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Trump Assassination Attempt by Mark R. Elsis

Bullet flying perilously close to Trump’s head,moments before another grazed his ear.Photograph by Doug Mills This page will be updated regularly with pertinent articles, news, photographs, and videos. Questions and answers on the Trump assassination attempt, where he missed death by less than an inch:The patsy assassin has been identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks […]

Agriculture Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Climate Change Energy Europe Farming Food Shortages France Germany Globalists Government Inflation Israel Laws Mainstream Media Neil Oliver Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Protests Russia United Kingdom United States Videos

Neil Oliver: ‘There’s A Storm Coming!’ (10:51)

Neil Oliver: ‘There’s A Storm Coming!’ (10:51) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: ‘There’s A Storm Coming!’ (10:51) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’s-A-Storm-Coming!%E2%80%99 Neil Oliver: ‘There’s A Storm Coming!’ (10:51) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive […]

Africa Artificial Intelligence Canada Creepy Joe Biden Digital Currency Films France Globalists History Internet Jews Laws Neil Oliver Police Brutality Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Protests Talmud Television United Kingdom United States Videos World Economic Forum World Health Organization

Neil Oliver: All The Neo-Liberal Stooges Are Running Scared Now And For Good Reason (10:15)

Neil Oliver: All The Neo-Liberal Stooges Are Running Scared Now And For Good Reason (10:15) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: All The Neo-Liberal Stooges Are Running Scared Now And For Good Reason (10:15) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: All The Neo-Liberal […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Entrapment Fear Frauds Gary D. Barnett Government History Jews Journalism Laws New World Order Political President Donald J. Trump Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live United States War World Economic Forum

Beware Of The Push To Accept Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing by Gary D. Barnett

The entirety of the political process, its supporters, the alternative media responses, and the absolute consuming nature of each and every ‘back-story’ about one or another politician or commentator jumping on board with every staged ‘news’ event, is a pathetic display of either ignorance or complicity among those mistakenly thought to be ‘objective’ seekers of […]

Ashli Babbitt Censorship Communism Constitution For The United States Coup d'État Creepy Joe Biden Entrapment Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Hate Crimes January 6, 2021 Jews Military Never Give Up Police Brutality Political President Donald J. Trump Prison Propaganda Rosanne Boyland Stolen Elections Videos

January 6th Prisoner USMC Veteran Ryan Nichols (5:54)

January 6th Prisoner USMC Veteran Ryan Nichols (5:54) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) January 6th Prisoner USMC Veteran Ryan Nichols (5:54) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) January 6, 2021 Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, […]

America Commodities Corruption Economics Energy Federal Reserve Food Shortages Frauds Government Greg Hunter Inflation Journalism Martin Armstrong Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Videos War

Trump Raid Deathblow To Democracy: Greg Hunter Interviews Martin Armstrong (53:21)

Trump Raid Deathblow To Democracy: Greg Hunter Interviews Martin Armstrong (53:21) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Trump Raid Deathblow To Democracy: Greg Hunter Interviews Martin Armstrong (53:21) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Greg Hunter Archive Martin Armstrong Archive […]

Blowback Catastrophe Communism Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Domestic Terrorism Federal Bureau Of Investigation Frauds Government Jews Laws Paul Joseph Watson Political President Donald J. Trump Satanic United States Videos War

The Truth About The FBI Raid On Trump by Paul Joseph Watson (7:19)

The Truth About The FBI Raid On Trump by Paul Joseph Watson (7:19) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) The Truth About The FBI Raid On Trump by Paul Joseph Watson (7:19) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Paul Joseph Watson […]

Communism Federal Bureau Of Investigation Government Jews President Donald J. Trump Satanic Stolen Elections United States Videos War

“This Is Some Third World Bullshit” Dan Bongino Weighs In On FBI Raid On Trump’s Home

“This Is Some Third World Bullshit” Dan Bongino Weighs In On FBI Raid On Trump’s Home (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) “This Is Some Third World Bullshit” Dan Bongino Weighs In On FBI Raid On Trump’s Home (To view full screen, also with many links, click the […]

Ashli Babbitt Communism Corruption Coup d'État Frauds Government History January 6, 2021 Jews Police Brutality Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Rosanne Boyland Stolen Elections Videos

