Dear everyone nervously looking around and asking ‘What the hell is going on?’: this is the most important single message I’ve ever written. I hope this isn’t too controversial. It’s certainly frightening, but I believe we are still the right side of disaster and if enough of us become aware of what is happening here […]
Syria Is Under An Israeli-US-UK Sponsored Attack, Yet Nobody Utters A Word by Robert Inlakesh
The United States, the EU, UK, and Israel are all waging a multi-pronged attack against the Syrian State and its people, however, this reality is never reflected in Western media. This is a silent war, which nobody even knows is going on. It is often reported, despite the coverage being extremely limited, that the Israeli […]
Archbishop Viganò Calls On Bishops To Defend Marriage, Oppose The Errors Of Amoris Laetitia
Consider that your silence takes away from the Glory of Heaven the souls entrusted to you by the Supreme Shepherd, to whom even the one who sits in Rome will one day answer. In the glorious martyrs, Holy Church gives us examples of heroic virtues to imitate, showing us how the Grace of God assists […]
A Death In Moscow by Philip Giraldi
Was the car bomb intended to send a message or to escalate the conflict? The horrific car bombing in Moscow that killed twenty-nine year old Darya Dugina last week raises many questions about the motives of the Ukrainian regime and its supporters that sent an assassin to murder a prominent Russian civilian who has no […]
Which Crime Syndicate Murdered Darya Dugina? by Pepe Escobar
The vile assassination of Darya Dugina, or terror at the gates of Moscow, is not really solved – as much as the FSB seems to have cracked the case in a little over 24 hours. It’s now established that the main perpetrator, Azov batallion asset Natalia Vovk, did not act alone but had an Ukrainian […]
Mikhail Gorbachev Dies At 91 by RT
He will be remembered as the father of ‘perestroika’ but also for presiding over the fall of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev, the first and only president of the Soviet Union, has died at the age of 91, in Moscow. His death was reported on Tuesday night by the Central Clinical Hospital, which said in […]
The Destruction Of Everything Considered Normal Has Created Division, Hate, Instability, And Chaos? by Gary D. Barnett
The Marxist position concerning the social nature of man as opposed to the individual is fatally flawed if decency, respect, morality, and freedom are sought, regardless of the lie that Communism is for the benefit of the people. Once the individual is sacrificed and is forced to conform to the wishes of society, any system […]
The Startling History Of Polio Vaccination by Dr. Vernon Coleman
‘Doctors trying to promote vaccines often claim that the disease poliomyelitis was eradicated by the use of a vaccine. This is, to put it politely, a barefaced lie. I know facts are unfashionable with the medical establishment these days but the hard evidence shows quite conclusively that the polio vaccine has endangered vast numbers of […]
The Kissinger Continuum: The Unauthorized History Of The WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program by Johnny Vedmore
The World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program, Klaus Schwab’s supposed brainchild, is actually an almost exact replica of Henry Kissinger’s International Seminar that was originally run out of Harvard and was funded by the CIA. In this article, Johnny Vedmore investigates the people behind Kissinger’s International Seminar, the CIA conduits which funded the program, […]
Did British Intelligence Orchestrate Princess Diana’s Death? by Brian Desborough
The sudden death of a loved one invariably creates a state of shock and profound loss among close relatives of the deceased. Occasionally, the unexpected death of a revered public figure creates a similar response within a large segment of the general public. Such was the case when the international news media announced that the […]
Drug Companies – Just A Bit Crooked Or Thoroughly Evil? by Dr. Vernon Coleman
I suspect that some people think I am hard on the drug companies. It is widely believed that although they sometimes make mistakes, the pharmaceutical giants do the best they can and have our interests at heart.The truth is, however, that the big global pharmaceutical companies are the most evil organisations on earth. They are […]
All The Way To Odessa by Pepe Escobar
As Eurasian integration will become an even stronger vector, Russian diplomacy will be solidifying the new normal.Dmitry Medvedev, relishing his unplugged self, has laid down the law on the Special Military Operation (SMO). Bluntly, he affirmed there is a “one and a half” scenario: either to go all the way, or a military coup d’etat […]
Review Of “Unmasking Anne Frank, Her Famous Diary Exposed As A Literary Fraud” by Ikuo Suzuki Reviewed by Karl Haemers
I am going to assume that most readers of The Occidental Observer are familiar with the official story of Anne Frank, the young Jewish girl (aged 13–15) who kept a diary while hiding in a house from Jew-hunting “Nazis” in the Netherlands during World War II. In searching the TOO site for “Anne Frank,” I […]
Israel Conquers The World by Philip Giraldi
Fealty to Israeli and Jewish interests is the new normalI have to confess a certain liking for Russian President Vladimir Putin. No, it’s not over his actions in Ukraine, nor his authoritarian tendencies domestically. It is due to the fact that he sometimes articulates the hypocrisy of foreign countries and leaders in a pithy and […]
