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July 26, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions (42:11)
by Chris Martenson, PhD
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions
The Investigation by the FBI and Secret Service is a complete clown show. Our on investigation is firming up and has resolved the high likelihood of two shooters, and raises very troubling questions about who was in the building overlooking both the event itself and Crooks’ position.
by Chris Martenson, PhD

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Website Of The Day
Upcoming Webinar – The Mother Wound – Thursday, August 29 at 1:30pm EDT
Dear friends, I am pleased to announce the next Birth of a New Earth Webinar scheduled to take place Thursday, August 29 at 1:30pm EDT
The webinar is entitled: The Mother Wound
Understanding and Healing the Root Causes of Broken Mother/Child Bonds
This webinar is being offered to support those who feel burdened by a painful or unsatisfying relationship with their mothers. It is also geared toward supporting mothers (and fathers) who have had trouble bonding with their children. This poignant topic regarding the break in mother/child bonding requires deep and meaningful exploration.
by Jeanice Barcelo

Quote Of The Day
“It is no coincidence that the century of total war
coincided with the century of central banking.”
Ron Paul, End the Fed

Trump Assassination Attempt
Over 100 posts have already been published.
This page is regularly updated with pertinent articles, news, photographs, quotes and videos.
by Mark R. Elsis

Over 33,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,600 archived.

Multiculturalism Archive With 91 Posts

No Matter Who Wins The November Election, Zionists Will Control The White House
With Joe Biden out of the race for president and Kamala Harris now the presumptive Democratic nominee, the question of who will control the White House is moot. Regardless of which party’s candidate wins, the Zionists will be the real victors. Donald Trump is by far one of the most Zionist politicians in U.S. history. He often brags that he is the best friend that Zionist Israel ever had in the White House (Harry Truman might object to that statement). He repeatedly claims that if he moved to Israel, he would be elected Israel’s prime minister. And it’s actually difficult to criticize Trump’s assertions. Trump could even be accused of being modest on the subject (for the first time ever in his life). Some have evidence to suggest that Trump is more than pro-Zionist; he is considered by many Jewish Zionists as being their messiah. Tim Brown reports that Zionists, both Christian and Jewish, have said some remarkable things about Trump, identifying him as: “The King of Jerusalem.” “The Second Coming of God.” “King Cyrus.” Some have poured upon Trump God-like platitudes and honors. Former President of the United States, Donald Trump, hosted the 2023 Israel Heritage Foundation Gala at Trump National Bedminster in New Jersey and accepted IHF’s Keter Yerushalayim (Crown of Jerusalem) award. Brown notes: Last year, those who are the descendants of the very Jews who opposed Jesus offered the Crown of Jerusalem Award to none other than Donald Trump. One would think with all the pin-the-tail on the antichrist teachings in churches that people would be running as far away from supporting this man as they could. Instead, they support him all the more because they have bought the lie that the modern geo-political state of Israel is God’s chosen people. The Church is God’s chosen people, not a particular people group (Revelation 5:9 -10).
by Chuck Baldwin

Civil Unrest Is The Next Most Predictable Crisis For America Now
For the past six months I’ve been writing about the clear uptick in civil war rhetoric within the establishment media in the US, and we all know that the coming presidential election is the reason for it. The bottom line is that no matter who ends up in the White House in 2025 there will be mass violence, but most of this violence will be reserved for the possibility of Donald Trump’s return. Set aside the recent attempted assassination (and how the Secret Service made it possible) for a moment and let’s consider the common leftist response to it – Around 30% of Democrats believe the attack was “staged” (virtually impossible given the circumstances and evidence). The rest are enraged that the shooter missed. No event has exposed the political left for what they truly are more than the near-murder of Donald Trump. We are dealing with bloodthirsty mental deficients that will do anything to win. The “false left/right paradigm” is dead, at least when it comes to average American citizens. The political left is not just an innocent subset of the population being led astray by false leadership – They are a big part of the problem. They are willing participants in the destruction of the west. Globalists would get nowhere on economic centralization, the DEI agenda, the trans agenda, carbon taxation, anti-2A legislation, open borders, etc. without help from a large portion of leftists. I have long cautioned that the political left is slowly but surely becoming a happy cannon fodder army in service to globalism. And sadly, leftists tend to engage in warfare while conservatives tend to engage in politics. Leftists use any means necessary and feel thoroughly justified. Conservatives color within the lines for fear of being accused of “fascism.” We don’t have to abandon our moral compass, but the sooner we realize that war is being waged on us the sooner we can defend ourselves against it.
by Brandon Smith

Feminism vs Reality (1:21)

Putin Discusses Middle East Escalation With Syria’s Assad
The Russian president shared his concerns with his counterpart during a meeting in Moscow
Russian President Vladimir Putin has told Bashar Assad of his concern over growing tensions in the Middle East at a meeting in the Kremlin late Wednesday, the Russian presidential press service has said. Assad’s visit to Russia comes amid reports that Moscow could mediate to defuse tensions between Türkiye and Syria. Relations between Damascus and Ankara have been bad for nearly 12 years. During the two leaders’ first meeting since March last year, Putin told the Syrian president of his concern with the “tendency towards escalation” in the Middle East. “This also applies directly to Syria,” Putin said. The Russian leader told his counterpart that “there are also a lot of issues” to discuss regarding trade and economic cooperation. Assad responded by saying that while Russia and Syria “have gone through very difficult tests,” over the past decades, relations between the two countries have maintained a “level of trust.” “Considering all the events that are taking place in the world as a whole and in the Eurasian region today, our meeting today seems very important to discuss all the details of the development of these events, to discuss possible prospects and scenarios,” Assad told Putin.
by RT

Audio Analysis Raises Troubling Questions
The Investigation by the FBI and Secret Service is a complete clown show. Our on investigation is firming up and has resolved the high likelihood of two shooters, and raises very troubling questions about who was in the building overlooking both the event itself and Crooks’ position.
More extensive audio analysis reveals a clear difference between the weapon firing shots #1 through #3. This needs to be addressed by “official” investigators. I put that in quotes because so far this has been nothing short of infuriatingly conducted. From washing down the roof, to “releasing” helmet cam ‘evidence’ that has been misleadingly edited, to failing to provide even the most basic accounting of the shots taken and the bullet paths, the investigation would be an embarrassment to the Keystone Cops of old. But now many of the mysteries of the audio files have been resolved. Nick and I have debated and reworked and challenged ourselves as thoroughly as anyone could. And then, finally, the clouds have (mostly) parted. By analyzing and cross-comparing multiple audio files, including Trump’s mic feed, can say definitively say that shot #9 must have come from a PA LEO asset of some sort, probably an ESU agent if the statement by the Butler County DA Richard Goldinger is correct. Which raises many questions, some of them troubling. First, that shot came a full 10.1 seconds before the Secret Service sniper’s shot. So what exactly was that ESU agent doing while awaiting that inbound round? Was their shot a “kill shot” as we suspect due to the fact that there wasn’t a second or third (or more) shot?
by Chris Martenson, PhD

“The Evils Of Paper Money Have No End” The Founders Warned Us Why (33:34)
by Tenth Amendment Center

Leaked: Israel Attempted To Obstruct US Lawsuit Against Pegasus Spyware
Israel has gone to great lengths to obstruct a high-stakes US lawsuit that could potentially expose highly confidential information regarding the regime’s Pegasus spyware, one of the world’s most notorious hacking tools, leaked files suggest.
Israeli officials confiscated documents related to the Pegasus spyware from its manufacturer, NSO Group, in a bid to prevent the company from complying with demands from WhatsApp in a US court to provide information about the intrusive technology, said the British media on Thursday. These documents indicate that these seizures were part of an unusual legal tactic devised by the Israeli regime to prevent the disclosure of details about Pegasus, which Tel Aviv feared could lead to significant diplomatic and security repercussions for the regime. Pegasus enables NSO clients to secretly install hidden software on smartphones, allowing them to extract messages and photos, record calls, and activate microphones covertly. NSO’s clients have included both authoritarian regimes and democratic nations, and the technology has been implicated in human rights abuses worldwide. NSO has sold its spyware – known as Pegasus – to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Hungary and India among others. The spyware also allows its users to monitor conversations, text messages, photos and location, and even encrypted messaging apps such as Signal and WhatsApp. Pegasus can turn phones into remotely operated listening devices. Since late 2019, NSO has been embroiled in a lawsuit in the US filed by WhatsApp, alleging that the Israeli firm exploited a vulnerability in the messaging service to target over 1,400 of its users across 20 countries within two weeks. NSO rejects the allegations.
by Press TV

HODLing To All Things Of Value: Time And Energy (Text and Video)
Inflation, social security, taxation and owning your money
If money is as money does, then money is not as money does not.1 Hold on for dear life (Hodl) to all things of value. Things of utmost value are your time and energy. My goal for the article is to write enough to make a 2-minute video (eventually) explaining why and how you can ultimately own and control your own money/assets. Make sure to watch this video – an excellent source of information – for much more information from Isabella. Back in the 1935 day, just around the time of the Great Depression, in order to remedy the dire situation that people faced to get food in their bellies, a system was put into place to take 1% of employer, and 1% of employee earnings, to supplement a Social Security Act. It worked, but nowadays, instead of 1% of your monthly income, it’s closer to 12.5% of your monthly income. It makes up about 26% of all government spending and the U.S. is ~27 trillion dollars in debt to contributors, like you. Not only that, but to put a plastic cherry on dog poop sundae, you get taxed again on the ludicrously low amount of return to you from these ‘borrowers’. Perspective: If the 12.5% money taken from you was set aside in a very basic savings account instead of an investment of government choice, by the time you would be able to see the returns on this ‘investment’ (if you were still alive), it would be ~10 times higher than what you are permitted to receive as per this system. You get: 1,800/month. You should get: 14,300/month.
by Jessica Rose

Israeli Spy Unit Stealth Capture Of Mind Control In The West And Yemen’s Response To Zionist ‘Shock And Awe’ (Text and Video 18:01)
My reports for UK Column News yesterday
On yesterday’s news program I covered the emergence of yet another Unit 8200 spin-off running a censorship campaign to silence pro-Palestine, anti-genocide voices on META platforms. I include an article actually in The Guardian which is a little teeth gritting for me to promote due to The Guardian’s generally hideous bias and protection of power in the UK (especially on Syria). However the authors of the article Lee Fang and Jack Poulson did write a follow-up article published on Substack which contains a lot more detail on CyberWell – the 8200-linked organisation I talk about. Here are a few excerpts:
by Vanessa Beeley

Everything You Need To Know About The Failed Assassination Attempt Of Donald Trump
Amid all the varying accounts and evidence, there is no clear picture of the attempt to kill Donald Trump, and the FBI and Secret Service have been unwilling or unable to supply answers to the questions raised by the failed assassination.
Almost two weeks have passed since the miraculous survival of Donald Trump and still the major questions raised by his attempted assassination are unanswered. The obvious questions – how could this happen? – and why? – have equally obvious answers. The reason there are no answers is because Donald Trump is the mortal enemy of the entire political establishment of the U.S. and its subject nations. We are ruled by a conspiracy against the obvious. The attempt to kill Donald Trump cannot be understood if we do not begin with a statement of the obvious: his political enemies want him dead. This is a report on the official and unofficial investigations into what the FBI called “an incident” on July 13. As we shall see, the official lines of inquiry effectively exclude the obvious. The most obvious fact of all is that everyone except the people supposed to protect him have seen this coming for a long time. The version of events presented by the bare facts is another conspiracy against the obvious. The story says a lone gunman – a 20 year old called Thomas Matthew Crooks – decided to shoot Trump one day, and no one stopped him until he had done so. According to CNN, Crooks scoped the site with a rangefinder three hours before the shooting, and was seen doing so, before returning to carry it out. A rangefinder has one use: to report the distance to a target. Former Secret Service chief Kimberly Cheatle said a rangefinder “is not a prohibited item” when asked why Crooks was not stopped.
by Frank Wright

Supercomputing Becoming A ‘Covert War?’ US Tech Terrorism Is Culprit
The US is once again feeling anxious about supercomputers, a strategic emerging industry. The Wall Street Journal recently published an article stating that China is getting “secretive” about its supercomputers. According to the article, Chinese scientists have become more secretive and have stopped participating in the TOP500 forum, making it harder for the US government to know who has faster supercomputers between China and the US. In the latest TOP500 ranking released in June, the US dominated the top three spots and held half of the top 10, while China’s “Sunway TaihuLight” ranked 13th and “Tianhe-2A” ranked 16th. This significant disparity in rankings has made the US suspicious, fearing that China is engaged in a supercomputing “covert war” against it, thus accusing China of hindering international supercomputing exchanges by keeping secrets. This is not the first time the US media has stirred up this topic. Two years ago, Voice of America published an article asking, “Why is China, which leads in supercomputing, being so secretive?” The US’ suspicion and anxiety are not surprising. From 2010 to 2019, China topped the TOP500 list 11 times out of 20 evaluations, and the US started to launch wave after wave of chip bans and entity list sanctions against Chinese supercomputing institutions under the pretext of “national security.” As a result, China’s presence in the TOP500 rankings has dimmed. Initially, US media were pleased that China had opted out and relinquished the top spot. However, in recent years, speculation about how much strength China is hiding has grown. TOP500 co-founder Jack Dongarra repeatedly stated that China has faster supercomputers, even speculating that China’s supercomputer power may exceed all other countries.
Editorial by Global Times

Canada’s “Worst Decline In 40 Years”
Canada’s standard of living is on track for its worst decline in 40 years, according to a new study by Canada’s Fraser Institute. The study compared the three worst periods of decline in Canada in the last 40 years — the 1989 recession, the 2008 global financial crisis, and this post-pandemic era. They found that unlike the previous recessions, Canada is not recovering this time. Something broke. In fact, according to the Financial Post, since 2019 Canada’s had the worst growth out of 50 developed economies. Inflation-adjusted Canadian wages have been flat since 2016. So, yes, something broke. And it’s nowhere near over: Canada’s per-person real GDP is still falling, and with a looming US recession — the US is 75% of Canada’s exports — Canada could crash again before it ever recovered.
Visit our Lead Sponsor, Unchained.com. Protect Your Bitcoin, Reduce your Taxes, Access Loans. Coupon Code PETER for $100 off a Bitcoin IRA. In previous videos I’ve talked about the disaster that is Justin Trudeau’s Canada. In short, incomes are West Virginia level, house prices are Los Angeles level, and Canadian taxes are half way to the Soviet Union. It’s not rare for a middle class family in Canada to pay half their income in taxes. Meanwhile, since the pandemic Canada’s official food inflation is up 25%, energy is up 30% — partly thanks to a carbon tax. And keep in mind sales tax in most Canadian provinces is 13 to 15 percent on everything you buy.
by Peter St Onge

Lori Levi Exposing How The Secret Service Left Trump Vulnerable The Day Before (12:26)
Lori, who has sold merchandise at nearly every Trump rally, was horrified by the glaring security lapses in the event’s setup and layout.

GovTrack And Media Deletion Of Harris’ Record Sparks Transparency Debates, Allegations Of Censorship
GovTrack, a group famed for its thorough documentation of US congressional voting habits has purged a 2019 report that recognized Vice President Kamala Harris as the “most liberal” senator of that year. However, this comes as a surprise as the site, which categorizes itself as a beacon of governmental “transparency,” did in fact give Harris the label in 2019. It put her above even Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren during that period, a talking point favored by Republicans and one that President Donald Trump has recently used as a form of pejorative against Harris. The website now displays a “Page Not Found” message whenever the link is accessed. Moreover, the Internet Archive illustrates that the webpage was yanked down sometime this month, the same month that Harris gained enough delegates to become the Democratic Party’s Presidential nominee after President Joe Biden’s announcement on July 21 of pulling the plug on his campaign and endorsing Harris. Joshua Tauberer, the founder of GovTrack, explained the webpage removal to Fox News, as a consequence of the group’s policy shift enacted “several years ago.” Despite this, Tauberer never disclosed an accurate date for the webpage removal. Interestingly, when probed about why the pages were not scraped off when the organization ended its annual report cards years ago, Tauberer’s rationale was that other influential parts of the work demanded his attention.
by Cindy Harper

In The National Interest
The elites all want ‘yes’ men. In the White House and in Congress. Almost all legislation transfers money and power from the people to them… their cronies…and their pet projects.
Widely reported yesterday was Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. Some people — mostly those who benefit from pro-Israeli campaign funds or are otherwise employed by the military/industrial/Deep State/surveillance/university/press complex — applauded wildly. They rose to their feet 50 times…like the Supreme Soviet during an address by Josef Stalin. They seemed especially enthusiastic when the Israeli president suggested that those who objected to killing thousands of Gazans were aligned, and possibly supported, by Iran! Didn’t they know, the Iranian regime hangs gays from construction cranes?! Other people — mostly Democrats, and notably including Kamala Harris — preferred to keep their distance. Netanyahu is widely and plausibly regarded as a war criminal, who leads an apartheid regime that steals land, tortures innocent people, destroys schools and hospitals and has killed nearly forty thousand Palestinians in the last nine months. Just mentioning the mass murder brings charges of ‘antisemitism.’ On college campuses, professors who speak up may lose their jobs. Students lose job opportunities. And media reports of ‘rising antisemitism’ make it sound like every Jew on campus lives in fear for his life. For politicians, the risk of getting on the wrong side of the Israeli lobby is even greater. They’ve all seen what AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) did to Jamaal Bowman. It can outspend almost any adversary. And according to Rep. Thomas Massie, AIPAC assigns a staffer to monitor each member of Congress to make sure he votes correctly. If not, a replacement is found to challenge him in the next election. So, when Mr. Netanyahu himself appeared before a joint session of Congress only one Republican dared to sit on his hands, the aforementioned Thomas Massie. The premise of today’s comment is that Massie deserves more attention.
by Bill Bonner

Local Authorities Break Ranks On Trump Assassination Attempt!
The PA State Police are now at odds with the local Butler County authorities and that means there’s a chance this story could break open. So much hinges on exactly who failed to secure that two-story building and how the police could have fumbled Crooks being on the roof with a gun for so long. Hopefully one of them speaks up about the orders they received and who gave them.
Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt! They say it ain’t over until the fat lady sings. When it comes to cover-ups and getting to the truth, you begin to catch wind of the fat lady when various factions of authority break ranks and begin to tell different tales. Well, that just happened, as the local DA for Butler County and the PA State Police began telling wildly different stories about who exactly was in the second story of the second building. You know, the one I have been pointing at with growing interest for more than a week now. The one with near-perfect oversight of, and easy access to, the roof that became Crooks’ final destination. I explore this and then move on to ABC’s ridiculously ham-handed attempt to shape the narrative about a vitally important piece of US history and completely reveal themselves to be unserious people doing unserious work. We now know from Senator Ron Johnson that there was a stupefyingly long 12-minute gap between the final shot and the first PA LEOs to access the roof Crooks was on. But ABC tried to present it as if brave police fought their way through a security tape ‘sealed’ chain link fence, then immediately scaled a ladder and secured the roof. Instead, there was a 12-minute gap during which time ~100 people could have come and gone out of the open window in the second building that offered a neat little hop down and across to the crime scene. 12 long minutes to spread brass around, manipulate the scene and do whatever one would like.
by Chris Martenson, PhD

90% of People Have Parasites (3:56)
In this clip from, “The Secret to Health,” I explain the body toxins from microbes and parasites. Every person that we tested for cancer, was overgrown with candida, yeast, fungus, and mycoplasmas. The definition of a parasite is any harmful organism that lives off a host organism (bacteria, virus, fungus, etc.) They take your nutrients and go to the bathroom in your system. They excrete compounds that keep your body acidic. A body free of disease will be alkaline and a body prone to sickness and disease will be acidic.
by Dr. Edward Group DC

US Targets One-Third Of All Countries On Earth With Some Sort Of Sanctions
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The United States is the all-round champion in the number of sanctions imposed on its adversaries and rivals, with one-third of all countries on Earth subject to some sort of restrictions, according to a new analysis by the Washington Post published on Thursday.
Starting in the 1990s, successive US administrations have made economic punitive measures and economic warfare the main instrument of their foreign policy, which all too often are ineffective and backfire, the analysis said. Decades-long sanctions on North Korea for instance have failed to dissuade Pyongyang from advancing its weapons programs and developing intercontinental ballistic missile capabilities, the analysis said. The US sanctions on Nicaragua and Cuba have proved completely ineffective in removing the respective administrations of Daniel Ortega and Fidel Castro (now Miguel Diaz-Canel). While the United States at present imposes three times more sanctions than any other country or international body, the overuse of such restrictive measures is increasingly recognized at the highest levels of the US government, the analysis said. The Biden administration has never been able to say “no” to the temptation of the power of sanctions and the apparent ease of their application, as Treasury Department staffers have had to shelve their drafts on the restructuring of the sanctions system and give way to new economically suffocating measures. The thousands of sanctions have made lobbyists and former US officials richer due to the billions of dollars paid by foreign countries and oligarchs to help them safely navigate the changing geopolitical and economic environment, the analysis added.
by Sputnik

The UN Will Sign The Pact Of The Future In 60 Days – Here’s Why It Matters
In September the United Nations’ 79th General Assembly will host the highly-anticipated “Summit of the Future” where nations will sign the “Pact of the Future”, representing a major step towards the creation of a world government.
As the United Nations prepares for the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, the general public seems dangerously unaware of the UN’s plans for the “Summit of the Future”. It is at the Summit where member states are expected to declare a “planetary emergency” as part of the so-called “Pact for the Future”. Although the UNGA is an annual meeting, this year’s gathering is unique because of the addition of the Summit of the Future, which will take place in New York City on the 22nd and 23rd of September. The summit has been in the making since at least 2022 after repeated calls by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to shift financial resources to rapidly complete the Agenda 2030 goals set by the UN in 2015. In September 2021, the Secretary-General released his report, Our Common Agenda, which called for accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the commitments contained in the UN75 Declaration. Our Common Agenda also called for a Summit of the Future to “forge a new global consensus on readying ourselves for a future that is rife with risks but also opportunities”. The Summit of the Future website says the outcome of the Pact for the Future will be “a world – and an international system – that is better prepared to manage the challenges we face now”. The Pact for the Future is likely to be another piece of the shift towards a world governed by unelected internationalist politicians.
by Derrick Broze

Freedom’s Extinction
In December 1776, just six months after the Declaration of Independence had been signed and a year and a half into the Revolutionary War, Thomas Paine sensed a desperation throughout the colonies. It prompted him to write a candid and now iconic essay entitled “The American Crisis,” which began with the famous line “These are the times that try men’s souls.” He made a similar argument as Ronald Reagan would 188 years later. The essence of that argument is that our personal liberties are fragile. Since government is essentially the negation of liberty, government is liberty’s greatest threat. So, we must exercise our freedoms with prudence and courage. We must also do so skeptical of what the government says and does. Paine and Reagan, and those who risked all to sign the Declaration and fight against England, recognized that our freedoms are natural to us. Freedom is the right to make personal choices — about religion, speech, association, self-defense, travel, privacy, money, property — without a government permission slip or anyone’s approval. A right is an indefeasible claim against the whole world that all humans possess. Our rights can only be extinguished or denied when we have been convicted by a jury of violating someone else’s rights. That is, at least, the theory of the Declaration, the theory upon which the colonies seceded from England, and the theory upon which the states created the American republic. Today, our rights can be extinguished or denied and our liberty and property can be taken by politicians and bureaucrats, without a jury trial.
by Andrew P. Napolitano

Texe Mars And Rick Miracle Video Library #867, 2013 Video, Madonna, Britney, Kabbalah, Jewish Utopia (13:15)
I have read many books, magazines, essays, media press releases, watched over 10,000 video.
Listen to these guys, Texe Marrs and Freeman. See the connection to the kabbalah, secret societies, the Jewish push for a global world order and also remember, Donald Trump had a kabbalah teacher and converted to Judaism.

Secret Service Gave Jill Biden 4 Times As Many Agents As Trump For ‘Post-Standing’: Report
Investigations by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) have reportedly exposed the U.S. Secret Service for providing 12 “post-standing” agents for First Lady Jill Biden while only providing three “post-standing” agents for former President Donald Trump, as well as multiple other security failures. Susan Crabtree, a Real Clear Politics correspondent, reported that the investigations coordinated by Grassley and Johnson have revealed that the Secret Service did not have communication coordinated with local law enforcement officers and that only three “post standing” Secret Service agents were present at Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where the former president was shot in the ear by would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks. In a report on Grassley’s letter to Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, who announced her resignation on Tuesday, Crabtree noted that the Secret Service’s middle perimeter is known as “post standing.” “My office has received legally protected whistleblower disclosures that include records of communications between and among Secret Service personnel,” Grassley wrote in his letter to Cheatle over the weekend. “The records include communications from July 11, 2024, that show First Lady Jill Biden received 12 Secret Service personnel for ‘post standing’ for her event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024.”
by Timothy Frudd

Reports Of Autopsies In VAERS And Associated Adverse Events Linked To Cause Of Death
Jessica Rose, PhD, MSc, BSc; Independent Researcher and Data Analyst; ORCID: 0000-0002-9091-4425
This is the manuscript I have been working on for a while now, and I finally got my ass in gear to present a draft to you lovely people here. Please feel free to comment prior to my posting to a preprint server! Comments more than welcome. It gets very depressing toward the end and my discussion is not complete.
Background: Since the roll-out of the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2, Moderna mRNA-1273, Janssen Ad26.COV2.S and Novavax COVID-19 injections in the United States, millions of individuals have reported adverse events (AEs) using the Vaccine Adverse Events Reports System (VAERS). Objectives: To examine reports of death in VAERS associated with autopsy reports in the context of the COVID-19 injectable products and Influenza vaccines for equivalent timeframes. Methods: VAERS data was used to examine the frequency of reporting of general AES, and specific AEs linked to autopsy reports since the beginning of the COVID-19 mass injection campaign – up to and including July 2024. COVID-19 injectable product AE data collected from 2021-2023, were compared to Influenza vaccine AE data collected from 2018-2020, thus matching timeframes of administration and VAERS reporting of AEs associated with each product. The total number of shots administered per product type was also calculated and used to calculate rates of AEs per million doses. Autopsy reports made in association with the COVID-19 injectable products were also further examined in the context of fetal and child deaths. In addition geographic locations were mapped according to ratios of autopsies to deaths per state in order to visualize which states ordered the most autopsies.
by Jessica Rose

US Police No Longer Trust FBI – Report
The agency has become openly partisan and serves political ends, whistleblowers have said
Many US state and local law enforcement agencies are refusing to share vital information with the Federal Bureau of Investigation due to concerns that it has become partisan and politicized, according to a whistleblower report submitted to Congress. The 230-page report was compiled by an alliance of retired and active-duty agents and analysts, who spoke to more than 30 “independent, highly credible” sources across the US. “They are not only reluctant to work with the FBI but reportedly have decided to no longer share actionable, substantive information on criminal and other intelligence-related activity” with the Bureau, because they believe it “has been operating as a partisan federal agency motivated by a political agenda” in recent years, the report’s authors said. The report’s existence was first reported on Wednesday in the New York Post. The document itself was sent to the House Judiciary and House Oversight committees and posted online. The group described a “crisis of confidence” in FBI-led task forces and a “disturbing loss of trust” in the Bureau as a whole, even as Director Christopher Wray testified to Congress about a “complex threat environment” that is unprecedented in his career. Most sources pointed to the FBI’s response to the January 6, 2021 riot at the US Capitol and the August 2022 raid on former President Donald Trump’s Florida residence, Mar-a-Lago.
by RT

July 25, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

“The Evils Of Paper Money Have No End” The Founders Warned Us Why (33:34)
by Tenth Amendment Center
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Tenth Amendment Center

“The Evils Of Paper Money Have No End” The Founders Warned Us Why (Show Links and Video 33:06)
The Founding Fathers were deeply worried about the dangers of paper money,

because they lived them first hand. On this episode, learn 4 key ways the founders
warned us about the dangers of paper money – dangers we’re still living through today!
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center

EarthNewspaper.com Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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The Day Out Of Time
July 25, the day out of time: The Mayan ‘day out of time’ is the last day of the galactic year in the Mayan calendar. (13 moons of 28 days = 364 days) the extra day, the 365th day, is July 25, called the day out of time. This day is observed as a day free of time. This ‘free day’ realigns the 13 Moon calendar and solar year.

Quote Of The Day
“Don’t be in a hurry to condemn because he doesn’t do what you do or think as you think or as fast.
There was a time when you didn’t know what you know today.”
Malcolm X

Website Of The Day
In Gaza And Beyond With Eva Karene
I am an independent journalist with extensive experience in Syria (15 trips between 2014 and 2021,

some months-long) and also in occupied Palestine (I spent 8 months in the West Bank and a cumulative three years in the Gaza Strip, from late 2008 to June 2010, and back in 2011 off and on to March 2013).
I’ve also reported extensively from the Donbass (9 visits, from 2019 on) and from Venezuela.

Over 33,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,600 archived.

Freedom And Liberty Archive With 3,923 Posts

The Uncounted Hundreds Of Thousands Of Palestinians In Gaza Being Killed By Israel
Earlier this month, the Lancet published an article estimating that the total number of Palestinian civilian deaths caused directly and indirectly by Israeli attacks since October 2023 could be nearly five times higher than the official death toll, and could reach “up to 186?000 or even more.” It noted that “this would translate to 7.9% of the total population in the Gaza Strip.” According to the piece, the latest available count of Palestinians killed – 37,396 – is far too low, based on the fact that it is still unknown how many more lie under the rubble, how many are missing but not accounted for among the dead, and how many will perish due to starvation, dehydration, or diseases. “Even if the conflict ends immediately, there will continue to be many indirect deaths in the coming months and years from causes such as reproductive, communicable, and non-communicable diseases,” it noted. However, even this Lancet estimate of nearly 200,000 dead might be only half the actual number of Palestinians killed, according to some counts. Killings and deliberate deaths in Gaza: are the real, direct and indirect human costs of the Israeli terror attacks and siege 190.000? 500.000? Dr Mads pic.twitter.com/8tEeON2r3g — Dr. Mads Gilbert (@DrMadsGilbert) July 8, 2024. Norwegian Dr. Mads Gilbert, who has worked extensively from Gaza over the years – notably during times when Israel was waging wars on the Palestinian enclave – recently outlined the manifold preventable conditions which contribute to such “indirect” deaths, estimating the number dead or soon to die could be over 500,000.
by Eva Karene Bartlett

Major Banks Warn Of Disaster (3:32)
by Peter St Onge, Ph.D.

AIPAC, The Leading Israeli Lobby Group, And Its Role In Subversion Of US Democracy
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is the most famous and equally notorious Israeli lobby group in the world. But how important is it really?
Some argue that its influence has been exaggerated and it can at best influence American policies at the margins, while others say it wields considerable clout in US power corridors. Many of these arguments come from the political left like the one published in Mother Jones, the US leftist magazine, or the one from the former stalwart of the Palestinian cause, Christopher Hitchens, or even the one by Novara Media, a British “leftist” website. In it, David Wearing presents his argument in these words: AIPAC may best be seen as performing a disciplinary function within US politics. One can certainly argue that US support for Israel is made somewhat firmer given AIPAC’s role, and these marginal factors matter. But they are still marginal. Certainly, the Zionist movement is keen to downplay its influence. A report in the Tablet: “How Influential Is AIPAC? Less Than Beer Sellers, Public Accountants, and Toyota” states: The way AIPAC is talked about, you’d think they’d be a lobbying juggernaut, surely one of the largest in the nation’s capital. Wrong…: Between 1998 and 2018, AIPAC didn’t make a dent in the Center for Responsive Politics list of the top-spending lobbying groups. In 2018, total pro-Israel lobbying spending was around $5 million, of which AIPAC accounted for $3.5 million. In contrast, Native American casinos spent around $22 million that year. By Tablet’s count, AIPAC was the 147th highest-ranked entity in terms of lobbying spending in 2018. This is an attempt to pretend that the influence of the Zionist movement is much less than suggested by observers.
by David Miller

America’s Palace Coup
On Sunday, July 21 at around 1:30pm Eastern time someone with access to President Joe Biden’s social media accounts posted that he was dropping out of the presidential election. The announcement was not on any form of official stationary and the signature was obviously different than usual when compared by the untrained eye. Just the night before, Joe Biden’s social media accounts had insisted he was staying in the game, though he was “in isolation” due to allegedly testing positive for COVID (something which people still inexplicably do). It didn’t take any great insight to see that America’s stuffed corpse had finally been given the shepherd’s crook. Around a half hour later, the Biden accounts posted that he would be endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris—the only person in American public life less coherent than Joe Biden—for president. While we have been joking about necromancers and Weekend at Bernie’s and the “They” Biden refers to as being in charge for years, in some ways it feels like it became true all at once. For all of this, at least thus far, we are meant to believe that Biden will be continuing through the end of his term as president; but there is no mistaking it, there has been a palace coup at the White House. For all of this, perhaps the most incredible thing is that our usually panic-addicted media wants to act like this is normal. Biden’s legacy will be as a self-less patriot who, of his own free will, stepped down for the good of the country. He would be our own Cincinnatus, if the people in media knew that reference. There is nothing to see. Move on. The president is fine. Do not look behind the curtain. Kamala Harris has always been the Democratic nominee. She is the will of the voters. This is the glorious new age of Democracy™. It is morning in America.
by Brad Pearce

The Official “Lone Gunman” Story Is A Sloppy Lie (Audio 22:46)
by Health Ranger Report

They Want To Use Euthanasia To Murder The Disabled, The Sick, The Old And The Unhappy – Are You Going To Let Them?
It’s difficult to open a newspaper or news website these days without finding an article promoting the joys of death. Euthanasia (aka `doctor assisted suicide’) is as fashionable today as prettily patterned face masks were a few years ago. There is a huge campaign in the UK to force Parliament to have a vote on changing the law to make euthanasia legal. And similar campaigns exist everywhere in the world where euthanasia isn’t allowed. The myths are promoted with enthusiasm by celebrities, journalists and politicians. Killing yourself is, they claim, the only responsible thing to do if you have a disease which is affecting your mental or physical health. Killing yourself will spare you pain, spare your relatives pain, free up health services and help save the planet. But the other side of the argument is never aired. And the truth is very different. Euthanasia is an essential part of the Great Reset (and the task of reducing the size of the global population so beloved by the conspirators). And it’s all about saving money and helping take us into Net Zero. As Dr Jack King shows in his important book `They Want To Kill Us – Here’s How and Why’ euthanasia isn’t efficient and pain free. Things frequently go wrong – leaving patients and relatives deeply distressed. Euthanasia is, however, a cheap way to avoid spending money on palliative care. Hospices are already suffering funding shortages as they work hard to force us into accepting `doctor assisted suicide’ as the only option. In countries where euthanasia is legal (and because it is part of the plan to take us into the Great Reset, euthanasia is, of course, a global phenomenon) death doctors and their assistants are `helping’ people kill themselves because they are poor, disabled, elderly or merely unhappy and dissatisfied with their lives. Even children are allowed to kill themselves if they are feeling unhappy. Please read that again. Euthanasia is being used as a legal excuse to kill the poor, the disabled and the unhappy. The evidence in Dr King’s book will startle and horrify you.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman

A Case Study, Well Documented, Of How Hospital Staff Murdered A 19 Year Old Patient Who Was Doing Well, In Cold Blood
I did not believe this story when I first heard about it from my friend Vera Sharav. But I have examined the evidence and it is true.
This one post is not enough to tell the whole story. Grace Schara was a 19 year old girl, full of life, with Down’s syndrome. She drove a car and a tractor, played the violin, told lots of jokes and was altogether delightful. She got COVID, her O2 level dropped, and she wound up in the hospital, like so many others. Everyone knows by now that hospitals collected huge $ bonuses for each patient who went to the ICU, was placed on a ventilator (still more $) and died with COVID (even more $). Grace drew a bad hand. She was cared for by doctors and nurses in whom a switch had been flipped. We don’t know know what was going on in their heads. But we do know they were willing to (or perhaps got pleasure from their ability to) break the law and all ethical norms to murder this patient. A physician placed a DNR on her chart, against her family’s and the patient’ wishes. A doctor told the family she was markedly improved and close to discharge. Then she was given huge doses of morphine and lorazepam in what is charitably called euthanasia. A doctor gave the order. A nurse administered the drugs. A pharmacist presumably dispensed death-sized doses of the drugs for a 19 year old. I met up with Scott in Denver last month, and again at the Maine Health Choice retreat this weekend. Here is a part of his and Grace’s story. This premeditated murder case could be the one that blows up COVID hospital murders for good. More details are on the Amazing Grace substack.
by Meryl Nass

What’s Behind Israel’s War Against UNRWA?
Targeting a school during a war could be justified as, or at least argued, to have been a mistake. But striking over 120 schools, and killing and wounding thousands of civilians sheltering inside, can only be intentional, with each attack a horrific war crime in its own right. Between 7 October last year and 18 July, Israel has done precisely that, targeting with total impunity UN infrastructure in the besieged Gaza Strip, including schools and medical centres. According to the estimates of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), at least 561 internally displaced Palestinians sheltering in UNRWA buildings have been killed and 1,768 have been wounded since the start of Israel’s war. Within just ten days between 8 and 18 July, at least six UNRWA schools serving as makeshift shelters for displaced Palestinians were targeted by the Israeli army, resulting in the killing and wounding of hundreds. Historically, UN-linked organisations have been more or less immune from the impact of wars. The privilege of being neutral outsiders to any conflict allowed those affiliated with such organisations to carry out their duties largely unhindered. The Israeli war on the Palestinians in Gaza, however, is the primary exception among all modern conflicts. According to UN sources, 274 aid workers and over 500 healthcare workers linked to the international organisation have been killed by the Israeli occupation forces. These figures are consistent with all other statistics produced by the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza. Indeed, not a single category of people has been spared: neither doctors nor civil defence workers, mayors or even traffic police, let alone the children, women and elderly.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud

CrossTalk With Peter Lavelle | ‘Whose America First?’ (24:58)
Clearly the Republican Party has rallied around its nominee, former President Donald Trump. But that does not mean there is unity within the party when it comes to policy, particularly foreign policy. Trump was rolled once. Will it happen again?
CrossTalking with Daniel McAdams, Larry Johnson, and Tom Luongo.

The Stunning Audacity Of Yemen’s Drone Strike On Tel Aviv
Yemen’s unprecedented drone strike on Israel’s economic powerhouse has further shattered the occupation state’s perceived invulnerability. Moreover, it announced the launch of Ansarallah’s fifth phase of war: ‘Target Tel Aviv.’
On 19 July, a low-altitude drone breached Tel Aviv’s airspace from the sea and detonated, causing one fatality and injuring ten others. The incident sent shockwaves through the occupation state, with a panicked populace and bewildered policymakers grappling with the Israeli army’s “mega-failure” to intercept a single drone amid prolonged aggression against Gaza and the mounting tensions with Hezbollah in Lebanon. The attack’s impact was magnified by its direct hit on Tel Aviv, the heart of Israel’s governmental and economic power, starkly exposing inadequacies in its defense strategies and further alarming a population that has for months been questioning the effectiveness of its military preparedness. It wasn’t long before the de facto Yemeni authorities in Sanaa claimed responsibility for the attack, calling the strike a retaliation for Israeli massacres and threatening more to come. But how did a Yemeni drone reach the heart of Israel’s most fortified region and strike a blow to Israeli military pride? Suicide drones, as they are known, are a relatively modern weapon, posing significant challenges even for technologically advanced states like the US and Israel. These drones vary in range, warhead size, speed, and guidance methods. Analysis of the wreckage revealed that the “Yaffa” drone, an enhanced version of Yemen’s Sammad drones, was employed in the operation. The name is deeply symbolic as it references the ancient port city of Jaffa, also known as Yaffa in Arabic, which now forms part of modern-day Tel Aviv.
The Cradle’s Military Correspondent

Why Ukraine Plans To Station F-16 Jets At Starokonstantinov Airfield And How Could Russia Respond?
Russia has consistently warned against the West’s continued arms deliveries to Ukraine, saying that they only prolong the conflict. New supplies of weapons, including the F-16s, cannot fundamentally change the situation on the ground, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov previously said.
A military airfield near the western Ukrainian city of Starokonstantinov apparently has the relevant infrastructure to house the West’s F-16 fighter jets Ukraine is due to receive, Viktor Litovkin, a retired Russian Army colonel and military analyst, told Sputnik when commenting on reports about the possibility of these warplanes being stationed there. “It seems the Soviet-era Starokonstantinov facility has been well-prepared for receiving the F-16s, which typically need an advanced airfield, fitted with not just a runway, but a commander’s tower, radar stations as well as small plants for the production of high-pressure air and purification of aviation kerosene as well,” Litovkin said. Additionally, there should be hangars or warehouses for storing ammunition, air-to-air missiles and air-to-surface missiles, plus concrete hangars for warplanes so that they are not destroyed on the ground in case of an enemy attack, according to the Russian analyst. All this infrastructure may currently be in place at the Starokonstantinov airfield, the expert suggested.
by Oleg Burunov

Human Rights Watch Report On October 7 Accused Of Bias, Here’s Why
The methodology of the report is perhaps the most telling part, from which we can decipher how HRW reached its conclusions. Many of these conclusions do not hold up to scrutiny or, at the very least, demand further answers.
On July 17th, Human Rights Watch (HRW) published a 236-page report that accused Hamas and other Palestinian Resistance groups of committing war crimes on October 7th. However, the report has significant shortcomings, including a heavy reliance on Israeli sources and forensic evidence based on analogies of information provided by the infamous ZAKA rescue service, known for fabricating crime scenes and disseminating various propaganda hoaxes. Despite its length and the new details it brings to light on the events of October 7 during the Hamas-led Al-Aqsa Flood offensive, the new HRW report is perhaps the most biased international investigation so far, and does not make mention of the ‘Hannibal Directive’ and “Israel’s” role in killing its own non-combatants on that day. Given the report’s extensive nature, with over 800 footnotes, it’s impossible to cover every aspect in a single article. However, it’s important to examine some areas where it falls short. To begin with, Sari Bashi, the Israeli Program Director for the report and co-founder of the “Gisha- Legal Center for Freedom of Movement,” which is funded by Zionist sources such as the “New Israel Fund”, stated the following on X: “This is the most comprehensive account of October 7 by an independent international organization and concludes that Hamas-led attacks against civilians in Israel rise to the level of crimes against humanity. We need accountability and civilian protection. Now.”
by Robert Inlakesh

Secret Service To Trump: ‘Wanna Be Safe? Stop Holding Rallies!’ (29:41)
The US Secret Service has presented a novel solution to former President Trump after the recent assassination attempt: stop holding large outdoor rallies. Does limiting Trump’s ability to reach potential voters seem like a good solution? Or maybe should the Secret Service do its job better? Also today: Is the Secret Service Cheatle era the high-water mark for DEI? Finally…Bibi is in town!!!
by The Ron Paul Liberty Report

There Hasn’t Been One Long-Term Placebo-Controlled Childhood Vaccinations Study
None of the vaccine doses the CDC recommends for routine injection into children
were licensed by the FDA based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial.

Why Ireland Matters (To The Tyrants)
The continuing assault on Western civilisation has exhibited a particular venom towards my country, Ireland, which the wanna-be owners of reality seem to perceive as uniquely resistant to subjugation.
I’ve recently had a series of Damascene moments concerning certain aspects of what confronts us. One relates to the meaning of the past 52 months, which I had felt primarily as a period of waiting — for clarity, perhaps, for a return to normality, for the next blow to fall. I now feel that it has been more like a period of induction to/preparation for what is being called the ‘new normal’. We are being trained for serfdom and subjected to regular checks as to our ‘progress’. The second, related matter, concerns the role of my own country, Ireland, in what(ever) has been happening. It is clear that we have been subjected to a process of preparation which in general is dramatically more radical than what has occurred in most other places. What I have documented in these pages over the past nearly four years may therefore be more significant than I appreciated for much of that time. In a sense, this is more a matter of growing clarity than of insight, since I have expressed various suspicions and intuitions over that period about what was happening to my country, and the probability that it had been picked out for special treatment. I have also touched on the specifics of this, albeit fleetingly, or as a by-the-by, without attributing to them any particular malice. i.e. over and above that endured by other people in other places. I now believe that I may have misread this situation somewhat — that the events in my country may well be central and crucial to the creation of the planned global tyranny, and that is what I would like to elaborate upon in this article.
by John Waters

The Trump Assassination Attempt And What Comes Next
International Man: On July 13, there was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump. What’s your take on what really happened?
Doug Casey: The official narrative is still crystallizing, as all the government employees and bureaucrats who were supposedly responsible for Trump’s safety scurry about to ensure their careers aren’t adversely affected. Now that Kim Cheatle, the security hen in charge of the Secret Service, has resigned to collect her fat pension as a public mea culpa, the Secret Service and FBI will conduct internal investigations. A few people may be reprimanded and placed on administrative paid leave for a couple of weeks. A question will be asked as to whether it was a lone nut or part of a broader conspiracy. The odds are 99 out of 100 they’ll conclude the former, whether or not it’s true. They definitely won’t dare find there was any conspiracy within the Secret Service to take Trump out… The only thing that I’m really sure of is that the Secret Service was ultra-incompetent in scores of separate and egregious ways. The Biden administration’s DEI policies fatally compromised SS effectiveness, starting with a diversity hire as director and using two short fat chicks as frontline security for Trump. If you have bodyguards, especially for a big, tall man like Trump, you want big, tall, muscular guys.
by Doug Casey

A Wedding Gown For Her Fourth Wedding… (2:03)
by Ronald Reagan


What Might Donald Trump’s Cabinet Look Like In A Second Term? Would He Drain The Swamp – Or Fill It Back Up? (Text and Video)
With the Republican Party nomination of Donald Trump as the next President of the United States complete, and his selection of J.D. Vance for Vice President, the media is now talking about what a possible Trump Cabinet would look like at the beginning of his second term. Multiple sources have reported that Trump is considering Jamie Dimon, the Chairman and CEO of the largest, most complex and scandal-ridden bank in the United States, JPMorgan Chase Bank, as the Secretary of the Treasury. In a recent article in the NY Post, however, reporter Charles Gasparino writes that the Secretary of the Treasury job is more likely to go to Larry Fink, the head of BlackRock and believed by some to be the most powerful person in the world. But there’s room for both of them in a Trump Cabinet. Fink could easily become the Secretary of State, a job that Trump first gave to Chairman of the Board and CEO of ExxonMobil, Rex Tillerson, in his first term. Anyway, the featured image I created for this article fills in a few names for various Cabinet positions that Trump could likely nominate for various posts. In a recent show, Jimmy Dore asked journalist Whitney Webb if she thought Trump would really drain the swamp this time, if elected. Watch her response. Whitney Webb has also just published a complete report on the background of J.D. Vance, Trump’s choice for Vice President: “The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think”
by Brian Shilhavy

Greenpeace Co-Founder Arrested
Environmental campaigner Paul Watson has been detained in Greenland and is now facing extradition to Japan
Anti-whaling campaigner and Greenpeace co-founder Paul Watson was arrested on Sunday on an international warrant issued by Japan. The activist has been sought by Tokyo for over a decade over violent altercations with local whalers. The 73-year-old veteran environmental activist was taken into custody when his ship was raided by police after docking in Greenland for resupply. Watson has already appeared before a district court that will now decide on his possible extradition to Japan, local police said in a statement. The Captain Paul Watson Foundation has condemned the potential extradition as a “politically motivated request,” urging the Danish government to release the activist immediately. The Foundation revealed Watson was in the middle of a campaign to intercept the Kangei Maru, a large, newly-built Japanese whaling ship. The arrest of the activist likely stemmed from an international Red Notice issued against him by Japan back in 2012 on charges of causing damage and injury in two incidents with a Japanese whaling vessel back in 2010. While the Red Notice had been ultimately dropped, Tokyo apparently quietly reinstated it, the Foundation suggested. “This development comes as a surprise since the Foundation’s lawyers had reported that the Red Notice had been withdrawn. However, it appears that Japan made the notice confidential to facilitate Paul’s travel for the purpose of making an arrest,” the Foundation explained.
Tribal leader calls for recognizing whales as people READ MORE: Tribal leader calls for recognizing whales as people The group also alleged that the arrest of Watson was set up specifically to coincide with the launch of the Kangei Maru. The new, $47-million whaling vessel was commissioned earlier this year and is currently out in the North Pacific.
by RT

Palestinian Factions Sign Unity Deal In Beijing
Palestinian factions have signed a “national unity” agreement aimed at maintaining Palestinian control over Gaza once Israel’s war on the enclave concludes. The deal, finalized on Tuesday in China after three days of intensive talks, lays the groundwork for an “interim national reconciliation government” to rule post-war Gaza, said Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. The agreement was signed by long-term rivals Hamas and Fatah, as well as 12 other Palestinian groups. “Today we sign an agreement for national unity and we say that the path to completing this journey is national unity,” said senior Hamas official Moussa Abu Marzouk at a news conference in Beijing. Mustafa Barghouti, secretary-general of the Palestinian National Initiative, one of the 14 factions to sign the accord, told Al Jazeera the agreement goes “much further” than any other reached in recent years. He said its four main elements are the establishment of an interim national unity government, the formation of unified Palestinian leadership ahead of future elections, the free election of a new Palestinian National Council, and a general declaration of unity in the face of ongoing Israeli attacks. The move towards a unity government is especially important, he said, because it “blocks Israeli efforts to create some sort of collaborative structure against Palestinian interests”. Reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah would be a key turning point in internal Palestinian relations.
by Al Manar

Ignore The (S)Election – Its Time To Exit And Build! (Audio 34:43)
In this clip from TCR Live #134, Derrick Broze breaks down his concept of Exit and Build, and why it’s one of the only real, practical solutions for a free humanity. Focusing on practical applicable solutions is especially important as we are in the midst of the 2024 U.S. Presidential (S)election.
by Derrick Broze

“Greg” The Counter-Sniper Apparently Left Post Directly Behind Crooks (Text and Video)
Body-cam footage of roof shows Abbott and Costello (“Who’s on first?”) style confusion. So-called investigation is an absurd charade.
Body-cam footage has been released that shows what appears to be a federal investigator interviewing local law enforcement officers on the rooftop of the building where Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at former president Trump and was then himself shot. The video timestamp indicate the body-cam footage was shot at 19:08—almost an hour after Crooks fired the shots and was himself shot. Some of the law officers being interviewed are wearing paramilitary gear and camouflage fatigues. One is wearing a black uniform labelled with words POLICE and SWAT. An officer being interviewed positively identifies the dead man on the roof as the same man who was photographed by a Beaver County Emergency Services officer before the shooting took place. This officer is said to have photographed Thomas Matthew Crooks and shared the photograph with other security personnel at the event. The law officer being interviewed then directs the investigator to the building immediately behind the rooftop.
by John Leake

France Facing A 270,000 Surplus Of Unwanted Olympic Tickets
Over 270,000 tickets were reportedly unsold ahead of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. The number of one-finger unwanted Paris Olympics tickets available for resale has hit more than a quarter of a million amid a lack of demand just days before Friday’s opening ceremony. The analysis of the official resale site showed that the number of listings jumped to 270,465 on Monday, up from about 180,000 a month ago. According to the report, the most expensive offers on the resale site are for the opening ceremony, with the best seats priced at €2,970 ($3,222). Poor secondary (speculators) market demand for expensive seats has raised concerns that many athletes will compete against a backdrop of empty seats. Sports fans planning to attend the summer games were reportedly obliged to buy blocks of tickets for three separate events during the first wave of sales. Organizers said any unwanted tickets could then be resold through the official channel. However, a lack of demand has left many holding tickets they cannot sell, while organizers have continued to release more tickets. Unwanted seats must be resold at face value.
by Michael Walsh

Electric Scooter And Bike Accidents Are Soaring Across The US, Researchers Report
In the crowded urban landscape, where small electric vehicles—primarily scooters and bicycles—have transformed short distance travel, UC San Francisco researchers are reporting a major national surge in accidents tied to “micromobility.” The researchers analyzed injuries and hospitalizations from electric bicycles, electric scooters, conventional bicycles and conventional scooters. The study, which appears July 23 in JAMA Network Open, is believed to be the first investigation into recent injury patterns in the U.S. Micromobility, the use of small vehicles for one or two passengers, has surged 50-fold over the last decade, especially in dense areas with the introduction of electric-powered motors and ride-sharing platforms. The low-cost, low-emission scooters and bicycles can travel up to 28 miles an hour, are convenient, affordable, reduce congestion and allow riders to cover more distance with less effort. But increasingly, vehicles are proving to be dangerous, especially in the hands of novices.
by University of California, San Francisco

July 24, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

How Not To Become A Human Antenna (56:06)
by Dana Ashlie
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Dana Ashlie

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Quote Of The Day
“If Trump becomes President again in 2024,
it will be the final death blow to the Global Order.”
Yuval Noah Harari

Trump Assassination Attempt
Over 100 posts have already been published.
This page is regularly updated with pertinent articles, news, photographs, quotes and videos.
by Mark R. Elsis

Featured Music
Natalie Merchant (33 Posts)
Playlist by Mark R. Elsis

Website Of The Day
Unlimited Hangout
Uncensored and independent investigative journalism by Whitney Webb and contributors.

Over 33,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,600 archived.

