took to the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force Akrotiri Airbase in Cyprus to denounce the UK’s implicit backing of the Israeli violations and aggression in Gaza and Lebanon. On Monday evening, Starmer dispatched a massive A400M military cargo jet from Akrotiri to Tel Aviv. The truck can transport 116 fully equipped soldiers and an 81,600-pound cargo.
by Al Mayadeen English

Something Strange Is Happening In Georgia…And It’s Extremely Concerning (8:16)
Let me tell y’all about the latest chapter in the saga of our lives here in Atlanta–or more specifically, just a short drive away in Conyers, Georgia…
by Really Graceful

Principles Of ’98: Rooted In The American Revolution
In response to the hated Alien and Sedition Acts, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison drafted the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798, sometimes referred to as the “Principles of ’98.” But the principles behind them were nothing new – they were part of a long-standing tradition that grew throughout the American Revolution. The four laws making up the Alien and Sedition Acts clearly violated the Constitution. For instance, the Sedition Act criminalized criticism of the president and Congress contrary to the clear language of the First Amendment. Madison and Jefferson approached the issue in slightly different ways, but both affirmed the power of the states to resist these unconstitutional federal acts. Madison wrote that the powers of the federal government are “limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting the compact” and “no further valid than they are authorized by the grants enumerated in that compact.” And he said the states were obligated to step in when the federal government oversteps its bounds. “In case of a deliberate, palpable, and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states who are parties thereto, have the right, and are in duty bound, to interpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties appertaining to them.” [Emphasis added] In the Kentucky Resolutions, Jefferson argued “whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force,” and that “as in all other cases of compact among powers having no common judge, each party has an equal right to judge for itself, as well of infractions as of the mode and measure of redress.”
by Mike Maharrey

Hurricane Helene Has A Critical Lesson For All Of Us (Text and Video)
Exploring the dangers of putting profits before people, especially when they are hidden behind a veil of secrecy
Recently, the East Coast was hit by a devastating hurricane that swept through Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky and Virginia, with 175 deaths in that region already been confirmed. Furthermore, unlike a typical hurricane, it also wiped towns off the map and was the worst hurricane in North Carolina’s history (with the possible exception of one in 1775). Since I have a lot of ties to the area (e.g., many people I’m close to live there, and Asheville was one of our favorite spots to go road trips to—and one of my favorite songs is about the area), I’ve been hearing horrible stories over the last six days over what happened there (both from my friends and readers who have asked me to cover it) and I’ve put a lot of thought into what to say about the events. Eventually I decided it would be best to wait until the Vice Presidential debate was held, as given the magnitude of this unprecedented disaster, it was almost guaranteed the topic would be raised at the debate and by extension would likely make a much stronger case for the profound issues facing our country than anything I could say. The death and destruction from the hurricane, was an afterthought for everyone there (including the liberal moderators) except for JD Vance. This is particularly extraordinary given that the devastation was concentrated in the highly liberal areas of North Carolina.
by A Midwestern Doctor

Mother Who Was Trafficked In The Jeffrey Epstein Network As A Child Sues Baltimore County Cps For Medically Kidnapping Her Child (Text and Video)
Jennifer Guskin was adopted as a baby and spent her childhood being sexually trafficked, enduring Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) in the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking system throughout her childhood. Jennifer was sexually trafficked among the rich and powerful, mainly around New York City and Washington D.C. She went public in 2017 with her story, and she named names of the rich and powerful that she saw as a child who were blackmailed into sexually abusing children. This included politicians from both side of the aisle, as she has named people like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, showing how sexual blackmail and sexually trafficking children is a non-partisan issue among the rich and powerful. As punishment for going public with her story in 2018, the Baltimore County Child Protective Services (CPS) medically kidnapped her daughter, demanding that she take down her story from social media. Jennifer refused, and ended up being arrested and incarcerated for over a year in a psych ward. Last year (2023), Jennifer filed a civil lawsuit against Baltimore County and the agencies who participated in medically kidnapping her daughter. Jennifer is suing Pro Se, because she could not find an attorney to take her case, and despite multiple attempts by Baltimore County to dismiss this case, it is still proceeding, with the next court date scheduled on October 16, 2024.
by Brian Shilhavy

FEMA Disaster Relief: Whitey Is Last In Line (9:19)
We might be better off without FEMA and count on private charity and local generosity.
by American Renaissance

Unborn Baby Smiles After Hearing Dad’s Voice During Ultrasound
During an ultrasound scan, a 32-week-old preborn baby girl can be seen smiling when she hears her dad talking to her.
A viral video of an unborn baby reacting to her dad’s voice highlights the beauty and humanity of preborn children. In a video uploaded by the New York Post, a 32-week-old preborn baby girl can be seen smiling when she hears her dad talking to her during an ultrasound scan at a hospital in Xanxere, Brazil. ‘Fearfully and wonderfully made’ | Unborn baby smiles after hearing dad’s voice during ultrasound. https://t.co/somWYFc1LH#abortion #ProLife #Unborn #ChooseLife #life pic.twitter.com/6y7AlRDwBN — LifeSiteNews (@LifeSite) October 2, 2024. Preborn babies, who are human persons from the moment of conception, can begin to hear sounds inside their mother’s body at around 18 weeks. By 27 to 29 weeks, babies can hear voices outside their mother’s body, such as her voice and the voices of those around her. Indeed, if the father speaks to his baby in the womb, the baby can often recognize his voice when he or she is born. Research has shown that unborn babies can begin recognizing their father’s voice as early as 32 weeks.
by Clare Marie Merkowsky

Rep. Adam Schiff And Other Democrats Demand Social Media Companies Censor “Misinformation” And “Disinformation” This Month
In the US, the Democrats continue with their sustained efforts to pressure major social media platforms, now about a month ahead of the presidential election. The Twitter Files give some idea about what may be happening behind closed doors (if previous campaigns/elections are any indication), but this is about public pressure. This time, Congressman Adam Schiff’s turn is to “demand action” from companies behind social media. Meta (Instagram separately), X, Google (and YouTube separately), TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube, and Microsoft are the recipients of a letter Schiff signed along with seven fellow members of the House of Representatives (four of them, like Schiff, California Democrats). We obtained a copy of the letter for you here. The demand is this: disclose what plans these companies with the most influence and reach in the online space have to counter what the congressman and his colleagues consider to be the spread of mis- and dis- information – but also, “potential incitement of violence on their platforms in the lead-up to the 2024 elections.” Schiff’s letter doesn’t clarify if (repeated) attempts to assassinate a candidate count as “incitement of violence,” or really, what kind of violence he has in mind – but he does mention “attacks on our democracy.”
by Didi Rankovic

Nature’s Cancer-Fighting Arsenal: How Plant Compounds Target Highly Malignant Cancer Stem Cells
Imagine a future where the key to defeating cancer’s most resilient cells lies not in a high-tech lab, but in the plants around us. A groundbreaking review published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, along with supporting research from GreenMedInfo.com’s founder Sayer Ji, suggests this future may be closer than we think. As conventional treatments struggle to overcome treatment resistance, could nature’s pharmacy hold the answer?
The Achilles’ Heel of Cancer Treatment: Stem Cells: To understand why current cancer therapies often fall short, we must first grasp a fundamental concept: cancer stem cells (CSCs). Sayer Ji, founder of GreenMedInfo.com, explains: “CSCs represent a pluripotent heterogeneous population within tumor bulk, with self-renewal and differentiation abilities, contributing to the failure of conventional therapies and, therefore, to disease relapse and metastasis” (Ji, 2012). In simpler terms, CSCs are the troublemakers of the tumor world. They can: Self-renew, creating more of themselves; Differentiate into various types of cancer cells; Resist traditional treatments; Lie dormant, only to reactivate and cause relapse. This resilience makes CSCs a critical target in cancer treatment. But how do we combat such a formidable foe? Conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation often appear effective initially, shrinking tumors and reducing cancer cell populations. However, this success may be misleading. Ji notes, “The reality is that the chemotherapy, even though it has reduced the tumor volume, by increasing the ratio of CSCs to benign daughter cells, has actually made the cancer more malignant” (Ji, 2012). Even more alarming, a study published in the journal Cancer found that radiation treatment could make certain breast cancer cells up to 30 times more likely to form tumors (Ji, 2012). This phenomenon helps explain why many patients experience recurrence after seemingly successful initial treatments.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group

October 3, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Julian Assange Makes First Public Statement Since Prison Release by SBS News (22:04)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Julian Assange

WikiLeaks Files
https://file.wikileaks.org and https://file.wikileaks.org/file

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Book Of The Day
The Book Of Kells
Exploring The Book Of Kells
Simms, an authority on the Book of Kells, provides an introduction to the manuscript. One of Ireland’s national treasures, the Book of Kells is shown in full color reproductions, along with information on the life and work of the monks in the monasteries of ancient Ireland. The making of the Book of Kells. Who made the Books of Kells?; Two monasteries; Why was the Book of Kells written?; How was the Book of Kells produced? — The contents of the Book of Kells. The four evangelists; The full-page portraits: Christ, Matthew, John; Full-page scenes from the life of Christ; Christ’s family tree; The little animals ; The capital letters — The present home of the Book of Kells. Trinity College — Conclusion. A work of art; We look back.
by George Otto Simms

Quote Of The Day
“The terrorist in my life is the corrupt government.”
Steven Magee

Website Of The Day
Al Mayadeen English
Al-Mayadeen Media Network, an independent Arab satellite news channel, launched on June 11, 2012, and based in the Lebanese capital Beirut. Despite being a rather newly established channel, Al-Mayadeen has become one of the most widespread and influential Arab channels. Indeed, it has become the top news channel in more than one Arab country because of its commitment to professionalism and balance in work, which made it a public space for social encounter and interaction.

Hundreds Of Independent Websites.