Who Killed Daria Dugina? by Dr. E. Michael Jones
The only question was choosing the right means to bring about the political equivalent of an abortion. One month before the UDA botched Dugin’s assassination, murdering his daughter instead, a federal jury in New York convicted former CIA officer Joshua Schulte on nine felony counts under the Espionage Act for providing information to the Wikileaks […]
Six Months Into Ukraine’s Collapse, The World Has Changed Forever by Pepe Escobar
The inevitable transfer of power away from the west is leading to a surge in state-sponsored terrorism, but this will do little to reverse the trend Six months after the start of the Special Military Operation (SMO) by Russia in Ukraine, the geopolitical tectonic plates of the 21st century have been dislocated at astonishing speed […]
The Jewish Hand In World War Three by Dr. Thomas Dalton
Free Speech versus Catastrophe In fact, though, this is yet another case of what I might call the “unanimity curse”: when all parties in American society are united on a topic, any topic, then we really need to worry. Here, it seems that the reality is of a potent Jewish Lobby, exerting itself (again) in […]
“The Decline And Fall Of The Western Empire” by Chuck Baldwin
Almost everyone sees it, and almost no one wants to discuss it: America and Western Europe are spiraling out of control. And the speed of the descent is crescendoing rapidly. It took a long time for the old Roman Empire to collapse. The seeds of its demise blossomed slowly, but the historically astute among the […]
Hell Hath No Fury Like A Hegemon Scorned by Stephen Karganovic
It is a good thing indeed that no close relatives of Ivan Ilyin are on record as surviving, otherwise they also would undoubtedly be targeted today for systematic elimination, one by one, in car bomb “accidents” and other similar terrorist acts. Such seems to be the destiny of intellectuals (and even members of their families) […]
RNA For Moderna’s Omicron Booster Manufactured By CIA-Linked Company by Whitney Webb
Since late last year, messenger RNA for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines, including its recently reformulated Omicron booster, has been exclusively manufactured by a little known company with significant ties to US intelligence. Earlier this week, the United Kingdom became the first country to approve Moderna’s reformulated version of its COVID-19 vaccine, which claims to provide protection […]
Twenty-One Reasons For Being Vegetarian by Dr. Vernon Coleman
For decades the meat industry, ever deceitful and mercenary, has created a good many myths and misconceptions to promote meat eating. These myths (let’s be honest and just call them lies) are regularly paraded by bent doctors and journalists – in the same way that bent doctors and journalists promote vaccines. The shills spew lies […]
Tower Of Babel by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Fr Peter Lang is another brave priest of the Society of St Pius X, thinking clearly and writing in public about the full religious dimension of the secular horrors overtaking the world around us. Instead of hiding his head in the sand, he is informing his flock of the full threat now menacing their eternal […]
Fly Like An Eagle, Darya Dugina by Pepe Escobar
Darya Dugina will be flying like an eagle in an otherworldly sky. Darya Dugina, 30, daughter of Alexander Dugin, a smart, strong, ebullient, enterprising young woman, whom I met in Moscow and had the honor to cherish as a friend, has been brutally murdered. Not so long ago, the FSB was directly engaged in smashing […]
Producing New Enemies For No Reason Whatsoever by Philip Giraldi
Why did Nancy Pelosi go to Taiwan?A good friend of mine, learning of the impending visit of Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, recalled Homer’s description of Helen of Troy, “The face that launched a thousand ships and burnt the towers of Ilium.” Well, Nancy ain’t no Helen of Troy, but […]
Things You Need To Know (But Which The Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You) by Dr. Vernon Coleman
If a child who is developing normally has a vaccination of any type and then regresses (and loses mental or physical functions) then, in my professional view, the vaccine is responsible – unless and until proved otherwise. I am, by the way, constantly amazed at the number of people who are noisily publicly opposed to […]
About The [Jewish] Magistrate Judge Who Issued The Mar-A-Lago Warrant by Mark Wauck
I saw references to Bruce Reinhart last night, and the fact that he had previously defended Jeffrey Epstein (who didn’t kill himself). Commenter ML has also drawn attention to the matter. Technically, that’s not legally relevant-everyone is entitled to legal representation. The ethics of a defense lawyer should be judged by the quality of his […]
Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip Exposes Foolishness Of Interventionism by Ron Paul
Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip Exposes Foolishness Of Interventionism House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “surprise” trip to Taiwan last week should be “Exhibit A” as to why interventionism is dangerous, deadly, and dumb. Though she claimed her visit won some sort of victory for democracy over autocracy, the stopover achieved nothing of the sort. It was a pointless […]
