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The Shocking Story Of The Trans Pacific Partnership by Dr. Vernon Coleman

In 2005, New Zealand, Chile, Brunei and Singapore created the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The partnership was a mutual trade agreement. In 2008, the United States decided to take over the TPP and the Obama administration sponsored lobbyists to transform the TPP into an agreement designed to block the public regulation of health, the environment, or other […]

America Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Chile Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Entrapment Freedom And Liberty Gonzalo Lira Journalism Laws Military-Industrial Complex Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Theft They Live Ukraine Videos War War Criminals

Gonzalo Lira Is Alive (4:11)

Gonzalo Lira Is Alive (4:11) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Gonzalo Lira Archive Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

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Pray For Gonzalo Lira (0:59)

Pray For Gonzalo Lira (0:59) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Gonzalo Lira (Coach Red Pill) Archive Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

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Is Coach Red Pill Dead? by Andrew Anglin

Coach Red Pill AKA Gonzalo Lira has gone AWOL, and is presumed dead or captured. Coach was broadcasting from the Ukraine, mostly from Kharkov, since the beginning of the conflict, giving critical commentary on the conflict. We’ve posted a lot of his material here. He would also say that if you didn’t hear from him […]

Assassinations Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Chile Corruption Courage Domestic Terrorism Entrapment Freedom And Liberty Gonzalo Lira Jews Mainstream Media Military-Industrial Complex Political Propaganda Russia Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine United Kingdom United States Videos War

The Daily Beast Is Trying To Get Me Killed by Coach Red Pill (16:35)

The Daily Beast Is Trying To Get Me Killed by Coach Red Pill (16:35) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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WorldWide Walk Outs! by Children’s Health Defense

Join us for the WorldWide Walk Out kick-off on November 3rd!Worldwide Walkouts will demand a return to freedom and democratic principles. Citizens around the globe are protesting loss of liberty, illegal mandates and tyrannical government overreach. Every man, woman and child is important to this movement! Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD Board Chair and Lead […]