Kalergi Plan Archive With 14 Posts

Double Chubby Checker (Text, Audios and Videos)
A new twist that debunks the official “lone gunman” story, again.
Unless Crooks brought two rifles with him and managed to switch guns in those two seconds between shots three and four(HA!), new audio reveals that two people shot into the MAGA crowd on the evening of July 13. It’s 98% definitive. In my weekend post, I did nearly three hours of audio analysis using what was probably the microphone at the podium where President Trump stood. It still revealed three different firearms being shot that day (maybe four with the last shot heard ten seconds after all the rest), however, I wasn’t able to accurately attribute the correct rounds via audio signature to the different rifles. The audio signatures from the podium microphone included shots and echoes which looked like this… Given those signatures, I concluded the first five shots came from one rifle in a single location. New audio suggests that the first three shots differ greatly from shots 4-8. This indicates that we need a second shooter stationed at or near the same line of sight as Crooks to carry out shots 4-8 to account for bullet trajectories and the distance between shots and echoes that match so closely (4-5) to the first three rounds. This still doesn’t prove Crooks fired any shots. Until video proof emerges of him firing his AR weapon, most skeptics will not be satisfied that he did any shooting that day (nevermind those who think it was all a staged hoax with crisis actors and fake blood), but let’s forget about wild imaginations for now and stick with the simple task of debunking the official narrative using the new audio evidence. What explains the audio discrepancy between the Right Side Broadcasting wide-angle camera (probably connected to Trump’s microphone) and this audio? Location, location, location.
by Good Citizen

A Unique Perspective (Audio 3:10)
The ultimate goal of the assassination of Trump
by Brian Wilson

Kamala, Trump And The US Secret Service In The Alchemical Crucible
Decoding Occult Psychological Warfare
It appears that Kamala’s coronation as the candidate of the Democrats may be inevitable given that identity politics is an incontestable article of faith with the Democrats and the selection is being made by the same shadowy forces who arranged the June debate that fatally wounded Biden’s candidacy. If she were to win and her party was to obtain a majority in both houses of Congress it would be like October 1917 in Moscow all over again. If that occurs: There will be a reign of terror against those working for human rights for unborn human beings. Americans will witness the destruction of the fossil fuel industry which underwrites our standard of living. Our southern border will resemble the front door of a frat house on New Year’s Eve. Race, ethnic solidarity, sexual identity and gender politics will continue to eclipse excellence in one’s field of endeavor as the basis for advancement. These low standards will be accelerated in the process of selection for admission to critical fields such as medical schools, airline pilot employment and military leadership. A Kamala presidency will be Joe Biden on steroids, with contempt for genuine equality before the law. The ideal of one meritocratic American nation, united by a respect for true Christian ethics, the English language, a realizable path to middle class prosperity and secured by individual Constitutional rights, will melt faster than an ice cream cone in Dante’s inferno.
by Michael Hoffman

MAGA Goes Full WWE, Biden Withdraws
The script gets more confusing
Trump is already floating out potential names for Treasury Secretary. One of them is Jamie Dimon. You can’t get much more swampy than Dimon. His name appeared as much as any other corrupt One Percenter in my Survival of the Richest. His strongest competition is said to be BlackRock CEO Larry Fink. So it will be Trumpenstein Part II. He is not going to deviate from the script he’s been assigned. If he has another administration, it will be stocked with RINOs and Bush-types. Maybe for WWE style laughs, he’ll name Amber Rose Secretary of Ass. Just as before, you won’t see any real outsiders. Not even any half-hearted outsiders. Just establishment toadies and Never Trumpers. J.D. Vance was a Never Trumper not that long ago, by the way. That must have been what made him so attractive to Trumpenstein. The more I look into the events of July 13, 2024, the more suspicious I become. Boy, I guess I’m just naturally suspicious. We are being told so many different things, but all of them, while often contradicting each other, totally discredit the official story. Thomas Matthew Crooks, he of such shooting capability that he failed to make his high school rifle team, is said to have brought his own ladder to the event. Well, who doesn’t? It’s kind of like the old BYOB thing back in America 1.0. So, he was walking around with a tall rung ladder? And a rifle? What did he have to do to get the Secret Service’s attention- have an “I am Trump’s Assassin” shirt on? And now we’re told that he had his own drone there as well.
by Donald Jeffries

We’ve Been Brainwashed! (1:06:45)
Russell Brand Interviews Candace Owens

Oversight Project Assassination Info Drop
We found the assassin’s connections through our in-depth analysis of mobile ad data to track movements of Crooks and his associates. To do this, we tracked devices that regularly visited both Crooks’s home and place of work and followed them. Someone who regularly visited Crooks home and work also visited a building in Washington, DC located in Gallery Place. This is in the same vicinity of an @FBI office on June 26, 2023. Who’s device is this? Another device linked to Crooks visited Plymouth, MA. We found a device linked to Crooks’s work that traveled to Butler, PA on July 4th and July 8th. This device stopped all activity on July 12th. On August 30, 2023, one device linked Crooks visited Allegheny Arms. Here’s all the relevant locations within Bethel Park, PA that are linked to both Crooks’s home and place of work. For those that are tracking this type of data, we identified devices that were located at Crook’s home and his work within the past year. There were at least 9 devices linked to these AD-IDsWe are willing to cooperate with legitimate investigations and share further information. For the protection of whistleblowers and our investigation, we will not be sharing further information with the congressional task force due to the connective tissue between that entity and FBI, USSS, and other entities. If you have any further information, leads, or tips, please e-mail us directly at tips. oversightproject@heritage.org
by Oversight Project

The World Court Has Just Cleared The Fog Hiding Western Support For Israel’s Crimes
The legal ruling by the world’s highest court obliges western states not just to end their persecution of the boycott movement but to take up that cause as their own
Don’t be fooled. The ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on 19 July that Israel’s occupation of Palestine is unlawful is earth-shattering. Israel is a rogue state, according to the world’s highest court. For that reason, the judgment will be studiously ignored by the cabal of western states and their medias that for decades have so successfully run cover for Israel. Doubters need only watch the reception Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu receives during his visit to the United States this week. Even though he is currently being pursued for war crimes by the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, the US Congress will give him a hero’s welcome when he addresses its representatives on Wednesday. The warm handshakes and standing ovations will be a reminder that Netanyahu has had the full backing of western powers throughout the nine-month slaughter of at least 16,000 Palestinian children in Gaza – with another 21,000 missing, most of them under rubble.
by Jonathan Cook

World War 3: The Catalyst For A New World Order
“The only winning move is not to play.” That’s a famous line from WarGames, a movie about a young computer whiz named David who hacks into a US military supercomputer designed to simulate nuclear war scenarios. David initially believes he’s playing a computer game, but his actions inadvertently prompt the supercomputer to prepare for a real nuclear war. As the situation escalates, with the world on the brink of a nuclear apocalypse, it becomes clear that there is no strategic advantage in nuclear war; any exchange of nuclear weapons would lead to mutual destruction, known as Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). MAD is not just something out of Hollywood; it’s a real concept that is relevant today. Consider this. Several credible studies and simulations have shown that a nuclear war between Russia and the US could kill more than 90 million people in the first couple of hours of conflict. Over 5 billion people could starve to death in the following months. Historically, the incomprehensible destruction nuclear war would bring to all sides has prevented direct military conflict between the world’s largest powers since World War 2. MAD is why World War 3 will probably not be like the previous world wars. Total war between the world’s largest powers that reshuffled the international order defined the previous world wars. However, with the advent of nuclear weapons, total war between the largest powers today—Russia, China, and the US—means a nuclear Armageddon where there are no winners and only losers. That could still happen despite nobody wanting it, but it’s not the most likely outcome. World War 3 is unlikely to be a direct kinetic war between the US, Russia, and China. Instead, the conflict will play out on different levels—proxy wars, economic wars, financial wars, cyber wars, biological wars, deniable sabotage, and information wars. In that sense, World War 3 is already well underway, even though most don’t recognize it. Here’s the bottom line.
by Nick Giambruno

Where Is Joe Biden? (5:06)
by Greg Reese

Photos Of Thomas Crooks At Butler Rally Prove Snipers Were 40 Feet From Him As Shots Rang Out
The information coming out from the Butler PA Trump Rally Shooting provided by authorities does not make sense. The federal narrative has been unwinding and falling apart the past week since the attempted assassination of President Trump. Very limited information has emerged, usually in the form of selective leaks by the FBI to compliant media outlets. Part of the story that has not made sense is how Thomas Matthew Crooks, aged 20, with no specialized training, was able to identify a very unique security flaw in the rally arrangements, find the one building that would give him a clear line of sight to kill President Trump, evade any engagement by law enforcement, and then end up on top of a building where a counter-sniper team was operating inside, all at the exact right times in order to try and kill President Trump. The lack of clarity about where the counter-sniper team was in the building has contributed to the confusion. Part of the story has been that unnamed police took a photograph of Crooks prior to the shooting. The Gateway Pundit can exclusively reveal that the police who took the photo were those in the second floor of the AGR Building who inexplicably did not engage Crooks while on the roof, did not attempt to stop him from taking shots at President Trump, and whose presence is conspicuously absent from most mainstream media reporting on the rally shooting.
by Benjamin Wetmore

Treasury Department Attacks Florida’s Law Against Social Credit And Debanking
The current White House appears to have elevated the protection of the concept of “social credit score” – a method of controlling citizens’ behavior championed by China – to a US national security issue. Namely – a letter originating from the Treasury states that a US state law that aims to prevent the introduction of a social credit score system represents a national security threat. The local press in Florida revealed the letter, sent by Treasury Department’s Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson to California Congressman Brad Sherman, a Democrat, referring to Florida’s House Bill 989, which became law this year. The Florida law, among its other provisions, aims to give recourse to customers of financial institutions who believe they are unfairly targeted by those institutions. Nelson’s letter notes that the law considers a financial institution deciding which customer to serve on any factor other than those that are quantitative and standard – an unsafe practice. And, banks are not allowed to discriminate against clients based on their affiliations or business sector, the US government official notes.
by Didi Rankovic

Appetite For Destruction
Since Colin Powell lied to the world about Iraq, the US dug such a deep hole of debt it can no longer get out. The increase — $29 trillion — is almost exactly equal to the amount spent on the Empire.
The dots don’t matter. It’s the pattern that counts. Harris? Trump? One, full of bile and bald-faced untruths. The other… empty as a beer can… hollow as a rotten log. They are on different trains, with different dumbbell slogans and different egregious lies… but both are headed to the same destination, a rendezvous with a perverse and unpleasant destiny. And yet, the American people will stand in line — even in the cold and rain of November — and vote for them. What has happened to us all? Did we suddenly awake, one dark and woebegone morning, and decide to be stupid? Or, is it just part of the pattern? The dots come to think what they need to think when they need to think it. And as an empire ages, its people — both leader and followers — become paranoid delusionals. How else to explain it? The general level of dumbness is breathtaking. Americans think they can improve their economy by banning imports… cutting taxes and interest rates… and spending money they don’t have on things they don’t really need. Their national debt approaches the critical ‘meltdown’ level… and they just spend more. And neither Republicans nor Democrats even mention it. But it is on foreign affairs — and the relentless drive for confrontation — that the stupidity is most obvious… and most dangerous.
by Bill Bonner and Tom Dyson

FBI Says They Cannot Access The Phone Of Shooter. Well Let’s Show Them How (57:55)
Whenever I see this kind of headline I always do wonder what they mean. Is this another disinformation campaign by 3-Letter agencies to tell us they need more access? Well let’s call them on this and let’s go through what we know they can already do. And don’t worry, in a few months, it will be easy pickings for your private data.
by Rob Braxman

NATO Plans To Destabilize Asia
NATO’s plans to establish a foothold in Asia to counter China better is nothing more than a sure recipe for disaster. Coming to Asia and beating war drums against a country that has not attacked anyone is akin to pushing it to take any and all necessary steps to protect its interests. NATO, thus, is pushing China to shun its regionally focused pacificism in favour of a more belligerent stance. A more aggressive China will, in NATO’s calculation, push Asian countries to move more towards the US out of their common fear of Beijing as the hegemon. However, Asian countries are not readily buying the US narrative. They remain sceptical, even as they are still committed to maintaining a balance between China and the US to avoid getting trapped in the ‘Cold War 2.0’. In recent years, NATO has upped the ante in Asia to establish its tentacles. The linchpin of this strategy is to hijack the Asian countries’ defence and military strategies and shape them in strictly Western ways. This will include, as in the West, military competition plus a shift away from deep economic ties with Beijing. Once accomplished, this will help isolate China globally. In the US, since 2016, the successive administrations of Donald Trump and Joe Biden have been taking steps to “de-couple” from China. The European Union, too, is now increasingly coming round to this idea of putting serious curbs on trade with China. A key reason for this is the inability of both the US and the EU to compete with Chinese products. Ultimately, they want Asia to ‘learn’ the same lesson. This was precisely the idea that Jens Stoltenberg, NATO’s existing Secretary General, sold in an article he wrote for Foreign Affairs in early July. Addressing the China-Russia ties and blaming China for the combined failure of the US, EU, and NATO to defeat Russia in Ukraine, Stoltenberg said “this shows that in today’s world, security is not a regional matter but a global one. Europe’s security affects Asia, and Asia’s security affects Europe … These are big challenges that call for bold decisions”.
by Salman Rafi Sheikh

Congressional Incompetence In Its Trump-Shooting Investigation
Members of Congress are besides themselves over the testimony of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle regarding the near-assassination of former president Trump. They are upset that Cheatle was unable to provide them with adequate explanations as to what appears to be incompetence at best and willful blindness, conscious indifference, or complicity at worst on the part of the Secret Service. But if incompetence is the right explanation, it is matched by the incompetence of Congress in its supposed investigation into the shooting. After all, Cheatle wasn’t even there. Therefore, anything to which she testifies is necessarily based on nothing more than what others have told her. How is that type of testimony supposed to get to the bottom of what actually happened? It’s not. If Congress really wants to determine what happened and why, it should subpoena every single Secret Service agent and every single police officer on duty that day. Take the sworn testimony of all of them. Don’t let any of them sit inside the chamber and listen to what other witnesses are saying. Then put all that sworn testimony together and see if there are any contractions, anomalies, etc. If there are, then follow up on them.
by Jacob G. Hornberger

touring the asylum (text and videos)
the descent into the fascinations of madness
many have marveled at the oddly prurient pursuit of “brandon’s brain breakage” but i see no cause for surprise. nothing titilates and engages americans and american media like a good, old fashioned public break down. it’s the modern adaptation of victorians paying to tour insane asylums to gawk at the lunatics, a dark frisson of guilty pleasure. the characters are utterly interchangeable, but the themes seem somehow immutable. i guess that’s human nature for you. there is nothing new under the sun. but the dementia diaries are not a stand alone matter; they are part and parcel to a pervasive societal theme: it’s all gone mad and we’re each and everyone watching in rapt horror because you just cannot look away from this sort of melodrama. our media has devolved into shrill talking heads and shriller guests having anxiety festivals and delusional descents into hallucinatory persecution fantasy all live in living color. and a certain subset simply cannot get enough of this circus of evil clowns and their pathology parade. this is going to be a tough time, there are some really, really broken people right now. i’m not sure there has ever been an epidemic of mental malfunction to rival it. but one cannot fix it with enabling. that’s like trying to cure an alcoholic with tequila. endless accommodation is not love, it’s harm. so love will have to toughen up and so too will the buttercups. we had this mostly figured out once. we will again.
by el gato malo

Illustration Of Attempted Assassination Of President Trump Part 2 (2:08)
by Azget Industries

Lack Of IT-Skilled Human Workers Is Leading To A Cyber Pandemic – 500,000 Cybersecurity Jobs Unfilled In The U.S.
As the full effects of the Microsoft glitch that took down so many businesses and government agencies this past Friday are still being evaluated, the vulnerability of a software system run by a cybersecurity firm is presenting new information to hackers and exposing just how unprepared the U.S. Government is to protect our country against cyber attacks that are a real threat to national security. After the CrowdStrike failed software update that infected 8.1 million devices with cascading effects spreading to millions, if not billions, of other devices and computer systems, the threat of a Cyber Pandemic is now very real. And the main reason that the U.S. Government is powerless to stop something like a Cyber Pandemic is not because of a lack of technology or computer resources, since the U.S. is home to the largest technology companies in the world, but it is due to a lack of human resources: Cybersecurity professionals. In 2021 CNN published an article with the title: “Wanted: Millions of cybersecurity pros. Salary: Whatever you want”. The article highlighted the increasing cyber attacks in the U.S. and the lack of cybersecurity experts to prevent these attacks, with over 300,000 cybersecurity job openings going unfilled. Fast forward to today in 2024, and the situation has only become worse. A few weeks ago (June, 2024), members of Congress raised concerns over the shortage of cybersecurity professionals, which has now grown to a half million open jobs that cannot be filled.
by Brian Shilhavy

Trump Shooter Flew Drone Over Rally Site Just Hours Before Event
In the latest indicator of a glaring lack of security surrounding the Pennsylvania rally where a bullet came within inches or less of killing former President Trump, sources familiar with the investigation say would-be assassin Thomas Crooks flew a drone over the event site just a few hours before he opened fire. As first reported by the Wall Street Journal, Crooks used the overflight to record footage of the rally layout on the grounds of the Butler Farm Show. His research of the facility began soon after the Trump campaign announced the event on July 3. He registered to attend on July 7, and soon thereafter, made the roundtrip drive of more than two hours from his Bethel Park home to recon the site in person. According to data from the drone, Crooks — who’s said to have been highly intelligent and tech-savvy — flew it on a pre-programmed path, an official who’d been briefed on the investigation told the New York Times. The Secret Service typically bans drone flights at secured sites; NBC News reports it’s unclear if such a prohibition was imposed at the rally. Conversely, the Secret Service usually requests FAA permission to deploy drones in restricted airspace such as the Trump rally, but did not on this occasion, according to the Times. This new development in the investigation adds a troubling new entry to an already damning timeline on the day of the shooting, which killed spectator Corey Comperatore and wounded two others. Crooks was identified as a suspicious individual more than an hour before he opened fire from a rooftop only about 450 feet from Trump’s podium. At the time, he’d already been observed in possession of a range finder and carrying a duffel bag. Later, he was spotted on a rooftop 20 minutes before all hell broke loose.
by Tyler Durden

Deep State In Panic Mode: The Botched Assassination And Burgeoning Palace Coup
Connecting some stranger than fiction recent events.
Let us review the recent coup timeline: Think about this: Trump almost gets assassinated. Days later, Biden has a medical emergency in Vegas requiring “self isolation” at home. Last public appearance reported to be July 17, when deboarding a plane in Delaware. In the time since: Trump shows up at the RNC, accepts the GOP nomination. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries ramp up pressure campaign to push Biden out. Leaks abound. WaPo reports Obama not happy with Biden’s election chances. Pelosi starts operation: “Get Joe Out, the Hard Way.” Biden aides Ricchetti, Donilon execute plan to push him out. Hunter, Jill reportedly have a screaming fest. A resignation letter with a suspect, digital signature with no official letterhead is issued on X. White House staff is blindsided. Chief of Staff informs Cabinet, takes over comms. Endorsements begin: Hillary. Bill. Newsom. Finally, Obama speaks out: “Joe Biden has been one of America’s most consequential presidents…” Kamala shows up to take over. Family members Frank and Valerie Biden say that ‘health was a factor.’ FEC filings changed. Donations transferred over to her campaign. Kamala somehow raises $81 million in 24 hours. $81 MILLION. Kamala reportedly gets the delegates to be the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. Joe Biden hasn’t been seen in public the whole time. How is this not a COUP?
by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Myth Busted! Virginia, Not Congress, Called For The Philadelphia Convention (Show Links and Video 20:39)
Most people seem to believe that the constitutional convention of 1787 was called for by Congress under the Articles of Confederation. Even the Library of Congress makes this claim. But it’s totally false. It was actually the Commonwealth of Virginia that initiated the call for the Philadelphia convention – and she was followed by a number of other states before congress ever shared their opinion in early 1787. Learn the truth – receipts included.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center

“The Singularity Is Nearer (Text and Video)
When Humans Merge With AI” by Ray Kurzweil. Nanorobots Replacing Every Cell In Our Bodies, Zombies, And Fusing Our Brains With AI.
I recently finished reading Ray Kurzweil’s new book. It is imperative reading, for all those who negate the fact that self assembly nanotechnology has been found in the COVID19 bioweapons, that nano and microrobots are swimming through the blood of every human being right now and that their information is being uploaded into the cloud – their data managed by AI. AI is expected to exceed collective human intelligence any minute now, or at least by 2029. In the biotechnology sector, it will take over all pharmaceutical trials, it will replace doctors, it will automate jobs. You can read about all the ways you will be replaced in his book. In other words, you will own nothing and be happy – the nanobots in the brain will take care of that. Kurzweil supports smart sustainable development goals, which we know that 13 out of 17 are supported by nanotechnology. Ray Kurzweil is the AI Google Engineer who wrote the book “ The Singularity is near” in 2005 paints the envisioned future by the Silicon Valley Technocrats. Yes, the ones who are endorsing JD Vance and President Trump now. Elon Musk, who’s father was a Technocrat and who famously said “AI is summoning the Demi Urge”, and who on Halloween happens to wear emblems of Satan on his chest is leading the technocratic transhumanist group supporting President Trump.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

Puberty Blockers Are Incredibly Dangerous Drugs
Exploring the Dark History of Hormone Blockers
Providing transgendered children “puberty blockers” is currently one of the most controversial areas in medicine (e.g., liberal colleagues of mine have publicly protested Republican state governments banning the practice). What I find remarkable about this entire debate is how little knowledge exists about the safety of these drugs. For instance, when I’ve asked my liberal colleagues if they are aware of the dangers of these drugs, they genuinely share that they were not aware they had any clinically significant side effects. Given that the hormonal blockers are amongst the most dangerous drugs on the market, I feel it is important to review all the people who have been harmed by them, and the scandalous 40 year saga that has allowed them to be unjustifiably used for a wide range of medical conditions. When you consider the entire Lupron saga, it is truly remarkable that a drug this dangerous has managed to stay on the market for decades, particularly given that it still demands an exorbitant price despite there being numerous significantly cheaper generic formulations which could be used instead. Even more remarkable is the fact that there is no evidence to support most of the things its used for, and now almost 40 years later, that the FDA has still not updated its 1985 approval.
by A Midwestern Doctor

Less Is More: Efficient Hydrogen Production With Less Precious Metals
In a step towards sustainable energy, a team of researchers at the University of Twente led by Dr. Marco Altomare has demonstrated a new method to reduce the use of precious metals such as platinum in green hydrogen production without sacrificing performance. The researchers published their findings in the journal Advanced Functional Materials in a paper titled “Dewetting of Pt Nanoparticles Boosts Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Due to Electronic Metal-Support Interaction.” The world urgently needs to transition to sustainable energy sources to combat climate change and the energy crisis. Green hydrogen is an important step, and a large-scale hydrogen economy needs efficient, compact, and resilient technologies. Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) water electrolyzers and fuel cells use precious metal catalysts such as platinum and iridium to make hydrogen production and conversion as efficient as possible. However, these catalysts are expensive and scarce and thus limit large-scale development of hydrogen technologies. Accordingly, by 2026, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) wants to achieve performances that are about five- to 10-times higher than current cells, with less than 20% of the currently used amount of these metals (currently, about 3 mg/cm2 as total loading of platinum and iridium)—a grand scientific and technological challenge.
by University of Twente

July 23, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Illustration Of Attempted Assassination Of President Trump Part 2 (2:08)
by Azget Industries
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Azget Industries

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Quote Of The Day
“The Russian president is counting on Trump’s victory.
But I think Putin is in for an unpleasant surprise.”
Victoria Nuland, July 10, 2024

Featured Videos (7:02:06)
Hitler On The Jews
Edited by Thomas Dalton, PhD
by Adolf Hitler

Trump Assassination Attempt
Over 100 posts have already been published.
This page is regularly updated with pertinent articles, news, photographs, quotes and videos.
by Mark R. Elsis

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Dr. Joseph Mercola
Dr. Mercola has always been passionate about helping preserve and enhance the health of the global community. As a doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO), he takes a “whole-person” approach to wellness, helping you develop attitudes and lifestyles that can help you Take Control of Your Health. By sharing valuable knowledge about holistic medicine, regenerative practices and informed consent principles, he has become the most trusted source for natural health information, with a legacy of promoting sustainability and transparency.

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On The Redneck Rebellion (Text and Video)
Narrowly averted – for now
Most people do not understand that globohomo is willing to do whatever it takes necessary to fulfill their objectives; there is nothing they will not do in order to stay in power, there is no line they will not cross. And while they are not invincible, they are also not wholly incompetent even in this age. People mock America for its military failures, but there are different types of globohomo wars and each type has its own objectives, which do not always include military victory – indeed, preventing victory is the objective of one of these types. I went into it in detail here but the types of wars are as follows: Forever-wars like Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam and the goal is to use the war as an excuse for the military industrial complex and trans-national security state to rape the American taxpayer, not to win the war. People laugh at America as “incompetent” in these wars but that entirely misses the point of them. Julian Assange sums up these types of wars perfectly. Wars to preserve the international finance system. This is why Gaddafi and Saddam were deposed and executed; both wanted to get off the dollar system. It’s also why Hitler and Germany were destroyed in World War 2. These wars are fought as hard as are necessary for victory. Wars for increased global control. These wars are like the Opium Wars and the Boer Wars, and they are also fought as hard as are necessary for victory. For example, to defeat the Boers, who were a hardy and tenacious enemy, they had to put the Boer women and children in concentration camps and starve them to death. 155,000 women and children were imprisoned in the concentration camps, which was almost 2/3 of the entire Boer population, and 34,000 or 22% of the inmates of the concentration camps died, of whom 27,540 or 81% were under the age of 16. According to Stephen Mitford Goodson, “The bankers achieved their principal aim of obtaining full control of the gold and other mineral resources of South Africa. They had financed the war in the amount of 222 million British pounds and thereby added a further 132 million to Britain’s national debt. For the Rothschilds the Second Anglo-Boer War was a consummate victory.”
by Neoliberal Feudalism

Per Procurationem Biden (Text and Video)
Who signed Biden’s resignation letter?
In 1991, Russian citizens awoke to Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake on loop. Something was up but few knew what. If Moscovians had turned off the TV and looked out the window, they would have seen soldiers and tanks entering the city as the Soviet Union began to collapse around them. Metaphorically, Swan Lake is now playing on loop on US television. We have no idea who is running the country, who is Commander-in-Chief and who is holding the nuclear codes. However, for many the TV remains on with performers performing but with nothing of substance being shown. The Democrats are always screaming about Russian interference, especially by bots on Twitter, but now that an actual coup may have taken place, nobody says a word. The only evidence we have that Biden has actually quit the presidential race is a tweet and a short letter posted on Twitter. For all we know, he could be being held hostage with no intention of quitting but somebody else is is sending out messages pretending to be him. For all we know, it could be the Russians that have hacked into his accounts but the Democrats suddenly don’t seem to care. It’s not the Russians but it is a coup. Where is Biden and why hasn’t he been seen? If he is too ill to be photographed, then he is too ill to have drafted a resignation letter. Does he even know he has resigned? To some these concerns may sound over the top but this is the same week that someone tried to assassinate his opponent. It’s also the same week a global computer outage occurred – let’s hope no files about all of these events accidentally got deleted in the process.
by The Naked Emperor

Subversive Origins Of Communism (44:22)
by Robert Sepehr

China Designs An Economic Road Map All The Way To 2029
HONG KONG – There can hardly be a better place to track the four-day, twice-a-decade plenum of the Communist Party of China than dynamic, “one country, two systems” Hong Kong.
Hong Kong is right at the heart of East Asia – halfway between Northeast Asia (Japan, the Koreas) and Southeast Asia. To the west is not only China but the Eurasia landmass, linking it to India, Persia, Turkiye and Europe. To the east, sailing forward, is the Pacific and the US’s West Coast. Moreover, Hong Kong is the ultimate multipolar, multi-nodal (italics mine) hub: a frenzied global metropolis forged by trade routes going back centuries, attracting people from every latitude keen on interconnecting commerce, ideas, technologies, shipping, commodities, markets. Now, reinvented for 21stcentury Eurasia integration, Hong Kong has all it takes to profit as a key node of the Greater Bay Area, the southern hub propelling China to economic superpower status. The plenum in Beijing was a quite serious/sober affair – trying to strike a balance between sustainable economic growth and national security all the way to 2029, when the PRC celebrates its 80th anniversary. The proverbial comprador elites, 5th columnists and outright Sinophobes across the West have gone bonkers on the current slowdown of the Chinese economy – complete with slumps in the financial and property fronts – running in parallel to all hybrid war strands of Chinese containment emanating from Washington.
by Pepe Escobar

EU Wants To Remove Hungary From Presidency – Erdogan
Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Ukraine “peace mission” has outraged the bloc’s leaders
The European Union is looking for ways to remove Hungary from the bloc’s presidency over Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s Ukraine “peace mission”, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told media on Sunday. Budapest currently holds the six-month rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union, the body that defines the bloc’s overall political direction and priorities. Orban embarked on what he called a Ukraine ‘peace mission’ earlier this month, aiming to find a resolution to the conflict by holding talks with its “five main actors” – Ukraine, Russia, China, the EU, and the US. As part of the mission, he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, triggering outrage among EU leaders. Erdogan recalled his own meeting with Orban on the sidelines of a NATO summit in Washington earlier this month. The Hungarian Prime Minister had shared his plans to go and meet US Presidential hopeful Donald Trump as well, Erdogan said. ”The next day, they started to criticize Viktor Orban intensely. They said, “He said this, he said that, we do not agree with what Viktor said, what he said is not true.” Mr. Orban went to Moscow, as you know, and they criticized him. He went to China and criticized him in the same way,” Hürriyet newspaper quoted Erdogan as saying. The European Parliament last week condemned Orban’s Moscow visit, describing it as “a blatant violation of the EU’s treaties and common foreign policy.” Newly re-elected European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen slammed Orban’s trip as an “appeasement mission.”
by RT

Forgotten Founder Tench Coxe: Ignored Federalist Papers (Show Links and Video 33:32)
Almost totally ignored today, Tench Coxe was famous at the time of the Founding. And his essays of “A Pennsylvanian” in support of the Constitution were actually far more widely read and influential during the debates over ratification than today’s far more famous Federalist Papers. Learn about his essays where he came down in favor of the individual right to keep and bear arms, religious liberty – and a clear line in the sand between federal and state power.
by Michael Boldin and the Tenth Amendment Center

Analysis Of Footage From The Trump Assassination Attempt Shows That Trump And David Dutch Were Hit In Crook’s Initial 3 Shot Volley. Corey Comperatore And James Copenhaver Were Struck By Crook’s Follow-Up Volley A Few Seconds Later. (Text and Videos)
by Oliver Alexander

Former Pfizer VP: Why Evidence Is Lacking For The Existence Of Covid-19 ‘Virus’ Or Any Other
Joining his voice with many other scientists, Dr. Michael Yeadon argues that not only does the COVID-19 virus not exist, neither do viruses in general, which means there was no pandemic but instead a coordinated ‘long planned attack’ upon civilians.
Dr. Michael Yeadon, who formerly served as Pfizer’s vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory, joined a host of other scientists in arguing there is no sufficient evidence that either the COVID-19 virus or any other virus actually exists. And thus, there was no pandemic but rather the killing of many with “a monstrous, long planned attack on helpless civilians by coordinated, lethal, central planning.” “Face it. The evidence is that our governments hate us and want us dead,” the retired executive wrote in an extended statement to LifeSiteNews. Yeadon, who spent over 30 years working for the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, rose to the most senior research position in his field at Pfizer before resigning in 2011 to start his own biotech company, Ziarco, which he later sold to Novartis in 2017. The British scientist is well-known for his acute criticism of the COVID-19 “supranational operation,” particularly the so-called vaccines that he charged are intended to “maim and kill deliberately.”
by Patrick Delaney

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Interrupt War Criminal Blinken (0:41)

How The Truth About Vaccination Has Been Suppressed For Years
These days, doctors only get to read and hear what the drug industry wants them to read and hear. Anything controversial, anything questioning the status quo, must be suppressed. A year or two ago I was invited to speak at a new conference in London. The conference was, I was told, intended to tackle the subject of medication errors and adverse reactions to prescribed drugs. The company organising the conference was called PasTest. For over 30 years PasTest has been providing medical education to professionals within the NHS,’ they told me. Building on our commitment to quality in medical and healthcare education, PasTest is creating a range of healthcare events which focus on the professional development of clinicians and managers who are working together to deliver healthcare services for the UK. Our aim is to provide a means for those who are in a position to improve services on both national and regional levels. The topics covered by our conferences are embraced within policy, best practice, case study, clinical management and evidence based practice. PasTest endeavours to source the best speakers who will engage audiences with balanced, relevant and thought-provoking programmes. PasTest has proven in the past that by using thorough investigative research and keeping up-to-date with advances in healthcare and medical practice, a premium educational event can be achieved.’
by Dr. Vernon Coleman

American Surgeon Who Volunteered In Gaza Says IDF Snipers Shoot Toddlers
‘No toddler gets shot twice by mistake,’ said Dr. Mark Perlmutter
An American surgeon who volunteered in Gaza told “CBS Sunday Morning” in an interview that aired Sunday that Israeli snipers were purposely shooting Palestinian children, including toddlers. “I had children who were shot twice,” said Dr. Mark Perlmutter, who said he was in Gaza at the end of April and the first couple weeks of May. “I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest I couldn’t put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately and directly on the side of the head in the same child.” Perlmutter added, “No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by ‘the world’s best snipers.’ And they’re dead-center shots.” Other foreign doctors who volunteered in Gaza gave a similar account to The Guardian back in April, saying Israeli snipers were shooting children in the head. Earlier this month, the Israeli outlet 972 Magazine published a report citing Israeli soldiers that detailed how the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza essentially had no restrictions on who they could shoot. The report said the IDF “routinely executes” civilians who enter areas the military deemed “no-go zones,” and it detailed shootings where young children were killed.
by Dave DeCamp

Cheatle Breaks Ice For New Era Of Unaccountablity
Secret Service director admits to Congress she has no exculpating explanation for assassination attempt, insists she need not resign.
Today, (Monday, July 22, 2024) Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle’s testified before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee today in which she called the July 13 assassination attempt the Secret Service’s “most significant operational failure” in decades. She did not try to deny that there is no excuse for allowing a young man with a rifle to climb onto a rooftop 400 feet away from the stage and take shots at the former president and current presidential candidate. Nevertheless, she insisted that this “most significant operational failure” in decades does not warrant her resignation. With her testimony, Director Cheatle breaks the ice for a no era of zero accountability for federal agencies, even when it comes to an incident in which an American citizen (Cory Comperatore) was killed and a campaigning presidential candidate almost killed. I suspect that this is an intentional gambit by whatever malevolent actors are now running this country behind the scenes. We American citizens are being explicitly told that even if our federal agencies fail us in the most stunning conceivable way, we must simply accept that the directors will not be held accountable, even when they admit responsibility.
by John Leake

The Parallax View (1974) (1:42:08)
An ambitious reporter gets in way-over-his-head trouble while investigating a senator’s assassination which leads to a vast conspiracy involving a multinational corporation behind every event in the world’s headlines.
Director: Alan J. Pakula
Stars: Warren Beatty

One Single Computer Glitch Could Cost Tens Of $Billions Of Losses, Showing How Frail Technology Has Become
This past Friday morning brought headlines such as “Largest IT Outage in History!” and “Just Like Y2K Except this Time it is Real!” Hundred of millions, if not billions, of people and businesses around the world were affected, from airlines to FedEx and other delivery companies to financial institutions to hotel reservations and personal PC users. The culprit was reported as a Microsoft Windows update to a software program that runs on many Windows computers, from the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. Microsoft has reported that the glitch affected 8.5 million devices. Since the problem is still ongoing as I write this on Sunday, there is no way to know what the cost is to the global economy because of this glitch. Estimates at this point are claiming it will top 1 $billion in losses. However, I can assure you that those costs will well exceed this estimate, and will easily be in the tens of $billions, just from the loss of online ecommerce sales alone, not to mention every other industry that was affected where sales are not conducted online. I have run my own ecommerce store for over 20 years, and I have a pretty good feel for how sales go each day, based on day of the week, current sales we are running, etc. Yesterday, (Saturday 7/20/24) we had our lowest day in sales for many years, and I would estimate that we lost about 50% of our sales yesterday, due to this problem that obviously prevented many of our customers from ordering online. Globally, there were $5.8 trillion in online sales in 2023, and the forecast for 2024 is $6.3 trillion in sales. $6.3 trillion in online sales for one year is about $16.5 billion in sales every single day. Let’s be conservative and estimate that about 30% of ecommerce sales were lost in just one day, yesterday. That would be about $5 billion in lost revenue, and that is just for one day, and only online sales, not sales lost in the airlines industry, hotel industry, freight delivery industry, etc. This loss could easily be in the tens of $billions, if not more, just for ONE single computer glitch, and we will experience the economic ripples of this for the rest of the year.
by Brian Shilhavy

Iran Says Relations With US Hinge On Change In Washington’s ‘Hostile’ Policies
Iran says any potential improvement in its relations with the United States hinges on Washington’s change of “hostile” policies irrespective of who becomes president.
“As we have previously said, the comings and goings of governments and individuals do matter to us,” the spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kan’ani, said at his weekly press conference on Monday in response to a question about the recent developments surrounding the US presidential election in November. “The thing is the US government has always taken a hostile approach and a hostile policy on Iran over the past years, and what can change the atmosphere of relations is the change of the hostile behavior of the United States towards the Iranian nation.” Elsewhere in his briefing, Kan’ani pointed to the crimes of Israel against the people of Palestine in the Gaza Strip. The regime has always posed a threat to regional peace and stability and spread insecurity, the Iranian official said. “Peace will return to the region when the international community stops the war machine of the Zionist regime.” Kan’ani underscored the international community’s responsibility to block Israel’s destabilizing moves. “As a full-fledged supporter of this regime, the US has a serious responsibility towards the Zionist regime’s threatening moves and must prevent intensification of tension and crisis in the region.”
by Press TV

Erdogan, Assad To Hold Historic Meeting In Moscow
Rapprochement efforts last year faltered over Syria’s demand for the withdrawal of Turkish troops, which Ankara resisted due to “security concerns”.
The first official meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is set to take place in Moscow, the Daily Sabah reported citing sources familiar with the discussions. The meeting, which is expected to occur as early as August, will be mediated by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani may also be invited, though it is anticipated that Iran will not participate in the talks. Following the outbreak of the war on Syria in 2011, relations between the two countries deteriorated due to Turkey’s military presence in Syria and the ongoing conflict with the PKK. Rapprochement efforts last year faltered over Syria’s demand for the withdrawal of Turkish troops, which Ankara resisted due to security concerns. Recent developments, including Damascus’ return to the international stage and Syia’s readmission to the Arab League, alongside shifting dynamics such as the upcoming US elections and increasing domestic discontent in Turkey regarding Syrian refugees, have paved the way for renewed dialogue.
by Al Mayadeen English

Evidence Of Multiple Shooters At Trump Assassination Attempt (4:59)
by Greg Reese

Going The Way Of The Denarius
History repeats. (Or it rhymes, depending on your choice of words.) Throughout history, there has been an extraordinary tendency for governments (and cultures) to follow similar paths. Even regarding eras thousands of years apart, we see people behaving in much the same way, over and over. This is particularly true in the case of “wrong moves.” Over and over, people and their governments make the same mistakes, seemingly never learning from past errors. Why should this be? In fact, how is this even possible? Surely, if a government in the 21st century were to make egregiously bad decisions, they are unlikely to be the same bad decisions that were made in, say, Rome, in the 4th century. The reason, in two simple words, is “human nature.” Human nature remains the same throughout time. Two thousand years ago, governments were typically made up of egotistical, self-centred dictatorial types, who were far more concerned with their own power than in the general welfare of their people. Today, politics remains a magnet for such people. They therefore will revert to type when faced with the very same problems. Should we cut spending to give the taxpayers a break? No, we should increase taxation and give more to ourselves. If we spend more than we receive in taxes, should we cut back our expenditures, or should we go into debt? We’ll go into debt, and put the debt on the shoulders of the taxpayers.
by Jeff Thomas

Palestine Liberation Movement – A Call From The Depths
One Democratic State of Palestine is the only humane solution
The following is a statement from the Palestine Liberation Movement. At the end I will publish details on a petition you can sign to support this movement.
A call from the depths. No to begging at the doors of the occupiers in pursuit of crumbs of our legitimate rights, which will only lead to our division and bloody fighting. Yes to the just national struggle that conquers our legitimate rights and unifies the living energies of our people. An appeal from the depths of the glorious history of our Palestinian people and our Arab nation. An appeal inspired by the spirits of great leaders who led and triumphed in the nation’s decisive battles in history against barbaric foreign invasions which took place on the land of Hattin, Ain Jalout, Adjnadayn, al-Qadisiyah, Suez and Algeria down to the battles that led to the victories on the land of dignity, in Jenin refugee camp, Bint Jubail, Aitta al-Shaab, Maroun al-Ras and the Gaza Holocaust. An appeal inspired by the spirits of contemporary martyrs, and how many they are, who were killed by bullets of the barbaric settlers and their imperialist protectors. Those martyrs, who, by their martyrdom and sacrifice, sought the sublime over propaganda and publicity, therefore, they remain unknown except to those who marched behind them.
by Vanessa Beeley

NATO States Embrace Conscription, Eyeing Future War With Russia
As NATO escalates its proxy war in Ukraine and inches closer to fighting directly with Russia, the Washington-led bloc is embracing mandatory military service. Many European members of NATO have expanded or reintroduced conscription as part of large-scale preparations for such a war, CNN reports. Already outpaced in terms of military industrial capacity by Russia, the alliance’s new battleplans will see an attempt to beef up weapons production and form 35-50 brigades of 3,000-7,000 battle ready troops. Outgoing NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has insisted, “Today, we have 500,000 troops on high readiness, combat-ready battlegroups in the eastern part of the Alliance for the first time.” But the bloc is struggling to meet its goals of assembling 300,000 soldiers prepared to be activated within a month and another half a million in six months. There is also a question of whether the bloc can filed a military fit for a protracted war akin to the Ukraine conflict. Following the end of the Cold War, several European states ceased conscripting their citizens. Although increasing numbers of NATO member countries have resorted to the draconian practice during recent years, especially in the Baltics and Scandinavia. Roughly a third of the NATO alliance practices some form of compulsory military service.
by Connor Freeman

Who Really Runs The World? A Stunning Interview With Sasha Latypova (Text and Audio 58:18)
If I had a list of the top ten lifetime interviews, this would be competing for number one. It started out with me comfortably chatting with our guest, Sasha Latypova, about the role of the Department of Defense (DoD) in controlling Operation Warp Speed. She replied, in effect, “The DoD is the largest and most powerful globalist entity in the world.” She started talking about how the Defense Department has the largest army in the world and then began talking about its hundreds of bases around the world. Then, she talked about its hidden wealth that no one can calculate. Then we talked about its connections to…
by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

The Boer War Remembered
The Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902 was more than the first major military clash of the 20th century. Pitting as it did the might of the globe-girdling British Empire, backed by international finance, against a small pioneering nation of independent-minded farmers, ranchers and merchants in southern Africa who lived by the Bible and the rifle, its legacy continues to resonate today. The Boers’ recourse to irregular warfare, and Britain’s response in herding a hundred thousand women and children into concentration camps foreshadowed the horrors of guerilla warfare and mass detention of innocents that have become emblematic of the 20th century. As often happens in history, important aspects of the Anglo-Boer conflict came to light only years after the fighting had ended. In a masterful 1979 study, The Boer War, British historian Thomas Pakenham revealed previously unknown details about the conspiracy of British colonial officials and Jewish financiers to plunge South Africa into war. The men who flocked to South Africa in search of wealth included Cecil Rhodes, the renowned English capitalist and imperial visionary, and a collection of ambitious Jews who, together with him, were to play a decisive role in fomenting the Boer war. Altogether the British held 116,572 Boers in their South African internment camps — that is, about a fourth of the entire Boer population — nearly all of them women and children. After the war, an official government report concluded that 27,927 Boers had died in the camps — victims of disease, undernourishment and exposure. Of these, 26,251 were women and children, of whom 22,074 were children under the age of 16. Among the nearly 115,000 black Africans who were also interned in the British camps, nearly all of whom were tenant workers and servants of the better-off Boers, it is estimated that more than 12,000 died.
by Mark Weber

Weapons Expert Mark Steele Confirms Class 4 Lasers Deployed For 15 Min Digital City Are Directed Energy Weapons (Text and Video)
I received an email from weapons expert Mark Steele explaining that he now confirmed the Directed Energy Weapons in London as part of the smart city grid. These are the images received from him. Here is the email from Mark: “These are the ULEZ weapons for the 15 Min digital city agenda – We have now confirmed these to be Class 4 lasers. X 24 laser diodes in each laser Gun head. This is not a camera as we have been told but a Direct Energy weapon deployment across London. It has a high speed Modem manufactured in China for THALES operating platform is Microsoft Azure Lockheed Martin 5G MIL Cloud operating platform. Confirms the planned murder of a civilian population plan.”
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

Health Story From USA/Canada
A million roads travelled.
Shirley and Don sent me their story. With permission I’m sharing it. There is so much here, so many different threads, so many highlights of a corrupt and predatory system, so many battles, so many roads…but I will let the story speak for itself. With thanks to Shirley and Don. I don’t know if this story will be interesting or helpful to others, but seeing the craziness of our path may lead someone to a different healing method or inspire them to keep looking for answers. I’ll try to stick to the story… but it’s a story that covers several years and many paths to reach this point. I guess it’s that way for many people, a million roads travelled till they finally get some answers. We are Don and Shirley, I’m an American and Don is Canadian. We met in late 2010 and had a cross border relationship, being only about an hour commute from each other. After about 8 years we married and I became a Canadian resident and was able to easily cross the border for work in the USA while living full time in Canada. It was very doable for Don and I to cross the border to visit my family in the States. Don is a mechanical engineer, but in recent years has been self-employed in financial planning. I’m a cosmetologist, self-employed from day one and had owned and operated my own salon. We were in the process of building a new home closer to the border crossing when covid struck. I couldn’t work my job in the United States so when the border closed in late March of 2020 I stayed at home in Canada with Don to wait things out. Somehow we managed to build the house in Canada, the authorities said current construction projects could continue. At that early time frame Canada had yet to experience the effects of covid, (whatever covid is) and Don and I still don’t know what to believe about it.
by Unbekoming

July 22, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Subversive Origins Of Communism (44:22)
by Robert Sepehr
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Robert Sepehr

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Trump Assassination Attempt
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by Mark R. Elsis

Quote Of The Day
“First we overlook evil.
Then we permit evil.
Then we legalize evil.
Then we promote evil.
Then we celebrate evil.
Then we persecute those who still call it evil.”
Father Dwight Longenecker

Featured Music
Natalie Merchant (33 Posts)
Playlist by Mark R. Elsis

Natalie Merchant

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Hitler On The Jews
Edited by Thomas Dalton, PhD
by Adolf Hitler

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Let’s Arrest Benjamin Netanyahu When He Arrives In Washington!
He’s an international war criminal and also helped steal American nuclear technology
America’s highly esteemed president who should be called Doodle-Head every time he opens his mouth came out with a beauty last Tuesday, claiming that if it weren’t for the existence of Israel “every Jew in the world would be at risk.” No Joe, you got it wrong. The reality is that Israeli behavior is precisely what fuels anger directed against what might be referred to as the “International Jewish Conspiracy,” whereby the wealthy and powerful Jewish diaspora enables Israel to literally get away with war crimes and mass murder without any consequences. Joe has also said the he has done more for the Palestinians than anyone, which means that he finds some benefit in watching them die under relentless bombardment by Israel with US provided munitions. Netanyahu, Milchan and the others are not friends of the United States, quite the contrary, and deserve to be treated like any other spies caught in flagrante. The American people should demand that the government begin to recognize that fact and act accordingly. Putting Arnon Milchan and his colleague Benjamin Netanyahu in jail, or even sanctioning them to strip them of their assets, as has been done to numerous Iranians and Russians by Joe “Mumbles” Biden, would be a great start. Arresting Netanyahu on his upcoming celebration trip to address the Joint Session of Congress and visit Biden in the White House would really send a message to the Israelis about proper deportment and would be even better. One can only imagine what it would look like to see Netanyahu in an American prison! Hard labor, please!
by Philip Giraldi

Hitler On The Jews (7:02:06)
Edited by Thomas Dalton, PhD
by Adolf Hitler

A New Worldwide Study Finds There Were No Excess Deaths Due To Covid And There Were 16.9 Million Vaccine-Associated Deaths Up To The End Of 2022
A new study published on Friday found that the excess all-cause mortality for the years 2020 to 2023 in 125 countries is incompatible with a pandemic viral respiratory disease. The authors argue that the three primary causes of death associated with the excess all-cause mortality over this period are due to mandated measures such as lockdowns; harmful medical interventions such as the use of ventilators and the denial of use of antibiotics; and, covid injections.
Using the excess all-cause mortality rate for the 93 countries, the researchers were able to calculate the global excess deaths in numbers of people as between 30.7 and 31.1 million people. “Our calculated excess mortality rate [ ] corresponds to 30.9 ± 0.2 million excess deaths projected to have occurred globally for the 3-year period 2020-2022, from all causes of excess mortality during this period,” the authors wrote. More than half of those global excess deaths, about 57%, the authors attributed to covid vaccines. Using the data from 78 countries the researchers calculated the population-wide risk of death per injection. From this, they estimated the global all-ages excess mortality associated with covid vaccines up to 30 December 2022. They calculated that the deaths, globally, associated with covid vaccines up to 30 December 2022 was 16.9 million people. Not only did the vaccines significantly contribute to excess mortality but the authors argued that lockdowns and harmful medical interventions also contributed to excess deaths.
by Rhoda Wilson

Investigating The Investigators (Text and Videos)
Amateur sleuths, cherry picking anomolies, begging the question, and some rudimentary audio analysis.
The image (video analysis inside that link) shows the trajectory of all shots fired from Crooks’ position, though a shooter from nearby Crooks’ position cannot be discounted. It shows each round’s trajectory, names the victims struck by each round, and shows where they were at the time of the shooting, but doesn’t account for the round that struck the hydraulic line on the crane behind the right grandstand. In this scenario it would have to be the 1st shot that also clips Trump’s ear, and hits the metal railing on the right grandstand, then deflects and takes out the hydraulic line, but the timing doesn’t match. It also doesn’t hold water IF Crooks only fired the first three rounds, meaning a second shooter would be needed to explain shots four and five which are wildly off the trajectory of the first three, yet do match the audio signatures of the first three. This raises another behavioral anomaly—why is there a gap of 2 full seconds between the first three shots and shots four and five, allowing the Secret Service time to cover Trump? Why would Crooks wait 2 seconds and not keep firing through his sights, and then fire two shots way off target hitting the audience members Corey Comperatore and James Copenhaver?
by Good Citizen

Two Shooters Confirmed (32:41)
by Chris Martenson, PhD


Speaker Johnson: Supporting Israel Is One Of America’s ‘Founding Principles’
Johnson also threatened to arrest Democrats who protest Netanyahu’s address to Congress if they ‘get out of hand’
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) described US support for Israel as one of America’s “founding principles” during a speech at an event hosted by the Republican Jewish Committee on July 18. “It is an important principle that America and Israel stand together resolutely. That is part of who we are as a country. It’s one of our founding principles. I believe that we maintain peace through strength, and I think that the relationship with Israel is essential to who we are as Americans,” Johnson said. Since the modern state of Israel was created in 1948, it’s unclear what Johnson meant when he said the US-Israel relationship is a “founding principle.” The most well-known Founding Fathers would also disagree with Johnson since they strongly warned against permanent alliances and “attachments” to other nations. In his farewell address in 1796, George Washington said, “A passionate attachment of one nation for another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter, without adequate inducement or justification.”
by Dave DeCamp

The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think
While J.D. Vance has his own controversies, his close connection to billionaire Peter Thiel, who is poised to have unprecedented influence in a new Trump administration, should deeply unsettle every American who cares about freedom, privacy and reining in the surveillance state.
After the recent revelation that Donald Trump had selected J.D. Vance as his Vice President, public attention not only turned toward Vance, but also to the billionaire Peter Thiel. Vance has been one of several prominent Thiel protégés whose profile has risen in recent years, with other protégés of the PayPal co-founder including OpenAI’s Sam Altman and Anduril’s Palmer Luckey. Recent reports have also noted that Thiel first recruited Vance into his circle while Vance was still a student at Yale Law School. Shortly thereafter, Vance joined Thiel’s investment firm Mithril Capital, where he worked for two years before joining Revolution Ventures. Vance played a major role in Revolution’s “Rise of the Rest” seed fund whose major investors included Amazon’s Jeff Bezos and the Walton family of WalMart, who boast long-standing deep ties to the Clinton family. Vance later launched his own venture capital firm Narya Capital in 2020, which was heavily funded by Thiel as well as former Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Schmidt, a major Democrat donor, has been the guiding hand behind the Biden administration’s science and technology policy and has dominated the development of the AI policies of the US military and intelligence communities, largely through his leadership of the National Security Commission on AI (NSCAI). As Unlimited Hangout previously reported, the Schmidt-led NSCAI promoted policies like the end of private car ownership and in-person shopping in the United States to advance Americans’ adoption of AI as supposed national security imperative in the lead-up to the Covid-era lockdowns.Both Schmidt and Thiel are key members of the steering committee of the controversial, closed-door and overtly globalist Bilderberg conference. Newsweek once called Schmidt and Thiel the two most influential figures at Bilderberg.
by Whitney Webb

Deep State Tried To Kill Trump: Conspiracy Theory Or Fact? (58:57)
Rebel Capitalist Interviews Robert Barnes

Joe Biden Drops Out
Kamala Harris, heir apparent.
Today’s decision was all but a certainty after his performance in the first debate, where he was a confused and incoherent mess. A far cry from the man the New York Times described last year as a “super-ager.” Not that he (or the first lady) wanted to give up – it took a push from Democratic leadership and Hollywood icons and wealthy donors. Political death by a thousand cuts to the man who still believes, to this day, that he is the Democrats’ best chance to defeat Donald Trump. We guessed that the DNC may have used their rules to take out Biden after the nomination but things couldn’t wait. The Democratic National Convention is less than a month out, beginning August 19, and better to let the delegates at the convention decide the nominee than the DNC powers. Some may say this is the Democrats in disarray. While it is that, it is also a couple other things: a change in conversation from the assassination attempt against President Donald Trump and the successful RNC, and a chance to regroup from the impending disaster of the 2024 election.
by Techno Fog

Ongoing Jewish Influence In The Transformation Of Ireland
The ‘softening up’ of Ireland for the ongoing scheme of mass population replacement is set to gather pace following the appointment of Nigerian Ebun Joseph in the Orwellian role of “Special Rapporteur for the National Plan Against Racism.” The stated aim of this plan is to “make Ireland a place in which the impacts of racism are fully acknowledged and actively addressed.” In other words, the goal of the plan is to brainwash the Irish population into a sense of White guilt, or as a recent article in The Spectator put it, “the Nigerian-born Special Rapporteur will deliver regular reports to the Irish government about how hideously white and racist Irish people are.” The national Plan Against Racism will begin a process where special rights and privileges are handed to foreigners while the Irish become second class citizens in their own land. The reason for the implementation of the plan, according to Shane O’Curry, Director of the Irish Network Against Racism (INAR), is that “migrants in Ireland are reporting not feeling safe across the board in all areas of life.” Mr O’Curry does not appear to be concerned about the declining sense of safety among Irish women and children thanks to these same migrants, but I suspect that Mr O’Curry is on too high a salary, much of it provided by globalist NGOs, to concern himself with such matters. Nonetheless, as will be explained below, Ebun Joseph is merely the figurehead for something that has a distinctly Jewish complexion, because Ireland’s National Action Plan Against Racism has Jewish origins.
by Marshall Yeats

A Better Place To Be (Live 1975) (9:59)
by Harry Chapin

Ireland – Mass-Immigration And The Great Reset
The government-corporate alliance is presented with a ready-made pretext to implement solutions that align with their agenda.
On Monday morning, Ireland would awake to reports of unrest in the Dublin suburb of Coolock, when after months of peaceful protest by local residents over plans to move upwards of 500 male migrants into a disused paint factory in the working-class neighborhood, tensions would come to a head when Irish riot police cleared the on-site protest camp in a heavy-handed early morning raid. In response, work vehicles intended to convert the site would be set ablaze, leading to scenes reminiscent of the north of Ireland in the late 60s or early 70s. As the day progressed, the parallels between Coolock and the Ireland of half a century ago would grow. Heavily-militarised police, under the direction of Garda commissioner and former RUC Deputy Constable Drew Harris, would soon arrive in the North Dublin suburb, resulting in scenes akin to Belfast or Derry in 1969. Local residents, including women, children, and the elderly, would be brutalised, a popular video streamer and citizen journalist would be arrested, and a number of elected representatives, who had arrived on the scene in a bid to calm tensions, would be pepper sprayed by police. By the end of the day, 15 people would be arrested and charged, with their names and addresses highly-publicised by the Irish media, an effective warning to others to not protest against the current immigration policies being imposed by Leinster House, which has seen large numbers of male migrants being placed into wildly unsuitable locations such as an inner city office block and childrens primary school, with no prior consultation being held with local communities beforehand.
by Gavin O’Reilly

When Supporting Israel Is A Liability: Is Gaza Changing The West?
The Israeli war of ‘extermination’ in Gaza, per the words of International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khan, has made the cause of Palestinian freedom a global one.
Much has been written about the political earthquakes in Britain and France, the first resulting in the crushing defeat of the Conservative Party and the latter in the overpowering of the far right, by a largely leftist coalition. But these were not the only important outcomes of the July 4 and July 7 general elections in two of Europe’s most influential countries. One other important, if not unprecedented outcome, was the centrality of the Palestinian cause to the political discourses in London and Paris which, in truth, are only reflections of greater changes underway on the entire European continent and body politic. For a long time, we have been told that outward advocacy of Palestinian rights is a lost political cause in Europe, where Israel holds a special status due to the West’s historical role in creating, sustaining and defending Israel. That affinity, however, was cemented by more than mere political traditions. In countries like the United States – but also Britain and France – the pro-Israel lobby served the role of a powerful constituency. Using money, media influence and alliances with other influential political and religious circles, they often determined the future of politicians. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is an illustration of the power of the lobby. Each cycle of US elections is often associated with stories that demonstrate the disproportionate political power wielded by AIPAC.
by Dr. Ramzy Baroud

CyberPolygon Strike? CrowdStrike’s Global Disruption (35:39)
Just as we saw with the shooting at the Trump rally, those who are tasked with protection can be the biggest threat – either through massive incompetence or malice. In the CrowdStrike global disruptions we see the people tasked with “cybersecurity” introducing a bug that shows how fragile our infrastructure is – and that includes CrowdStrike’s connection to “election security”. 15 characters cause millions of computers to crash. How long will it take to correct? The increasingly fragility of our infrastructure due to computer vulnerabilities. The WEF linked Global Cyber Alliance. CrowdStrike’s “Cybersecurity for Election Systems”
by The David Knight Show

Israel Humiliated By Houthis As Downtown Tel Aviv Bombed By Undetected New Drone Class! Netanyahu Heads To U.S. Congress as ICC Arrest Warrant Still Outstanding
In an event barely mentioned in the U.S. media yesterday (Friday, July 19, 2024), Yemen’s Houthi militants launched a new class of drones into the heart of Tel Aviv, considered the capital city of Israel by most of the world (97 embassies are in Tel Aviv compared to only 6 embassies in Jerusalem,) and is the country’s economic and technological center. The drone attack appeared to be targeting the U.S. Consulate in Tel Aviv, exploding very near it, and allegedly went undetected by American Israeli defense systems, being the first attack of its kind. This was truly an historical never-before-seen attack directly on Israel’s second most populous city, indicating that the Houthis are stepping up their attacks and not just simply targeting ships in the Red Sea anymore. While I have seen some reports that this attack on Tel Aviv yesterday might delay Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Washington D.C., news from D.C. seems to indicate that the trip is still on for this coming week. This begs the question: Will anyone try to arrest Netanyahu on the outstanding warrant for his arrest at the International Criminal Court? Protests are being planned in D.C., and Mike Johnson, the current Zionist leader of the House of Representatives, has threatened to arrest other lawmakers who do not support Israel.
by Brian Shilhavy

Israel’ Attacks Yemeni Civilian Facilities, Sanaa Vows Heavy Price
Al Mayadeen’s correspondent reports that civil defense teams continue to battle the blazing fires that erupted due to the Israeli aggression on oil storage facilities.
Israeli war jets launched a series of airstrikes on Saturday targeting Yemen’s province of Hodeidah on the Red Sea coast. The aggression targeted an oil refinery, leading to a massive fire that can be seen kilometers away. Al Mayadeen’s correspondent reported that the strikes targeted the Ras Kathib power station in Hodeidah, igniting the oil storage facilities. The Yemeni Ministry of Health reported martyrs and wounded as a result of the aggression, confirming that civilians suffered severe burns due to the fires. Israeli Kan 11 channel citing a US official reported that the Israelis conducted an attack in Yemen.
by Al Mayadeen English

The Young Man Was ‘The Patsy’
Besides not being able to kill the president, the other thing that went very wrong for the killers is that the young man did not climb to the highest point of the roof, as he would have had to do for the official narrative to have a basis. At the spot in which the young man died, he was in fact more than one yard away from the uppermost point of the roof and unable to even see the campaign rally. He would have had to climb to the very top, to the apex of the roof, to be in a position to commit the crime he is accused of. There is a TMZ video that surfaced today (7/19/24). He is looking forward in it and gunfire is heard; the crowd is screaming because of the shots while he is still looking forward. His arms are to his side. The video shows that he had no rifle. Just before the camera breaks away from him, in the last instant he is seen, his face moves rightward in the video. It could be that it is the moment he was killed. Right after it, the second barrage of shots is recorded; the fact that his face turns rightward after the first barrage has begun, shows that he is not the assassin. The TMZ video shows that he was either killed in the last instant we see him in their video, or else in the second barrage of gunfire.
by John Leo Keenan

Houthis Take Responsibility For Drone Attack On Tel Aviv (10:47)
Houthi Armed Forces have claimed responsibility for the drone attack on the Israeli capital, which resulted in 1 dead and 8 hospitalized.
by RT


Israel Bombed Nuseirat Camp 63 Times In 7 Days
The Israeli army bombarded the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip 63 times in a week, killing at least 91 people and injuring 251 others, local authorities said on Sunday. “More than 75% of the victims were admitted to hospitals with burns due to Israel’s use of thermal and chemical weapons,” Gaza’s government media office said in a statement. The Nuseirat refugee camp is one of the most densely populated camps in Gaza, currently housing 250,000 residents and displaced people. The media office held Israel and the US administration “fully responsible for the continued massacres against the displaced and civilians.” It called on the international community, the UN, and international organizations to “pressure the Israeli occupation and the US administration to stop the genocide and halt the bloodshed in the Gaza Strip.”

