Gary D. Barnett Archive With 99 Posts
“The worship of the state is the worship of force.
There is no more dangerous menace to civilization
than a government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men.
The worst evils which mankind ever had to endure were inflicted by governments.”
Ludwig von Mises
Note: I just want to clarify my position as opposed to Mises, but certainly with respect to Mises, who lived in very different times, as he died almost 52 years ago. He was correct in that a “government of incompetent, corrupt, or vile men” is the most “dangerous menace to civilization,” but what he failed to see so long ago, was that all governments everywhere, and at all times, are always the most dangerous menace to civilization, and are always the worst evil. There are no exceptions to this rule that I have ever found concerning any dominant ruling authority called government in all my years and beyond. The only interest of any government is theft, power, and total control of humanity.
Immediately after the very arrogant and pretentious inauguration, half of this population were rejoicing at the promise of dictatorial rule by the new Trump Executive (Order) Branch, while the other half are steeped in hatred because their choice of master (any Democrat) cannot continue to advance its own dictatorial rule. When ‘either’ side of the political spectrum, whether left or right (they are actually one and the same) in this country seeks evil political rule, the winner is always the State, and the loser is always the common man. The want of most every pathetic American is to be ruled by the heavy hand of government, so long as it is their choice of hand, red or blue, regardless that both are equally evil. The worship of the political State by the majority, and their wanton desire to be ruled is puzzling to say the least, as the kept, controlled, and dumbed-down citizens of this country continue to beg for a master to lead them, while hysterically claiming that they are free. This is a form of collective insanity at levels of scale that are literally impossible to fathom by any sane individual who has even the most basic intellectual ability to comprehend the essence and importance of the meaning of actual freedom. This population has since the beginning accepted the lies, propaganda, corruption, indoctrination, thievery, control, and murderous intent of the political scum they have voluntarily chosen to worship and obey. It is absolutely no different this time around, but so very, very, few are able to grasp this truth.
In just four days, the sound of mass applause for Trump is deafening, as fools rush in where intelligent men would dare not travel, and this is especially true of the mainstream ‘alternative’ and so-called ‘libertarian’ pretenders, as most are blind to the reality of this political psychological operation being used to fool the fools. I began writing this article on January 20th, inauguration day, but tyrannical absurdity is being advanced so fast as to hide the real agendas under the umbrella of supposed fake Trump promise relief, in order to convince all his supporters, and more, that he is a force for good, when in fact, the absolute opposite is the case. He is now the middle man (facilitator) for the leading force of evil being perpetrated against everyone in this U.S. (and well beyond) who is not a member of the special club of oligarchs running this country. This is in major part, being done by despotic executive orders, but all executive and emergency orders by the president are completely dictatorial. In the past this same behavior has been condemned by the very same people on the right while under Biden’s administration, who now are embracing the same tactics they loudly denounced just these past four years.
“The primary cause of disorder in ourselves is the seeking of reality promised by another…
It is a most extraordinary thing that although most of us are opposed to political tyranny and dictatorship,
we inwardly accept the authority, the tyranny, of another to twist our minds and our way of life.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti
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Gary D. Barnett
Gary D. Barnett Archive With 99 Posts
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