Music’s Structure by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Music, they say, is merely a matter of taste. But that is not thought out, just said in haste. When in mid-19th century Pope Pius IX (1846–1878) set out to make a list of the errors tearing mankind away from God, from Jesus Christ and from His Catholic Church, he began his “Syllabus of Errors” […]
All Government And All Rule Are Always And Inherently Immoral And Evil by Gary D. Barnett
Accept and understand that all government is evil. Accept and understand that all who allow and support government are supporting evil. There is no such thing as a good government. There is no such thing as a necessary government. There is no such thing as a limited government. There is no such thing as a […]
Rutherford Institute Challenges Anti-Boycott Law, Denounces Attempt By Texas Officials To Muzzle Political Viewpoints
Houston, Texas – The Rutherford Institute is denouncing as unconstitutional an attempt by Texas officials to muzzle political viewpoints expressed in the form of boycotts and protests. Weighing in before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in A&R Engineering and Testing, Inc. v. Paxton, Rutherford Institute attorneys are challenging a Texas anti-boycott law that prohibits […]
76,789 Deaths 6,089,773 Injuries Reported In U.S. And European Databases Following COVID-19 Vaccines by Brian Shilhavy
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) database of adverse drug reactions is now reporting 46,999 deaths and 4,731,833 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. In the United States, the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS) is now reporting 29,790 deaths and 1,357,940 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. A 2011 report by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. for the U.S. […]
Most Of The “Fact-Checking” Organizations Facebook Uses In Ukraine Are Directly Funded By Washington by Alan Macleod
Most of the fact-checking organizations Facebook has partnered with to monitor and regulate information about Ukraine are directly funded by the U.S. government, either through the U.S. Embassy or via the notorious National Endowment for Democracy (NED). In light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, an information war as bitter as the ground fighting has erupted, […]
Nancy Pelosi Has Done Her Best To Evaporate Unborn Babies, Eradicate Firearms, Expand Government And Enact Tyranny-Why Not Go Out With A Bang And Launch World War III? by Chuck Baldwin
As I have said from the beginning of the war in Ukraine-which was the catalyst for all of the current East/West turmoil: The war in Ukraine was not started by Russia in 2022. It was started by the United States in 2014. Russia was more than patient to wait 8 years while the Donbass was […]
Release The Tape: Revolver Has Definitive Proof FBI Is Hiding Critical Footage Of January 6 “Pipe Bomber” by Revolver News (Text and Video)
An exclusive analysis by Revolver News can prove that the FBI is in possession of, but has refused to release, security camera footage of the January 6 pipe bomber planting the pipe bomb at the DNC building at 7:52 p.m. on January 5th. This extraordinary revelation should be the immediate subject of Congressional inquiry as […]
Policing The World Is A Full-Time Job by Philip Giraldi
China pushes back against US-led military intervention in Asia Every leader and top official now in power in the so-called Western World seems to have forgotten that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was founded in 1949 as an alliance that was ostensibly defensive in nature, intended to counter the expansion of Soviet style communism […]
How A Missile In Kabul Connects To A Speaker In Taipei by Pepe Escobar
Washington’s hard power display of taking out Al-Qaeda’s Al-Zawahiri will not be reciprocated by Beijing over Pelosi’s provocative visit to Taiwan. It does however, definitively bury the decades-long era of cooperative US-Chinese relations. Now compare it with hundreds of millions of Chinese who are not on Twitter but on Weibo, and a leadership in Beijing […]
Trapped In The Slaughterhouse by Caitlin Johnstone
This is no civilization. It’s a slaughterhouse. A fake plastic performance staged to funnel human life into the gears of an insatiable machine. A fake plastic culture designed to keep us on the conveyor belt so that our life force can be converted into fuel for a soulless empire. A fake plastic society built to […]
William Joyce: “Lord Haw-Haw” Should He Have Been Hung For High Treason? by John Wear
William Brooke Joyce, also known as “Lord Haw-Haw,” holds the distinction of being the last man ever to be hanged for high treason by the British Crown.[1] Joyce was born an American and grew up in western Ireland. He was hanged for high treason by the British Crown at Wandsworth Prison, London, in the early […]
Sociodynamics Questioned by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
The rule of cardinals, kings may fail, of course, But human authority must have in God its source. If “sociodynamics” is not yet a word to be found in any respectable English or American dictionary, it is nevertheless a reality parallel to aerodynamics. For just as there are objective laws of aerodynamics which must be […]
6 Canadian Medical Doctors Died Within 2 Weeks After 4th COVID Booster Shots For Employees Started At One Hospital by Brian Shilhavy
