Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Bible Big Lie Blowback Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Constitution For The United States Corruption Divide And Conquer Fear Government Israel Jews Laws Money Noahide Laws Palestine Political President Donald J. Trump Satanic Talmud Totalitarianism United States War

We Are All Amalekites by Chuck Baldwin

Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column. To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here. Chuck Baldwin Archive With 50 Posts Israeli leaders constantly refer to the Palestinian people as being “Amalekites.” But their Jewish supremacy goes even further than that. Benjamin Netanyahu and his fellow Zionists constantly refer to the […]

America Articles Big Tech Blowback Censorship Children Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corporations Corruption Elon Musk Entrapment Frauds Government Journalism Laws Political President Donald J. Trump Privacy Propaganda Satanic Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft Totalitarianism Videos X

Trump And Musk Pushing America Toward A Mass Surveillance State Run By Technocrats? by Chuck Baldwin

Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column. To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here. Chuck Baldwin Archive With 49 Posts When it comes to Donald Trump, very few conservatives and evangelicals want to hear anything negative. And when they do hear it, they attack the messenger and disparage the message—without […]

Art Beauty Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism Christianity Christmas Compassion God Gott Mit Uns Inspiration Islam Jerusalem Jesus Christ Love Miracles Music Peace Prayer Religion / Spirituality Shroud Of Turin

Ave Maria

Ave MariaHail Mary,Full of Grace,The Lord is with thee.Blessed art thou among women,and blessed is the fruitof thy womb, Jesus.Holy Mary,Mother of God,pray for us sinners now,and at the hour of our death.Amen. Ave Maria (Schubert) (3:33)by Luciano Pavarotti Maria (Schubert) (5:55)by Andrea Bocelli Blessed Virgin Mary Archive

Articles Big Pharma Censorship Christianity Compassion Corporations Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Death Depopulation Doctors Dr. Vernon Coleman Economics Eugenics Euthanasia Future Government Health Laws Medical Money Nurses Political Satanic Slavery Theft United Kingdom

If You Are Over 50 Your Government Wants You Dead by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Dr. Vernon Coleman Archive With 164 Posts In Britain, it is now official Government policy to ignore the needs of the elderly. This policy is common throughout the world. Doctors and nurses are told to let old people die – and to withhold treatment which might save their lives. Hospital staff are told to deprive […]

Articles Catastrophe Children Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Genocide Geopolitical Government History Israel Jews Laws Military Military-Industrial Complex Money Palestine Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft Torture United States War War Criminals

The Genocide Generation by Chuck Baldwin

Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column. To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here. Chuck Baldwin Archive With 48 Posts Whatever Joe Biden did or didn’t do during his four years as president will always be overshadowed by his calloused complicity to the Gazan genocide. He will forever be known […]

Articles Bible Catastrophe Catholicism Central Intelligence Agency Christianity Compassion Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Death Freedom Fighter God Government History Israel Journalism Laws Military Mossad Palestine Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Theft United States Videos War War Criminals

Pope Francis Should Go To Gaza! by Philip Giraldi

It’s time to end Israel’s destruction of Christianity in Palestine Philip Giraldi Archive With 100 Posts The death of former President Jimmy Carter started me thinking about how long it’s been since the United States has been led by a head of state who was also a thoroughly decent human being. To be sure, while […]

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Articles Bible Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Children Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Entrapment Fear Gaslighting Genocide God Government History Islam Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jerusalem Jews Journalism Laws Lebanon Military Military-Industrial Complex Money Mossad Palestine Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Racism Satanic Slavery Starvation Talmud Theft Torture Totalitarianism United States War Criminals

Trump: “Make Israel Great Again” by Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Archive With 47 Posts At a Republican rally in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, September 19, billed as “opposing antisemitism,” Donald Trump made several remarks that lived up to his title of “America’s First Zionist President.” Leaving the “Make America Great Again” mantra, Trump promised his audience that he would “make Israel great again.” […]

Articles Bible Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism Christianity Cultural Family Freedom Fighter Future God Happiness History Inspiration Jesus Christ Meditation Miracles Prayer

Rosary Power by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

The humble Rosary, praised by every Saint –A surer help to Heaven there simply ain’t. When these “Comments” concluded last week (# 890, August 3) that praying the Rosary was the solution to the present madness of supposed Church laws being “imposed” upon us by modernist Rome, many readers may have wondered, what connection can […]

Articles Big Pharma Catastrophe Centers For Disease Control Children Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Death DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Family Government Health History Infanticide Infertility Jews Medical Political Satanic Science SIDS United States War

Infant Deaths Surge To Record High Since Covid Vax Rollout by Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Archive With 44 Posts Almost everyone notices the gigantic uptick of young, healthy adults in the prime of life falling dead. Almost everyone notices, but almost no one wants to connect the dots. Now we read the statistics regarding the record numbers of infants who are unexpectedly dying. Writing for Frank Bergman […]

Articles Assassinations Bible Big Lie Blowback Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption Courage Creepy Joe Biden Cultural Future God Government History Israel Jews Middle East New World Order Palestine Political President Donald J. Trump Satanic Talmud Totalitarianism United States World War III

Renowned Jewish Rabbi Says Trump Is Anointed As God’s Non-Jewish Messiah To Serve Israel by Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Archive With 43 Posts His name is Rabbi Isser Zalman Weisberg. He writes and lectures widely on Biblical prophecies and Jewish Eschatology. He lives in Toronto, Canada. He is an author, lecturer and columnist at He unabashedly proclaims that Donald Trump is anointed as God’s non-Jewish Messiah to serve Israel. Before I […]

Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Bible Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Blowback Catholicism Christianity Courage Crimes Against Humanity Cultural God History Inspiration Israel Jesus Christ Jews Noahide Laws Palestine Political Racism Satanic Talmud United States War Criminals

Romans IX by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Let us recall how Jews served God at first,But the best, that fall, can turn into the worst. When the savagery of today’s Israelis continues unabated against the Palestinians in their midst, their most savage “mowing of the lawn” yet (that is their own term for it) since the founding of Israel in 1948, it […]

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Articles Blowback Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption Courage Cynthia McKinney Fear Government History Israel Jews Journalism Laws Mossad Noahide Laws Palestine Political Propaganda Slavery Talmud Theft Thomas Massie United States War

Rep. Thomas Massie: Every GOP Congressman Has An “AIPAC Babysitter” by Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin Archive: Those Christians and conservatives who pooh-pooh Israel’s dominance and control over our congressmen and senators in Washington, D.C., are willfully ignorant. They say it isn’t true, not because it isn’t true, but because they don’t want to admit that it’s true. Well, it IS true. And everyone inside the Beltway and […]

