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October 7 by Mark R. Elsis

October 7 Was An Inside Job (55:55)by John Hankey October 7 (59:58)by Al Jazeera Investigations Really Happened On October 7 (16:01)by Double Down News Article: To The Newsletter Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News Is The AnswerMark R. Elsis

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Articles Big Lie Bullying Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Energy Foods Frauds History Hollywood Israel Jews Journalism Laws Military-Industrial Complex Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Propaganda Russia Syria Theft United States War

What Is Happening In Syria? by Philip Giraldi

Washington’s interventionism and its disregard for its own highly promoted “rules based international order” is outrageous Which are the governments generally regarded as “rogue” by an overwhelming majority of the world’s nations? If you answered either Russia or China you would be wrong, even though many countries have condemned Russia’s attack on Ukraine on grounds […]

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Syria: A Tale Of Plunder And Resurrection by Pepe Escobar

The war on Syria has vanished from the collective West ethos. Yet it’s far from finished. Multitudes across the Global Majority may feel the deepest empathy towards Syrians while acknowledging not much can be done while the Western Minority refuses to leave the stage. In parallel, there are slim chances the New Development Bank (NDB) […]

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The Thin Red Line: NATO Can’t Afford To Lose Kabul And Kiev by Pepe Escobar

Russia will not allow the Empire to control Ukraine, whatever it takes. That’s intrinsically linked to the future of the Greater Eurasia Partnership. Let’s start with Pipelineistan. Nearly seven years ago, I showed how Syria was the ultimate Pipelineistan war. Damascus had rejected the – American – plan for a Qatar-Turkey gas pipeline, to the […]

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Power Of Israel: Chatter Interviews Maram Susli (Syrian Girl) (56:21)

Power Of Israel: Chatter Interviews Maram Susli (Syrian Girl) (56:21) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Power Of Israel: Chatter Interviews Maram Susli (Syrian Girl) (56:21) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Syrian Girl Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free […]

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Israeli Attacks In Syria Exposed As Bombs Smash Aleppo: Clayton Morris Interviews Vanessa Beeley (18:08)

Israeli Attacks In Syria Exposed As Bombs Smash Aleppo: Clayton Morris Interviews Vanessa Beeley (18:08) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Israeli Attacks In Syria Exposed As Bombs Smash Aleppo: Clayton Morris Interviews Vanessa Beeley (18:08) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Vanessa Beeley Archive Subscribe […]

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Truth Behind Killing Of Darya Dugina: Fingers Pointing At Kiev Now Shifting Toward Israel by Arvin Qaemian

Therefore, many observers began to suspect a theory that lurks in Mossad’s dark operation rooms. It is probable that the dramatic death of Darya was an Israeli warning to the Kremlin to stay away from Iran’s regional allies, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip and Yemen’s Ansarullah Movement [also known as Houthis]. To […]

Articles Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Fear Freedom Fighter Geopolitical Government Jews Journalism Laws Military Mossad Political Propaganda Robert Inlakesh Satanic Syria Theft They Live United Kingdom United States War Criminals

Syria Is Under An Israeli-US-UK Sponsored Attack, Yet Nobody Utters A Word by Robert Inlakesh

The United States, the EU, UK, and Israel are all waging a multi-pronged attack against the Syrian State and its people, however, this reality is never reflected in Western media. This is a silent war, which nobody even knows is going on. It is often reported, despite the coverage being extremely limited, that the Israeli […]

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The Power Troika Trumps Biden In West Asia by Pepe Escobar

The presidents of Russia, Iran, and Turkey convened to discuss critical issues pertaining to West Asia, with the illegal US occupation of Syria a key talking point. Oil and gas, wheat and grains, missiles and drones – the hottest topics in global geopolitics today – were all on the agenda in Tehran this week.The Tehran […]

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Israel Provokes Russia by Gonzalo Lira (10:14)