The Truth About January 6th by (45:32)

The Truth About January 6th by (45:32) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) The Truth About January 6th by (45:32) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) January 6, 2021 Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, […]

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Selection Code (Trailer) (2:15)

Selection Code (Trailer)(2:15) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Selection Code (Trailer)(2:15) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Stolen Elections Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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“I Thought You Were Better Than CNN,” Kari Lake Destroys Fox’s Bret Baier In Heated Interview (9:28)

“I Thought You Were Better Than CNN,” Kari Lake Destroys Fox’s Bret Baier In Heated Interview (9:28) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) “I Thought You Were Better Than CNN,” Kari Lake Destroys Fox’s Bret Baier In Heated Interview (9:28)(To view full screen, also with many links, click […]

America Big Lie Big Tech Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Computers Consciousness Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Facebook Films Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Greg Reese Jews Political President Donald J. Trump Satanic Stolen Elections Talmud Theft Videos War

2000 Felons And Zero Justice by Greg Reese (5:46)

2000 Felons And Zero Justice by Greg Reese (5:46) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) 2000 Felons And Zero Justice by Greg Reese (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Greg Reese Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, […]

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2000 Mules Scene: 1 Mule On 1 Day In Atlanta Visits 28 Drop Boxes And 5 Non-Profit Organizations (1:07)

2000 Mules Scene: 1 Mule On 1 Day In Atlanta Visits 28 Drop Boxes And 5 Non-Profit Organizations (1:07) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

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What The Media Still Isn’t Telling You About Russiagate by Ray McGovern

Two years ago last Saturday (May 7, 2020) Adam Schiff (D, California), Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, was forced to perform what Nixon co-conspirator John Ehrlichman famously called a “modified limited hangout.” On that day, Schiff released sworn testimony that there was zero technical evidence that Russia – or anyone else – hacked those […]

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2000 Mules by Dinesh D’Souza (Documentary) (1:28:41)

The Number One Video On Today, So Far With Over 130,000 Views: 2000 Mules by Dinesh D’Souza (Documentary) (1:28:41) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Stolen Elections Archive Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

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Convenient Timing, Supreme Court Leak Simultaneous With 2020 Election Fraud Documentary Release by Sundance (Text and Video)

The historic leak from the Supreme Court has sucked all the oxygen from the premier release of an explosive documentary outlining the 2020 election fraud. Many are seeing the timing as suspiciously strategic. 2,000 Mules is an explosive documentary outlining how left-wing political activists targeted key precincts within seven key states through the use of […]

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2000 Mules (Trailer) by Dinesh D’Souza (3:05)

2000 Mules (Trailer) by Dinesh D’Souza (3:05) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

Australia Big Lie Bill and Hillary Clinton Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Entrapment False Flags Fear Freedom And Liberty Government Hate Crimes Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws Military Political President Donald J. Trump Russia Satanic Talmud United Kingdom Videos War

The Secret World Of The U.S. Election: Julian Assange Talks To John Pilger (24:52)

The Secret World Of The U.S. Election: Julian Assange Talks To John Pilger (24:52) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Jullian Assange And WikiLeaks Archive Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

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Two Acquitted In Whitmer Case, FBI Misconduct Central by Julie Kelly

In a huge defeat for the U.S. Department of Justice, a jury today acquitted two men accused of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in the fall of 2020 and deadlocked on a verdict for two other defendants. The verdicts were announced at the Gerald R. Ford Federal Building in Grand Rapids after more […]

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Russiagate: The Smoking Gun, Part II by Peter Van Buren

Part I of this article showed a conspiracy to smear Donald Trump with false allegations of collusion with Russia took place, with Hillary Clinton at its head. Part II today will show the FBI was an active participant in the conspiracy to destroy Trump. The facts are not in dispute. We are left only to […]

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A Short, But Great Interview (0:47)

A Short, But Great Interview (0:47) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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“Project 65” Seeks To Kill All The Trump Lawyers By Canceling Them: The Progressive Left’s Latest Move To Destroy America by Jeffrey Clark

