Holocaust Revisionism by Father James Mawdsley

Father James Mawdsley has produced five in-depth and insightful videos
that have completely exposed the Holocaust fraud.

“The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews constitute one and the same historical lie, which made possible a gigantic financial-political fraud, the principal beneficiaries of which are the State of Israel and international Zionism, and whose principal victims are the German people – but not their leaders – and the entire Palestinian people.”
Professor Robert Faurisson

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Is “Fear Of The Jews” Ruling The World? No More. (13:36)
With sincere sorrow for all who have died in war, exaggerating atrocities does not help future generations, but actually endangers them. The truth about history, as best we can find it, is needful for peace.
by Father James Mawdsley

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Twists To Gas Chamber Accounts In WWII Germany And Austria (37:11)
For a list of important corrections to the content of this video, please see:

Sincere apologies for my mistakes.
by Father James Mawdsley

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Extermination Camp? Homicidal Gas Chambers? Majdanek? Improbable (56:09)
by Father James Mawdsley

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The Impossible Genocide At Treblinka, Sobibor And Belzec. (1:48:51)
Do you still believe mainstream accounts of the holocaust?
by Father James Mawdsley

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Auschwitz-Birkenau No Gas Chambers (1:47:13)
by Father James Mawdsley

Father James Mawdsley

Father James Mawdsley Archive With 4 Posts

“Someday researchers from all backgrounds will work together to publish on the Internet an
interminable Encyclopedia of Lies of the Holocaust.”
Professor Robert Faurisson

Another English Traditionalist Catholic Priest Goes Revisionist
hen Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger) lifted the excommunication of four Bishops from the traditionalist Catholic Society St. Pius X in early 2008, he was ambushed by Swedish TV. They had recorded but held back an interview with the English traditionalist Bishop Richard Williamson, during which they had provoked him into making revisionist statements about the Holocaust. That interview was published right after the lifting of the Vatican’s ban, with the clear aim of getting former Hitler-Youth member Joseph Ratzinger into deep trouble.[1] It worked. This tragedy, however, had much more severe repercussions for Williamson, who was not only prosecuted by the German judiciary, but moreover kicked out by his Society St. Pius X.[2] Other than in this one interview, Bishop Williamson never become publicly vocal about his views on the Holocaust. Once burned, twice shy. Now we have another case of traditionalist insubmission: English traditionalist priest Fr James Mawdsley posted a video on his religious YouTube channel “Scripture and Tradition – Fr JM” in May of 2024 titled “Twists to gas chamber accounts in WWII Germany and Austria: showers, delousing, US & Soviet built,” which made quite a splash and attracted my attention. In it, he makes a frontal assault against homicidal gas-chamber claims made for several German and Austrian wartime concentration camps.
by Germar Rudolf

The Famous 2008 No Gas Chambers Interview (5:47)
by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Bishop Richard N. Williamson Archive With 93 Posts

Holocaust Encyclopedia
uncensored and unconstrained
This encyclopedia gives you an uncensored look at all the pertinent evidence that upholds the orthodox Holocaust narrative: the true, the false, and the mendacious. It also exposes the various forces and influences that have dictated how this narrative was formed, and how it is protected from skeptical prying eyes. If you ever wanted to understand the postwar world we live in, this is a good starting point. Learn about the biggest propaganda campaign mankind has ever seen, and how it braced the postwar world psychologically. This encyclopedia gives you all the information you ever wanted, and more, right at your fingertips.

Holocaust Revisionism
This 168-page article is dedicated to everyone before me who has been ostracized, vilified, ridiculed, set up, threatened, lost their jobs, bankrupted, beaten up, fire bombed, imprisoned and killed for standing up and telling the truth on this historical subject. Holocaust Revisionism has two main parts. The first is an overview of information to help explain whom the Jews are and the death and carnage that they have inflicted on the Gentiles throughout history. The second part consists of 50 in-depth sections of evidence dealing with and repudiating every major facet of the Jewish “Holocaust ” myth.
by Mark R. Elsis

Holocaust Revisionism Archive With 151 Posts

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