Israel Provokes Russia by Gonzalo Lira (10:14) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Israel Provokes Russia by Gonzalo Lira (10:14) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Gonzalo Lira Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Your Honest Independent News […]

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Nothing Is Happening By Accident – Everything Is Planned by Dr. Vernon Coleman

To the innocent and the ignorant it must seem as though we are in the middle of a perfect storm; an endless nightmare of chaos, confusion, bad luck and disaster. First, there were the claims of an alleged pandemic which inept mathematicians warned would ravage the world and kill millions. (Even though the British Government’s […]

America Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Fear Frauds Government Israel Jews Journalism Laws Military-Industrial Complex Political Propaganda Russia Satanic Syria Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism Ukraine Vanessa Beeley War War Criminals

Washington Moves To Annex North-East Syria By Proxy by Vanessa Beeley

Under cover of the war in Ukraine Washington plans to partition Syria Under cover of media focus on the NATO proxy war in Ukraine and the Zionist assassination of Al Jazeera senior correspondent Shireen AbuAkleh, Washington is making moves to annex Syrian territory. On May 11th during the meeting of the “global coalition against Islamic […]

America Articles Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Frauds Geopolitical Government Israel Jews Journalism Laws Military Political Robert Inlakesh Russia Satanic Syria Talmud Theft War

Will Syria Strike Israel In Self Defense? by Robert Inlakesh

Four Syrian soldiers were killed and three were injured last week, after Israeli airstrikes were launched against Damascus. The Israeli attack was the third of its kind during the Muslim Holy month of Ramadan. Will we see the Syrian government begin to respond to such aggression?Last week’s Israeli attack was the third of its kind […]

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U.S. Leading World To Nuclear War: Mike Billington Interviews Colonel Richard H. Black (1:10:58)

U.S. Leading World To Nuclear War: Mike Billington Interviews Colonel Richard H. Black (1:10:58) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

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Selective Public Outrage (0:21)

Selective Public Outrage (0:21) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

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Four Signs That A US-Gulf ‘Divorce’ Is In The Making by Abdel Bari Atwan

The rapid-fire ‘messages’ directed at Washington from old Persian Gulf allies are brutal, and strongly suggest that the days of US hegemony are done. If any good has come out of the Ukraine war for the Arab world, it is the diminished status and influence of the US in West Asia. Washington is losing many […]

Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Dr. Vernon Coleman Dumb Us Down Entrapment Frauds Journalism Laws Mainstream Media Military-Industrial Complex Political Propaganda Russia Satanic Syria Theft They Live United Nations War War Criminals Yemeni War

Important Message For Journalists Covering The Ukraine Conflict by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Town Halls all over the UK are flying the Ukraine flag, as mainstream journalists encourage everyone to think about the war in Ukraine. Looking at the news you’d think that Ukraine was the only trouble spot in the world. But you’d be wrong. Here are some facts that no other journalist in the UK appears […]

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Iranian Missile Strikes On ‘Mossad Bases’ A Major Message? by Robert Inlakesh (3:33)

Iranian Missile Strikes On ‘Mossad Bases’ A Major Message? by Robert Inlakesh (3:33) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free EarthNewspaper.comOver 1,000 Articles, News Stories, And Videos Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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Ukrainian White Helmets by Good Citizen

Manufacturing war propaganda in Ukraine looks a lot like Syria.You might recall the infamous “humanitarian” group The White Helmets. There was a Netflix documentary on the organization produced by George Clooney that won the 2017 Oscar for best documentary short. The group was a USAID (spook) funded operation to manufacture “evidence” of war crimes and […]

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Threat Of War Between Syria And Israel Is Getting More Real by Vladimir Platov

On February 9, Israel launched yet another series of strikes on targets near Damascus, which resulted in one Syrian killed and five injured, which has aggravated the threat of war between Syria and Israel. According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), on February 9, four Israeli F-16s, without crossing the state border of Syria, […]