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Iran Launches Unprovoked Attack On Country That Committed Year-Long Genocide And Threatened To Destroy It
Why is Iran like this?
In harrowing scenes, Iran has launched a salvo of hypersonic missiles at Israel that have rendered the iron dome useless and caused explosions across the country. This unprovoked attack came after Israel peacefully committed a year-long genocide, bombed an embassy, destroyed schools, universities and hospitals, starved 2.1 million civilians, carried out multiple assassinations, murdered 162 journalists and 222 UN workers, built a centre dedicated to the rape and torture of prisoners, launched large-scale terror attacks in Beirut, and invaded Lebanon. Why is Iran like this? Among Iran’s targets were military installations located in densely-populated areas of Tel Aviv. Outrageously, Israel has been accused by the worst people of using civilians as human shields. What kind of monster would use such insensitive language when people are dying? Please show some compassion. In a horrific attack, a large number of Israeli civilians were gunned down in Tel Aviv earlier today. Every decent person should condemn this violence towards civilians, and every decent person has. Even the people who laughed when Lebanese children lost their eyeballs in the pager attack have condemned this violence. Israelis are understandably terrified, having endured for one day what Palestinians have endured for one year. Everyone knows only Palestinians, and maybe Lebanese, should endure this level of suffering. We couldn’t just have… peace. As all the sensible people keep telling us, a peace deal wouldn’t achieve peace, only this would: World War III. If you don’t understand this, it’s because you’re an idiot and a terrorist lover.
by Laura and Normal Island News

Can Our Dead Pets Come Back To Visit Us?
A creature of habit, Judge the pit bull terrier liked to go to bed at 9pm—not in his own basket, but in his humans’ bed. ‘Every night,’ his owner said, ‘he would stop in the dining room and look at us for a few seconds as if to say, “You sure you’re not coming?” Then he would walk on by and go to bed.’ When Judge died from kidney failure his owners were heartbroken. ‘We cried like babies. We loved him so much.’ But a couple of days later, in a remarkable—if a little spooky—progression of their grief, his owners say they saw him again. It was not as an ethereal apparition; it was, says his anonymous owner, ‘as clear as I see my own hands’. ‘I saw him ‘going to bed’… My husband says he sees him almost every night in the same place.’ As a biologist and author of some 100 technical papers in scientific journals, I’ve taken to examining this unexplained phenomenon—and my research strongly suggests it could be experienced as frequently with pets as with close relatives. Pet owners can develop an extremely strong bond with their beloved animals after years of careful nurturing and co-existence. Up to 75 per cent of bereaved people report the sense that they have somehow been visited by a loved one after death – and Dr Rupert Sheldrake, pictured, claims his research strongly suggests it could be experienced as frequently with pets as with close relatives. These are not ghost stories. The comfort of contact in the immediate aftermath of a death is quite different from a haunting. Ghosts, if you believe the folklore of centuries, exist in a specific place and can appear to anyone. In contrast, after-death communications (ADCs) are not specific to places but to people who are grieving. They are often described as messages, sometimes offering or seeking reassurance, sometimes a farewell, sometimes even a cry for help. They usually occur within a few days or weeks of a death, and tend to fade out within the first year. I first became aware of animal ADCs when I was investigating human cases. A number of respondents described visitations from favourite pets shortly after they had died or were put down. Some people reported seeing their animals, others hearing them, feeling their touch or even smelling them.
by Rupert Sheldrake, PhD


Officials Do Nothing, Threaten To Arrest Helicopter Pilot Who Is Helping (23:46)
Federal officials are largely AWOL after the natural disaster as bureaucrats and officials threaten to arrest a pilot using his own helicopter to rescue people at his own expense. A realtor tells you what is really happening and how you cannot trust any of these institutions. Private help is coming from individuals and churches.
by The David Knight Show

Open Letter To Professor Sir Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer, England
Dear Sir Chris, So, you’ve admitted that you might have been wrong about covid. How nice of you. But what a pity it took over four years for you to reach that conclusion. You might not have been so wrong for so long, and might not now have to share the responsibility for so many deaths (which I’m afraid you do), if you’d had the courage to debate the whole issue, instead of supporting a conspiracy to suppress, censor and abuse those who spotted the truth way back at the beginning of 2020, and who were struggling to share the truth with members of the public. As you will surely know I issued repeated challenges throughout 2020, asking you to debate the fake covid pandemic, the nonsensical mask wearing debacle, the cruel absurdity of the lockdowns and the wicked pseudoscience of social distancing. In February and March 2020, I warned about the semi compulsory vaccination programme which I knew you would want to introduce. In April 2020, I sent you a copy of my book Coming Apocalypse which explained in some detail why you and governments around the world were completely wrong. I never had an acknowledgement, of course. You will still find the book surprisingly informative and accurate. If you and I had debated these issues in public I could have shone a little light on things and helped educate you and your colleagues. The errors which were made, right from the start, were laughably inept. Your department was guilty of scaremongering. But you didn’t want to debate, did you? Indeed, you didn’t want doctors who disagreed with you to have any voice at all. It seems to me that you and your colleagues acted without any concern for the truth or for freedom of speech. I wonder who was really behind the decision to forbid all debate about covid. For the record, I have given expert advice to committees in both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. But it seems that this time the decision was made not to invite truly independent, critical advice but to suppress, to ban, to censor and to demonise. And I wonder if you know how bad the censorship and abuse was, and still is.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Ukraine Is Making Life For Its Hungarian Minority Hell
Ukraine has been fighting a life-and-death battle with the Russians for two and a half years, but their main concern is still how to make the lives of their helpless nationalities even more hellish, writes
A Ukrainian politician came up with another great, very European-compatible idea. Natalija Pipa, a representative of the Ukrainian legislature, believes that from now on in schools, teachers and students should only speak Ukrainian during breaks, while standing in line at the cafeteria, or even in the restroom. That’s right, they should not be allowed to speak any other language, even in their free time between classes. Hungarians from Transcarpathia, Poles from Lviv, Romanians from the Chernivtsi area, or even Russians should not even be able to talk to each other in their mother tongue outside of school hours, because it threatens the existence of Ukraine. Mrs. Pipa also drafted a bill for teaching national minorities to speak Ukrainian. As we know, Ukrainian lawmakers will certainly accept it without any bone of contention. They did not have any problems with previous deprivations of Ukraine’s ministry populations either, with Brussels and Washington patting their heads and encouraging them throughout the entire process. It is truly a sight to see. Our eastern neighbor is closing in on European Union membership with full force. Their national hero, Stepan Bandera, who massacred tens of thousands of Polish civilians, would obviously be proud of them.
by Tamás Pilhál

Nine Seconds Of Pure Love (0:09)

The Middle East Is On The Brink Of A Full-Scale War
All the major players are poking each other but there is no desire to cross the Rubicon
One year after Hamas’ infamous attack on Israel, the Middle East seems to have returned to its eternal state: a hotbed of acute conflict, with waves of tension. Outside observers can only look on in horror, while experts shrug their shoulders. That’s how it was, that’s how it will be. How is the current crisis different from previous ones in the region, you might ask? Well, without pretending to have a deep understanding, let us note what is striking from the outside. Patron-client relationships are changing, both between regional powers and major external actors. The most obvious is the status of the United States. The current White House administration does not have a clear and consistent line; it’s just plugging holes and putting out new fires. The US does not need high-profile events in the Middle East right now, its priorities are different. Contacts with key players are inconsistent, and relations with the Gulf monarchies, and even more so with Iran, are volatile. But Washington’s actions are based on a fundamental contradiction that cannot be resolved, and it has to do with Israel. Ideologically, the current Israeli leadership is not at all close to President Joe Biden’s team. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is rather unpopular. Diplomatic efforts are apparently being made to limit the scope of military action, which Israel does not agree with. At the same time, the Biden administration continues to provide military aid, because for America the Israeli factor is not a foreign but primarily a domestic phenomenon.
by Fyodor Lukyanov

Iran Showed Restraint For Two Months Amid Israeli Attacks – Russian UN Envoy
Iran has shown “exceptional” restraint for two months amid Israeli attacks, Russia’s UN envoy Vassily Nebenzia told a special meeting of the UN Security Council.
“A new victim of the Israeli war machine is Lebanon,” Nebenzia said. “After intense shelling of Lebanese cities, its southern neighbor launched a ground operation in that country.” He added that Iran only took military action “after a series of political liquidations, including the assassination of Hamas Executive Council Head Haniyeh, Hezbollah Secretary General Nasrallah and a number of other leaders of movements opposing Israel,” and showed “exceptional restraint” for two months. The Russian diplomat noted that statements from Western countries give the impression that “the only problem facing the Council is the response to Iran’s missile strike.” “It is hard to imagine what role in the diplomatic process with such an assessment of the situation one can count on. It’s as if this all happened ‘in a vacuum’,” Nebenzia added. “As if nothing is happening and did not happen in Lebanon, Gaza, Syria, Yemen, which led to a new most dangerous round of the growing Middle East conflict.” There is a strong impression that the US is negotiating the release of hostages held in Gaza and a ceasefire in the enclave with itself, the envoy noted. “For the sake of its Middle East ally, Washington has already used its veto power five times in the Security Council and since the beginning of July has been deliberately trying to lead us all around by the nose,” Nebenzia charged, “publicizing its notorious ‘plan Biden’ and its quiet diplomacy to broker a deal between Hamas and Israel.” “Frankly speaking, all this gives the impression that Washington is conducting these indirect negotiations with itself,” he added.
by Sputnik

Bill Of Rights: 5 Hidden Truths They Never Teach (44:49)
Most of what they teach about the Bill of Rights completely skips over much of the real history. From the reason the Federalists opposed it, to Madison’s flip-flop, and the totally ignored preamble – on this episode, I’ve got 5 key – and mostly hidden – truths about that just might change the way you view the Bill of Rights.
by Tenth Amendment Center

Hezbollah Kills Over A Dozen Israeli Soldiers Attempting To Invade South Lebanon (Text and Videos)
A widespread Israeli media blackout surrounds the rising number of Israeli troop casualties in Lebanon
Israeli forces continued to take heavy losses during their attempts at infiltrating southern Lebanon on 2 October, forcing them to retreat a number of times. Lebanon’s Armed Forces (LAF) confirmed on Wednesday afternoon that an Israeli force withdrew from the Blue Line back to the Israeli side of the border after penetrating 400 meters into Lebanon’s territory. “While an Israeli enemy force was trying to encircle the town of Yaroun from the forest side, the Islamic Resistance fighters surprised them at 2:00 pm on Wednesday 10/2/2024 by detonating a special explosive device, killing and wounding all members of the force,” Hezbollah said on Wednesday afternoon. “In defense of Lebanon and its people, the Islamic Resistance is engaging in clashes with the Israeli enemy soldiers who have infiltrated the town of Maroun al-Ras from the eastern side, inflicting several casualties among them, and the clashes are still ongoing,” it said earlier. According to Israeli sources cited by Sky News Arabia, 14 soldiers have been killed so far by Hezbollah fighters since Wednesday morning. Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath previously reported that four have been killed and around 20 others injured. Among those killed by Hezbollah fighters is Lieutenant Eitan Oster from Israel’s elite Egoz unit. Israel admitted his death as the “first” killed in clashes with Hezbollah.
by News Desk

