Articles Catholicism Children Compassion Courage Death Dream Family Friendship Happiness History Immigration Inspiration Ireland Irish Holocaust John Lennon / Strawberry Fields (Film) Love Mark R. Elsis Articles Music Never Give Up New York City Peace Phil Spector Prayer Teachers The Beatles United States Videos

For My Beautiful Mother Mary On Mother’s Day 2024 by Mark R. Elsis

My Mother MaryMiss Pan Am 1949 So, on this Mother’s Day 2024, I dedicate this great song to my Mother, Mary, who passed on March 11, 2010.She was the most beautiful, giving, and loving Mother a boy, teenager, and man, could ever have wished for.I love you Mom, and I thank you for all you […]

Articles Blowback Censorship Civil Disobedience Compassion Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Death Direct Actions Education Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Genocide Geopolitical God Government History Inspiration Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jews Military Palestine Peace Political Prayer Protests Racism Satanic Slavery Talmud Teachers United States Videos War War Criminals

Aaron Bushnell, Free Palestine

Requiescat In Pace, Aaron Bushnell Free Palestine: The Self-Immolation By Aaron Bushnell At The Israeli Embassy (3:08)(To view with many links, click the link below.) “My name is Aaron Bushnell. I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force, and I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I am about to […]

Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn Articles Big Lie Books Censorship Christianity Civil Rights Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Education Fear Freedom Fighter Future God Government History Immigration Inspiration Jews Laws Military Political Soul Teachers Totalitarianism United States USSR

Live Not By Lies by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

On the day Solzhenitsyn was arrested, February, 12, 1974, he released the text of “Live Not by Lies.” The next day, he was exiled to the West, where he received a hero’s welcome. This moment marks the peak of his fame. Solzhenitsyn equates “lies” with ideology, the illusion that human nature and society can be […]

Art Assassinations Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Blowback Brain Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Children Christianity Communism Compassion Corruption Courage COVID-19 Cultural Education Europe Freedom Fighter Freemasonry God Government History Inspiration Jesus Christ Jews Laws Love Music Philosophy Political Prayer Satanic Teachers United States Videos War

Truth Unchained (Six Episodes) Peter Gumley Interviews Bishop Richard N. Williamson

An insightful six-part series where Peter Gumley interviews Bishop Richard N. Williamson on a wide variety of historical and religious issues. Bishop Richard N. Williamson Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Articles Bible Big Lie Blessed Virgin Mary Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Christianity Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Fear Future God Government History Inspiration Jesus Christ Jews Laws Political Satanic Social Engineering Teachers Theft They Live War

The Kingship Of Christ Is Not Limited To The Church, But Extends To All Nations by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

The doctrine of the kingship of Christ constitutes a discrimen between the Catholic Church and the “conciliar Church;” indeed, it is the point of separation between Catholic orthodoxy and neomodernist heterodoxy, because the followers of laicism and liberal secularism cannot accept that the Lordship of Our Lord extends to the civil sphere, thereby removing it […]

Adolf Hitler Articles Beauty Big Lie Blowback Catholicism Censorship Christianity Compassion Courage Cultural Family Freedom Fighter Future Germany Government History Inspiration Journalism Laws NSDAP Political Religion / Spirituality Renegade Tribune Rudolf Hess Sovereignty Teachers War World War II

National Socialism: The Right And Only Way To Free Ourselves by Stefan Timm

National Socialism is the right and only way because it first of all is a racial ideology, whose principles teach us the importance of racial purity and integrity, for what is a culture without its race? A culture whose people have lost their racial identity through miscegenation in the end dies, for a real culture […]

Actors Buster Keaton Civil War Comedy Films History Hollywood Inspiration Love Teachers Videos

The General by Buster Keaton (1926) (1:15:51)

The General by Buster Keaton (1926) (1:15:51) (To view with many links, click the link below.) The General by Buster Keaton (1926) (1:15:51) (To view with many links, click the link below.) Buster Keaton Archive Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News

Animals Articles Birds Blowback Brain Compassion Consciousness Courage Crimes Death Dr. Vernon Coleman Dumb Us Down Entrapment Foods Freedom Fighter Gaslighting Genocide Health Inspiration Journalism Lobbyists Medical Science Teachers Theft They Live Torture Vegetarianism

Why I’ll Always Be A Vegetarian by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Editor’s Note: I have also been a vegetarian for thirty years. I will always be a vegetarian and for my belief I have in the past been viciously attacked and lied about by the meat industry – an industry which is ever deceitful and mercenary and which has created a good many myths and misconceptions […]

Agriculture Articles Consciousness Courage Education Energy Farming Freedom And Liberty Future Gardens Health Inspiration Nature Organic Permaculture Plant Neurobiology Plants Pollinators Seeds Soil Sustainability Teachers

What Is Permaculture? by Bill Mollison

I’m replacing Lea Harrison, who has a perforated ear drum and can’t fly. So I don’t have any lecture notes, I’m sorry to say. Her lecture was “What is Permaculture?” The more you know about it, the harder it is to say what it is. And I know a lot about it, so you won’t […]