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US Nearly Wiped Out Tens Of Thousands Of Civilians With Dam Strike In Syria by RT

The military then dismissed reports of the bombing as “crazy” and preemptively blamed ISIS. In 2017, the US bombed a piece of strategic infrastructure in Syria, the Tabqa Dam on the Euphrates River, despite it being on a no-strike list, the New York Times reported. A B-52 bomber dropped some of the heaviest weapons in […]

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Israel’s Airstrikes On Syria Kill 2 More Civilians, It’s Time For UN Action by Robert Inlakesh

Israeli airstrikes targeted the Syrian city of Homs this Wednesday morning, killing 2 Syrian civilians, seriously injuring a third, as well as inflicting 6 injuries upon Syrian Arab Army members. As potentially explosive as this attack could’ve been, however, in terms of igniting conflict between the Syrian government and Israel, there was next to no […]

America Articles Assassinations Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Children Corruption Crimes Domestic Terrorism Family Fear Frauds Gaslighting Government Hate Crimes Israel Jews Journalism Laws Military Political Robert Inlakesh Satanic Syria The New York Times United States War War Criminals

NYT Report On Syrians Killed By US Airstrikes Tip Of The Iceberg by Robert Inlakesh

A New York Times report exposing the US military for killing 70 Syrian civilians, in 2019, does not show a case of “bad apples”, but rather highlights a popular trend in a military industrial complex fixated on bringing death and destruction to the Middle East. On March 18, 2019, the ‘New York Times’ revealed that […]

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US And Iran Are Getting Ever Closer To War by Scott Ritter

A tense US-Iranian naval standoff appears to be related to the US enforcement of unilateral oil sanctions targeting Iran. Iran’s response suggests that Tehran may not be willing to play this game for much longer. Amid growing tensions in the region, the United States and Iran carried out tit-for-tat naval exercises in the Persian Gulf […]

Ancient Civilizations Anthony Migchels Articles Assyrian Education Government History Iran Iraq Israel Jerusalem Jews Journalism Middle East Military Political Religion / Spirituality Syria War

The True Nature Of The Conspiracy by Anthony Migchels

Moses, Joshua, and Israel stunningly destroyed the Bronze Age Empires, and started a New Age, that lasted a thousand years or more, until Jesus Christ came. But while forced underground, their enemies survived, and continued their Moloch worship, including child sacrifice. What is more, they maintained control over the arcane knowledge of the Fallen Angels, […]

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WorldWide Walk Outs! by Children’s Health Defense

Join us for the WorldWide Walk Out kick-off on November 3rd!Worldwide Walkouts will demand a return to freedom and democratic principles. Citizens around the globe are protesting loss of liberty, illegal mandates and tyrannical government overreach. Every man, woman and child is important to this movement! Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD Board Chair and Lead […]

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Israel To Attack Iran? Washington Gives The Green Light To The ‘Military Option’ by Philip Giraldi

The U.S. will be seen as endorsing the crime, resulting in yet another foreign policy disaster in the Middle East. Some might recall candidate Joe Biden’s pledge to work to rejoin the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) which was a multilateral agreement intended to limit Iran’s ability to develop a nuclear weapon. The JCPOA […]

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Thought The Military Industrial Complex Couldn’t Sink Any Lower? Think Again! by Russell Brand (11:17)

Thought The Military Industrial Complex Couldn’t Sink Any Lower? Think Again! by Russell Brand (11:17)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news […]

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Jewish Terror Timeline by Victor Wolzek

Unique history of Jewish attacks on the world, updated frequently. Persecution or Prosecution? Jewish Tyranny and Anti-Semitism Through the Ages. If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from honest, […]

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New Report On The Trillions Boondoggle by NewWorldNextWeek (28:18)

New Report On The Trillions Boondoggle by NewWorldNextWeek (28:18)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from honest, independent […]

