The rich get richer, the poor get sanctioned and The Covid gets lost in the news cycle…
And so it came to pass in the Year of Our Lord, 2008, the Fed panicked. In its hysteria, it bestowed on the rich such gifts as the world had never seen. The US stock market rose 5 times higher. Or, as Tom shows below, people with capital assets added about $84 trillion to their wealth since 2007.
Many times over the past 14 years have we bemoaned the unfairness of it. The Fed had no wealth to give. Its generosity towards those in the wealthiest zip codes had to be exercised at the expense of others – namely, those in the others.
This was accomplished via what is known as the “inflation tax.” The Fed and other central banks ‘printed’ some $25 trillion in new money, which was funneled into the financial markets by buying bonds (owned mostly by the rich)… and then used to buy stocks and other financial assets (also owned mostly by the rich).
The rich got richer as their assets increased in value.
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News media conceal our government’s crimes, especially when the crimes are preparation for their Supreme Crimes.
In preparation for the Supreme Crimes of Full-Spectrum Dominance (in Iraq, etc.) government agents perpetrated a wave of crimes against Americans here in the U.S.
The same ChiTrib reporter and others who had given credibility to FBI charges against us in Case US91CR911 refused to take the few steps down the corridor from the Press Room to U.S. Judge George Lindberg’s courtroom to observe the collapse of the entire case when the only evidence against us, an FBI audiotape, was exposed as a criminal fabrication. Yet, the same “reporters” accounts the next day gave no indication that they had refused to observe the case’s outcome. Their reports completely concealed the crime of evidence fabrication and merely repeated the charges against us as if they hadn’t already been exposed as FBI crimes.
Also concealed by the MSM was the same FBI agent’s framing of me for David Biro’s murder of the Langert family. I was doomed until Biro blabbed through his FBI cover into Life Without Parole. I had never previously heard of Biro or his victims, but he remains in downstate Illinois Pontiac Prison; perhaps the only murderer who ever saved a life.
The FBI agents were then deployed to Ireland where they enabled the start of Full-Spectrum Dominance by freeing up Britain’s military from Ireland. Having infiltrated an IRA group that had bloodlessly bombed the centers of five towns at great expense to Britain’s Exchequer, they participated in rehearsals of the sixth bombing. This sixth bombing must have been mission accomplished for the FBI, as they demobilized from Ireland that evening. That bombing DID defeat the IRA which DID free up Britain’s military for Neo-Con use in Iraq, etc.
All of these crimes required and received MSM complicity.
Feel free to circulate the above. Am prepared to document all.
Bless you and Mary.