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The Wisdom Of Animals by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Below is the Foreword from the book `The Wisdom of Animals’ It’s surprisingly difficult to obtain real facts about animals. Much of what we read, and think we know, owes more to imagination than to science. Rumour, gossip and folklore have, over the years, taken the place of solid research. Surprisingly little accurate research has […]

Armageddon Big Lie Carrying Capacity Catastrophe Corruption Environmental Extinctions Habitat Destruction Journalism Laws Nature Overshoot Rainforest Destruction Science Sixth Mass Extinction Sustainability Theft

Earth On ‘Sad Trajectory Toward Sixth Mass Extinction’ Scientists Warn by Andrea Germanos

There’s a human-caused extinction crisis underway — probably the start of the sixth mass extinction — and denial or indifference to this planetary crisis is “an abrogation of moral responsibility,” according to scientists behind a new study. There’s a human-caused extinction crisis underway — probably the start of the sixth mass extinction — and denial […]

America Articles Biology Brain Carrying Capacity Courage E. O. Wilson Education Extinctions Habitat Destruction History Ingenious Inspiration Never Give Up Rainforest Destruction Science Videos

E. O. Wilson (June 10, 1929 – December 26, 2021) (Text and Videos)

Edward Osborne Wilson, University Research Professor Emeritus at Harvard, Is The Guiding Force That Shapes The Mission Of The E. O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation. In his long career, he has transformed his field of research—the behavior of ants—and applied his scientific perspective and experience to illuminate the human circumstance, including human origins, human nature, and […]

Animals Articles Birds Catastrophe Crimes Extinctions Future Habitat Destruction Hate Crimes History Ingenious Laws Money Nature Political Rainforest Destruction Satanic Science Theft They Live War

Introduced Birds Are Not Replacing Roles Of Human-Caused Extinct Species: Study by University College London

Human-caused bird extinctions are driving losses of functional diversity on islands worldwide, and the gaps they leave behind are not being filled by introduced (alien) species, finds a new study led by UCL and University of Gothenburg researchers. The study, published in Science Advances, shows how human impacts such as habitat destruction and climate change […]

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Universal Declaration For The Future Of Humanity by Hardwick Alliance for Real Ecology

Empowering The Sovereign Peoples Of The World To Stop Global Totalitarianism, Corporate-Driven Ecocide And Unlawful Debt-Slavery By Implementing Solutions That Embrace Truth, Freedom, Justice And Prosperity For All Whilst Engaging The Common Sense And Human-Scale Values Of Real Ecology To Protect Our Precious Home, The Earth. This Universal Declaration is for every sovereign human being […]