Retro Israel Panel Defies ‘America First’ Foreign Policy
The future is knocking but at the National Conservatism Conference, old school remnants still dominate
The National Conservatism Conference, which professes to represent a new conservatism to “understand that the past and future of conservatism are inextricably tied to the idea of the nation, to the principle of national independence, and to the revival of the unique national traditions that alone have the power to bind a people together and bring about their flourishing,” has a foreign policy problem. On the one hand the organizers and proponents rail against a globalism dominated by supranational neo-liberal institutions, and progressive litmus tests and ideas, but on the other they want borderless solidarity with other like minded nationalists across the globe. And for some reason this precludes them from talking too much about the biggest U.S. foreign policy issue in years, the Ukraine war, for which there is no panel scheduled over the course of the event, Monday through today. It also means talking about Israel from a predominantly Israeli nationalist perspective. And talking about the Gaza war purely in the frame of Islamic extremism and the “mullocracy” of Iran. In other words, this is only an American interest insofar as, according to the speakers on Tuesday, U.S. presidents are accused of going too easy on Iran, which in part led to the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel. And now Washington has to help fix it.
by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos

Reviewing An Extraordinary Unsolved Murder In Washington D.C.
The recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump reminded me of the murder of Seth Rich almost exactly eight years ago.
The murder of Seth Rich—in the middle of one of the most brutal presidential election years in history—has always struck me as an example of the authorities NOT investigating a matter of public interest. The mainstream media and half the country were so blinded by partisan passions that they couldn’t see the grounds for suspecting that the young man’s murder was politically motivated. Just a few hours after the incident occurred—before there was any time to perform an investigation—the Metropolitan Police Department announced that the murder appeared to be a “botched robbery.” Since Seth Rich was murdered on July 10, 2016—12 days before Wikileaks published embarrassing DNC e-mails—there has been much speculation that he could have been the source because he was upset about how the DNC had treated Bernie Sanders. A good investigator wouldn’t speculate about the crime, but he would certainly notice that, statistically speaking, the murder is extraordinary. Seth Rich was shot in the back near his apartment building, and though he was carrying a valuable watch, wallet, and cell phone, these were not taken by the assailant. Perhaps it was a botched robbery, as the Metropolitan Police Department quickly announced, but shooting a guy in the back without taking his valuables is not typical of armed robbery. Other robberies in the same neighborhood around the same time followed the conventional pattern of the assailant threatening the victim and demanding his or her valuables instead of opening fire on the victim.
by John Leake

July 21, 2024, Deep State Tried To Kill Trump: Conspiracy Theory Or Fact? (58:57)
Rebel Capitalist Interviews Robert Barnes

Deep State Tried To Kill Trump: Conspiracy Theory Or Fact? (58:57)
Rebel Capitalist Interviews Robert Barnes
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Robert Barnes

Rebel Capitalist

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July 20, 2024, Hitler On The Jews (Audiobook 7:02:06)

Hitler On The Jews (Audiobook 7:02:06)
Edited by Thomas Dalton, PhD
by Adolf Hitler
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July 19, 2024, 24 Posts Published And Archived

Two Shooters Confirmed (32:41)
by Chris Martenson, PhD
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear: Trump And Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People
There’s zero doubt. Two separate weapons were fired toward Trump and the Crowd. One fired 3 rounds, the other(s?) 6 or 7 depending on how many sniper rounds were fired at Crooks. This indicates a conspiracy to assassinate Trump.
by Chris Martenson, PhD


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Trump Assassination Attempt
Dozens of links have already been published.
This page is updated regularly with pertinent articles, news, photographs, quotes and videos.
by Mark R. Elsis

Quote Of The Day
‘Human beings are born with different capacities.
If they are free, they are not equal.
And if they are equal, they are not free.’
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

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The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy, Jr.
25 years of lies
It is beyond any doubt that JFK, Jr. was about to launch his political career. Keep in mind that he was only thirty eight years old at the time his plane went down, at the exact minute he didn’t place that widely reported calm call to the FAA, awaiting landing instructions, which the coast guard assigned a petty officer to discuss with the press. The exact minute that lawyer Victor Pribanic, who never replied to me when I was writing Hidden History, heard an explosion in the sky in that location. The exact minute a still unidentified guest at the upcoming wedding of Rory Kennedy, referenced by Fox News reporter Shepard Smith, heard or saw the same explosion as Pribanic, and the deeply vanished Martha’s Vineyard Gazette reporter. All “mistaken” in the exact same way, as happened with so many regarding the JFK assassination. Just imagine if Wayne Madsen had launched that investigation, with the power of JFK’s son’s name behind it. Picture the impact of a close Kennedy family member finally breaking their incomprehensible silence and stating the obvious; that the official lone nut theory of his father’s death was absolute nonsense. And JFK, Jr. might have been doing so from the floor of the United States Senate. He was considered a shoo-in, and his candidacy was more than a rumor. Fortunately for the Deep State, once JFK’s son was conveniently out of the way, the path was cleared for the Queen of Corruption, the beloved Hillary Clinton. But JFK, Jr. wasn’t a mere victim of the extensive Clinton Body Count. He was eliminated by the same powerful forces who killed his father.
by Donald Jeffries

Tying Crooks Into A FBI And Secret Service Conspiracy
How might the pieces fit together?
Okay, so there’s a malicious Secret Service and a 20-year-old attempted assassin. What’s the connection between the two? The Secret Service doesn’t go out and solicit deranged leftist attackers. The likely scenario is that the FBI groomed Crooks from orders-on-high2 and, when certain he would make an attempt, informed the higher-ups who then leaned on the Secret Service to allow the attempt to happen. The motives for this were discussed in the first post on this topic: to create enormous Republican chaos before Trump had announced a Vice President (and there was no clear successor or front-runner to take the helm), as well as possibly to instigate the fabled Redneck Rebellion in order to then brutally crush it to formally usher in a hypercharged surveillance state, which will be discussed in perhaps my next post. By the way, it was difficult to do research for this post because both Bing and Google are heavily censoring search results. If you Bing images “Thomas Crooks” for example, nothing relevant comes up. They’re only getting better and better at censorship as the AI improves; eventually we will hit a point where globohomo will have total information control and we will not be able to find evidence supporting things we know to be true, or past events. Lastly, if one accepts that this was a conspiracy, it looks like they very may well try again as a Plan B, possibly using an explosion by “Iran” as “revenge” for the murder of Soleimani in order to both eliminate Trump, push the U.S. into another Middle Eastern war on behalf of Israel, and use it as an excuse to clamp down on free speech on the internet.3
by Neoliberal Feudalism

The Parents Of Thomas Matthew Crooks Called Police Before The Assassination Attempt To Warn Them (1:17)

FBI Releases Questionable Timeline of Shooting (Text and Videos)
The counter-sniper who ultimately shot Crooks HAD to have seen the shooter when he took aim from the roof’s ridge. The kill shot hit Crooks when his head was positioned 3-5 feet downslope of ridge.
The FBI just released the following timeline of the Trump and Crooks shooting.
5:10 p.m. Crooks first identified as a person of interest.
5:30 p.m. Crooks spotted with a rangefinder.
5:52 p.m. Crooks spotted on the roof by USSS.
6:02 p.m. Trump takes the stage.
6:12 p.m. Crooks fires first shots. Crooks shot 26 seconds later.
Given that the team on the north barn may not have been able to see the entire east side of the ridge, the obvious choice was to assign each of the four riflemen to scope a particular section of the ridge. The two riflemen on the south barn could indeed see the ridge behind which Crooks popped up to take aim. It’s very hard for me to believe that at least one of the riflemen did not see Crooks aiming his rifle in time to shoot him before he fired. According to the FBI, even after Crooks completely gave away his position by firing from it, it still took the counter-sniper 26 seconds to return the fatal shot. Something must have caused the counter-snipers to hesitate.
by John Leake

The Bullets Of An Assassin
The bullets of an assassin shook the world on Saturday, July 13. Dark forces are at play that want the war against Russia to continue, and they are willing to be ruthless, to murder even their own leaders if it means they can get their way, and if they can do that, what will they not do? We have entered a very dangerous time. The bullets of an assassin shook the world on Saturday, July 13. Shot by a sniper at a campaign rally in a small town in Pennsylvania, Presidential candidate and former President Trump survived by a hair’s breadth as the assassin’s bullets just missed the centre of his head, which he moved as he spoke, and hit his ear as it whistled by. Photos of the bullet can be seen in many posts online. Trump went to the ground of his own accord and it seemed to be seconds before any security people began to surround him, and then after assuring themselves the sniper was “neutralised” brought him to his feet, at which Trump, to assure the world he was still alive, raised his fist in salute and shouted in defiance at those who tried to murder him, “fight, fight, fight.” Who Is Responsible? Those who are behind this assassination, for no one can believe that this sniper acted alone, are exposed by the news coverage and political statements made after the shooting. CNN stands for most of the US media, attempting to downplay the crime as an “incident,” running headlines the he suffered a “fall”, without stating the cause, even interviewing talking heads who called for “unity” in the face of an attempt on the life of the main opposition candidate, one of whom accused Trump’s defiant raised fist as more proof of how dangerous a man he is to “American democracy.” Similar treatment was given to the crime by other US mass media. To watch the news coverage immediately after the shooting was an journey into a parallel world where the BBC, which had reporters there covering the events, interviewed multiple witness stating that they saw the sniper go towards the building and climb onto the roof, that they alerted the police and Secret Service near them, but that the security services did not react at all until after the shooting took place, and all of them stated they were sure the police and Secret Service had to be involved. But if you went back to CNN, the only thing they were showing was some “expert in security” talking about proper security protocols as if the identity and motives of the assassin were of no importance nor how he could get so close to Trump without being stopped.
by Christopher Black

Tucker Carlson Speech And Q&A At Heritage’s 2024 Policy Fest (40:57)

Saudi Arabia Could Break The West’s Financial Architecture
Seeing efforts to seize Russian assets in the US and the EU, rich Gulf investors are getting worried about the safety of their own wealth
Private property has always been regarded as something sacred for humanity. Today, however, this sanctity and inviolability of private property are under threat. In the modern world, where economic and political instability are becoming increasingly common, the legal systems and international agreements designed to protect property rights are facing new challenges. Asset confiscation, economic sanctions, and political pressure threaten the traditional notions of property inviolability, forcing people to reassess their beliefs and seek new ways to safeguard their interests. Last week, global media outlets reported that at the beginning of this year, Saudi Arabia hinted at the possibility of selling some of its European debt holdings if the G7 countries moved forward with plans to confiscate nearly $300 billion of Russia’s frozen assets. This information came from sources familiar with the situation, adding a layer of complexity to the already tense geopolitical landscape. Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Finance communicated to some G7 partners its strong disapproval of the proposed measure, which was intended to support Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. One insider described the communication as a veiled threat, highlighting the kingdom’s serious intent to protect its financial interests. The Saudis specifically mentioned French Treasury-issued debts, underscoring their strategic approach to leveraging their economic influence.
by Murad Sadygzade

My Questions Regarding The Trump Shooting
Okay. Okay. Every talking head from every medium in the world has already given their analysis of the Trump shooting in Pennsylvania. I almost decided to NOT write on this because, after all, virtually everything that can be said about it has been said—everyone from the conventional, mockingbird media to the most fanciful conspiracy theorist and everyone in between. But, alas, here I am writing about the Trump shooting. At this point, I have mostly observations and questions regarding those observations—quite a few questions. My biggest questions concern the Secret Service (SS) itself. I’ve heard people say that the SS was ordered to “stand down,” thus giving the shooter a prime position and plenty of time to take his shot. I even saw a video of one guy who claimed to be one of the SS snipers in the now-famous photos who said he had the bad guy in his sights for over 3 minutes and was ordered to not fire. I will not even begin to comment on the legitimacy of that claim. But based on the reasonable takeaways from the footage that we all have seen repeatedly, I have several serious questions, most of which concern the Secret Service as an agency. First, it defies all logic that the professional federal agency tasked with the sole responsibility of protecting America’s presidents, vice presidents, their wives and families as well as the major presidential candidates could be as lax, as unprofessional and as downright inept as what we witnessed last Saturday. What? A twenty-year-old man with a rifle climbs on and then crawls across the roof of a building a mere 130 yards away from Trump? Are you kidding? That’s Keystone Cops-level incompetency. Why did the SS NOT recognize that rooftop as a high-priority area and have agents posted there before people even started arriving? Even amateur security people would have noticed and protected that vulnerable position. To me, that is the single most glaring question in this entire episode. To not have protected that position was imbecilic to a magnitude that was off the charts. Use any word you want: Stupid. Inept. Idiotic. Sophomoric. Moronic. Dumb. Unbelievable. Unfathomable. Nincompoopish. They all fit. I can easily understand why some people are saying that the SS was told to “stand down” or deliberately leave this location unguarded. It’s hard to fathom a professional agency trained to protect America’s presidential personnel showing themselves to be that inept.
by Chuck Baldwin

The Stakes Just Went Up (3:42)
by Peter St Onge, Ph.D.

Major News Outlet Urges Media To Bury Iconic Trump Photo Due To “Free PR” Concerns
A major news outlet’s photo editor criticized the widespread publishing of a dramatic photo depicting former President Donald Trump just moments after an assassination attempt, calling it unintentional “free PR” for Trump, and calling for it to not be shown. The editor, whose identity remains confidential, emphasized the potential danger in glorifying such an image, according to an Axios analysis of media trends. The photo shows Trump right after a bullet narrowly missed him at a rally in Pennsylvania. Captured by Associated Press photographer Evan Vucci, the image went viral, showing Trump, bloodied but unbowed, raising a fist to his supporters as he was hurried off stage, flanked by the Secret Service, with the American flag in the background. Despite its acclaim as a symbol of defiance and resilience, the photo editor and a photographer from the same outlet have advised against its frequent use in the media, warning that it could inadvertently serve to enhance Trump’s public image positively. Trump himself commented on the photo’s impact in an interview with the New York Post, proudly noting the iconic status of the image and the unusual circumstance of surviving such an ordeal, saying, “A lot of people say it’s the most iconic photo they’ve ever seen. They’re right and I didn’t die. Usually, you have to die to have an iconic picture.”
by Cindy Harper

Israel Approves Resolution Rejecting Creation Of Palestinian State
Arab-Israeli Member of the Knesset Aida Touma-Sliman told the government that she calls ‘upon all the states that did not recognise until today, the Palestinian state… Please recognise the state of Palestine.’ She explained that this recognition ‘is the only way to save the two people from those fascist crazy government who is ruling’ Israel. This came as the Knesset voted overwhelmingly to pass a resolution rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state. The resolution — passed 68-9 — altogether rejects the establishment of a Palestinian state, even as part of a negotiated settlement with Israel.
Israeli lawmakers voted yesterday to approve a draft resolution rejecting the creation of a Palestinian state even as part of a peace agreement. Some 68 deputies voted in favour of the bill in the General Assembly session, nine voted against it or abstained from voting, while the centrist Yesh Atid Party left the session before the vote was held, according to a statement issued by Knesset. The resolution declares that “the Israeli Knesset opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state on any piece of land west of the Jordan River” claiming that “the existence of a Palestinian state in the heart of Israel will pose an existential threat to the State of Israel and its citizens, will further extend the Israel-Palestinian Arab conflict and be a source of destabilisation for the entire region.” The motion concludes: “Supporting Palestinian statehood at this time would reward terrorism and serve to encourage Hamas and its supporters. Israel’s enemies will interpret it as the victorious outcome of the massacre perpetrated on October 7 and a precursor to the conquest by jihadist Islamism of the entire Middle East.”

IDF Hit 6 UNRWA Schools Over Past 10 Days – Representative (2:53)
by RT

What Comes After “Assassination Attempt” On The Globalist Itinerary?
(Hint: It sounds a lot like another assassination attempt.)
While the world continues to reel from the epic failure of the Secret Service to protect President Trump from some loud popping noises a blatant assassination attempt that scores of people saw coming and tried to prevent, life on the third rock goes on. VP candidates get picked, bikini clad trophy wives frolic in Mykonos, the climate change PR campaign remains stuck in screaming overdrive. It’s a lot to keep up with, especially when you keep getting sucked into stories like “Secret Service boss blames ‘sloped roof’ for not putting sniper team on building used by would-be Trump assassin.” I wish I were making that up. There are plenty of folks on this perplexed planet who’d prefer an expired version of DJT to the fist-pumping, fight-fight-fight, MAGA-loving one, including the countless disgusting humans openly lamenting “he missed” after the assault. I wonder if any of the haters ever stop to imagine what this country/world would (will?) look like in the wake of a successful Trump takedown. Spoiler: It won’t be pretty. The internet is teeming with grim predictions about what the next several months are going to look like, especially if the lone shooters of the world are successful at unaliving either candidate (TL; DW: false flags, cyber attacks, civil unrest, food shortages, martial law, mass hysteria). If I were a billionaire running for office with a target the size of Texas on my back, I think I’d be spending some hefty coin on private security protection and not leaving that task to the folks who desperately want me dead.
by Jenna McCarthy

US Declares ‘Mission Complete’ For Gaza Aid Pier After Delivering One Day’s Worth Of Food
Only a portion of the aid that entered Gaza via the US-built pier ever made it into the hands of starving Palestinians, as the UN suspended its operations in the area following the 8 June Nuseirat camp massacre
The Pentagon announced on 17 July that the floating pier built off the coast of Gaza would be dismantled for good, declaring its “mission complete” two months after it started operations. “The maritime surge mission involving the pier is complete. So there’s no more need to use the pier,” Navy Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, deputy commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM), told a news briefing late Wednesday. “Our assessment is that the temporary pier has achieved its intended effect to surge a very high volume of aid into Gaza and ensure that aid reaches the civilians in Gaza in a quick manner,” Cooper said, adding that nearly 20 million pounds of aid entered Gaza via the pier – the equivalent of about 600 truckloads. For months, the UN and other human rights organizations have established that a minimum of 500 to 600 truckloads of aid need to enter Gaza daily to alleviate critical famine conditions. A large part of the aid that reached Gaza via the pier rotted under the sun for weeks after the US and Israel used the alleged humanitarian corridor to launch a bloody rescue operation in Nuseirat camp that killed nearly 300 Palestinians.
by News Desk

Learn Some Compelling Perspectives About The Border From A Man Who Has Guarded America (Text and Audio 58:15)
With guest J.J. Carrell–Nowadays, illegal immigrants are set free at airports with tickets to anywhere they want in America…
At a time when some people we once identified as leaders in the freedom movement are denying threats to our freedom, such as the border crisis, we are heartened to introduce a relatively new face to you. J. J. Carrell, a courageous, recently retired United States Border Patrol agent, tells the truth as you’ve never heard it before about the catastrophe now being inflicted upon our nation by the wildly open border. J.J. contrasts his personal experiences in the decades before and during Biden. For decades, he was hunting down illegal immigrants to catch them and send them back to where they came from, but before he recently retired, he was ordered to catch and release them into America, never to be seen again. He describes how nowadays, illegal immigrants are set free at airports with tickets to anywhere they want in America, with a new iPhone, cash in their pockets, contact with a [leftwing] NGO, and documents giving them access to many privileges to use our medical, social, and educational services. Then, with a sympathy for their ultimate plight I’ve never heard about before, J.J. explains that after a year or two, the immigrant that Biden invited to America with his family loses all his privileges, becomes labeled an illegal immigrant and is denied a right to work permit, utterly betraying him and his family.
by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

The Catholic Monument Was Shot And Dynamited By Red Militiamen In 1936 (Text and Photographs)
The Hill of the Angels, witness of the red terror in Spain: thus attacked a monument to Christ
The martyrs of Cerro de los Ángeles and the destruction of the monument. On Saturday, July 18, 1936, the Spanish Civil War broke out. That same day, 30 members of the Workers’ Companies of San José and of the Sacred Heart of Jesus went to Cerro de los Ángeles for a vigil of nocturnal adoration. At the end of the mass, at dawn, most of the congregants returned to Madrid, except for five: Pedro-Justo Dorado Dellmans, 31 years old. Fidel Barrios Muñoz, 21 years old. Elías Requejo Sorondo, 19 years old. Blas Ciarreta Ibarrondo, 40 years old. Vicente de Pablo García, 19 years old. The five stayed in the Cerro to protect the monument. The inhabitants of a nearby farm reported them when they saw them praying the Rosary and blessing the table before eating. On July 23, they were killed by Red militiamen. At the time of his murder, the five looked at the monument, and his last breath was to shout a “Viva Cristo Rey” (Long live Christ the King!), before their bodies collapsed on the floor of Cerro, where they were abandoned for a whole day. Today the remains of those five martyrs rest inside the church located under the new monument. On July 28, five days after that crime, red militiamen went to the Cerro de los Ángeles and a photo was literally “shot” of the monument. A real photo, but that some leftists have crossed out during years of false, although its authenticity is well documented: thus they want to erase the trace of that infamy. They destroyed all the sculptures with chisels, with cables pulled by a tractor and finally with dynamite. The militiamen needed five explosions to completely demolish the monument, since it miraculously resisted the first attempts to demolish it.

by Outono

Tiny Sunlight-Powered Drone Flies For An Hour (Text and Video)
A team of engineers at Beihang University, working with a colleague from Center of Advanced Aero-Engine, both in China, has developed a micro-aerial vehicle that flies using direct sunlight. They reported their results in the journal Nature. As drone technology matures, scientists and others have been finding new uses for them. One potential use is high-altitude surveillance. With the right technology, drones powered by the sun could be sent aloft and would never have to land, much like satellites, only at much lower altitudes. Such drones would be so small that it would be nearly impossible to see or track them, or to shoot them down in a war. In this new study, the research team in China found a way to overcome some of the roadblocks that have stood in the way of developing such drones. Currently, micro-aerial vehicles are limited in flight time to about a half hour. The smallest, called ultralight MAVs, can only fly for about 10 minutes. This is because electromagnetic motors are used to power them, using electricity from a solar panel. Unfortunately, the smaller the drone, the smaller the surface area of the solar panel. Also, smaller electromagnetic motors are less efficient. To overcome these problems, the researchers used an electrostatic motor that powers a rotor using electrostatic fields. The approach allowed the team to build a motor weighing just 1.52 grams.
by Bob Yirka

July 18, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

The Parents Of Thomas Matthew Crooks Called Police Before The Assassination Attempt To Warn Them (1:17)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Karli Bonne

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Trump Assassination Attempt
Dozens of posts have already been published.
This page is updated regularly with pertinent articles, news, photographs, quotes and videos.
by Mark R. Elsis

Quote Of The Day
“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism
that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.”
Creepy Joe Biden


Video Of Quote (0:51)

Website Of The Day
Freedom Taker
Our governments and private monopolies are now so massive that the majority of society’s wealth is consumed by institutional overhead, corruption, waste and service to public debt. The product of government is no longer service to us, it is now control of us and service to itself. If our central collectives were eliminated or permanently reduced to a small fraction of their current size, wealth and power, the abundance that society would experience would be beyond our current imaginations.

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United States With 3,437 Posts

Why The Zionist Lobby And The New World Order Wants The Death Of Trump
It is a certainty that Jewish and Zionist fingerprints are in the latest (and hopefully the last) attempt against Trump’s life although the MSM is now running a red herring by blaming Iran, despite the fact that the shooter was Jewish and he worked for BlackRock, which has its own private militia.
It looked like a quiet hot afternoon in Butler, Pennsylvania, one of the states where a massive electoral fraud was carried out against Donald Trump 4 years ago. People had gathered to listen to the leader of MAGA, the founder of the American patriotic movement, Donald Trump. The supporters of the President were cheering and listening to Trump’s speech when a series of shots was heard. Trump has just moved his head quickly to the right to look at a sign against the migrants invasion, and a bullet wounded his right ear. This unexpected movement saved his life. Had the President stayed still, he would have been history by now. The shot was quite accurate and the sniper who fired it was not a newbie, like they are claiming as of now. The aspirant killer, Thomas Crooks, had received some military training and if we look at his history, we can trace it back to the Jewish lobby. Crooks was a student at BlackRock, the biggest investment fund in the world that basically owns the world. In BlackRock you can find everything. You can find the pharmaceutical cartel, namely Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca. You can find Delta, Coca-Cola, Apple, Microsoft and every big corporation that you can think of. The owner of BlackRock is Vanguard, another investment fund that does not disguise its ownership. In order to find the real owner of these two huge funds, we must follow the traces of their investors, and by doing so, we will find the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the DuPonts, the Morgans and the Warburgs. Here we find the lords of international finance and the leaders of the Ashkenazi finance that has been ruling the Western world ever since the Rothschilds, at the beginning of the XIX century, became the lords of international usury and the agitators of countless wars. The business of the Rothschilds is war, and their money is called blood. This family that has been dominating European politics after the breakout of the French Revolution is the real force that guides and inspires liberal democracy. Crooks seemed to thrive in such an environment. He was also a student of the Jewish Talmud and a regular to the synagogue of Butler, as we can see here in this picture.
by Cesare Sacchetti

They Want You Dead And You’re Clutching Your Pearls? (13:02)
by Peter R. Quiñones

Cops Radioed “Blanket Tactical Channel” About Shooter After Rooftop Confrontation, Yet Nothing Was Done
Evidence continues to mount that Saturday’s attempted assassination of Donald Trump by shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was allowed to happen, despite ample warning from bystanders, local PD, and even the shooter’s parents. [She says they called to say he was missing even though we know he told his dad he was going to the gun range with the AR-15 he borrowed. Context: That doesn’t warrant the description of ‘missing’. Instead, it indicates that his parents feared he left with a purpose and there’s no way they didn’t relay that to the police.]
To review: Three hours before the shooting, security for the rally caught Crooks with a rangefinder and let him go. 40 minutes before the shooting, law enforcement circulated a picture of Crooks crawling around on the ground. Local PD notified the Secret Service that they had inadequate resources to monitor the building used by Crooks. The parents of Thomas Matthew Crooks called law enforcement before the assassination attempt to warn them that their son was “missing” and they were “worried” about him. Local law enforcement observed Crooks leave the area and return three times, during which they took two pictures of him and reported the suspicious activity. A Secret Service agent in charge of security for the event was on the phone with local and state police about the threat while the shooting took place. Crowds were shouting at the police to do something about the guy on the roof with a rifle for several minutes. And now for the kicker: After Crooks was positioned on the roof, one cop boosted another cop up to the roofline – only for Crooks to point his weapon at him. At that point, the boosted cop fell.
by Tyler Durden

Do Not Resuscitate
Many decades ago, doctors agreed that it was wrong to resuscitate patients who were in severe pain and who were terminally ill (or ‘terminally, terminally ill’ as is preferred these days). Before the introduction of the ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ (DNR) protocol it was common for severely ill patients to be dragged back to life time and time again. Whenever such a patient stopped breathing (and effectively died) a ‘crash team’ would be mobilised. Doctors would run to the ward with masses of equipment and the patient would be injected, intubated and (literally) shocked back to life. As a young hospital doctor I was accustomed to seeing patients repeatedly dragged back to life from the brink of death. No one really thought of just letting someone die. If and when a patient died we considered that we had failed – however old and ill they were. That was then. Today, the DNR protocol has been expanded and my mailbox has, for years been full of stories of patients complaining of being asked to sign ‘Do Not Resuscitate Forms or having Do Not Resuscitate forms signed on their behalf. (These are known as DNR forms or DNAR forms – for Do Not Attempt Resuscitation.) DNR notices are only inches away from euthanasia and could, perhaps, be best described as ‘passive euthanasia’. The doctor doesn’t actually do anything to kill the patient. But he doesn’t do what he could do to stop them dying. In recent years, GPs all over the world have been contacting their elderly patients, and those with chronic health disorders, and asking them two questions. Even perfectly healthy patients have been approached if they have reached a certain age. (The age at which doctors consider a patient not worth saving varies but is usually around 70.) ‘Are you happy for us to put a DNR on your file?’ And ‘Are you happy for us to put on your file a note that you won’t be admitted to hospital if you become unwell?’ Note the clever wording, designed to elicit a positive response. It’s the sort of trickery used by crooked pollsters and insurance salesmen – knowing what answer they want and shading the question in such a way as to ensure that they get it.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman

26 Minutes (30:42)
by Redacted

US Election Should Not Easily Make China An Issue
Recently, there has been significant progress in the restoration of contact and dialogue between China and the US, as well as in managing the risks of conflict. However, we also regret to see an increase of the voices calling for a hardline stance toward China within the US. Both parties in the US are competing to manipulate the China issue, and the so-called “policy plans” to contain China that each party has put forward are becoming more and more absurd. Although some of these “plans” are not feasible and will not become reality, the damage to bilateral relations is real. Although China and the US have different historical cultures, social systems, and development paths, many emotions are shared between the people of both countries. The book Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance, Donald Trump’s vice-presidential running mate, has stirred sympathy in Chinese society for the “Rust Belt” of America. However, at the same time, there are some misconceptions about China in American society. China and the US should have a correct understanding of each other. Making an issue of China for election purposes is a disregard and hijacking of the huge common interests between China and the US. For US presidential candidates, it accumulates a deficit in the development of relations with China for the next US government. This approach seriously undermines the atmosphere of bilateral cooperation, and is also not conducive to world peace and stability.
Editorial by Global Times

A Huge Financial Bet Against Donald Trump’s Company Was Made Before The Assassination Attempt
Must be a coincidence, right?
Donald Trump is a significant owner of Trump Media & Technology Group (DJT) shares. That publicly traded entity operates Truth Social, a pro-Trump social network in which Mr. Trump owns 78.8 million shares. The network’s business plan is to be the hangout for like-minded Trump fans who want to be the first to read their favorite politician’s announcements and socialize. Like other stocks, many people buy and sell shares of DJT for various reasons. However, an interesting financial bet stands out. A little-known private financial firm reported initiating an unusually large short position by buying put options for the nominal amount of 12,000,000 shares. So, on July 12th, a day before the assassination attempt, Austin Private Wealth reported a short position nominally equivalent to 12 million shares. It is huge: it represents approximately one-seventh of Trump’s ownership in the same company, or 16% of all available stock float not held by major insiders. A sudden demise of Truth Social’s central figure, Donald Trump, would make the DJT 0.00%? stock worthless, making Austin Private Wealth a beneficiary of a gigantic payoff. Depending on the strike price, it could be a couple hundred million dollars. What do you think? Is a giant put position, which would benefit from a sudden drop in DJT stock, initiated so close to the assassination attempt, just another unrelated coincidence?
by Igor Chudov

Trump Elevated To “The Chosen” Status, Genocide In Gaza Increases In Violence
Those who will vote Trump and Vance because “America first” will continue a neocon policy that does not change regardless of Democrat or Republican – the targets may change, the goal does not – Biden may start nuclear war with Russia, Trump will exterminate Palestinians and destroy West Asia with Iran as the final prey. Americans don’t get to be isolationist or protectionist about their foreign policies until America gets the hell out of every country it has occupied in the world today and for example, stops nesting unlawfully in sovereign nations to steal their resources. If people really want to put America first, they should be ending US hegemony and military expansionism which has nothing to do with “national security”. Nobody wants America first except Americans who want to continue the neocolonialist agenda and don’t give a shit about the millions of brown people murdered in the name of US “democracy”. The world is not a stage governed by the US, it is a world of diversity and culture that has existed way longer than America. Leave it alone, repair the damage but don’t vote in another wave of military adventurism.
by Vanessa Beeley

Trump Assassination Attempt: Timeline Of Events (4:29)
The footage shows the timeline of events at Pennsylvania rally, where Donald Trump was injured. It appears to show that law enforcement did not react to the shooter being spotted by onlookers for about two minutes, until shots were heard.
by RT

The Ascendance Of Sociopaths In U.S. Governance
An International Man lives and does business wherever he finds conditions most advantageous, regardless of arbitrary borders. He’s diversified globally, with passports from multiple countries, assets in several jurisdictions, and his residence in yet another. He doesn’t depend absolutely on any country and regards all of them as competitors for his capital and expertise. Living as an international man has always been an interesting possibility. But few Americans opted for it, since the U.S. used to reward those who settled in and put down roots. In fact, it rewarded them better than any other country in the world, so there was no pressing reason to become an international man. Things change, however, and being rooted like a plant – at least if you have a choice – is a suboptimal strategy if you wish to not only survive, but prosper. Throughout history, almost every place has at some point become dangerous for those who were stuck there. It may be America’s turn. For those who can take up the life of an international man, it’s no longer just an interesting lifestyle decision. It has become, at a minimum, an asset saver, and it could be a lifesaver. That said, I understand the hesitation you may feel about taking action; pulling up one’s roots (or at least grafting some of them to a new location) can be almost as traumatic to a man as to a vegetable.
by Doug Casey

Catalyst Events And The Trump Assassination Attempt
A Theory for How Trump Dodged the Assassin’s Bullet
Note: this article is very different from the content typically publish, but I felt it should be written due to a few questions I was repeatedly receiving.
Both I and my spiritual teachers believe we live in a very unique era, where due to cyclical cosmic forces that are at a play, longstanding paradigms can change in a blink of an eye and previously inconceivable events will occur one after another. On one hand, this cyclical period where “time is cut in half and cut in half again” is often thought of as “the age of darkness” because humans often cannot adapt to the rapid changes it brings forth, but on the flip side these periods offer immense opportunities for both individuals and societies at large to evolve and discard dysfunctional paradigms which caused immense damage to everyone for generations. For example, imagine for a moment how slowly human society changed over the centuries, and then compare it to how profoundly different our society has been in each successive decade, or that the pace of change has only continued to accelerate-especially with the advent of the internet. Because society becomes so mutable in these eras, events will frequently emerge that have the potential to radically shift the direction of the society for decades if not generations to come. More importantly, those events are often inflection points that offer two very different paths depending on which way the society bifurcates, and hence the way individuals in the society respond to the event carries truly profound consequences.
by A Midwestern Doctor

Heroes Hang When Traitors Triumph
New evidence strongly suggests that one of Britain’s greatest war adventurers was murdered by MI5 the British Secret Service. The legendary desert warrior, friend of outstanding writer Henry Williamson and admirer of Adolf Hitler, previous to his murder, had stated his intention to join Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists (BUF). The academically brilliant Irish-American William Joyce was falsely dubbed ‘Lord Haw-Haw’. During the war it was said, he betrayed Britain. The sobriquet Lord Haw-Haw was due to a mistake made by a Daily Express reporter. Influential American LIFE magazine calculated that 50% of the English people listened to William Joyce’s opinions broadcast from Hamburg. The manager of East Riding Radio Relay Service complained; “We are inundated with requests for Lord Haw-Haw broadcasts, which we are not allowed to give.” Statesman David Lloyd George; “The Government ought to take notice of every word this man says.” This is the story of an Irish-American who was to become a champion of British rather than globalist interests. If T. E. Lawrence and Henry Williamson were set to oppose the war lobby’s intention to enter into war with trade competitor Germany.
by Michael Walsh

The Failed Assassination Attempt On President Trump (4:29)
by Greg Reese

Total Must Read: Everyone Knew The Assassination Attempt Was Imminent (Text and Videos)
Am I exaggerating? If so, not by so much that it makes much difference. Here’s the must read article: Cops Radioed “Blanket Tactical Channel” About Shooter After Rooftop Confrontation, Yet Nothing Was Done
Evidence continues to mount that Saturday’s attempted assassination of Donald Trump by shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was allowed to happen, despite ample warning from bystanders, local PD, and even the shooter’s parents. This article answers so many questions. Like … What did the cop who poked up onto the roof do after the shooter pointed his rifle at him? What was going on between the counter snipers and the SS command center at the time the shooting started? How long before the shooting was the shooter caught and released? How many times was the shooter observed and reported for suspicious activity? The officer who confronted Thomas Matthew Crooks on the roof radioed a “blanket tactical channel” that there was “an individual on the roof with a weapon” before the assassination attempt on President Trump. Why wasn’t President Trump immediately evacuated?
by Mark Wauck

Puzzling Features Of Crooks Crime Scene
Did Crooks toss his rifle aside? If so, was he hoping that counter-snipers would refrain from shooting him to preserve him as a witness?
The following still images from aerial video footage of the dead would-be assassin on the rooftop strike me as puzzling. Note the large flow of blood downslope of his body in the following closeup. The position of his body marks the position at which he was shot in the head. I initially wondered if if the photo was taken after law officers checked Crooks’s body to make sure he was dead, then separated the weapon from his body, and then left the scene. Perhaps initial responders were told to leave the roof to minimize contamination of the crime scene, and to wait in the parking lot below for the coroner and crime scene investigators to arrive. However, I still believe it is worth trying to ascertain if it was Crooks who tossed the weapon far to his left after he finished shooting. It appears that the weapon’s magazine is still seated in the weapon. Did the responders check to make sure the chamber and magazine were empty, and then reinsert the magazine? The position of Crooks’s body—a few feet below the roof’s ridge—suggest that he was trying to crawl in reverse, back down the roof, but was unable to keep his head low enough to avoid getting shot by a counter-sniper. I wonder if he believed—or was led to believe—that if he made a show of tossing his rifle far to the side, the counter-snipers would refrain from shooting him to preserve him as a witness. Obviously, the time to shoot Crooks was the second he aimed his weapon from the roof’s ridge, not after he’d finished shooting and was crawling in retreat back down the roof’s slope.
by John Leake

“Lady MacBiden”
Trump Assassination Attempt: Does Dr Jill Biden Need to be Questioned?
I am careful about my words. I don’t throw around accusations, and, for the legal record, I am not here making an accusation. This essay is deliberately written so as to not be an act of defamation or of libel. Here is my immediate response on Saturday July 13, to the assassination attempt. As I warned you all in my recent essay “What Time It is”, about the incarceration of Stephen K Bannon, the attempt on President Trump’s life on Saturday July 13 was sadly predictable, as we are in the period, foreseeable per the historical record in a declining democracy, of the “physical mopping-up of the opposition.” Subsequent to the assassination attempt against President Trump last Saturday in Butler, PA, I need to talk about Dr Jill Biden and her office. I believe Dr Jill Biden and Hunter Biden and Dr Jill Biden’s staff need to be investigated subsequent to (my awkward grammar is to avoid the legal repercussions of saying, “in relation to”) the assassination attempt against President Trump. There has been historic reluctance to challenge any First Lady. But someone made the decision to surround President Trump with tiny female Secret Service agents, at least one of whom cowered behind him while he was being shot at, and who appeared later not to know how to manage her holster. All this happened when who knows how many tall, strong, experienced Secret Service agents were just 54 minutes away. Someone made sure to arrange to be short of a third counter-sniper team; someone made sure to fail to secure a building 130 meters away from the speaker. Someone is directing SS director Cheatle to give nonsensical answers (this is itself a message, about impunity). Most chillingly, to me, is that someone directed a guard in military uniform to point his rifle directly at the van with a wounded Pres. Trump in it, before raising it again.
by Dr. Naomi Wolf

Why Wasn’t President Trump Immediately Evacuated? (1:40)
The officer who confronted Thomas Matthew Crooks on the roof radioed a “blanket tactical channel” that there was “an individual on the roof with a weapon” before the assassination attempt on President Trump.
Why wasn’t President Trump immediately evacuated? Was the Secret Service listening to this “blanket tactical channel”? Two officers went to the lowest point of the building. One officer boosted the other high enough to reach the roof, where he saw the shooter with a weapon. Crooks turned and pointed his weapon at the officer, who then ducked and fell off the roof. “The boosting officer and the officer that fell were both on the radio indicating that there was an individual on the roof that did, in fact, have a weapon.” “There was a blanket tactical channel being used. Everyone who was on that tactical channel heard it.” How much time was there between that radio communication and the gun being fired at President Trump? It’s bad enough that the Secret Service didn’t put anyone on the most obvious roof 150 yards away. But after two police officers radioed in that there was a guy on the roof with a gun, why wasn’t President Trump immediately evacuated?

Alex Soros Is A Nut Job – Implies Assassinating Trump
Anyone who does not know had better open their eyes. Alex Soros is far worse than his father – far worse than you can ever imagine. He lacks the school of hard knocks and is spoiled with money that has made him think he is Superman and above the law. This image of $47 and a bullet hole implying to assassinate the 47th President, Trump, is his answer to his and his father’s attempt to rule the world. They are not satisfied tearing down borders, pushing for authoritarian insanity, funding the prosecutions against Trump, funding the case in Colorado to remove Trump from the ballot all in the name of democracy? They ignore culture, religion, and even family, force their view upon the world, and assume only what they know is best. Both he and his father think their Open Society promotes a better world when he himself makes veiled threats to assassinate Donald Trump. Bidenomics is a complete failure, and George knows that as a hedge fund manager. He shorted the pound because of fiscal mismanagement. Yet George and Alex still advocate destroying the very foundation of the United States to further their one-world government headed by the United Nations.
by Martin Armstrong

Iran, China Inaugurate New Freight Train Route Via Turkmenistan
The Islamic Republic has been steadily expanding its trade routes with allied nations as part of a strategy to overcome unilateral western sanctions
A new railway line connecting China and Iran through Turkmenistan was launched on 16 July, with the departure of the first Chinese transit train Headed to Tehran from Shaanxi province in northwestern China. According to the Iranian Ambassador to China, Mohsen Bakhtiar, the train is expected to arrive in Tehran in about 10 days. After passing through Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, it will enter the Islamic Republic via the Inche–Burun checkpoint. Bakhtiar stressed that the launch of this route is part of the Iranian embassy’s “efforts to strengthen the country’s transit potential by ensuring the transportation of Chinese goods to West Asia and Europe,” according to the Times of Central Asia. Over the past several years, Iran has expanded its trade routes with allied nations, most prominently via the International North–South Transport Corridor (INSTC). Last year, Iran’s late president Ebrahim Raisi and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin signed an agreement to create the Rasht–Astara railway, expected to boost the INSTC by connecting South Asia to northern Europe and potentially “rivaling” the Suez Canal.
by News Desk

The Deep State Mentality
US received intel of a new Iranian plot to assassinate President Donald Trump, CNN reports. They’re already blaming Iran…
For those with short memories, the Raisi they’re referring to is Ebrahim Raisi. He was the president of Iran who was killed in a helicopter crash just back in May. The accident occurred right next to the Azerbaijan border—which is literally crawling with Mossad, CIA, and MI6. You might have thought that Iran would have rushed to blame some combination of the Great, Medium, and Little Satans for this event. You would have been wrong. Iran went almost out of its way to immediately place the blame on the weather and a possible mechanical malfunction. What a contrast to the United States, and how much this tells us about the Ruling Class! The Deep State/Neocon/Zionist cabal thinks you’re really stupid. Thus they rushed to gaslight you about Iranian plots to assassinate Trump. The NYPD even suggested the assassination was tied to anti-genocide demonstrators—based on zero evidence. The whole thing was so outlandish that this gaslighting has received almost no publicity at all. It’s almost as if the MSM is too ashamed of their own role to get involved in that BS. The reality is that America has for decades been in the grips of a massive, coordinated disinformation campaign directed at its own citizens by its Ruling Class. Trump represents the citizenry attempting to break out of the gaslighting and to acquire a true picture of their own country and its place in the world.
Mark Wauck

The City Of London (3:55)
by Pedro Nascimento

Two Different Counter-Sniper Views Of Crooks
North and south teams were on their scopes up to two minutes before Crooks fired.
At approximately the same time that people on the ground next to the building on which Crooks was perched started frantically yelling and gesturing at the roof, two counter sniper teams — one on the north barn and one on the south barn behind the stage—aimed their rifles at the roof about which the alarm was raised. The fact that the man crawling on the roof was armed with a rifle was noted by eyewitnesses up to five minutes prior to Crooks firing on the stage. Two eyewitnesses have stated they explicitly alerted police officers on the ground—and pointed to Crooks on the roof—minutes prior to the shooting. Why didn’t law enforcement on the ground immediately notify Secret Service on stage and on the two barn roofs that a man with a rifle was crawling up the roof on the building to their north? Why was no police interdiction immediately launched from the ground next to the building? Even a police officer with a sidearm on the ground could have fired on Crooks—perhaps not hitting him, but at least suppressing him from advancing up the roof. The view of this photo taken from the ground might as well have been the view looking down gun sights.
by John Leake

Cruisin’ For A Bruisin’
Like a big, lazy river, deficits just keep rollin’ along, adding more and more to America’s $35 trillion delta of debt. US interest payments go up. Sooner or later, asset holders get stuck in the mud.
Hallelujah! The economy is weakening! In the perverse world of finance, circa 2024, bad news is good news. Up is down. And lies are as good as truth. Investors don’t need us to connect the dots. When the economy weakens…they look for the Fed to react by lowering interest rates. A lower Fed rate means more borrowing…and more speculating…and more money for Wall Street. Reported a week ago: Nasdaq, S&P hit record highs…New data show labor market weakness and raise rate cut hopes. And then, a few days later… Dow closes above 40,000 for first time ever. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above the 40,000 mark Friday for the first time in its 139-year history. Wall Street has been boosted in recent days by renewed hopes of rate cuts from the Federal Reserve that would loosen monetary conditions for consumers and businesses. Consumers don’t consume more when the labor market weakens. Businesses don’t sell much to people without jobs. Sales go down, not up. Corporate profits go down too. Enterprises become less valuable, not more valuable.
by Bill Bonner

Groups Blocking Aid To Gaza Got Donations From US And Israel – Media
West Jerusalem has pledged to provide humanitarian assistance to the war-torn enclave following international pressure
Several groups that have been blocking humanitarian aid deliveries to Gaza have received financial support from donors in the US and Israel, the Associated Press reported on Tuesday. The three organizations described as ‘far-right’ have reportedly slowed down aid supplies by either blocking trucks on their way to Gaza, or by causing traffic jams and even standing in front of Kerem Shalom, the main crossing into the Palestinian enclave. According to inquiries into crowdfunding websites and other public records conducted by the news agency and the Israeli investigative site Shomrim, three groups, including one accused of looting or destroying supplies, have raised over $200,000 via contributions from the US and Israel. Mother’s March has reportedly raised the equivalent of over $125,000 through the Israeli crowdfunding site Givechack, the AP and Shomrim found. The group also raised some $13,000 via JGive, a US and Israeli crowdfunding site. The report claims that the organization doesn’t not raise money directly, but works via an allied group called Torat Lechima, which says its goal is to “strengthen the Jewish identity and fighting spirit” among Israeli soldiers. A third group, Tzav 9, raised over $85,000 from just under 1,500 donors in the US and Israel via JGive.
by RT

July 17, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

The Failed Assassination Attempt On President Trump (4:29)
by Greg Reese
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Greg Reese

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Quote Of The Day
“I saw one of his heads as if it had been fatally wounded, and his fatal wound was healed.

And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast;”
Revelations 13:3

Website Of The Day
Press TV
Press TV is Iran’s first 24/7 international television news network that broadcasts in English. It started broadcasting in earnest in June 2007. Press TV has strong workforce at its headquarters in Tehran, including journalists (comprising personnel at the Newsroom, Website, Tehran Bureau, Programs, and Documentary departments). Five bureaus in the world’s most important cities, namely London, Beirut, Kabul, Damascus and Baghdad, help Press TV to not just report international news faster but to report them more accurately.

Over 33,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,600 archived.