As Shakespeare famously wrote in Henry VI Part II: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” Even for me as a lawyer, it’s hard not to sympathize with that sentiment. Lawyers are a drag. But in reflective moments, I’m more partial to Sir Thomas More’s line from Robert Bolt’s A Man for […]

America Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Constitution For The United States Corruption Cultural Dumb Us Down Freedom And Liberty Internet Jews Journalism Laws Lobbyists Political President Donald J. Trump Sarah Cain Surveillance Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism Videos War

Truth Social Has A Problem With Truth by Sarah Corriher (7:00)

Truth Social Has A Problem With Truth by Sarah Corriher (7:00) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate And Support The Work I Do Seven Days A Week Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

Big Lie Bill and Hillary Clinton Blowback Brother Nathanael Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Freedom And Liberty Government Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws Political President Donald J. Trump Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States Videos War

The Jews Of Hillarygate by Brother Nathanael (9:09)

The Jews Of Hillarygate by Brother Nathanael (9:09) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate And Support The Work I Do Seven Days A Week Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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2000 Mules: New Surveillance Footage Of Ballot Drop Boxes by Dinesh D’Souza (1:34)

2000 Mules: New Surveillance Footage Of Ballot Drop Boxes by Dinesh D’Souza (1:34) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest you take a look at […]

America American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Big Lie Big Pharma Brother Nathanael Catastrophe COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Government Israel Jews Political President Donald J. Trump Satanic Talmud They Live Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War

Proud To Be An American by Brother Nathanael (7:57)

Proud To Be An American by Brother Nathanael (7:57) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest you take a look at which contains over […]

America Articles Big Lie Bill and Hillary Clinton Blowback Catastrophe Corruption Crimes Domestic Terrorism Freedom Fighter Government Journalism Laws Political President Donald J. Trump Satanic Theft They Live

Durham vs. Horowitz: Tension Over Truth And Consequences Grips The FBI’s Trump-Russia Reckoning by Aaron Maté

As he documents the role of Hillary Clinton’s campaign in generating false allegations of Trump-Russia collusion, Special Counsel John Durham has also previewed a challenge to the FBI’s claims about how and why its counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign began. At stake is the completeness of the official reckoning within the U.S. government over […]

America Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Computing Forever Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Freedom And Liberty Government Inspiration Ireland Lockdowns President Donald J. Trump Satanic Totalitarianism Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports Videos War

2022: Here’s To An Upset by Computing Forever (27:32)

2022: Here’s To An Upset by Computing Forever (27:32) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest you take a look at which contains over […]

Big Lie Big Pharma Bill Gates Catastrophe Censorship Computing Forever Conspiracy Theory Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Freedom Fighter Inspiration Medical President Donald J. Trump Satanic Theft They Live Totalitarianism Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports Videos War

From Conspiracy Theory To Reality by Computing Forever (16:26)

From Conspiracy Theory To Reality by Computing Forever (16:26) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest you take a look at which contains over […]

America Big Lie Big Pharma Black Plague Catastrophe Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Entrapment Frauds Globalists Government Jews Lockdowns Political President Donald J. Trump Satanic Theft They Live Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War

Trump Supporters Are Finally Waking Up To Him Being A Gene Serum Salesman (1:58)

Trump Supporters Are Finally Waking Up To Him Being A Gene Serum Salesman (1:58) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest you take a look […]

Articles Audios Big Lie Bill and Hillary Clinton Blowback Censorship Corruption Courage Crimes Deep State Entrapment False Flags Federal Bureau Of Investigation Frauds Gaslighting Government Hate Crimes History Journalism Laws Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Satanic Theft They Live United States War

Critical To Understanding Where Durham Is Going, Ratcliffe Highlights The August 2016 White House Discussion – Team Clinton Compromising Team Obama by Sundance (Text and Video)

An interview by Maria Bartiromo this morning highlights one of the dynamics almost invisible to most voices who speak on a granular level about the background of Spygate, and where they believe John Durham is going. In this interview, former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe outlines the moment in August of 2016 when Team […]