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Syria’s So-Called ‘Cradle Of The Revolution’ Has Been Liberated The West’s Campaign To Topple Bashar al Assad Is All But Over by Vanessa Beeley

After three years of a fragile ceasefire and a campaign of assassinations of Syrian government ‘loyalists’ by embedded fundamentalist armed groups, the Syrian flag has once more been raised in Daraa Al Balad. Western media persists in portraying the emergence of extremist armed groups in Daraa, south of Damascus, as the “cradle of the revolution” […]

America American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Banking Big Lie Big Oil Black Projects Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Corruption Courage Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Education Entrapment Eva K. Barlett Evictions Family Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gaslighting Globalists Government Hate Crimes History Inalienable Rights Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jews Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Middle East Military Military-Industrial Complex Mossad Never Give Up New Normal New World Order Palestine Political Propaganda Psychology Religion / Spirituality Satanic Slavery Soul Surveillance Syria Talmud Technology The Last American Vagabond Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Usury Vanessa Beeley Videos War War Criminals Whistleblowers

Syria Round Table Interview: Fighting War Propaganda From Mainstream And Independent Media Alike (1:43:05)

Syria Round Table Interview: Fighting War Propaganda From Mainstream And Independent Media Alike (1:43:05)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from honest, independent and reliable sources, […]

America Articles Big Lie Black Projects Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Central Intelligence Agency Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Civil War Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Corporations Corruption Courage Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Economics Education Entrapment Espionage Evictions Externalities False Flags Family Fear Federal Reserve Frauds Freedom And Liberty Future Gambling Gaslighting Genocide Geopolitical Globalists Government Hate Crimes History Income Inequality Indigenous People Iran Iraq Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jews Journalism Laws Libya Lobbyists Military Military-Industrial Complex Muammar Gaddafi National Security Agency New Normal New World Order Palestine Peace Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Poverty Propaganda Psychology Purim Religion / Spirituality Satanic Saudi Arabia Slavery Surveillance Syria Talmud Technology Theft They Live Torture Totalitarianism United States Wall Street Corruption War War Criminals Whistleblowers

Washington’s Terrorist Friends: Prominent Americans Continue To Support A Murderous Cult by Philip Giraldi

MEK is a curious hybrid creature that pretends to be an alternative government option for Iran even though it is despised by nearly all Iranians. One might ask if Washington’s obsession with terrorism includes supporting radical armed groups as long as they are politically useful in attacking countries that the US regards as enemies? It […]

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Israel Was First Nation To Skyjack A Civilian Airliner by Donald Neff (1994)

It was 40 years ago that Israel conducted the first skyjacking of a civilian airliner. On December 12, 1954, Israeli warplanes forced a Syrian Airways Dakota passenger craft carrying four passengers and five crewmen to land at Lydda airport inside Israel. The passengers were interrogated for two days before international protests, including strong complaints from […]

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Why Have The Jews Been Expelled From So Many Nations? (9:09)

Why Have The Jews Been Expelled From So Many Nations? (Really Starts At 2:10) (9:09) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)

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Is The US Preparing To Back An Offensive Against The Syrian Government? by Robert Inlakesh

After days of clashes between US-backed Kurdish forces in Syria’s north east, a US general says that he is expecting further clashes as US re-enforcements allegedly move into the country. The US Biden administration may well be considering further offensive action against the Syrian government through its proxy forces, despite claiming to have learned its […]

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US And SDF Join Forces To Steal Syria’s Oil by Jeremy Salt

There’s hardly anything new in history about the powerful exploiting the weak, so all that sticks out about the theft of Syria’s oil as orchestrated by the US government is its brazen nature. In 2011, the US and its allies set out to destroy Syria. A decade later, they had failed to overthrow the government […]

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Western Media Quick To Accuse Syria Of ‘Bombing Hospitals’ – But When Terrorists Really Destroy Syrian Hospitals, They Are Silent by Eva K. Bartlett

