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76,789 Deaths 6,089,773 Injuries Reported In U.S. And European Databases Following COVID-19 Vaccines by Brian Shilhavy

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) database of adverse drug reactions is now reporting 46,999 deaths and 4,731,833 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. In the United States, the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS) is now reporting 29,790 deaths and 1,357,940 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. A 2011 report by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stated that less than 1% of all adverse events following vaccines are ever reported to VAERS. There have now been more deaths and vaccine side effects reported during the past 20 months to VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines than there have been for the entire previous 30 years for all FDA-approved vaccines before the Emergency Use Authorization of the COVID-19 shots in December of 2020. Here are some faces to place on these cold, deadly statistics to show how people’s lives are being destroyed by the vaccines, while the pharma-funded corporate media continues to hide their vaccination status, and one has to find it usually on the person’s social media accounts where they usually brag about getting a COVID-19 shot while ridiculing those who refuse them. They’re dead now, while those who refused the shots cannot die by being injected by them. They just have to endure the ridicule and scorn from the pro-vaccine crowd, which is quickly dwindling.

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