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Forest Bathing For Immune Support by GreenMedInfo Research Group

Forest bathing, an ancient Japanese medicinal treatment used to reduce stress and anxiety, has recently been studied for its therapeutic effects on the immune system. Researchers have determined that spending time in nature effectively improves immune response by increasing natural killer cell production. The benefits of spending time in nature are not new to anyone […]

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An Ecologist’s New Book Gets At The Root Of Trees’ Social Lives by Cori Vanchieri

In ‘Finding the Mother Tree,’ Suzanne Simard recounts discovering forests’ hidden networks. Opening Suzanne Simard’s new book, Finding the Mother Tree, I expected to learn about the old growth forests of the Pacific Northwest. I had an inkling that Simard, a forest ecologist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, would walk through her […]

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Want To Improve Your Health? Head To A National Park, And Absorb The Sounds by Colorado State University

Wolves howling, birds singing, rain falling-natural sounds inspire us and connect us to nature. New research by a team of scientists shows that natural sounds are also good for our health. Researchers from Carleton University, Michigan State University, Colorado State University and the National Park Service analyzed studies on the outcomes of listening to natural […]

America Ancient Forest Beauty Clearcutting Earth Environmental Forests Habitat Destruction History Love New England Reforestation Science Surveillance Technology United States Videos

The Lost Forests Of New England – Eastern Old Growth by New England Forests (55:47)

The Lost Forests Of New England – Eastern Old Growth by New England Forests (55:47) (To view full screen click the link below.)