As legacy media again bleat the unsubstantiated “Syria is bombing hospitals” chorus of its war propaganda songbook, let’s pause to review the relatively unknown (but verifiable) reality of terrorists bombing hospitals in Syria. Following recent allegations of a hospital being targeted Al Atarib, western Aleppo, the US State Department repeated the claim, in spite of […]

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‘Just Like Pirates’ by RT

Syrian Minister Says US Controls Most Crude Reserves In Northeast, Loots Oil To Strangle Country’s EconomySyria’s petroleum minister has condemned US forces for acting “like pirates” as Washington continues to plunder most of the oil wealth from the country’s resource-rich northeast, where the Pentagon backs Kurdish militia groups. “Americans and their allies are targeting the […]

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Joe Biden Unlawful Aggression In Syria Signals The Endgame In The Region by Vanessa Beeley

According to Syrian journalist, Kevork Almassian, Biden deliberately bombed the border crossing at Al Bukamal because it is a primary trade route for Iraq and Syria, largely under the protection of the Syrian Arab Army and the Iraqi Popular Mobilisation Unit/Forces (PMU), renowned for defeating ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The message being sent to […]

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Leftist Narrative Shattered As Truth About CO Shooting Suspect Is Revealed by Jack Cowhick

The left can’t leave tragedies as tragedies – it has to politicize them. Following the deadly mass shooting Monday at a Boulder, Colorado, supermarket, prominent left-wing media figures and others rushed to Twitter not to denounce the heinous act as a heinous act or to mourn the 10 people who were killed, but instead to […]

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Iran Will Offer No Concession To Biden’s Will For Giving Iran Nothing And Getting Many by Julia M.K.

The Biden administration’s wishful thinking of reeling in more concessions from Iran without committing to lifting the crippling sanctions levied against the Islamic Republic was reflected in a recent statement from White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. Sullivan’s claims that there was ongoing ‘indirect diplomacy’ between Iran and the US were quickly dismissed by […]

America Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Civil War Corporations Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Divide And Conquer Economics Education Energy Eva K. Barlett False Flags Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government History Iran Iraq Israel Jews Military Military-Industrial Complex Mossad Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Syria Theft They Live Toxic Chemicals United Kingdom United States War Whistleblowers

It’s 10 Years Since The War In Syria Began, And Western Media And Pundits Are Still Eager To Keep It Going by Eva K. Bartlett

After many wars built on lies over the decades, people might have developed a good BS radar. Instead, in March 2011, when media and human rights groups pushed propaganda about Syria, the public once again fell for it. Front page, round-the-clock headlines were pumped out, and transparently hollow Western pundits tut-tutted Syria’s president and claimed […]

America Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Censorship Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Espionage Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government History Iran Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jews Laws Military Mossad Palestine Political Satanic Syria Talmud Technology Theft They Live United States War

Syrian Army Says Israeli Jets Target Damascus Countryside After Iran Warns Of Repercussions

Israeli jets rained down missiles on the area in the vicinity of Damascus from the occupied Golan Heights and Israel’s northern Galilee region in the early hours of Monday, Syria’s SANA news agency reported. The Syrian military said that its air defences intercepted “most of the missiles.” The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) routinely strike Syria’s […]

Articles Big Lie Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Divide And Conquer Frauds Freedom And Liberty Geopolitical Government Iran Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jews Military Mossad Political Satanic Syria USSR War Whistleblowers

Does Russia Wink At Israel’s Bombing Of Syria? by Elijah J. Magnier

Israeli Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi recently said: ”Israel carried out 500 airstrikes against Syria in 2020.” His predecessor, Major General Ghadi Eisenkot, stated in 2019 that “Israel has carried out thousands of raids against Iranian targets in Syria in the past years.” These thousands of raids would have wiped out both the Syrian and […]