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Christianity Constitution For The United States Corruption Domestic Terrorism Espionage Genocide Government Hate Crimes History Israel Jews Lobbyists Money Mossad Palestine Political Propaganda Racism Satanic Slavery Soul Talmud They Live Totalitarianism United States War

Working Definition Of Antisemitism by International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

Editor’s Note: This historically cunning and deceitful tribe are trying to usurp our First Amendment with the Antisemitism Awareness Act passed by the 118th Congress, 320 – 91, and now going to the Senate. H.R.6090 – Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 Read the full text of the IHRA’s non-legally binding working definition of antisemitism and […]

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Big Lie Black Plague Censorship Children Christianity Civil Rights Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Death Espionage Europe Fear Freedom And Liberty Gaslighting Genocide Geopolitical Germany Government History Iran Iraq Islam Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jews Journalism Laws Middle East Military-Industrial Complex Mossad New World Order Palestine Political Poverty Prison Propaganda Protests Racism Russia Satanic Saudi Arabia Slavery Sovereignty Syria Talmud Theft Torture Totalitarianism Ukraine United Kingdom United States Videos War War Criminals World War III

October 7 by Mark R. Elsis

October 7 Was An Inside Job (55:55)by John Hankey October 7 (59:58)by Al Jazeera Investigations Really Happened On October 7 (16:01)by Double Down News Article: To The Newsletter Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News Is The AnswerMark R. Elsis

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Articles Bible Big Lie Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism Censorship Children Christianity Communism Corruption Courage Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity Divide And Conquer Family Freedom Fighter God Government Inspiration Jesus Christ Jews LGBTQ Medical Pedophiles Political Prayer Protests Satanic Social Engineering Talmud Totalitarianism United States Whistleblowers

Statement Of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò On The Scandalous Proclamation Of March 31 As “Transgender Visibility Day” by “President” Joe Biden

The word Apocalipse, in Greek, means unveiling, revelation. This revelation, in Sacred Scripture, concerns first and foremost the objective reality of Good and Evil, that is, the collective awareness of the ongoing war between God and Satan, between the children of Light and the children of darkness. The unprecedented and scandalous proclamation of March 31 […]

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn Articles Big Lie Books Censorship Christianity Civil Rights Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Education Fear Freedom Fighter Future God Government History Immigration Inspiration Jews Laws Military Political Soul Teachers Totalitarianism United States USSR

Live Not By Lies by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

On the day Solzhenitsyn was arrested, February, 12, 1974, he released the text of “Live Not by Lies.” The next day, he was exiled to the West, where he received a hero’s welcome. This moment marks the peak of his fame. Solzhenitsyn equates “lies” with ideology, the illusion that human nature and society can be […]

Abortion Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Children Christianity Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Doctors Eugenics Family Frauds Genocide Government History Infanticide Jews Journalism Laws Medical Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States War

Abortion: The Kosher Slaughter by Jayne Gardener

Jewish groups are constantly involved in fundraising efforts to keep abortion rights in the forefront, spending tens of millions of dollars to ensure that abortion remains legal. On February 28th, 1989, The American Jewish Congress ran a full page ad in the New York Times entitled “Abortion And The Sacredness Of Life,” which cost them […]

Africa Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship China Christianity Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity Entrapment Frauds Future Gaslighting Genocide Government Jews Journalism Laws Military-Industrial Complex Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Totalitarianism Ukraine United Kingdom United States Video Rebel Vladimir Putin War War Criminals World War III

An Abundance Of Russian Game Changers by Video Rebel

The two biggest Game Changers are the destruction of the well trained Ukrainian professional army and their reserves plus the overwhelming support from Africa and other Third World nations for Russia against NATO Neocolonialists. The Ukrainian men in that professional army and and their reserves were either killed or severely wounded. I have seen videos […]

Articles Automobile / Car Big Lie Blowback Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Constitution For The United States Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Death Divide And Conquer Frauds Freedom Fighter Future God Government Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Second Amendment Surveillance Totalitarianism United States World Economic Forum

They Are Coming For Our Guns, Our Cars And Everything Else by Chuck Baldwin

Don’t let the rhetoric of Joe Biden and his gaggle of gun grabbers fool you: They ARE coming for our guns. Their anti-Second Amendment agenda has nothing to do with “common sense gun legislation” or safety—and they know it. They are bloodthirsty wolves talking in the tongue of harmless sheep. They are deceivers; they are […]

Adolf Hitler Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Depopulation Entrapment Fear Genocide Germany Gott Mit Uns Government History Jews Laws Military NSDAP Political Satanic Talmud Theft Totalitarianism United States USSR Videos War War Criminals World War II

The Genocide Of The German People by Gott Mit Uns (24:34)

The Genocide Of The German People by Gott Mit Uns (24:34)(To view with many links, click the link below.) Gott Mit Uns Archive Gott Mit Uns Germany Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Articles Banking Bible Censorship Christianity Communism Corruption Coup d'État Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Dr. Thomas Dalton Fear Federal Reserve Finance Globalists Government History Hollywood Israel Jews Mainstream Media Palestine Political Satanic Talmud Theft Usury Wall Street Corruption War

Confronting The Judeocracy: The Six Stages Of Enlightenment by Thomas Dalton Ph.D.

This 2,000-year history of hatred and contempt for the rest of humanity is played out in the present day, though with much stealth and deception. Jews often work in the background, hidden, out of the limelight; they are, as Hitler said, the “wire-pullers” (Drahtzieher) of contemporary society, using money and power to steer events in […]

America Articles Bible Christianity Chuck Baldwin Civil Disobedience Civil War Constitution For The United States Corruption Courage Economics France Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter God Government History Immigration Inspiration Journalism Laws Military Money Native Americans Political United Kingdom War

A Short Library Of American Liberty by Chuck Baldwin

The Spanish-American philosopher Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás (known in English as simply George Santayana) famously said in his book The Life Of Reason, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” For all intents and purposes, America is in the process of fulfilling Santayana’s proverb. If America’s founders […]

Art Assassinations Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Blowback Brain Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Children Christianity Communism Compassion Corruption Courage COVID-19 Cultural Education Europe Freedom Fighter Freemasonry God Government History Inspiration Jesus Christ Jews Laws Love Music Philosophy Political Prayer Satanic Teachers United States Videos War

Truth Unchained (Six Episodes) Peter Gumley Interviews Bishop Richard N. Williamson

An insightful six-part series where Peter Gumley interviews Bishop Richard N. Williamson on a wide variety of historical and religious issues. Bishop Richard N. Williamson Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Articles Bible Big Lie Blowback Catholicism Censorship Christianity Corruption Cultural Divide And Conquer Fear Frauds God Government History Israel Jerusalem Jews Journalism Laws Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Religion / Spirituality Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War