The alternative media was all a buzz this week as several previously young, healthy doctors all died within just a few days of each other. The biggest story came out of Canada’s Trillium Health Partners-Mississauga Hospital in Toronto, where 3 physicians from that hospital died “unexpectedly” within the same week, and according to a nurse […]
The Person Most Likely To Kill You Is Your Doctor by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Watching the medical establishment lie, deceive and exhibit Olympian quality incompetence has been quite a shock for many during the last two years. Doctors have helped sustain the biggest medical fraud in history; smiling away as they jabbed and pocketed the cash. But no one should have been shocked. Members of the medical establishment, and […]
Going To Samarkand by Pepe Escobar
The SCO and other pan-Eurasian organizations play a completely different – respectful, consensual – ball game. And that’s why they are catching the full attention of most of the Global South. The meeting of the SCO Ministerial Council in Tashkent this past Friday involved some very serious business. That was the key preparatory reunion previous […]
Evangelical Paganism by Chuck Baldwin
It’s time to face reality: The evangelical church is now mostly nothing more than another brand of religious paganism. There is almost nothing Christian about it. Granted, church edifices still have the tapestry, symbols and ceremonies resembling historic Christianity, but it’s all a ruse. The heart and soul of the Christian faith is dead in […]
American Diplomacy As A Tragic Drama by Michael Hudson
As in a Greek tragedy whose protagonist brings about precisely the fate that he has sought to avoid, the US/NATO confrontation with Russia in Ukraine is achieving just the opposite of America’s aim of preventing China, Russia and their allies from acting independently of U.S. control over their trade and investment policy. Naming China as […]
Chinese Army ‘Preparing For War’ by RT
Ominous Weibo post quickly gains traction amid rising tensions with US over Taiwan A Chinese army group’s post about “preparing for war” attracted hundreds of thousands of approvals on Friday on the social network Weibo. Though it comes as Beijing has warned Washington against provocations over Taiwan, the post may be entirely innocuous – and […]
The West’s Number One Threat Is American Corruption by Video Rebel
The number one threat to the peace and safety of the citizens of Great Britain, Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia New Zealand and the US is American Corruption and Arrogance. The people who seem to think they own the American government have a Unipolar view and reject polite requests for a Multipolar one from several billion […]
Social Credit: Forcing Us Into A Dystopian Digital World by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Social credit is leading us straight into the sort of world predicted by Orwell and Huxley. Your body, your mind, your spirit and everything you once thought you owned will belong to the conspirators and their world state. Social credit, promoted by the WEF, the UN, the WHO and a bunch of independent, unelected billionaires, […]
The All-American Lie Factory by Philip Giraldi
Government and the media work together to promote war on Russia[This article is derived from a speech I made at the July 23rd Peace and Freedom Rally in Kingston New York] There are some things that I believe to be true about the anarchy that purports to be US foreign policy. First, and most important, […]
Biden’s Secret War In Ukraine: Judge Napolitano Interviews Philip Giraldi (20:51)
Biden’s Secret War In Ukraine: Judge Napolitano Interviews Philip Giraldi (20:51) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Biden’s Secret War In Ukraine: Judge Napolitano Interviews Philip Giraldi (20:51) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Philip Giraldi Archive Subscribe To The […]
Ilusions Of Superiority. What’s Next? by Alastair Crooke
It will need a long catharsis to purge Europe of its illusions of superiority – as perceived by the non-west.In January 2013, President Xi Jinping gave a speech to the members of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. His speech gave insight into our world as it ‘is’, and secondly, though its analysis […]
The Ultimate Goal: Perpetual Dumbing Down Of All Society In Order To Create A Slave State Ruled By The Few? by Gary D. Barnett
What must it be like to live in a state of mind where everything that happens in this human life is thought to be natural, unplanned, coincidence, or somehow unavoidable? The requirement for this devoid state of unconsciousness, is to exist in a world of cliches and regurgitation of the thoughts of others; mostly strangers. […]
With Eye On The CIA, Moscow Cracks The Whip At Israel by MK Bhadrakumar
The Jewish Agency is Israel’s life source and the Kremlin shut it down this month. The fallout may be a measurable schism between Moscow and Tel Aviv, in which the latter has a lot to lose.A row has erupted in Russian-Israeli relations over the functioning of the Jewish Agency in Moscow. The Jerusalem Post first […]
We’ve Been Lied To Our Whole Lives About Everything That Matters by Caitlin Johnstone
Stories about protagonists who’ve been misguided their whole lives about something very important have been emerging in our culture for generations, and they continue to delight audiences in the box office to this day. The pauper was really a prince. Luke was Darth Vader’s son. Keanu Reeves had been living in a computer simulation. Bruce […]
The Ursula Haverbeck Trial In Berlin by Lady Michèle Renouf