America Articles Big Lie Civil Disobedience Computers Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Direct Actions Economics Frauds Freedom And Liberty Gold And Silver Government Ingenious Inspiration Laws Lockdowns New Normal Political Syria Technology Theft United States Wall Street Corruption War

Reddit Users Going After Silver For ‘Biggest Short Squeeze In The World’ by Jack Phillips

A number of Reddit users on the popular r/WallStreetBets forum have said they are planning to launch a coordinated effort to target silver as their next short-squeeze target. Posts encouraged individuals to use the IShares Silver Trust, the largest silver exchange-traded fund, and carry out what one user called the “biggest short squeeze in the […]

America Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Big Oil Black Projects Corporations Corruption Crimes Crony Capitalism Energy Exxon Frauds Government Israel Jews Military Military-Industrial Complex Money Mossad Palestine Political Syria Theft United States Wall Street Corruption War Whistleblowers

US Stealing Syrian Oil From Syrian People And Sending To Israel: Former US Diplomat

The United States is stealing Syrian oil from the Syrian people and sending it to somewhere else presumably to the Apartheid entity of Israel, according to J. Michael Springmann, an American political commentator, author and former US diplomat in Saudi Arabia.–former-US-diplomat

Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Crimes Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jews Laws Military Mossad Political Syria Theft War

Israeli Forces Secretly Destroyed Two Syrian Regime Outposts Near Golan Heights

Israeli forces crossed the ceasefire line with Syria last month and destroyed two Syrian regime military outposts, Israeli media reported on Wednesday. Israel has illegally occupied the Golan Heights region of southwestern Syria since 1967 and annexed it in 1981.

Articles Censorship Courage Crimes Eva K. Barlett History Inspiration Israel Jews Journalism Mainstream Media MI6 Military Mossad News Political Propaganda Syria Toxic Chemicals United Kingdom Videos War Whistleblowers

On The British State-Funded BBC’s Pending Smear by Eva Bartlett

The British state-funded BBC, which has a history of perverted war propaganda against the people of Syria, a history of whitewashing the crimes of terrorists in Syria, a history of flat out lying about events in Syria, has decided to launch another smear against myself, Vanessa Beeley, researchers of the Working Group on Syria, a […]

Articles Big Lie Black Projects Censorship Central Intelligence Agency Chemicals Corruption Crimes False Flags History Military Political Propaganda Sanctions Science Syria Toxic Chemicals United Kingdom United Nations United States War Whistleblowers

Ex-OPCW Chief Jose Bustani Reads Syria Testimony That US, UK Blocked At UN by Aaron Maté

At the UN Security Council, the US, UK, France and allies have blocked the testimony of Jose Bustani, the OPCW’s first Director General, on the chemical watchdog’s Syria cover-up scandal. The Grayzone has obtained Bustani’s prepared statement and is publishing it in full.

Articles Crimes Iran Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jews Laws Military Mossad Political Syria United States USSR War

Israeli Strikes In Syria: Iran Reveals Extent Of Losses And Warns Tel Aviv

Iranian Armed Forces’ spokesman Brigadier General Abu Al-Fadl Shukarji has warned Zionists against continuing their lies about targeting Iranian sites in Syria.

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Stimulating Videos: Informed Talks And Interviews by Institute For Historical Review

For convenient viewing, this recently refurbished webpage presents videos of stimulating, well-informed talks, lectures and interviews on a range of topics, including intriguing historical issues and important trends of our age.

Articles Big Lie Corruption Crony Capitalism Economics Eva K. Barlett Geopolitical Israel Journalism Laws Military Mossad Political Sanctions Syria United States War

US Sanctions Are Part Of A Multi-Front War On Syria, And Its Long-Suffering Civilians Are The Main Target by Eva K. Bartlett

The US is waging multiple fronts of war against Syria, including brutal sanctions, while claiming concern over the well-being of Syrian civilians – the vast majority of whom are suffering as a direct result of US policies.