Which Israeli Military And Intel Bases Did Iran Hit In ‘op. True Promise-II’?
On Tuesday evening, Iranian armed forces launched a massive retaliatory operation against Israeli-occupied territories using hundreds of ballistic missiles.
According to the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC), 90 percent of missiles struck the targets – military and intelligence sites in Tel Aviv and other occupied areas – evading air defense systems. Among the main targets were the “Tel Nof” airbase near Tel Aviv, the “Nevatim” airbase that houses F-35 warplanes, the “Ramon” airbase, and the “Hatzerim” airbase among others. Chief of staff of the Iranian armed forces, Major General Mohammad Bagheri, in a statement after the operation offered details and lauded the heroic efforts of the country’s military forces. “Tonight, the IRGC’s aerospace force took revenge for many Zionist crimes with its heroic operations,” he said, appreciating the seamless coordination between the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC), the Iranian army and the ministry of defense in carrying out the successful operation. Major General Bagheri emphasized that the IRGC chose three locations as primary targets of ‘Operation True Promise II’, specifically the Mossad headquarters, Nevatim Airbase and Hatzerim Airbase. The first was chosen because the spy center has been found responsible for several assassinations, the second because F-35 jet fighters are stationed there, and the third because it was used to assassinate Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in a devastating attack in Beirut on Friday. He further underscored that the economic and industrial centers of the Israeli regime and the people in the occupied territories were not targeted in this operation, although this was completely possible. He added that the IRGC and the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran are ready for any scenario and that in the case of any violation of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Iran, the missile operation will be repeated on a larger scale, and that they will target the entire enemy infrastructure.
by Ivan Kesic

Iran Missile Attack: What We Learned Last Night
Mindless march to World War 3 may have hit a brick wall yesterday
During the night of 2nd October 2024, Iran unleashed their operation “True Promise 2,” launching between 200 and 400 ballistic missiles into Israel. As the video footage coming from Israel has shown, many of these missiles reached their targets inflicting substantial damage on the ground. Apparently, some offshore gas platforms were also struck. Claims and counterclaims are a bit all over the place at the moment: Israelis have claimed that the Iranian attack failed and that most of the missiles were intercepted. Netanyahu’s aide Hananya Naftali even tweeted a “BRAVO” to Israel’s aerial defence systems for intercepting “nearly all the missiles.” But the footage from last night gives a very different impression; it corroborates those who claimed that many missiles hit their targets. A few of the videos also confirm that the Iranians do indeed possess hypersonic missiles. We also know now that these have a long range and seem accurate enough. This lesson alone could be a game changer. Hypersonic missiles can’t be intercepted. The most advanced Western air defence systems can shoot down incoming projectiles flying at up to mach 3. So far as the Patriot Missiles are concerned, their success rate is very poor even at that. Nothing in Western powers’ arsenal can defend against hypersonic missiles and this certainly got the Pentagon’s attention. The implication is that all US Navy assets and military bases in the Middle East are defenceless, and that Iran has the capability to strike them.
by Alex Krainer

Appalachia After Hurricane Helene: What The Media Won’t Tell You (11:16)
by Really Graceful

The Problems Of Restraint
My suspicion is that Iran, possibly counseled by Russia, is playing a game of careful calibration with an enemy that knows no restraint. Something a good deal more subtle may be going on but I suspect not. Iran has had a wonderful opportunity, even without adopting Israeli tactics of the mass murder of civilians, to take out many more military and airfield targets than it did yesterday, while Israeli and US air defense systems were barely operational. Israel’s response, probably in the form of an attack on Iran’s nuclear energy systems (western media deliberately obfuscate the distinction between nuclear energy and nuclear weapons), its oil refinery capabilities, and Iranian ports. If the latter, Iran may be prompted to shut down the straits of Hormuz, since an attack on its ports may wipe out the advantage to Iran of not doing so, striking a blow against one third of global oil traffic, pushing oil prices through the roof and making Russia even more powerful (bringing a faster resolution to NATO’s war in Ukraine). But for the immediate future Israeli retaliation may well cripple the speed of an adequate Iranian response to the multilateral threat Israel poses for the region. But this in turn may yet force Turkey’s Erdogan to actually do something useful other than support Jihadis in Syria and murder Kurds. It may force Jordan’s 11million Palestinians to boot the Hashemite plague out of the vicinity once and for all and may even excite a military coup against Sisi in Egypt.
by Oliver Boyd-Barrett

Zionists Invade Lebanon To Accelerate Murder/Expulsion Of All Palestinians
Will The World Allow It?
The Zionist invasion of Lebanon isn’t just about Lebanon. It isn’t even primarily about Lebanon. Rather, it is an attempt to provoke a huge regional war, under cover of which the Zionist messianic-millenarian fanatics hope to murder and expel the remaining Palestinians from Palestine. (Yes, they do want to exterminate Lebanese too.) Whether they lose that war, as seems likely, or “win” a Pyrrhic victory that turns the world decisively against them, their project is finished. The zionist entity’s terrorist attacks on Lebanon on September 17/18 and 23 have horrified the world. In the first attack, dozens of people were killed, and thousands wounded, when pagers and radios began exploding. The carnage was indiscriminate. Countless civilians, including many women and children, were killed or maimed by the explosions. On September 23, the zionists launched hundreds of air strikes on South Lebanon, the Beka‘a Valley as well as South Beirut. At least 569 people were killed and more than 1850 wounded. These attacks continued the following day raising fears that it might erupt in a regional war with catastrophic consequences. Let us return to the attack in which pagers and radio sets exploded. Mohamad Hasan Sweidan noted that the 9/17 terror attacks have global ramifications: This shift in the rules of engagement where civilians are targeted not just on the battlefield but in their homes threatens to plunge the world into a new era of insecurity and uncertainty. Governments and citizens alike must now contend with the possibility that the next device they purchase could be weaponized against them as Israel’s aggression moves beyond traditional warfare into the realm of global terror.
by Kevin Barrett

Israel Tramples Everything In Its Path As White House Tries To Keep Up – Day 359 (Text and Video)
US thinks it has influence over rogue Israel as it commences ground invasion of Lebanon; record-breaking number of women and children deaths in Gaza; nearly 100% of Gaza in poverty; “a monster has been unleashed”; US sending a ‘few thousand’ troops to Middle East to defend Israel (but not to evacuate Americans); Veterans for Peace demands probe Into Blinken’s enabling of Israel’s genocide; Netanyahu’s sales pitch for chaos in Iran; Israeli settlers promote new properties in Lebanon for sale “to Jews”; more. Israeli attacks across the Gaza Strip killed at least 28 people on Monday. A mother, husband, and two children were killed and several people injured when warplanes hit a house in the central city of Beir al-Balah, a medical source said. Israeli strikes on Lebanon killed at least 95 people Monday, Lebanon’s health ministry said. Five children were killed in an Israeli airstrike in Sidon in southern Lebanon, according to Lebanese media on Monday. Israel begins ground operation in southern Lebanon: Israel launched a ground operation into southern Lebanon early on Tuesday local time, the IDF said in a statement, adding that they will conduct “limited, localized and targeted raids” in areas of southern Lebanon where Hezbollah allegedly “pose[s] an immediate threat to Israeli communities in northern Israel.”
by Israel-Palestine News

Dr. Rima Laibow, On Mind Matters and Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone, Episode 38 (53:59)
The U.N. Pact For The Future, Time To Get The Hell Out!
Psychiatrist Dr. Rima Laibow, M.D., stopped by Mind Matters and Everything Else With Dr. Joseph Sansone to discuss the U.N.’s Pact For the Future and the pressing need to get out of the U.N. We discussed the Marxist roots to the U.N.’s Pact For The Future and the push for total global control. Dr. Rima Laibow shared her website PreventGenocide2030.org and encouraged people to utilize that resource to email your local House Member and Senator to sign on to legislation to get out of the U.N. Click here to visit her Substack.

YAF Struck Deep Into ‘Israel’ With Quds-5 Cruise Missiles: Saree
The Yemeni Armed Forces hail Iran’s Operation True Promise 2 against “Israel” and affirm their readiness to participate in any joint military operations.
The missile force of the Yemeni Armed Forces (YAF) struck military sites deep into the Israeli occupation entity using three Quds-5 cruise missiles that successfully reached their targets, YAF spokesperson Brigadier General Yahya Saree announced on Wednesday. Saree pointed out that the Israeli occupation authorities remain tight-lipped about the outcomes of the latest operation, adding that it comes in support of the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples and in solidarity with their Resistance. He extended the YAF’s congratulations on Iran’s Operation True Promise 2 against the Israeli occupation entity and affirmed their readiness to participate in any joint military operations in support of the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples, as well as in response to any Israeli aggression targeting support fronts. The spokesperson warned that the continued American and British support for “Israel” places US and British interests in the region under fire. The brigadier general also underlined that the YAF will not hesitate to expand their military operations against “Israel” and those backing it until the aggression on Gaza ceases and the blockade imposed on the Strip is lifted and the aggression on Lebanon is ended.
by Al Mayadeen English

Israel Has No Effective Defense Against Iranian Missiles (Text and Video)
There are different claims being made about how much damage Iran did to Israel last night. In some respects, the physical damage that was done, casualties inflicted etc.. is not the most important takeaway. The most significant takeaway is how the operation revealed the total ineffectiveness of Israel’s defense systems. They do not have any effective defense against Iranian missile attacks. The Iron Dome which many said had “failed” was never designed or equipped to handle ballistic missile attacks let alone hypersonic missile attacks. It was only designed to shoot down the type of smaller unguided rockets that Hamas and Hezbollah regularly fires on Israeli positions. The Jews do have more sophisticated defense systems but these defense systems were shown to be inept in the face of the missile barrage from Iran. Even with help from the United States, they were unable to properly defend themselves. The usual suspects in the media are lying and claiming that the attacks were ineffective when that is obviously not the case. Everybody saw the video clips of these missiles landing on targets and Jews scurrying around in a panic as the strikes landed around them. Take in point this Sky News reporter talking with an Iranian professor. The Iranian professor guy barely could stop smiling at all the bullshit he was hearing from the reporter.
by InfoStormer