On April 1, 2022, an April Fools’ Day legal farce was played out under Allied Occupied German laws where judges are obliged to rule that forensic “truth is no defense” when it comes to any aspect of the official WWII narrative. After three days of hearings (commenced in March) at the Berlin Regional Court, the […]
One Armed Citizen Did In Two Minutes What One Hundred Cops Couldn’t Do In Over An Hour: Stop A Mass Killing by Chuck Baldwin
Here is a report with the details: The Greenwood Park Mall shooter was identified as 20-year-old Jonathan Sapirman on Monday. He shot and killed a married couple, Pedro Pineda, 56, and Rosa Mirian Rivera de Pineda, 37, as well as Victor Gomez, 30, on Sunday, before being gunned down by a good Samaritan. Sapirman, of […]
Reading Matter by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Let nobody despair of wicked times; God can write straight with the crookedest of lines. Please let me thank you for having sent to me 7 volumes of your writings, 4 volumes of “Letters from the Rector” (1983–2003) and 3 volumes of “Eleison Comments” (2005–2019). I had not been aware of this great treasure of […]
Time For Palestine To Claim Its Stolen Gas by Yousef Fares
Hezbollah has threatened Israel with war if Lebanon is not allowed to exploit its share in the Karish gas field. Now, the Palestinian resistance may do the same over their “stolen gas” off the Gaza Strip.The maritime border dispute between Lebanon and Israel over ??the Karish gas field is reminiscent of the stolen gas fields […]
Julian Assange, A Canary In Morality’s Coal Mine by Declan Hayes
Killing any captive is to send a message, and a pretty blunt one at that, to others. It is to say, in this case, that if you transgress the Pax Americana, if you dare to expose America’s war crimes, this is what you and your family can expect. As such songs go, this song by […]
Joe Biden’s Secret War in Ukraine by Philip Giraldi
American soldiers are already “boots on the ground” The White House keeps insisting that it will not directly involve American soldiers in the war in Ukraine, but it keeps taking steps that will inevitably lead to a large-scale open combat role for the US against Russia. Among the most recent moves to increase the pressure […]
The Power Troika Trumps Biden In West Asia by Pepe Escobar
The presidents of Russia, Iran, and Turkey convened to discuss critical issues pertaining to West Asia, with the illegal US occupation of Syria a key talking point. Oil and gas, wheat and grains, missiles and drones – the hottest topics in global geopolitics today – were all on the agenda in Tehran this week.The Tehran […]
Why I’ll Always Be A Vegetarian by Dr. Vernon Coleman
Editor’s Note: I have also been a vegetarian for thirty years. I will always be a vegetarian and for my belief I have in the past been viciously attacked and lied about by the meat industry – an industry which is ever deceitful and mercenary and which has created a good many myths and misconceptions […]
Where’s The Virus? by Good Citizen (Text and Videos)
Does SARS-CoV-2 even exist? Is this the greatest PSYOP ever? At least with “Where’s Waldo?” you know he’s there if you bother to look. Virologist Poornima Wagh (2 PhDs in Virology and Immunology plus a 20-year career as a Lab researcher) part of a research team paid $1.5 million by NIH to isolate the SARS-CoV-2 […]
British Jews Help Instigate World War II by John Wear
A critic of an article I wrote documenting the Jewish involvement in instigating World War II[1] said that I did not adequately document the involvement of British Jews in influencing Great Britain to enter into the war. This article provides additional information showing that British Jews were instrumental in influencing Britain to enter into World […]
Another Testimonial by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Pascendi for the mind, beads for the heart; A powerful combination – Heaven’s art! Here is one more young man rescued from godlessness by the Rosary and by some contributions from the author of these “Comments.” Note in particular how his so-called “education” had to begin with the condemnation of common sense in order to […]
Reading The Runes Of War by Alastair Crooke
Putin’s policy of cleansing the Augean Stables of ‘predatory western capital’ is music to the ears of the Global South, Alastair Crooke writes. Of course, the conflict, to all intents, is settled – though is far from over. It is clear that Russia will prevail in the military war – and the political war too […]
The Morgenthau Plan: A Soviet-Created Document by John Wear
James Bacque wrote: “The Morgenthau Plan has three remarkable aspects: that it was devised, that it was implemented after it had been cancelled, and that it has since been covered up so well. Now it has shrunk from sight in the West.”[1] This article documents that the Morgenthau Plan was implemented, that it was drafted […]
The Hidden Agenda Of The Founding Fathers’ Antagonists by Chuck Baldwin
Never in American history have our illustrious Founding Fathers been under such vile attack from within our own country as they are now. Both the Left and Right, secularists and “Christians,” feel constrained to “warn” us about the evil, sinister hearts and motives of the great men and women whom God inspired to raise up—at […]
What Is Permaculture? by Bill Mollison
I’m replacing Lea Harrison, who has a perforated ear drum and can’t fly. So I don’t have any lecture notes, I’m sorry to say. Her lecture was “What is Permaculture?” The more you know about it, the harder it is to say what it is. And I know a lot about it, so you won’t […]