Assassinations With 425 Posts

Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security To Allow An Assassination Attempt
They kept the rooftop open, watched the shooter, kept Trump on the stage, and didn’t do a damn thing until after he had been shot. And we’re supposed to believe it was an innocent oopsie?
Nobody wants to hear this because of the implications, but oh well, because it needs to be said: Joe Biden’s security regime deliberately and with malice and forethought created the conditions that led to an attempted assassin shooting Donald Trump in the head. It is by the grace of God that he lived and our nation is not currently in the midst of a violent civil war. They deliberately starved Trump’s security team of the resources it needed. And they did it repeatedly, over many weeks and months. With Trump’s security detail understaffed, under-resourced, and stretched to its limits, Biden’s security regime reportedly diverted even more resources to a hastily planned Jill Biden event that just happened to be in the area. Biden’s security regime then ordered the most obvious assassination perch in the entire area to remain outside the main security perimeter. Furthermore, Biden’s Secret Service director ordered law enforcement and counter-snipers OFF the roof the assassin used. If that weren’t enough, Biden’s security regime also refused to block the line of sight from the assassin’s perch to Trump’s location. When law enforcement radioed in a suspicious person using a laser range finder at the building and even took photos of him, nothing was done to detain the assassin. The assassin was so obviously a threat that bystanders at the event begged law enforcement to stop him, but nothing happened. And even as snipers on the roof near Trump saw a gunman on the other roof, Biden’s security regime refused to have agents immediately surround Trump or remove him from the stage to protect him from being shot.
by Sean Davis

It Was A Planned And Coordinated Attack (4:02)

The Jewish Golden Age Continues Part I: American Law
Last spring Atlantic staff writer Franklin Foer authored a well-circulated obituary to American Jewish power. The left and the right, through excesses of racial identity politics and the promulgation of populism and illiberal ideologies, are converging to squeeze Jews out of public life in the land of milk and honey: the USA. The article relies heavily on individually relayed, anecdotal claims of anti-Semitism, largely related to popular revulsion over Israel’s behavior in the Gaza war, but is scant in the way of hard data. Many Jewish commentators have pointed to this alleged rise in anti-Semitism as the true cause of American imperial decline, the arrogant implication being that when Jewish authority figures are criticized it is because the institutions themselves are on their last legs. The problem for Foer and others is that data reveals that Jews today enjoy virtually unopposed power within key American institutions, largely due to maintaining the overrepresentation they established after the Second World War while simultaneously replacing the white Gentile majority with a wide variety of ethnic minorities. As Jewish sources themselves admit, policies that enabled this were largely spearheaded by Jews, potentially with today’s outcome in mind. In this series, we will investigate US power nodes, how they really work, and the known-unknown forces driving American policy and life – at times against the will of the majority of the population.
by Joseph Jordan

On Grounding Mechanisms
Avoid untethered schizophrenia.
This is a post which investigates how people process information, whether it is by their intuition, their reliance on official expertise or otherwise. It argues that that no one can decide what you should believe for you, that you must rely on your own judgment and expertise – but if you don’t have a feedback mechanism to provide more objective feedback to your approach then it is very easy to become divorced from reality. In 2008 highly influential arch-liberal Cass Sunstein articulated a strategy called cognitive infiltration in an article titled “Conspiracy Theories” for the Journal of Political Philosophy. In it he made a radical proposal: “Our main policy claim here is that government should engage in cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories.” He defined “cognitive infiltration” as a program “whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups.” See here and here if you want the details on this. Globohomo picked it up and ran with it, and its effects can be seen everywhere today. Cognitive infiltration on social media is heavily boosted via paid agents, “influencers” and bots who push arguments about, for example, the glass dome and the firmament (flat earth arguments) to distract people and lead them into harmless political dead ends. I think of this cognitive infiltration strategy when I look at the online reaction to the attempted Trump assassination. There were all sorts of theories immediately thrown out: it was a psychological operation and Trump used a squib on his ear or the shooter aimed for his ear; schizophrenic Andrew Anglin has been quasi-pushing this one. Or no one was actually shot. Trump did it to boost his popularity. The FBI/CIA would never use an incompetent to try to assassinate Trump and they never miss their targets when they try to kill them. The deep state wants Trump to win so that he starts World War 3 and whites will join to eagerly fight.
by Neoliberal Feudalism

Censorship (20:47)
by Academy Of Ideas

This Must End. This Will End. A Unrolled Thread
Unethical doctors, AMA, ACA, medical boards, you’re on notice. Medical rights and informed consent are FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS. Whatever “buts” and “yeah buts” you may have, keep it. We don’t care.
This is a twitter thread from Julie Hamill (https://x.com/hamill_law/). I am a mom. My kids were harmed by government policy, and my elected officials didn’t care, so I ran for school board. Despite having always been politically independent, I was characterized as a “far-right extremist” (also racist, white supremacist, MAGA) because I didn’t want my kids forced to get shots or wear a mask, and I wanted them to be back in school. When I ran, the local Democrat party repeatedly spread false information about me. 1/9 After I won, the rhetoric exploded. Women I considered close friends turned on me because they believed horrific lies that were spread about me. The local Democrat party, the teacher’s union leader, and PFLAG joined forces to smear me as a bigot in complete contravention of facts and reality. I expressed my concerns to these people about the hatred they were fomenting against me and the consequences for my children. They did not care. They ignored me and doubled down. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was looking evil in the face. I’ve felt it several times since. 2/9 When I sued the County for violating our constitutional rights, the County came after me and my children through its well-compensated lawyers. They put photos of my children into the court record. Lawyers for the government and Twitter worked together to seal documents showing censorship efforts by members of Congress. The government and its attorneys characterized me and my clients as politically motivated extremists–Republicans who hated masks. (FTR only one of the founding members was a registered Republican, the rest were Dems and independents). 3/9
by Julie Hamill

‘Root Causes’ Of Ukraine Conflict Should Be Eliminated – Lavrov
Russia and the West need mutual security guarantees for the crisis to be resolved, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said
The world should address the “root causes” that led to the “crisis” in Europe and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a ministerial summit at the UN Security Council on Tuesday. Ending the standoff between Moscow and Kiev should be accompanied by the removal of the threat posed by the West to Russia’s security, he said. Conditions for a “sustainable peace” between Russia and Ukraine had already been presented by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the top diplomat noted. In June, Putin outlined Moscow’s terms for initiating a ceasefire. They involved a full withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from all Russian territories, including the republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, and the regions of Kherson and Zaporozhye, as well as a legal commitment from Kiev never to join NATO. Any final deal should be recognized in Western capitals and pave the way to lift sanctions against Russia, Putin added. Both Kiev and its Western backers dismissed the offer. Any “political and diplomatic settlement [of the Ukraine conflict] should be accompanied by specific steps aimed at removing the threats to the Russian Federation posed by the [West],” Lavrov told the UNSC as he listed the measures needed to “restore trust and stabilize the situation” on the international arena. “The root causes of the crisis that has broken out in Europe should be dealt with once and for all.”
by RT

Assassination Revelation (Of The Method)
The Cryptocracy is laughing at us
I write these words less than 48 hours after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump in the village of Butler in western Pennsylvania. Not wanting to be guilty of what the illustrious Mark Lane once termed a “Rush to Judgement,” this is a preliminary analysis subject to revision as more information becomes available. Most noticeable is the diabolic nose-thumbing at the public which the events of July 13 symbolize. I. The shooter was visible on the roof of a building some 120 yards from Mr. Trump. In news accounts we learn of repeated demands by witnesses for the police to access the roof. The New York Post reported that “the would-be assassin was spotted by police twice, 26 minutes before he shot Trump.” This has been followed by alternating tales of a policeman going to the roof either via a ladder or, in account no. 2, there was no ladder and the officer somehow crawled up, and while hanging on to the edge of the roof with both hands, spotted the would-be assassin but could do nothing, since both his hands were supporting him precariously on the roof edge. (In account no. 1 the ladder indicates that the officer likely had one hand free and after seeing the armed man could have reached for his weapon, but did not). In both accounts the policeman did not engage the shooter and it is allegedly at that point that the shooter turned toward Trump and fired eight bullets from the rifle liberals detest more than all others, the infamous “AR-15.”
by Michael Hoffman

Cause and Solution: The Founders On Political Violence (Show Notes and Video 34:33)
“A frightful despotism” – that’s what George Washington predicted we’d get with a combo of factions and usurpation of power. But he was far from alone in warning against what leads to political violence. Ignoring their warnings – and solution – only guarantees the worst has yet to begin.
by Tenth Amendment Center

160 Journalists Killed By ‘Israel’ Since October: Gaza Media Office
The latest martyr is Mohammed Meshmesh, a program director at Al-Aqsa Voice radio, according to the media office.
The media office of Gaza’s government reported on Tuesday that at least 160 journalists have been killed in the strip since Israeli airstrikes began in October. “The number of journalists killed since the start of the genocide war against the Gaza Strip has risen to 160,” the media office said in a statement. In April, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate reported that at least 140 journalists had been killed in the Israeli military offensive on Gaza. The latest martyr is Mohammed Meshmesh, a program director at Al-Aqsa Voice radio, according to the media office.
by Al Mayadeen English

Shooter Allegedly Brought His Own Ladder To Event
Assailant apparently parked near event and carried ladder from vehicle to building, was apparently trying to crawl backwards to the ladder when he was shot in the head.
In the 48 hours before he opened fire on former President Donald Trump, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks made a series of stops in and around his suburban Pittsburgh hometown. On Friday, he went to a shooting range where he was a member, and practiced firing, a law enforcement official told CNN. The next morning, Crooks went to a Home Depot, where he bought a five-foot ladder, and a gun store, where he purchased 50 rounds of ammunition, the official said. Then, Crooks drove his Hyundai Sonata about an hour north, joining thousands of people from around the region who flocked to Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. He parked the car outside the rally, with an improvised explosive device hidden in the trunk that was wired to a transmitter he carried, the official said. Then, investigators believe, he used his newly-bought ladder to scale a nearby building, and opened fire on the former president. If this is true, it is yet another glaring indication that security was simply pulled from the building located about 130 yards north of where Trump was scheduled to speak. Naturally the notion of Crooks toting a ladder up to the building without being observed and stopped seems beyond belief. The CNN report mentions nothing about a roof rack on his car, and even a telescoping ladder probably wouldn’t fit in a Hyundai Sonata.
by John Leake

On The Rockefellers and Climate Change.
Canadian Journalist Elizabeth Nikson digs deeply into Jacob Nordangard’s epic book, Rockefeller: Controlling the Game. Every scurrilous, freedom-sapping organization in America has been founded or funded by Rockefeller money. In 1973, with the founding of the Trilateral Commission, their plan kicked into high gear to capture all the resources of the world. The Rockefeller legacy was started with “Devil Bill”. As I wrote in Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order, Dr. William Levingston was actually an itinerant salesman with a phony name who created a concoction of oil and laxative and branded it as a cure for cancer. Since cancer was a dreaded and usually fatal disease, people would buy and try literally anything for a cure. He would explain that if his miracle cure was strong enough to beat cancer, then it would most certainly take care of a whole lot of other diseases as well! When William came to a new town, he would mesmerize and trick people into buying his “miracle cure.” As soon as anyone questioned the his phony operation, he would ride out much faster than he had originally arrived. William was indeed a fraud and a con artist, but he somehow always managed to escape arrest or lynching. He died in 1906 at the ripe old age of 95. Earlier in life, he reportedly bragged “I cheat my boys every chance I get. I want to make ‘em sharp.” However, Levingston’s name was indeed a fraud. His real name was William Avery Rockefeller, Sr. and one of those ‘sharp’ sons was John D. Rockefeller, who was soon to become the richest man in America and grandfather of David A. Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission in 1973. The entire fraud being perpetrated by the United Nations, with its deep roots into the Rockefeller family and with its modern genesis in the Trilateral Commission and Technocracy, smacks of the Rockefeller snake-oil legacy dating all the way up the family tree into the 1800s.
by Unbekoming

Blood-Covered Eye-Witness Describes Shooter’s Fatal Injuries At Trump Assassination Attempt (0:37)

Hezbollah Leader: Israel Is Cancerous Tumor, It Will Be Removed
The leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement says the “cancerous tumor” of Israel will be removed by the current Palestinian generation.
“God will send punishment on the occupation entity at the hands of people who believe that Israel is a cancerous tumor that must be eradicated,” Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said in a televised speech on Tuesday. Nasrallah made the remarks during an address on the eve of the Day of Ashura in Lebanon. Ashura is a remembrance of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS), the third Shia Imam and the grandson of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Nasrallah added that political scientists say Israel can only survive for a maximum of 80 years and its current conditions indicate the regime’s imminent collapse. “Scholars of the enemy entity estimate that the entity will be gone 70 to 80 years after its establishment, and their natural, historical, and social data indicate that the entity has reached a sensitive stage,” he stated. “The present generations in Gaza and the support fronts, God willing, will be the ones to eradicate Israel, and if the Arab peoples were allowed and borders were opened for them, we would see them fulfilling the duty of supporting Gaza,” he noted. He said Operation al-Aqsa Flood of October 7 had many positive effects and reduced sectarian tensions imposed on the West Asia region. Nasrallah accused Western intelligence agencies of fueling sectarian strife in the region since a decade ago.
by Press TV

The Popping Noises Heard ‘Round The World
Or, as I like to call it, the day journalism officially died
Exactly one minute after some popping noises scared some people at a Trump rally the attempted assassination of a former Commander in Chief and current presidential candidate, I got a text from a friend in a group string. I couldn’t open X fast enough. I knew that the diligent and dedicated citizen journalists of the world would be on it. Trump had been shot in the head. He went down—briefly—but had already gotten back up. He was alive. The entire situation could be assessed in three seconds and a single scroll. Because I love to hate lamestream news—no seriously, if it were a paying job I’d be typing this from the aft deck of my superyacht—I couldn’t wait to see how the mockingbird media were presenting this broad-daylight, murderous attack on 45 to the zombified masses still ridin’-for-Biden. Oh, CNN. Certainly no one can ever accuse you of using clickbait just to get page views. This is actually clickrepellant. Seeing that headline, this is the scenario that unfolds in my head: Trump was on stage talking about some yugely great things believe him when suddenly, Special Agent Andrews began singing “These Are a Few of My Favorite Things” at the top of her lungs, stealing the spotlight for a few cringy seconds before the Donald regained control and resumed his speech. What? Is that not what happened?
by Jenna McCarthy

Democracy As Trojan Horse
More and more people in society lately are awakening to the fact that ‘Democracy’ is not only not all its cracked up to be, but that it may infact even be unnatural. And I don’t mean that in the sense that Democracy has merely been institutionally diluted or perverted in the West by way of the various cultural erosions, political schemes, and overreaches we’re now so used to grumbling about. No, I mean that Democracy even in its purest sense can be argued to make no sense for a modern world which has outgrown the scope for which the system was originally intended. Delving into it, one quickly realizes both ‘Democracy’ and ‘Constitutional Republic’ are equally incapable of addressing modernity’s chief issues, thus mooting the misdirecting arguments altogether. In ‘Democracy’, the mob rules all. When a country grows large enough, that means the votes of high population states—or even regions—like California and the Beltway will outweigh and erode the intrinsic values of areas like, say, Appalachia. Regulations hatched by cosmopolitan liberals a thousand miles away comes upon these regions like an invasive species of kudzu, unwanted and destructive.
by Simplicius

US Bankruptcy Filings Reach Highest Level Since 2010 – Analysts (4:23)
Small and mid-sized businesses are particularly feeling the pinch as the US economy stalls, with 346 such enterprises filing for bankruptcy in the first six months of this year. US Congressman Byron Donalds blames White House policies for this trend. RT contributor Chris Emms explains.
by RT

Wanted: Secret Service Agents With Roofing Experience
Throughout suburban America each day teams of roofers are replacing old shingles with new on house roofs. Carrying tools and building materials, they move and work with sure footedness approaching that of mountain goats, and typically without the use of safety ropes to prevent falls. These workers came to mind when I read the excuse Kimberly A. Cheatle, the director of the United States Secret Service, gave in an ABC News interview for why no Secret Service agents or other police were stationed on the roof Saturday from which an individual with a rifle attempted to assassinate Donald Trump while Trump presented a scheduled presidential campaign speech outdoors to a large group of supporters. Here is how she explained why this one roof among a small number of reasonably close places an assassin likely would see as optimal for taking a fatal shot was left unguarded: That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof. And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside. However, we are not talking about anything like the steep roofs you see on many churches. Rather, the roof from which the shots were fired was far less steep than the roof of the typical suburban house in America. It was the kind of roof that roofers see as easy and that residents will not think twice about standing on to cut branches off trees.
by Adam Dick

It Appears To Me That NATO Is Preparing For War Against The Russian Federation In The Immediate Future.
NATO – Official text: Washington Summit Declaration issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Washington, D.C. 10 July 2024, 10-Jul.-2024
Just reading through this Declaration, it appears to me that NATO is preparing for war against the Russian Federation in the immediate future. The NATO Declaration reminds me of Barbara Tuchman’s book The March of Folly describing the European Geopolitical Machinations leading up to the First World War. Its comments about Ukraine are delusional-detached from reality. Maybe NATO itself will not becoming involved in hostilities against Russia in Ukraine, but this Statement is paving the way for NATO States to get involved in hostilities against Russia in Ukraine. Ultimately this will prove to be a distinction without a difference. When implemented this Statement will make Ukraine a de facto NATO Member State with all the existentially dangerous consequences that would ensue from there. Its talking about Ukraine’s “irreversible path” to de jure NATO Membership is deliberately designed to rule out negotiations with Russia since Ukraine’s neutrality from NATO has always been the bottom line of Russia’s position, which is most reasonable. Its comments about Russia are paranoid and delusional and existentially dangerous and irresponsible. Since the USA IS NATO, the Biden administration did the first draft of this Statement for the other NATO States to sign on to with some minor tweaks and emendations by them. But still this Statement represents how paranoid, delusional, irresponsible, reckless and existentially dangerous the Biden administration is not only against Russia but also against North Korea, Iran and China, among others.
by Francis A Boyle

Making Sense Of The Information Chaos Surrounding The Failed Assassination Attempt Of Trump
Helpful context and organization for assessing the assassination attempt and the aftermath
A friend from across the pond asked me to how to assess the failed assassination attempt of President Trump, and thought the response worthy of a substack post. Since almost half of my subs are from outside the US, and even for people inside the US the information firehose is very chaotic, I figured it worthwhile to reproduce here. The point of this article is not to delve into the details of the actual event, nor to highlight the insidious, Orwellian and frankly evil nature of how the media and many politicians/pundits attempted to spin this. There are an endless array of other sources one can easily access especially through Twitter/X and adding another article to the burgeoning cavalcade of what is now mostly repetitive pieces regurgitating the same series of observations adds no value to anyone. That there was a shocking and profound failure of security for the rally is anyways an unimpeachably established fact at this point, something that has been already widely covered in the public domain from every conceivable angle. (The rest of the explanation of the objectives of this article is at the end of the article.)
by Ashmedai

Detailed Analysis Of Trump Assassination Attempt (1:06:10)
A critical evaluation of video recordings and witness testimony of the incident
The incident on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania is the first time a would-be assassin has shot at a U.S. president or presidential candidate since John Hinckley shot President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981. As such, it is the first assassination attempt in our era in which most citizens are carrying cell phones equipped with video cameras. Instead of one “Zapruder film,” we now have hundreds of videos of the incident, shot from multiple locations and angles. Instead of depending on the mainstream media for reporting, we now have hundreds of citizen documentarians who can capture footage and rapidly upload it to the internet. In this video production of the McCullough Foundation, we analyze multiple video recordings and witness testimonies of the Trump assassination attempt. Please check out our critical presentation and evaluation of this historically significant incident and share it with your friends. Endeavoring to learn the truth of this incident lies at the heart of the McCullough Foundation’s mission. To learn more about our work, please visit the McCullough Foundation website by clicking on the icon below and consider making a donation to support our ongoing efforts to protect our Constitutional republic from tyrants. Postscript: Multiple commentators have proposed that the counter-snipers on the barn did not have a clear line of sight on the assailant. This is contradicted by the fact that at least one of the counter-snipers did-AFTER the assailant fired multiple shots-succeed in shooting the assailant in the head.
by John Leake

Israel May Be Using Internationally Banned Weapons Against Gazans – Day 282
Israel’s possible use of internationally banned weapons; new allegations of rape and torture of Palestinian prisoners; 13 human rights groups accuse Israel of blocking aid to Gaza; municipality runs out of fuel, water pumps cease; estimated 15 years, $500 million to clear rubble in Gaza; EU sanctions settlers; Israel ‘explains’ its failed attack on Mawasi; West Bank death, home demolitions; Smotrich opposes release of any Palestinian prisoners; RNC platform mentions one foreign country – Israel; a quick look at JD Vance’s position on Israel; Biden’s delusional statement on Palestinians; more. Al Jazeera reports: The Government Media Office in Gaza says in a statement that at least 320 dead or wounded Palestinians have been brought to hospitals across the enclave in a particularly bloody 48 hours. It quoted healthcare officials as saying that many of the dead and injured arrived with third-degree burns caused by internationally banned weapons like thermal bombs. “These weapons cause chemical substances to interact with the skin and directly cause chemical corrosion of the tissues in the bodies of the martyrs and the injured. They also cause severe pain.”
by Israel-Palestine News

Criminal Robert Redfield Given A Free Pass For CDC Corruption On COVID Vaccines Under Trump By Children’s Health Defense And Others
Robert Redfield, the director of the CDC under Trump in 2020 who approved the emergency use authorization for the first experimental COVID “vaccines” that have killed and maimed millions of people in the United States, by committing criminal acts of fraud that inflated COVID case numbers at the same time the annual flu numbers all but disappeared in order to justify a novel, new vaccine to fight COVID, is back in the media again. But this time he is being treated as a hero by some, including Children’s Health Defense, for now stating that these experimental deadly shots should never have been mandated. Yes, at first glance at the recent headlines with publications such as Children’s Health Defense, it would appear that Redfield has now come clean and admitted that the shots were deadly from the beginning, and never should have been put into the public by treating U.S. citizens as lab rats. But that is NOT what he is saying today at all. Even through Robert Redfield committed criminal acts of fraud that allowed the COVID shots to be approved to be injected into the arms of Americans, including pregnant women and children as young as 16, he is not repenting of that, but coming out instead against something Biden allegedly did: “mandate” the vaccines, which Redfield himself originally approved!
by Brian Shilhavy

Report: ‘Three Counter-Snipers’ Were In Building Trump Shooter Used, Took Photos Of Him
Three law enforcement officers were stationed inside the building where a gunman shot former President Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally Saturday. Two days after the failed assassination attempt, BeaverCountian.com reported that an officer confirmed “there were three counter-snipers” stationed underneath the same roof where the assailant blew off part of President Trump’s right ear. Officers notified the “command center” about the threat before the gunman fatally shot a rallygoer and injured three others, including the Republican presidential nominee. “A Beaver County police officer warned a command center of seeing a man with a rangefinder before former President Donald Trump was shot on Saturday,” reported the website. “The officer had also warned the man was scoping out the roof of the building he was stationed in as a counter-sniper, and that the man returned with a backpack before ultimately scaling the building.” According to CBS, law enforcement even took a picture of him before the gunfire. “Contrary to reports in national news outlets, officers say the building just outside the security perimeter established by Secret Service was in fact occupied by law enforcement,” added BeaverCountian.com. Federalist CEO Sean Davis summed up the situation on X: “Who gave the order to do nothing until after the assassin shot Trump, killed an innocent man on that stage, and fired round after round after round after round?” But the security failures even go deeper. According to NBC News, the Secret Service was made aware of the unique threat presented by the building “days” before the Pennsylvania rally. Yet the building wasn’t included in the official security perimeter.
by Tristan Justice

July 16, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Censorship (20:47)
by Academy Of Ideas
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Academy Of Ideas

EarthNewspaper.com Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Quote Of The Day
“I will expose my Father’s killers no matter who they are,
even if I have to bring down the whole government.”
John F. Kennedy Jr.

Website Of The Day
President Kennedy With John F. Kennedy, Jr. (JFK, Jr.)
October 10, 1963, Photographs

Over 33,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,600 archived.

War Archive With 5,210 Posts

President Kennedy With John F. Kennedy, Jr., October 10, 1963

JFK Jr. And The Jewish Curse On The Kennedys
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. died 25 years ago, with his wife and his sister-in-law. He was assassinated. I’ll summarize the evidence below. He was assassinated because he was JFK’s son, and had political ambitions driven by a strong filial piety. He had to die for the same reason his uncle RFK had to die in 1968: no Kennedy should ever approach the White House again — unless, Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin suggests, he is also a Schlossberg. And JFK Jr. could have reached the White House in eight years (he would have been 48 in November 2008; his father became president at 43). “The Kennedy family is a clan, a tribe, a sovereignty, and a dynasty,” once wrote Arthur Krock, who knew them well.[1] None of the Kennedys can be understood as mere individuals. And so, in a deeper sense, the reason JFK Jr. had to die is that he was the grandson of the founding patriarch, Joe Kennedy. The point was candidly made by John Podhoretz in an op-ed piece for the New York Post, published on the very day when JFK Jr.’s body was recovered from the ocean floor, together with the bodies of his wife and sister-in-law. In that most disgusting piece of fiction, Podhoretz imagines that the Devil is telling Joe in Hell: “every time you think your family is on its way back to glory, I just have to do something. Like I did this weekend, with your grandson John.” According to Podhoretz, speaking in the name of the Devil to Joe, JFK Jr. died in retribution for what his grandfather did to the Jews, “when you were America’s ambassador to England, saying all those nice things about Hitler, doing everything you could to prevent Jewish emigration from Nazi Germany. Thousands of Jews died because of you.”
by Laurent Guyénot

The Last Significant Person That Had To Be Assassinated
November 25, 1960 – July 16, 1999
I was driving my taxi in the Upper East Side of Manhattan on a beautiful Summer evening in 1987 when I saw a man trying to hail a Taxi in front of a restaurant. As I drove closer to pick him up, I noticed it was John F. Kennedy Jr., the son of my assassinated Irish Catholic President. He got in and said that he was going to 20 North Moore Street in Tribeca, interestingly the same place years later where he would live. He seemed like he needed some space, so we only talked sporadically as I drove him down to Tribeca. From the small amount of conversation we had, I found him to be intelligent and charismatic, yet a down to earth nice guy. I have also done quite a lot of research into the fateful evening of Friday, July 16, 1999. What I found was that John F. Kennedy Jr. was a careful and capable pilot. He was in voice contact and visual of Martha’s Vineyard Airport, an airport he knew quite well and had landed at numerous times before. In the 15 months before the so-called accident, John F. Kennedy Jr. had flown about 35 flight legs either to or from the Essex County / Teterboro, New Jersey, area and the Martha’s Vineyard / Hyannis, Massachusetts, area. From the vast amount of circumstantial evidence uncovered, it looks like either a massive electromagnetic event occurred or an altimeter bomb triggered on barometric pressure or a remotely triggered bomb brought down the plane. What happened was not pilot error or inclement weather conditions, nor was it an unfortunate accident due to a mechanical failure. John F. Kennedy Jr. was assassinated, along with his wife, Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy, and his sister-in-law Lauren Bessette.
by Mark R. Elsis

Harry Chapin
One Of The Greatest Men On Earth
December 7, 1942 – July 16, 1981
While waiting outside of Colden Auditorium at Queens College, after a canceled concert, I met and had a few words with the man who was to have given the concert. In my eyes, one of the greatest men on Earth. He was a dedicated humanitarian who fought to end world hunger. He was the co-founder of World Hunger Year or WHY, now known as WhyHunger, a wonderful and efficient non-profit that is still helping feed hungry people today. He was instrumental in the creation of the Presidential Commission on World Hunger in 1977. He was a man that was posthumously awarded the highest civilian award in the United States, the Congressional Gold Medal. He was a man who performed benefit concerts for hundreds of worthy organizations during his career. He was a man who raised more than 3,000,000 USD for those in need in the last six years of his life. He was a man that donated to charitable causes an estimated 33% of the revenues from his indefatigable schedule of 200 plus concerts performed each year. Besides his tireless humanitarian work, he was an accomplished and creative renaissance man that during his life was nominated for the following illustrious awards: Oscar, Grammy, Peabody, Emmy, and Tony. He was a man that I was lucky enough to have seen in concert a handful of times between 1975 and 1980. He is a man that I still miss today. His name was Harry Chapin.
by Mark R. Elsis

What’s The Probability? Thomas Matthew Crooks In A BlackRock Commercial (0:30)

Supporting Israel Is Big Business In The United States
Government and elite institutions work together to protect and empower the Jewish state
In a recent article discussing how US Treasury Department tax breaks are exploited by groups that raise money in America in support of the Israeli so-called Defense Forces (IDF), I concluded that it does not require any particular brilliance on the part of even a casual observer to realize that both politically and economically Israel and Israelis are not treated like everyone else by governments at various levels in the United States, quite the contrary in many cases. Nevertheless, some key questions must be asked even at risk of being repetitive about Israel’s clearly privileged status. One must consider how is it possible that organizations that are committed to financially supporting war crimes and even genocide by a foreign nation are allowed to have tax breaks that enable them to collect more money which in turn helps them to corrupt the system that feeds them while also empowering those foreign militaries? How is it possible that the foreign army carrying out the war crimes is also allowed to benefit directly from the US laws that have created exemption from taxation? In short, is there no sense of responsibility and/or consequences on the part of American government when it comes to the behavior of the pariah apartheid Jewish state?
by Philip Giraldi

UNRWA Headquarters In Israel ‘Flattened’ By Israeli Military
The building was destroyed as Israel has escalated attacks across Gaza
The head of the UN’s Palestinian relief agency, UNRWA, said Monday that the organization’s headquarters in Gaza City have been “flattened” as Israel has escalated attacks across the Gaza Strip. “Shocking,” UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini wrote on X. “UNRWA headquarters in Gaza, turned into a battlefield & now flattened. Another episode in the blatant disregard of international humanitarian law.” The Israeli military has waged war against UNRWA in Gaza, killing nearly 200 of the aid agency’s employees. Israel also accused 12 UNRWA employees of participating in the October 7 attacks on southern Israel but hasn’t produced evidence for the claim. The US and other Western countries immediately suspended funding for UNRWA based on Israel’s claims. In March, President Biden signed a bill into law prohibiting further US funding for the agency until at least 2025. In contrast, extensive evidence of Israeli war crimes has not led to any reductions in US funding for the Israeli military. Instead, the president signed legislation giving Israel another $17 billion in military aid on top of the $3.8 billion it receives each year.
by Dave DeCamp

The Book Of Enoch Banned From The Bible Tells The True Story Of Humanity (23:24)
by Universe Inside You

Bodypower – The Introduction
Bodypower was my first international bestselling book. First published in 1983, it was a Sunday Times bestseller and it was published around the world. Numerous TV shows and radio programmes were made about it and the book itself was serialised for weeks in a number of the world’s leading newspapers and magazines. Bodypower changed my life – not because it was successful but because it enabled me to share my thoughts about the body’s self-healing powers. Introduction: It began in the autumn of 1980. I was in Vienna and the weather was freezing cold. Outside in the street the wind cut through my thin raincoat as if it wasn’t there. I walked with my shoulders hunched and my hands stuffed deep inside my coat pockets. My fingers felt numb. I was so cold that I could hardly think; even my brain felt frozen. I was shivering involuntarily and uncontrollably. It was dusk. The skies were dark with rain to come and in the early evening gloom the bright lights of the cafe seemed especially warm and promising. I love the cafes of Vienna and Paris. They remind me of the sort of places where Dr Johnson might have talked with friends in London a couple of centuries ago. Through the open curtains I could see the dark wooden tables and chairs, the racks of newspapers neatly folded around wooden sticks and the plump, bosomy Austrian waitress hurrying about with vast cups of cream-topped coffee. I went in, found a table near to the window and sat down. Inside the cafe it was cosy and comfortable. Old-fashioned radiators and a log stove gurgled pleasantly and the air smelt of ground coffee beans and rich chocolate cake. The waitress approached and smiled at me. I gave her my order, took my hands out of my pockets and tried to rub them together. They were white with cold and I could hardly move my fingers.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman

They Think We Are Stupid, Volume 9
The media bent over backwards to avoid saying that the assassination attempt against former President Trump was an assassination attempt–not just in the moment but the next day when facts were clear.
by Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Trump Assassination Attempt: Analyzing The Inconsistencies (33:58)
This is an excerpt of ‘The Daily Wrap Up with Ryan Cristian | July 14, 2024’
by The Last American Vagabond

A Time Of Shame And Sorrow: When It Comes To Political Violence, We All Lose
There’s a subtext to this assassination attempt on former President Trump that must not be ignored, and it is simply this: America is being pushed to the brink of a national nervous breakdown. More than 50 years after John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy were assassinated, America has become a ticking time bomb of political violence in words and deeds. Magnified by an echo chamber of nasty tweets and government-sanctioned brutality, our politically polarizing culture of callousness, cruelty, meanness, ignorance, incivility, hatred, intolerance, indecency and injustice have only served to ratchet up the tension. Consumed with back-biting, partisan politics, sniping, toxic hate, meanness and materialism, a culture of meanness has come to characterize many aspects of the nation’s governmental and social policies. “Meanness today is a state of mind,” writes professor Nicolaus Mills in his book The Triumph of Meanness, “the product of a culture of spite and cruelty that has had an enormous impact on us.” This casual cruelty is made possible by a growing polarization within the populace that emphasizes what divides us—race, religion, economic status, sexuality, ancestry, politics, etc.—rather than what unites us: we are all Americans, and in a larger, more global sense, we are all human.
by John and Nisha Whitehead

Biden Put A Bullseye On Trump – But It Didn’t Work.
This weekend President Donald Trump was shot in the ear by a would-be assassin. An assassination attempt by itself would be huge news but it pales in comparison to the cover-up that is already under way. As America waits for answers, the same FBI that was reassigned away from investigating terror to spend it’s time investigating MAGA to ensure the answer that come will be… well, most likely exactly what you would expect from a corrupt FBI. Let’s start with what we believe we know at this point. The picture above shows the relevant information related to the shooting. Located on the buildings behind the bleachers were counter-sniper teams. These teams were in place to deal with snipers and we are being told they are Secret Service (“SS”). It’s interesting that the picture above shows individuals wearing gear that literally says police on it. It is likely that the SS used local police and that those police would be under the leadership of the SS. This is important because it means that when the police snipers saw the shooter they would likely need approval from SS leadership before neutralizing the threat.
by Tom Renz

Biden Death Watch! FFWN With Cat McGuire (1:09:49)
American politics becomes a black comedy horror flick, starring an undead (as of this writing) president. Cat McGuire and Kevin Barrett break it down, and comment on the week’s biggest news stories.

Trump Got A Bloodied Ear. US ‘Political Violence’ Poses A Far Bigger Danger To The Rest Of Us
Biden and Trump are two rotten figureheads of a rotting empire. Ignore the tribal rhetoric: neither poses an existential threat. But the system behind them does
The outpouring of opinions on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump mostly offers little insight or honesty – apart from the all-too-obvious concern that the shooting of the former president is likely to make the United States even more of a tinderbox than it is already. There’s a reason for this. The responses – whether from Trump supporters or Trump opponents – are all embedded in the same ideology of political tribalism that provoked the gunman. Neither side is capable of self-reflection because the US system is designed to avoid such self-reflection. Despite what the political class wants you to believe, “political violence” is as American as apple pie. The US global empire was built on political violence, or the threat of it, most especially after the Second World War. Just ask the people of Vietnam, Serbia, Latin America, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine and Gaza. The difference now is that Washington’s imperial grip is all too clearly weakening. President Joe Biden is not alone in refusing to recognise this fact. He recently told ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos: “I’m running the world.” But US elites are rapidly finding that the world is no longer prepared to submit.
by Jonathan Cook

We Must Question The Attempted Assassination Of Trump
Regardless of who is behind the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, the incident will be used to further bolster support for the corrupted political system and to stoke more division in the American people. On Saturday July 13, around 6:10 p.m. shots were fired at former President Donald Trump while campaigning in Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump was discussing a chart of border crossing numbers when loud pops were heard and chaos ensued. Trump grabbed for his right ear before crouching to the ground. Screams could be heard from the audience behind Trump. Secret Service agents then rushed to the stage to block the line of sight of the former president. Once the agents received word that the shooter was down they brought Trump to his feet and began escorting him to a vehicle. Trump told the agents to wait several times while he grabbed his shoes, pumped his first in the air, and mouthed the word “fight”. Blood appeared to be coming from Trump’s right ear and streaked across his face.
by Derrick Broze

ABC News: “Building Where Trump Rally Gunman Perched On Roof Was Police Tactical Team Staging Area”
Would-be assassin hid in plain sight
ABC News is reporting that the building on which the gunman (identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks) perched when he shot at Trump was the “police tactical staging area” for the providing event security. The report makes the following strange assertions (my emphasis in bold). ABC News learned the building was the same building a local police tactical team was using as a staging area to watch over the crowd at the Butler Farm Show grounds. It is unclear if the team was inside the building, which sources said had been swept before the rally. Investigators are still working to learn if the roof was locked down. According to a source who spoke with ABC News, Crooks did not use a ladder to get access to the roof. Officials said an officer was “vaulted” up to the roof after rallygoers called attention to Crooks, who then turned and aimed his gun at the officer. AP reported the officer retreated down the ladder and Crooks turned around and began shooting. Note that none of the above makes any sense.
by John Leake

The Moral Basis For Racial Separation (38:00)
Arguments from 27 years ago are as fresh and convincing as ever.
by American Renaissance

Where Does Trump Running Mate JD Vance Stand On US Foreign Policy?
Vance has angered anti-Russia hawks in the Republican Party by criticizing the United States’ backing of Ukraine, but he takes a more conventional line on support for Israel.
As Washington is abuzz over news of former President Donald Trump’s selection of Senator JD Vance (R-OH) as his running mate in the 2024 presidential election, Sputnik takes a look at some of the lawmaker’s positions on US foreign policy: The Ohio Senator has been strongly critical of continued military aid to the Kiev regime, writing in an editorial in The New York Times that “the math on Ukraine doesn’t add up.” Vance claims the US lacks “the capacity to manufacture the amount of weapons Ukraine needs us to supply to win the war.” The 39-year-old lawmaker also noted the average Ukrainian soldier is older than he is as the Kiev regime struggles to draft enough men to fight the conflict. “Everyone with a brain in their head knows that this is going to end with negotiations,” Vance said during a television appearance on CNN, claiming Ukraine lacks the ability to force Moscow out of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics. Vance has called plans to seize Russian assets to offset the cost of the Ukraine proxy war “dangerous.” Late last year, he claimed Volodymyr Zelensky should give up claims to newly-Russian territory east of Ukraine and negotiate a deal to end the country’s conflict with Moscow. These views have put him in conflict with establishment figures in the Republican Party such as Senator Lindsay Graham, who take a strongly anti-Russia position.
by John Miles

The REPO Act: A Precursor To The Dollar’s Downfall
In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the US government has launched its most aggressive sanctions campaign ever. The US government and its allies froze around $300 billion of the Russian central bank’s reserves—the nation’s accumulated savings. It was a stunning illustration of the political risk associated with the US dollar and Treasuries. It showed that the US government could deny access to another sovereign country’s reserves at the flip of a switch. Recently, President Joe Biden signed the REPO Act into law. It allows the US government to seize frozen Russian state assets and transfer the funds to Ukraine. The US dollar and Treasuries have become weaponized in a way they had not before. They are now clearly not neutral assets worthy of forming the bedrock of the international financial system but political tools for Washington to coerce others. The rising political risk attached to Treasuries has made them even less attractive as a store of value. It’s now apparent to everyone that dollars are only dollars as long as you don’t upset the US government. Many countries are undoubtedly wondering if the US government will seize their savings if they run afoul with Washington. China is one of the largest holders of US Treasuries, and it indeed took note of what is happening.
by Nick Giambruno

Israel Hits Hezbollah Targets In Southern Lebanon Amid Escalation
Israeli warplanes struck two buildings belonging to Hezbollah in southern Lebanon on Monday, the army said, as tension continued to grow between the two sides, Anadolu Agency reports. The attack targeted the two buildings in the town of Mays Al-Jabal after Hezbollah operatives were spotted inside, the army said in a statement. The army said its artillery also targeted the town of Odaisseh to remove what it called “threats”, without providing details. Meanwhile, the army said its air defence systems intercepted a rocket fired from Lebanon, while another fell into an open area in northern Israel. No injuries or damage were reported. Hezbollah, for its part, said that its fighters had attacked with artillery shells an Israeli military post in the occupied Kafr Shuba Hills in southern Lebanon.Fears have grown of a full-fledged war between Israel and Hezbollah amid an exchange of cross-border attacks. The escalation comes against the backdrop of a deadly Israeli onslaught on Gaza, which has killed nearly 38,700 people since last October, following an attack by the Palestinian Resistance group, Hamas.

They Want To Eliminate 7 Billion People. Will You Be One Of Them? (12:28)
The globalists have pledged to slash the world population down by 7,000,000,000 people — are you ready? Globalists hate the sight of large families and young children, and they’ll stop at nothing to destroy a prosperous humanity. Across the globe, men and women are waking up to the alarming truth that governments no longer serve God or the people. LifeSiteNews is getting the truth out to millions of people worldwide who think that globalist agendas won’t affect them or their families — they couldn’t be more wrong. Watch, be warned, and tell others about the globalist plan to destroy humanity.
by The John-Henry Westen Show

Top Biden Security Official Apportions Blame For Trump Shooting
Secret Service “failure” played a part in the incident, the Homeland Security head has said
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was nearly killed due to a “failure” of his Secret Service protection detail, US Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has said. Trump was speaking at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday when he narrowly dodged a bullet that took off a part of his ear. One person in the stands was killed, and two others were seriously wounded before the Secret Service neutralized the gunman. ”An incident like this cannot happen,” Mayorkas told CNN on Monday. “When I say that something like this cannot happen, we are speaking of a failure.” “We are going to analyze, through an independent review, how that occurred, why it occurred, and make recommendations and findings to ensure it doesn’t happen again,” he added. Trump’s protection detail has been criticized for its response to the Butler attack, from failing to notice the shooter on a roof about 120 meters away to being too slow to cover their protectee once the shots were fired.
by RT

VAERS Data Shows Moderna Causes 30% More Deaths Per Dose Than Pfizer
I’ve known since 2021 that Moderna was more deadly on a per shot basis than Pfizer. Here’s what the VAERS data shows. I’m going to show you on Tuesday that VAERS got it right.
Executive summary: In this article, I want to prove to you that Moderna generates 30% more death reports in VAERS than Pfizer. There is no way you can explain this other than the Moderna shots were more deadly than the Pfizer shots. This is very important because in my next article, I’m going to show you gold-standard evidence that the VAERS data was the canary in the coal mine that everyone in mainstream medicine chose to ignore. Outline of this article: Show the ratio of doses between Pfizer and Moderna delivered in the US. Show the ratio of death reports in VAERS associated with Pfizer vs. Modern. Divide 1 by 2. Answer: 1.3 (30% higher deaths per dose). This isn’t rocket science.
by Steve Kirsch

Study Reveals Environmental Impact Of Artificial Sweeteners
The human body’s inability to break down sucralose, an artificial sweetener found in many zero-calorie food and drink products, is well established by scientific research. The compound is so stable that it escapes wastewater treatment processing and is in drinking water and aquatic environments. “We can’t break down sucralose, and a lot of microorganisms can’t break it down, either, because it’s a really tough molecule that doesn’t degrade easily. So there are a lot of questions about how it is affecting the environment and whether it’s something that could impact our microbial communities,” said Tracey Schafer, an assistant research scientist for the University of Florida’s Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience and the soil, water and ecosystem sciences department, part of UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Schafer is a co-author of a recently published study demonstrating how sucralose affects the behavior of cyanobacteria—an aquatic photosynthetic bacteria—and diatoms, microscopic algae that account for more than 30% of the primary food production in the marine food chain. The paper is published in the journal Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.
by Megan Winslow, University of Florida

July 15, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

What’s The Probability? Thomas Matthew Crooks In A BlackRock Commercial (0:30)
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Trump Assassination Attempt
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by Mark R. Elsis

Quote Of The Day
“We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”
Creepy Joe Biden, July 8, 2024

Website Of The Day
The Conscious Resistance
Being free goes deeper than just seeing the problems in the political arena. Consciously Resisting is to engage in self-reflection, and pursue knowledge of the self. Without knowing our own doubts, hopes, fears, dreams, insecurities, and strengths we can not truly know what freedom means to us as an individual. To become conscious, and aware of one’s actions is one of the most important steps towards claiming your own freedom. Motto: “Leading by example and helping others in their pursuit of Freedom.” Originally The Conscious Resistance website revolved around the work of journalist Derrick Broze. However, in November 2013 Derrick and Neil Radimaker partnered up and relaunched the brand as The Conscious Resistance “Network”.

Over 33,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

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Hate Crimes Archive With 2,441 Posts

Things That Don’t Add Up And Many Questions Still Unanswered In Trump Shooting
So let me start with the biggest one first, which is why were there snipers sitting on a rooftop with guns pointed AWAY from Trump and allegedly on the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, BEFORE any shots were heard in the numerous videos online now after this event? Here is one copy of the video, and as you watch it and listen, see if you can determine if the police shoot at the alleged shooter AFTER Trump is shot, based on what you hear from gunshots in the video: Check out this angle. Counter snipers see something and engage? #shooter #snipers pic.twitter.com/lD3J651SkJ ~ Colagram (@coladoggxxx) July 14, 2024. The first question I have is, why did they allegedly shoot the alleged shooter AFTER Trump was shot, as is being reported, and not BEFORE? The video clearly shows them having their sites on something that they then shoot at, and to my ears and eyes, I hear the first shots being fired at the same time that their guns recoil from shooting. But if they already had the alleged shooter in their sites, why did they wait?? Not only have I not seen anyone answer this question, I have not even found anyone else ASKING this question. My second question is, why is the “graphic image” of an alleged dead Thomas Matthew Crooks that was all over the media yesterday, now disappearing? The one I put above (on the left) is the only one I could still find today. But I saw several yesterday, and today they have been removed from Twitter. Could it be this image is being scrubbed from the Internet because most of the blood on his face is very clearly DRIED blood, suggesting he had already been dead for quite some time BEFORE that photo was shot? I haven’t seen anyone claim that it was removed because the photo was not real, or was the wrong person. They are just disappearing… My next questions are also questions that I have not seen anyone else asking. The FBI allegedly identified the shooter as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks shortly after the shooting by his DNA. The FBI managed to identify Crooks through his DNA with officials saying he didn’t have any ID on him when he was found. (Source.) Really? So where was the lab that they used to determine this? And if they did run this DNA test in blazing speed (maybe there is a new “rapid fire” field test for DNA, just like the PCR tests? – sarcasm), why was this 20-year-old allegedly in the FBI database of DNA? Nothing has been reported that he had a previous criminal record where his DNA would have been taken and stored.
by Brian Shilhavy

Assassin Crawls On The Roof While Multiple People Point Him Out To Police (0:52)

The Trump Assassination Attempt
1:12AM Eastern Time, Sunday. ONE: The glaring insanity, of course, is how did the shooter get access to the rooftop? 150 yards from the podium. There were multiple ways to cover it. The best: SS shooters THERE on that roof. Otherwise, drones. Helicopters circulating. A total failure. Total. I’m not buying the excuse that the SS was undermanned. They were, but that building should have been an A-1 priority. (And yes, Trump’s people have been turned down in their requests for more SS protection. Is the head of the SS more focused on bringing DEI through the door? (Seems like it.) A convincing rally attendee told the press he and other people saw the shooter climbing up to the roof with a gun and shouted to cops and SS agents nearby, warning them, and got no response. Stunning. The people who want to make a case the assassination was a planned inside job have ammunition from that attendee’s testimony. TWO: SS agents kept Trump down on the floor behind the podium for close to a minute. Why? The podium was made out of thick steel? If the shooter was still active, he could have just pumped a lot of rounds at the lower part of the podium. Makes no sense. The SS agents should have put bodies around Trump on all sides and carried him off the platform and into the secure van right away. Relentlessly. No stop allowed for a fist pump from Trump. Another total failure. And there was only one of those secure vans parked right there at the side of the platform? I would have expected at least 6. With agents. THREE: As of now, I see NO statement from the number one law-enforcement agent in the US. Attorney General Merrick Garland. He’s quiet as a mouse. Not taking the lead.
by Jon Rappoport

Trump Assassination Attempt: Was It Allowed To Happen? (Text and Video)
In a bizarre statement yesterday, Joe Biden said “It’s time to put a bulls-eye on Donald Trump”. That is exactly what an unhinged Biden supporter did at Trump’s rally in Butler Pennsylvania today when a deranged Antifa supporter opened fire about ten minutes into Trump’s speech that left Trump shot in the ear, a Trump supporter seated behind him killed, and reports that two others were hit and are in critical condition. The shooter was shot and killed just 20 seconds after the shooting stopped, remember that. Witnesses said they saw a man, Thomas Matthew Crooks, belly crawling on the roof of a nearby building and said they screamed at police and Secret Service officers pointing at the roof where the gunman was positioning himself but they made no move to stop him. The witness, in an interview right after the shooting said they saw the Secret Service “Blow his head off”. He also said it was suspicious that there were only a few buildings on the premises and there were no secret service agents positioned on the roof where the shooter was positioned. He said it was also suspicious that with Secret Service and police officers everywhere, they allowed a guy to crawl up the side of a building so close to where Trump was speaking without being stopped and questioned. How does he go unnoticed belly crawling across the roof with a rifle, and no one saw him?
by Patrick J. McShay

Man Saw The Shooter With Rifle Minutes Before He Fired And Tried To Warn Police And Secret Service (4:29)

‘Eliminate Him’: A Look At The Violent Rhetoric Against Donald Trump
While the attempted assassination of Donald Trump has been roundly condemned by his political opponents, liberal politicians and pundits have – implicitly and explicitly – called for his death before.
Trump narrowly avoided death at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, when an assassin’s bullet apparently clipped his ear as it whizzed past his head. The shooter – named by the FBI as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks – killed one spectator at the rally and wounded two others before he was shot dead by Secret Service agents. US President Joe Biden decried the attempt on Trump’s life, declaring that “there’s no place for this kind of violence in America.” Ever since Trump won the 2016 election, however, he has faced a steady stream of threats from members of Biden’s party and their allies in the media. Hollywood celebrities reacted with outrage to Trump’s shock defeat of Hillary Clinton in 2016. 80s pop icon Madonna spoke of wanting to “blow up the White House;” actor and activist Peter Fonda called for the president’s youngest son, Barron, to be “put in a cage with pedophiles;” and comedienne Kathy Griffin grabbed headlines when she posed for a photoshoot holding a mockup of Trump’s bloodied and severed head. Speaking to MSNBC after Trump formally announced his presidential campaign last year, Representative Dan Goldman declared that his fellow New Yorker cannot be allowed to “see public office again.” “He is not only unfit, he is destructive to our democracy, and he has to be, he has to be eliminated,” Goldman proclaimed.
by RT

The Trump Shooting: So Many Questions
Assassination Attempt Or False Flag?
If Trump wasn’t the actor Trumpenstein, there logically should have been a conspiracy to assassinate him during his term in office. It would have merely been the logical culmination to all the threats and hatred he endured for more than four years. As was seen by the event yesterday, and certainly in JFK’s assassination, the Secret Service can stand down with the best of them. As in a total 9/11 stand down. And the same FBI that will “investigate” this assassination attempt, would have investigated any successful assassination of President Trump. The FBI has nearly a century’s worth of lies, crimes, and cover-ups to its name. They weren’t going to attempt to find the truth, and they won’t attempt to find the truth about what happened yesterday. The mainstream media certainly won’t be doing any investigating. CNN initially tried to deny that there was an assassination attempt, reporting that Trump had fallen and cut his head. A tweet on Twitter/X claimed that the Secret Service had urged that no one “speculate” or “jump to conclusions.” They noted, “Don’t call it an assassination attempt unless authorities confirm that connection.” New anchors were discouraged from showing a “serious” expression on their faces. Again, I don’t know if this really originated from the Secret Service, and why our “free press” would obey their instructions. I do know that they didn’t notice a guy with a rifle on a nearby roof, even when witnesses pointed it out to them.
by Donald Jeffries

Another Eyewitness Told Police Twice About The Assassin On The Roof And Was Ignored (2:11)

Shooting At Trump Rally Shows ‘Rising Political Violence As US Divides Further’
China is following the shooting incident at the campaign rally of former US President Donald Trump. President Xi Jinping has expressed his sympathies to former President Trump, China’s Foreign Ministry said on Sunday. Jin Canrong, associate dean of the School of International Studies at the Renmin University of China, told the Global Times on Sunday that in recent years, the quality of the partisan system in the US has deteriorated. In the past, the system was able to work, as most members of both parties are still moderates. Their political views are different, but they were not so extreme, and they could cooperate on many issues. “But now we can see that the Congress voting along party lines on almost every issue, and partisan politics is becoming more polarized,” Jin noted. “Americans used to be proud of the idea that they have the wisdom of compromise, which makes them differ from the extremes of the French political atmosphere. But now that they are also extreme and reckless, there is less room for moderates,” Jin said. “In addition, the gap between the rich and the poor in the US is widening, the middle class is shrinking, and social polarization is also very serious. Many specific social conflicts, such as immigration and economic policy, are very confrontational,” Jin said, and he warned that when the capitalists of the US are getting divided, there is a risk of civil war.
by Chen Qingqing, Yang Sheng and Guo Yuandan

7 Things We Know About The Man That Shot Trump
I am still in shock. When I first learned that Donald Trump had been shot, I literally had difficulty processing the information. I watched footage of the shooting over and over, and honestly I am still trying to put the pieces together. The Secret Service is supposed to be far better at protecting our leaders than this. If Trump had not shifted his head at the last moment, he would have almost certainly been killed. Sadly, firefighter Corey Comperatore was not so fortunate. He was killed by one of the bullets that the shooter fired. Trump was hit in the ear, but we are being told that he is doing just fine. But how long will it be before someone else tries again? What we just witnessed is truly, truly horrible. No matter how you plan to vote, we should all be united in denouncing political violence. For years, many of our political leaders and many in the mainstream media have been using extremely inflammatory language to denounce Donald Trump, and this has caused emotions to run extremely high. It was only a matter of time before all of that inflammatory language inspired someone to commit an act of great violence. The following are 7 things that we know about the man that shot Trump…
by Michael Snyder

How The Hell Did Rally Attendees See The Assassin And Rifle Before Secret Service And Police? (0:15)

Trump’s Courageous Response To Shadow Government’s Attempted Assassination
Should He Consider Private Security?
On Saturday, July 13th, 2024, President Trump was shot at a rally in Butler Pennsylvania by a sniper on a roof top, approximately 150 feet away. The bullet pierced his ear, but apparently did not do any serious or life threatening damage. Trump’s courageous response attempting to go back to the microphone telling people to fight with blood coming from his ear sealed his general election victory in the 2024 Presidential election race. Cheating on the computer vote and mail in vote will be too risky. This unwillingness to back down has been both a strength and a weakness. It is a weakness because he has yet to admit the mRNA nanoparticle injections are biological weapons of mass destruction. After a media created sex scandal in the 2016 presidential election, this quality served him as a strength when he paraded Bill and Hillary Clinton’s alleged rape victims in the audience during a presidential debate. This quality clearly serves him as a strength after the shooting. This footage of Trump exiting Trump Force One indicates that he is physically fine. Biden’s comments to big donors about putting Trump in the bullseye may have been rhetoric.
by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Assassination Attempt Against Donald Trump Shows The U.S. Is A Failed State
The U.S. is no longer the land of freedom and democracy, but an example of a failed state and close to absolute social collapse.
Former U.S. President Donald Trump was attacked during a rally in Pennsylvania. A sniper shot at Trump, grazing him in the head and injuring other people attending the event. The American secret service quickly neutralized the shooter after the shots were fired, however witnesses on the streets said they reported to the police about the shooter’s position before the attack, with the agents apparently ignoring the reports. Trump is fine, the injuries have not caused him any serious damage. More than that, Trump is politically stronger than ever. His image as a “survivor” and “martyr” gives him a great advantage in the electoral race with rival Joe Biden – who has been the target of criticism even by his supporters, due to his serious condition of mental weakness. Some conspiracy theorists have spread fake news and fantastic narratives on the internet about Trump having orchestrated the attack just to improve his political image. Obviously, this type of speech makes no sense. From a rational point of view, there is no reason for Trump to organize an attempt on his own life just to obtain political gains in a dispute in which he already has every possible advantage.
by Lucas Leiroz

ACH (2386) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #176 – The Trump Assassination Attempt (Audio 1:00:57)
In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on July 14 2024, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “The Trump Assassination Attempt”.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Was Trump ‘Put In A Bullseye’?
US presidential candidate Donald Trump was hit in the ear when a gunman opened fire at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. One spectator was killed and two were critically injured during this apparent attempt on Trump’s life.
“The constant comparisons of [former] President Trump to Hitler and the repeated calls over the last several years for stabbing, killing, poisoning, decapitating or shooting [former] President Trump serve as dog whistles to provoke and incite violence and very well may have fueled this assassination attempt,” GOP House Representative Paul Gosar told Sputnik. “We do know that in a widely reported call to hundreds of donors last week, Joe Biden boasted, ‘I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump… it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye’,” Gosar recalled. “Let me be perfectly clear: there is absolutely no place for this sort of incendiary rhetoric and calls for violence in politics today and everyone must condemn it,” the congressman stressed. Gosar also pointed out that congressional Democrats, led by liberal Representative Bennie Thompson, even introduced legislation that would have stripped Trump of the Secret Service protection afforded to him by his status as a former president. The multiple reports about Trump’s security detail “asking for beefed up protection and resources for weeks” but getting “rebuffed time and again by Biden’s DHS [Department of Homeland Security],” if true, hint at “criminal” disregard for Trump’s safety, he warned.
by Sputnik

Assassin Murders Bystander
Twenty Year old Thomas Mathew Crooks murdered a bystander and injured others in an attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. Trump suffered, a bullet injuring his ear. The killer was shot dead by a secret service counter sniper. The crowd cheered, “USA, USA!” once Trump raised his fists in defiance, proof of life. A relief for his supporters. Those shot and close to the dead and wounded struggled with life and death in desperate and confused moments. Though history will now relegate them as props to an event of significance, as human beings they lived a life. In politics they matter nought, just faces in the crowd wearing slogans on their shirts. At this time just another ‘lone gun man’, American political assassinations are enshrined in such a killer tradition. If only, the killer of Arch Duke Frans Ferdinand of the Austro-Hungarian empire was deemed as such, then the stupidity that led to World War One may not occurred, instead contained between killer and slain. The US is different. At crucial historical moments a deranged man can swipe away the politically important. The bystanders hit, need not matter.
by Kym Robinson

A Man In The Crowd Did Get Shot – Trump Rally (0:22)

Mainstream Media Fails Again
Regardless of your politics, the botched assassination attempt of former US president Donald Trump has shone a light on the failing mainstream news media.
If you’ve been off grid, former president Donald Trump narrowly escaped death at his rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday July 13, 2024, at approximately 6:15 p.m. Trump’s speech was being live streamed, so video footage of the attempted assassination went viral across social media. Several mainstream media outlets, however, delayed coverage or reported inaccurately on the events, frustrating the public and inflaming criticism of the legacy media. When the first bullet clipped Trump’s right ear, narrowly missing his skull, he ducked down at the podium before secret service jumped to his aid. Onlookers say Trump was calm. The podium microphones picked up his audio. “Get my shoes” he said to one of his secret service agents. Trump then stood up and turned to his supporters with a bloodied face and fist in the air, mouthing the words “fight, fight, fight” before being rushed off the stage. The crowd erupted.
by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

Earesistible Trajectories
Donald, meet Donald.
Ahhh, sheeit. Ear we go again. If all the worlds a stage then the theatre directors are intent on keeping American politics as the only show in every town. There are no other marquees that demand so much attention. Actors may come and go but the drama never ends. The populace, a non-discerning audience surrenders to enflamed passions and is easily moved by the drama, mistaking nearly every script for reality. It often takes months or years for them to deprogram what they saw on their programming devices, and reprocess everything through a more perceptive lens. Most never even bother with the effort. Nobody is permitted into the theatre who doesn’t surrender their mind to the theatrics. If you manage to sneak inside the theatre and question the script in the heat of any drama and refuse to participate in the emoting, you are chastised and given the boot. Crowd psychology demands you adhere to the mob, or take a hike. It is the common burden of the exiled, borne of years of pattern recognition that infused healthy skepticism with cold impartiality. Sometimes the scripts are trickled to the public in advance of the theatrics and the outcasts point and scream and try to warn others before they enter the theatre, but they are only further cast aside.
by Good Citizen

Secret Services Resources Were Diverted To Jill Biden’s Event And Away From Trump
This is the problem that my Secret Sources have cited: Secret Services resources were diverted to Jill Biden’s event and away from Trump’s because they followed agency protocol applying to Trump as a former president, according to two sources within the Secret Service community. There were also many supplemental agents from different field officers (not Trump’s regular detail) providing security at the rally because Trump’s regular detail has been overworked (some working 7 days straight), and only two counter-snipers. But Trump is not just a former president — he is the first in modern history to have run for president again — and he has been the focus of several prosecutions and controversies (understatement intentional). Who made the decision to divert the resources to Jill Biden’s event? Trump was protected by temporary agents on the one day that an assassin tries to kill him. That’s not a coincidence. That’s planning.
Susan Crabtree

The Trump Assassination Debacle (Audio 1:22:03)
The Sunday afternoon podcast with Greg Reese
by Greg Reese

BlueAnon And The ‘Lone Gunman’
The doubts of 2024 are rooted in the bogus story of 1963
Liberal conspiracy theories (“Blue Anon”) about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump concern the Washington Post. The irrationality of the right has bled into the left, says the Post’s experts. The suspicion that slain gunman Thomas Crooks was part of some larger scheme is baseless, the New York Times assures us. Presidents James A. Garfield, William McKinley and John F Kennedy were shot to death by lone gunmen who were upset with them for one reason or another, but the killings did not become sources of schism between the Republican and Democratic parties. But the Times omits to mention that JFK’s assassination, while never a partisan issue, has always a source of class schism. The majority of the general public has never believed Oswald acted alone, while an elite minority stick doggedly to the original story of a “lone gunman,” despite the emergence of considerable evidence to the contrary. This class divide transcends partisanship. A poll of 2022 midterm voters voters found majority of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents do not believe that one man alone killed JFK. The evidence that Oswald alone killed JFK, never strong, has grown much weaker over the years. The problem with the “lone gunman” narrative of 2024 is rooted in the factual improbability of the “lone guman” theory of 1963. The BlueAnon crowd has historical grounds for suspicion.
by Jefferson Morley

I Fear For Our Nation
I hope we gain the wisdom that we need each other, not as enemies but as colleagues, not always in agreement but respectful nonetheless.
I fear for our nation, and I am not alone. The echoes of the past are becoming louder, and I recall the decades between 1961 and 1981 with trepidation, for that era was marked by crisis, tumult, discord, civil violence, war, a near miss of nuclear war, extreme polarization and assassinations. Many Americans sense the country never really recovered from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, or from the assassinations of presidential candidate Bobby Kennedy and civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. five years later in 1968. An attempt on the life of President Gerald Ford was narrowly thwarted in 1975, and an attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan very nearly succeeded in 1981. A terrible madness swept the land, as dozens of bombings and the bizarre kidnaping of media heiress Patty Hearst by a domestic terror cell pockmarked the 1970s, a decade marked by a failed presidency, revelations of domestic spying by federal security agencies and runaway inflation. I fear our buffers have been thinned, and our ability to make sacrifices for the future has been lost. Our moral foundations are in such tatters that getting rich by whatever means are within reach is now the “solution” to the coming storm, as if greed bled dry of ethics isn’t a proximate cause of the coming storm. My hope is that we gain the wisdom to see there are no easy solutions, no one-size-fits-all fixes, that solutions will be localized, partial, contingent on continual adaptation to changing conditions, and that this continual experimentation and evolution requires an acceptance of continual failures and a keen sense of humility about our limits. I hope we gain the wisdom that we need each other, not as enemies but as colleagues, not always in agreement but respectful nonetheless.
by Charles Hugh Smith

July 14, 2024, The Trump Assassination Attempt

Questions and answers on the Trump assassination attempt, where he missed death by less than an inch:
The patsy assassin has been identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. What were his politics, and who were the demonic, ruthless, psychopaths, that motivated him to do this? There is no way in hell the assassin is allowed to be in the very best location to shoot from, for at least five minutes, with a visible rifle in his hands. No fucking way. And, the assassin got off ten shots before the Secret Service snipers finally got around to shoot him. It seems like his job was over, and he was then killed to forever silence him. Who were the Secret Service snipers who finally killed the assassin, and what are their politics and background? By the way, could they have possibly left Trump standing on stage any longer after this assassination attempt? One thing is perfectly clear, the Secret Service were given stand down orders, just like they were for the JFK assassination. In 1992, I worked for Jerry Brown when he ran for the Democratic nomination for President, Jerry knew this and didn’t trust them, so he never used the Secret Service. In many places across the United States, I along with select others acted as his protection. I’ve written an in-depth article about this I will publish in the future, included will be the time I stopped his assassination outside the back entrance of Studio 54 in Manhattan. The Secret Service are now run by DHS. So, this stand down order must have be given from them. This means the DHS were in on this assassination. Jewish Alejandro Mayorkas is the Secretary of Homeland Security.
It looks like the Jewish oligarchy really want to start a civil war.
Mark R. Elsis

Man Saw The Shooter With Rifle Minutes Before He Fired And Tried To Warn Police And Secret Service (4:29)
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Another Eyewitness Told Police Twice About The Assassin On The Roof And Was Ignored (2:11)
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How The Hell Did Rally Attendees See The Assassin And Rifle Before Secret Service And Police? (0:15)
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July 13, 2024

The Book Of Enoch Banned From The Bible Tells The True Story Of Humanity (23:24)
by Universe Inside You
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Universe Inside You

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July 12, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Empire Of Shadows: True Story Of The Richest Family In History (39:28)
by Finaius
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The History Of Central Banking And Its Enslavement Of Mankind
An Excellent Five-Part Audio Series Based On The Book by Stephen Mitford Goodson
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and Dr. Peter Hammond

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Quote Of The Day
“For the first time in its history, Western Civilization is in danger of being destroyed internally by a corrupt, criminal ruling cabal which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as well. This junta took control of the political, financial, and cultural life of America in the first two decades of the twentieth century.”
Carroll Quigley

Website Of The Day
Permaculture Research Institute
The Permaculture Research Institute (PRI) is located on a Permaculture demonstration site in The Channon NSW, and is headed by Geoff and Nadia Lawton. We specialize in education and training worldwide.