Gun-Free School Zone Laws And School Shootings (2024 Updated)
Before the 1990 Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSA), only two notable mass shootings had occurred on school campuses. Since the passage of this legislation, many Americans can name over ten incidents without needing to research. Congress passed the 1990 GFSA to reduce firearm-related incidents on school campuses. Despite many states having their own laws regarding gun-free zones, there is growing concern that the GFSA may have inadvertently caused more harm than good. Fortunately, decades of research allow us to assess the impact of gun-free zones on school shootings. Report Highlights: The 1990 GFSA prohibited firearm possession on school campuses nationwide, excluding individuals in official capacities. Definitions of school shootings vary significantly across publications and databases, leading to discrepancies in reporting. Targeted school attacks increased by over 384% following the enactment of the GFSA. Firearm-related incidents on school campuses rose by 327% after the GFSA was implemented. School shootings are an unnecessarily challenging topic due to differing definitions and murky facts clouded by political anecdotes. Furthermore, the complexity of federal laws’ influence over state-level school districts is often misrepresented or misunderstood.
by Cassandra McBride

Social Distancing – Why They Want You Isolated And Alone (15:29)
by Academy of Ideas

He Who Controls The Narrative Controls The World
Free speech is kryptonite to would-be authoritarians and is necessary to debunk the litany of bogus narratives.
“I may not agree with your opinion, but I’ll fight to my death to defend your right to express it.” I’m not sure who first made this statement, but the disappearance of this once widely-held view largely explains how would-be authoritarians gave the world the curse of our New Abnormal. In a nutshell, if the culture of a nation genuinely supports and believes in free speech, toxic and false narratives are far less likely to remain unchallenged and steer society over a cliff. Conversely, if a person does NOT value free speech, this person is going to be far more inclined to trust “leaders” or “authorities,” including those who may be speaking with forked tongues. In my view, another point explains every significant development that’s occurred in the world: “He/they who control the narrative, controls the world.” While most citizens probably do NOT understand this, if they seriously pondered this adage, they’d probably admit this observation is true. I’ve been told “why?” is the best question, a belief one can test with a few why questions: Why did you support the Covid lockdowns? Why did you decide to get an experimental mRNA “vaccine?” Why do you think your nation should go to war with some other nation? Why do you think light-bulbs used for decades (or gas stoves or gas-powered vehicles) should be banned? The answer to these and many other questions is the same: People believe these things because the authorized narrative tells them they’re supposed to believe this. This explains WHY the masses are so eager to comply with the mandates, policies and dictates imposed by the alleged expert class. Basically, this explains why so many people are so-easily controlled.
by Bill Rice, Jr.

The Global Elites’ Plan For Feudalism 2.0—And How You Can Resist
International Man: There’s little doubt the self-anointed elite are hostile to the middle class, which is on its way to extinction thanks to soaring inflation and taxation. It seems they would like to implement a kinder and gentler version of feudalism. What is really going on here, and what is the end game?
Doug Casey: The middle class, the bourgeoisie, emerged with the death of feudalism, the inception of the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and finally, the Industrial Revolution. “Middle class” has been given a bad connotation in recent times. Leftists want everybody to believe that the bourgeoisie is full of consumerist faults. They’re mocked for being concerned with material well-being and improving their status. The elites feel threatened by them. Unlike the lower class plebs, grunt workers who don’t expect more from life. Bourgeoisie simply means city dweller. Starting in the late Middle Ages, city dwellers were independent, with their own trades and businesses. Living in towns got them out from under the control of the feudal warrior elites. Cities became intellectual centers, where the growing wealth of the bourgeoisie—the middle class—gave them the leisure needed to develop science, technology, engineering, literature, and medicine. Universities expanded the idea of education beyond the realm of theology. Commerce and personal freedom attracted the best of the peasants, who rose to the middle class. Cities ended feudalism, a system whereby everyone was born into a class and occupation, and was expected to stay there for life, obligated to pay taxes—protection money—to his “betters”. The rise of the bourgeoisie didn’t suit the ruling classes, who liked dominating society.
by Doug Casey

J.D. Vance, Israel Firster
Donald Trump likes to talk about how he puts America first. Last night, Trump’s presidential race running mate J.D. Vance made it clear that Vance has other priorities. In answer to the first question of the vice-presidential debate, Vance asserted that his allegiance is to Israel first. Indeed, he suggested that America does not even come in second. Here is how Vance responded to debate moderator Margaret Brennan’s question of if Vance would “support or oppose a preemptive strike by Israel on Iran”: Now, you asked about a preemptive strike, Margaret, and I want to answer the question. Look, it is up to Israel what they think they need to do to keep their country safe, and we should support our allies wherever they are when they are fighting the bad guys. I think that’s the right approach to take with the Israel question. Vance here supports the US acting as Israel’s devoted servant in support of whatever “fighting” Israel decides to pursue against Iran. According to Vance, the decision-making is all at the discretion of the Israel government. The US just tags along, providing unwavering support.
by Adam Dick

October 2, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Appalachia After Hurricane Helene: What The Media Won’t Tell You (11:16)
by Really Graceful
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Book Of The Day
The Eastern Front: Memoirs Of A Waffen SS Volunteer, 1941-1945
A gripping first-person memoir of soldierly sacrifice, heroism and fierce combat against numerically superior Soviet forces during World War II, by a charismatic Belgian writer and politician turned Waffen SS front-line infantryman. In a laudatory review appearing in an official US Army Department magazine, US Army Brigadier General John C. Bahnsen wrote: “The pace of the writing is fast; the action is graphic, and a warrior can learn things from reading this book. I recommend its reading by students of the art of war. It is well worth the price.” Here is the epic story of the Walloon Legion, a volunteer Belgian unit of the World War II pan-European SS force, as told by the legendary figure whose unmatched frontline combat experience and literary talent made him the premier spokesman for his fallen comrades. Captures the grit, the terror and the glory of Europe’s crusade against Communism in absorbing prose. Includes fascinating first-person descriptions of Hitler, Himmler and other Third Reich personalities. Degrelle vividly describes how he and his comrades endured danger, privation and torrents of shot and shell — on the sun-baked steppes of Ukraine, at the foothills of the Caucasus, in the depths of bone-chilling winter, through the stinking mud and the flaming hell of Cherkassy, and across the rolling plains of Estonia and the Pomeranian lake country. You’ll learn what moved the 35-year-old Degrelle — a brilliant intellectual and his country’s most colorful political leader — to enlist as a private in the volunteer legion he himself organized to join with Third Reich Germany and its allies in their titanic fight against the Bolshevik enemy.
by Leon Degrelle

Quote Of The Day
“For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.”
George Washington, 1783

Website Of The Day
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Center
The Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Center supports explorations into the life and writings of the Nobel Laureate and Russian writer and historian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. We also host the official English-language site for Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. We strive to advance the legacy of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in the English-speaking world through the promotion of a better understanding of his life, thought, and works. We gratefully acknowledge Theresa Khuri for her founding inspiration.

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Operation True Promise II: Iran Launches Hundreds Of Missiles At Zionist Entity, 90% Hit Targets
Sirens sounded all over the occupied territories on Tuesday night as Iran launched hundreds of missiles towards the Zionist entity, in a retaliatory attack dubbed Operation True Promise II.
Flares and missiles were seen in the Tel Aviv sky and explosions could be heard in the occupied al-Quds, sending Zionist settlers fleeing into shelters. The Israel Airports Authority said that no aircraft will be allowed to take off or arrive at all Israeli airports. Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported “direct hits” in Negev, Sharon and other locations from Iran’s attack. Footage shows a barrage of Iranian missiles hitting occupied Israeli territories pic.twitter.com/Sfon9tgFiQ — Press TV ?? (@PressTV) October 1, 2024. The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) issued a statement shortly after the missile attack began. It said in response to the martyrdom of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyah, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and IRGC commander Abbas Nilforoushan, the IRGC Aerospace Force launched dozens of ballistic missiles targeting key military and intelligence bases in the heart of the occupied territories. The IRGC further said that the attack was in line with the country’s right to legitimate self-defense as per the United Nations Charter, and in response to the regime’s escalating crimes—backed by the United States—against the people of Lebanon and Gaza. The Zionist regime will face more crushing attacks in case it reacts to Iran’s operation, the IRGC added. In a follow-up statement, the IRGC said three Israeli military bases in Tel Aviv were hit during the operation.
by Press TV

Israel Struck With Hypersonic Missiles – Iran
The IRGC claimed to have used cutting-edge Fattah-2 rockets to bypass air defenses
Iran used hypersonic missiles for the first time during its strikes on Israel on Tuesday, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has announced. Iran launched several salvos of missiles in what the IRGC called a response to the recent Israeli killings of the heads of Hamas and Hezbollah, as well as an Iranian general who was in Lebanon. Fattah-2 hypersonic missiles were used in the attack to bypass the Israeli radars, Iranian media reported on Tuesday evening, citing the IRGC. The Guard claimed that 80-90% of the missiles used in ‘Operation Honest Promise 2’ struck their targets, among which were the Tel Nof air base near Tel Aviv and the Netsarim area near Gaza, where they said “a large number of Israeli tanks” was destroyed. Iran also claimed to have destroyed a number of Israeli F-35 fighters at the Nevatim air base, located halfway between Beersheba and the Dead Sea. Tuesday’s attack was bigger in size and scope than the April strike, the first-ever such attack by Iran, in which scores of ballistic missiles and drones bombarded Israel in reprisal for an airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus.
by RT

‘Western Elites Turned Ukraine Into Their Colony’ – Putin (0:20)
On the anniversary of Russia’s unification with four former Ukrainian regions, President Putin pointed out that Russia initially sought peaceful resolution to the conflict but was met with ‘lies, fraud, and deceit’ from Western powers who have turned Ukraine into a military foothold against Russia.

Jerusalem Post Deletes Article Claiming Lebanon Is Part Of Israel’s ‘Promised Land’
The Jerusalem Post has prompted a controversy after publishing then swiftly deleting an article suggesting that Lebanon and several other Middle Eastern countries are part of Israel’s “promised land”. “Is Lebanon part of Israel’s promised territory?” was published on 25 September, coinciding with Israel’s assault on Lebanon and subsequent ground invasion. The timing and content of the piece have been viewed by critics as evidence of Israel’s expansionist ambitions in the region. This @Jerusalem_Post editorial advocating for annexing parts of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq for “Greater Israel” was quietly taken down today, but luckily it’s archived. Please read it to understand the long game of Israel’s powerful extremists. https://t.co/oc2aCRaL5P — Omar Mouallem (@OmarMouallem) September 29, 2024. In the now-deleted article, Mark Fish claimed that the land “promised by God” to the “children of Israel” includes parts of modern-day Israel, the West Bank, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and even Turkey. Fish cited religious texts to support its claims. “The Torah provides clear guidelines regarding the areas we were commanded to conquer when taking possession of the land,” he wrote. He elaborated further on the concept of “Greater Israel”, suggesting that the Biblical boundaries stretch “from the ‘River of Egypt’ [interpreted by some as the Nile or a smaller river in Sinai] to the Perat River [Euphrates].”