Dismantling The Constitution: Police No Longer Have To Honor The Right To Remain Silent by John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead
We are witnessing the gradual dismantling of every constitutional principle that serves as a bulwark against government tyranny, overreach and abuse. As usual, the latest assault comes from the U.S. Supreme Court. In a 6-3 ruling in Vega v. Tekoh, the Supreme Court took aim at the Miranda warnings, which require that police inform suspects […]
Harry Chapin One Of The Greatest Men On Earth by Mark R. Elsis
December 7, 1942 – July 16, 1981 While waiting outside of Colden Auditorium at Queens College, after a canceled concert, I met and had a few words with the man who was to have given the concert. In my eyes, one of the greatest men on Earth. He was a dedicated humanitarian who fought to […]
The Last Significant Person That Had To Be Assassinated by Mark R. Elsis
November 25, 1960 – July 16, 1999 I was driving my taxi in the Upper East Side of Manhattan on a beautiful Summer evening in 1987 when I saw a man trying to hail a Taxi in front of a restaurant. As I drove closer to pick him up, I noticed it was John F. […]
The Empire Is Showing More And More Of Its True Face by Caitlin Johnstone
Genocide walrus John Bolton outright admitted to planning foreign coups with the US government in conversation with CNN’s Jake Tapper on Wednesday. That’s coups, plural. While arguing that the Capitol riot on January 6th of last year was not an attempted coup but rather just Trump stumbling around trying to look after his own interests, […]
Ignore The Prophets Of Doom – Organic Food Can Feed The World by Colin Todhunter
The EU’s ‘farm to fork’ strategy advocates for at least a 20% reduction in synthetic fertiliser use by 2030 and at least a 50% reduction in pesticides. This has come under fire from the US government and its cronies in the agrochemical sector who forward tired and discredited arguments that this will fuel hunger and […]
Russia And China Haven’t Even Started To Ratchet Up The Pain Dial by Pepe Escobar
The Suicide Spectacular Summer Show, currently on screen across Europe, proceeds in full regalia. The Suicide Spectacular Summer Show, currently on screen across Europe, proceeds in full regalia, much to the astonishment of virtually the whole Global South: a trashy, woke Gotterdammerung remake, with Wagnerian grandeur replaced by twerking. Decadent Roman Emperors at least exhibited […]
The Fed Is Pulling The Plug On The Debt Bubble. ‘Cyber Attacks’, Followed By The Greatest Depression Are Coming by Anthony Migchels
The Fed is raising rates aggressively. But they didn’t keep interest rates close to zero for 14 years for no reason: it was because rising rates will make the Mega Debt unpayable. They say they’re raising rates to ‘fight inflation’, but in reality, the Fed is pulling the trigger on the Debt Bubble. The Fed […]
Is Saudi Arabia About To Normalize Ties With Israel? by Robert Inlakesh
US President Joe Biden is set to visit both Saudi Arabia and Israel, with many speculating that a normalization deal between the two Middle East regimes will be top on the agenda. According to all signs that we have received, is there any indication that Riyadh will sign a normalization deal with Tel Aviv & […]
The End Of Western Civilization – Why It Lacks Resilience, And What Will Take Its Place by Michael Hudson
Michael Hudson’s Major Lecture at the Global University in China on July 11th, 2022 Why it lacks resilience, and What will take its place[1] The greatest challenge facing societies has always been how to conduct trade and credit without letting merchants and creditors make money by exploiting their customers and debtors. All antiquity recognized that […]
UN Chief Calls For Blacklisting Israel Over Child Deaths by RT
Israel topped the 2021 UN report for violations of children’s human rights Israel should be blacklisted by the United Nations if it continues inflicting violence on Palestinian children at such high levels, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres declared on Monday, following the publication of the international body’s latest Children and Armed Conflict report.The UN verified 2,934 […]
U.S. Secret Service Chief Takes Silicon Valley Job. What Could Go Wrong? by Robert Bridge
With civil liberties now on the line, the revolving door that exists between the U.S. intelligence and private sector needs to be closed down. Secret Service Director James Murray has resigned from his White House security detail for a cushy security job at Snap, the parent company of Snapchat. With civil liberties now on the […]
It Looks Increasingly Like The Story About The Ohio 10-Year-Old Pregnancy And Cross-State Abortion Was A Hoax by Sundance (Text and Video)
It looks increasingly likely that Dr. Caitlin Bernard, the OBGYN who originally made the claim to the Indianapolis Star, lied about the 10-year-old child rape story in order to sell a sympathetic abortion narrative to the public. An ideologically compliant and incurious media then promoted the false story, which led to Joe Biden repeating the […]
Documents Reveal Dutch Government Is Working With World Economic Forum To Implement ‘The Great Reset’ by The Exposé
Documents released in response to an FOI request submitted by a member of the Dutch House of Representatives show that the Dutch Government is colluding with the World Economic Forum to implement The Great Reset. ‘The Netherlands is the proud host of the Global Co-ordination Secretariat (“GCS”) for the worldwide network of Food Innovation Hubs’, […]