We also provide daily Permaculture news and information via PermacultureNews.org.
The Permaculture Research Institute is a not-for-profit organisation, limited by guarantee.

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have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

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Usury Archive With 185 Posts

The City Of London
You may be surprised to learn that the city of London and the City of London are two very different things, related to each other mostly by historical accident and geographical proximity, and co-existing today in a rather complicated power system in which the City of London appears gloriously victorious.
First, the City of London, a small area of about one square mile in size, was established as a haven by the Khazar “Jews” during their extermination from Khazaria nearly 1,000 years ago, and was named ‘London’ at the time. And yes, I know the Romans had been there first. The city of London, with the Bridge and Harrods, and the fish and chips and the people driving on the wrong side of the road, was established much later, adopted the same name, and gradually expanded with population until it completely surrounded the Jewish enclave of the City of London. You can see the positions and relative sizes from the map. When you read about “The Lord Mayor of London”, you are not reading about the chief executive of the city, but about the chief executive of the City. The City of London Corporation, with its square mile directly in the center of London, obviously owns some very expensive real estate, this in addition to a great deal of other property also in the city center, but this amounts to only perhaps $10 billion in total and, as we will see, is trivial. In performing a search the other day, I was first met with a notice in capital letters telling me “The City of London is not a sovereign state”, followed by a small avalanche of websites all doing “fact-checking” and “misinformation-debunking” to assure me the City of London was NOT an independent anything. There is hardly a sign more certain that we are onto something important, than when 25 Jewish websites leap up to tell us “There’s nothing to see here”.
by Larry Romanoff

Who Runs The ‘City Of London?’ (1:38:14)
The Pete Quinones Show Episode 1076 With Phil Gibson

US Spent A Record $140 Billion On Debt Interest In June, 30% Of All Tax Revenues
On the surface, and following 4 months of triple-digit deficits (in the billions), the June budget deficit of “only” $66 billion was a pleasant surprise (especially when the market expected an $83 billion deficit, and compares favorably to the $228 billion deficit a year ago). Indeed, the deficit was small enough it managed to shrink the cumulative YTD deficit ($1.268 trillion), below the deficit for the comparable period one year ago ($1.393 trillion). Unfortunately, that’s as good as it gets, because when one takes a step back and ignores the monthly calendar effects, the picture remains the same: the US is spending far more than it is generating in tax revenues. And it only goes downhill from there, because as we have noted previously, the biggest risk factor is not so much spending on such discretionary items as social security, health and national defense (“how dare you say these are discretionary! these are mandatory, untouchable outlays” some will scream, but if and when the taxes dry up and the dollar loses its reserve status you will see just how discretionary they are), but on interest, and here recall what we said back in April: “interest on US debt – currently the second biggest government outlay at $1.1 trillion – will surpass social security and become the single biggest US expense before the end of 2024 at $1.6 trillion.”
by Tyler Durden

The Yemen–Russia Riddle
Sanaa is eagerly engaging with Moscow in a bid to expand its astounding military gains into both the economic and diplomatic realms. While trade with Russia may be integral to blunting the effects of the siege of Yemen, Sanaa also views membership in the BRICS as a ‘golden opportunity’ to establish lasting Persian Gulf security.
Yemen’s stellar strategic maneuvering in defense of Palestine from its dramatically ascendant role in West Asia’s Axis of Resistance is acquiring the contours of an epic odyssey – eagerly scrutinized by the Global Majority. As if the unprecedented humiliation of the US Navy in the Bab al-Mandab and the Red Sea was not enough, Ansarallah targeted an Israeli ship with a Hatem-2 hypersonic missile, a remarkable advancement in indigenous technological development. These prodigious strategic-military advances displayed by Ansarallah at the same time revived the always simmering, unfinished war and blockade launched against Yemen in 2015 by Saudi Arabia and the UAE with the usual US and UK backing. Riyadh abhors the Yemeni resistance like the plague. Instead of Sanaa, Yemen’s recognized capital city, it supports an anti-Ansarallah’ government’ sitting in Aden, sort of recognized by the ‘rules-based international order.’ In truth, though, that government actually sits in a luxury Riyadh hotel. Ansarallah has tried hard to negotiate a prisoner exchange involving captured Saudi pilots traded for jailed Hamas members in Saudi Arabia. Riyadh has not only refused but threatened that bank transfers to and from Yemen would be blocked, and Sanaa’s international airport and sea ports would be shut down. Ansarallah’s response was stark: if Yemeni banking is blocked, the Saudi Arabian banking system would be destroyed. If Sanaa airport is targeted, the same would happen to Saudi airports.
by Pepe Escobar

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Issues A Grave Warning About Pope Francis (1:44)

With ‘Friends’ Like Israel, Who Needs Enemies? Zionist Connection To JFK Murder And Beyond
America has not had a president since the criminal Deep State cabal assassinated the last White House occupant who actually tried valiantly to represent the American people and defend our Constitution. Since John F. Kennedy violently exited this earth in November 1963, every president since, all eleven of them have been mere puppets obediently doing what their Khazarian controllers tell them, bar none. The moneychanger City of London bankers were determined to have a decade long war in Southeast Asia, resulting in the wrongful death of upwards of near four million Asians in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, including over 58,000 Americans that all would have lived if only Kennedy had lived, since JFK was determined to bring back every US military advisor home from Vietnam to avert the larger war against Communist North Vietnam. On another front, inherited from the previous administration, President Kennedy was not happy saddled with the failed CIA regime change operation in Cuba, known as the Bay of Pigs, planned and approved of under President Eisenhower and US history’s longest running (of near 9 years) CIA Director Allen Dulles. The failed Bay of Pigs coup to take out Fidel Castro was attempted less than three months after Kennedy took office. John Kennedy ultimately fired CIA director Dulles in November 1961. Less than two years later, JFK would die, with Dulles since outed among his primary assassins. After the Cuban fiasco, Kennedy allegedly “wanted to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”
by Joachim Hagopian

All Of Your Stocks And Bonds Can Be Taken With Total Legal Certainty In The Next Financial Collapse (Text and Video)
The largest financial crime story in history. A global scheme to seize all the world’s securities in a financial collapse. This scheme is made possible by the fact that everyone’s stocks and bonds have been secretly used as collateral on financial contracts called derivatives, not once but ten times over. This covert use of the client assets collateral enabled the creation of a financial bubble the likes of which the world has never seen. This has been done without anyone’s permission and without paying anyone a fee for using your stocks as collateral on other people’s trades. This story was uncovered by David Rogers Webb. As a former investment banker and hedge fund manager, Webb is a true financial insider. His truth-seeking spirit, combined with personal integrity- two qualities quite rare on Wall Street – resulted in Webb discovering the legal mechanisms put in place to allow the “Too Big To Fail” Banks originating derivatives contracts, to have priority to your stocks ahead of you in the bankruptcy hearing during the event of a system-wide collapse. Webb calls this “The Great Taking.” Webb has also uncovered the legal structures put in place to achieve the goal of “owning nothing and being happy.”
by Rhoda Wilson

Leaked US Army Briefing Slide Calls Pro-Life Organizations ‘terrorist Groups’
The slide, reportedly from a terrorism briefing at Fort Liberty, names the pro-life organizations National Right to Life Committee and Operation Rescue as ‘terrorist groups,’ characterized by their opposition to abortion and Roe v. Wade (misspelled ‘Row’).
FORT LIBERTY, North Carolina (LifeSiteNews) — Military officials under the Biden administration continue to teach that their peaceful political opponents are violent extremists, according to a report about a terrorism presentation given to U.S. Army members at Fort Liberty (the renamed Fort Bragg). Sam Shoemate, an independent journalist and self-described “advocate for service members seeking justice,” posted to X/Twitter Wednesday evening a photograph of a slide he said was shown during an anti-terrorism briefing at Fort Bragg, right after one about the Islamist terror group ISIS. An anti-terrorism brief was held on Fort Liberty (Bragg) today where they listed several Pro-Life organizations as “terrorist organizations.” The slide you see here followed right after a slide about ISIS, a terror group in the Middle East. The organizations labeled by the… pic.twitter.com/vlO6XjyGzE ~ Shoe (@samosaur) July 11, 2024. The slide names the pro-life groups National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) and Operation Rescue (OR) as “terrorist groups,” characterized by their opposition to abortion and Roe v. Wade (misspelled “Row”). It lists various types of peaceful activism pro-life groups typically practice.
by Calvin Freiburger

Big Wins For Liberty Nullify! State Laws Push Back (37:51)
by Tenth Amendment Center

The Ways Of The Jewish Slave Traders
The story of the Jewish American experience that most Jews want to believe, and want the world to believe, is one of almost endless historical victimhood. They insist that they fled anti-Semitic oppression in Europe, landing safely on Ellis Island long after the Civil War’s end in 1865, and certainly some did. By their hard work, strong religious bonds, and reverence for communal education they succeeded against all odds, becoming, as Isaiah exhorts,[1] “a light unto the world.” As their story goes, they altogether eluded the ugly business of plantation slavery—but had they been here, they assure us, Jews would have been leading the abolitionists. After all, their own alleged enslavement to Pharaoh would have made them—of all the groups of Caucasian people—more sympathetic toward Black suffering. To a trusting, Bible-believing people this Jewish self-portrait sounds plausible and is consistent with a Christian doctrine that sanctifies God’s Chosen People, the so-called Children of Israel (Deuteronomy 7:6–11). But the people who today call themselves Jews have now collided with their own Jewish scholars and historians who have presented an entirely different and far more troubling story about American Jewish history and the central role of Jews in the greatest crime in world history—the Black African Holocaust. For the most part, Americans—white and Black—are entirely unaware that when the trans-Atlantic slave trade began in the 1500s, it was focused on shipping enslaved Africans to the sugar plantations of South America and the Caribbean islands centuries before expanding to the cotton fields of the American South in the mid-1700s. In the entire history of slavery in the western hemisphere as many as 9 out of 10 stolen Africans were shipped to those tropical climes—not to Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, or South Carolina. The map below illustrates by the thickness of the arrows the relative proportions of Africans shipped to the New World, and, as shown, relatively few made it into what was to become the United States.
by the Nation of Islam Research Group

Israel Deliberately Destroyed All Of Gaza’s Hospitals With US Approval And Support
There’s not a single functional medical facility left in the enclave, while the direct and indirect death toll could be approaching 200,000
While the United States government attempts to lecture the world about its supposed “rules based order,” it‘s aiding, arming and providing diplomatic cover for Israel’s unprecedented assault on Gaza’s already collapsed healthcare system. In fact, Israel’s attacks, justified by Washington in some cases, have resulted in the territory being left without a single functional hospital.It was only two months into the war in Gaza that no functional hospital was left standing in the north of the territory. One month later, there were only seven out of 12 hospitals in southern Gaza that remained partially functional. Today, there is not a single functioning hospital in the entirety of Gaza, with some medics still trying to use the facilities that haven’t been destroyed by bombardment for shelter in which to treat patients with limited supplies, often to no avail. After only five months of the now nine-month-long war, over 1,013 Israeli attacks on healthcare facilities were recorded in the occupied Palestinian territories, breaking UN records. Israel has killed more than 500 Palestinian healthcare workers in Gaza since the beginning of the war. To put this in perspective, between 2011 and 2024, 949 medical professionals in total were said to have been killed during the Syrian war, with the worst year on record seeing the deaths of almost 200, according to Physicians for Human Rights. That means healthcare workers are being killed in Gaza at a rate around nine times greater than the yearly average during the war in Syria. According to the UN, “more healthcare workers have been killed in Gaza since October than were reported killed in all conflicts globally in 2021 and 2022 combined.”
by Robert Inlakesh

Christian Zionist Pastor John MacArthur Joins Antichrist Zionist Jew Ben Shapiro In Promoting Genocide In Gaza
I must admit that this report is one of the most nauseating news accounts of a Christian pastor that I have ever encountered. I would count it as one of the most egregious betrayals of Christ’s New Covenant by a “Christian minister” that I have ever witnessed. The Scripture tells us, Ye that love the LORD, hate evil. (Psalm 97:10). Well, this is pure evil.
Furthermore, Benjamin Netanyahu has no Abrahamic blood flowing through his veins. In truth, the Palestinians can trace their ties to the land for up to one thousand years. Only a few Sephardic Jews could even do that. Netanyahu’s roots trace back to the Khazars in Europe (Ukraine). He is an Ashkenazi (European) “Jew.” The “Jews” in Palestine are mostly atheistic in belief, and none of them can prove an intact Hebrew bloodline. Not one! All of this talk about modern “Jews” being “God’s Chosen People” by bloodline is complete balderdash! There is not a “Jew” on earth that can trace their bloodline to Abraham. The only “Israel of God” (Galatians 6:16) under Christ’s New Covenant are the spiritual children of Abraham (Romans 2:28, 29), who, regardless of race, have come to faith in Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26, 29). MacArthur butchers the meaning of “all Israel shall be saved” in Romans chapter eleven (as do all Premillennial Dispensationalists), applying it, again, to the physical, literal twelve tribes of Israel, of which the ten northern tribes were forever destroyed by the Assyrians around 722 BC and the two remaining tribes of Judah and Benjamin were forever destroyed when Rome destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD.
by Chuck Baldwin

Digital Money And Human Enslavement – Conversation With Peter Koenig. Truth, Science And Spirit, Episode 28 (56:43)
In this episode, I speak with Peter Koenig about digital money, QR coding humans through the PCR swabs – and how these QR codes were the platform for digital identity and human enslavement through digital money. You do not want to miss this important and shocking conversation.Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

Rockefeller Medicine Men
by E. Richard Brown – Unbekoming Book Summary
Today’s global medical system was developed and sculpted by Anglo-American Oligarchs and their “Foundations” and then exported to the world. Just like their beloved Virology and Cancer Cartels, it has mutated and metastasized into the vile, putrid and predatory corruption that delivered us Covid, Lockdowns and Vaccines. This global “One Health” system, is the ring that rules them all. It’s largely forgotten history. But there was a time when people knew what was going on, and wrote about it, in great detail. This is one of those books. Question 1: What role did scientific medicine play in the professionalization of American physicians in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? Scientific medicine played a crucial role in the professionalization of American physicians by providing a basis for the reform of medical education, increasing the technical effectiveness of doctors, and helping to undermine competing medical sects. It allowed elite practitioners to raise standards, reduce competition, and elevate the social status of the profession. Question 2: How did the Rockefeller and Carnegie philanthropies influence the development of medical education in the United States? The Rockefeller and Carnegie philanthropies, particularly the General Education Board (GEB) and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, heavily influenced medical education by providing large sums of money to support the reform of medical schools along the lines of scientific medicine. They promoted higher admission standards, laboratory-based instruction, and the integration of medical schools into research universities.
by Unbekoming

The Folly Of Empire And The Albatross Of Debt
Like the case of Rome before it, Empire is bankrupting America. The true fiscal cost of the national security budget is now upwards of $1.3 trillion per year (counting veterans expense and international operations and aid), but there is no way to pay for it. That’s because the 78-million strong Baby Boomers are in the driver’s seat of American politics. They plainly will not permit the $3.5 trillion per year retirement and health care entitlements-driven Welfare State to be curtailed. At the same time, Washington has become the War Capital of the World where the ruling UniParty insists that the massive fiscal claims of the Warfare State are non-negotiable. Indeed, during 2017-2020 the Trumpite/GOP already sealed the deal. Trump massively increased the Warfare State budget, even as the Congressional GOP refused to reform Social Security and Medicare and proved to be utterly incapable of even laying a glove politically on Obamacare/Medicaid, Food Stamps or any of the other Welfare State entitlements. Meanwhile, the GOP remained all-in for its anti-tax allergy, thereby refusing to tax the American public to close Washington’s yawning deficits. Accordingly, the Federal budget is now simply on a doomsday track. With interest rates finally normalizing and the debt compounding at rates far higher than the growth of nominal GDP, interest costs on the public debt is headed into the fiscal stratosphere.
by David Stockman

Putin Shooting Straight From The Hip On Defenseless Europe
Why must the Western elites “blink first” in the hyperbolic war being carried out against Russia? It’s not just because Russia’s Vladimir Putin recently said so at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum. The so-called “West” is feigning and barking about escalations in Ukraine, but the reality is that Europe is on the ropes.
The BBC reported the other day and quoted Mr. Putin saying Europe is defenceless in the case of a nuclear exchange with Russia. The Russians have also indicated the right to sell/deploy massive strike weapons to nations threatened by America and the Western allies. This, in response to Washington giving the go-ahead for Ukraine’s Zelensky to hit targets inside Russia, is only logic. Joe Biden and his contemporaries in Europe should be thrilled Russia is led by a calm pragmatist instead of a foaming hothead like my country always seems to elect a president. The foremost question at this juncture is, “Is Vladimir Putin right?” One sure way to know is the instant Washington think tanks call for cooler heads. A case in point is a report by James M. Acton from the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center for President Biden to stop escalating the situation. Acton is the co-director of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. He’s convinced that Ukraine’s recent attacks meant to degrade Russia’s strategic early warning system capability could cause a devastating response. Ukraine’s seemingly meaningless attacks on Russian radar facilities recently stink of Pentagon strategy for the keen observer.
by Phil Butler

We Will Never Bow Down To Tyranny (3:40)
Video goes through the dumb things that the tyrants said during CONVID.

Erdogan Says NATO Cannot Become Party To Ukraine Conflict, Will Not Cooperate With Israel
ANKARA (Sputnik) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has told a news conference in Washington that it is inadmissible for NATO to become a party to the Ukraine conflict.
“We consider it inadmissible for NATO to become a party to this conflict,” Erdogan said on Thursday. The president added that he emphasized “Turkiye’s full support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity” during a meeting at the NATO summit held in Washington from July 9-11. “During the summit, I had bilateral meetings with the leaders of Hungary, Greece, Italy, Ukraine and the United Kingdom, as well as spoke with the leaders of the United States, Spain, Iceland, Romania and the Netherlands. I wish Mr. [new NATO Secretary General Mark] Rutte success in this difficult task, and I also thank [outgoing] Secretary General [Jens] Stoltenberg,” the Turkish leader said. The news conference was aired by Turkish broadcaster TRT Haber. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Wednesday that NATO is taking an “increasingly active role” in the conflict in Ukraine, and this is “irresponsible” as no one knows how it will end. He added that the alliance is “moving away from its original purpose, behaving more and more like a war organization.” Orban also said that Turkiye will not approve cooperation between Israel and NATO until a ceasefire is reached in Gaza.
by Sputnik

“Russiagate” Was Israelgate
It began with Flynn asking Russia for help in protecting Israel from condemnation at the United Nations.
After Trump won the 2016 election, the Obama administration finally, after years of stalling, allowed a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel’s building of colonial settlements, which violates the Fourth Geneva Convention. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel asked the Trump transition team to lobby other countries to help Israel stop the resolution from passing. Trump Netanyahu would sleep in Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner’s bed when he visited New York. Kushner ordered Gen. Michael Flynn (who would become Trump’s national security advisor) to contact the Russian government. On Dec. 22, 2016, Flynn contacted then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, asking the Russians to delay the vote until Trump got into office and could then veto it. The Russians didn’t do what Kushner wanted. On Dec. 23, the United Nations Security Council passes resolution 2334 condemning Israeli settlement building with the United States abstaining. On Dec. 28, 2016, outgoing President Barack Obama imposed sanctions on Russia, ostensibly because of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election. Kislyak then contacted Flynn about getting the sanctions reversed. That is the origin of “Russiagate” which dominated US political discourse for years. It was Flynn contacting the Russians to do a favor — for Israel.
by Sam Husseini

NATO Strengthens Ties With Asian Partners, Angering Beijing
The North Atlantic alliance agreed to step up its military presence in the Indo-Pacific to address a perceived threat from China. The bloc is using a gathering to mark its 75th anniversary to expand its presence in China’s near-abroad, a move sure to anger the People’s Republic. On Thursday, the leaders of the 32 NATO members signed onto a statement that blasted Beijing. “The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) stated ambitions and coercive policies continue to challenge our interests, security and values.” It continues, “The deepening strategic partnership between Russia and the PRC and their mutually reinforcing attempts to undercut and reshape the rules-based international order, are a cause for profound concern.” The statement laid out a slate of complaints, claiming China provides Russia with crucial support for the war in Ukraine by exporting so-called “dual use” material. “China has become a decisive enabler of Russia’s war against Ukraine through its so-called ‘no limits’ partnership and its large-scale support for Russia’s defense industrial base,” it added. Officials from several NATO states have insisted on a more confrontational approach towards the PRC. Last week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, “Increasingly, partners in Europe see challenges halfway around the world in Asia as being relevant to them, just as partners in Asia see challenges halfway around the world in Europe as being relevant to them.”
by Kyle Anzalone

Dispensationalism: How Satan Used The Scofield Reference Bible (9:11)

Israel Has Abducted 9,600 Palestinians In West Bank Since October: Rights Groups
In a massive abduction campaign, Israel has taken away 9,600 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and in the occupied East Jerusalem al-Quds since October, Palestinian rights groups say.
It was announced in a joint statement on Tuesday by the Palestinian Detainees Affairs Commission, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club and Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association. According to the statement, this figure includes 325 women, 670 children and 88 journalists. Furthermore, more than 7,500 orders of the so-called administrative detention have been issued in the besieged Gaza Strip since early October, ranging between new orders and renewals, including orders against children and women. Administrative detention is an inhumane policy exercised by Israel, which allows authorities to incarcerate Palestinians indefinitely without pressing formal charges or putting them on trial. “Detention campaigns carried out since October 7 are accompanied by escalated crimes and violations such as humiliation, brutal beat, threats against detainees and their families, besides to vandalism and destruction in detainees’ houses, confiscating vehicles, gold and money, in addition to the destruction of infrastructure especially in the refugee camps of Tulkarem and Jenin,” the statement said.
by Press TV

Concealed Carry Crime Stats 2024: The Impact Of Open Carry On Crime In The U.S.
As of early 2024, twenty-nine states in the United States allow individuals to carry firearms without a permit. Sixteen of these states have adopted permitless carry laws since 2019. This trend has sparked interest in how allowing concealed carry impacts crime rates. Overall, permitless carry does not appear to increase crime rates. Some states have seen decreases in crime, while others have experienced no significant change. Notably, three of the five safest states in the country allow permitless carry. Key Points: Sixteen of the 29 states with permitless carry passed their laws after 2021, with seven of those passing them after 2015. (Source 1) Ten of the sixteen states that adopted permitless carry before 2022 saw a decline in violent crime rates; only Alaska saw a notable increase. (Source 4) States like Arizona, Alaska, and Wyoming, with permitless carry for over ten years, generally saw reduced long-term violent crime rates. (Source 4) In 2022, states with restrictive concealed carry laws had an average homicide rate of 5.4 per 100,000, compared to 5.8 per 100,000 in states with permitless carry. (Source 3) States with concealed carry laws have not seen an increase in crime rates; many have seen declines in violent crime and homicide rates. (Source 3)
by Cassandra McBride

250+ Examples Of Natural Remedies Beating Pharmaceuticals
You hear a lot about ‘natural healing’ these days, but did you know that a sizable body of scientific literature actually supports the idea that natural medicine is safer and more effective than conventional, drug-based medicine?
One of the greatest if not the greatest triumph of biomedical science today is its role in validating ancient healing modalities that long before the advent of science, and even recorded history itself, were passed down “orally” from generation to generation in the vast body of folkloric medical knowledge that still forms the basis for the majority of the world’s primary health care system. These so-called “natural” or “alternative” modalities, which our species owes its present day survivorship to after eons of dependency on them, are increasingly gaining the attention of men and women in white lab coats intent on unlocking the mysteries of how they work, and in many cases, why they work better than patented, synthetic, chemical-based medications. As you may already know, at GreenMedInfo.com, we now have over 10,000 database sections dedicated to finding scientific support for natural alternatives, with six main indexes: Natural Substances, Ailments, Therapeutic Actions, Problematic Actions, Pharmacological Actions, and Problem Substances.
by Sayer Ji

July 11, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Issues A Grave Warning About Pope Francis (1:44)
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

EarthNewspaper.com Three Free Speech Video Platforms
8,700 Videos Published | 30,000,000 Views | 47,000 Subscribers

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Quote Of The Day
“If you have love you will do all things well.”
Thomas Merton

Website Of The Day
Donald Jeffries
Donald Jeffries has been a JFK assassination researcher since the mid-1970s. His first novel, “The Unreals,” was published in 2007. His first nonfiction book, “Hidden History: An Expose of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics,” was released by Skyhorse Publishing in November 2014 and quickly became a best-seller.

Over 33,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,600 archived.

Political Archive With 6,353 Posts

Photographs Expose Thomas Merton Murder Cover-up
Thomas Merton was the most influential Catholic writer of the 20th century. He was almost as well-known in the United States as the author Ernest Hemingway or the popular Bishop Fulton J. Sheen. He had been raised in France where his American mother and New Zealander father had met in a Paris art school, and he was educated as a teenager at a boarding school in England. After a wasted year at Cambridge, he had gone on to Columbia, near his prosperous grandparents’ home. Shortly after his graduation in 1938, while working on his M.A. in English, he became a Catholic. He interrupted his work toward a Ph.D. to pursue a religious vocation, entering a Trappist monastery just a few days after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. He remained at the Abbey of Gethsemani in Kentucky until his death in 1968. A voracious reader and always interested in writing, Merton, encouraged by his first abbot, Frederic Dunne, continued his career as a writer at the monastery, getting books of his poetry published. Then Dunne suggested that he write a book about his eventful and tragic young life. His mother had died when he was very young, his father had died when he was a boarding student, and his younger brother, his only sibling, had been killed in an accident as a member of the Canadian Air Force in World War II. The resulting book, The Seven Storey Mountain, became a surprising overnight sensation. He continued writing, and during the 1950s and 1960s, almost every Catholic home in America owned books by Thomas Merton.
by Hugh Turley

Thomas Merton In His Own Voice (50:49)

Two Excellent Books About Thomas Merton:
The Martyrdom Of Thomas Merton: An Investigation by Hugh Turley and David Martin
Thomas Merton’s Betrayers: The case against Abbot James Fox and author John Howard Griffin by Hugh Turley and David Martin
In 1968, someone spoke regarding Thomas Merton as Henry II spoke regarding Thomas à Becket on Christmas Day, AD 1170, “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?” And, as in 1170 so in 1968, someone did rid the speaker “of this meddlesome priest.” The difference in the two cases is that in 1170, Pope Alexander immediately started an investigation, determined who the murderers were—four knights, a bishop and Henry II— and excommunicated them. In 1968, however, the powers that be in the Church, the state and media fabricated a story on how Merton died, adopted it, and extensively and exclusively publicized it. In 1968, Thomas Merton was the last in the triad of murder of men of global eminence who were commanding and compelling voices on behalf of the wretched of the earth in the U.S. and beyond. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy were the other two. And as religious and secular realpolitik would have it, the murderers of all three were protected by government, corporate, and religious systematic deceit operations nearly as impenetrable to this day as they were in 1968. ~ Emmanuel Charles McCarthy

The Strange Death Of Thomas Merton: Catholics Against Militarism Interviews Hugh Turley (1:27:44)
Episode 31 – Catholics Against Militarism interview with Hugh Turley, co-author of the book “The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: An Investigation.” In the more than fifty years since Merton passed, this has been the only investigation of his death ever conducted.

And Like That, The Claim Vaccines Are The World’s Best Studied Product Dies
The world’s leading vaccinologist, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, and company have just capitulated…
Wow. After decades of Dr. Stanley Plotkin and his vaccinologist disciples insisting vaccines are the most well studied products on the planet, they just penned an article admitting precisely the opposite. They just admitted vaccines are not properly studied—neither pre-licensure nor post-licensure. They admitted, for example, “prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes [and] follow-up durations” and that “there are not resources earmarked for postauthorization safety studies.” That is an incredible reversal. But let me provide context so nobody is fooled at what they are clearly up to: For decades, the medical community insisted vaccines are the most thoroughly studied product ever; for example, Dr. Paul Offit said, “I think we should be proud of vaccines as arguably the safest, best tested things we put in our body.” For decades, parents of vaccine injured children, vaccine injured adults, and other stakeholders contested these claims only to be shunned and attacked by the medical community and health agencies. In 2018, I had the unprecedented opportunity to depose the architect of our vaccination program and the Godfather of Vaccinology, Dr. Plotkin, and lay bare the evidence that showed what these authors are now finally admitting about the utter lack of vaccine safety trials and studies. See: https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/the-deposition-of-stanley-plotkin
by Aaron Siri

Netanyahu Relies On Normalising Genocide
The UN has been stating that nowhere is safe in Gaza. Palestinians have been crying out the same, prior to the useless official statements. Those that remain have been displaced several times over, in a macabre spectacle that leaves one wondering who is next in Israel’s genocidal kill toll. “Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essential” is The Lancet’s report on Israel’s higher kill toll in Gaza. Noting that Gaza’s Health Ministry put the numbers at 37,396 Palestinians killed from 7 October 2023 until 19 June 2024, the report notes that it is highly likely Israel has killed 7.9 per cent of Gaza’s population and possibly more, bringing the number up to 186,000 Palestinians. “Documenting the true scale is crucial for ensuring historical accountability and acknowledging the full cost of the war. It is also a legal requirement,” The Lancet’s report partly states. While the report errs by calling the genocide a conflict, it brings the force of Israel’s weapons and destruction of Gaza into sharper focus, especially since mainstream media is competently blurring accountability in abiding with Israel’s security narrative. Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is seeking assurances that in the event of a deal being reached, Israel is allowed to continue “fighting until all the goals of the war are achieved”. The Times of Israel quotes Netanyahu’s office stating, “The plan that has been agreed to by Israel and that has been welcomed by President Biden will allow Israel to bring back hostages without infringing on the other objectives of the war.”
by Ramona Wadi

Our Fabricated Reality (3:40)

Orban Just Did Some Actual Diplomacy And The EU Panicked
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s peace mission is a showcase of what Kiev ?ould have done with its peculiar geopolitical position
When your enfant terrible is also (almost) the only adult in the room, then something is very wrong with your room. For “the room” read the EU – and the West more broadly – and, for both the enfant terrible and the adult in the room, Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Hungary, and there you have it: the shortest possible description of what the big brouhaha about his recent trips to first Kiev, then Moscow and Beijing is really all about. The EU, in reality, has no policy worthy of the name to address the single most urgent issue in Europe at this point, namely, how to end the war in and over Ukraine. As Orbán himself has correctly pointed out in an interview with the German newspaper Die Welt, all the EU does is copy America’s “policy of war.” In other words, Brussels, like Washington, has ruled out diplomacy and compromise to end the war. Indeed, if the US and EU had engaged in genuine diplomacy, then the war could have been prevented or ended quickly, in spring 2022. Orbán may be putting too much weight on – and too much trust in – a single Western leader, but that is his larger point when he claims that the large-scale war would not have happened if Angela Merkel had still been in office as chancellor of Germany.
by Tarik Cyril Amar

Summer Reading To Help You Escape
This is not, let us be blunt, a particularly jolly time to be alive. We are besieged by conspirators who would jab us, confine us, control us and take away from us everything we hold dear. Television offers an unsatisfying diet of dross and propaganda. But, as we gird our loins in preparation for the next battles in this continuing and endless war, we can use books to help us escape into other worlds. Here are a few suggestions for light summer reading: My Secret Years with Elvis (`Brilliantly researched and stunningly convincing story about what happened when Elvis Presley faked his death and moved to Paris. I found myself believing it.’) The Man Who Inherited a Golf Course (`Wonderful story about a young man who inherits a golf course and has to learn to deal with an astonishing array of characters.’) Three film companies have optioned the story but no film has yet been made. Village Cricket Tour (`Now widely recognised as a classic story about a cricket team on tour in the West Country.’) Mr Henry Mulligan (`The most uplifting story I’ve ever read. It made me laugh and cry at the same time.’) My Favourite Books: Over 100 non-fiction books I’ve read more than once and hope to read again. There are dozens more books (fiction and non fiction) available in the bookshop on: https://VernonColeman.com
by Dr. Vernon Coleman

“You’re Smirking” — I Say The Obvious Truth To Matt Miller As He Acts Sad Over Countless Palestinians Killed (Text and Video)
The administration hideously pretends to care about the slaughter of Palestinians as it ensures it.
On Tuesday, Matthew Miller was asked about the estimate in the Lancet of 186,000 Palestinian dead in Gaza. He pretended to express sadness about any deaths while repeatedly smirking, as I’ve seen him do time and again. So I chimed in and noted: “You’re smirking! You’re smirking as you say that… are you aware?” His smirk quickly disappeared, he said he “wouldn’t entertain” my comment. The exchange was covered by various media including The Independent in Britain and TRT World from Türkiye. Caitlin Johnstone, it should be noted, has repeatedly noted Miller’s smirk. Also, note Miller said: “The reported number already is unacceptable … we long ago passed the stage um, ah, ah, where ah — I should um…” He seemed about to say “we long ago passed the stage of acceptable deaths.” And of course Miller says there’s been too many deaths, but gives no actual change in US policy. During the presser, he kept coming back to the administration’s alleged ceasefire plan, which is worse than a farce as I’ve repeatedly noted in my reporting. It is largely a way of the US government preventing the International Court of Justice orders from the South African genocide case against Israel from being implemented, having gotten the UN Security Council to renege its responsibility to implement ICJ orders.
by Sam Husseini

Is Israel Destroying Itself? (24:29)
My latest interview with Marwa Osman for Press TV – MidEastream
Marwa Osman of MidEastream writes – “I discussed with the amazing Vanessa Beeley the role of Hezbollah in the support front for Gaza on the northern Palestinian border and what happens if an all-out war with the Israeli occupation takes place. I also spoke with Hamza Khansa the contentious debate between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden regarding Palestine in specific.”
by Vanessa Beeley

Netanyahu To Avoid Europe On Way To US In Fear Of ICC Arrest Warrant
Several European nations, including some of Israel’s closest allies, have confirmed they would enforce an ICC arrest warrant against the premier.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will avoid stopping in Europe over fears about an impending arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for his role in the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, according to reports in Israeli media. The premier’s office recently “reviewed” whether or not to stop in Europe when he heads to the US capital to deliver a speech before the US Congress on 24 July. Israel’s Kan broadcaster revealed that, after considering several options, Netanyahu decided to take a direct flight to Washington with a limited number of passengers on board, as the so-called “Wing of Zion” is unable to make a transatlantic flight while carrying a full load. Other options included requesting to stop in countries “closer” to Israel, such as the Czech Republic or Hungary. However, Netanyahu preferred to abstain from layovers altogether and fly directly to Washington. Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant face charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Gaza, including the starvation of civilians as a weapon of war, wilfully causing great suffering, wilful killing, intentional attacks on a civilian population, and extermination, among other charges. Many of Israel’s closest allies – including Germany – have confirmed they would enforce an ICC arrest warrant against the prime minister if he visits the country and the warrant is issued.
by News Desk

Doug Casey On Preparing For Coming Shortages
International Man: Inflation has recently hit its highest levels since the 1970s as governments worldwide are debasing their fiat currencies at breakneck speed. The cost of living is soaring, and it’s likely to worsen. In this environment, it is typical for opportunists in government to implement price controls as a misguided solution. Do you think we’ll see them soon?
Doug Casey: Government never controls itself. It only attempts to control its subjects. I expect the rest of this decade will resemble the 1970s as far as retail price rises are concerned, but it will be much more serious. As a result, the chances of wage and price controls are high. We need to only look at the actions of Richard Nixon, who often put himself forward as being pro-business and pro-capital. In 1971, he put on very strict wage and price controls. But wage and price controls didn’t begin and they certainly won’t end with Nixon. The idea that government should control its subjects is part of the national DNA. As the Baby Bush put it in 2008, “sometimes you have to abandon free-market principles to save the free-market system.” His statement reminds me of the famous quote from the Vietnam era: “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.”
by Doug Casey

Why The News Media’s Job Is To Groom Us
Large numbers of Palestinians and Ukrainians were killed in missile strikes days apart. The media’s differing treatment of these comparable events is the clue to what the media’s really there to do
When all we have to rely on in understanding our relationship to the news media is the media’s self-proclaimed assessment of its own role, maybe it is no surprise that most of us assume the West’s “free press” is a force for good: the bedrock of democracy, the touchstone of a superior western civilisation. The more idealistic among us think of the news media as something akin to a public service. The more cynical of us think of it as a competitive marketplace in information and commentary, one in which ugly agendas are often in evidence but truth ultimately prevails. Both views are fanciful. The reality is far, far darker – and I speak as someone who worked for many years in the Guardian and Observer newsrooms, widely seen as the West’s most progressive newspapers. As readers, we don’t, as we imagine, “consume” news. Rather, the news consumes us. Or put another way, the media uses the news to groom us, its audience. Properly understood, the relationship is one of abuser and abused.
by Jonathan Cook

NATO’s ‘Globalization’ Can Only Accelerate Its Failure
The 2024 NATO Summit kicked off in Washington on July 9, local time. In addition to NATO members, the US also invited representatives from Australia, Japan, South Korea, and New Zealand to participate. The background of this summit is the 75th anniversary of the founding of NATO. In order to demonstrate the continued relevance of this organization that should have disbanded after the Cold War, the US and NATO have boasted about NATO’s “glorious history” and “unity” among its member states long before the summit began. It is also reported that they would discuss China’s “support for Russia” in “strong language.” However, the more exaggerated the performance, the more it reveals the internal and external predicaments NATO faces. Now the US is shifting most conflicts in the world toward China, and NATO is also following suit to strengthen its competitive stance against China. This not only arouses opposition from countries in the Asia-Pacific region, but also complaints within European states. Viktor Orban, prime minister of Hungary, which holds the current rotating presidency of the EU Council, recently warned in the American magazine Newsweek that if NATO chooses conflict instead of cooperation, and war instead of peace, it will be committing suicide. If NATO continues to rely on its counter-trend approach to sustain existence, especially in pursuit of the bloc’s “globalization,” its accelerated failure is inevitable.
Editorial by Global Times

1/3 New Jobs Are Govt Jobs (3:38)
by Peter St Onge, Ph.D.

corruption is OK, just don’t look corrupt
FDA and NIH rules around jobs and influence look a little lacking
former FDA employees that helped review the moderna covid vaxx application are fine taking jobs at moderna afterwards so long as they only work “behind the scenes” to influence FDA. the ethics team is good with this. so is the law. note that it does not speak to “exerting influence” but rather “being seen to exert influence.” this has nothing to do with preventing corruption, only the perception of corruption. “Please note that some of these bans are specific to the employee personally making representations to a government agency, they may still be permitted to work ‘behind-the-scenes’ advising others on the communication, the employee just could not make any communication personally with the intent to influence,” got that? it has to be a one hop wink and a nod, no going in yourself to do that. but of course, they know you’re there, your name gets dropped. hell, maybe your salary and options package too so good little boys and girls know the going rate for free agents in the grand game of: Play Ball. the net effect is to push the crony corporatism into the shadows where it cannot be seen and selectively build networks of power and preferencing intended and required to be as invisible as they are unaccountable. this is not a bug, it’s a feature.
by el gato malo

John Taylor Gatto – Dumbing Us Down
The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling
After over 100 years of mandatory schooling in the U.S., literacy rates have dropped, families are fragmented, learning “disabilities” are skyrocketing, and children and youth are increasingly disaffected. Thirty years of teaching in the public school system led John Taylor Gatto to the sad conclusion that compulsory governmental schooling is to blame, accomplishing little but to teach young people to follow orders like cogs in an industrial machine. He became a fierce advocate of families and young people taking back education and learning, arguing that “genius is as common as dirt,” but that conventional schooling is driving out the natural curiosity and problem-solving skills we’re born with, replacing it with rule-following, fragmented time, and disillusionment. Gatto’s radical treatise on public education, a bestseller for 25 years, continues to bang the drum for an unshackling of children and learning from formal schooling. Now, in an ever-more-rapidly changing world with an explosion of alternative routes to learning, it’s poised to continue to shake the world of institutional education for many more years.
by The Naked Emperor

The World’s Rush To Reduce Dependency On U.S. Dollar Accelerates As The Great AI Bubble Burst Apocalypse Draws Closer
While I have been reporting on the Big Tech crash that started accelerating in 2022 for over a year now, others in the financial sector are finally beginning to see where the current AI hype is leading the U.S., and using such words as “apocalypse” in terms of what is going to happen when this AI bubble (which almost ALL economists now admit is a real thing) bursts. ZeroHedge News reported this week that Goldman’s head of research has apparently “seen the light” when it comes to the AI bubble, and “is downright apocalyptic on what the current AI bubble will lead to; think dot com bubble on steroids” and that it “will be the biggest bubble in history.” While AI has sucked up all the capital in the U.S. economy for the past year and a half to create this economic apocalypse that now awaits us, the true extent of the crash of Big Tech goes far beyond just chat bots and LLM AI. Indeed, when the history books are written in the future about the collapse of the Great American Empire, chief among its causes will be our over-reliance on technology and the false Darwinian belief system that whatever humans can do, machines and technology can do better as they evolve. This reliance on technology started in the 1800s when America abandoned using natural plants, herbs, and things in creation for healing, and when traditional methods of healing, such as homeopathy, were banned in favor of laboratory-produced pharmaceutical poisons, starting with vaccines, in the false belief that man’s technology could eliminate human disease.
by Brian Shilhavy

China Conducts Military Drills Near Polish And Ukrainian Borders
China and Belarus kicked off ultra-rare joint military drills near the Polish border inside Belarusian territory on Monday. It is unprecedented given Chinese troops are now deployed so close to a raging war zone in Eastern Europe. The Belarusian armed forces pointed specifically to “Ukrainian provocation” as a key reason to hold the drills. Vladimir Kupriyanyuk, the deputy head of the general staff of the military, said the exercises are a response to the “West’s aggressive foreign policy towards Belarus” and to “Ukrainian provocation.” Alarmingly, the maneuvers dubbed ‘Eagle Assault’ are not just a single day or two-day drill, but are slated to last eleven days, until July 19. The drills are being staged near the city of Brest on the Belarus-Poland border, and which is some 40 miles from the Belarusian border with Ukraine to the south. “As part of the anti-terrorist exercises, the military personnel of both countries will work out the issues of night landing, overcoming water obstacles, and conducting operations in [urban settings],” the Belarusian defense ministry announced on Telegram. The statement called out NATO’s growing involvement in Ukraine specifically: “The NATO grouping on the border with Belarus is growing rapidly, which leads to an increase in tension in the region,” stated a follow-up post. It additionally warned of “harsh reaction” should any external forces “cross Belarusian borders.”
by Tyler Durden

CrossTalk With Peter Lavelle On NATO | Offensive Alliance (25:34)
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is celebrating its 75th anniversary in Washington this week. For many in the west, NATO is deemed to be the most successful military alliance in history. For others beyond the west, NATO is the most serious security threat to humanity today.
CrossTalking with Aaron Good, K.J. Noh, and Alexandre Guerreiro.

House Report Reveals GARM’s Role In Stifling Online Discourse
A new report from the House Judiciary Committee released on Wednesday, and confirming our previous reporting, casts the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) under scrutiny, suggesting potential violations of federal antitrust laws due to its outsized influence in the advertising sector. We obtained a copy of the report for you here. Established in 2019 by Rob Rakowitz and the World Federation of Advertisers, GARM has been accused of leveraging this influence to systematically restrict certain viewpoints online and sideline platforms advocating divergent views. The organization, initially conceived to manage the surge of free speech online, is reported to coordinate with major industry players including Proctor & Gamble, Mars, Unilever, Diageo, GroupM, and others. The collaboration appears to stretch across the largest ad agency holding companies worldwide, known collectively as the Big Six. Such collaboration raises concerns about a concerted effort to police content, especially content that challenges mainstream narratives. Specifically, the report highlights GARM’s actions following the rebranding of Twitter by Elon Musk and its attempts to silence discussions on controversial topics like COVID-19 vaccines on Spotify’s “The Joe Rogan Experience.” Despite no “brand safety” risks acknowledged by GroupM, GARM still pressed for advertising restrictions on Rogan’s podcast.
by Didi Rankovic

Syria, Saudi Arabia Resume Regular Flights After 12-Year Hiatus – Reports
MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Syria and Saudi Arabia have resumed regular flights after a 12-year hiatus, media reported on Wednesday.
The first flight of Syrian Airlines arrived at King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh on Wednesday, the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported. The restoration of regular flights between the two countries is seen as another step towards developing closer bilateral ties, SANA reported, citing Syrian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Ayman Soussan. The official said the move facilitates communication between both countries. In May, Saudi Arabia appointed a new ambassador to Syria. Last year, the Syrian government restored the work of its embassy in Riyadh and appointed a new ambassador in December.
Syria and Saudi Arabia agreed to restore diplomatic relations last May. It came on the heels of Syria’s reinstatement in the Arab League organization after a 12-year suspension.
by Sputnik

Statue Of The Child Jesus Beheaded At Catholic Church In New York City
A man got out of his taxi in Flushing and pummeled the statue with a shoe in the latest attack on a Catholic church in the U.S.
The attack at Holy Family is the latest in a string of vandalism on Catholic churches across the United States. In June, St. Michael the Archangel parish in Portland, Oregon had its tabernacle stolen by a burglar who broke into the church after midnight. Nearby St. Patrick’s in northwest Portland had its doors and sidewalk spray painted with the message “My Body, My Choice” on April 27. The church was reportedly attacked twice previously, once in June 2021 and again in July 2021 during a crime wave carried out on four Catholic churches in Portland over a six-week period that summer. CatholicVote.org has reported that there has been over 400 attacks on Catholic churches in the U.S. since 2020. The website’s “Violence Tracker” has found that more than 27 attacks have occurred in 2024 alone and that of only 25 percent of cases end in an arrest. The report says that the top 10 states with the most attacks on Catholic churches are California (55), New York (46), Pennsylvania (25), Texas (22), Colorado (17), New Jersey (17), Ohio (16), Florida (16), Massachusetts (16), and Oregon (15).
by Stephen Kokx

July 10, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Who Runs The ‘City Of London?’ (1:38:14)
The Pete Quinones Show Episode 1076 With Phil Gibson
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

The Pete Quinones Show

Phil Gibson

EarthNewspaper.com Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Quote Of The Day
“The only solution for bad and violent people
are good people that are more skilled in violence”
Japanese Samurai Bushido Code

Website Of The Day
Middle East Monitor
The use or misuse of information is central to the conflict in the Middle East.

There has been a growing need for supporters of, in particular, the Palestinian cause,
to master the art of information gathering, analysis and dissemination.
This requires well organised, focused and targeted operations.
Such initiatives are virtually non-existent in the West today.
The Middle East Monitor (MEMO) was established to fill this gap.

Over 33,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.