US Deploys Thousands Of Troops To Middle East As Tensions Rise
The latest attacks on US positions in the region include a strike on the US military’s Victoria base near Baghdad Airport, occurring overnight Monday.
Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh told reporters on Monday said the US is increasing its military presence in the Middle East by deploying a “few thousand” additional troops. According to a statement, this includes bringing in new units and extending the stay of those already stationed there. “A certain number of units already deployed to the Middle East region… will be extended and the forces due to rotate into theater to replace them will now instead augment” those that are already there, Singh said. “These augmented forces include F-16, F-15E, A-10, F-22 fighter aircraft and associated personnel,” Singh added, noting that there will be “an additional few thousand” personnel in the region as a result. This comes in light of heightened escalations amid the start of “Israel’s” “localized and targeted” aggression of Lebanon. The latest attacks on US positions in the region include a strike on the US military’s Victoria base near Baghdad Airport, occurring late Monday into Tuesday.
by Al Mayadeen English

“Behind The Curtain: Exposing The Hidden Threats To Elections” – New Book (1:34)
by Cynthia F. Hodges, JD

Let’s Force Antony Blinken To Resign
No, it would be even better to arrest him for war crimes
Some might argue that Antony Blinken is the worst Secretary of State that the United States has ever had to suffer under even though the competition for that accolade is fierce and includes his recent predecessor Hillary Clinton. Clinton, who more than anyone launched the war against Africa’s most developed nation, is remembered fondly for her giggled, grinning response when she was informed how deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi had died after having a bayonet inserted in his anus when he was captured by rebels while on the run after being removed from power by the US and its NATO allies. She said “We came, we saw and he died!” All right, so it wasn’t exactly Julius Caesar’s terse description of the outcome of his Second Civil War battle against Pharnaces II of Pontus at Zela (modern-day Zile, Turkey) in 47 BC. Caesar said “Veni, vidi, vici!” (I came, I saw, I conquered) but it was likely the best plagiarism that a Clinton could come up with. Joe Lauria of Consortium News observes how deep the State Department rot goes as “Barack Obama also let Hillary Clinton, the ‘Queen of Warmongers,’ bring Neocon Queen Victoria Nuland into his administration. Donald Trump let neocons John Bolton and Mike Pompeo into his. And Biden has Blinken (and for a time Nuland too.) Instead of banishing these people, they are allowed to linger and drag the US into evermore perilous failures: Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza and Ukraine, leaving behind a mountain of squandered dollars and an ocean of blood.”
by Philip Giraldi

American Atrocity: Remembering The Shenandoah Burning
George Orwell wrote in 1945 that “the nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.” This week is the 160th anniversary of one of the worst atrocities of the American Civil War, a barbarous episode that vanished long ago from history books. Union General Philip Sheridan laid waste to a hundred mile swath of the Shenandoah Valley, leaving vast numbers of women and children on the edge of starvation. Before the summer of 1864, the Civil War was primarily fought on battlefields. After failing to decisively vanquish Confederate forces in pitched clashes, the Union leadership widened the war, trying to destroy the South’s economy—with the civilian population increasingly a target. William Tecumseh Sherman, the commander of the Union forces menacing Atlanta in 1864, telegrammed Washington saying that in the South, “There is a class of people men, women, and children, who must be killed or banished before you can hope for peace and order.” On July 15, 1864, supreme Union commander Ulysses S. Grant signed an order that the Shenandoah Valley should be made into a “desert” and “all provisions and stock should be removed, and the people notified to move out.” His troops would “eat out Virginia clear and clean as far as they go, so that crows flying over it for the balance of the season will have to carry their provender with them.” In August 1864, Grant ordered Sheridan to “do all the damage to railroads and crops you can. If the war is to last another year, we want the Shenandoah Valley to remain a barren waste.” Sheridan set to the task with vehemence, declaring that “the people must be left nothing but their eyes to weep with over the war” and promised that, when he was finished, the valley “from Winchester to Staunton will have but little in it for man or beast.”
by Jim Bovard

How To Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, And Steal Lithium (5:02)
by Greg Reese

Will The Suffocating Cage Of Leviathan Be Avoided?
As the ousted “Emperor,” Biden made his “final walk” from the dias at the UN, he was not the Emperor of yore, brimming with the bravura that the U.S. is back, and “I’m running the world.” For as the Middle East explodes, and the Ukrainian bubble deflates, the White House continues to urge restraint on all parties to dial back the violence. But no one is listening. With his era stumbling to an inglorious close, Biden may have loved the idea of pulling the levers of coercive soft-power influence, only subsequently to discover that the wires connecting those levers to the real-world railway “points” were gone. Influence had flown; imperial coercion increasingly was met with disdain. Diplomacy had failed across the board. So what does today’s surge in turmoil, war in the Middle East, and Ukraine collapsing, signal for the future – as seen from the long arc of history (and following the lead of Mike Vlahos and John Batchelor’s Ancient world analogy)? A stumbling “Emperor” has been overthrown. There is no real crown prince; only an “adopted daughter.” It is deliberate. The Power-oligarchy (the “Senate,” if we follow the Ancient analogy), seems indifferent to the lacuna. It is intent to rule, as the Washington Post reports – outing the Oligarchic thinking: rule via a consensus of “democracy-supporting” institutions as a kind of “permanent secretariat” (a notion that has been kicking around since the 2016 election “loss.”) Yet nonetheless, there is an imperial succession issue. Every Empire needs an Emperor, beyond an Aristocracy/Senate, because the factious powerful in society need to have some pillar to which they can resort for settling their internecine feuds.
by Alastair Crooke

The Medieval Masterpiece, The Book Of Kells, Is Now Digitized And Available Online (Text and Videos)
If you know nothing else about medieval European illuminated manuscripts, you surely know the Book of Kells. “One of Ireland’s greatest cultural treasures” comments Medievalists.net, “it is set apart from other manuscripts of the same period by the quality of its artwork and the sheer number of illustrations that run throughout the 680 pages of the book.” The work not only attracts scholars, but almost a million visitors to Dublin every year. “You simply can’t travel to the capital of Ireland,” writes Book Riot’s Erika Harlitz-Kern, “without the Book of Kells being mentioned. And rightfully so.” The ancient masterpiece is a stunning example of Hiberno-Saxon style, thought to have been composed on the Scottish island of Iona in 806, then transferred to the monastery of Kells in County Meath after a Viking raid (a story told in the marvelous animated film The Secret of Kells). Consisting mainly of copies of the four gospels, as well as indexes called “canon tables,” the manuscript is believed to have been made primarily for display, not reading aloud, which is why “the images are elaborate and detailed while the text is carelessly copied with entire words missing or long passages being repeated.”
by Open Culture

reaching consensus about “consensus” being a weasel-word (text and videos)
oh noes, social media makes it “really hard to govern today!”
if ever there were a contest to find the living avatar of the phrase “the clothes have no emperor,” i’d pick john kerry and pit him against all comers. i’m not sure there is an emptier suit in all the beltway. it’s like someone did a gain of function experiment on patrician stupidity and entitlement, slapped a politician haircut on top, jolted the neck bolts to life, and sent it tottering down the hill towards some unsuspecting heiress. but such people are often useful as they go to forums like the WEF and dazzle the davos devotees with endless reprisals of “saying the quiet part out loud” because they don’t know any better and the manic monocultures of assumptive right to rule that sit in such auditoriums actually applaud this. when the government starts talking about how “difficult” or “awkward” the bill of rights makes governing, there is only one answer: good. that’s quite literally the point. that’s quite literally the genius of the form of republic imagined and enshrined by our framers. the individual stands paramount to the state. our rights, derived from and imbued by our personhood not from some proffered license from leviathan, stand paramount to the state. and if that makes it impossible for the state to do some thing that it wants to do? tough noogies. that’s almost certainly a sign that it’s something the state should never have been contemplating in the first place.
by el gato malo

“Believe Them The First Time” (30:59)
by Peak Prosperity

Israeli Strikes On Homes, Tents, School Kill Dozens In Gaza
Israel’s launch of a major bombing campaign in Lebanon has not ended its massacres in Gaza
At least 25 civilians were massacred, and others injured early on 1 October after Israeli forces bombed homes in central Gaza’s Nuseirat camp, a school in the Tuffah neighborhood east of Gaza City, and a tent in Khan Yunis in the south. WAFA news agency reported that according to local sources, Israeli bombs destroyed a three-story house in Nuseirat camp belonging to the Al-Durrah family, killing seven children and three women. Two women were also killed in another Israeli airstrike on a home in Nuseirat belonging to the Abu Ataya family. In Gaza City, an Israeli bombing killed seven civilians and injured others sheltering in the Shuja’iyya school. Israeli forces also blew up residential buildings in the city of Rafah, while targeting the Zeitoun and Sabra neighborhoods in Gaza with artillery. Reuters reports that in the city of Khan Yunis, in southern Gaza, an Israeli air strike on a tent housing displaced people killed six people, local medics said. At the same time, the armed wings of Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and other Palestinian resistance factions reported their fighters attacked Israeli forces operating in several areas of Gaza with anti-tank rockets, mortar fire, and explosive devices.
by News Desk

Turn The Tables On Financial Repression
When I first heard the term “financial repression,” I thought it had to be a joke. Why would governments and central banks use a term with such a negative connotation? Even people who are financially illiterate will still understand that financial repression is a bad thing. Simply put, financial repression is a strategy governments use to reduce their debt burden by manipulating interest rates below inflation. It allows them to borrow in dollars and repay in dimes. Here’s how the IMF describes it (emphasis mine): “Financial repression includes directed lending to government by captive domestic audiences (such as pension funds), explicit or implicit caps on interest rates, regulations of cross-border capital movements, and (generally) a tighter connection between government and banks.” For example, if inflation is 9% and governments fix interest rates at 4%, there is an ongoing wealth transfer of 5% from the lender to the borrower that compounds over time. I think financial repression is how the US government will try to manage its otherwise impossible debt situation by siphoning off the wealth stored in Treasuries. The idea is to stealthily confiscate wealth from bondholders without causing too much alarm. However, there is a good chance that bondholders will figure out this insidious strategy and dump their Treasuries, pushing interest rates higher.
by Nick Giambruno

UN Report Reveals Nobody Held Accountable For Crimes Against Russian PoWs In Ukraine
A recent periodic report from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) revealed that no one has been held accountable for crimes committed against Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine.
Earlier this year, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, established by the United Nations Human Rights Council, released a report indicating that Ukrainian soldiers committed war crimes by executing and torturing Russian prisoners of war. The UN mission documented 25 instances of reprisals against these prisoners by Ukrainian troops. “The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine reported that as of 16 August 2024, five pre-trial investigations were carried out into possible ill-treatment, as well as wilful killings of Russian prisoners of war, under articles 434 and 438 (“violations of rules and customs of war”) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. However, no person received a notification of suspicion in relation to these investigations,” the report read. More than half of the 205 Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine interviewed by the UN since March 2023 said they had been tortured and ill-treated, the report read, adding that 10 of them “reported being subjected to sexual violence, including inflicting violence to genitals and threats of rape.”
by Sputnik

Social Security “Runs Out” In 9 Years
by Peter St Onge, Ph.D.