The Untouchable Ally: US Government Lets Israel Off The Hook In The Case Of Palestinian-American Journalist’s Death by Robert Inlakesh
The State Department press release on the probe into the Al-Jazeera journalist’s killing contradicts multiple previous findingsThe US State Department’s press release on Washington’s investigation into the killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh has sparked outrage and triggered accusations of a whitewash.Almost two months after the murder of the veteran Al-Jazeera reporter, Washington announced […]
Have You Been Put On A Death List? by Dr. Vernon Coleman
The following article first appeared on my website on June 18th 2020. Sadly, many people are still not aware that the conspirators want to kill everyone they regard as useless. And by useless they mean anyone over 60 and anyone, younger than that, who is mentally or physically disabled in any way. Please read and […]
The ´Rape Russia´ Plan Backfires by Jorge Vilches
The war in the Ukraine will be short, not long. Contrary to what today´s Western casino politicians and MSM talking heads tell us to expect, come 2023 – or even before – Europeans will no longer withstand the tremendous burden that their ´Russian sanctions´ bear upon themselves, not Russia. European public opinion has become ever […]
Worldwide Warning by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Almighty God is good, and plans to tell, Once more, how to avoid our self-made Hell. At the risk of laying before a number of readers a matter of which they are already well aware, let these “Comments” present the Warning of Garabandal, because of the high probability that that Warning is authentic, and that […]
“There Is Liberty!” by Chuck Baldwin
To say that America WAS “the land of the free and the home of the brave” is a gross understatement. On the whole, America not only does not even resemble the free land it once was, but it has also lost the cognitive ability to even understand what a free land is supposed to look […]
Nuclear Russian Roulette In Ukraine by Declan Hayes
NATO is a beaten docket, whose race has run and whose chips have all been lost, Declan Hayes writes. The Gambler, Dostoevsky’s superlative novella about the gambling addiction he was afflicted with, is a remarkable tour de force NATO’s leaders should read before they gamble what is left of their own depleted resources away on […]
When Will Mexico Build A Wall? by Good Citizen
Disparate interconnected neighbors and the futility of devotion to an America that no longer exists.What if there was someone you loved in life who was so damaged beyond repair that no matter what you did, no matter how you planned or schemed or made an effort to get them help, you knew in your mind […]
We’re All Being Governed By Psychopathic Morons by Dr. Vernon Coleman
In all communist and totalitarian societies it is customary for the oppressed people to do whatever they feel will make their lives easier – even if they feel embarrassed and ashamed of themselves.If you destroy people’s beliefs, they become weak, frightened, susceptible, vulnerable and ready to do what they are told. People who are uncertain […]
US Comments On Boris Johnson’s Resignation by RT
President Joe Biden made no mention of the British PM’s name in a statement praising the US-UK alliance The White House on Thursday issued a statement about the importance of the US-UK alliance in supporting Ukraine, in response to news from London that Prime Minister Boris Johnson had resigned as leader of the Conservative party […]
The Empire Is Not Done Torturing Afghanistan by Pepe Escobar
Despite its resounding defeat, NATO is not quite done with inflicting misery on the land of the Afghans Once upon a time, in a galaxy not far away, the Empire of Chaos launched the so-called “War on Terror” against an impoverished cemetery of empires at the crossroads of Central and South Asia. In the name […]
WW III Has Begun: You Are The Enemy by Video Rebel
Covid was made in a lab at the University of North Carolina. The Spike protein was engineered from SARS into Covid. This allows it to enter human cells. 4 new sequences were engineered into Covid from the HIV virus including the GP 41 envelope which is the key for HIV to infect human bodies. Because […]
Crime And Punishment by Philip Giraldi
Government officials must be held accountableQuite likely a majority of Americans would agree that it is wrong for the government or police to torture someone, though some would surely accept the “ticking time bomb” exemption, where a detainee is withholding information that could save many lives. It is in fact illegal to torture someone as […]
The Two Gravest Threats To Our Liberties by Chuck Baldwin
No! Russia is not one of the two gravest threats to our liberties. In fact, a Russian threat is not even in the top ten—or twenty. If anything, the way the War Party in Washington, D.C., and other Western capitals are exacerbating and extending the conflict in Ukraine, we can thank them for the risk […]
Francis Fights On by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Like it or not, the Church still comes through Rome. Faith lacking there can only make us groan. Here follows the summary of a recent article by a French journalist, Jean-Marie Guénois of Le Figaro in Paris, France. He paints a persuasive picture, alas, of how Pope Francis is not at all changing course.Rome is […]