Christianity’s Survival In Israel Is Under Attack by Philip Giraldi

Extremist government headed by Netanyahu promotes de facto ethnic cleansing Israel’s new government is still taking shape, but some of the policy changes being promoted are so Jewish-centric that they will inevitably impact disproportionately on minority disadvantaged communities like the Palestinian Christians and Muslims. The government itself is already being described in the press as […]

Audios Big Lie Blessed Virgin Mary Books Catholicism Censorship Christianity Cultural Globalists God History Israel Jesus Christ Journalism Laws Michael Hoffman Middle East Mossad Palestine Political Propaganda Psychology Religion / Spirituality Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States Usury War

Judaism Discovered: Texe Marrs Interviews Michael Hoffman Parts I and II (2009)

Judaism Discovered: Texe Marrs Interviews Michael Hoffman Parts I and II (2009) Judaism Discovered (Book)by Michael Hoffman Michael Hoffman Texe Marrs Michael Hoffman Archive With 18 Posts Jews Archive With 2,439 Posts Talmud Archive With 1,768 Posts Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Constitution For The United States Corruption Fear Freedom Fighter Government History Inspiration Jews Laws Michael Hoffman Never Give Up Political Propaganda Satanic Second Amendment Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War

A Diabolic Gun Control Strategy by Chuck Baldwin

My good friend Michael Hoffman recently wrote an outstanding thesis on the subject of the growing efforts of Democrats (and some Republicans) to push the anti-Second Amendment envelope as far as possible. I borrowed the title of Michael’s thesis for the title of this column. For instance, right now Tennessee Republican Governor Bill Lee is […]

Articles Bible Big Lie Blowback Bullying Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Christianity Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Evictions Fear Frauds Government History Islam Israel Jews Journalism Laws Mossad Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Propaganda Religion / Spirituality Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War

“Freedom Of Religion” And Other Lies by Philip Giraldi

Christian and Muslim persecution in Israel ignored by the White HouseThe United States government, in its incessant bullying of foreign nations to get them to see the world the way that the cabal that runs Washington sees it, ironically often cites such fictions as the “rule of law” that guarantees such “rights” as “free speech” […]

Bible Biology Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism Christianity Death God History Inspiration Jerusalem Jesus Christ Mathematics Miracles Palestine Physics Plants Science Shroud Of Turin Technology Videos

Shroud Of Turin: Evidence Of Its Authenticity by The God Talk (1:43:30)

This video is excellent. It’s the best and by far the most thorough that I’ve ever watched on the Shroud of Turin, and it’s also probably the last thing the Jewish oligarchy want people to know about. I do believe that they were behind the false Carbon 14 dating test that became worldwide news, so […]

America Antifa Articles Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Children Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Corruption Cultural Education Entrapment Family Fear Freedom Fighter Future Government History Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Second Amendment Talmud Theft War

America, Arm Your Schools Now! by Chuck Baldwin

Tragically, it has happened again. A mentally deranged woman (who called herself a man) walked into a private Christian church-school and killed three nine-year-old children (one of whom was the church pastor’s daughter) and three adult school employees. And once again, the shootings took place in a gun-free zone. The attack ended when two police […]

Big Lie Books Bullying Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Communism Corruption Courage Cultural Death Divide And Conquer Entrapment Fear Freedom Fighter Government History Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Racism Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live United States Usury War

Defensive Racism by Edgar J. Steele (Book)

An Unapologetic Examination of Racial DifferencesAn overview of racism in America and chilling forecast of things to come, such as emerging intact from the coming economic meltdown and breakup of America, presents a bold, powerful, and persuasive argument to deal with racial differences we all recognize, yet pretend not to notice. Only the true racist, […]

Articles Blowback Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Constitution For The United States Courage Crimes Family Fear Freedom Fighter God Government Health History Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws Never Give Up Peace Political Propaganda Second Amendment Theft They Live United States War

My Preferences For Defensive Firearms by Chuck Baldwin

As an author, columnist, radio talk show host and pastor who is outspoken in my support of the Second Amendment, I often receive inquiries from people asking for my personal preferences regarding firearms. This column is devoted to answering some of those inquiries. I’m sure this column will not provide anything new for the firearms […]

Anti-Semitism Bible Big Lie Blessed Virgin Mary Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Christianity Crimes God Israel Laws Police Prison Privacy Religion / Spirituality Satanic Slavery Surveillance Talmud Videos

Israeli Lawmakers Introduce A Bill That Would Make It Illegal To Talk About Jesus (0:56)

Israeli Lawmakers Introduce A Bill That Would Make It Illegal To Talk About Jesus (0:56) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Israeli Lawmakers Introduce A Bill That Would Make It Illegal To Talk About Jesus (0:56) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Jesus Christ Archive Subscribe […]

Abortion Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Children Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Family Fear Freedom Fighter Genocide Government Health Jews Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live United States War

Talmudics Are Out Front Promoting The Abortion Agenda—Again! by Chuck Baldwin

As I have stated before, and as many others have shown, Tel Aviv, Israel, is the world capital in regards to the glorification and promotion of abortion, homosexuality and all things hedonistic. That evangelical Christians continue to regard the Zionist State of Israel as “The Holy Land” and Talmudic Jews as “God’s Chosen People” is […]

Catholicism Children Christianity Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Cultural Economics Family Geopolitical Globalists Government Jews LGBTQ Military Pedophiles Political Religion / Spirituality Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud They Live Totalitarianism Transgender Ukraine United States Videos Vladimir Putin War

Putin: Destruction Of Family, Perversion, Mockery Of Children, And Pedophilia Are Declared The Norm (2:08)

Putin: Destruction Of Family, Perversion, Mockery Of Children, And Pedophilia Are Declared The Norm (2:08) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Putin: Destruction Of Family, Perversion, Mockery Of Children, And Pedophilia Are Declared The Norm (2:08) (To view with many links, click the link below.),-Perversion,-Mockery-Of-Children,-And-Pedophilia-Are-Declared-The-Norm Vladimir Putin Archive Subscribe […]

Andrew Torba Articles Artificial Intelligence Big Lie Big Tech Censorship Christianity Computers Corruption Courage Cultural Fear Freedom Fighter Future Gab Gaslighting Government Laws New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War

A Christian Perspective On AI by Andrew Torba

AI is about to shift the fundamental reality of our entire society, culture, and world. I feel it is my responsibility to help my brothers and sisters in Christ understand this fact, come to grips with it, and encourage them to start building before our enemies gain too much ground. Christians have been building and […]

America Articles Artificial Intelligence Bible Christianity Chuck Baldwin Computers Corruption Dumb Us Down Entrapment Fear Freedom Fighter Government Israel Jews Journalism Laws Mossad New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud The Great Reset Theft They Live Transhuman World Economic Forum

