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Pharmakeia: Drugs And Black Magic In The End Times by ODD TV (15:22)

Pharmakeia: Drugs And Black Magic In The End Times by ODD TV (15:22)(To view with many links, click the link below.) Big-Pharma Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Alex Newman Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Dr. Lee Merritt Drug Pushers Fear Freedom Fighter Government Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Remdesivir Satanic They Live Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War

Snake Venom In The Water? Alex Newman Interviews Dr. Lee Merritt (16:10)

Snake Venom In The Water? Alex Newman Interviews Dr. Lee Merritt (16:10) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Dr. Lee Merritt Archive Alex Newman Archive Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Domestic Terrorism Dr. Bryan Ardis Drug Pushers Fear Freedom Fighter Jews Journalism Laws Medical Political Remdesivir Satanic Stew Peters Talmud Theft United States Videos War

Watch The Water: Stew Peters Interviews Dr. Bryan Ardis (56:59)

Watch The Water: Stew Peters Interviews Dr. Bryan Ardis (56:59) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

America Anthony Fauci Assassinations Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Doctors Domestic Terrorism Dr. Bryan Ardis Drug Pushers Fear Frauds Governor Andrew Cuomo Laws Medical Nurses Political Remdesivir Satanic Theft They Live Videos War

26.9% Of Medicare-Aged Patients In New York Who Received Remdesivir Protocol Died by Dr. Bryan Ardis (2:02)

26.9% Of Medicare-Aged Patients In New York Who Received Remdesivir Protocol Died by Dr. Bryan Ardis (2:02) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate And Support The Work I Do Seven Days A Week Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

America Assassinations Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Fear Frauds Genocide Government Jews Laws Medical Money Nurses Political Remdesivir Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War

Thomas Renz: “We Have Incentivized The Murder Of Patients Rather Than Incentivize Treatment” (1:17)

Thomas Renz: “We Have Incentivized The Murder Of Patients Rather Than Incentivize Treatment” (1:17) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate And Support The Work I Do Seven Days A Week Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Freedom And Liberty Government Laws Never Give Up Political Remdesivir Satanic Theft They Live Totalitarianism United Kingdom Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports Vaccine Shedding Video Rebel War

Covid Is Going Away. So What’s Next? by Video Rebel

England ended the vaccine passports and the mask mandates. An NHS doctor was recorded telling a patient to not get a vaccine as information about the covid vaxxes was to be released in the next couple of weeks causing the government to withdraw them from the market. We face a choice. We can either let […]