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Education International, ITUC And The Global Push To Inject The 4IR And Transhumanism Into Schools by John Klyczek

As fears of WWIII are being stoked, don’t take your eye off Education International, which has been collaborating with the WEF, UN, Big Tech and others to force transhumanism into schools with the goal of creating the 4th Industrial Revolution workforce. Ever wonder why the United States of America’s largest teachers’ unions, the National Education […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Bill Gates Black Projects Blackmail Blowback Bodily Autonomy Censorship Centers For Disease Control Cognitive Dissonance Computers Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Depopulation Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Elderly Entrapment Eugenics Externalities Family Fear Federal Reserve Finance Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Gaslighting Globalists Government Hacking Hate Crimes Health History Hydrogel IBM Inalienable Rights Income Inequality Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Michael Walsh New Normal New World Order Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Science Slavery Smart Technology Soul Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports War Whistleblowers

Bill Gates The Happy Drunk And Foul-Mouthed Skirt Chaser by Michael Walsh

Since Bill and Melinda Gates announced the end of their marriage, reports have emerged suggesting that the guru’s image as laundered by mainstream media was not revealing everything about the trillionaire, sparking allegations of Gates’ friendship with Jeffrey Epstein and tendency to engage in workplace affairs. According to the report, Gates loved parties and engaged […]