America’s Churches Are Dying; Illinois Sheriffs Defying The State’s “Assault Weapons” Ban; Davos Attendees; Israel Is An Apartheid State by Chuck Baldwin

There is much news worthy of discussion this week. In today’s column, I have chosen four items to share with readers.  America’s Churches Are Dying I have written much on this topic in past columns. Here is a most recent report confirming the fact that America’s institutional churches are rapidly dying. A recent study examining […]

Catastrophe Catholicism Christianity Father James Altman Jews John-Henry Weston LifeSiteNews Religion / Spirituality Videos

New Revelations Suggest That The Vatican Dishonored Pope Benedict XVI by Faith & Reason (1:03:10)

New Revelations Suggest That The Vatican Dishonored Pope Benedict XVI by Faith & Reason (1:03:10) (To view with many links, click the link below.) New Revelations Suggest That The Vatican Dishonored Pope Benedict XVI by Faith & Reason (1:03:10) (To view with many links, click the link below.)—Reason John-Henry Weston Subscribe To […]

Beauty Books Christianity Cosmology Education Egyptology / Pyramids History Inspiration Laws Mathematics Philosophy Religion / Spirituality Science

The Secret Teachings Of All Ages by Manly P. Hall (Book 1928)

The Secret Teachings of All Ages is perhaps the most comprehensive and complete esoteric encyclopedia ever written. The sheer scope and ambition of this book are stunning. In this book Manly P. Hall has successfully distilled the essence of more arcane subjects than one would think possible. He covers Rosicrucianism and other secret societies, alchemy, […]

Canada Catholicism Christianity Death Economics Eugenics Euthanasia Political Propaganda Sarah Cain Satanic Television Videos

This Is Evil: Canada’s Suicide Ad by Sarah Cain (8:40)

This Is Evil: Canada’s Suicide Ad by Sarah Cain (8:40) (To view with many links, click the link below.) This Is Evil: Canada’s Suicide Ad by Sarah Cain (8:40) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’s-Suicide-Ad-by-Sarah-Cain Sarah Cain Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free […]

Adolf Hitler Audios Catholicism Christianity Communism Europe Germany Institute For Historical Review Jews Mark Weber Religion / Spirituality United Kingdom United States Videos World War II

Christianity In Wartime Germany And Religion In World War Two by Mark Weber (50:40)

Christianity In Wartime Germany And Religion In World War Two by Mark Weber (50:40) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Christianity In Wartime Germany And Religion In World War Two by Mark Weber (50:40) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Mark Weber Archive Subscribe To The […]

Banking Catastrophe Censorship Children Christianity Climate Change Communism Corruption COVID-19 Death Divide And Conquer Economics Family Fear Freedom And Liberty Future God Government Inspiration Lockdowns Military-Industrial Complex Money Neil Oliver Political Propaganda Ukraine Videos War Criminals

Neil Oliver: We Welcome 2023, But It Might As Well Be Groundhog Day (10:37)

Neil Oliver: We Welcome 2023, But It Might As Well Be Groundhog Day (10:37) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: We Welcome 2023, But It Might As Well Be Groundhog Day (10:37) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The […]

Christianity Dr. Ron Paul Economics Federal Reserve Fractional Reserve Banking Frauds Globalists Government Middle East Military-Industrial Complex Peace Political Propaganda Theft Torture Usury Videos War

“What If” Speech by Ron Paul February 12, 2009 (3:33)

“What If” Speech by Ron Paul February 12, 2009 (3:33) (To view with many links, click the link below.) “What If” Speech by Ron Paul February 12, 2009 (3:33) (To view with many links, click the link below.),-2009 Dr. Ron Paul Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And […]

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The Important Things In Life Are Too Precious To Lose by Gary D. Barnett

In the midst of all the uncertainty, the horror, the terror of the state, of personal heartbreak, and of the insanity that seems to be all-consuming during all of our lives today, beauty and joy is all around us. It is hidden much of the time, but can be found in an instant if one […]

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Articles Bible Big Lie Blessed Virgin Mary Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Christianity Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Fear Future God Government History Inspiration Jesus Christ Jews Laws Political Satanic Social Engineering Teachers Theft They Live War

The Kingship Of Christ Is Not Limited To The Church, But Extends To All Nations by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

The doctrine of the kingship of Christ constitutes a discrimen between the Catholic Church and the “conciliar Church;” indeed, it is the point of separation between Catholic orthodoxy and neomodernist heterodoxy, because the followers of laicism and liberal secularism cannot accept that the Lordship of Our Lord extends to the civil sphere, thereby removing it […]

America Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption Energy Europe Fear Frauds Freedom Fighter Future Government History Jews Laws Military-Industrial Complex Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Ukraine United Kingdom Vladimir Putin War

Pray For Ukraine? Pray For America! by Chuck Baldwin

Turn on Christian cable television programs, and you constantly hear, “Pray for Ukraine.” Listen to almost any Christian radio broadcast, and you constantly hear, “Pray for Ukraine.” Attend almost any evangelical church, and you will hear the pastor plead, “Pray for Ukraine.” Christian libertarian writer Laurence Vance has written a very timely and insightful treatise in […]

Automobile / Car Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Children Christianity Christmas Climate Change Corruption COVID-19 Energy Euthanasia Family Fear Finance Foods Freedom Fighter Future Globalists Government Journalism Laws Political Poverty Science Slavery Surveillance United Kingdom Videos

Neil Oliver: A Green Agenda That Absolutely Is Not Green (11:51)

Neil Oliver: A Green Agenda That Absolutely Is Not Green (11:51) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver: A Green Agenda That Absolutely Is Not Green (11:51) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, […]

Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism Censorship Christianity Communism COVID-19 Germany God History Holocaust Revisionism Inspiration Jesus Christ Jewish Bolshevik Revolution Jews Satanic Talmud USSR Videos World War II

War On God by Bishop Richard N. Williamson (6:10)

War On God by Bishop Richard N. Williamson (6:10) (To view with many links, click the link below.) War On God by Bishop Richard N. Williamson (6:10) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Bishop Richard N. Williamson Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free […]

Children Christianity Christmas Communism Corruption COVID-19 Cultural Family Fear Freedom Fighter Globalists God Government History Jesus Christ Jews Lockdowns Love Neil Oliver Political Satanic Sovereignty Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism Transgender Transhuman Videos War

Cancelling Christmas Is Sinister, Says Neil Oliver (11:47)