America Antifa Ashli Babbitt Assassinations Big Lie Black Lives Matter Black Projects Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Corporations Corruption Courage Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Education Entrapment Espionage Externalities False Flags Fear Federal Bureau Of Investigation Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gambling Gaslighting Globalists Government Hacking Hate Crimes History Identity Politics Inalienable Rights January 6, 2021 Jews Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Never Give Up New World Order Police Brutality Political Politically Correct President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Protests Psychology Religion / Spirituality Rosanne Boyland Satanic Surveillance Talmud Technology Television Theft They Live Totalitarianism Tucker Carlson United States Videos War Whistleblowers

Tucker: Darren Beattie Talks About Ray Epps Who Encouraged Trump Supporters To Enter The US Capitol (6:21)

Tucker: Darren Beattie Talks About Ray Epps Who Encouraged Trump Supporters To Enter The US Capitol (6:21) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more […]

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46 = 13 by Samson (5:20)

46 = 13 by Samson (5:20)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from honest, independent and reliable sources, […]

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Tucker And Darren J. Beattie Discuss NYT Article FBI Operatives Involved In January 6th “Riot” (4:25)

Tucker And Darren J. Beattie Discuss NYT Article FBI Operatives Involved In January 6th “Riot” (4:25)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen […]

America Antifa Ashli Babbitt Assassinations Audios Big Lie Black Lives Matter Black Projects Blowback Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Central Intelligence Agency Children Christianity Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Constitution For The United States Corporations Corruption Courage Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Education Entrapment Espionage Externalities Family Fear Federal Bureau Of Investigation Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Friendship Future Gambling Gaslighting Globalists Government Hacking Hate Crimes History Identity Politics January 6, 2021 Jews Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Mainstream Media New Normal New World Order Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Protests Psychology Religion / Spirituality Rosanne Boyland Satanic Science Slavery Solitary Confinement Soul Surveillance Talmud Technology Theft They Live Torture Totalitarianism United States Videos War Whistleblowers

Philip Anderson On January 6 Protest And Police Killing Of Rosanne Boyland (19:48)

Philip Anderson On January 6 Protest And Police Killing Of Rosanne Boyland (19:48)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate today and support our work, thank you.

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Interesting Timing – Obama Administration Lifted Block On “Gain of Function Research” Just Eleven Days Before President Trump Took Office, January 9, 2017 by Sundance

Okay, straight talk. This discovery makes the suspicions of an intentionally released Pandemic virus, with a political intent, to “STOP TRUMP” look exponentially more plausible. SARS = Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, the deadly consequence within COVID-19. With people beginning to recognize that U.S. government officials and the intelligence community have been less than honest, and […]

America Articles Ashli Babbitt Assassinations Big Lie Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Deep State Direct Actions Domestic Terrorism Education Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Government Hate Crimes Laws Police Police Brutality Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Psychology Satanic Slavery Soul Surveillance Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States

The Ashli Babbitt Killing: Where’s The Outrage? by John Dietrich

There is an obvious double standard in deciding if a police officer should be charged with violating a use-of-force policy. On January 6th an unarmed 5′ 2″, 110 pound Caucasian female was shot by police with minimal media coverage and even less outrage. A Google search reports approximately 1,060,000 results for Ashli Babbitt and 293,000,000 […]

America Articles Big Lie Censorship Computers Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Debate Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Education Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Hacking Laws Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Satanic Science Slavery Surveillance Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War Whistleblowers

Ben Carson Calls For Investigation Of Election: ‘If There’s Nothing To Hide, There Should Be Nothing To Worry About’ by Martin Walsh

Former HUD Secretary Ben Carson is calling for a “real, open” investigation of the 2020 presidential election. During an interview on Fox News, Carson told host Neil Cavuto that he agrees that Donald Trump “was robbed” of an election victory. “I think it’s certainly worthy of investigation,” Carson said. Carson voiced his full support for […]

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Minutes Before Trump Departed Office, A Mysterious Florida Company Reportedly Took Over A Slice Of The Pentagon’s Internet Space by Kevin Shalvey

A mysterious Florida company is said to have taken control of a substantial portion of the internet owned by the Pentagon, only three minutes before President Donald Trump’s official term in office ended. A Florida firm took over a slice of the internet owned by the Pentagon, during Biden’s inauguration. It now controls as much […]

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Stolen Election 2020: CanCon Interviews Matt Deperno On Explosive New Evidence Submitted In Michigan (1:39:55)