So, the Berlin Appellate Court overturned my acquittal today. I am now, officially, at least according to the New Normal German authorities, a “hate-speech” criminal. I’m officially a “hate-speech” criminal because I compared New Normal Germany to Nazi Germany, and I challenged the official Covid narrative, and I used the cover art of my book to do it. The New Normal German authorities didn’t like that, and were determined to punish me for doing that, and to make an example of me, in order to discourage other people from doing that. It took them two tries, but they pulled it off. The judge in my original trial screwed up and acquitted me, but the Berlin Public Prosecutor’s office didn’t give up. They appealed the verdict — yes, they can do that in Germany — and this morning the Appellate Court overturned the verdict and declared me guilty. I’ll report on all the ugly details of my day in court in a proper column sometime later this week, when I’ve sufficiently recovered from the hangover I am currently about to start working on. I’ll also be resurrecting my legal defense fund and telling you about that in my next column, because the only recourse my attorney and I have left at this point is to try to get the German Constitutional Court (i.e., Germany’s supreme court) to hear the case. In the meantime, I wanted to share my Statement to the Appellate Court. Here it is.
by CJ Hopkins

A Break In The Bell Jar (Text and Videos)
Many have noted of late that the Regime’s foundation has finally sprung a major leak. Loose scree dribbles down the edifice as a sign of things. Voices on the ‘Right’ feel increasingly emboldened to speak out, and the age of Cancel Culture seems to have finally turned a page, and is on the wane. Things feel different, the sky has broken, the first bite of optimism on the clearing autumn air. Sure, YouTube and the bigs proceed in scything dissident voices from their platforms left and right, but likewise a bloodbath has ensued for establishment stalwarts for their many transgressions against humanity; for the first time, they are reeling. It’s as if some kind of forcefield has suddenly evaporated, leaving them stunned and vulnerable. The quintessential natural ‘man’—that stoic figure lacking all the effete airs and agreeableness—must be expunged…at all costs. The way these Honored Matres have devised to do so is by suffocating him out of existence by cutting out any synergistic influences that could potentially ‘enable’ or unleash that hated, untamed masculine strain. They are genuinely terrified, gravely threatened by the animating puissance of masculinity because it represents the last surviving impulse with the virility and chaos-energy necessary to resist their tentacular subsummation of Mankind; it is the counterbalancing force to the great Emasculating Plague of Estrogenic Compliance Genocide. The even greater assault being perpetrated by the masters is re-engineering the very definition of society and nation. As we speak, a great flood of culturally-incompatible migrants is being unleashed on the US with no questioning allowed of the cultural discrepancies inherent to the sudden violent admixture of influences. It would be one thing if it were a light drizzling of groups across the broad canvas of the country, but instead it is being done in a kind of clinically weaponized series of saturation strikes onto small regional towns, overwhelming them with a foreigner influx.
by Simplicius

Jews In The Slave Trade
“Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated. “This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the ‘triangular trade’ that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750’s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760’s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760’s and early 1770’s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.” During the sixteenth century, exiled from their Spanish homeland and hard-pressed to escape the clutches of the Inquisition, Spanish and Portuguese Jews fled to the Netherlands; the Dutch enthusiastically welcomed these talented, skilled husinessmen. While thriving in Amsterdam-where they became the hub of a unique urban Jewish universe and attained status that anticipated Jewish emancipation in the West by over a century-they began in the 1500’s and 1600’s to establish themselves in the Dutch and English colonies in the New World. These included Curacao, Surinam, Recife, and New Amsterdam (Dutch) as well as Barbados, Jamaica, Newport, and Savannah (English). In these European outposts the Jews, with their years of mercantile experience and networks of friends and family providing market reports of great use, played a significant role in the merchant capitalism, commercial revolution, and territorial expansion that developed the New World and established the colonial economies. The Jewish-Caribbean nexus provided Jews with the opportunity to claim a disproportionate influence in seventeenth and eighteenth century New World commerce, and enabled West Indian Jewry-far outnumbering its coreligionists further north-to enjoy a centrality which North American Jewry would not achieve for a long time to come.
by Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael

Pre-Historic Mega Structures Of Japan And Unexcavated Giant Tombs (1:02:09)
by Universe Inside You

Democracy For Dummies
Public perception of politics has rarely been more cynical than it is today. Rarely have voters felt so excluded from the democratic process. Fewer bother to vote; they sense that their doing so only adds weight to a disgraced system of government. As one wit put it: ‘Don’t vote: It will only encourage them.’ George Bernard Shaw observed that the English, once every five years, are granted democracy. They then go to the polling booths and elect dictators. The electoral procedure is fraudulent. It begins its upward crawl in a room used by local party activists. To these feisty fests will be invited party members who show varying levels of interest. From the few hardcore activists, often no more than several stalwarts, one may be judged suitable to stand in local elections. If their party is mainstream the election will be a rubber-stamping process; people tend to vote for parties rather than people. Party HQ often chooses the candidate and he or she will be parachuted in. How did they get there in the first place? It is a shadowy world of back-stabbing, cronyism; an inner sanctum pecking order from which the public are excluded. Are brown envelopes passed from hand to hand? In a word, yes. Was it ever otherwise? “Poor Edward: Now there’s bound to be a General Election, and now faced with the prospect of losing £2,000 a year from the Czechs; and his seat in parliament too. Can you believe it?” These are the words of the American novelist and wife of General Sir Edward Spears lamenting the fact that because of the Munich Peace Agreement having being signed her husband would no longer receive Czech bribes for his anti-German stance in parliament. £2,000 at the time was a considerable bung.
by Michael Walsh

Mushroom Medicine: Psilocybin Shows Promise For Anorexia Treatment
In a groundbreaking study, researchers have found that a single dose of psilocybin – the psychoactive compound in “magic mushrooms” – may offer a new ray of hope for individuals struggling with anorexia nervosa, a devastating eating disorder that has long stumped medical professionals. Summary: First-ever clinical trial of psilocybin therapy for anorexia nervosa shows promising results. Study finds treatment is safe and well-tolerated, with no serious adverse events. 40% of participants showed significant reductions in eating disorder symptoms. Patients report meaningful experiences, with 80% rating it among their top five life events In a world where anorexia nervosa continues to claim lives and confound treatment efforts, a team of researchers at the University of California, San Diego, has taken a bold step into uncharted territory. Their weapon of choice? A psychedelic compound found in certain mushrooms that’s been making waves in mental health research. Led by Dr. Stephanie Knatz Peck and Dr. Walter H. Kaye, this pioneering study explored the safety and potential benefits of psilocybin therapy for anorexia nervosa (AN).1 The study involved 10 adult women with AN or partial AN, who were given a single 25-mg dose of synthetic psilocybin along with psychological support – a combination often referred to as psilocybin therapy.
by GreenMedInfo Research Group

Octopuses Work Together With Fish To Hunt—And The Way They Share Decisions Is Surprisingly Complex
Using sophisticated behavioral analyses of 3D videos captured from 120 hours of diving, Sampaio and team found that each partner in the interaction plays a specific role. There was, in fact, no true leader—they are democratic. The fish were responsible for exploring the environment and deciding where to move, while the octopus would decide if and when to move. Interestingly, controlled experiments showed the octopuses were guided by social information provided by the fishes. When partnered with blue goatfish, the octopus foraging tactics where more focused and efficient. When partnered with blacktip groupers, they were less so. So, the nature of the hunting relationship varied depending on who’s involved. The researchers concluded that, overall, success rates for capturing prey were higher for the octopus when foraging with fishy partners. The details revealed by this study suggest this relationship is far more sophisticated than other cross-species hunting associations examined to date. Despite the huge evolutionary gap between these animals (the equivalent of about 550 million years), both fish and octopus show clear signs of social competence and advanced cognition.
by Culum Brown

October 1, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Pre-Historic Mega Structures Of Japan And Unexcavated Giant Tombs (1:02:09)
by Universe Inside You
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Universe Inside You

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Featured News
A Century Of Jimmy Carter: Longest-Living Former President Set To Turn 100
In 1998, at the ripe age of 74, former President Jimmy Carter put some of his thoughts about getting older to paper. “The virtues of aging,” Carter wrote in a book that year, “include both the blessings that come to us as we grow older and what we have to offer that might be beneficial to others.” It turns out that Carter, who hits 100 on Tuesday, still had a lot more to offer. A year after the book’s release, he would receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He became a Pulitzer Prize finalist, picked up three Grammy Awards and, in 2002, claimed the Nobel Peace Prize. A Navy submarine and a fish species — the bluegrass darter, with the scientific name “Etheostoma jimmycarter” — have been named in his honor. And now the 39th president, who was in office from 1977 to 1981, is set to be the first former commander in chief to reach the century mark. “You are old when regrets take the place of dreams,” he wrote. “The simple things — our own happiness, peace, joy, satisfaction, and the exploration of love in all its forms — are the keys to the virtues of life, at any age.”
by Judy Kurtz

Book Of The Day
The Diary Of A Writer
A Writer’s Diary is a collection of non-fiction and fictional writings by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Taken from pieces written for a periodical which he founded and produced, it is normally published in two volumes: the first covering those published between 1873 and 1876, the second from 1877 and 1881. The essential entries from Dostoevsky’s complete Diary, called his boldest experiment in literary form, are now available in this abridged edition; it is a uniquely encyclopedic forum of fictional and nonfictional genres. A Writer’s Diary began as a column in a literary journal, but by 1876 Dostoevsky was able to bring it out as a complete monthly publication with himself as an editor, publisher, and sole contributor, suspending work on The Brothers Karamazov to do so. The Diary’s radical format was matched by the extreme range of its contents. In a single frame it incorporated an astonishing variety of material: short stories; humorous sketches; reports on sensational crimes; historical predictions; portraits of famous people; autobiographical pieces; and plans for stories, some of which were never written while others appeared later in the Diary itself. A range of authorial and narrative voices and stances and an elaborate scheme of allusions and cross-references preserve and present Dostoevsky’s conception of his work as a literary whole.
by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Quote Of The Day
“Success is not measured by what a man accomplishes, but by the opposition he has encountered

and the courage with which he has maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.”
Charles Lindbergh

