A One-Of-Its-Kind Resource Where Consumers Can Access The Highest Quality, Competitively-Priced, Lab-Verified, Organically-Certified Health Related Products Available On The Market Today. Consumer Wellness Store was founded by Sayer Ji, to provide a resource where consumers could access competitively-priced, lab-verified health related products. Sayer Ji is the author of the best-selling book Regenerate and Founder & […]
Sayer Ji
In Loving Memory Of Dr. Rashid Buttar, 1966-2023 by Sayer Ji
It is with sadness, yet great appreciation, that we pay tribute to my friend and colleague Dr. Rashid Buttar, who passed away on May 18th.Rashid was a fearless and tireless advocate of health freedom and speaking truth to power, and he had an immense impact on helping the world understand the power of their bodies […]
The WHO’s New Pandemic Treaty: A “New Global Public Health World Order” Power Grab? by Sayer Ji
The World Health Organization (WHO) is moving to create an international Pandemic Treaty which could impose more restrictive and legally binding pandemic policies among its 194 member nations, essentially given the WHO the power to preempt the national sovereignty of member States, and by implication, the civil liberties and health rights of the world’s citizens. […]
Fluoride Literally Turns The Pineal Gland To Stone, Research Suggests by Sayer Ji
The pineal gland has been known as the ‘seat of soul’ for hundreds of years. Could fluoride, a ubiquitous vector of toxicity in the modern world, actually be calcifying this gland and literally turning it to stone? Research published in 2001 showed that fluoride (F) deposits in the pineal gland with age and is associated […]
Secrets Of The Field: Human Hair As An Antenna And Transmitter Of Energy And Information by Sayer Ji
Sayer Ji interviews Karen Elkins on recent discoveries proving that human hair is both an antenna and transmitter of bioelectromagnetic energy and information; a discovery confirming the wisdom of the ancients: human hair possesses profound, if not ‘super-natural’ capabiliities! For many years, I have reflected on the unique power of human hair, and more specifically, […]
Megadoses Vitamin C, Ivermectin vs. Vitamin Therapy, And Censoring The Science On Natural Healing Sayer Ji interviews Dr. Andrew Saul
In Sayer’s latest interview, he dives deep with one of the world’s foremost experts on vitamin C therapy, juxtaposing the extreme controversy and hype around ivermectin with this far more suppressed, effective, safe, affordable and available therapy that virtually no one is talking about despite its clinically validated role, and over 80 years of research […]