Cancelling Christmas Is Sinister, Says Neil Oliver (11:47) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Cancelling Christmas Is Sinister, Says Neil Oliver (11:47) (To view with many links, click the link below.),-Says-Neil-Oliver Neil Oliver Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Adolf Hitler Audios Catholicism Censorship Christianity Communism Germany History Inspiration Institute For Historical Review Jews Journalism Mark Weber NSDAP Religion / Spirituality Videos World War II

Religion And Christianity In Third Reich by Mark Weber (50:57)

Religion And Christianity In Third Reich by Mark Weber (50:57) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Religion And Christianity In Third Reich Germany by Mark Weber (50:57) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Mark Weber Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And […]

Adolf Hitler Articles Aviation Big Lie Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Christianity Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity France Germany History Jews Laws Mark R. Elsis Articles Military NSDAP Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United Kingdom United States USSR War World War II

Hitler Wanted To Take Over The World by Mark R. Elsis

The following is a brief yet exceedingly vital history lesson. I’ve written it to try and keep our future generations free from the impending Jewish enslavement. Those with eyes to see and ears to hear soon had better grow a pair and start repeating this in polite company, or you will forever seal their fate […]

Adolf Hitler Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Christianity Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Death Entrapment Genocide Germany Government History Jews Journalism Laws NSDAP Poland Political Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Torture Videos War War Criminals World War II

The Untold Story Of The Danzig-Bromberg Massacres (56:02)

The Untold Story Of The Danzig-Bromberg Massacres (56:02) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The Untold Story Of The Danzig-Bromberg Massacres (56:02) (To view with many links, click the link below.)’s-Reich World War II Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Adolf Hitler Beauty Catholicism Christianity Courage Economics Freedom Fighter Germany Government History Inspiration Journalism Laws NSDAP Political Religion / Spirituality Videos World War II

The People Who Knew The Führer (1:37:07)

The People Who Knew The Führer (1:37:07) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The People Who Knew The Führer (1:37:07) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Adolf Hitler Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Adolf Hitler Articles Beauty Big Lie Blowback Catholicism Censorship Christianity Compassion Courage Cultural Family Freedom Fighter Future Germany Government History Inspiration Journalism Laws NSDAP Political Religion / Spirituality Renegade Tribune Rudolf Hess Sovereignty Teachers War World War II

National Socialism: The Right And Only Way To Free Ourselves by Stefan Timm

National Socialism is the right and only way because it first of all is a racial ideology, whose principles teach us the importance of racial purity and integrity, for what is a culture without its race? A culture whose people have lost their racial identity through miscegenation in the end dies, for a real culture […]

Bible Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism Christianity God Jesus Christ Miracles Palestine Videos

A Grave Injustice by David Rolfe (26:58)

A Grave Injustice by David Rolfe (26:58) (To view with many links, click the link below.) A Grave Injustice by David Rolfe (26:58) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Jesus Christ Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

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Shroud Of Turin Latest Findings by Nelson Walters (15:57)

Shroud Of Turin Latest Findings by Nelson Walters (15:57) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Shroud Of Turin Latest Findings by Nelson Walters (15:57) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Jesus Christ Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Abortion Articles Big Lie Blowback Brian Shilhavy Catastrophe Catholicism Children Christianity Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Doctors Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Family Frauds Genocide Government Infanticide Jews Laws Medical Political Propaganda Satanic Soul Talmud Theft United States War

Stop The Infanticide! 5,000% Increase In Fetal Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines by Brian Shilhavy

The U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) was updated today, and there are now 4,534 fetal deaths recorded in VAERS following COVID-19 vaccines given to pregnant and child-bearing women. (Source.) And these recorded fetal deaths are but a fraction of the real number of unborn children who have died since the COVID-19 experimental […]

Articles Catholicism China Christianity Corruption Cultural Freedom Fighter Germany Government History Journalism Peace Pepe Escobar Political Religion / Spirituality Roman Russia Sanctions United States War

Berlin Goes To Beijing: The Real Deal by Pepe Escobar

The Scholz caravan went to Beijing to lay down the preparatory steps for working out a peace deal with Russia, with China as privileged messenger. With his inimitable flair for economic analysis steeped in historical depth, Professor Michael Hudson’s latest essay, originally written for a German audience, presents a stunning parallel between the Crusades and […]

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Jewish Ritual Murder (Documentary) (1:14:41)

Jewish Ritual Murder (Documentary) (1:14:41) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Jewish Ritual Murder (Documentary) (1:14:41) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Jews Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Abortion America Articles Artoons Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Communism Corruption Creepy Joe Biden DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Fear Frauds Government January 6, 2021 Lockdowns Medical New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Surveillance Theft They Live Totalitarianism War

The Conspirators by

The Democrat party have demonstrated judicial malfeasance by their flagrant abuse of power starting with the fabricated dossier during the Trump administration, the groundless impeachment trials and false witnesses, including the partisan arrests, framing, and imprisonment without trial of peaceful and innocent protesters on January 6th. Political persecutions through one-sided commissions and communist-style show trials […]

Articles Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Entrapment Fear Freedom Fighter Government History Israel Jews Journalism Lobbyists Mainstream Media Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States War

They Don’t Call Israel The “Third Rail” Of Politics For Nothing! by Chuck Baldwin

They Don’t Call Israel The “Third Rail” Of Politics For Nothing! Everyone—and I mean everyone—in politics and the news media knows that Israel is untouchable. That’s assuming the politician or media personality wants to keep their job, of course. I was first introduced to this reality back in the mid-1990s when a U.S. Congressman told […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption COVID-19 DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Frauds Government Journalism Military-Industrial Complex Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Theft They Live Totalitarianism Ukraine War War Criminals

Covid Scam, NATO Wars, Green Extremism: The Tyrannical Trifecta From Hell by Chuck Baldwin

Everyone feels it, but not everyone sees it: America’s greatest threat is not from Russia or China or from any other foreign government. America’s greatest threat is from our own government in Washington, D.C. When will the American people get that through their heads? The globalist devils inside the Beltway manufactured and implemented the Covid […]

Articles Brain Censorship Christianity Communism Courage Crimes Against Humanity Education Freedom And Liberty Future Government Jews Journalism Laws Military Political Russia Sanctions Sputnik Talmud Theft Totalitarianism Ukraine United Kingdom United States Vladimir Putin War

‘People Have Made Their Choice’: Putin Marks Support For Four New Regions’ Entry Into Russia by Ilya Tsukanov

Between September 23 and 27, the Donbass republics and areas of Kherson and Zaporozhye freed during the course of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine held referenda on whether to accede into Russia. Overwhelming majorities of residents in each territory voted in favor of doing so. Vladimir Putin has expressed his full support for the incorporation […]

Catastrophe Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Education Freedom Fighter God Government Jesus Christ Jews Journalism Political Propaganda Religion / Spirituality Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States War

