We’re Not White, We’re Catholic: Gemma O’Doherty Interviews Dr. E. Michael Jones (1:09:48)
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We’re Not White, We’re Catholic: Gemma O’Doherty Interviews Dr. E. Michael Jones (1:09:48)
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Dr. E. Michael Jones Archive
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And your a minority group too so speak for yourself. At best possible calculation there could potentially be about 1 in 7 who “identify “as catholic. As for believing in transubstantiation or the bible or caring at all about the Vatican or any other religious thing ,I’d suspect it would be more like 1 in about 25 .So you can claim minority protections
As someone who has grown up on catholic communities surrounded by Catholics all my life I know them very well .And id ask you what us a catholic today ?Is ot someone who reads the bible, goes to church, believes in the resurrection and the Commandments ?
Is it someone who tries to emulate Jesus in every way ?.Is it ?
Or is it something else?Is it like a fraternity ?A membership to a group ?
I’ll tell you I’ve got priests as friends and family and I know they think the bibles a dirty book ,that they value money as their first priority and family next and the church somewhere down the track when it’s useful to their ambitions.
I could say a lot lot more from a lifetime of observation and all the years my siblings and cousins Aunts and uncles all attended Catholic schools Oh yes I know them.
And I think its quite possibly a very good job Pope Francis is dismantling the church asap and destroying it totally from within and has even passed a law forbidding anyone from ever recreating it back to how it was before his Papacy too .Maybe you do too ,or maybe like most you pay so little attention to what’s actually happening you dont even know whats happening