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COVID-19 And The Agendas To Come Red-Pilled by James Perloff (.pdf Book)

For those who might not know, “red-pilled” is a metaphor taken from the 1999 film The Matrix. Taking the “red pill” means to awaken to reality; taking the “blue pill” means to continue living in illusion. In 2020, I had been writing a book on 9/11, but switched focus due to a matter of greater urgency—the global response to COVID-19. (The acronym’s meaning, officially, is—“CO” stands for Corona, “VI” for virus, “D” for disease, and “19” for 2019.) I wrote an extensive blog post, “COVID-19 Red-Pilled.” As the situation progressed, I kept updating the post, but it eventually became too long for online reading, and the need for a book was apparent.

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