Totalitarianism Archive With 3,137 Posts

The Body Count Of The State
What Happened To Rhonda Massie?
In early June, one of the most extraordinary interviews I’ve ever seen took place. Tucker Carlson sat down with Rep. Thomas Massie, by far the best of the typical sorry congressional lot. During the interview, Massie touched on the subject of Israeli influence in Congress. Boy, did he touch on it. Massie alleged that every Republican congressional representative has their own AIPAC (American Israel Political Affairs Committee) “babysitter.” Except him. Think Rabbi Shmuley and RFK, Jr. Massie described how, after several high pressured conversations with AIPAC, during which they tried to get him to do some assigned “homework,” he ultimately banned them from his office. I think it’s safe to say that AIPAC has never been banned from any congressional office before. Massie said he didn’t know about the Democrats, but it would be shocking if all of them didn’t have a “babysitter” as well. This is basically what Cynthia McKinney described, before they ran her out of Congress. It all seems a bit like kissing the Pope’s ring. Which makes what happened a few weeks later all the more poignant. And troubling. On June 27, 2024, Rhonda Massie suddenly died. There was no cause of death announced, and there still hasn’t been. We know she wasn’t suffering from a chronic illness, as Massie spoke glowingly of her with Carlson, and in announcing her death, he noted, “We spent last week touring Mt Rainier with our grandson – she was the best mammaw ever! We love you Rhonda.” She was only fifty one and looked to be in pretty good shape. Normally, such a #died suddenly case can be attributed to the deadly warp speed vaccine. But not in this situation. Massie was vocally critical of the vaccine, and it’s a certainty that his wife wouldn’t have taken the jab. So exactly what could have happened to her? So going after the beloved wife of the country’s most dangerous congressional representative wouldn’t be surprising. I’m not saying that anyone murdered Rhonda Massie. I have no idea, and no one is providing the details to those who are interested. But her death is exceedingly strange, especially coming on the heels of that remarkable interview.
by Donald Jeffries

Covid-Vaxxed Children 4423% More Likely To Die Than Unvaxxed
Alarming official government statistics have revealed that children who received Covid mRNA shots are at a massively elevated risk of dying. The shocking figures were revealed in a UK government report which quietly confirmed that the Covid injections have been killing children at an unprecedented rate. The admission was buried in an official report compiled using data from the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS). The data shows that children who received the shots are 4423%/45x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children. Additionally, vaxxed children are 13,633%/137x more likely to die of COVID-19 than those who didn’t receive an mRNA injection. The stunning figures were revealed in recently published ONS data regarding deaths by vaccination status in England. The latest dataset from the ONS is titled “Deaths by Vaccination Status, England, 1 January 2021 to 31 May 2022.” The official data can be accessed on the ONS website here and downloaded here. Table 6 of the dataset contains data on deaths involving COVID-19, deaths not involving Covid, and all-cause deaths by age group in England between January 1, 2021, and May 31, 2022.
by Frank Bergman

Joe Biden And Pope Francis: Catholic Leaders Of A Brave New World (45:10)
by The Remnant

The Lancet Says Gaza Death Toll Could Exceed 186,000
The estimate uses the death toll reported by Gaza’s Health Ministry in June and accounts for indirect deaths
The British medical journal The Lancet published an article on July 5 that estimates the actual death toll of Israel’s US-backed military campaign in Gaza could be over 186,000 even if there were a ceasefire today. The article, written by a group of experts, takes into account indirect deaths that have already taken place and will continue to happen to form its estimate. “Armed conflicts have indirect health implications beyond the direct harm from violence. Even if the conflict ends immediately, there will continue to be many indirect deaths in the coming months and years from causes such as reproductive, communicable, and non-communicable diseases,” the article reads. The experts noted that the number of indirect deaths is expected to be large due to the destruction of Gaza’s health sector and the severe shortages of food and other basic needs. They said indirect deaths in recent conflicts range from three to 15 times the number of direct deaths. “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza,” the article reads.
by Dave DeCamp

Russia Rules Out All Nuclear Talks With US Until Washington Adopts A ‘Sane’ Approach
A top Russian diplomat stressed that the Kremlin is unwilling to engage with the White House on arms control issues due to the Biden administration’s Russophobic stance. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov argued that President Donald Trump left the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty) to provoke China. In an interview with The International Affairs published on Monday, Ryabkov explained Moscow’s position on arms control talks with Washington. “We do not have the foundation right now and we are not even close to shaping one in order to launch a tentative dialogue, not talks even, in this field. This is a result of Washington’s destructive policy course,” he stated. “Until [the US] clearly show some change for the better in their policy, at the very least, demonstrate that this boundless and unabashed Russophobia has been set aside and is replaced with a slightly more sane approach,” he said, adding, “until this happens, there simply can be no dialogue on strategic stability.” Since the end of the Cold War, Washington has abandoned a series of agreements that limited the US and Russia’s conventional as well as nuclear arsenals. Additionally, the Kremlin left the New Start Treaty in response to the White House’s support for Kiev.
by Kyle Anzalone

Adolf Hitler (1:27:58)
Chapter 19 The Fox And The Bear January-August 24, 1939

by John Toland

US Approves New Nuclear Warhead Program Despite Cost Increase
Critics have urged Washington to ditch the “expensive, dangerous, and unnecessary” project
The US Department of Defense will continue developing its new Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) despite an 81% increase in costs as Washington seeks to update its ‘nuclear triad’. The Sentinel ICBM program, which is intended to replace aging Minuteman III nuclear missiles, is now expected to cost $140.9 billion – almost double the original estimate of $77.7 billion, the Pentagon said in a statement on Monday. The ballooning cost of the nuclear warhead program has triggered what is known as a Nunn-McCurdy breach, which occurs if the cost of developing a new program increases by 25%, and requires a Department of Defense review to justify its continuation. Following this review, the Pentagon has found that there are no viable alternatives to the Sentinel. William LaPlante, the under secretary of defense for acquisition, said his office was “fully aware of the costs.” “But we are also aware of the risks of not modernizing our nuclear forces and not addressing the very real threats we confront,” he added in the statement. Much of the cost increase has been attributed not only to building the new missile but also to the large-scale modernization of ground-based facilities, including launch control centers, nuclear missile bases, and testing facilities.
by RT

Roberta Kaplan As A Jewish Type
Jewish lesbian Roberta Kaplan is a prominent leftist attorney involved in lawfare against the Charlottesville demonstrators, against Donald Trump in the E. Jean Carrol case, as well as in victorious efforts on behalf of gay marriage. As I wrote in a previous article on Roberta Kaplan, she “is a good example of what makes Jewish activism so effective: smart, well-connected, hyper-aggressive, in the context of a court system sympathetic to her causes.” Well, her hyper-aggressiveness and general abrasiveness seems to have caught up with her, along with micromanagement (she seems to be a control freak). I bring her up because I think she is a Jewish type and a big reason why the Jewish community is so successful. I am certainly not saying that all Jews are like this, but such people are important in whatever occupation they are in. Jewish aggressiveness has long been noted as a general characteristic of Jews, e.g., here (pp. 26-30), seen also in Kaplan’s “relentless … pursuit of success”: In early twentieth-century America, the sociologist Edward A. Ross commented on a greater tendency among Jewish immigrants to maximize their advantage in all transactions, ranging from Jewish students badgering teachers for higher grades to Jewish poor attempting to get more than the usual charitable allotment. “No other immigrants are so noisy, pushing and disdainful of the rights of others as the Hebrews.” The authorities complain that the East European Hebrews feel no reverence for law as such and are willing to break any ordinance they find in their way. . . . The insurance companies scan a Jewish fire risk more closely than any other. Credit men say the Jewish merchant is often “slippery” and will “fail” in order to get rid of his debts. For lying the immigrant has a very bad reputation. In the North End of Boston “the readiness of the Jews to commit perjury has passed into a proverb.”
by Kevin MacDonald

Your Government Is Supporting Genocide (1:16:49)
by The Crowhouse

Mel Gibson To Archbishop Viganò: ‘You Are A Modern Day Athanasius!’
Actor and film director Mel Gibson has written a letter of encouragement to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò after the Vatican announced that the retired papal nuncio has been excommunicated.
Editor’s note: The following letter from Mel Gibson to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò appeared first at the website of Italian journalist Aldo Maria Valli. It has since been promoted by Archbishop Viganò on X. LifeSite has also received direct confirmation from Mel Gibson that he did write the letter.
Dear Archbishop,
I’m sure you expected nothing else from Jorge Bergoglio. I know that you know he has no authority whatsoever – so I’m not sure how this will effect you going forward. I hope you will continue to say Mass and receive the sacraments yourself – it really is a badge of honor to be shunned by the false, post conciliar church. You have my sympathies that you suffer publicly this grave injustice. To me and many others you are a most courageous hero. As always, you have hit the nail on the head regarding the illegitimacy of Francis. You express the core problems with the institution that has eclipsed the true church and I applaud your courage in expressing that, but more than that in maintaining fidelity to the true Church! You are a modern day Athanasius! I have all respect for the way you defend Christ and His Church. I agree with you 100% that the post conciliar church of Vatican II is a counterfeit church. This is why I built a Catholic church that only worships traditionally. You are welcome to come and say Mass there anytime. Of course being called a schismatic and being excommunicated by Jorge Bergoglio is like a badge of honor when you consider he is a total apostate and expels you from a false institution. Remember that true schism requires innovation, something you have not done but something that Bergoglio does with every breath.
by LifeSiteNews Staff

10 UN Experts Say Famine Has Hit All Of Gaza
In January, the International Court of Justice ruled in a preliminary hearing that it is “plausible” that Israel committed acts that violated the Genocide Convention. It ordered Israel to take action to prevent genocide in Gaza.
The whole of Gaza is suffering under famine, 10 top UN experts said in a statement released on Tuesday. “We declare that Israel’s intentional and targeted starvation campaign against the Palestinian people is a form of genocidal violence and has resulted in famine across all of Gaza,” the group which included Michael Fakhri, special rapporteur on the right to food, Francesca Albanese, special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, Paula Gaviria Betancur, special rapporteur on human rights of internally displaced people and others. The group does not represent the UN as a whole but declared that famine in Gaza can no longer be denied, noting three children who have died from malnutrition across Gaza recently. “Fayez Ataya, who was barely six months old, died on 30 May 2024 and 13-year-old Abdulqader Al-Serhi died on 1 June 2024 at the Al-Aqsa Hospital in Deir Al-Balah. Nine-year-old Ahmad Abu Reida died on 3 June 2024 in the tent sheltering his displaced family in Al-Mawasi, Khan Younis. All three children died from malnutrition and lack of access to adequate healthcare,” the statement read.
by Ian DeMartino

Hidden Fronts: Intelligence And Assassinations In The Israeli–Hezbollah Conflict
In a high-stakes strategy, Israel’s assassinations of Hezbollah leaders aim to boost morale and show strength. At the same time, Hezbollah adapts and improves its intelligence, keeping the conflict in a relentless cycle of surprise and counteraction.
In addition to the escalation between Israel and Hezbollah, the occupation state has intensified its assassinations of Lebanese resistance leaders at various levels, specifically targeting field commanders directly involved on the frontlines. These assassinations are part of a longstanding conflict between the two sides, not merely a reaction to the events following Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October. The elimination of these resistance leaders is often framed within the occupation state as a significant achievement. However, it often serves more to influence perceptions within the settler community and the security establishment than to achieve strategic victories against Hezbollah. The ongoing war between the Lebanese resistance and the occupation army differs fundamentally from conventional military conflicts. This confrontation’s asymmetric nature necessitates intricate intelligence operations and adaptive strategies. Both sides continually enhance their intelligence capabilities to support direct military engagements. In southern Lebanon and northern occupied Palestine, the security dimension of the conflict is clear. The resistance has notably advanced its knowledge of Israeli positions, surprising Israeli intelligence and creating a heightened state of alert within the occupation army. The recent killings of key figures like Abu Talib, head of the Nasr unit, and Abu Naama, leader of the Aziz unit, demonstrate the complexities of the conflict.
by Khalil Nasrallah

The Zionist Movement In Britain: David Miller And Vanessa Beeley (1:01:36)
Mike Robinson and Vanessa Beeley speak to David Miller about the influence of Zionism on life in the UK, including not only political life, but all our lives as Israeli intelligence funded tech startups gather bulk data on our computer networks.
by Vanessa Beeley

Modi, Putin Deepen Ties In Moscow, ‘Frustrating US Efforts To Contain, Isolate Russia’
The US expressed its “concerns” toward India about its relationship with Russia, as Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Moscow during which the India-Russia friendship has been highlighted by Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Analysts said that closer relations between Russia and India mean that the US’ ceaseless effort of containing and isolating Russia since the Ukraine crisis began is frustrated. Meanwhile, India’s balanced diplomacy is not only in line with its own interests but also contributes to a global strategic balance which has long been challenged by US hegemony. Modi started his two-day visit to Russia on Monday with a warm reception from Putin before the two leaders engaged in official talks at the Kremlin on Tuesday. According to media reports, Putin embraced Modi at his home at Novo-Ogaryovo, offering Modi tea, berries and sweets and took him on a tour of the grounds in a motorized cart. “To visit a friend’s home is a great pleasure,” Modi said on Monday, per a report from Russian news agency TASS. Modi also posted pictures in X upon his arrival in Moscow, in both English and Russian, saying that stronger ties between India and Russia “will greatly benefit our people.” In an X post on Tuesday, Modi said talks between two leaders “will surely go a long way in further cementing the bonds of friendship between India and Russia.” Modi also shared pictures of himself hugging and shaking hands with Putin.
by Wang Qi

A Tale Of Two Cities: Have We Seen A ‘Surge To The Left’ In British And French Elections?
In the past five days, parliamentary elections were carried out in Britain and in France. The results were dramatic, attracting a great deal of media attention. In this brief essay, we will look behind the bald facts of vote counts and strive to make sense of where the UK and France are headed. What does the latest news tell us about the ‘managed democracies’ in Europe? I will direct particular attention to the different electoral and governance systems operating in Britain and France, given that these respective systems were so influential in delivering the results we are seeing?
The sitting governments in both France and the United Kingdom were overturned in the past week. Looking at the winners, one might conclude a new or updated Left has won in both elections. If so, this runs directly counter to the media bugbear of resurgent populism that supposedly endangers democracy. Should the winners break out the champagne? In Britain, Labour won a landslide victory, taking absolute control of Parliament and ending 14 years of Tory chaos and misrule. In the American vernacular, British voters were given the opportunity to ‘throw the bums out’ and they availed themselves of it. Tory leader and incoming Prime Minister Keir Starmer achieved this success by having expelled from the party the genuinely Leftist former leader Jeremy Corbyn and taken up the winning ‘New Labour’ centrist position first defined by former Prime Minister Tony Blair.
by Gilbert Doctorow

Google AI Chat GPT Agents Deployed – 20+ Years In The Military Making? The All Seeing Eye Is Watching Everyone
This week the MIT technical review wrote about the new AI Agents deployed for Chat GPT. The conversation raised my eyebrows, since automated Agents have been referred to in the DARPA and military circles for a long time. DARPA had created the total information awareness office that fell out of favor as it used as a symbol the all seeing eye. The IAO was supposed to collect intelligence on terrorists, however that quickly expanded into much larger collaborations that were used by many branches of the military – and had the potential for total civilian surveillance too. Here are a few interesting slides available on the internet. Please note in the image below the complete tracking of all movement and data was intended. Human identification at a distance and data mining was all done by AI software programs. Note that Ray Kurzweil, whom I have frequently mentioned – Author of the book “The Singularity is near” – is also a longtime Google engineer, scientific advisor to the Military and appears to be the preeminent technocratic transhumanist dreamer of the nanobot nightmare we are finding our selves in.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

Forgotten Declaration: Cause Of The War For Independence Explained (36:29)
The American Revolution: What really sparked the fight? This episode explores an almost totally forgotten declaration written by Thomas Jefferson and John Dickinson in 1775. The Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms is an incredibly important document revealing the colonists’ motivations beyond what history books tell you.
by Tenth Amendment Center

Dozens Of Gazans Killed And Wounded In Israeli Assault That Hamas Warns May Threaten Truce Talks
Palestinians fled under Israeli fire as tanks thrust deeper into Gaza City on Tuesday while dozens were killed or wounded in an airstrike in the enclave’s south as Israel stepped up an offensive that Hamas said could jeopardise ceasefire talks, Reuters reports. The airstrike later on Tuesday hit tents housing displaced families outside a school in the town of Abassan, east of Khan Yunis in southern Gaza, Palestinian medical officials said. The Israeli military said it was looking into the report. On Gaza City’s front lines, the armed wings of Hamas and its ally, Islamic Jihad, said their fighters battled Israeli forces with machine guns, mortar fire and anti-tank missiles and had killed and wounded Israeli soldiers. Israel’s military did not comment on casualties but said its soldiers were engaged in close-quarter combat with fighters, had taken more than 150 fighters out of action in the last week and destroyed booby-trapped buildings and explosives. “Gaza City is being wiped out, this is what is happening. Israel is forcing us to leave homes under fire,” Um Tamer, a mother of seven, told Reuters via a chat app. She said it was the seventh time her family had fled their house in Gaza City, in the north of the enclave and one of Israel’s first targets at the start of the war in October. “We can’t take it anymore, enough of death and humiliation. End the war now,” she said.

Lucy Letby – Child Killer Or Scapegoat Of The System?
Reporting restrictions have been lifted
Lucy Letby has now been convicted of murdering seven babies and attempting to kill seven more. She was first convicted in August 2023 before her final conviction this month after a three week retrial. This is obviously an extremely emotive case with the convictions meaning that the young, former neonatal nurse is the worst child killer in modern British history. However, she has always maintained her innocence, nobody ever saw her killing or harming a baby and all the evidence that she was convicted on is either circumstantial of statistical. I may be completely wrong (and of course this is just my opinion as I was not in court and have not had access to all the documents and evidence provided) but this feels a lot like The System vs The System and finding a scapegoat human, so as not to find The System guilty. Because of the recent retrial, there have been reporting restrictions in place over the last ten months. However, these only applied to the UK and in May the New Yorker investigated the serious questions about the evidence that was ignored. The online version of this investigation was blocked for UK IP addresses but archived versions and hardcopy versions could be read.
by The Naked Emperor

Elections In Britain, France And Iran Have One Winner: The Status Quo
Global media outlets are discussing the importance of recent elections in France, Britain and Iran as if they are groundbreaking developments. On the surface, there were notable surprises. In both France and the UK, the right-wing – split in half into conservative and “populist” camps – suffered outcomes that ranged from disappointing to devastating. In Iran, the country’s first ever non-Persian president was narrowly elected on a platform of restoring ties with the United States and Europe, as well as implications that he will liberalize some of the nation’s domestic laws governing hijab-wearing.
et in all three cases, nothing major is expected to change. The Labour and Conservative Party in Britain have largely converged on issues such as foreign policy and immigration. In France, the parliament will be split between leftists, neo-liberals, and Marine Le Pen’s National Rally, making it likely that Macron will either keep the current gay Jewish Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, or appoint a caretaker government after meeting with his American backers at the upcoming NATO summit. In Iran, incoming “reformist” president Masoud Pezeshkian has already began distancing himself from his campaign promises and deferred to the nation’s Guardian Council regarding plans to continue deepening ties with Russia and continuing to fully support Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis.
by Joseph Jordan

CrossTalk With Peter Lavelle | Peace Mission (25:29)
Giving peace a chance in Ukraine. Why does taking this position enrage members of the European Union? Also, the UK Labour Party’s stunning victory at the polls – or maybe it wasn’t so stunning.
CrossTalking with George Szamuely and Martin Jay.

On manufacturing demand, manufacturing “Delay”, social engineering and Big Diaper.
I like this subject because within its simplicity you can see how a Cartel socially engineers the population. How it controls minds, and behaviors in just the right way as to benefit itself. We are so easy to manipulate. But we hate believing that we can be manipulated. That is a foundational glitch. If we simply accepted the fact that we can so easily be fooled, we would likely be more on guard, and less likely to be fooled. As you will see from Q1, over 50 years, the Diaper Cartel, or Big Diaper, managed to double the length of time it takes to potty train a child, from 18 months to three years. Within that “delay” can be found many billions of dollars. Create a helpful “Institute”, find a white coat to tell the public that “your child knows best”, that is also good on camera and ideally believes his own shtick. Get the hospitals and nurses in on the act. Add millions into “marketing,” and stir. You’ve got yourself an extra 18 months across the whole country to sell your shit [pun intended]. Billions roll in and you are now Big Diaper. Every single one of these Cartels does this. They all socially engineer the population, their would be customers. In their need to manufacture demand they engineer society. They’ve done it with childhood vaccines, they did it with genetic vaccines, they’ve done it with diapers. They can do it with anything.
by Unbekoming

The Great Monetary Pivot Of 2024
In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, the Fed brought interest rates to roughly 0% and held them there for years. Then, in late 2015, they started a rate-hiking cycle that lasted until the repo market turmoil in late 2019. After the outbreak of the Covid hysteria in early 2020, the Fed brought interest rates back down to around 0%. Inflation subsequently hit 40-year highs in 2022, forcing the Fed into another rate-hiking cycle, one of the steepest in history. In just 18 months, the Fed hiked rates from around 0% to over 5%, where they remain today. The chart below illustrates these last 18 years of monetary policy. With the soaring interest expense on the federal debt set to become the largest item in the budget, I do not expect the Fed to raise interest rates much more. For context, the last time inflation was raging, Paul Volcker needed to raise interest rates above 17%. However, that was in the early 1980s, when the US debt-to-GDP ratio was around 30%. Today, it’s north of 120% and rising rapidly. Today’s higher debt load and accompanying interest expense are why the Volcker option is not on the table; the growing interest expense could lead to the US government’s bankruptcy. So, I do not expect the Fed to raise interest rates much more, if at all.
by Nick Giambruno

The Offline Club: Netherlands Pioneers New Approach To Screen Time
In an era where our lives are increasingly tethered to screens, a countermovement is brewing in the Netherlands. The Offline Club, a chain of digital detox cafes, is offering patrons a radical proposition: leave your phone at the door and rediscover the joys of analog entertainment.
Co-founder Ilya Kneppelhout’s vision began with “offline getaway” retreats, evolving into phone-free hangouts that have struck a chord with the digital-weary Dutch. “People love it,” Kneppelhout enthuses. “They tell us this is exactly what they’ve been waiting for.”1 The concept is simple yet revolutionary in our hyperconnected world. Customers check their phones at the entrance, then immerse themselves in a space filled with board games, books, and even a piano. The goal? To foster genuine human connection and moments of quiet introspection. This digital detox movement couldn’t come at a more critical time. Research increasingly points to the detrimental effects of excessive screen time on our mental and physical health.
by GMI Reporter

July 9, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Joe Biden And Pope Francis: Catholic Leaders Of A Brave New World (45:10)
by The Remnant
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

The Remnant

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How The Israeli Army Benefits From US Tax Law
Tax exemptions that support war crimes are not “charitable”
The United States tax code allows exemptions from federal taxes for certain categories of nonprofit organizations or groups that frequently serve either an educational or charitable purpose. Such organizations are categorized as 501(c)(3) and exempt from Federal income taxes while the donors who contribute to their support can deduct the total donations up to the limits imposed by their own overall tax liability. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recognizes more than 30 types of nonprofit organizations but only those that qualify for 501(c)(3) status can say that donations made to them are tax deductible.

by Philip Giraldi

Quote Of The Day
“Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East,
I can’t help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East.”
Father John Sheehan

Website Of The Day
Consortium News
From the Late Founder and Editor Robert Parry: When we founded Consortium News in 1995 – as the first investigative news magazine based on the Internet – there was already a crisis building in the U.S. news media. The mainstream media was falling into a pattern of groupthink on issue after issue, often ignoring important factual information because it didn’t fit with what all the Important People knew to be true.

Over 32,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.

Genocide Archive With 496 Posts

“Our” Man In Israel
The issue of dual loyalty is an ancient one. As noted in a previous TOO article, [Stephen] Walt points out that Ross has a long involvement with pro-Israel activist organizations, such as being director of WINEP [Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a pro-Israel think tank headquartered in Washington, DC]. But Ross’s ties to Israel are even deeper than that. Until his appointment as Middle East envoy in the Obama Administration, from 2002–2009 Ross was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute. This organization has assumed the role of long term planning for the Jewish people, not only in Israel but also the Diaspora. The JPPPI is an independent think tank that reports to the Israeli government and has close ties with other Jewish organizations. Its mission is “to promote the thriving of the Jewish people via professional strategic thinking and planning on issues of primary concern to world Jewry. JPPPI’s work is based on deep commitment to the future of the Jewish people with Israel as its core state.”
by Ted O’Keefe

The Noahide Laws And The New World Order (1:23:25)
Deanna Spingola Interviews Dr. Lorraine Day

Orban’s China Visit Highlights The Importance Of Dialogue
Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing on Monday morning. During the meeting, President Xi and Prime Minister Orban exchanged views on bilateral relations, China-EU relations and other issues of common concern. The two sides focused on in-depth communication on the Ukraine crisis. This is another high-level dialogue between the two after President Xi’s state visit to Hungary in May. It is of great significance to China-Hungary relations, China-EU relations and the consensus on promoting a political solution to the Ukraine crisis. It is well known that the resolution of the ongoing Ukraine crisis is complex and the start of the peace process can’t be achieved overnight. Despite differing views on Orban’s shuttle diplomacy, efforts by third parties like China and other countries calling for a ceasefire and promoting communication and dialogue between the conflicting parties are of constructive significance. It has also vividly demonstrated the deepening China-Hungary interaction, which is not only beneficial to both countries and China-EU relations, but also injects positive energy into world peace and development.
Editorial by Global Times

Israel Deliberately Killed Own Citizens On October 7 – Report
Reporting in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz offers the most significant evidence to date that Israel killed its own citizens in an effort to prevent Hamas fighters from returning to Gaza after the Palestinian group’s armed operation.
A report in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz has claimed the IDF invoked the controversial Hannibal directive during Hamas’ October 7 attack last year, deliberately killing Israelis to prevent them from being taken hostage by Palestinian fighters. “Documents and testimonies obtained by Haaretz reveal the Hannibal operational order, which directs the use of force to prevent soldiers being taken into captivity, was employed at three army facilities infiltrated by Hamas, potentially endangering civilians as well,” read an article in the liberal paper’s Sunday edition. “‘Not a single vehicle can return to Gaza’ was the order,” writes journalist Yaniv Kubovich. “At this point, the IDF was not aware of the extent of kidnapping along the Gaza border, but it did know that many people were involved. Thus, it was entirely clear what that message meant, and what the fate of some of the kidnapped people would be.” The newspaper notes the exact number of Israelis killed by IDF fire is unknown. The report cites testimony from servicemembers up and down the IDF chain of command, including soldiers and mid- and senior-level officers. An IDF spokesperson said internal investigations into the incident were ongoing.
by John Miles

The Bankers War In Ukraine (11:09)
by Tales Of The American Empire

Parody Of A Statesman: Antony Blinken, Secretary Of War
For Halloween last year, the United States’ highest ranked diplomat, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, dressed his son and daughter up as Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky and the Ukrainian flag, respectively. At a White House event on that day, Blinken’s children were photographed soliciting candy from President Joe Biden. Meanwhile, Zelensky himself had been doing his usual media circuit, appearing progressively more desperate to extract a fresh supply of “candy” from U.S. taxpayers by way of their nonrepresentative elected officials, most of whom, it would seem, have little if any interest in what their voting constituents have to say. In one poignant performance, the embattled Ukrainian commander-in-chief and former professional dancer lamented that the crisis in Israel was drawing attention away from Ukraine. In another widely disseminated video clip, Zelensky implored the audience that, if they could not give him more money, then they should at least extend him some credit, which he promised Ukraine would pay back. Perhaps, then, in view of the long series of war promoters who have served as “top diplomat” for the United States, rather than take Antony Blinken to task, singling him out for criticism, the official title of his position should simply be emended from secretary of state to secretary of war, so as to reflect the reality of what such persons actually do.
by Laurie Calhou

Israeli Settler Attacks Surpass 1,000, As Massacres In Gaza Continue – Day 274
Israel perpetrates a staggering number of massacres in Gaza; Lancet: direct + indirect deaths in Gaza could be 186K; in Gaza City, Israel attacks alleged “safe zone”; Rupert Murdoch: Israel’s Most Powerful Supporter; high-ranking Gazan official targeted; ceasefire wording games; Hamas recruitment; 1,000 Israeli settler attacks since October 7th; West Bank death; Gaza pier debacle; more. Three researchers, writing in the Lancet Journal, said the estimate of 186,000 deaths includes direct deaths from the conflict as well as indirect deaths from causes such as reproductive, communicable and non-communicable diseases. The researchers – who include Martin McKee, a member of the editorial board of the Israel Journal of Health Policy Research – came up with the estimate by extrapolating the death toll of 37,396 given by the Gaza Health Ministry on June 19. “Armed conflicts have indirect health implications beyond the direct harm from violence.” the researchers said in the letter published by The Lancet. “The total death toll is expected to be large given the intensity of this conflict; destroyed health-care infrastructure; severe shortages of food, water, and shelter; the population’s inability to flee to safe places; and the loss of funding to UNRWA.” “In recent conflicts, such indirect deaths range from three to 15 times the number of direct deaths. Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza.”
by Israel-Palestine News

“Gaza: The Astounding Parallels with 9/11”- Informal RG911 Presentation in Livingston, MT | Dive Beneath the MSM Narrative (Text and Video 1:57:39)
Have a sit-down with RichardGage911 in this little cabin in friendly Livingston MT!
by Richard Gage, AIA – Architect

Passing Observations 254
The Labour Party is pretending that they won a landslide victory. Some landslide. They were elected by 20% of the population Four out of five people don’t want them. And they’ve already started rebuilding Britain. They’re going to re-join the EU, let the prisoners out, build ticky tacky box homes on green belts and put useless wind-farms across the English countryside. Later in the week they will doubtless explain how they’re really going to bugger things up. They’re going to make euthanasia really popular. Left wingers always want to ban private health care and private education and first class travel. Except for them. Just like the USSR. A week ago France seemed to want a Far Right government. And then, a week later, they all changed their minds and decided they wanted the communists to run the country. Just like the UK. How utterly amazing. Am I alone in fearing that the bad guys, the conspirators, now control everything with an iron hand in an iron glove? Sudden deaths of amazingly fit athletes during the Paris Olympics will, of course, be blamed on the immense heat caused by mythical climate change. It will be hot in Paris in August (it always is – with the temperature often exceeding 40 degrees C) but no one will mention that they were really killed by the covid-19 vaccine. In the UK, the top 1% of all earners pay 29% of all the income tax collected by the Government. The Labour Party wants to force the top earners out of the country. And they will succeed. The result will be an immediate reduction of 29% in the Government’s income. This will give them an excuse to increase taxes paid by the middle classes. Clever, eh?
by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Starmer Learnt The Price Of Power Was Support For Genocide
Britain’s new prime minister has shown he is already an arch-exponent of the dark political arts of deceit, hypocrisy and bad faith
By a crushing majority, the 17 judges of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled more than five months ago that Israel was “plausibly” committing genocide in Gaza. The highest court in the world put Israel on trial, accused of the ultimate crime against humanity. Much has happened since that decision – and all of it is even more incriminating against Israel than the evidence considered by the World Court back in January. Tens of thousands more Palestinian civilians are dead or missing, most likely under rubble. Gaza is now a wasteland, one that will take many decades to rebuild. Till then, the population has nowhere to live, nor institutions such as hospitals, schools, universities and government offices to care for them, nor infrastructure like functioning electricity and sewage systems to rely on. In violation of a second ICJ ruling, Israel has invaded and repeatedly bombed Rafah, a small “safe zone” into which Gaza’s population had been herded by Israel, supposedly for their own protection. And Israel has intensified its blockade of aid, now to the point where there is famine across much of the enclave. Children, the sick and the vulnerable are dying in growing numbers from an entirely man-made catastrophe. Presented with so much evidence, how is the World Court dealing with Israel’s genocide trial? The answer: it is moving at a snail’s pace.
by Jonathan Cook

Why’s Reid Hoffman Funding Smartmatic Lawsuits?
What could be more frightening than Jeffrey Epstein’s fat friend owning our electronic voting machines?
News broke today that Jeffrey Epstein’s fat friend (and LinkedIn founder) Reid Hoffman has been bankrolling voting machine company Smartmatic’s lawsuits against right-leaning media companies like Fox News and Newsmax. I know all about these lawsuits because I’m the only American journalist named in both the Smartmatic lawsuits and the Dominion Voting System lawsuits. In fact, I’ve already been deposed by Smartmatic’s lawyers — and my deposition with Dominion’s attorneys is coming soon. The first thing that struck me about these stories: they were all published on July 8th within hours of each other. All of them were posted across the left-wing corporate media world almost simultaneously — including the Washington Post, Daily Beast, and CNN — which indicates highly coordinated action. What’s going on? These are left-wing outlets owned by the Democrat Party, and they don’t usually print the secret activities of major Democrat donors. My guess is that the donor rivalries inside the Democrat Party are heating up as Joe Biden fights for his political life — and Hoffman has angered someone who’s very powerful in that gangster hierarchy.
by Emerald Robinson

Europe Goes Antisemitic! (FFWN With E. Michael Jones) (1:13:32)

3 Palestinians Found Dead After Israel Released Them
Israeli forces have killed three more Palestinians shortly after their release from a detention camp in the occupied territories. The bodies were found handcuffed and without clothing on Sunday in the vicinity of the Karam Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing in southern Gaza. The three were among several Palestinians detained on Saturday. Abdel Hadi Ghabayen said he went searching for his nephew, Kamel Ghabayen, early Sunday morning. “I found him left on the ground along with the other two martyrs. They were without clothes, and their hands had plastic cuffs put on them by the Israeli army.” Ghabayen said his nephew and the other two men were attacked by Israeli forces shortly after their release. One man was missing a leg, and his body was “in pieces.” When Ghabayen tried to recover the man’s dismembered leg, Israeli troops “started shooting at me, so I stopped,” he said. He later collected the bodies and took them in his truck to Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis. According to another released detainee, Israeli forces fired on them shortly after their release. “We reached Karkar Street [in Gaza]. After 10 minutes of being there, we found a bomb thrown at the people with me. Thank God I was at the front. The bomb hit six or seven people who were detained with us. Thank God I am alive,” Mahmoud Abu Taha said. Israeli forces recently killed more than a dozen Palestinian detainees, hours after releasing them from a detention center in the southern city of Rafah.
by Press TV

Will Debt Sink The American Empire? (Text and Audio 19:32)
So asks the Wall Street Journal, in an uncharacteristically gloomy article for the bull market’s paper of record. They kick off with the problem: America is “cruising” into an uncharted sea of federal debt, with a government seemingly incapable of turning it around. In other words, the uniparty has set its course, and there’s no cavalry coming. We’re currently adding a fresh trillion of debt every hundred days, on our way to $35 trillion. Meanwhile, the deficit is about to break $2 trillion — for perspective, all federal revenue under George W Bush averaged around $2 trillion. Debt interest *alone is set to cross $1 trillion, eclipsing even our bloated military budget that beaches quarter-billion dollar piers in Gaza for sport. The next milestone after that is Medicare spending, which together with Social Security has its own $78 trillion unfunded liability, according to its own Board of Trustees — outside estimates are higher. And, with so many historical cases, we know exactly how this ends: investors stop buying government debt, shutting out governments and leading to massive austerity and soaring inflation as the government retrenches. Going by history, government will cancel the trillions its promised — starting with social security and medicare — then pull back to where it can pay the Praetorian Guard and not much else. In short, once debt hits the magic line, Washington goes from Sugar Daddy to wild animal. And, historically, it happens much faster than people imagine — in Hemingway’s famous phrase, countries go bankrupt gradually then all at once.
by Peter St Onge

Coal: God’s Gift To Humanity For Cheap Energy, Or Climate Destroying “Fossil” Fuel?
Today we are featuring an article published last week by Dr. John Gideon Hartnett titled: “Coal, the Creator’s Providential Provision.” Dr. Hartnett is an Australian scientist who holds a PhD in physics from The University of Western Australia, and has gained international recognition for developing the world’s most precise clock, the cryogenic sapphire oscillator (CSO). He is a frequent critic of the climate change and “green energy” junk science. In this recent article he blows away the modern pseudo-scientific teaching on coal, and shows where coal came from, and how abundant it is as a cheap energy source. As I have previously reported in the past about the development and use of petroleum-based energy sources, the use of these cheap energy sources is RISING around the world, in spite of the rhetoric of politicians stating that they are reducing these “fossil” fuels, production and use of coal worldwide is also increasing, not decreasing, especially in China, India, and Southeast Asia.
by Brian Shilhavy

The Crazy Things They Think (12:27)
Blacks believe just about anything that puts whites in a bad light.
by American Renaissance

How We Conveniently Ignore The ‘Terrorists’ Among Our Allies
Before they were prime minister, two Israelis were leaders of violent political movements that killed innocent people.
The term “terrorist” often gets used as a general-purpose epithet intended to consign a disliked state or group to perpetual isolation and punishment. Used in this way, the label of “terrorist” becomes a substitute for careful analysis of policy toward the state or group in question. Usually, the object of the labeling has indeed used terrorism — but so have many others who don’t get labeled the same way and may even be treated as friends and allies. If the operative notion is “once a terrorist, always a terrorist,” then there are many shady histories that warrant examination. Consider, for example, as Benjamin Netanyahu — who has flung the “terrorist” label at least as freely as anyone else — is finally being pushed out of the prime minister’s job in Israel, the histories of some of his predecessors. Menachem Begin, who held that job in the late 1970s and early 1980s — longer than anyone except Netanyahu, David Ben-Gurion, and Yitzhak Rabin — had an earlier career as a hard-core terrorist. As leader of the Irgun group during World War II, Begin conducted a campaign of attacks, focused principally on British government and police targets, intended to drive the British out of Palestine — while Britain was busy waging a war against Germany.
by Paul R. Pillar

BRICS To Launch Independent Financial System – Moscow
Introduction of a new single currency is also on the table, Russia’s envoy to Beijing says
Countries of the BRICS economic bloc are currently working on the launch of a financial system that would be independent of the dominance of third parties, according to the Russian Ambassador to China Igor Morgulov. The volume of Russia’s transactions in national currencies with fellow BRICS nations is constantly growing, the envoy said on Saturday in Beijing, speaking at the 12th World Peace Forum (WPF). Morgulov highlighted that Russia-China trade turnover had reached $240 billion and that 92% of settlements were being conducted in rubles and yuans. “We are leaving the dollar-dominated space and developing the mechanism and tools for a truly independent financial system,” the ambassador said, as cited by RIA Novosti. Morgulov also said that introducing a new single currency is still some way off but stressed that the group – which recently expanded and now comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Ethiopia, Iran and Egypt – is “moving in this direction.”Last month, Russia’s Deputy Finance Minister Ivan Chebeskov told media that Russia was working on creating a settlement-and-payment infrastructure together with BRICS member states’ central banks. The senior state official specified that the economic bloc was working on launching the BRICS Bridge platform for settlements in national currencies.
by RT

Israel Destroys Second Largest Historical Mosque In Gaza
Israeli occupation forces yesterday destroyed the second largest historical mosque in Gaza, turning it into rubble, Quds Press reported. The agency said Israeli warplanes fired several missiles at the Ibn Uthman Mosque, in the Shuja’iyya neighbourhood, in central Gaza City, a week after starting a ruthless offensive on the neighbourhood. According to specialists, the mosque is the second largest archaeological mosque in the Gaza Strip after the Great Al-Omari Mosque, in the Al-Daraj neighbourhood in the centre of the city, and proof of the ancient history of Gaza City. Residents of the Shuja’iyya neighbourhood refer to the mosque as the Great Mosque due to its large area and location in the neighbourhood’s main market, which had a great impact on their lives since its founding more than 600 years ago. The Ibn Uthman Mosque had been subjected to attacks and demolition during previous wars on the Gaza Strip, and was considered a centre of confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces during the First Intifada that broke out in December 1987. The mosque is 2,000 square metres in size, of which 400 square metres is the area of ??its main courtyard, and it has two gates overlooking the Shuja’iyya market. It was built in the Mamluk style.

ACH (2382) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #175 – American Nazi (1:00:58)
In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on July 7, 2024, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “American Nazi”.
We discussed: the spurious use of the term “Nazi” today; Right Wing or Wrong Wing; “The People’s Voice” videos published in the last week; this week’s “People Who Failed To Join Sven Longshanks In Prison And How They Did It”; James Timpson and his work on prisoner rehabilitation; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; some of this week’s Daily Mail articles that didn’t end up behind their “Mail +” paywall; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the culinary delicacies you can find in the BBC Canteen; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Medical Nemesis
By Ivan Illich – Unbekoming Book Summary
I keep being pointed to Ivan Illich. I thought it time to pay attention to his work. Here from a reader Runemasque: …Ivan Illich was a Catholic priest who identified the religious elements in a variety of institutions, including most famously medicine (Medical Nemesis, Life as Idol…), and education (Deschooling Society). His influence led to other great thinkers continuing these kinds of exploration. For example, John McKnight (Careless Society, the Abundant Community), and Thomas Szaz (The Manufacture of Madness, about psychiatry). I would encourage anyone interested in the highlighted pattern overlap of religion and medicine (and extension to other institutions) to look into Ivan Illich. His thinking is so nuanced and insightful that it goes far beyond simply drawing up some plain comparisons… There is a breadth and depth to Illich’s work that is breathtaking. Each sentence and paragraph can be read and reread with more extracted each time. He was telling us about the poisoning. He was telling us about the new religion. He was telling us about the tyranny. He was telling us about the lies. He was telling us about the predation. He was telling us about the monster. He was telling us about today. He predicted it all.
by Unbekoming

Millions Of UK Homes Scanned For Energy Leaks To Help Reach Net Zero (Text and Video)
Cars carrying sensors and scanners have been touring UK cities collecting data to help property owners plan carbon-cutting retrofit projects
UK city-dwellers may have spotted a strangely shaped car cruising around their neighbourhood earlier this year. It looks just like a Google Street View vehicle, with a camera rig emerging from the back end to scan its environment – and like the Google cars, it, too, is scanning and photographing city streets. But these modified Teslas aren’t just taking photos. They are kitted out with state-of-the-art sensors and scanners that enable them to report back on the exact dimensions, heat loss, materials, age and state of dilapidation of every building they drive past. Armed with this so-called built environment scanning system (BESS), the cars have been on the hunt to find out how leaky and run-down the UK’s building stock really is. Between March and May, they scanned thousands of streets and millions of buildings across London, Liverpool, Cardiff, Glasgow, Manchester, Leeds and South Yorkshire.
by Madeleine Cuff

World’s Oldest Artwork Discovered In Indonesian Cave (Text and Video)
It may not look like much—just a flaking image of three people around a big red pig. But the humble cave painting discovered in Indonesia is the oldest known narrative artwork ever made by human hands, dating back more than 51,000 years, new research said on Wednesday. “This is the oldest evidence of storytelling,” Maxime Aubert, an archaeologist at Australia’s Griffith University, told AFP. Aubert was part of the team that identified the previous record holder in 2019, a hunting scene found in a nearby Indonesian cave then estimated to be nearly 44,000 years old. The latest discovery, which was dated using a new laser technique, marks “the first time we’ve passed the 50,000-year barrier,” said Aubert, a co-author of a new study in Nature describing the find. That early humans were able to tell such a “sophisticated” story through art could rewrite our understanding of human cognitive evolution, he added. “Our discovery suggests that storytelling was a much older part of human history… than previously thought,” study co-author archaeologist Adam Brumm told a press conference.
by Daniel Lawler

July 8, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

The Noahide Laws And The New World Order (1:23:25)
Deanna Spingola Interviews Dr. Lorraine Day
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Deanna Spingola

Dr. Lorraine Day

EarthNewspaper.com Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Poem Of The Day

Somehow Succeed

Are we scared
Because we don’t know
Are we paired
So conflict will grow

Are we bred
To learn to conform
Are we led
To kill and mourn

Will life cease
Because of greed
Or will peace
Somehow succeed

It’s up to you
It’s up to me
To change ourselves
To somehow see

by Mark R. Elsis

July 8, 1981


Somehow Succeed inspired Michael Jackson to create Beat It. The single Beat It, along with its music video, propelled Thriller into becoming the best-selling album of all-time. The happenstance of Michael Jackson and I meeting that night in AM-PM, created a miracle to make the world a better place. This brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart, every day of my life.

The Genesis Of Beat It
by Mark R. Elsis

Website Of The Day
Hi, my name is Ben van Kerkwyk, welcome to UnchartedX. I’m a long-time student and fan of history. I’ve spent a lot of time throughout my life travelling to, photographing and filming ancient sites all around the world, and (more recently) interviewing and talking to many of the leading researchers and authors, many of whom are working to uncover the true origins of the mystery that is our past. I believe there is a need for high quality content that addresses the new science and new discoveries that should affect how we view the past, and to examine the contradictions that are clearly evident on ancient sites, and in our orthodox version of history.

Featured Videos
The Universal Antidote (1:49:27)
The Science And Story Of Chlorine Dioxide
by Curious Human Productions

Featured Music
Jim Morrison and The Doors (50 Postss)
Playlist by Mark R. Elsis

Featured Archive
Central Intelligence Agency archive with 236 posts.

Over 32,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.

Censorship Archive With 4,894 Posts

The Disappearance Of Reality: Most Everything Is Fake
Where does one begin this conversation? There has been in the past a more evident distinction between good and bad, lies and truth, and real and fake, but no more, as few can tell the difference in what they are instructed to believe from reality. It is much simpler to accept the mainstream narrative than it is to actually think and question, especially given the strong proclivity of the masses to take the easiest and least upsetting path available. After all, the eternal enemy of reality is indifference, and this society is consumed by ignorance, apathy, and indifference, if only for the purpose of hiding from anything that is unpleasant or requires actual responsible behavior. This is a recipe for enslavement. In addition to the fact that most avoid reality and truth at all costs, we live in a media driven world, and since almost all of the media is owned and/or controlled by governments, huge conglomerates, and ‘intelligence services,’ the masses are inundated with lies, propaganda, and false narratives on a constant basis. This can only lead to a confused and brainwashed society; one that relies on its mortal enemy the State, for most all information received. They could of course, question things, and do their own research to find the truth, but that apparently is a thing of the past; if in fact it ever really existed at all.
by Gary D. Barnett

Pepe Escobar: Why The SCO Summit In Kazakhstan Was A Game-Changer
It’s impossible to overstate the importance of the 2024 summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) this week in Astana, Kazakhstan. It can certainly be interpreted as the antechamber to the crucial BRICS annual summit, under the Russian presidency, next October in Kazan.
Let’s start with the final declaration. As much as SCO members state “tectonic shifts are underway” in geopolitics and geoeconomics, as “the use of power methods is increasing, with norms of international law being systematically violated”, they are fully engaged to “increase the SCO’s role in the creation of a new democratic, fair, political and economic international order.” Well, there could not be a sharper contrast with the unilaterally-imposed “rules-based international order”. The SCO 10 – with new member Belarus – are explicitly in favor of “a fair solution to the Palestinian issue”. They “oppose unilateral sanctions”. They want to create a SCO investment fund (Iran, via acting President Mohammad Mokhber, supports the creation of a SCO common bank, just like the NDB in BRICS). Additionally, members that “are parties to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty stand for compliance with its provisions”. And crucially, they agree that “interaction within the SCO may become the basis for building a new security architecture in Eurasia.” The last point is actually the heart of the matter. That’s proof that Putin’s proposal last month in front of key Russian diplomats was fully debated in Astana – following Russia’s strategic deal with the DPRK de facto linking security in Asia as indivisible with security in Europe. That is something that remains – and will continue to remain – incomprehensible for the collective West.
by Pepe Escobar

Evidence To Rewrite History (23:57)
by UnchartedX

Who Is They?”
People want names, so let’s start here. This is a big part of the hierarchy, leaving some unknowns hidden behind the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). In Corey Lynn’s 3-part report on Laundering with Immunity, it explains in explicit detail as to how and when BIS came about and how BIS and 63 central banks devised a plan to hold immunities and privileges. Shortly thereafter, in 1945 the UN was manifested by some of the plotters for this grand takeover, and immunities and privileges came right along with it the following day. This was the beginning of the control framework and how they would be able to carry out their agendas while operating entirely outside the law. All arms of the UN have these immunities and can extend them to organizations working with them. Long before the UN being established, the Organization of American States (OAS) was created. They too were the first to receive immunities and privileges, alongside the UN, as they work in conjunction with one another. And, they too can extend these immunities to organizations they work with. In addition to the banks, the UN and OAS, the Global Fund, Gavi, and WEF were also given these immunities, and numerous other key international organizations as well. In total, there are 76 international organizations that hold these immunities and privileges, and that’s on top of BIS and the central banks.
by Corey Digs

The WHO: Building A Permanent Pandemic Market
In the face of a potentially industry-ending slew of patent cliffs, Big Pharma has begun acquiring biotechnology companies to stave off collapse. To get these drugs to market, the industry is pursuing the only solution left for their dying model: a full takeover of the WHO to capture the global regulatory system.
Big Pharma must soon confront an industry-wide hazard that reaches magnitudes far greater than the typical concerns of corporate profit margins and business politics. Through years of industry consolidation, it has essentially made itself “too big to fail.” Only now, the model which it once could never fail within — that is, the practice of obtaining patent exclusivity over drugs that are approved through clinical trials and regulations — has become obsolete, even impossible, under the current conditions of the industry. In this new climate, the trials and regulations Big Pharma once successfully navigated may very well lead to its total demise. However, the pharmaceutical sector has set its eyes on the only solution that can keep its money and power intact; the full takeover of the public sector, specifically the World Health Organization (WHO), and the regulatory system that now holds the entire market hostage. The problem begins with the looming financial threat that the top 20 Big Pharma companies face: from now until 2030, $180 billion in sales will be at risk. This threat, called a patent cliff, is a regularly occurring problem for the pharmaceutical industry.
by Max Jones

Israel Refuses Hamas Demand For Written Ceasefire Assurances
Tel Aviv remains insistent on the option to resume the war if things do not go its way in the ceasefire talks
Israel will not accept Hamas’ request for written assurances regarding negotiations in the second phase of a proposed deal for a ceasefire and prisoner exchange agreement in Gaza. The Palestinian resistance group is demanding that a cessation of hostilities outlined in the first phase of the proposal be ongoing throughout negotiations in the second phase. However, Israel is insistent on the option to resume the war if negotiations falter. During David Barnea’s visit to the Qatari capital, Doha, last week, the Mossad chief conveyed the message to mediators that Israel “does not accept Hamas’ demand for a written commitment regarding negotiations for the second phase of the agreement,” Axios reported on 6 July, citing Israeli officials. The main issues revolve around Articles 8 and 14 of the proposal. Article 8 of the proposal refers to talks between Israel and Hamas that would be held during phase one and would last for six weeks of the agreement, while Article 14 refers to the transition between phase one and phase two.
by News Desk

Errors And Omissions In My Most Recent Chlorine Dioxide Post (Resources, Text and Audio 20:54)
Chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) is far less effective than the drop method (MMS1)
Chlorine dioxide is the biggest medical advance in our lifetimes, so knowing its details is important. My most knowledgeable reader told me, “That last post was good but only 90 percent true.” This post will clarify and correct my mistakes.
by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Hungarian PM Orban Heads To China After Ukraine, Russia And Azerbaijan Visits
BUDAPEST (Sputnik) – Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is on his way to China, where he is scheduled to arrive in the early hours of July 8, Hungarian news outlet 444.hu reported on Sunday, citing sources familiar with the situation. Prior to China, Orban went to Kiev, Moscow and Azerbaijan.
“After Kiev, Moscow, and Azerbaijan, according to our information, Viktor Orban is heading to China. As far as we know, the Hungarian Prime Minister will arrive in the Asian country at dawn on Monday,” the report said. Orban visited Russia on Friday to hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Hungary’s prime minister described his visit as a continuation of his “peace mission” after a visit to Kiev, which took place on Tuesday. He has also announced more “equally surprising” meetings coming up next week. Some EU leaders have been critical of the Hungarian leader’s recent international engagements.
by Sputnik

David Stockman On Why The Federal Reserve Is Running Out Of Monetary Oxygen
What passes for central banking today is really a perverse form of Wall Street-pleasing monetary manipulation. It employs the vocabulary of central banking, but in practice it fundamentally undermines main street prosperity, even as it showers the 1% (the top wealthiest people) with unspeakable financial windfalls. Stated differently, virtually everything the Fed does for the alleged benefit of the American economy is both unnecessary and a ruse. The Fed has actually become a captive of the Wall Street traders, gamblers and high rollers, and functions mainly at their behest. The proof of this proposition starts with the startling historical fact that the post-war US economy did just fine without any interest rate targeting, heavy-duty bond-buying or general macroeconomic management help from the Fed at all. For all practical purposes today’s omnipresent Fed domination of the financial and economic system was non-existent at that point in time. We are referring to the full decade between Q4 1951 and Q3 1962 when the balance sheet of the Fed remained flat as a board at just $51 billion (black line). Yet the US economy did not gasp for lack of monetary oxygen. GDP grew from $356 billion to $609 billion or by 71% (purple line) during the period. That’s nominal growth of 5.1% per annum, and the majority of it represented real output gains, not inflation.
by David Stockman

Iran’s Constitutional Council Confirms Runoff Election Results
Iran’s Constitutional Council has confirmed the result of the July 5 presidential runoff election, which led to the victory of Masoud Pezeshkian.
“The validity of the second round of the 14th presidential election has been approved by the Constitutional Council,” spokesman Hadi Tahan Nazif said on Sunday. He added that the Interior Ministry, the body in charge of holding the elections, has been officially informed of the issue. He noted that neither candidate had lodged any complaints or reported any violations to the Constitutional Council, a 12-member election supervisory body. The council also did not receive any significant reports from the public that would influence the result of the election, he explained. The seasoned parliamentarian-cum-heart surgeon Pezeshkian emerged victorious in the second round of the presidential vote on July 5. He garnered more than 16 million votes against ex-nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili, who secured upwards of 13 million out of over 30 million votes cast, with the voter turnout standing at almost 50 percent.
by Press TV

The Compleat Beatles (1:59:01)
by Patrick Montgomery

US Official Says There Are No Plans To Withdraw From Syria
The US has about 900 troops in eastern Syria and backs the Kurdish SDF, allowing the US to control and occupy about one-third of the country
A State Department official has told Rudaw that the US has no plans to withdraw its troops from Syria. The US has about 900 troops in eastern Syria and backs the Kurdish-led SDF, allowing Washington to control and occupy about one-third of the country’s territory. The US claims the occupation is about fighting ISIS remnants, but the continued US presence is more about keeping Damascus and its ally Iran out of the area and controlling oil resources. The occupation is also part of the economic campaign against government-controlled Syria, which includes crippling sanctions that are specifically designed to prevent the country’s reconstruction. Ethan A. Goldrich, assistant deputy secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs, said the US wouldn’t leave Syria until its “mission” was completed, referring to the anti-ISIS operations. “We are not planning to withdraw from Syria. We are planning to continue and complete our mission to prevent a resurgence of ISIS and to counter ISIS and to work with our partners,” Goldrich told Rudaw on Wednesday.
by Dave DeCamp

New British PM Assures Ukraine Of Unshakable Support (Text and Video)
What did we tell you? Vote for change and get the same. One of British Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s first phone calls after taking charge of the UK government was with Vladimir Zelensky. London’s support for Kyiv during the conflict with Moscow will remain at the same level under his leadership, the new Prime Minister of Britain Keir Starmer has told Vladimir Zelensky. Pro-Kyiv Starmer replaced pro-Kyiv Rishi Sunak as the head of the UK regime on Friday after the Labour Party he leads claimed a landslide victory in a general election, securing at least 412 of the 650 seats in parliament. The Ukrainian leader wrote on X on Friday that during their conversation he (Zelensky is Ukraine’s UNELECTED head of state) congratulated Starmer on becoming prime minister and ’wished him success in fulfilling the British people’s expectations of the new government.’ ‘I am grateful to Prime Minister Starmer for reaffirming the UK’s principled and unwavering support for Ukraine,’ he said.
by Michael Walsh

Western Mercenaries Killed Russian POWs – German Medic
The field doctor, who worked in Ukraine, described to the New York Times the executions of several prisoners of war
Members of the ‘Chosen Company’, an international mercenary group fighting on behalf of Ukraine, have engaged in apparent war crimes by killing wounded or surrendering Russian soldiers, the New York Times has reported, citing a German battlefield medic. In an article published on Saturday, the paper detailed an account from Caspar Grosse, a former German soldier who served as a medic for the unit and allegedly witnessed the events. He described an incident in August 2023, when a severely injured and unarmed Russian soldier, initially presumed dead, crawled out of a trench saying “help” and “surrender” in English, only to be shot in the chest by a member of the unit. The Russian was still “breathing and wiggling around” when another fighter “just shot him in the head,” which Grosse assumed was a “mercy kill” at that point.
by RT

ACH (2380) I’m Talking To YOU #126 – On This Day In 1348 Pope Clement VI Issued A Papal Bull Protecting The Jews Accused Of Having Caused The Black Death (Audio 18:48)
In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on July 6 2024, Andy presents a show entitled, “On This Day In 1348 Pope Clement VI Issued A Papal Bull Protecting The Jews Accused Of Having Caused The Black Death.” “I’m Talking To YOU,” is a largely unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, that is only available on Andy’s website, which unlike his shows with Mallificus Scott and Dr. Peter Hammond, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Did The UK And France Need Their Elections Over Before President Biden Resigns?
Plus other suspicious timings of events
Has the plan been all along for President Biden to drop out of the US elections? The rumour mill is suggesting that he could drop out as early as this Monday. And not just drop out of the elections but retire as President and hand over the reins to Kamala Harris before a new candidate is found to challenge and beat Trump. A new candidate that will pull all shy Trump voters over to the Democrats and ensure Trump loses convincingly. Already, the seeds are being sown with papers reporting on a Reuters/Ipsos poll which showed 50% of voters would vote for Michelle Obama if she was running. Only 39% would vote for Trump against Obama. The nudging is in full force. Left wing New Popular Front was hastily assembled after Macron called the snap election. Now, because it is an alliance of members, one of them is likely to be France’s next Prime Minister. This means that in a number of days both the UK and France have changed to left leaning governments. No more pesky trouble makers to question lockdowns and aid to Ukraine. This result is also suspicious because, only days ago, the right National Rally Alliance led by Marine Le Pen, was projected to win by a mile. Now, after some shenanigans and tactical voting, they are in third place. Quite the turnaround.
by The Naked Emperor

A Century Of War
By F. William Engdahl – Unbekoming Book Summary
Question 1: What were the three pillars of British imperial power following 1815?
The three pillars of British imperial power following 1815 were control of world sea-lanes, control of world banking and finance, and control of strategic raw materials. British naval superiority ensured domination of global shipping trade, while the City of London’s financial institutions manipulated the world’s largest monetary gold supply. Additionally, British geopolitical strategy focused on securing vital raw materials, such as cotton, metals, and later, petroleum.
Question 2: How did Britain’s shift to free trade in the 1840s impact its domestic agriculture and industry?
Britain’s shift to free trade in the 1840s, particularly the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846, had a devastating impact on its domestic agriculture and industry. The influx of cheap imported goods led to the ruin of British farmers and a significant decline in agricultural prices. Industrial technology also stagnated as a result of the focus on finance and international trade over domestic investment. This “cheap labor policy” led to falling wages and living standards for the working class.
by Unbekoming

Major July 2024 Events: Republican National Convention vs. Sun Valley Conference For Billionaires – Which One Will Shape “Elections”?
With the 4th of July holiday now behind us, it is time to look at two major events happening this month in the U.S.: The Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and the summer camp conference in Sun Valley, Idaho, where some of the most wealthy and influential people in the world meet each year at a private, invitation-only event where the Press is not allowed. The Republican Convention will be mostly televised, where delegates are widely expected to choose Donald Trump to lead the party in the Fall elections, and where his Vice President choice will allegedly be revealed. Which of these two events here in July will have the greatest impact on what happens during the national elections later this year, and the future of this country?
by Brian Shilhavy

Conspiracy Theory Or Trivial Task? Client Side Scanning Bot Built By My AI (20:30)
Using Local AI Tools and my own AI Chatbot, I will demonsrate how I built the pieces of what would have been the functionality of Windows Recall. And also some of the functionality of Apple Client-Side Scanning (CSAM) scanning. This is a proof of concept video as well as a heads up on the dangers of AI embedded in Operating systems which can do invisible things on your machine.
by Rob Braxman

The Unjust Conviction Of An Innocent Man: The Ian Freeman Case, Part 3
As I pointed out in parts 1 and 2 of this article, the main thrust of the U.S. government’s case against Ian Freeman involved money-laundering and conspiracy to launder money. The money-laundering charge came after the undercover IRS agent Pavel Prilotsky posed as a drug dealer in an attempt to entrap Freeman into committing a money-laundering offense. But that was the charge that the presiding judge in the case, Joseph Laplante, determined was invalid and threw out. Freeman was convicted of the conspiracy charge even though, as I pointed out in part 2, there was no evidence whatsoever that he ever entered into any illegal agreement with anyone to launder money. By any objective standard of justice, Laplante should have issued a judgment of acquittal on that charge as well, as he did with the money-laundering charge. That left two other sets of charges that Freeman was convicted of: (1) operating an unlicensed money-transmitting business and conspiring to run an unlicensed money-transmitting business and (2) attempting to “evade and defeat taxes” in the years 2016–2019.
by Jacob G. Hornberger

Theodore Roosevelt’s Diary The Day His Wife And Mother Died, February 14, 1884
On February 14, 1884, Theodore Roosevelt received a terrible news, his wife and mother died within hours of one another in Roosevelt’s house in New York City. His mother, age 50, succumbed to typhus, and his wife Alice died at the age of 22 giving birth to her namesake. The following diary entries lovingly describe his courtship, wedding, happiness in marriage, and his grief over the death of his wife Alice. In his ever-present pocket diary on February 14, 1884, Theodore Roosevelt simply wrote an “X” above one striking sentence: “The light has gone out of my life“. Roosevelt had been called by telegram back to New York City from Albany where he was a New York State Assemblyman. The concern was his mother’s fading health. Alice had just given birth to a baby girl two days earlier. But by the time Theodore reached his home at 6 West Fifty-seventh street, Alice’s condition had taken a serious downward turn. He was greeted at the door by his brother, Elliott, who ominously told him that “there is a curse on this house”. And so it seemed. Roosevelt’s not yet 50-year-old mother, Mittie, was downstairs burning up with a fever from typhoid. And upstairs, his beloved Alice, scarcely able to recognize him was dying of undiagnosed Bright’s disease. Alice died two days after their daughter was born from an undiagnosed case of kidney failure (in those days called Bright’s disease), which had been masked by the pregnancy. His mother Mittie died of typhoid fever on the same day, at 3:00 am, some eleven hours earlier, in the same house.
by Rare Historical Photos

The Prince And The Spy
A TLAV investigation has found that Erik Prince, the man behind the Blackwater mercenary group, recently teamed up with an Israeli spy, creating a front company with her to help Israeli defense technology providers exploit loopholes and sell their products to the American military. For years, Erik Prince – the founder of mercenary firm Blackwater (now Academi) – has been a major source of controversy. Ever since he left Blackwater over a decade ago, Prince has appeared in the news for pushing to privatize several wars, his ties to former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaigns, his violation of international arms embargoes and his unusually close ties with Project Veritas, among other notable events and connections. However, some of Prince’s antics in recent years have not yet made it into the news – namely his decision to team up with an Israeli spy to build a very secretive company that has – until now – evaded scrutiny. That company, Comframe Solutions, appears to operate as an intelligence front and explicitly targets parts of the American military involved in highly sensitive combat operations. As this investigation will show, Prince’s partner in Comframe – Lital Leshem – has been tied to a series of apparent, and admitted, Israeli intelligence front companies, several of which have a focus on technology. Yet Prince and his close associate Chris Burgess – Comframe’s supposed president – have done everything they can to hide their association with the incredibly secretive company. Why might that be and what exactly is Comframe up to?
by Whitney Webb

July 7, 2024

Evidence To Rewrite History (23:57)
by UnchartedX
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After Skool

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July 6, 1957, The Day John Lennon Was Introduced To Paul McCartney

The Compleat Beatles (1:59:01)
by Patrick Montgomery
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

The Compleat Beatles (1982) (1:59:01)
Directed by Patrick Montgomery and Written by David Silver

The Beatles

Excerpts from my forthcoming article / timeline: The Beatles, John Lennon, And December 8, 1980

On July 6, 1957, John’s first group, The Quarrymen, played in public for only the second time when a mutual friend Ivan Vaughan introduced him to Paul McCartney.