Christianity Soon To Be Minority Faith In America by Chuck Baldwin

The number of people adhering to the Christian faith in America has been on a steep downward spiral since the advent of the current century. That trend is only accelerating. It will not be long and people identifying themselves as Christians will be a distinct minority in this country. Here are snippets from a recent […]

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The Conflict Between The West And Russia Is A Religious One by Emmet Sweeney

The war currently underway in Ukraine—which pits Ukraine as a proxy for the collective West against Russia—is primarily an ideological or religious one, with Russia representing what is left of Christian Europe, and “the West” representing a totalitarian ideology that abhors religion in general and Christianity in particular. This statement may sound strange, given the […]

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Scandal At Vanderbilt: Mutilating Children…For Profit! by The Ron Paul Liberty Report (33:11)

Scandal At Vanderbilt: Mutilating Children…For Profit! by The Ron Paul Liberty Report (33:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Scandal At Vanderbilt: Mutilating Children…For Profit! by The Ron Paul Liberty Report (33:11) (To view with many links, click the link below.)…For-Profit!-by-The-Ron-Paul-Liberty-Report Dr. Ron Paul Archive Subscribe To The […]

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Joint Investigation Finds Abu Akleh’s Killing ‘Deliberate’ by Al Jazeera Staff (Text and Videos)

A joint probe by Forensic Architecture and Al-Haq uncovers evidence that an Israeli sniper repeatedly shot at Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. A joint investigation by a London-based multidisciplinary research group and a Palestinian rights group has uncovered further evidence that refutes Israel’s account that the killing of veteran Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Civil Disobedience Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Europe Food Shortages Government Journalism Military-Industrial Complex NATO Never Give Up Political Propaganda Russia Satanic Theft They Live Ukraine United States War

Global Uprising! by Chuck Baldwin

And the fact remains: The U.S. started this war back in 2014. NATO and Ukraine are not fighting a defensive war—Russia is. It is the nation suffering from the wounds inflicted upon it by the United States and NATO. It is the wounded bear. Most of the people in Western Europe seem to understand this, […]

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How The New World Order Is Using The Christian Churches And Their Pastors To Destroy Christianity! by Dr. Lorraine Day

Over two decades ago, in the December 1987 Pulpit Helps, which reaches thousands of ministers, frightening statistics were published after being gathered by the Jeffrey Hadden survey. Questions were sent to some 10,000 Protestant clergymen, 7,441 replied. Pastors from many different denominations were surveyed. The questions, together with the percentages in the replies are shown […]

Articles Assassinations Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Central Intelligence Agency Christianity Corruption Fear Frauds Government Hate Crimes Jews Journalism Laws MI6 Military Mossad Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Propaganda Russia Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine War Criminals

A Death In Moscow by Philip Giraldi

Was the car bomb intended to send a message or to escalate the conflict? The horrific car bombing in Moscow that killed twenty-nine year old Darya Dugina last week raises many questions about the motives of the Ukrainian regime and its supporters that sent an assassin to murder a prominent Russian civilian who has no […]

Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Crimes Against Humanity Frauds Jews Military-Industrial Complex Paul Joseph Watson Peace Russia Talmud Ukraine United Kingdom United States Videos War War Criminals

It’s A Scam by Paul Joseph Watson (7:47)

It’s A Scam by Paul Joseph Watson (7:47) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) It’s A Scam by Paul Joseph Watson (7:47) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)’s-A-Scam-by-Paul-Joseph-Watson Paul Joseph Watson Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, […]

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Which Crime Syndicate Murdered Darya Dugina? by Pepe Escobar

The vile assassination of Darya Dugina, or terror at the gates of Moscow, is not really solved – as much as the FSB seems to have cracked the case in a little over 24 hours. It’s now established that the main perpetrator, Azov batallion asset Natalia Vovk, did not act alone but had an Ukrainian […]

America Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Corruption Courage Freedom Fighter Government Jews Journalism Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War

“The Decline And Fall Of The Western Empire” by Chuck Baldwin

Almost everyone sees it, and almost no one wants to discuss it: America and Western Europe are spiraling out of control. And the speed of the descent is crescendoing rapidly. It took a long time for the old Roman Empire to collapse. The seeds of its demise blossomed slowly, but the historically astute among the […]

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Friends Of Aquinas Podcast: Bishop Richard N. Williamson And Dr. E. Michael Jones (50:43)

Friends Of Aquinas Podcast: Bishop Richard N. Williamson And Dr. E. Michael Jones (50:43) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Friends Of Aquinas Podcast: Bishop Richard N. Williamson And Dr. E. Michael Jones (50:43) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Bishop […]

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Can Jews Be Conservatives? by Brother Nathanael (5:29)

Can Jews Be Conservatives? by Brother Nathanael (5:29) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Can Jews Be Conservatives? by Brother Nathanael (5:29) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Brother Nathanael Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, […]

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Christianity Is All That Can Save The West: Gemma O’Doherty, E. Michael Jones, Father Charles Murr (1:13:09)

Christianity Is All That Can Save The West: Gemma O’Doherty, E. Michael Jones, Father Charles Murr (1:13:09) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Christianity Is All That Can Save The West: Gemma O’Doherty, E. Michael Jones, Father Charles Murr (1:13:09) (To view full screen, also with many links, […]

America Articles Bible Big Lie Blessed Virgin Mary Cancel Culture Catastrophe Catholicism Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Corruption Cultural Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Entrapment Frauds Future God Israel Jesus Christ Jews Political Propaganda Religion / Spirituality Satanic Talmud Theft War

Evangelical Paganism by Chuck Baldwin

It’s time to face reality: The evangelical church is now mostly nothing more than another brand of religious paganism. There is almost nothing Christian about it. Granted, church edifices still have the tapestry, symbols and ceremonies resembling historic Christianity, but it’s all a ruse. The heart and soul of the Christian faith is dead in […]

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The Ursula Haverbeck Trial In Berlin by Lady Michèle Renouf

On April 1, 2022, an April Fools’ Day legal farce was played out under Allied Occupied German laws where judges are obliged to rule that forensic “truth is no defense” when it comes to any aspect of the official WWII narrative. After three days of hearings (commenced in March) at the Berlin Regional Court, the […]

America Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Constitution For The United States Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Freedom And Liberty Government Jews Journalism Political Public Schools Satanic Theft They Live War

The Hidden Agenda Of The Founding Fathers’ Antagonists by Chuck Baldwin

Never in American history have our illustrious Founding Fathers been under such vile attack from within our own country as they are now. Both the Left and Right, secularists and “Christians,” feel constrained to “warn” us about the evil, sinister hearts and motives of the great men and women whom God inspired to raise up—at […]

Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Geopolitical Gonzalo Lira Government History Jews Journalism Military Military Summary Political Propaganda Russia Satanic Surveillance Talmud The Duran Theft They Live Ukraine United Kingdom United States Videos

SITREP Ukraine: The Duran, Gonzalo Lira, And Military Summary (1:07:17)

SITREP Ukraine: The Duran, Gonzalo Lira, And Military Summary (1:07:17) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) SITREP Ukraine: The Duran, Gonzalo Lira, And Military Summary (1:07:17) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.),-Gonzalo-Lira,-And-Military-Summary The Duran Archive Gonzalo Lira Archive Military […]

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Joseph R. Simonetta Books Library

Joseph R. Simonetta holds a Master of Divinity degree from Harvard Divinity School where he studied ethics, global environmental problems, world religions, cosmology, and evolutionary biology. He also studied at Yale Divinity School. He holds a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Colorado. He also studied architecture at the University of Southern California. […]

America Articles Assassinations Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Civil Rights Corruption Courage Frauds Freedom Fighter Government Inspiration Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jews Journalism Laws Mossad Political Propaganda Robert Inlakesh Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War

The Untouchable Ally: US Government Lets Israel Off The Hook In The Case Of Palestinian-American Journalist’s Death by Robert Inlakesh

The State Department press release on the probe into the Al-Jazeera journalist’s killing contradicts multiple previous findingsThe US State Department’s press release on Washington’s investigation into the killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh has sparked outrage and triggered accusations of a whitewash.Almost two months after the murder of the veteran Al-Jazeera reporter, Washington announced […]

America Articles Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Direct Actions Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Fear Freedom And Liberty God Government History Jews Journalism Laws Political Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War

“There Is Liberty!” by Chuck Baldwin

To say that America WAS “the land of the free and the home of the brave” is a gross understatement. On the whole, America not only does not even resemble the free land it once was, but it has also lost the cognitive ability to even understand what a free land is supposed to look […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption Courage COVID-19 DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Second Amendment Slavery Talmud Theft They Live War

The Two Gravest Threats To Our Liberties by Chuck Baldwin

No! Russia is not one of the two gravest threats to our liberties. In fact, a Russian threat is not even in the top ten—or twenty. If anything, the way the War Party in Washington, D.C., and other Western capitals are exacerbating and extending the conflict in Ukraine, we can thank them for the risk […]

Assassinations Big Lie Blowback Censorship Christianity Corruption Courage Cultural Domestic Terrorism Frauds Freedom Fighter Gaslighting Geopolitical Government Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jews Journalism Laws Mossad Palestine Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States War

Abu Akleh Family Says It Is Incredulous At Today’s Announcement By US State Department On Killing Of Shireen

The Abu Akleh family said in a statement issued today that they are incredulous at today’s announcement by the State Department that a test of the spent round that killed Shireen Abu Akleh, an American citizen, was inconclusive as to the origin of the gun that fired it. Following is the full statement issued by […]

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Hoes Mad by Paul Joseph Watson (7:18)

Hoes Mad by Paul Joseph Watson (7:18) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Hoes Mad by Paul Joseph Watson (7:18) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Paul Joseph Watson Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Your Honest Independent […]

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Alien Link To Human Destruction: Greg Hunter Interviews Steve Quayle (1:09:22)

Alien Link To Human Destruction: Greg Hunter Interviews Steve Quayle (1:09:22) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Alien Link To Human Destruction: Greg Hunter Interviews Steve Quayle (1:09:22) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Greg Hunter Archive Subscribe To The […]

Articles Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Freedom And Liberty Government Israel Jews Journalism Military Political Propaganda Russia Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine United Kingdom United States War

Is Israel Planning To Relocate To Ukraine? by Chuck Baldwin

In this column on April 7, I quoted Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky as saying that when the Ukraine War is over, Ukraine will be a “big Israel.” Of course, Zelensky is himself an Ashkenazi Jew, and Ukraine was the original home of those who became Ashkenazi Jews. Could it be possible that one of the […]

Abortion America Articles Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Children Christianity Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Death Doctors Frauds God Government Infanticide Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws Medical Nurses Political Satanic Supreme Court Talmud Theft They Live War

Roe v. Wade Is Dead by Techno Fog

The fight for life now turns to the States. Today, the Supreme Court overturned nearly 50 years of bad abortion law: “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled.” The issue of abortion will be left to the States. In 1973, the Supreme Court legalized abortion under the auspices of the “right of privacy,” […]

Abortion America Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Children Christianity Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Doctors Frauds God Government Infanticide Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws Medical Political Sarah Cain Satanic Supreme Court Talmud Theft They Live Videos War

Roe v. Wade Overturned! Thank God. by Sarah Cain (9:30)

Roe v. Wade Overturned! Thank God. by Sarah Cain (9:30) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Roe v. Wade Overturned! Thank God. by Sarah Cain (9:30) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)!-Thank-God.-by-Sarah-Cain Sarah Cain Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter […]

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Armageddon Audios Big Lie Blessed Virgin Mary Brain Catholicism Censorship Christianity Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Dr. Lorraine Day Freedom And Liberty Future God Jesus Christ Jews Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War

ACH (1817) Dr. Lorraine Day – When Will The Specific Biblical Time Of Trouble Begin? (Audio 1:00:52)

ACH (1817) Dr. Lorraine Day – When Will The Specific Biblical Time Of Trouble Begin? (Audio 1:00:52) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) ACH (1817) Dr. Lorraine Day – When Will The Specific Biblical Time Of Trouble Begin? (Audio 1:00:52) (To view full screen, also with many links, […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption Courage COVID-19 DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Freedom And Liberty Government Health Journalism Laws Lockdowns Mass Shootings Political Propaganda Satanic Second Amendment Theft VAERS War

Collateral Damage From Covid Lockdowns; Gun Control Showdown In The Senate by Chuck Baldwin

The numbers of deaths and injuries from the Covid vaccines are grossly underreported by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). By virtue of the way these statistics are gathered, these numbers at best reflect a mere 10% of the actual total. Therefore, the VAERS report of 28,000 deaths is actually 280,000 deaths, and the […]

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Art Assassinations Audios Big Lie Bilderberg Group Censorship Christianity Communism Cultural Economics Education Ezra Pound Family Henry Ford Holocaust Revisionism Israel Jews Laws Mainstream Media Mossad President John F. Kennedy Psychology Satanic Television Usury War

The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1951-1963 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (31:41)

The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1951-1963 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (31:41) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century 1951-1963 by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (31:41) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Andrew Carrington Hitchcock […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty God Government Jews Journalism Laws Military Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States War