Website Of The Day
Hidden Secrets Of Money (16 Videos)
by Mike Maloney

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Free Speech Makes US ‘Hard To Govern’ – John Kerry
The Constitution is a barrier to ending “disinformation,” the former Obama administration official has claimed
The freedom for individuals to choose their sources of information makes it difficult to govern effectively, former US Secretary of State John Kerry has said. Speaking at a World Economic Forum (WEF) panel on Green Energy last week, Kerry criticized the First Amendment of the US Constitution, which protects freedom of speech and the press. “It’s really hard to govern today,” he remarked, arguing that social media poses challenges for building consensus in democracies. “The referees we used to have to determine what is fact and what isn’t have kind of been eviscerated,” Kerry stated, adding that individuals now decide where to get their news. “If people go to only one source… and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to simply hammering it out of existence,” added Kerry, who served as secretary of state under Barack Obama. As long as Democrats can “win ground” and “win the right to govern,” they will be “free to implement change,” the former senator stated.
by RT

Explosions Sound Off In Beirut As Israeli Air Force Strikes Targets In Southern Suburbs
BEIRUT (Sputnik) – Israeli Air Force aircraft attacked several targets in the southern suburb of Beirut, a Lebanese field source told Sputnik on Monday.
“Israeli aircraft struck the Laylaki and Borj El Brajneh neighborhoods in the southern suburb of Beirut. There will most likely be another series of strikes,” the source said. A Sputnik correspondent has reported three powerful explosions were detected in the Lebanese capital. In turn, Hezbollah officials stated that its fighters had targeted Israeli soldiers in a wooded area along the border. The latest round of explosions erupted while reports detailed that the Israeli security cabinet had approved the next phase of its military actions against neighboring Lebanon, of which observers believe is part of the looming ground offensive. A US government official previously revealed that Israel had informed the US about its ground invasion of Lebanon over the weekend during “extensive” discussion. It was noted then that the operation could begin as early as Monday night and last for several days, instead of weeks. The geographical reach would be limited.
by Sputnik

Nullify Them: Jefferson’s Rightful Remedy From The American Revolution (32:14)
“A nullification of the act is THE rightful remedy.” That’s how Thomas Jefferson said we should respond to any federal act that goes beyond the limits of the Constitution. But here’s the thing – Jefferson wasn’t inventing something new in 1798. He was reminding us of principles that were at the heart of the American Revolution – ideas the people used to resist tyranny. And today, those principles are more important than ever.
by Tenth Amendment Center

How Israel Torpedoed Washington’s Global Strategy
Israel is neither a friend nor ally of the United States. Israel looks out for Israel 100 percent of the time and really doesn’t care what happens to anyone else. Americans have been brainwashed into believing that Israel is “our pit-bull in the Middle East” who keeps the natives in line. But this simply isn’t true. Israel’s activities in the region undermine US interests and inflict severe damage to America’s public image. Here’s how foreign policy expert John Mearsheimer summed it up: Israel is a strategic albatross around our neck. It’s a liability. Let me just point out, the US doesn’t just give Israel lots of weapons and lots of money. It gives it unconditionally. This is truly remarkable. We don’t treat Israel like a normal country and help it because it’s to our benefit strategically. But that’s not what’s going on here. The US does what it does because of the Lobby. (AIPAC) The United States has a political system that’s set up in ways that allow interest groups to have great influence. Well, the Israel lobby is one of the most, if not, the most powerful lobby in the US. And the lobby goes to enormous lengths to make sure that American foreign policy supports Israel unconditionally. And, it is wildly successful. It’s truly impressive at how good the lobby is at getting US foreign policymakers to support Israel hook, line and sinker. PalMedia@PalBint
by Mike Whitney

The War Comes Anyway
Iran’s president Pezeshkian has admitted that he was lied to following the assassinations of Hamas and Hezbollah a few weeks ago in Beirut and Tehran. In exchange for the promise of a ceasefire in Gaza, Iran would not retaliate against Israel’s provocations. Once again gullible leaders of the Global South fall for the lies of the West whose only interest is restoration of its hegemony. Thus an already divided Iran was even less than prepared for the deadly weakening of Hezbollah in Lebanon and the murder of a leader, Nasrallah, who is revered throughout the Global South. Iran’s support of proxies in Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen now appears not as a symptom of strength but as an export of internal division to the regional level. We don’t know for sure that an Iranian spy was responsible for disclosing the movement of Nasrallah to a combined Hezbollah-IRGC meeting that was then the target of 86 Israeli (= US) 2000 kilo guided bombs on a densely high rise residential district in southern Beirut, but if it was then there is a certain satanic poetry to the betrayal.That the US has lent itself to this monstrous event feeds the temporary glory of the Zionist movement and exposes the fundamental weakness of a supposedly imperial power that has been co-opted by Zionism.
by Oliver Boyd-Barrett

God Created (1:25)
by Auctus Mind

UK Ministers Tried To Sway Police To Stifle Anti-‘Israel’ Activists
The British government has been exposed as a firm defender of the Israeli regime, as it ensured the safeguarding of the largest Israeli arms manufacturer on its lands.
Home Office ministers and staff attempted to influence UK police and legal prosecutors to take action against activists targeting the facilities of Elbit Systems, a major Israeli arms manufacturer, campaigners revealed after obtaining internal documents as proof, The Guardian reported. Briefing notes obtained by Palestine Action through freedom of information requests reveal discussions held prior to October 7 and the Israeli genocide in Gaza, which aimed to “reassure” Elbit Systems UK, the main target of an action campaign by the network. The prosecution of Palestine Action activists, who have relentlessly protested the Israeli genocide and war crimes against Palestinians in Gaza, has resulted in some convictions for charges like burglary and criminal damage. Briefing notes, though heavily redacted, reveal that Home Office ministers attended meetings with representatives from Elbit Systems, and one meeting included a director from the Attorney General’s Office reportedly representing the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). These notes also indicate that Home Office officials reached out to the police regarding Palestine Action.
by Al Mayadeen English

Journalist Wafa al-Odaini And Her Family Martyred In Israeli Airstrike In Gaza
Noted Palestinian journalist and activist Wafa al-Odaini was martyred along with her family following an Israeli airstrike on her home at dawn Monday in Deir al-Balah in central Gaza, according to local media reports. Her husband, Munir al-Odaini, and her two children, Balsam and Tamim, were also killed in the airstrike. “The occupation forces assassinated journalist Wafa al-Odaini, a prominent activist in conveying the Palestinian narrative to the foreign media. She and her family (her husband and two children) were killed in a treacherous Israeli attack on their home in Deir al-Balah City in the central Gaza Strip,” the Forum of Palestinian Journalists (FPJ) said in a statement on Monday. According to FPJ, journalist Odaini devoted her life and time to conveying the suffering of her oppressed people through international and Palestinian media, especially through her involvement in writing English articles, conducting interviews with foreign activists, and holding online conferences and different activities in English language. “With her martyrdom, the Palestinian national media has lost a free voice full of love for Palestine and her people — who fight for freedom and self-determination,” the forum said. Since the war on Gaza started, the Israeli occupation army has killed 174 journalists and media workers.
by The Palestinian Information Center

Hezbollah Leader Nasrallah Defeated ISIS, Protected Lebanon’s Christians, Fought Israeli Colonialism (19:12)
by Geopolitical Economy Report With Ben Norton

Another Letter To The Four Chief Medical Officers
Is it acceptable that 60% of young people with vaccine-induced myocarditis have cardiac damage?
Dear Professor Whitty, Dr McBride, Dr Smith and Dr Atherton, Sixty doctors and scientists wrote to you on 6th September 2021 urging you against rolling out Covid-19 vaccines to healthy children. We had written previously to Professor Whitty in May and again in June of that year to flag up our concerns. As you know, the JCVI in their statement on 3rd September 2021, had decided against recommending these products for children’s direct benefit in view of the mild nature of SARS-CoV-2 infection for their age range coupled with concerns about the known and as yet unknown adverse effects. They had held a conference call with cardiologists from the USA and also Israel, both countries which had started vaccinating children ahead of the UK. These groups had both reported on vaccine-induced-myocarditis, with the US group having studied a case series of 63 children and finding 89% of affected children showing Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE) on cardiac MRI scanning. This finding is known to be indicative of cardiac scarring and to be a predictor of deaths in the 5-years following. The group were planning a follow-up study and members of the JCVI specifically requested a delay of 6 months to await this data before making a decision. Finally, almost 3 years later, this study has been published and it does not make for happy reading, especially if you are a parent of a child or young person who was affected. Of the 333 children and young adults enrolled, and despite an apparently mild clinical course, 82% showed LGE on their initial cardiac MRI scans, and in 60% these changes were still present at the 6 months follow-up scan. Long-term data is still awaited and risk of cardiac failure sudden death is still unquantified. A new systematic review has confirmed that LGE is a risk factor for all cause mortality, cardiac deaths, arrhythmias and heart failure.