The Heroic Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Interviewed by Steve Bannon
Your Excellency, after the psycho-pandemic, we now have the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. Are we in “phase two” of one single project, or can we now consider the Covid farce to be over and concern ourselves with the increase in energy prices? If in the last two years we had been faced with a true pandemic, caused […]
Was Jim Morrison Assassinated? by Mark R. Elsis
There are many links in this article about the very strange death, or possible assassination, of iconic and exceedingly rebellious rock legend Jim Morrison. Included are posts about his Father, Rear Admiral George S. Morrison, and the June 8, 1967, Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, which gives plausibility to the assassination motive. Was Rear […]
Freedom’s Only Chance Is To Eliminate Constitution Worship From The Minds Of All Thinking Individuals? by Gary D. Barnett
Given all that has happened over the past 233 years, and especially the past three years, one might wonder why it is so vital to scrap the U.S. Constitution, (and eliminate government rule) and to cease immediately what in many cases could be considered Constitution worship. In fact, most will take considerable offense at the […]
Mark Middleton, Meet Daniel Best by David Martin
I posted the first version of what would expand into the Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression on March 7, 1998. There were 13 originally, expanding in stages to 17 by the end of 1999, where it has stayed. No changes were made in the original entries. The choice of “Dummy up” for the first technique […]
We Have Six Months Left by Dr. Vernon Coleman
In April 2022, I made a video in which I predicted that we had eight months of freedom left.I stand by the timing. We now have six months left – and that takes us until Christmas 2022. I’m not suggesting that we’re all suddenly going to die by Christmas. What I am suggesting (and this […]
Ukraine War: 120 Days by Swiss Policy Research
A no-nonsense analysis of the ongoing Ukraine war and its global impact. The initial Russian offensive (“phase 1”) consisted of a direct advance from Belarus to the northern gates of Kiev and the simultaneous opening of multiple fronts in the north-east, east, and south of Ukraine. There have been various theories as to what the […]
Biden Goes To The Middle East by Philip Giraldi
Watch out for Israeli trickery Joe! The White House has confirmed that President Joe Biden will travel to the Middle East in mid-July. He intends to visit Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Saudi Arabia. The trip will be used to address outstanding bilateral and multilateral issues, including convincing the Saudis to pump more oil to […]
Aleksandr Dugin On The Alien, Substantially Jewish Elite In The U.S. And Its War Against Traditional American Individualism by Kevin MacDonald
A translated version of an article by Aleksandr Dugin has appeared on KATEHON, an anti-globalist, pro-Russian website. (When I tried to post a link to the article on Twitter, they said that “the link has been identified by Twitter and its partners as harmful” and they blocked it.) Dugin’s article indicates that he has a […]
The United States Of Imperialism: An Exercise In Power, Control, And Domination Over All? by Gary D. Barnett
Imperialism is the state policy, practice, or advocacy of extending power and supremacy by direct territorial acquisition, or by gaining political and economic control of other areas, often through employing brutal and violent power, especially military force, but also ‘muted’ (political, psychological, and economic) power. While related to the concepts of colonialism and empire, imperialism […]
Behind The Tin Curtain: BRICS+ vs NATO/G7 by Pepe Escobar
The west is nostalgically caught up with outdated ‘containment’ policies, this time against Global South integration. Unfortunately for them, the rest of the world is moving on, together.Once upon a time, there existed an Iron Curtain which divided the continent of Europe. Coined by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the term was in reference […]
The West’s Plan B: Secure The Realm by Fadi Lama
Having failed in preserving the unipolar order, the west will resort to Plan B – reviving a bipolar world based on the ‘civilized’ west and the ‘barbarian’ rest. Plan A: Global Hegemony By the late 1990s, it was clear that a China-led Asia would be the dominant economic, technological and military power of the 21st […]
Official Government Data Record 74,783 Deaths And 5,830,235 Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccines In The U.S. And Europe by Brian Shilhavy
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) database of adverse drug reactions is now reporting 45,752 deaths and 4,522,307 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines, while the United States’ vaccine adverse events recording system (VAERS) is now reporting 29,031 deaths and 1,307,928 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. We know that as huge as these numbers are which are official government […]
We’re Living In A Totalitarian Society – Here’s The Proof by Dr. Vernon Coleman
[Editor’s Note: I was the person who got Dr. Vernon Coleman this interview with Professor Dolores Cahill, that was not allowed to happen.] On Saturday 25th June 2022 I was due to talk to Professor Dolores Cahill on her show on TNT radio. I was looking forward to it very much indeed. I telephoned […]