The Long Gray Line, The Long Red Line And The Freedom Documents by Chuck Baldwin

The Long Gray Line is the assembly of graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point. The Long Red Line is the trail of blood resting beneath the soil of this country, deposited by America’s Patriots. A few days ago, “Concerned Graduates of West Point” wrote and signed a Declaration of Betrayal of […]

Children Christianity Family Freedom And Liberty God Greg Reese Jews Love Religion / Spirituality Satanic Talmud Videos

Satanism Demystified by Greg Reese (6:13)

Satanism Demystified by Greg Reese (6:13) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Satanism Demystified by Greg Reese (6:13) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Greg Reese Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Your Honest Independent News

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Audios Bible Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Christianity Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Dr. Peter Hammond Economics Finance Government Inflation Jesus Christ Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Talmud Theft They Live War

ACH (1805) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of How Our Government Steals From Us (Audio 54:22)

ACH (1805) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of How Our Government Steals From Us (Audio 54:22) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) ACH (1805) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of How Our Government Steals From Us (Audio 54:22) (To view full screen, also with […]

America Articles Assassinations Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity Fear Frauds Freedom Fighter Government Israel Jews Laws Mainstream Media Military-Industrial Complex Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft War

Is Thomas Massie The Only U.S. Congressman Not Bought Off By The Israeli Lobby? by Chuck Baldwin

I have shown in numerous columns how the vast majority of U.S. government officials (along with the news media, financial institutions and entertainment industries) are bought and paid for by the ubiquitous juggernaut known as the Israeli lobby. Making sure Israel is not offended is the highest priority of virtually every elected official and bureaucrat […]

Articles Assassinations Big Lie Blowback Bullying Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Fear Frauds Government History Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jews Journalism Laws Lobbyists Middle East Monitor Palestine Political Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism War

Israel Is The Ugliest Ever Face Of Brutal Colonialism by Dr. Salman Abu Sitta

Israel has been at its most ugly for 27,060 days and counting, from the butchering of pregnant women in Deir Yassin by Zionist terror gangs in 1948 to the cold-blooded murder of Shireen Abu Akleh last week and the attack on the pall-bearers carrying her coffin. Israeli savagery knows no bounds. Not one day passes […]

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Audios Bible Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Cognitive Dissonance Corruption COVID-19 Doctors Dr. Lorraine Day Drug Pushers Fear Fluoride Frauds God Jesus Christ Jews Laws New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Totalitarianism United Kingdom United States War

ACH (1783) Dr. Lorraine Day – Why Everything Is A Lie! (Audio 1:01:15)

ACH (1783) Dr. Lorraine Day – Why Everything Is A Lie! (Audio 1:01:15) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) ACH (1783) Dr. Lorraine Day – Why Everything Is A Lie! (Audio 1:01:15) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)–-Why-Everything-Is-A-Lie! Andrew Carrington Hitchcock […]

America Articles Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism Christianity Chuck Baldwin Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Freedom And Liberty God Government Horses Inspiration Jesus Christ Journalism Love Miracles Political Religion / Spirituality Sports Theft Totalitarianism War

Man! I Like That Horse! by Chuck Baldwin

I believe this year’s Kentucky Derby is illustrative of where we are in America. Let’s face it: It doesn’t look good for the United States—or the free world. To put it in racing terms, the odds of America overcoming the billionaire machines that are orchestrating the collapse of freedom, limited government, foundational moral principles and […]

America Big Lie Blowback Brother Nathanael Catastrophe Catholicism Children Christianity Corporations Corruption Cultural Domestic Terrorism Frauds Government Hate Crimes Jews Laws LGBTQ Pedophiles Political Pornography Propaganda Satanic Talmud Teachers Theft They Live Transgender Videos War

The Jews Who Tranny You by Brother Nathanael (7:47)

The Jews Who Tranny You by Brother Nathanael (7:47) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Brother Nathanael Archive Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

America Big Lie Big Pharma Censorship Christianity Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Dr. Carrie Madej Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Freedom And Liberty Government Health Inspiration Journalism Medical Political Science Theft They Live Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War

Dr. Carrie Madej Interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (59:20)

Dr. Carrie Madej Interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (59:20) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Dr. Carrie Madej Archive Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Archive Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Big Lie Catastrophe Christianity Communism Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Dr. Peter Hammond Family Fear Freedom And Liberty Government History Jews Journalism Laws New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic South Africa Talmud United Kingdom Videos War

ACH (1778) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real War That Threatens Every One Of Us (Audio 1:00:19)

ACH (1778) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real War That Threatens Every One Of Us (Audio 1:00:19) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Archive Dr. Peter Hammond Archive Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

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Warning Signs Of America’s Destruction: Greg Hunter Interviews Jonathan Cahn (46:05)

Warning Signs Of America’s Destruction: Greg Hunter Interviews Jonathan Cahn (46:05) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Greg Hunter Archive Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

America Big Lie Blowback Books Canada Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Christianity Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Entrapment Fear Frauds Freemasonry Government History Jews Journalism Political Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism United Nations War

Pawns In The Game by William Guy Carr (Book With Many Download Options)

This is a book about Jewish World Domination. This new reset edition, is the best single work on the Jews available on the evil conspiracy that has been responsible for the devastating wars and continuing conflicts of the past century, and which is now close to its ultimate goal of total world domination through a […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Christianity Corruption Entrapment Frauds Government Hate Crimes Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jerusalem Jews Journalism Palestine Political Racism Religion / Spirituality Satanic Surveillance Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism War

Does Israel Permit Freedom Of Worship? by Philip Giraldi

Palestinian Christians will soon be extinct A week ago I wrote a piece describing how Israel’s power over the US government is such that no American official will confirm that the Israelis have, and have had for years, a secret nuclear arsenal consisting of as many as 200 nukes. The situation is particularly odd in […]

Adolf Hitler America Articles Big Lie Blowback Catholicism Censorship Christianity Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Fear Frauds Germany History Holocaust Revisionism Jews Journalism Laws Military NSDAP Paul Grubach Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War World War II

The Non-Jewish Stake In The Holocaust Mythology by Paul Grubach

Why the Continued Success of a Failed Ideology? During the past four decades mainstream historians have made some surprising admissions with regard to the traditional Holocaust story, the alleged premeditated mass murder of six million Jews by the Germans during WWII, mainly with the use of “gas chambers.” Let us review some of them.Holocaust historian […]

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Clash Of Christianities: Why Europe Cannot Understand Russia by Pepe Escobar

Western Europeans see the Orthodox and eastern Christians as satraps and a bunch of smugglers, while the Orthodox regard the Crusaders as barbarian usurpers bent on world conquest. Under an ubiquitous, toxic atmosphere of cognitive dissonance drenched in Russophobia, it’s absolutely impossible to have a meaningful discussion on finer points of Russian history and culture […]