Hezbollah Says It Attacked Israel Using ‘Nour Missile’ For First Time
Hezbollah has carried out a retaliatory attack against the Israeli regime using a “Nour Missile” for the first time, the resistant movement has announced, as the regime presses ahead with its brutal aggression against Lebanon.
In a statement released on Monday, Hezbollah said it had attacked Israel using a “Nour Missile,” which sources familiar with Hezbollah say is a ballistic missile. The missile hit the village of Kafr Giladi in the northern part of the occupied territories, the statement said, adding that it had fired it in response to “Israeli violations of cities, villages, and civilians.” Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement has carried out fresh retaliatory attacks on several Israeli military targets and settlements over the past few hours. The resistance group also fired a barrage of rockets at the Israeli-occupied city of Safed in the northern occupied Palestinian territories. Hezbollah has also said that its fighters have targeted an Israeli military base with FADI-2 heavy rockets. The movement said the attacks were in response to Israeli bloodshed in Lebanese towns, and villages.
by Press TV

Is There Hope For The US?
For the entire lives of anyone under the age of seventy-five, the US has been at the top of the heap in almost every way. For decades, it had greater freedom, greater prosperity and higher production than any other country in the world. America was a cornucopia – the centre for innovation and trends in technology, the arts and social development. And today, many Americans, even if they complain about changes for the worse in their country, come back quickly to say, “This is still the greatest country in the world.” Or, “Everybody is still trying to come here.” Well, truth be told, neither of these knee-jerk comments is accurate any longer. But even those who have come to that realisation tend to resort to the inevitable fall-back comment: “Well, whattaya gonna do? It’s just as bad everyplace else.” And yet, this is also inaccurate. Throughout the history of the world, whenever a country had entered its decline stage, others were in the process of rising up. And this is just as true today. There are countries where prosperity and production are far greater than in the US and, increasingly, countries where the key ingredient that made America great – Liberty – is present to a far greater degree.
by Jeff Thomas

ACH (2428) Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #127 – Without A Vision A People Perish (Audio 13:22)
In today’s show originally broadcast on September 29, 2024, Andy presents a show entitled, “Pastor Andy’s Traditional Christian Message #127 – Without A Vision A People Perish” that was written by Dr. Peter Hammond.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Joe Biden Is Responsible For Burning Lebanon
The Joe Biden administration claims to be pushing for a “temporary ceasefire” between Israel and Hezbollah to avert a larger conflict, but this is very late in the day and it is not a serious effort to prevent a new war in Lebanon. It is at best a desperate, last-minute exercise in going through the motions of diplomacy. The administration would like to pretend that it is a passive bystander pleading from the sidelines instead of the chief patron and arms supplier of the main belligerent in the conflict, and it designs its entreaties to be toothless so that Israel can safely ignore them. The United States has refused to exert any pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government for the last eleven months, and it has continued supplying Israel with weapons no matter how those weapons have been used to commit war crimes against Palestinians. Now American officials say that they don’t want further escalation in Lebanon, but once again the administration won’t back up those words with action. The U.S. could use its leverage to rein Israel in and insist on the de-escalation that the administration says that it wants, but the president has shown that he has no interest in doing that.
by Daniel Larison

Lie Back And Think Of Putin
A European nation – the world’s largest country by far – is considering outlawing a conscious refusal to have children and is even encouraging millions to have sex at work. The problem for some ~ they must be straight. Don’t even think about not having children. If you’re Russian. Russia’s parliament is considering legislation to outlaw a conscious refusal to have children. According to estimates by exiled professor of statistics I. A. Kurganov, from 1917 to 1959, and excluding war losses, only from terrorist destruction, suppression, hunger, the high mortality in the camps, and the subsequent low birth rate, cost us 66.7 million people. The State Duma lower house bill proposes fines of 400,000 rubles ($A6300) for anyone engaging in child-free information, rising to $A12,500 if the person discussing the concept is an official or $A78,000 for a company. And only those with approved religious beliefs (Russia’s Orthodox Church has monks and nuns), serious health issues or who have been raped will be permitted to refuse to bear a child. But individuals even casually defending a personal choice not to have children on social media will fall foul of the new laws.
by Michael Walsh

Ahead Lies Ruin: The Decay Of Social Trust
Loss of social trust has consequences.
There are three solvents of social trust: 1) the self-aggrandizement of insiders; 2) decay of competence, and 3) precarity, generated by soaring inequality / cost of living and the decay of social mobility, all of which erode confidence in the social contract, i.e. our confidence that the system isn’t rigged to benefit the few at the expense of the many. These are of course related, but let’s tease them apart. Once insiders focus on maximizing their personal gain as the purpose and goal of their employment, the value of the institution’s service to the public / customers decays behind a flimsy screen of self-serving PR promoting the successes of the hollowed-out institution. Even if insiders are devoted to serving the public, if their ability to perform the necessary work is impaired due to under-competence, the public’s trust decays. Rather than look for incompetence, which presumably could be fixed by replacing the incompetent with the competent, the real problem is under-competence, a subject I addressed in The Catastrophic Consequences of Under-Competence (subscribers/patrons only).
by Charles Hugh Smith

What Is Wrong With The White Race? (3:35:50)
by Jan Lamprecht

Hamas And Hezbolah Walk Into A Bar….
On “terrorism” and “freedom fighting”
Frankly, I start nodding off when I hear too much talk about the “threat of terrorism.” The terminology seems out of a fractured bedtime story. Rockabye baby, in the Hamas. Speaking of Hamas, how come none of their “senior leaders” were blown up with pagers and walkie-talkies? I thought the reason why the IDF has been killing so many innocent civilians in Gaza was because of that dirty, sneaky, rotten, Pearl Harbor like attack at a concert last October. By Hamas. Not Hezbolah. Seems kind of unfair for “senior leaders” of Hezbolah to be blown up by pagers, over something “senior leaders” of Hamas did. Kind of like going after Saddam Hussein when he wasn’t a part of the official 9/11 lie. Hamas, we are told, is a Sunni outfit that is loyal to the Muslim Brotherhood. “Sunni” and “Shiite” are two more words that make me very, very sleepy. And “Muslim Brotherhood” is just used interchangeably with all the others. I’m convinced they just pick these keywords at random. No one cares.
by Donald Jeffries

Review For The November exam
For those searching for a basic understanding of just what’s going on…who find themselves repeatedly saying, “This doesn’t make any sense!”… or using the acronym “WTF!” in everything from business letters to Mother’s Day cards, applying the formula above may solve the problem. Legend: CP refers to the Cloward-Piven strategy; a 1966 political concept conceived by a couple of American sociologists, Richard Cloward and Frances Piven (who also lead an active activist life moonlighting from their gig at Columbia U.). The idea was based on their belief lotsa folks eligible for Welfare bennies weren’t getting their gobble at the public-provided trough. To resolve that tragedy, all they had to do was foment a sign-up campaign so large, sheer numbers would blow the doors off the responsible agencies and create a crisis big enough to shake awake the bureaucrats in DC and, especially, the emotionally driven Democrats, always sensitive to ways to trade Boo-Hoos for votes, government expansion, involvement, and dependency. Being 1966, with the Ds in charge of everything in DC, this was music to their ears! Cloward-Piven “proposed to create a crisis in the current welfare system – by exploiting the gap between welfare, law and practice – that would ultimately bring about its collapse and replace it with a system of guaranteed annual income. They hoped to accomplish this by informing the poor of their rights to welfare assistance, encouraging them to apply for benefits and, in effect, overloading an already overburdened bureaucracy.” – Michael Reisch, “The Road Not Taken” While the rest of the Cloward-Piven story is compelling, this much will suffice for its position in the formula above which, you will see in the application, how it resolves the angst created by current events over the last decade or ten.
by Brian Wilson

San Antonio’s Animal Control Caught Silencing Dissent Over Euthanasia Practices
There is no such thing in the world as “consensus” let alone a “unanimous vote” on opinions that pertain to life and death. And, in the US, there should be no such thing as stifling lawful public free speech and debate, on any topic. Euthanasia (of animals) meets the First Amendment here. Euthanasia in itself is a massive issue that will never see any kind of consensus, whether it concerns people, or dogs and cats – companions for thousands of years and a part of their lives. So – let people discuss it. Yet – San Antonio Animal Care Services (ACS) decided it was its way or the highway for hundreds of Facebook comments. More precisely, the organization decided that even if those were merely the voices heard on ACS’s Facebook page, they had to be, well – destroyed. ACS appears to be enthusiastic about its policy about dogs and cats, puppies and kittens, getting promptly “put down” as a way of handling abandoned pets. Naturally, not everyone agreed. But ACS just removed those comments as well.
by Didi Rankovic

The Smart Dust Conspiracy: Technocratic Nightmare Becoming Reality (26:58)
by The Last American Vagabond

Trump Son-In-Law Kushner Says Israel Must ‘Finish The Job’ In Lebanon
Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s son-in-law and architect of the Abraham Accords has celebrated Hassan Nasrallah’s death and the “brilliant” pager attacks
A top adviser to former US President Donald Trump said on Sunday that Israel must be allowed to finish defeating Hezbollah after killing the group’s leader Hassan Nasrallah. Jared Kushner, who is also former US president Donald Trump’s son-in-law praised the Friday killing of Nasrallah in a massive Israeli airstrike on a southern Beirut suburb. Kushner was seen as the architect of Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan which would have allowed Israel to annex huge tracts of the West Bank and was unanimously rejected by Palestinians. Israel on Sunday claimed that there were 20 other top Hezbollah commanders with Nasrallah in the underground headquarters when it was hit, saying all of them were killed, including top commander Ali Karaki. Karaki’s death was officially announced by Hezbollah on Sunday.
by The New Arab Staff

Democrats Now Want Us To Believe Kamala Harris’ Adulterous Husband Is Masculine (Text and Video)
As with her work telling us not to believe our lying eyes when it came to Biden, Jen Psaki is now attempting to present Doug Emhoff—Kamala Harris’s adulterous husband—as a paragon of masculinity for our times.
“An important part – an interesting part – of how people have talked about your role here is how your role has reshaped the perception of masculinity,” Psaki gushed. “I’m not sure you planned on that, but you’re an incredibly supportive spouse. Has that been an evolution for you, is that part of the role you might play as First Gentleman?” Emhoff beamed at Psaki, clearly chuffed by the questions. “It’s funny, I’ve started to think a lot about this. I’ve always been like this. My dad was like this. To me, it’s the right thing to do.” It takes real chutzpah for a husband who abandoned his first wife and children after getting a teacher at his son and daughter’s school pregnant to claim that he’s always been a supportive spouse. In 2009, he cheated on his wife, Kerstin Emhoff. The teacher became pregnant, but the baby was never born. Emhoff, in his statement acknowledging the affair when the news broke, does not reference the baby at all: During my first marriage, Kerstin and I went through some tough times on account of my actions. I took responsibility, and in the years since, we worked through things as a family and have come out stronger on the other side.
by Jonathon Van Maren

Bottled Water Has A Huge And Growing Toll On Human And Planetary Health, Experts Warn
The huge and growing toll bottled water is taking on human and planetary health warrants an urgent rethink of its use as 1 million bottles are bought every minute around the globe, with that figure set to rise further still amid escalating demand, warn population health experts in a commentary published in the open access journal BMJ Global Health. Some 2 billion people around the world with limited or no access to safe drinking water rely on bottled water. But for the rest of us, it’s largely a matter of convenience and the unshaken belief—aided and abetted by industry marketing—that bottled water is safer and often healthier than tap water. It isn’t, insist the authors from Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar. That’s because bottled water often isn’t subject to the same rigorous quality and safety standards as tap water, and it can carry the risk of harmful chemicals leaching from the plastic bottles used for it, especially if it’s stored for a long time, and/or exposed to sunlight and high temperatures, they explain. Between an estimated 10% and 78% of bottled water samples contain contaminants, including microplastics, often classified as hormone (endocrine) disruptors, and various other substances including phthalates (used to make plastics more durable) and bisphenol A (BPA).
by British Medical Journal

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