Stolen Election 2020: CanCon Interviews Matt Deperno On Explosive New Evidence Submitted In Michigan (1:39:55) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) [dntplgn recurring_amt1=”4.50″ recurring_amt2=”3.00″ recurring_amt3=”1.50″ item_name=”Donation for” paypal_email=”” currency_code=”USD” currency_symbol=”$” return_url=””]

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Silicon Valley Aims To Gag Freedom Of Expression by Michael Walsh

The parent company of the increasingly powerful Silicon Valley tech giant, Alphabet Incorporated, has announced that it will donate €25 million to the newly established European Media and Information Fund, an organisation that claims to support ‘media literacy’ and combat so-called ‘fake news’. Since 2016, a year which saw Donald Trump elected to the presidency […]

America Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Civil Disobedience Corruption Crimes Cultural Debate Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Education Externalities Freedom And Liberty Government History Laws Political President Donald J. Trump Science Surveillance Technology Theft They Live United States Whistleblowers

The Truth Nobody Tells About Our Voting Rules by Neil Patel

There aren’t a lot of people who tell the truth about voting rules. As the Senate takes up the bill the House just passed to drastically amend the rules that govern our elections, it seems like a good time to step back and examine what’s really going on. For some reason, the truth is missing […]

America Antifa Articles Assassinations Big Lie Big Tech Black Lives Matter Black Projects Censorship Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Corruption Courage Crimes Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Education Espionage Fact Check Fear Federal Bureau Of Investigation Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists Government Hate Crimes History Journalism Laws Limited Hangout Lobbyists Lockdowns Mainstream Media Medical Military Peace Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Psychology Satanic Surveillance Technocracy Technology Television The Great Reset Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War Whistleblowers

FBI Official Nukes Key Capitol Riot Narrative, ‘To My Knowledge’ Zero Firearms Confiscated by Randy DeSoto

A top FBI official investigating the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol testified before the Senate on Wednesday that no firearms were confiscated that day. The admission certainly undermines the “armed insurrection” narrative the Democrats and their allies in the establishment media have been pushing for the past two months.

America Articles Big Lie Black Projects Computers Corporations Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Florida Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Governor Ron DeSantis Hacking History Ingenious Inspiration Laws Lobbyists Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Psychology Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft United States Whistleblowers

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Proposes New Election Integrity Measures – Wants To Ban Mail-In Voting by Mike LaChance

Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is proposing new measures in election security, including the banning of mail-in voting and ballot harvesting. If the Republican party has any sense, they will launch a similar campaign nationwide.

America Articles Big Lie Black Projects Censorship Corporations Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Divide And Conquer Espionage Frauds Freedom And Liberty Geopolitical Globalists Government History Internet Kamala Devil Harris Lockdowns Mainstream Media Mathematics Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Psychology Science Theft United States War

US Election 2020: From Conspiracy Theory To Conspiracy Fact by Andrew Korybko

Time magazine admitted in a report last week that a self-described “conspiracy” run by a “well-connected cabal of powerful people” “got states to change voting systems and laws” and “successfully pressured social media companies” among other achievements aimed at “democratically” toppling Trump, the revelation of which represents an attempt by the Democrats to flex their […]

America Censorship Deep State Divide And Conquer Economics Government Happiness History Inspiration Journalism Mainstream Media Michael Walsh Political President Donald J. Trump United States Whistleblowers

A Journalist’s Surprising Take On Trump by Michael Walsh

As an entertainment journalist, I’ve had the opportunity to cover Trump for over a decade, and in all my years covering him I’ve never heard anything negative about the man until he announced he was running for president. Keep in mind, I got paid a lot of money to dig up dirt on celebrities like […]

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Democrats Were Only Able To “Win” In 2020 By Breaking Chain Of Custody Laws In Every Swing State by Jim Hoft

President Trump was ahead in Pennsylvania by nearly 700,000 votes. In Michigan Trump was ahead by over 300,000 votes. In Wisconsin Trump was ahead by 120,000 votes. Trump was also ahead in Georgia and Nevada. And President Trump already trounced Joe Biden in Ohio, Florida, and Iowa – three states that always go to the […]