July 20, 1957, John Lennon invites Paul McCartney to join The Quarrymen; he accepts.

On August 7, 1957, The Quarrymen Skiffle Group made their first advertised appearance at the Cavern Club. The band members included John Lennon, Len Garry, Rod Davies, Colin Hanton, Pete Shotton, and Eric Griffiths. During the performance, Alan Sytner, owner of the Cavern Club, told John Lennon to “cut out the rock.”

On January 24, 1958, The Quarrymen’s first performance at the Cavern Club with Paul McCartney took place.

On February 6, 1958, Paul McCartney brought George Harrison to meet The Quarrymen. Although John Lennon initially thought George too young, after hearing him play guitar, he recognized him as a talented guitarist who would benefit the group.

Strawberry Fields: Keeping The Spirit Of John Lennon Alive
A Film by Mark R. Elsis
Featuring: Crying For John Lennon by Hargo, Produced by Phil Spector

Strawberry Fields: Keeping The Spirit Of John Lennon Alive (Trailer) (5:05)
To my knowledge, this peace-loving trailer which had gone viral with 424,000 views in two months,
was the first video ever to be censored by evil YouTube.com,
which shadow-banned it two months after its release on January 13, 2009.
by Mark R. Elsis

Strawberry Fields: Keeping The Spirit Of John Lennon Alive (1:22:08)
A Film by Mark R. Elsis

December 8, 1980
by Mark R. Elsis

John Lennon, December 8, 2021 (With Many Links)
by Mark R. Elsis

John Lennon and The Beatles (395 Posts)
Playlist by Mark R. Elsis


Now And Then (4:35)
(The last song created by John, Paul, George, and Ringo)
by The Beatles

“And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.”

July 5, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

USS Liberty: How Israel Cucked The United States (41:05)
by GDFofficial
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

USS Liberty
The USS Liberty was repeatedly attacked while in international waters by Israeli air and naval forces on June 8, 1967. The horrific result of this unprovoked attack by the Jewish state was that 34 Americans were murdered, and 174 were wounded. Then there was a complete cover-up of this premeditated mass murder, and for the first time in our history, there wasn’t any retaliation against Israel for committing this act of war. And people naively still think we aren’t owned by these deadly parasites.
by Mark R. Elsis

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Quote Of The Day
“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are:
I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help.”
President Ronald Reagan

Website Of The Day
Christians For Truth
We are a group of non-denominational Christians trying to reach our brethren around the world with the truth. Our only goal with this website is to spread the truth to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.

We live in times of mass deception, where the entire world has been deceived by lies.

Over 32,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.

Courage Archive With 2,658 Posts

Vatican Says Archbishop Viganò ‘Guilty’ Of Schism And Excommunicated
Pope Francis’ Vatican announced it had found former Nuncio to the U.S. Archbishop Viganò ‘guilty of the reserved delict of schism’ on July 4, and that consequently he is automatically excommunicated.
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) announced July 5 that it had declared former U.S Nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to be guilty of “schism” and automatically excommunicated. In a statement issued without warning to the Holy See press corps, the DDF stated that its Congress met on July 4 to decide against Viganò. The statement read: On 4 July 2024, the Congress of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith met to conclude the extrajudicial penal process referred to in canon 1720 CIC against the Most Reverend Carlo Maria Viganò, titular Archbishop of Ulpiana, accused of the reserved delict of schism (canons 751 and 1364 CIC; art. 2 SST). His public statements manifesting his refusal to recognize and submit to the Supreme Pontiff, his rejection of communion with the members of the Church subject to him, and of the legitimacy and magisterial authority of the Second Vatican Council are well known. At the conclusion of the penal process, the Most Reverend Carlo Maria Viganò was found guilty of the reserved delict of schism. The Dicastery declared the latae sententiae excommunication in accordance with canon 1364 § 1 CIC. The lifting of the censure in these cases is reserved to the Apostolic See. This decision was communicated to the Most Reverend Viganò on 5 July 2024.
by Michael Haynes, Senior Vatican Correspondent

What Is CDS? The Facts. (16:38)
by Dr. Andreas Ludwig Kalcker

Orban And Putin Discuss ‘Shortest Way Out’ Of Ukraine Conflict
Ukrainian and Russian positions, however, remain far apart, the visiting Hungarian PM has admitted
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday hosted Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who surprised many with his visit to Moscow. The talks revolved around issues such as the Ukrainian conflict, with the two leaders discussing the “shortest way out” of it, Orban revealed during a joint press conference with Putin following the closed-doors negotiations. Moscow’s and Kiev’s positions remain very “far apart,” Hungary’s PM admitted, citing his recent trip to Kiev to meet the Ukrainian leadership. “A lot of steps have to be taken to get closer to a resolution of the war. Still, we’ve already taken the most important step—establishing the contact, and I will continue to work on this in the future,” Orban stated. The enduring conflict between Russia and Ukraine is affecting the broader European region, Orban noted, adding that the continent has enjoyed the most rapid and sustainable development only during peacetime. “As I’ve already told Mr President, Europe needs peace. Yet this peace will not emerge by itself, we must work to reach it,” the visiting premier said.
by RT

Xi Meets Russia’s Putin In Astana, Urging Conservation Of Unique Value In Bilateral Cooperation
China and Russia should continuously conserve the unique value in China-Russia relations, and explore the internal driving force of bilateral cooperation, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday while meeting with his old friend Russian President Vladimir Putin in Astana, Kazakhstan, on the sidelines of the three-day Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit. Chinese experts said the frequent interactions between the leaders of the two major countries, against the backdrop of the current complex international landscape, are crucial for promoting peace and stability, while playing a guiding role in driving development in the Eurasian region. Xi said that facing an international situation fraught with turbulence and changes, the two countries should keep upholding the original aspiration of lasting friendship, and sticking to the determination of benefiting the people, according to the Xinhua News Agency. The two countries should also make efforts to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests and safeguard the basic norms governing international relations, Xi said. The two leaders’ last meeting took place from May 16 to 17, when Putin paid a state visit to China, his first overseas trip after the Russian leader was sworn in for a new term. Experts said such high frequency of meetings signifies that under pressure from the West, Russia’s determination to “turn to the East” is becoming more rock-solid.
by Fan Anqi and Cui Fandi

Independence Now And Independence Forever
Today America celebrates the 248th anniversary of the adoption of our Declaration of Independence.
On July 4, 1837, John Quincy Adams said these words about Independence Day: Why is it that, next to the birthday of the Savior of the world, your most joyous and most venerated festival returns on this day [Independence Day]? . . . Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the Savior? That it forms a leading event in the progress of the Gospel dispensation? Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer’s mission upon earth? That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity, and gave to the world the first irrevocable pledge of the fulfillment of the prophecies, announced directly from Heaven at the birth of the Savior and predicted by the greatest of the Hebrew prophets six hundred years before? Adams was exactly right. The United States of America is the only nation in human history established by (mostly) Christian people upon 2,000 years of Christian thought—including being formed as a direct result of the Protestant Reformation—and God’s Natural Law principles and dedicated to the purpose of religious and personal liberty and equal justice under the law.
by Chuck Baldwin

Rh Negative Bloodlines In History (14:15)
by Robert Sepehr

200+ Rockets, Swarm Of Drones: Hezbollah Avenges Cmdr. Assassination
Israeli media say Hezbollah’s extensive strikes led to the closure of several roads, the outbreak of fires in open areas, and power outages in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.
The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah confirmed Thursday that its fighters targeted several Israeli military sites with over 200 rockets and a swarm of drones. Hezbollah announced a series of operations that its Resistance fighters carried out in support of Gaza and the Israeli attacks on Lebanese towns and villages. It is noteworthy that the Islamic Resistance’s operations today targeted new Israeli military sites in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, Upper al-Jalil area, deep inside al-Jalil, Safad, and Nahariya. The Lebanese group said its fighters bombarded a newly established Israeli position in the settlement of Kfar Blum with Katyusha rockets in response to the Israeli aggression on the town of Shebaa, which resulted in the injury of a civilian woman. Later, Hezbollah confirmed that it bombarded, with over 200 rockets of various types, the newly-established headquarters of the 91st Division in the Ayelet Barracks, as well as each of the headquarters of the 7th Armored Brigade in Katsavia Barracks, the Armored Battalion of the 7th Brigade in the Gamla Barracks, the 210th Division (Golan Division) in Nafah Base, and the Artillery Regiment of Yarden Barracks’ 210th Division.
by Al Mayadeen English

Secretary Of State Antony Blinken Admits In The Wide Open Federal Government’s Plans To Use AI To Censor Americans’ Speech (Text and Video)
They are no longer hiding their agenda of total control over what type of news Americans have access to on the Internet.
U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken admitted last week that the State Department is preparing to use artificial intelligence to “combat disinformation,” amidst a massive government-wide AI rollout that will involved the cooperation of Big Tech and other private-sector partners. At a speaking engagement streamed last week with the State Department’s chief data and AI officer, Matthew Graviss, Blinken gushed about the “extraordinary potential” and “extraordinary benefit” AI has on our society, and “how AI could be used to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals which are, for the most part, stalled.” He was referring to the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development goals, which represent a globalist blueprint for a one-world totalitarian system. These goals include the gai-worshipping climate agenda, along with new restrictions on free speech, the freedom of movement, wealth transfers from rich to poor countries, and the digitization of humanity. Now Blinken is saying these goals could be jumpstarted by employing advanced artificial intelligence technologies.
by Leo Hohmann

How Gordon Brown’s Target Culture Destroyed Britain
The following is taken from `Gordon is a Moron’ by Vernon Coleman and shows how the last Labour Government destroyed public services in Britain.
Performance Targets Wrecked Public Services. Brown is a believer in performance targets. It is, therefore, his fault that public services have been afflicted by an absurd and dangerous `target culture’. Naively, and rather stupidly, Brown seems to believe that if you give public servants targets they will work harder and provide a better service. Indeed, like any good soviet dictator, Brown seems to believe that he only had to announce a target for it to become an achievement. Brown has set spending review targets (known as public service agreements or PSAs) which cover the performance of all the major government departments and which set highly complex and specific criteria for the way in which public servants are assessed. The PSAs cover everything from exam results to crime figures and cancer rates. What Brown didn’t realise is that when you give public servants targets they will concentrate on satisfying those targets to the exclusion of everything else. Self preservation takes over, the target becomes the aim and the focus, and the welfare and indeed the existence of the public, the individual, the person, the end user, the patient, the client, the poor taxpayer hoping to get some service for their money, goes out of the window, never to be seen again. The end result is a massive fraud. Public servants are encouraged to cheat the public in order to get promoted and to receive bonus payments.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Worldwide Class Action Lawsuit – Conversation With Todd Callender, Esq-Truth, Science And Spirit Episode 27 (Text and Video 49:00)
In this episode, I speak with attorney Todd Callender, Esq. He explains the polymerization from self-assembly nanotechnology in the Covid 19 bioweapons, the upcoming worldwide Class Action Lawsuit for which I will be an expert witness. Todd and his research team have come independently to the same conclusions as I and we explain our views of this technological AI takeover of humanity and our fight for freedom from it. We discuss the transhumanist technology that is transforming humanity into a new species – homo borgensis – the modified human that is owned by the patent holder. However, despite all the darkness, there is hope. We discuss the goodness of humanity, the hope of divine intervention and the grace of God.
by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

Is Stopping World War Three The Donald’s ‘Trump Card’ For Winning The White House?
The Donald’s “trump card” for peace in Ukraine is another worthless deuce, Finian Cunningham writes.
Donald Trump seems to have hit on a winning plan for returning to the White House – by convincing voters he is the candidate to prevent World War Three. The Republican candidate is lately pitching the importance of ending “the horrible war” in Ukraine to prevent the United States from sliding toward a nuclear conflagration with Russia. Trump is slamming Democrat rival Joe Biden for fueling the conflict by recklessly supplying U.S. weapons that are provoking Russia and risking the start of World War Three. That’s true enough. After Biden’s disastrous TV debate with Trump last week, the polls are showing Trump slightly pulling ahead. The Democrat campaign is in panic mode after the incumbent president’s shaky performance confirmed public misgivings about his deteriorating mental health. Still, however, Trump has not capitalized on taking a decisive lead in the polls. The Republican is at most a couple of points ahead of Biden – even after the latter’s slow-motion car-crash TV debate. Trump could pick up a lot of ballots among large numbers of undecided voters and propel his return to the White House by posing as the “anti-war candidate”.
by Finian Cunningham

Give Me Liberty Or Give Me America 2.0
Some truths are self-evident
America 2.0 is the United States in name only. Recall that before Lincoln’s war of aggression on the South, the United States was a plural; as in the United States are loosely confederated into a common union. After nearly a million senseless deaths of young American boys, the United States became the singular monstrosity we’ve come to know and love. As in the United States is the greatest country in the world! Most Americans don’t understand the important distinction. We still may salute the flag, but nothing for which it used to stand. Now it stands for occupation of smaller, sovereign nations. The outsourcing of industry and the death of the middle class. Respect for “pronouns” but not free speech. Open borders. The Great Replacement. Those who fight under this flag aren’t fighting for anything the Founders did.
by Donald Jeffries

Are We Already In Recession?
Have we already entered recession? Worse, have we been in a recession for years now?
I’ve covered some of these in recent videos, including failing to count homeless people as unemployed, calling welfare spending economic growth, and undercounting inflation — perhaps by a lot. Thing is, if the official numbers are wrong, it could mean we’re already in recession, masked by rising asset prices courtesy of the Fed. To give a flavor, the official inflation rate since Covid has been around 21%. But fast food menu prices — a go-to indicator for Foreign exchange investors — are up between 35% and 50%. People posting grocery receipts online say it’s actually more than 50%. The problem is if inflation was actually, say, 35% it means GDP hasn’t gone up at all since pre-Covid. It means it actually went down. Implying we’ve been in recession for nearly 5 years. This is because official growth numbers are discounted by inflation. If growth was 3% but inflation was 2%, we grew. If inflation was actually 4%, we shrank. That means that if inflation was actually worse than 35% — if, say, it was the 50% that grocery receipts say — that would put us near Depression levels with a 13% drop in real GDP since pre-Covid.
by Peter St Onge

Twilight’s Last Gleaming
When a presidential debate devolves into an argument over golf scores and afterward the public argues about the candidates’ mental acuity or personal honesty, when the question for voters is who is the sharper debater rather than who would be more faithful to the Constitution, when both major party candidates support mass surveillance, undeclared foreign wars and borrowing trillions of dollars a year to fund a bloated government, nearly all of which is nowhere countenanced by the Constitution, we can safely conclude that personal liberty in our once free society has been radically diminished and is in the twilight of its existence. Two hundred and forty-eight years ago this week, Thomas Jefferson was fuming in his rented rooms in Philadelphia as the Continental Congress was softening the tone of his final draft of what would become the most critical document and most precise statement of the origins of human freedom in American history.
by Andrew P. Napolitano

CIA Whistleblower Exposes How The Agency Is A Deep State Machine Run Amok (44:59)
CIA Agent Pedro Israel Orta did the right thing. He followed protocol when he discovered huge mistakes the agency was making. But it didn’t matter the agency went after him and ruined his life. Now he’s telling his story in a new book called The Broken Whistle: A Deep State State Run Amok.
by Redacted News

As Ceasefire Moves Closer, Netanyahu Trying To “Sabotage” Deal; Gaza Death Toll Passes 38,000 – Day 271 (Text and Video)
Netanyahu thwarts ceasefire; more people killed in Gaza; vital humanitarian aid at a standstill; pro-Israel influencers with millions of followers attend Israel-sponsored strategy summit in NYC ; no more special treatment for Israeli prisoners; Israel destroys 600-year-old mosque; largest Israeli West Bank land grab in three decades; Palestinian citizens of Israel are an “existential threat”; leaked document shows Israel’s plan to ethnically cleanse Gazans; more.
by Israel-Palsetine News

Israeli Minister Retweets Post Calling For Occupation Of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula
The tweet linked to a merchandise website promoting the Israeli ‘conquest’ of Sinai, southern Lebanon, and Jordan
Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu retweeted a post on X promoting a t-shirt that calls for the Israeli “conquest” of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, which Israel occupied from 1967-1982, The Times of Israel reported on Wednesday. The t-shirt shows a picture of what is supposed to be a map of Israel that covers Sinai, the West Bank, and Gaza, with a logo that says “Occupation Now.” The post links to a website that sells other merchandise that also promotes the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon and Jordan. “The occupation begins with an idea,” the website reads in Hebrew, according to Google Translate. “Wear a shirt, drink a cup of coffee, and participate in the occupation of the land.” Eliyahu also made headlines back in November 2023 when he suggested in a radio interview that dropping a nuclear bomb on Gaza was “one of the possibilities” for Israel. He also said there was no such thing as “uninvolved civilians” in Gaza. Eliyahu is a member of the Jewish Power party and is part of a faction of extremist settlers who wield significant power in the coalition government. The Jewish Power party’s leader, Itamar Ben Gvir, is the minister of national security, putting him in charge of Israeli police, prisons, and border guards.
by Dave DeCamp

Multiple US Presidents Have Admitted The US “Government” Is Run By Inter-Generational Organized Crime (Text and Videos)
I make the case in “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! that the “Government” is run by inter-generational organized crime centered around banking and central banking. This organized crime cartel has been using fractional reserve banking to create money out of thin air, and they have bought up and monopolized the media to deceive and distract the public away from what is really going on. One of the frequent objections that I receive is: “Surely, if there was a criminal conspiracy this vast, then someone would have talked.” The facts are that American history is replete with whistleblowers who have courageously risked their lives to bring organized crime’s activities to the public’s attention but whose testimony has been buried by the “propaganda matrix” of the organized crime’s monopoly media’s “news” and 24 x7 distractions of weaponized media and children’s games played by adults. Here are some verifiable quotes from those who have tried to warn us, including multiple US Presidents, confessions from the criminals themselves, including some mind-blowing confessions on video.
by Etienne de la Boetie

Yemen’s Hypersonic Missiles: A West Asian Military Revolution
Yemen’s groundbreaking deployment of the Hatem-2 hypersonic missile against an Israeli ship signals a seismic shift in regional power dynamics, challenges US strategies and those of its partners, and showcases more of Sanaa’s unexpected military advancements.
Earlier this year, news reports surfaced suggesting that Yemen had conducted experiments on hypersonic missiles. While the Sanaa government remained silent then, recent events have shattered any ambiguity on this development. In late June, Yemen officially announced the use of the “Hatem-2” hypersonic ballistic missile to strike an Israeli ship, MSC Sarah, in the Arabian Sea. The revelation places Yemen among an elite group of states that possess such advanced weaponry, highlighting Sanaa’s unexpected advancement in military technology despite almost a decade of war. The deployment of the Hatem-2 missile is not just a demonstration of technological prowess but a complex signal to various international actors. Yemen’s actions align with West Asia’s broader Resistance Axis and reflect continued support for Gaza amidst the US-backed Israeli war on the besieged Palestinian enclave. This support is not merely rhetorical; it has now been amply demonstrated through concrete actions, such as deploying advanced weaponry. Importantly, the development and use of hypersonic missiles highlight the erosion of US military deterrence in the region, a concern exacerbated by recent failures and the potential escalation in Palestine.
by Khalil Nasrallah

Israeli Strike Kills A Senior Hezbollah Commander In South Lebanon (8:59)
by Al Jazeera Englis

The War Years Of Simon Wiesenthal: New Light On A Dark Past
The IHR has obtained from the U.S. National Archives a copy of a document dating from 1945 that provides new evidence that famed “Nazi hunter” Simon Wiesenthal collaborated with the Soviet Union during the Second World War. The author of the document, a “curriculum vitae” submitted to American military authorities at the former concentration camp at Mauthausen, in Upper Austria, is Wiesenthal himself. He claims in this autobiographical statement that he served the Soviet occupation regime in the east Galician city of Lwów (today Lviv) as an engineer and was well rewarded for his services to the Communist government. Wiesenthal’s 1945 account offers strong corroboration of a sworn statement he made to U.S. authorities in 1948 … that he had functioned as a “Soviet chief engineer” in Lwów during the 1939-41 Soviet occupation.
by Theodore J. O’Keefe

US Presbyterian Church Divests From Israel Bonds, Condemns Christian Zionism
The Presbyterian Church (USA), the largest Presbyterian denomination in America, has voted to divest its funds from Israel bonds and begin a process to encourage companies contributing to human rights abuses against Palestinians to change their practices. Alongside the financial decision, the church also passed a resolution condemning Christian Zionism, and thus rejecting the messianic ideology that views the takeover of Palestine to be part of a Biblical promise. Votes were cast during the church’s General Assembly in Salt Lake City, Utah. The assembly, comprising 422 delegate commissioners and 82 advisory delegates, passed the resolutions as part of a broader package of legislation governing church activities. The resolution to divest from Israel calls on the Presbyterian Foundation and Board of Pensions to divest from governmental debt held by countries maintaining prolonged military occupations and subject to UN resolutions. While this includes Turkey and Morocco, the focus has primarily been on Israel. The church, which has approximately 8,800 churches and 1 million members, has been sharply critical of Israel’s policies towards Palestinians for decades.

Dermatology’s Horrendous War Against The Sun
Untangling Dermatology’s Huge Skin Cancer Scam
Story At a Glance: Sunlight is crucial for health, and avoiding it doubles mortality rates and cancer risk. Skin cancers are the most common cancers in the U.S., leading to widespread “advice” to avoid the sun. However, the deadliest skin cancers are linked to a lack of sunlight. The dermatology field, aided by a top marketing firm, rebranded themselves as skin cancer (and sunlight) fighters, becoming one of the highest-paid medical specialties. Despite billions spent annually, skin cancer deaths haven’t significantly changed. Likewise, the Dermatology profession has buried a variety of effective and affordable skin cancer treatments. I always found it odd that everyone insisted I avoid sunlight and wear sunscreen during outdoor activities, as I noticed that sunlight felt great and caused my veins to dilate, indicating the body deeply craved sunlight. Later, I learned that blocking natural light with glass (e.g., with windows or eyeglasses) significantly affected health, and that many had benefitted from utilizing specialized glass that allowed the full light spectrum through. This ties into one of my favorite therapeutic modalities, ultraviolet blood irradiation, which produces a wide range of truly remarkable benefits by putting the sun’s ultraviolet light inside the body.
by A Midwestern Doctor

New Non-Fullerene Acceptor Helps Achieve 20.2% Efficiency In Organic Solar Cells
In recent years, engineers have introduced a wide range of photovoltaic (PV) solutions that could facilitate the sustainable generation of electricity worldwide. These include organic solar cells (OSCs), PV devices that use organic molecules or polymers to convert sunlight into electrical power. These solar cells could have notable advantages, including high flexibility, lighter weight and lower fabrication costs. However, their power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) remain significantly lower than those of silicon-based solar cells. Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Normal University recently designed a new asymmetric non-fullerene acceptor (i.e., a material that can accept and transport electrons) that could improve the efficiency of OSCs. This material, introduced in a paper published in Nature Energy, has various advantageous optoelectronic properties, including a high photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) and delocalized excitons.

by Ingrid Fadelli

July 4, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Rh Negative Bloodlines In History (14:15)
by Robert Sepehr
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Robert Sepehr

EarthNewspaper.com Three Free Speech Video Platforms
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Quote Of The Day
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men [and women] are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide New Guards for their future security…
Thomas Jefferson, The Declaration Of Independence

Website Of The Day
Ancient Origins
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through the sharing of research, education, and knowledge.

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have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.

Freedom And Liberty Archive With 3,923 Posts

Compliance And Tyranny (12:32)
by Academy Of Ideas

Don’t Miss The Most Important Part Of The Declaration Of Independence
Most people miss the most significant line in the Declaration of Independence. We tend to focus on the first two paragraphs where Thomas Jefferson laid the philosophical groundwork for political secession. It declares, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The Declaration then asserts that government was instituted to protect these rights and that it derives its powers “from the consent of the governed.” It naturally follows that “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” The American Revolution happened long before the first shot was fired. It was a revolution in thought summarized brilliantly by Jefferson in the introduction of the Declaration of Independence. In an 1818 letter to Hezekiah Niles, John Adams described the American Revolution in just such terms. But what do we mean by the American Revolution? Do we mean the American war? The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments of their duties and obligations. … This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people, was the real American Revolution.”
by Mike Maharrey

Former Biden Advisor Claims “The First Amendment Is Out Of Control,” Hinders Government Action
Even the New York Times looks like it’s treading somewhat lightly while publishing articles aimed at dismantling the very concept of the First Amendment. An opinion piece penned by an Obama and Biden administration adviser, Tim Wu, is therefore labeled as a “guest essay.” But was it the author, or the newspaper, who decided on the title? Because it is quite scandalous. “The First Amendment is Out of Control” – that’s the title. Meanwhile, many believe that attacks on this speech-protecting constitutional amendment are what’s actually out of control these days. Wu takes a somewhat innovative route to argue against free speech: he painstakingly frames it as concern that the universally mistrusted Big Tech might be abusing it, with the latest Supreme Court ruling regarding Texas and Florida laws, (ab)used as an example. When the government colludes with mighty entities like major social platforms – the First Amendment becomes the primary recourse to defend speech now expressed in public square forums forged through the pervasiveness of the internet. So despite Wu’s effort to make his message seem unbiased, the actual takeaways are astonishing: one is that the First Amendment is an obstacle for the government to protect citizens (for being invoked as a tool restraining censorship?) But this means that the First Amendment, designed to protect citizens from government censorship, is doing its job. In the same vein, contrary to the sentiment of this “essay,” the amendment is there not to protect “national security” – nor does free speech undermine that, in a democracy.
by Didi Rankovic

Cell Tower Radiation Linked To Genetic Changes In Nearby Residents
More Chromosomal Aberrations – A Finding Too Hot To Handle
Senior European scientists are reporting that people living near cell phone towers show significant changes in their genetic makeup. This is the first time that chronic exposure to cell tower radiation has been linked to unrepairable genetic damage. A team led by Wilhelm Mosgöller of the Medical University of Vienna and Igor Belyaev of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava contend that years of low-dose RF exposure can increase the incidence of a number of different types of chromosomal aberrations. Such changes could lead to serious, though uncertain, health consequences, including cancer and neurological disease. (Chromosomes are strands of DNA coiled around proteins.) The new study is small —but provocative. It’s persuaded Mosgöller and Belyaev that they may have identified a “biologically plausible mechanism” for how RF radiation can cause cancer. This is all spelled out in a paper which was posted online on May 30 in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, a peer-reviewed journal. It’s open access.
by Microwave News

What You Need To Know About Folic Acid (Show Notes, Text and Video 17:48)
Folic acid is something that we all need to know about. Many countries have mandatory “fortification” programs and most of us ingest it without too much thought. It has been presented by the World Health Organisation and their associates as a “win-win” for the public due to the purported prevention of neural tube defects such as spina bifida.
by Dr. Sam Bailey

Israel Approves Largest Seizure Of West Bank Lands In 3 Decades
The Israeli army seized a large area of ??Palestinian land south of Nablus in the northern West Bank, according to a Palestinian government agency on Wednesday, Anadolu Agency reports. “The Occupation authorities decided to seize a total of 12,715 dunams (3,141 acres) of land belonging to citizens in the village of Aqraba, south-east of Nablus,” the Colonisation and Wall Resistance Commission said in a statement. The Commission said Israel designated the seized territory as “state land” to “convert citizens’ lands into an expanding settlement project”. The decision was “part of a larger plan to control the eastern slopes of the West Bank, particularly those adjacent to the Jordan Valley and its outskirts by seizing vast areas in this region,” the statement said. Since the beginning of 2024, Israeli authorities have issued four announcements converting private Palestinian lands into state lands, thereby prohibiting Palestinian citizens from accessing, cultivating or reclaiming them, the Commission noted. The statement indicated that the area declared as “state land” in these announcements totals 24,000 dunams (5,930 acres). According to the Commission, the total area of ??land seized under various designations since the start of 2024 has reached 39,000 dunams (9,637 acres). On Tuesday, the Commission’s semi-annual report highlighted the establishment of 17 new Jewish-only settlement outposts, while the Israeli government granted legal status to 11 other outposts. Settlement outposts are small communities established by illegal Israeli settlers on privately owned Palestinian land without approval from the Israeli government. Estimates indicate that around 700,000 Israeli settlers live in roughly 300 illegal settlements in the Occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

The Influential Role Of Jewish Theocracy In The Zionist Governance Of The West
When Is Theocracy Honest and When Is It Covert, Conniving and Destabilizing?
In increasingly obvious ways, the line between secular rule and theocratic governance is breaking down. During the one-term US presidency of Jimmy Carter, the Western powers played a role in bringing to power the Islamic theocracy that presently prevails in Iran. Iran is the modern-day outgrowth of ancient Persia. In 1979 this theocracy was made to replace the US and Israeli-backed monarchical rule led by the Shah of Iran. The theocratic character of the Islamic Republic of Iran is integral to the country’s constitution. The open embrace by most Iranian people of theocratic principles in their own governance offers one explanation for the growing list of competitive advantages enjoyed by Iran in its relationship with Zionist-dominated West. While the exercise of power in the West pretends to operate on secular, egalitarian and universal principles, it does not… far from it. The West is now being exposed as the stronghold of various strains of religious fanaticisms that express the scriptural recognition of God’s supposedly Chosen people. Jewish Chosenites and their Shabbos Goys are regularly exempted from living within the requirements of a consistently-enforced rule of law. This pattern, with dramatically different rules for different kinds of people, has become so pervasive and marked that it has come to form the basis of a theocratic order widely adhered to throughout the West. The double standards emanating from supposedly divinely-sanctioned inequity are being drawn upon to sanction the mass murder of one people by another people in Gaza.
by Anthony James Hall

Ukraine’s Murder Of 30 Russian Journalists Met With Western Indifference…Or Grotesque Gloating (Text and Video)
Just over two weeks after another Russian journalist was deliberately targeted and killed by Ukrainian forces, global media and most international journalist support groups remain unsurprisingly silent. Nikita Tsitsagi, 29, a Russian photojournalist, was targeted by a Ukrainian drone on June 16 as he prepared to do another report from the St. Nicholas Monastery near Ugledar-a monastery, heavily-targeted by Ukrainian shelling over the years. Yet, civilians remain the region, and many have taken shelter in the monastery. These are often the focus of journalists who go there. Just three days prior, Ukrainian forces targeted Russian NTV journalists filming in the extremely hard hit village of Golmovsky, east of the northern DPR city of Gorlovka. The Ukrainian drone strike killed cameraman Valery Kozhin and seriously injured Alexey Ivliyev, a war correspondent. The targeting of journalists is a violation of the Geneva Conventions. In June, President Vladimir Putin spoke of Ukraine’s targeting of Russian journalists, noting, “At least 30 people died, our journalists died, and no one gives us the opportunity to investigate what happened to them.” Russia’s Envoy to UNESCO in Paris called for UNESCO to condemn the killing of Russian journalists, saying: “All these killings, they were not condemned. This is despite the fact that the Secretariat has all the information on their killings.” He noted the lack of condemnation shows double standards and a political bias.
by Eva Karene Bartlett

The Truth About Animals (Video 2:04)
Animals don’t use words to speak to us, but they are communicating with us all the time. If you pay attention, you can understand what they are saying by listening to your heart and emotions.
by BirthOfANewEarth

Khan Yunis Back Under Israeli Siege As 250,000 Face Renewed Displacement
According to the UN, 1.9 million Palestinians – 80 percent of the Gaza Strip’s population – are now displaced as a result of the new evacuation order
Thousands of Palestinians have been displaced from Gaza’s southern city of Khan Yunis due to new evacuation orders issued by the Israeli army. The UN has warned that 250,000 people would be affected by the evacuation orders. “Just weeks after people were forced to return to a devastated Khan Yunis, Israeli authorities have issued new evacuation orders for the area. Yet again, families face forced displacement. We estimate 250,000 people will have to flee. Even though nowhere is safe in Gaza,” UNRWA said on 2 July. Sigrid Kaag, UN humanitarian coordinator for Gaza, said the new evacuation orders increased the number of displaced people in Gaza to 1.9 million, around 80 percent of the territory’s population. As people flee the southern city, Israel’s relentless attacks have continued. Twelve people were killed in the central city of Deir al-Balah on Tuesday after an Israeli airstrike on a home. Nine of the casualties were members of one family who had fled Khan Yunis after the evacuation order. Five children and three women were among those killed. “The bodies of 12 people were brought to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah, following an airstrike by the occupation forces on the Eslayyim family house in the city,” WAFA news agency’s correspondent reported. The family had fled from Khan Yunis to a designated “safe zone” in Deir al-Balah, where they were killed by the Israeli strike.
by News Desk

‘Doing Everything To Reelect Biden’: Duped Hillary Clinton Spills Cringy Details To Prankster Duo
After conning British Foreign Secretary David Cameron into divulging that Ukraine won’t be invited to join NATO at the alliance’s next summit, the Russian prankster duo of Vovan and Lexus have successfully duped Hillary Clinton.
Despite her crushing defeat to Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential elections, Hillary Clinton has adamantly refused to be put out to pasture or written off from big politics. Hence, her current bid to dabble in the ongoing proxy conflict in Ukraine. It comes as no surprise that the former US Secretary of State eagerly accepted the offer to speak with ‘former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’. Little did she realize that she was divulging her political game regarding the US and Ukraine to the well-known Russian prankster duo, Vovan (Vladimir Kuznetsov) and Lexus (Alexey Stolyarov). Clinton jumped right into the conversation, assuring ‘Poroshenko’ that US aid has been positioned to reach Ukraine “very quickly”. At this point, her conversational partner lamented over another looming “threat”, in the face of presidential hopeful Donald Trump, who could “give us some problems” if elected, since he “hates Ukraine”, she piped up: “You’re right. It is terrible. And I am doing everything I can to reelect President Biden. And I am very hopeful that that will be the outcome in November.”
by Svetlana Ekimenko

‘Open Borders’ Or Closed Borders Is The Wrong Question
Both sides are wrong concerning the immigration argument, and both sides are begging government to fix it; a most idiotic position to take. There is no such thing as pure “open borders” where anyone can invade another’s property without permission in any legitimate free society, because the people as individuals, and en masse, would always control property. In this case, anyone attempting to invade by force would be turned back immediately. As I said earlier this year: “Open borders” as a philosophy and mainstay of freedom and free markets, is very noble and right, but without the existence of free markets and private property, it cannot work everywhere, or anywhere, when the criminals in government control the enslaved proletariat masses residing in a tyrannical nation-state. ‘Open borders’ only work and are viable if government is fully restricted, abandoned, or abolished. Those supporters of open borders who disregard this reality, who rely on government to voluntarily implement free and private market solutions concerning this issue, solutions that are supposedly beneficial to the people as a whole, are completely naive and lost in a sea of confusion.”
by Gary D. Barnett

Adolf Hitler (1:01:56)
Chapter 18 Crystal Night November 1938-March 1939
by John Toland

Running Amok – The IOF Inhumanity On Display In Gaza
What is wrong with the Israelis?
This article was written by Mary Turfah, a writer and resident physician, for The Baffler.
What is wrong with the Israelis? The question as I have heard it asked, with emphasis on the word wrong, is raised not in response to footage of the genocidal death and destruction the IDF has wrought upon Gaza but to what crumbs Israeli soldiers themselves have shared of it. A small sampling of the genre, organized alphabetically by mood: Carefree. An Israeli soldier inflates a soccer ball, saying to the camera—and presumably his child—“Before we went into Gaza, I promised you that we would bounce a ball on the beach . . . I took a ball [I’ve] carried around.” Another soldier asks him if he’d brought the pump with him too, and he says, “Of course, what do you think, I bought it here in Gaza?” Once the ball is ready the soldiers kick it around in a circle, three of them wearing swim trunks they’d possibly found in the drawers of the bedroom of the people whose house they’re inside. Someone walks the phone recording all of this through a large hole in the wall and, showing us the ruins of Gaza, says, “What a view! What a beach!” (Casually) Destructive. A bit of a misnomer, since they’re all destructive. I mean actively destroying things. In one video, two Israeli soldiers lean against a ledge. One lights a cigarette as the entire backdrop explodes.
by Vanessa Beeley

Populations Sucked Into The Vortex Of…Medical Labels
Take these disasters: pesticides that disrupt hormone levels; plastics everywhere; chemicals in dead processed foods; infant formula replacing breast milk; vaccines that disrupt and shred the immune system. THEN researchers come along. They take the symptoms these disasters create and cluster them in groups and put medical labels on them. ADHD, depression, Bipolar, gender dysphoria… When it comes to disruption of the immune system from pesticides, plastics, no breast milk, dead processed food, etc., look at this boggling list of “immune system diseases” the medical system has invented. These guys really know how to label. They’re experts. They can cluster and carve up symptoms and come up with medical names from here to the horizon. They can resist any attempt to see how pesticides or infant formula or processed foods are the actual realities. You can see why. For every disease label, there are medical treatments. Drugs. Treatments and drugs=$$$. Plus control over the lives of patients.
by Jon Rappoport

Doug Casey On Revisionist History And How The Good Guys Don’t Always Win
International Man: Revisionist history refers to the re-examination and reinterpretation of historical events, which can be done to correct inaccuracies, update understanding, or challenge prevailing narratives. This just sounds like applying critical thinking to history. What’s your take?
Doug Casey: The essence of critical thinking is to question every proposition and then investigating the answers for accuracy and logic. It’s important to pursue answers to their root causes and never accept things at face value. The problem with history, certainly as it’s taught in schools, is that its many versions are presented as fact with no nuance. Looking at history is very much like examining an elephant, where one person feels a leg and thinks it’s a tree trunk, and another feels the elephant’s trunk and thinks it’s a snake. It’s said that the CIA made up the term “revisionist history” during the 60s as an aid to debunking interpretations they didn’t like. The powers that be, the establishment, don’t like revisionism for at least two reasons. Number one, a thorough investigation of history requires detailed and well-explained answers. That might uncover crimes involving powerful people. They might be imprisoned, bankrupted, or seriously embarrassed.
by Doug Casey

Tired Of Endless Political Fraud? There’s A Real Path To Liberty (12:20)
Honesty in politics? Yeah, we know – sounds impossible. But check out this episode and join us on a true path to liberty.
by Tenth Amendment Center

Russian Nuclear Power Plant Workers Injured In Ukrainian Attack – Officials
Eight people were reportedly wounded while repairing a substation used by the Zaporozhye NPP
A Ukrainian attack on a substation used by the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant has injured eight employees of the facility, officials reported on Wednesday. Kiev allegedly launched three quadcopter-type kamikaze drones at the Raduga facility in Energodar, the city hosting Europe’s largest nuclear power station. The injured workers were part of a crew that was repairing the damage caused by a previous Ukrainian attack, the statement claimed. At least one worker is said to be in a serious condition. The initial strike on the Raduga substation happened two weeks ago and was confirmed by a monitoring mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN’s nuclear watchdog. Another site called Luch was hit in a separate strike. Neither station is critical for the work of the nuclear power plant, but its secondary facilities depend on them for power supplies. The strike on Wednesday once again disrupted the grid after both Raduga transformers were damaged.
by RT

JFK’s Driver Was Orange Order Member
There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the death of Irish American President John F. Kennedy. Some theories, like those of 9/11, become completely immersed in the how rather than the why. Focusing on grassy knolls and second shooters, just as 9/11 ones focus on supposed ‘controlled demolitions’, some conspiracy theorists almost pathologically avoid finding a why and who for these events, instead finding more and more outlandish ‘how’. One fact about John F. Kennedy’s assassination that is not as well known is the fact that the driver of his car that fateful November day was a member of the Orange Order and a Protestant from Northern Ireland. William Greer was born in County Tyrone and was a member of the anti Catholic hate group the Orange Order, which marches every 12th of July. In footage of that day’s events, he can be seen slowing down, turning around and looking at Kennedy’s bloodied body before eventually and belatedly speeding up. In 2013, it emerged that he was a member of the Orange Order. Some of the names of lodges in the United States of America include, ‘Heirs of Cromwell’, after the genocidal invader who slaughtered Irish Catholics. Does Greer’s Orange Order membership mean anything other than a strange recruitment decision for an Irish Catholic at a time of anti Catholicism?
by Catholic Carena

American Christians Are Biblically Illiterate Not Understanding The Difference Between The Old Covenant vs. The New Covenant
It is becoming more and more clear to me that today’s American Christians are biblically illiterate, choosing instead to follow their favorite Christian leaders and what they teach about the Bible, rather than reading the Bible for themselves. Now, I know that the phrase “biblically illiterate” or something similar such as “they don’t know what the Bible says,” is often a charge made by one group of Christians who believe differently from other groups of Christians, such as the divisions between Catholic and Protestant Christians, and actually refers to “doctrine”, or some written form of something that describes what a particular Christian group “believes” that separates them from other Christian groups. I am not dealing with different doctrinal beliefs at all in this article. I am talking about what the Bible actually says, which anyone can determine for themselves by picking it up and reading it. To give a non-religious example, take the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States, the political documents that are supposed to define the legal code of the United States. There is great debate as to how these documents are applied today in a court of law, but there is no debate about what is actually written in them, because anyone can look them up and see what they say.
by Brian Shilhavy

Jewish Theocracy, Zionist Governance (FFWN special report with Prof. Anthony Hall) (56:15)
Are we living under disguised Jewish theocracy, administered in part by fake “Christians” like John Hagee?

‘Buying Our Own Stolen Water’ – Scorching Summer Awaits Palestinians In The West Bank
Every summer, Palestinians in the occupied West Bank struggle with the lack of water as a result of official Israeli policy. This year, however, matters are expected to worsen as a result of an Israeli decision to further reduce the percentage of water available to Palestinians.
During the past few weeks, Israel decided to reduce the amount of water allocated to the cities of Hebron (Al-Khalil) and Bethlehem, in the southern West Bank, by about 35 percent, while increasing the settlers’ share of water resources. The Israeli Mekorot water company, which controls the amount of resources that reach Palestinians in the West Bank, officially informed the Hebron municipality of the new provision. The decision has intensified the state of anxiety among the residents of the two cities. For Muhammad al-Talahma, a resident of the city of Dura, south of Hebron, the summer season has been a nightmare for years, since the Israeli occupation decided to reduce water quantities. The residents of Hebron, which is famous for its agriculture and fertile soil, are experiencing a state of continuous psychological pressure. Due to the reduction in water, many residents have been forced to reduce their crops because they cannot afford irrigation.
by Fayha Shalash

Oxidative Stress
On Electricity, Electrons and Electron Flow.
Do you think of oxidative stress as a unifying theory of disease? Is that a fair description? Absolutely. In my view, there is no other cause of disease. Some might question what about genetic defects? My response is that if you’re deficient in a certain enzyme, your metabolism isn’t running optimally, leading to inefficiencies and resultant oxidation. So, even if it’s not due to the ingestion of a toxin, the root of diseased, malfunctioning cells and tissues is always elevated oxidative stress. The real light bulb moment for me was understanding that what Levy was really talking about was an electrical phenomenon. Health is electrical. Disease is electrical. Here again from our interview: Would you like to add anything else about the particular role of electrons in this context? Yes, there’s a fascinating aspect of electrons that became apparent to me. It’s about how diet brings in all new electrons, which, in essence, originate from the sun. The sun’s energy irradiates plants, which through photosynthesis, produce nutrient substances rich in a natural array of electrons. This concept grabbed my attention during the COVID pandemic when I learned from a colleague in Colombia about the powerful antiviral properties of mango leaf and papaya leaf. It struck me that this could apply broadly across various plants.
by Unbekoming

Earliest Narrative Cave Art Discovered In Sulawesi: A 51,200-Year-Old Marvel (Text and Videos)
A groundbreaking discovery in Sulawesi, Indonesia, has unveiled the oldest known narrative cave art, dating back at least 51,200 years. This revelation, published in the journal Nature, not only rewrites the timeline of human artistic expression but also showcases the advanced storytelling abilities of our ancient ancestors. In the Maros-Pangkep region of Sulawesi, researchers have identified a cave painting featuring human-like figures interacting with a wild pig. The depiction of these scenes suggests a level of sophistication in early human culture previously unrecognized. “Our discovery suggests that storytelling was a much older part of human history… than previously thought,” study co-author archaeologist Adam Brumm told a press conference, reported Phys.org. Using a novel dating method, scientists have provided a more accurate age for this artwork, pushing back previous estimates by at least 5,700 years. This finding suggests that early humans were creating complex narrative scenes much earlier than previously thought.
by Gary Manners

July 3, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Compliance And Tyranny (12:32)
by Academy Of Ideas
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

Academy Of Ideas

EarthNewspaper.com Three Free Speech Video Platforms
8,600 Videos Published | 30,000,000 Views | 47,000 Subscribers

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Quote Of The Day
“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first.”
Jim Morrison, December 8, 1943 – July 3, 1971

Website Of The Day
Jim Morrison and The Doors
With an intoxicating sound, provocative and uncompromising songs,

and the mesmerizing power of singer Jim Morrison’s poetry and presence,
The Doors had a transformative impact not only on popular music but on popular culture.

Was Jim Morrison Assassinated?
There are many links in this article about the very strange death, or possible assassination, of iconic and exceedingly rebellious rock legend Jim Morrison. Included are posts about his Father, Rear Admiral George S. Morrison, and the June 8, 1967, Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, which gives plausibility to the assassination motive. Was Rear Admiral George S. Morrison losing his commission on his ship, and Jim Morrison dying in Paris within 24 hours of each other just an incredible coincidence? “I have stated for decades that if the CIA / MI6 / Mossad had a list of people they wanted assassinated on July 3, 1971 (which I am quite sure they had, and still have one today), for a multitude of reasons, Jim Morrison was likely the first person on that list.”
Mark R. Elsis

Jim Morrison and The Doors (50 Posts)
Playlist by Mark R. Elsis

Brian Jones, February 28, 1942 – July 3, 1969
The Mystery Surrounding The 1969 Death Of Rolling Stones Guitarist And Founder Brian Jones
In 1962, Brian Jones connected with Mick Jagger and Keith Richards as he was forming a blues-based band and came up with the name The Rolling Stones, which he pulled from Muddy Waters’ 1950 song “Rollin’ Stone.” A few years in, there was friction within the band as Jagger and Richards began taking control of the Stones’ musical direction and Jones’ role was steadily dissipating. By 1969, Jones had fallen so deep into drug and alcohol addiction that his live performances suffered and he became unreliable in the studio that he was dismissed from the band, and guitarist Mick Taylor replaced him. On June 9, 1969, Jones released the statement: “I no longer see eye-to-eye with the others over the discs we are cutting. I want to play my kind of music, which is no longer the Stones’ music. The music Mick [Jagger] and Keith [Richards] have been writing has progressed at a tangent, as far as my own taste is concerned.” Less than a month later, on July 3, 1969, Jones was found dead at the bottom of the swimming pool at his 11-acre estate Cotchford Farm, in East Sussex, England. He was 27.
by Tina Benitez-Eves

The Rolling Stones (101 Posts)
Playlist by Mark R. Elsis

Over 32,000 informative articles, news stories, videos, memes, and music posts
have been published and archived since June 21, 2020.

Dozens of memes are published monthly with over 1,500 archived.

Theft Archive With 4,434 Posts

The Domestic World War
It is true that whoever is running the United States government is marching the world toward a World War that will likely go nuclear, should it occur. This war appears to be about who will run the World Government, and how much say each partner will have. Of course, the idiots must be ignoring the fact that if nuclear war breaks out with Russia, there will be nothing left to govern. There is, however, another World War that is raging. While planned for decades, it started in earnest in late 2019 and broke out in early 2020. This is the Domestic World War. This is a global war being waged by governments across the world against their own civilian populations. In World War II approximately 418,500 Americans died. According to the CDC, since the roll out to the COVID 19 mRNA nanoparticle injections, excess mortality data revealed that 1.1 million people died over the age of 65. This information was revealed in late 2023 and only speaks to those 65 and older. Unfortunately, this war has not ended. The weapons of mass destruction in the form of COVID 19 injections, and mRNA nanoparticle weapons, continue to be distributed. Children as young as 3 years old are now being targeted with the shots. The mRNA nanoparticle technology is now being included in flu shots, the RSV vaccine, and elsewhere.
by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Chlorine Dioxide Solution (Show Links and Audio 1:00:57)
Christian Elliot Interviews Dr. Andreas Kalcker

The West – Indubitably – Has Lost Russia, And Is Losing Eurasia Too
Is not President Putin’s purpose in visiting North Korea and Vietnam now clear in the context of the Eurasian security architecture project?
There perhaps was a momentary shrugging-off of slumber in Washington this week as they read the account of Sergei Lavrov’s démarche to the U.S. Ambassador in Moscow: Russia was telling the U.S. – “We are no longer at peace”! Not just ‘no longer at peace’, Russia was holding the U.S. responsible for the ‘cluster strike’ on a Crimean beach on last Sunday’s Pentecost holiday, killing several (including children) and injuring many more. The U.S. thereby “became party” to the proxy war in Ukraine (it was an American-supplied ATACM; programmed by American specialists; and drawing on U.S. data), Russia’s statement read; “Retaliatory measures will certainly follow”. Evidently, somewhere an amber light flashed hues of pink and red. The Pentagon grasped that something had happened – ‘No going around it; This could escalate badly’. The U.S. Defence Secretary (after a pause since March 2023) reached for the phone to call his Russian counterpart: ‘The U.S. regretted civilian deaths; the Ukrainians had full targeting discretion’. The Russian public however, is plain furious. The diplomatic argot of ‘there now being a state of betweenness; not war and not peace’ is but the ‘half of it’. The West has ‘lost’ Russia much more profoundly than is understood.
by Alastair Crooke

How To Obtain Real Independence… Minimizing The State’s Ability To Coerce You
Every July 4, Americans have less independence to celebrate. Although the country’s original principles enshrined sovereignty for the individual, those ideals are ancient history in practice today. In light of Independence Day, I think we should consider an important question: What does real independence look like, and how can you achieve it? It might be better to start with what it doesn’t look like: The cumulative effect of income tax, sales tax, property tax, capital gains tax, estate tax, and countless others; Vaccine mandates; Travel restrictions; Legal tender laws, which force people to use rapidly debasing government confetti as money; ESG social credit scores; Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs); Forever wars; The gutting of the Bill of Rights; The need to comply with an ever-growing stack of regulations, mandates, and laws; The politicization of the justice system and Government and Big Business promoting cultural degeneracy. This is just a short synopsis of the current state of affairs. The list is far from exhaustive. Here’s the bottom line. It doesn’t matter which party is in power. They are all headed in the same direction, albeit at different speeds.
by Nick Giambruno

Optimal Health With Organic Minerals (5:12)
Discover the secret to vibrant health through organic minerals – they are the true life-givers your cells crave!
by Dr. Edward Group, DC

SCOTUS Opinions Indicate The Death Of The Administrative State Is Just Beginning
Last week’s court decisions foretell a coming decade in which the judicial branch will dismantle the abusive power seized by federal agencies.
Last week proved destructive not merely to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign but also to the administrative state and Biden’s fellow Democrats’ exploit to control the country. Two Supreme Court decisions bookending Biden’s disastrous debate foretell a coming decade in which the judicial branch will work to dismantle the abusive power unconstitutionally seized by the alphabet soup of federal agencies born since the New Deal. Friday’s Supreme Court decision overturning the Chevron doctrine represented the most obvious blow to the administrative state. The Chevron doctrine “require[d] courts to defer to an agency’s interpretation of an ambiguous statute so long as the agency’s interpretation [was] ‘reasonable.'” Deference under Chevron was demanded even in cases where the agency’s view of the statute was not the best, so long as a court found it “reasonable.” In practice, Chevron deference provided the administrative state a powerful tool to appropriate lawmaking authority from Congress, explaining why it has long been known as our “fourth branch” of government. By declaring statutory language ambiguous, federal agencies have, for years, succeeded in expanding their authority – and making laws in Congress’s stead.
by Margot Cleveland

Unlimited Supremacy, Gun Control And The American Revolution
When most people talk about the Revolution – they tend to point to “taxation without representation” as the main reason. Or, they go through a few of the listed grievances in the Declaration of Independence – but almost everyone seems to miss the underlying, root cause: Unlimited, arbitrary power “in all cases whatsoever.” And they’re also unaware of why the fighting broke out in April, 1775: A British gun control program. As we commemorate the Lee Resolution on July 2nd, and the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, we first need to start with another resolution, The Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms, drafted by Thomas Jefferson and John Dickinson – and passed by the Second Continental Congress on July 6, 1775. After listing a few issues, they continued with this essential statement: But why should we enumerate our injuries in detail? By one statute it is declared that Parliament can “of right make laws to bind us in all cases whatsoever.” What is to defend us against so enormous, so unlimited a power? What they referenced here is the Declaratory Act, given royal assent on March 18, 1766 – the very same day Parliament repealed the hated Stamp Act. In his “Massacre Day” oration of March 5, 1774, John Hancock also referenced this hated law: They have declared that they have ever had, and of right ought ever to have, full power to make laws of sufficient validity to bind the Colonies in all cases whatever. They have exercised this pretended right by imposing a tax upon us without our consent; As Hancock made clear, the issue of “taxation without representation” was just one example of the arbitrary, tyrannical power that could be exercised by a government claiming power over the people “in all cases whatsoever.”
by Michael Boldin

South Korea Carries Out Live-Fire Drills Near North’s Border First Time In 6 Years
South Korea carried out live-fire drills near the border with North for the first time in six years following the dissolution of an inter-Korean tension reduction pact which banned such exercises, the South Korean army said on Tuesday.
“The firing drills, the first such exercise to be conducted on land after exercises were normalized following the government’s complete suspension of the September 19 Military Agreement, focused on bolstering artillery readiness and response capabilities in the event of enemy provocations,” the army was quoted by Yonhap, as saying. The drills took place at front-line ranges in the South Korean provinces of Gyeonggi and Gangwon in a 3-mile distance from Military Demarcation Line within the Demilitarized Zone between the two Koreas, Yonhap reported, citing the country’s military authorities.
The South Korean military reportedly fired 140 rounds using the K9 and K105A1 self-propelled howitzers in the course of the drills. In early June, North Korea said it had sent 3,500 air balloons carrying 15 tonnes of trash south in response to a hike in cases of South Korean activists sending anti-Pyongyang leaflets into the North. In response, the South Korean government approved a motion to suspend the 2018 inter-Korean military pact, which allows Seoul to resume military exercises near the military demarcation line, propaganda broadcasting towards North Korean territory as well as other actions described as hostile in the pact.
by Sputnik

Pre-Historic Mega Structures In China And Unexcavated Pyramids (46:50)
by Universe Inside You

Engineering Stupidity
What if the nub of our calamity is that the powerful believe themselves to be divinely chosen to rule over people they have decided are weak and stupid, and so conspire to render them even more so?
What if, in all the public crimes of the past 51 months, we were missing the most heinous of them all? It seems implausible. What if this crime was, in a sense, the only crime among the lot that might be said to have incorporated all the others? What if it was, as the final objective of the demented orchestrators of the, yes, conspiracy, the ultimate purpose of an operation that had been in train for many years before its machinations were observed above ground? What if this was the crime that explained everything, solved all the mysteries and, in its exposure, rendered pointless all the hours and days we had spent in seeking to explain things that seemed to have no cause or meaning other than the purest, arbitrary evil? And what if, in the exposure of this crime, we were able to see that, although our apprehension of evil had been correct from the beginning, our sense of its arbitrariness had been misplaced, that nothing in what had been happening was random, accidental or superfluous, and that everything had its place in the cesspit of wickedness?
by John Waters

The Debate Should Be A Wake-Up Call For Americans
There were plenty of surprises in last week’s presidential debate. For one, Americans who rely on the mainstream media for their news learned that they had been lied to for the past three years about President Biden’s capability to do the job he was elected to do. The realization that the media has been lying for years about Biden is a positive development, as, hopefully, thoughtful Americans might begin wondering what else the media has been lying about. For example, they will find out that the media has been lying to them for years about Russia and Ukraine and about the Middle East and elsewhere. They will find out that our hyper-interventionist foreign policy does not make us safer and more free, but the opposite. Unfortunately for most Americans, foreign policy is something that happens “over there,” with few direct effects back home. Dumping nearly $200 billion into the lost cause called “Ukraine” may at most seem like an annoyance to many Americans, but it’s not like they are being snatched up by gangs of military recruiters and sent to the front line as is happening to Ukrainian men. However, $200 billion is real money and the effect on our economy is also real. The bill will be paid by each American family indirectly through the inflation “tax.” Each dollar created out of thin air and spent on the Ukraine debacle devalues the rest of the dollars in circulation.
by Ron Paul

Update: Italian Study Showing A Reduction In Life Expectancy With Increased Covid Vaccination Has Been Published
In April 2024 we reported on – and analysed – an Italian study of vaccine effectiveness based on data sourced from the Italian National Healthcare System, from the province of Pescara, Italy, comprising just under one million people of all ages. The paper describing the study has now been published in the journal Microorganisms as part of the Special Issue SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19: Infection Models, Therapeutics and Vaccines, Second Edition. We believe this is an important paper. As we previously reported, what makes it especially interesting and exciting is that, unlike almost all observational studies of vaccine effectiveness and safety, it avoids two critical sources of bias – immortal time bias and ‘(Un)Healthy vaccinee effect’. The study showed that, when health and age confounders are accounted for, the single and double doses of the vaccine have a detectable and negative effect on all cause mortality. We suspect that the results may even underestimate the negative effect of the vaccines because of likely vaccination status miscategorisation bias. Given our own previous experiences of censorship and cancellation and also what happened to the recent Dutch paper that suggested the vaccines may have contributed to excess deaths, the question is: will this paper come under attack from the same pharma shills?
by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil

Recent Key Decisions of Supreme Court (4:37)
by Greg Reese

[Jewish] BBC Presenter Calls For Trump To Be Assassinated
The comment came after the Republican presidential frontrunner was granted immunity by a US Supreme Court ruling
BBC presenter David Aaronovitch has called for the “murder” of former US President Donald Trump in a post on X (formerly Twitter). Aaronovitch later deleted his message following a backlash, claiming it had been “satire.” Aaronovitch, the voice behind the British state broadcaster’s Radio 4 program ‘The Briefing Room’, tweeted on Monday: “If I was Biden I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security.” The post was accompanied by the hashtag #SCOTUS, indicating that the comment had been triggered by Monday’s confirmation from the US Supreme Court that former presidents have “absolute immunity” from prosecution for their official actions. Aaronovitch was forced delete the post after an online backlash, and claimed in a follow-up message that he had been accused of inciting violence by “a far right pile.” The presenter insisted his tweet was “plainly a satire.”
by RT

Washington Is Sprinting (Not Sleepwalking) Into War With China
The narrative that America is “sleepwalking” toward war with China is a dangerously misleading myth. Far from a somnambulant stumble, the United States is being deliberately led by national security and military elites into a conflict with China, with Congress eagerly tripping over itself to out-hawk each other. The motivation? A toxic blend of defense industry contributions and a misguided sense of geopolitical dominance. Since becoming president, Joe Biden’s pronouncements have starkly reversed the longstanding U.S. policy of “Strategic Ambiguity” concerning Taiwan. Historically, this policy served to keep both China and Taiwan guessing about American intentions, thus maintaining a precarious balance and deterring rash actions from either side. However, Biden’s statements have ushered in an era of “Strategic Clarity,” unequivocally asserting that the United States would intervene militarily if China were to invade Taiwan. This stance is a profound shift, especially given that the U.S. has no treaty obligation to defend Taiwan, and Congress has not granted the president the authority to engage militarily in such a conflict—at least not yet.
by Joseph Solis-Mullen

Gaza Hospital Chief Says He Was Severely Tortured In Israeli Prisons
The director of Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital, who had been detained by Israeli forces for more than seven months, says he was put through “severe torture” during his detention in Israeli prisons.
Mohammed Abu Salmiya was among more than 50 Palestinians released and returned to Gaza, according to a medical source in the besieged territory. Salmiya told a press conference on Monday that detainees “are subjected to all kinds of torture,” in Israel’s prisons and detention centers. “There was almost daily torture. Cells are broken into and prisoners are beaten.” “Several inmates died in interrogation centers and were deprived of food and medicine,” the hospital chief said. Salmiya said the regime’s prison guards “broke his finger and caused his head to bleed during beatings, in which they used batons and dogs.” According to him, the Israeli regime’s medical staff at different detention facilities had also taken part “in violation of all laws.” Some Palestinian detainees, he said, had limbs amputated because of poor medical care. Salmiya said there are still thousands of detainees held by the regime’s forces. The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas said in a statement that the conditions of the newly-released prisoners — showing signs of emaciation and physical and psychological torture– expose the criminal nature of the fascist Israeli regime.
by Press TV

This Is How Us Responded To Israel’s Use Of Wounded Palestinian In Jenin As Human Shield (Video 4:36)
In yet another demonstration of US double standards, a viral video of Israeli soldiers using a wounded Palestinian as a human shield in Jenin forced the US State Department to issue a condemnation. But unlike the condemnation that they issued for the Palestinian group Hamas when they were accused of this very crime, the United States urged Israel to investigate itself, which, logic implies, it won’t. One of the most prominent allegations against armed groups in Gaza, which has been used to justify Israel’s murder of Palestinian civilians, is that they use human shields. Despite the fact that these claims, which are routinely repeated during every war on Gaza, investigations by human rights groups have never found a single case in which Hamas has used a human shield. On the contrary, Israel has been repeatedly found to have used Palestinian civilians as human shields.
by Robert Inlakesh

Civil War In Donbass 10 Years On
At every stage of the Donbass conflict, there were unambiguous indications that the Ukrainian government’s claims of widespread Russian involvement in Donbass were fraudulent.
July 1st marked the 10th anniversary of a brutal resumption of hostilities in the Donbass Civil War. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it passed without comment in the Western media. 10 days before the start of the war, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko called for a ceasefire in Kiev’s “anti-terrorist operation”. Launched two months prior following vast protests, and violent clashes between Russian-speaking pro-federal activists and authorities throughout eastern Ukraine, the intended lightning strike routing of internal opposition to the Maidan government quickly became an unwinnable quagmire. Ukrainian forces were consistently beaten back by surprisingly well-organised and determined rebel forces hailing from the breakaway “People’s Republics” in Donetsk and Luhansk. Resultantly, Poroshenko outlined a peace plan intended to compel the separatists to put down their arms. They refused to do so, prompting the President to order an even more brutal crackdown. This too was a counterproductive failure, with the rebels inflicting a series of embarrassing defeats on the Western-sponsored government. Kiev was ultimately forced to accept the terms of the first Minsk Accords.
by Kit Klarenberg

Why Isn’t There A Cure For Insomnia?
Exploring the critical importance of sleep and the abhorrent campaign the FDA waged to outlaw a life changing medication which threatened the entire pharmaceutical industry.
Story at a Glance: Proper sleep is one of the most important things for our health, and when it is disrupted, many severe issues consistently emerge (e.g., heart attacks, psychiatric illnesses, car accidents, fatigue, diabetes, cognitive impairment, or dementia). Unfortunately, poor sleep is an epidemic throughout our society. This is in part due to the importance of sleep not being understood (e.g., sleep is essential for learning yet educational programs like medical training sleep deprive students) and in part due to the fact the existing sleeping pills are sedatives which block the brain’s ability to have healthy sleep. In 1964, a sleeping medication hit the market that was remarkably effective for a variety of conditions (including insomnia) and hence profoundly improved the health of its recipients. Because it threatened so many different drug markets, once it reached America in 1990, the FDA in collusion with the media launched a ten-year take down of it, which in many regards was almost identical to what they did to ivermectin. It was successful, and very few people are even aware that this drug exists or that the many of sleeping disorders we face are easily treatable. In this article, we will review the data that illustrates the harms of poor sleep, the common causes of poor sleep, and the most effective treatments we have found for sleeping disorders that are still available to the public.
by A Midwestern Doctor

Made In America: The ISIS Conquest Of Mosul
The notorious terror group used US-supplied weapons, US-trained fighters, and funding sent from banks in Washington, DC, to conquer Iraq’s second-largest city and terrorize its Sunni Muslim inhabitants.
Ten years ago this month, the notorious terror group ISIS improbably conquered Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city. In only two days of fighting, a few hundred ISIS militants captured the city, forcing thousands of Iraqi soldiers and police to flee in chaos and confusion. The western media attributed the city’s fall to the sectarian policies of then-Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki, suggesting that local Sunnis welcomed the ISIS invasion. US officials claimed they were surprised by the rapid rise of the terror organization, prompting then-US president Barack Obama to vow to “degrade and ultimately destroy” the group. However, a close review of events surrounding the fall of Mosul and discussions with residents during The Cradle’s recent visit to the city shows the opposite. The US and its regional allies used ISIS as a proxy to orchestrate the fall of Mosul, thereby terrorizing its Sunni Muslim inhabitants to achieve specific foreign policy goals. Says one Mosul resident speaking with The Cradle:
by The Cradle’s Iraq Correspondent

ACH (2379) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #174 – That Nelson Mandela Concert I Was Talking About… (Audio 1:00:10)
In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on June 30, 2024, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “That Nelson Mandela Concert I Was Talking About…”
We discussed: the 1988 and 1990 Nelson Mandela themed concerts that took place at Wembley Stadium; how this very website was attacked after last Sunday’s Limeys show; “The People’s Voice” videos published in the last week; the gimp program; this week’s “People Who Failed To Join Sven Longshanks In Prison And How They Did It”; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; the heatwave that wasn’t; some of this week’s Daily Mail articles that didn’t end up behind their “Mail +” paywall; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the Office Of National Statistics data on the UK’s Balance of payments; how the UK Government has written off £1.4 billion of PPE; the man who found a severed human thumb in his ice cream; and many other topics.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Pandemic Preparedness: Arsonists Run The Fire Department
Imagine if you will, an exceptionally ambitious city Fire Department, located in a city with very few naturally occurring fires. These ambitious firemen don’t have nearly enough work, prestige, or pay for their liking. Uninterested in simply polishing their trucks, lifting weights, and cooking chili, these firemen want more. A lot more. They construct a plan. They will start a research program, funded by taxpayers, whereby they will develop an arsenal of the biggest, scariest, most flammable products on earth. They will justify this program under the pretense that these destructive creations are absolutely necessary for the development of bigger and better fire extinguishers. Incidentally, they will also develop, market, and sell these fire extinguishers themselves. These proprietary fire extinguishers will net the ambitious firemen an incredible fortune – if they can just get every man, woman, and child in the city to buy one. The Fire Department, working with the corporations that would manufacture their miracle extinguishers, actively publicizes the supposedly tremendous, ever-increasing risk of fires that they claim threaten the population. According to the ambitious firemen, risk factors for worsened fires are everywhere and are ever-increasing – global warming, population growth, take your pick – and the next “big one” is just around the corner. Credulous, fearful citizens and heavily lobbied politicians fall for their story, pumping ever more tax dollars into the Fire Department’s research and development program. The Fire Department develops and grows its stockpile of manufactured fire super-hazards, until one day… OOPS!
by Clayton J. Baker, MD and Brian S. Hooker, PhD

Senior Editor of the British Medical Journal Reveals Emails From the FDA’s Ethics Dept Allowing Departing Staff to Work “Behind the Scenes” for Moderna.
Peter Doshi Investigates
Peter Doshi, Senior Editor at the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has once again published an important investigative report. Whilst restrictions are meant to stop former US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) staff, who have left to work in private industry, lobbying its former employer, FOI emails show that the ethics department provides guidance on loop-holes to avoid these.
purple and black building with glass windows. Doran Fink was an employee at the FDA for over twelve years and as a physician scientist he reviewed covid-19 vaccines during the pandemic. In 2023 he moved to Moderna, the very company whose vaccines he had been reviewing, and received guidance from the FDA’s ethics department on his post-employment restrictions. The BMJ obtained the emails (through Freedom of Information (FOI) requests) which showed that the restrictions had been “tailored to your situation”. Even though there are laws that prohibit lobbying, the ethics department told Fink that “they do not prohibit the former employee from other activities, including working ‘behind the scenes’”.
by The Naked Emperor

Research Shows Darwin And Wallace Both Right On Butterfly Evolution
Pioneering AI-powered research on butterflies has probed the under-studied evolution of females and adds to a debate between the founding fathers of evolution. The University of Essex study—published in Communications Biology—explores a controversy between Victorian scientists Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. Darwin thought males had more variation, as females often chose mates based on male appearance. Whereas Wallace thought natural selection across sexes was the biggest factor in difference. For over a century, scientists have mostly studied males because their differences are more obvious, while females, with more subtle evolutionary changes, had been less studied. By using high-tech machine learning Dr. Jennifer Hoyal Cuthill examined more than 16,000 male and female birdwing butterflies, with collaborators from the Natural History Museum and AI research institute Cross Labs, Cross Compass. This is the first time the visual differences between sexes have been explored across the species, which live in Southeast Asia and Australasia.
by University of Essex

July 2, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

Pre-Historic Mega Structures In China And Unexcavated Pyramids (46:50)
by Universe Inside You
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Universe Inside You

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Here’s Why India Needs BRICS And Russia
The era of rigid alliances has ended, giving rise to flexible, stable and non-militarized “coalitions of the willing”
When British economist Jim O’Neill first coined the acronym BRIC in 2001, he likely did not anticipate that this linguistic quip would evolve into one of the most promising formats in recent history. O’Neill simply noted common characteristics among major emerging economies and, unintentionally, uttered a self-fulfilling prophecy. But his words were heard clearly – and five years later, in June 2006, the economic ministers of Brazil, Russia, India, and China, who gathered at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, brought the catchy term to life. Thus, BRIC was born, and became BRICS after South Africa joined in 2010, before evolving into BRICS+ in 2024. Over the years, this new format, seemingly stitched together with a loose thread, has often been predicted to fail, but it has proven unexpectedly resilient. Its success has persisted despite geopolitical disagreements between two of the founding countries – China and India – whose troops have repeatedly clashed along the border in Himalayas. BRICS has also survived financial crises and the pandemic. What is the secret to BRICS’ resilience? Perhaps it lies in its suitability for the new realities.
by Alexey Kupriyanov

Russia Threatens US Drones In Black Sea Aiding Attacks On Crimea
In response to Ukrainian attacks on the Crimean Peninsula, tensions between the US and Russia have significantly escalated, with Moscow threatening US drones operating over the Black Sea. The Kremlin says the drones are part of the Ukrainian operations in the region. On Friday, the Russian Defense Ministry said there had been an uptick in American drone operations in the Black Sea “carrying out reconnaissance” of the Crimean Peninsula. The statement explained that the Russian military was instructed to prepare an “operational response” to the flights. The remarks followed a Ukrainian attack using US cluster munitions that caused the death of four civilians and wounded hundreds of others. Moscow argues that Washington’s support for Kiev makes the US effectively a party to the conflict. “This demonstrates the increasing involvement of the United States and NATO countries in the conflict in Ukraine on the side of the Kiev regime,” the Defense Ministry said. As Ukrainian forces have continued to lose territory to Russia on the battlefield, its Western backers have significantly stepped up support for Kiev. The US has allowed Ukraine to use its munitions to strike Russia, signed off on the transfer of F-16s to Ukraine, and sent Abrams Tanks to Ukraine, all actions the White House previously warned could risk provoking World War Three. The Defense Ministry noted the Western escalations, including the drone flights, “increase the risk of a direct confrontation between the alliance and Russia.”
by Kyle Anzalone

The Universal Antidote – The Science And Story Of Chlorine Dioxide (1:49:27)
by Curious Human Productions

Top Shelf
I grow weary of the increasingly pervasive myth that the US/NATO has sent to Ukraine nothing but its antiquated equipment and munitions. Some of the equipment sent has been older generation specimens. But almost everything sent is representative of what would constitute a large proportion of any US/NATO front-line combined arms army. Virtually ALL the artillery tubes sent to Ukraine, whether towed or self-propelled, are the same types NATO armies could presently field. Virtually ALL the armored vehicles, of all types, are the same types NATO armies would field in large numbers in a war against Russia. All the precision-guided strike munitions the US/NATO have fielded in Ukraine are the best available: Javelins, NLAWS, Excalibur, GMLRS and GLSDB for HIMARS, JDAMs, Switchblade, HARMS, Storm Shadow/SCALP, ATACMS, etc. All the air-defense systems fielded in Ukraine have been top-shelf front-line stuff: IRIS-T, NASAMS, Patriot, etc. Most, if not all, of the electronic warfare and counter-battery radars are “best available”. The ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance) is not only “best available”, but it has been ubiquitous and uninterrupted. I’m sure there must be some other examples I’m neglecting to cite.
Nevertheless, when one examines in aggregate the implements of war the US/NATO have provided to Ukraine, the overwhelming majority consists of the very stuff every military in NATO would field in a war against Russia. A very small proportion could be reasonably characterized as “antiquated storage-depot junk”. It must also be recognized (as is now common knowledge) that effectively ALL the precision-guided strike munitions, air-defense systems, and theater ISR assets are being operated by “NATO-affiliated volunteers” – and, not rarely, active NATO personnel.
by William Schryver

The Destruction Of Press Infrastructure In Gaza: A Strategy To Blind The Public (Text and Videos)
Since October 7, the Israeli military seems to have deliberately targeted cameras filming live from the Gaza Strip. Buildings housing press organizations – crucial refuges for journalists in the Gaza Strip – have been destroyed, with the apparent objective of stifling information and preventing the reality of the ongoing war from being broadcast to the world.
Forbidden Stories and its partners have demonstrated that the tower housing the AFP’s offices in Gaza was the target of two direct strikes on November 2, 2023 – despite assurances from the Israeli military that it had classified AFP premises as “not to be targeted.” The same day, the premises of the Palestinian Media Group, a production company that broadcast live images from the Gaza Strip, were also targeted by the Israeli military. A journalist was injured in the attack. The Press House, a sanctuary for Gazan journalists, was destroyed last February by the Israeli military. Its director was killed by shrapnel while trying to flee to the south of the Gaza Strip with his family. By targeting all press facilities and equipment, the Israeli military not only cuts off any source of images and information in Gaza, but also compromises the logistics journalists need to carry out their mission.
by Forbidden Stories

The Jewish Plague (3:47:49)
by Dr. Revilo P. Oliver

Short-Lived Gaza Pier, Fragile US Humanitarian Commitment
In less than four months since the announcement of its creation, the US-built temporary pier in Gaza to bring humanitarian aid to the region may be facing the end of its life. Now, it seems that this project, which cost $230 million, is a failed attempt by the US to show it cares about the humanitarian disasters in Gaza, but in fact, lacks sufficient sincerity. On Friday, local time, the Pentagon said this floating pier was being removed due to weather. The United Nations said Saturday that work had begun to transport tons of aid piled up at the pier. Meanwhile, as humanitarian aid groups stopped distributing supplies due to security concerns earlier this month, US officials confirmed the pier may not be reinstalled unless aid agencies reach an agreement to begin distributing the aid again. In other words, as UK media outlet The Independent put it, the pier “may never come back.” Since the outbreak of this round of the Israel-Palestine conflict, alleviating the humanitarian crises in Gaza has been a challenge for the international community. Meanwhile, it is not difficult to see how much Washington wants to do some “good deeds” to prove that it still cares about the Palestinian people. At the current stage, to effectively solve the humanitarian disasters in Gaza, the most fundamental measure is to urge both sides in war to cease fire immediately. However, this pier drama clearly shows that the US government is unwilling to confront Israel over its obstruction of the delivery of relief supplies, or to use its influence over Israel to mitigate the devastating consequences of the war.
by Global Times

Net Zero will Destroy You, Your Family And Everything You Love
The drive towards Net Zero is fuelled by the climate change myth and is based on a delicately balanced raft of pseudoscientific evidence and fake news material which are used by professional propagandists and skilled conspirators to sustain the notion that fossil fuels are threatening our world and our very existence. The myth they have created has been propagated with absurd enthusiasm by small but vocal teams of compliant and easily led enthusiasts, most of whom almost certainly believe that the lies they have been told are the truth and that if we do not make substantive changes to our way of life then we have no future. They’ve been taught that the seas will boil and rise up to engulf the land, life as we have known it will become impossible and the human race will be doomed. As a result of this nonsensical belief (which is no better established in science than the equally absurd but far less dangerous and damaging theories that the earth is flat, there are no germs and that gravity does not exist) governments around the world now argue that they have no choice but to take drastic action to save us from doom. Aided and abetted by gullible, easily led, virtue signalling leaders of charities, lobby groups, bankers and investment groups, action is, therefore, being taken to halt the use of all fossil fuels and to change every aspect of the way we live.
by Dr. Vernon Coleman

The First Bank Of The United States In A Nutshell (5:09)
by Liberty Vault

Downhill Since Bretton Woods: ‘Unipolar US Dollar’ Mutated Into ‘Politically Weaponized’ Tool
A US-dominated monetary framework was put into place 80 years ago in Bretton Woods. It bred everything ranging from chronic deficits and speculative bubbles to politically-motivated sanctions, while allowing the greenback to reign supreme. Since the system’s collapse, global economies have been dealing with the blowback of its inherent failings.
Since the US dollar was made the “de facto steward of the global economic system” by the Bretton Woods Agreement it has abused that role, Paul Goncharoff, chief manager of consulting firm Goncharoff LLC, told Sputnik. The greenback has degenerated into a “unipolar and unreliable, politically weaponized” tool, he noted. The creation of BRICS has motivated many countries to embark on an organized effort to dedollarize and break free from the vicious political cycle, as pointed out by the experienced financial analyst. “The “extraordinary privilege” enjoyed by the USD as the lead global reserve currency has over time tested the discipline, resolve, and trust of the United States government… It was found wanting, as what should have been economically sound objective decisions steadily degenerated into politically “weaponized” short-term actions that were hugely expensive for the rest of the world,” he said.
by Svetlana Ekimenko

No Debate: The Architecture Of The Duopoly Empire’s Lies
Biden and Trump’s lies and twisted “truths” create a narrative that undermines democracy and international law while enabling Israel’s genocide and juicing up NATO.
The information grip of the Empire keeps it in place. This is based on the construction of false narratives, reinforced by phony debates that calcify myths about the Mideast and NATO. This turns citizens into serfs and voters into pundits, obliterating meaningful democratic process, international law and fact-based rational discussion. By keeping Biden’s mental capacity off the agenda till now, the establishment helped ensure there would not be a meaningful Democratic Party primary process. This is part of a pattern of the DNC rigging elections, as it clearly did in 2020 and 2016. This may be tied to them having ditched the Commission for Presidential Debates, which the DNC and RNC have spent decades building up, and moving up the first “debate”. The clear aim is to ensure that the subject is Biden for the coming months, not actual reality, especially Israel’s daily crimes against humanity. This is part of the pundification of the populus. Whether the establishment now renders Biden a suicide bomb for the Empire and shuffles him off or backs him as the nominee and president, it benefits from his mental capacities being a central issue. Yes, it raises the subject of their duplicity, but Biden is increasingly widely depicted as well intentioned Mr. Magoo. Just after the “debate”, CNN and other big media continually played Biden’s soundbite that while he doesn’t speak as smoothly as he used to, “I know how to tell the truth”. People are being pushed to empathize with the head of an Empire slaughtering people.
by Sam Husseini

Turkey Resumed Oil Imports From Iran In March After 4 Years: Data Shows
Figures by the European Union’s statistics agency, Eurostat, show that Turkey resumed importing oil from Iran in March this year nearly four years after it cut shipments to zero to comply with US sanctions on Tehran.
Eurostat data cited in a Sunday report by Iran’s official IRNA news agency showed that Turkey had imported 576 metric tons (mt) of oil from Iran in March and another 485 mt in April. Turkey’s last oil shipment from Iran had been reported in August 2020 when the country bowed to US pressure and stopped the imports. The figures are yet another sign that more countries have stopped complying with US sanctions on Iran and are taking delivery of oil shipments from the country. Eurostat figures showed that Bulgaria and Poland were the two EU members that had imported oil from Iran this year. Bulgaria raised its oil imports from Iran in the quarter to March by 113% compared to the same period last year to 314 mt. Poland’s oil imports from Iran, a first reported in the past two years, was a 19 mt shipment that took place in March.
by Press TV

A Few Insights Into The Talmud And The Jewish Mind (Video 12:01)
This pretty much sums up what is wrong with the Earth. The very presence of these creatures brings all manner of satanic filth to our world. If we want this Earth to be free, then this evil must be expelled. Permanently. No more “co-existing”. Screw that. These evil entities have got to go.
by BirthOfANewEarth

The Sisi-Linked Cartel Boss In Charge Of Gaza “File” – Why Egypt Is Not A Friend Of Palestine Part 3 (Text and Videos)
The Sinai Mafia boss and powerbroker linked to the Sisi regime and military
Ibrahim Al Arjani rose to prominence during the alleged Egyptian war on terror in the Sinai as head of the Sinai Tribal Union. His rise was meteoric and his Empire established almost overnight as the Al Organi group that dominates construction and trade in the Sinai Peninsula. Al Arjani was a smuggler during the Mubarak era but became one of the most powerful men in Egypt under the Sisi regime. According to a 2023 article in Egypt Watch: The man whose name was associated with the president’s son, who helps him control the General Intelligence, suddenly seemed to have an empire or, as it is called, the Al-Arjani group, which is a partner of the regime internally and externally and is considered as an ambassador of the “Decent Life” initiative, and one of the warlords who will help the Armed forces in the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip. Timothy Kaldas, deputy director of the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy, said the nature of the political economy under Sisi “means almost nobody can be a big player in business without co-ordination and some kind of dependence on the regime”. Financial Times
by Vanessa Beeley

The Supreme Court Ruling Isn’t The End Of The Online Free Speech Battle
The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) civil rights group is not giving up on the free speech fight it has been conducting on behalf of the respondents/plaintiffs in the Murthy v. Missouri case. The tactic is now to go for expanded discovery, aimed at demonstrating direct harm caused by government censorship. A statement to this effect comes after the US Supreme Court voted 6-3 to lift a preliminary injunction that prevented the White House and several powerful agencies (CDC, FBI, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the Surgeon General’s Office) from interacting with social media companies by “encouraging” (or coercing) them to carry out censorship of lawful and protected speech. The ruling is seen by critics and those who brought and supported the case aimed at ending this type of collusion as yet another blow to the First Amendment, and to make things worse, shortly ahead of another US presidential election. NCLA said that the Supreme Court decision – which overturned the injunction previously ordered by a district court and upheld by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit – leaves its clients “without redress.”
by Didi Rankovic

Is Trump’s Former CDC Director Working On A Bird Flu Vaccine With Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturer?
This is an update to the story I published earlier this month (June 2024) looking into the former director of the CDC during the Trump presidency, Dr. Robert Redfield, and why he has been predicting a deadly Bird Flu pandemic for 3 years now. As I mentioned in that article, the website OpenPaymentsData.cms.gov shows that Dr. Redfield received $360,093.00 in consulting fees from Roche Diagnostics Corporation, from 2020 through 2022, the same time frame that Redfield was featured in the corporate media creating fear over the Bird Flu. I also reported that Roche Diagnostics Corporation is working on a new PCR test that can allegedly test for the Bird Flu, as well as for COVID-19 and RSV. As I mentioned in that article, the data for 2023 on Big Pharma kickbacks to doctors had not yet been posted, but I had expected it to be posted soon, as in most years the previous year’s data is posted by the end of June. Well, openpaymentsdata.cms.gov did update their data with 2023 statistics this week. The former CDC director under Trump continued to receive consulting fees from Roche Diagnostics Corporation during 2023, with another $180,000 received for consulting fees. But another pharmaceutical company started paying Dr. Redfield $160,000 in consulting fees last year, and that company was COVID-19 vaccine producer, Novavax. Novavax currently has a Bird Flu vaccine in the works, and their stock skyrocketed during the time Dr. Redfield was making his media appearances predicting a new Bird Flu pandemic.
by Brian Shilhavy

ACH (2377) I’m Talking To YOU #125 – 50 Years Ago Today Isabel Perón Was Secretly Sworn In As Acting President Of Argentina (23:13)
In today’s show originally recorded and broadcast on June 29 2024, Andy presents a show entitled, “50 Years Ago Today Isabel Perón Was Secretly Sworn In As Acting President Of Argentina.”
“I’m Talking To YOU,” is a largely unscripted solo show covering a variety of topics, which is only available on Andy’s website, and unlike his weekday shows, is not syndicated elsewhere.
by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

A Compound Crime: Israeli Army Hits Gaza Family, Uses Them As Human Shields, And Runs Over Their Mother
“After the soldiers entered the tank, it started to move backward and ran over my mother. When I saw the scene, I thought I had gone insane and began to cry and scream.” ~ Muhannad Al-Jamal
Palestinian Territory – The Israeli army continues to use its tanks to deliberately run over live Palestinian civilians and crush their bodies, in addition to using civilians as human shields, in the ground operations of its crime of genocide in the Gaza Strip that has been ongoing since 7 October 2023. The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor field team documented a compound and comprehensive crime against a civilian family comprising an elderly woman and her four children, including three young women and a one-and-a-half-year-old granddaughter. The family was attacked with gunfire and bombs after Israeli forces stormed their house on Thursday evening, 27 June. They were later taken outside and detained for over three hours despite their injuries in their home, near Israeli tanks in a dangerous combat zone, where they were used as human shields. The 65-year-old mother, identified as Safiya Hassan Musa Al-Jamal, was run over by an Israeli tank and killed in front of her son.

Death Of A Snake Oil Salesman
In a world filled with opposition, how much of it is controlled?
Elon Musk. Alex Jones. Candace Owens. Joe Rogan. Russel Brand. Robert Malone. David Martin. Donald Trump. Tucker Carlson. Bobby Kennedy. Ben Shapiro. Jordan Peterson. Julian Assange. To hear some Substackers say it, just about everyone who is out there shining even a lackluster light on the corruption, censorship, democide, and darkness all around us is, in fact, controlled opposition. You know, part of a secret cabal of manipulators, marauders, and murderers pretending to expose a different cabal of manipulators, marauders, and murderers, which is the very same cabal of manipulators, marauders, and murderers they secretly belong to. Or something. I know, it can be fuzzy. The whole thing makes my head hurt, to be honest. From cockily sporting kabbalah bracelets and Freemasonry tattoos to flip-flopping one’s position on climate change, “proof” of our purported allies’ puppetry frequently gets trotted out as a red alert for so-called truthers. Oftentimes said evidence is convincing enough to make you question your own judgment or sanity. Is there no one we can trust? Is everyone actually evil? “No one’s coming to save you,” your actual saviors insist. And you believe them because, well, you know no one is. But does that almost certain fact automatically imply that every person promising or pretending to save you is actually coming to get you?
by Jenna McCarthy

JFK Researchers Appeal For Justice In Federal Court
Ninth Circuit to examine district court’s faulty interpretation of JFK Act
The nonprofit Mary Ferrell Foundation (MFF), which maintains the largest online repository of records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, filed suit against President Biden and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in October 2022, charging the defendants with failure to enforce the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act (“JFK Records Act” or “JFK Act”). The JFK Act, a sweeping law Congress passed unanimously in 1992, mandates the public release of all assassination-related material in the government’s possession. Thirty-two years after it was passed, thousands of records are still withheld. In January 2024, Chief Judge Richard Seeborg of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California dismissed all but three of MFF’s claims — i.e., litigation over (1) congressional JFK records, (2) destroyed JFK records, and (3) archival finding aids.
by Chad Nagle

The Hidden Truth Behind The US Healthcare System (0:59)

The Great Cholesterol Scam and The Dangers of Statins
Exploring the Actual Causes and Treatments of Heart Disease
Story at a Glance: There is a widespread belief that elevated cholesterol is the “cause” of cardiovascular disease. However, a large body of evidence shows that there is no association between the two and that lower cholesterol significantly increases one’s risk of death. An alternative model (which the medical industry buried) proposes that the blood clots the body uses to heal arterial damage, once healed, create the characteristic atherosclerotic lesions associated with heart disease. The evidence for this model, in turn, is much stronger than the cholesterol hypothesis and provides many important insights for treating heart disease. The primary approach to treating heart disease is to prescribe cholesterol lowering statin drugs (to the point, over a trillion dollars have now been spent on them). Unfortunately, the benefits of these highly toxic drugs are minuscule (e.g., at best taking them for years extends your life by a few days) and the harms are vast (statins are one of the most common pharmaceuticals that severely injure patients).
by A Midwestern Doctor

5 Surprisingly Simple Ways To Detoxify
Given what we are now exposed to through our food, air, and water, detoxification has become a modern-day necessity. Without the daily activation of ancient, effective physiological pathways designed to remove naturally occurring environmental and toxins or manmade chemical toxicants, we are bound to get sick.
So, what are some simple, effective ways we rid our body of its daily toxic burden?Pop a Probiotic: Of course, you don’t have to ‘pop a pill’ to get a probiotic. In fact, it is preferred you ingest either a probotically cultured food (e.g. kombucha, yogurt (preferably non-cow’s milk based), cultured veggies, etc.) or eat more raw fruits and vegetables grown in truly healthy soil, as the Earth’s microbiome is actually the root of where ‘good bacteria’ come from. How will getting probiotics help? Fascinating research indicates that probiotics actually help us break down foods (e.g. gluten; casein) and chemicals (pesticides, Bisphenol-A) which can cause great harm to our bodies, and which our own detoxification pathways do not handle effectively. Its kind of a wonder, isn’t it, that ‘germs’ can help save us from ourselves in this way? (Learn more: 8 Ways Microbes Can Save Us From Ourselves).
by Sayer Ji

New Study Reveals Comet Airburst Evidence From 12,800 Years Ago
Researchers continue to expand the case for the Younger Dryas Impact hypothesis. The idea proposes that a fragmented comet smashed into the Earth’s atmosphere 12,800 years ago, causing a widespread climatic shift that, among other things, led to the abrupt reversal of the Earth’s warming trend and into an anomalous near-glacial period called the Younger Dryas. Now, UC Santa Barbara emeritus professor James Kennett and colleagues report the presence of proxies associated with the cosmic airburst distributed over several separate sites in the eastern United States (New Jersey, Maryland and South Carolina), materials indicative of the force and temperature involved in such an event, including platinum, microspherules, meltglass and shock-fractured quartz. The study appears in the journal Airbursts and Cratering. “What we’ve found is that the pressures and temperatures were not characteristic of major crater-forming impacts but were consistent with so-called ‘touchdown’ airbursts that don’t form much in the way of craters,” Kennett said. The comet thought to be responsible for the Younger Dryas cooling episode is estimated to have been 100 kilometers wide (62 miles)—much larger than the Tunguska object, and fragmented into thousands of pieces. The sediment layer associated with the airburst stretches across much of the northern hemisphere, but can also be found in locations south of the equator. This layer contains unusually high levels of rare materials associated with cosmic impacts, such as iridium and platinum, and materials formed under high pressures and temperatures, such as magnetic microspherules (cooled-down metallic droplets), meltglass and nanodiamonds.
by Sonia Fernandez, University of California – Santa Barbara

July 1, 2024, 30 Posts Published And Archived

The Universal Antidote – The Science And Story Of Chlorine Dioxide (1:49:27)
by Curious Human Productions
(To view with many links, click the link below.)

The Universal Antidote

Ultimate Guide To Chlorine Dioxide (.pdf)
by Curious Human Productions

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Misinformation disinformation
Cover-ups and lies

It doesn’t matter which administration
They’re all cut from the same pies

Distorted views
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It’ll make you numb

What right to choose
You’ll only lose
Are the thoughts of some

by Mark R. Elsis

July 1, 1984


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Archbishop Viganò: I Accuse Bergoglio Of Heresy And Schism
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò argues that he is not in schism with the Catholic Church and accuses ‘Jorge Maria Bergoglio of heresy and schism,’ requesting that he be ‘removed from the throne which he has unworthily occupied for over 11 years.’
“When I think that we are in the palace of the Holy Office, which is the exceptional witness of the Tradition and of the defense of the Catholic Faith, I cannot stop myself from thinking that I am at home, and that it is me, whom you call ‘the traditionalist,’ who should judge you.” So spoke Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1979, when he was summoned to the former Holy Office, in the presence of the prefect, Cardinal Franjo Šeper, and two other prelates. As I stated in my communiqué of June 20, I do not recognize the authority of the tribunal that claims to judge me, nor of its prefect, nor of the one who appointed him. This decision of mine, which is certainly painful, is not the result of haste or a spirit of rebellion; but rather is dictated by the moral necessity which, as bishop and successor of the apostles, obliges me in conscience to bear witness to the truth, that is, to God Himself, to Our Lord Jesus Christ. I face this trial with the determination that comes from knowing that I have no reason to consider myself separate from communion with the Holy Church and with the papacy, which I have always served with filial devotion and fidelity. I could not conceive of a single moment of my life outside this one Ark of Salvation, which providence has constituted as the Mystical Body of Christ, in submission to its Divine Head and to His vicar on earth.
by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Right-Wing National Rally Tops 1st Round Of French Parliamentary Elections, Macron’s Coalition Third
BRUSSELS (Sputnik) – Marine Le Pen’s right-wing National Rally won the first round of snap parliamentary elections in France with 34.2% based on preliminary data. The total number of lawmakers won will be determined after next week’s second round.
The French Interior Ministry has announced preliminary results for the first round of the parliamentary elections: the National Rally (RN) party leads with 34.2% of the votes;the New Popular Front leftist coalition is in second place with 29.1%; and President Emmanuel Macron’s central-right coalition came third with 21.5%. Based on these initial results, the National Rally is expected to secure between 240 to 270 seats in Parliament, achieving a relative majority, according to national TV calculations. Macron’s coalition is projected to lose over 160 seats, potentially winning only between 60 to 90 of the 577 total seats. Marine Le Pen declared victory over Macron’s supporters and called for vigorous support for her party in those constituencies that will hold a second round next week. “To implement the reforms that the country needs, we need an absolute majority so that Jordan Bardella can be appointed Prime Minister by Emmanuel Macron in just eight days,” Le Pen said while addressing supporters in Henin-Beaumont.
by Sputnik

A Top Chlorine Dioxide (CD) Expert Says We Must All Take It If We Want To Live (Transcript and Audio 46:33)
Steve Smith is encyclopedic, and in our interview, I badgered every detail out of him.
I am privileged to share my tutoring from some of the finest minds in natural medicine. When I get discouraged by the evil forces against us, I think of the untold numbers of wonderful people like Steve, the pseudonym of a friend with vast chlorine dioxide experience. CD has profound and universal effects on health. When used chronically, it can cure many diseases, prevent others, and threaten every part of Rockefeller medicine. Study this post as if your life depends on it, for it does. The prerequisites are to read my introduction HERE and watch THESE TWO videos at double speed.
by Robert Yoho MD (ret)

Math Proves That Israel’s Stated Goals Are An Epic Lie
When you’re in Gaza and see the destruction firsthand, the clearest conclusion is that Israel’s stated goals are an epic lie, on a par with “a people without a land for a land without a people,” packaged and sold to the world. The Israelis are not targeting Hamas, nor are they interested in returning their captives, who pose tremendous liability upon their release, as they often have good things to say about their captors. Math is useful to prove what I’m saying So here are some numbers to start. Destroyed buildings; As of April 2024, approximately 360,000 buildings have been destroyed, of which are 405 schools and universities, 700 hospitals and health facilities, 290 mosques and three churches. Given the estimation by the United Nations monitoring group OCHA that 12 buildings are destroyed every hour in Gaza, the adjusted number to account for May and June is 377,280 buildings. Death and injuries from direct fire; The reported number of martyrs on Wednesday this week was 37,718. It’s important to note that this number only includes martyrs who have been identified by name and civil ID number through the beleaguered health ministry in Gaza. Given the breakdown of reporting systems due to heavy destruction of infrastructure and personnel, this number, even with its limited parameters, is a gross underestimation. Based on more accurate figures of approximately 370 people killed daily, multiplied by 264 days of genocide, the actual number is closer to 97,680 martyred. (Per OCHA estimate of 15 martyrs per hour: Over the course of 264 days, which amounts to 6,336 hours, this number would roughly be 95,040). The adjusted estimate of martyrs is 260 percent more than the stagnant reported number. It is reasonable to adjust the number of injured (currently 86,377) by the same percentage, bringing that value to 224,580. (Per OCHA estimate of 35 injured per hour, this number comes to 221,760).
by Susan Abulhawa

The Emergence Of A Trilateral Alliance Puts The US’ Hegemony At Risk
Russia, Iran, and India are now trading and cooperating economically at a historic rate, thanks in part to the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC).
Russia, Iran, and China are rapidly forging a newer anti-US bloc that is likely to support efforts to thwart US and Western isolation tactics. The joint efforts will eventually help Iran regain its former glory as an Eurasian trade hub, with the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) coming online. Iran, China, Russia, and even India would all benefit from INSTC, which would shorten the trade routes and cut down on costs while giving them options. For India, this would mean avoiding Pakistan and entering the markets of Central Asia, where Chinese companies are quickly expanding their footprint. For Iran, China, and Russia, it would mean having more options to better protect, if not eliminate, themselves from sanctions imposed by the West, spur economic growth, and advance their de-dollarization process.
by F. M. Shakil

ACH (2376) Nick Griffin – Nick’s Analysis Of The World We’re In (Audio 1:00:31)

Move Over, Disaster Capitalism–Make Room For Addiction Capitalism
That monkey on your back comes in many forms.
Addiction Capitalism is my term for the last-ditch / desperation method of guaranteeing sales and profits when everybody already has everything: reduce the quality so everything fails and must be replaced, and addict your customers to your product or service which–what a surprise–only you or your cartel provide. And since you’ve bought up all the competition and moated your monopoly via regulatory thickets / regulatory capture, consumers must continue paying–or suffer the consequences. Addiction Capitalism is capital’s last best hope when the essentials of life and novelties are both over-supplied. So the only ways to juice demand and maintain profits are 1) lower the quality of goods so they must be constantly replaced (Cory Doctorow’s “ensh**tification”) and 2) addict consumers to services such as social media and products such as smartphones, or create dependencies which are equivalent to addiction, such as dependency on weight-loss medications. Just as the addict is dependent on a drug, patients are dependent on medications that must be taken until the end of their lives.
by Charles Hugh Smith

The Rape Of The Mind
By Joost Meerloo – Unbekoming Book Summary
The general method by which the members of a ruling elite can accomplish this end is called menticide, with the etymology of this word being ‘a killing of the mind’, and as Meerloo further explains: “Menticide is an old crime against the human mind and spirit but systematized anew. It is an organized system of psychological intervention and judicial perversion through which a [ruling class] can imprint [their] own opportunistic thoughts upon the minds of those [they] plan to use and destroy.” ~ Joost Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind. Listen to what Jason says right at the beginning between minutes 1-2: “Well we think we’re free and that goes a long way to mind control. There was a CIA expert or a CIA staffer called to a congressional Committee in about I think it was 1962 and they wanted to investigate how far this technology had gone and the Congressional committee asked, “what are you able to do with this technology,” and the CIA expert smiled at the camera and said, “well given enough time we can make anybody kill their own parents and eat them in a soup.” It’s correct to think of this subject matter as “technology”. The technology to control minds and behaviour, which is the technology to Rule, is the most advanced and developed there is. As Jason says, they knew exactly what they were doing during Covid.
by Unbekoming

Too Late For Biden (4:37)
by DC Dave, Alice Irby and BuelahMan

Israel Again Targets Family Of Ismael Haniyya, Killing 10
Earlier this week, the Israeli military again targeted the family of the senior political leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniya, killing ten civilians, including his elderly sister. This is the second time during this current nine-month long invasion that the Israeli military targeted Haniyeh’s family for assassination by missile. The first time, on April 10, 2024, on the first day of the Al-Fitr Muslim feast that marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, an Israeli drone fired a missile at a car carrying members of Haniyya’s family in the Shati’ refugee camp, in Gaza City, killing three of his sons, Hazem, Amir and Mohammad, and two of his grandchildren. It is worth mentioning that, on November 21, 2023, the army killed Haniyya’s oldest grandson, Jamal Mohmmad Haniyya, and his daughter. On November 10, the army killed Haniyya’s grandchild, Ro’a Hammad, after firing missiles at their homes. At the time, Haniyya, in Doha – Qatar, told Al-Jazeera that that Israel has already killed at least sixty members of his family, including cousins, nephews, and nieces, and added that all Palestinians in Gaza have paid a heavy price, but is determined to create a better future, achieve liberation and independence. In an earlier Israeli assault on Gaza, in 2014, Israeli forces had targeted Haniyeh’s family home with a missile, destroying the home but causing no casualties.
by IMEMC News

The Long Sordid Career Of Creepy Joe Biden
Hail to the Sniffer in Chief
I get complaints from people that I concentrate too much on Donald Trump. Basically, the message is, “But what about Biden?” I do write more about Trump, because he’s the face of the perceived opposition. The only Emmanuel Goldstein in town. I assume everyone reading me understands just who and what Joe Biden is. But people might not remember quite everything about Joe Biden’s lengthy career as a beloved resident of the Washington, D.C. swamp that Trump promised to drain. Biden was first elected as a U.S. Senator from Delaware in 1973. Even I was very young then. In 1981, the great “liberal” senator strongly supported the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, passed in the wake of CIA whistleblower Philip Agee’s disclosures about the Agency is his best-selling book Inside the Company. Biden declared that “I do not think anybody has any doubt about Mr. Agee. We should lock him away in my opinion.” The good senator really liked locking people up, it seems. As a strong supporter of the 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act, he took credit for a draconian provision that mandated a five year sentence for possessing small amounts of crack cocaine.
by Donald Jeffries

How A Young Joe Biden Became The Architect Of The Government’s Asset Forfeiture Program
A tale of the War on Drugs, Joe Biden, Bill Weld, and how civil asset forfeiture came to be.
The Comprehensive Forfeiture Act fixed all of these problems. The new bill was introduced by Senator Joe Biden in 1983 and it was signed into law the next year. With this law, federal agents had nearly unlimited powers to seize assets from private citizens. Now the government only needed to find a way to let local and state police join the party. This came with the 1984 Comprehensive Crime Control Act. In addition to a slew of new powers for prosecutors, the burden of proof for asset seizure was lowered once again (agents had to only believe that what they were seizing was equal in value to money believed to have been purchased from drug sales). More significantly, the bill started the “equitable sharing” program that allowed local and state law enforcement to retain up to 80 percent of the assets seized.
by Keith Hackley

Protecting America: A Dialogue With Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich (40:19)
Join us for a compelling discussion between Sayer Ji and former Congressman Dennis Kucinich, a stalwart defender of American values and individual rights.

Fractional Reserve Banking Requires Endless Bailouts From The Public
Through the prism of G. Edward Griffin’s The Creature from Jekyll Island
This post looks at the nature of fractional reserve banking, concluding it is fundamentally set up to fail. In order to survive it requires endless bailouts by you, the public, paid for via a combination of increased taxation, debt and inflation. “[The Rothschild dynasty] had conquered the world more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than all the Caesars before or all the Hitlers after them.” – Frederic Morton, The Rothschilds: A Family Portrait, p. 14 “The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.” – Lord Acton G. Edward Griffin’s The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve (“Jekyll Island”) has an interesting history. Originally published in 1994, it swept through the libertarian movement and inspired the “End the Fed” slogans of Ron Paul, who based a chapter in his 2009 book of the same name on it. Jekyll Island was a best-seller at the time and has been continuously updated with new editions, and it almost single-handedly popularized the notion of a cartel conspiracy (at the eponymous island) to establish the Federal Reserve. It is written in clear prose, is well sourced and I highly recommend it, although one may need to reach a certain level of emotional and spiritual development in order to appreciate it.1
by Neoliberal Feudalism

Israeli Defense Minister Vows To Return Lebanon To ‘Stone Age’
The White House reversed course and now says a ceasefire in Lebanon cannot be contingent on a deal in Gaza
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said Israel was prepared to send Lebanon back to the “Stone Age” with a massive bombing campaign. The White House desperately tries to avert a major war in the Middle East but is not making progress. After three days of meetings with top officials in Washington, Gallant told reporters that Israel preferred diplomacy but was also willing to utterly destroy Lebanon. “We do not want war, but we are preparing for every scenario. Hezbollah understands very well that we can inflict massive damage in Lebanon if a war is launched,” he said. Israel could bomb “Lebanon back to the Stone Age, but we don’t want to do it.” Gallant’s remarks come as daily tit-for-tat exchanges between Hezbollah and Israel risk escalating into a major war that could see the US, Iran, and other militias across the Middle East enter the fray. After announcing it had “operational plans” ready for an attack, Israel has started to move some military assets from near Gaza to its northern border.
by Kyle Anzalone

Russia Has Some Lessons In Democracy
It goes to Putin’s credit that he has had no qualms about borrowing from Zyuganov’s platform, and makes it a point to consult him, take his advice, while steering Russia unabashedly toward a capitalist country that is done with socialism. Interestingly, Zyuganov also espouses that Russia should learn from China’s successful example and build Russian socialism. He once encouraged party members to read the selected works of Deng Xiaoping. And he is on record that if only his country had learnt from the success of China earlier, the Soviet Union wouldn’t have dissolved. Looking back, Zyuganov’s finest moment came in the mid-1990s when, exhausted and disillusioned by the shock and awe of Boris Yeltsin’s lurch toward free market and capitalism, which wrecked the lives of vast swathes of society habituated to a sheltered and predictable life, Russian people flocked to the communist party in the 1996 presidential election. In fact, Zyuganov’s candidacy surged to a point that it almost seemed Russia was reclaiming socialism. At which point, Bill Clinton descended on Moscow with his Man Friday, Strobe Albott. Alarmed by what they saw, Clinton returned to Washington and okayed a road map to ensure a Yeltsin victory, even roping in the IMF. Clinton deployed American experts as Yeltsin’s campaign managers who were well-versed in the zen of democratic elections. The rest is history.
by M. K. Bhadrakumar

What Shall We Do With The African? (10:35)
The only useful thing we can offer is help with population control.
by American Renaissance

Hezbollah Among World’s Top Five Rocket Superpowers: Ex-Israeli Military Advisor
Amid rising tensions along the border between Lebanon and the 1948 Israeli-occupied territories, a former Israeli military official has described the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement as one of the five top superpowers in terms of the number of rockets it possesses.
Ram Aminach, a retired brigadier general who served as a financial adviser to the Israeli army, noted that “the Israeli public does not understand the extent of Hezbollah’s threats as it has a large stockpile of rockets and is considered one of the five superpowers, alongside the United States, China, Russia, and Germany.” Aminach underlined that Israel cannot confront Hezbollah without facing the entire Lebanon. The remarks come as Hezbollah and Israel have been exchanging deadly fire since early October last year, shortly after the regime launched a genocidal aggression against the Gaza Strip following a surprise operation by the Palestinian Hamas resistance group. Hezbollah has vowed to keep up its retaliatory attacks as long as the Tel Aviv regime continues its Gaza war, which has so far killed at least 37,834 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured 86,858 others.
by Press TV

Israeli Attacks Leave 10,000 Disabled In Gaza, NGO Reports
GAZA, Saturday, June 29, 2024 (WAFA) – The Palestinian NGO’s Network Rehabilitation Sector has warned warning about the dire consequences of the ongoing and escalating Israeli aggression on Gaza. The group said an estimated 10,000 individuals have acquired various disabilities due to the attacks. According to a statement released today, hundreds of persons with disabilities have been killed, and thousands more injured as a result of the Israeli onslaught. The crisis has forced tens of thousands of disabled individuals to flee, exposing them to harsh displacement conditions and severe psychological trauma, the group revealed. The statement emphasized that Israeli actions, including the destruction of infrastructure, main roads, and rehabilitation centers, have severely restricted the movement and access to services for persons with disabilities. This has significantly diminished their ability to mobilize, evacuate safely, and has resulted in the loss of crucial assistive devices, abandoned in the face of bombardment.

Drone As First Responder Programs Are Swarming Across The United States
Law enforcement wants more drones, and we’ll probably see many more of them overhead as police departments seek to implement a popular project justifying the deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs): the “drone as first responder” (DFR). Police DFR programs involve a fleet of drones, which can range in number from four or five to hundreds. In response to 911 calls and other law enforcement calls for service, a camera-equipped drone is launched from a regular base (like the police station roof) to get to the incident first, giving responding officers a view of the scene before they arrive. In theory and in marketing materials, the advance view from the drone will help officers understand the situation more thoroughly before they get there, better preparing them for the scene and assisting them in things such as locating wanted or missing individuals more quickly. Police call this “situational awareness.” In practice, law enforcement’s desire to get “a view of the scene” becomes a justification for over-surveilling neighborhoods that produce more 911 calls and for collecting information on anyone who happens to be in the drone’s path. For example, a drone responding to a vandalism case may capture video footage of everyone it passes along the way. Also, drones are subject to the same mission-creep issues that already plague other police tools designed to record the public; what is pitched as a solution to violent crime can quickly become a tool for policing homelessness or low-level infractions that otherwise wouldn’t merit police resources.
by Beryl Lipton

From Bust To Boom: Hitler And National Socialism (5:20)
National Socialism, under Hitler’s leadership from 1933 to 1945, orchestrated a profound transformation of Germany’s socio-economic fabric. Central to its doctrine was state intervention, aiming at autarky and militarization. The government’s economic policies, including rearmament and public works projects, aimed to reduce unemployment and stimulate growth. These policies also prioritized technological innovation and centralized control, bringing stability post-Depression. In essence, National Socialism’s economic principles reshaped Germany’s landscape, fostering prosperity alongside the threat of conflict as Hitler pursued national unity.
by Cynthia F. Hodges, JD, LLM, MA, Attorney

Dear Virology: Do You Have Anything Other Than Insults, Logical Fallacies And Lies To Back Up Your Claims?
Virology: An unwitting master class in exposing pseudoscience.
Pseudoscientists are a predictable lot. They routinely spout untenable nonsense and frequently get away with it, because most people aren’t well-schooled in the fundamentals of logic and reason, let alone science. As their beliefs gain an increasingly larger audience, pseudoscientists start to assume an air of invincibility and omnipotence. The very fact their ideas have such widespread acceptance is, in their minds, further proof of their veracity. People whose beliefs thrive largely because of ignorance, popular consensus and authority appeal tend to do poorly when challenged on scientific grounds. At first, they’ll attempt to address critiques with more pseudoscience. This, however, results in an argument that becomes increasingly untenable, self-contradictory and often downright absurd. Frustrated by the results of their self-defeating attempts to expound on The Science™, they quickly revert to their natural environment: The gutter.
by Anthony Colpo

Honey Is The World’s Healthiest Sweetener But The North American Honey Supply Is Contaminated
Honey is one of nature’s most perfect and beneficial foods. The documented research on the incredible health benefits of honey is truly astounding. If you type in the search term “honey” in the National Library of Medicine on the NIH Government website, you will get 18,000 results from peer-reviewed journals. If you search for honey on Health Impact News, you get over 150 results documenting the health benefits of pure honey, such as: “Phenolic Compounds and Enzymatic Activity in Raw Honey Positively Affect Oxidative Stress and Bone Density” “Honey Out-Performs Antibiotics in Fighting Superbugs” “Honey: A Powerful Anti-Cancer Agent” – Honey is the ONLY sweetener on the market that you can purchase that is a complete, whole food, as opposed to granulated sugar which is an extract from either a grass (sugar cane), or from beets (sugar beets). But purchasing real, pure, unadulterated raw honey that is not contaminated with herbicides or pesticides, is another matter altogether. Testing done in 2011 on grocery store honey showed that up to 80% of the honey sold in grocery stores is adulterated and even fake, much of it imported from China illegally. Honey that is produced in the U.S. and Canada is mostly a by-product of professional beekeepers who make their primary income from leasing out their bees to pollinate crops in commercial agriculture. These commercial crops are heavily treated with herbicides and pesticides, and the resulting honey from these bees is just a by-product of these commercial bee operations, and that includes most “local” honeys, which are highly contaminated. Pure raw honey has been proven through numerous studies to be more effective than drugs in treating many diseases, and since honey can be stored indefinitely and tends to improve with age, like fine wines, this is a food that you want in your long-term food storage plans, and you want honey that heals, not honey that is contaminated, or “honey” that is not even real honey at all.
by Brian Shilhavy

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