Ancient Civilizations Archaeology Architecture Big Lie Courage Education Egyptology / Pyramids History Mathematics Paleoanthropology Sacred Geometry Science Teachers Technology UnchartedX Videos

New Discoveries That Completely Alter Human History: UnchartedX by After Skool (23:57)

New Discoveries That Completely Alter Human History: UnchartedX by After Skool (23:57) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) New Discoveries That Completely Alter Human History: UnchartedX by After Skool (23:57) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) UnchartedX Archive Subscribe To […]

America Big Lie Blowback Brother Nathanael Catastrophe Catholicism Children Christianity Corporations Corruption Cultural Domestic Terrorism Frauds Government Hate Crimes Jews Laws LGBTQ Pedophiles Political Pornography Propaganda Satanic Talmud Teachers Theft They Live Transgender Videos War

The Jews Who Tranny You by Brother Nathanael (7:47)

The Jews Who Tranny You by Brother Nathanael (7:47) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Brother Nathanael Archive Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

African Americans America Big Lie Blowback Cancel Culture Catastrophe Corruption Cultural Education Frauds Government Jews Mathematics Political Public Schools Satanic Talmud Teachers Theft Videos

The Left Is The Enemy To Communities Of Color (0:57)

The Left Is The Enemy To Communities Of Color (0:57) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

Ancient Civilizations Archaeology Articles Bible Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism Christianity Courage Crimes Against Humanity Death Education God History Inspiration Italy Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jews Love Miracles Palestine Photographs Religion / Spirituality Science Shroud Of Turin Soul Teachers Technology Torture

New Scientific Test Dates Shroud Of Turin To The Time Of Christ’s Death by Andrea Morris

A new scientific method revealed that the Shroud of Turin may truly originate from the 1st Century, around the time of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Italian scientist Liberato De Caro told the National Catholic Register (NCR) that his fabric test shows the Shroud is roughly 2,000 years old. De Caro and his […]

Big Lie Biology Catastrophe Children Civil Disobedience Consciousness Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Education Entrapment Family Fear Frauds Government Jews Laws LGBTQ Pedophiles Political Satanic Talmud Teachers Theft They Live Transgender United Kingdom Videos War

Parent Rage At Family Sex Show For Kids Aged 5 And Up by WeGotAProblem (5:16)

Parent Rage At Family Sex Show For Kids Aged 5 And Up by WeGotAProblem (5:16) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Children Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Education Entrapment Freedom Fighter Good Citizen Government Jews Journalism Laws LGBTQ Pedophiles Political Public Schools Satanic Talmud Teachers Theft They Live Transgender War

Get Them Young by Good Citizen

There are many forms of child abuse beyond the physical or psychological abuse of a parent or guardian to a child. This might be considered ‘old school’ child abuse and is still prevalent and pernicious. The idea that children need protection from harmful and abusive parents by the state still holds. However, over the last […]

Big Lie Catastrophe Children Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Critical Race Theory Domestic Terrorism Entrapment Florida Government Governor Ron DeSantis Jews Journalism Laws LGBTQ Never Give Up Political Public Schools Satanic Talmud Teachers Theft They Live Transgender Tulsi Gabbard Videos War

Florida’s Parental Rights Bill Protects Children Until Third Grade? by Tulsi Gabbard (1:44)

Florida’s Parental Rights Bill Protects Children Until Third Grade? by Tulsi Gabbard (1:44) When I first heard about Florida’s Parental Rights bill, I was shocked it only protects children up to K-3. Third grade? How about 12th grade—or not at all [Third grade? I totally agree and have been saying the same. It seems to […]

America Articles Big Lie Biology Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Children Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Drug Pushers Fear Frauds Government Jews Journalism Laws LGBTQ Political Public Schools Satanic Talmud Teachers Theft They Live Totalitarianism Transgender War Whistleblowers

Teachers Were Secretly Giving Pre-Teen Students Puberty Blockers Behind Parents’ Backs by Matt Vespa

Out of control. This is simply getting out of control. Again, I’m not a culture warrior. These were never issues that got me animated, but now it looks like we all must fix bayonets and skewer the freaks who are turning our places of learning into dens of sexual deviancy. This isn’t about LGBT folks. […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Brain Compassion Consciousness COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Freedom And Liberty Health Inspiration Journalism Medical Teachers Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS War

Spike Protein Detox Guide by World Council For Health

This is an evolving guide with emerging information on how to clear viral and vaccine-induced spike proteins from the body. The lists of herbal and other medicines and supplements have been compiled in a collaboration between international doctors, scientists, and holistic medical practitioners. As Covid-19 infections, Covid-19 vaccines, and the issue of spike protein harms […]

America Articles Consciousness Edgar Cayce Frequencies Future Inspiration Meditation Miracles Premonition Religion / Spirituality Russia Teachers Vladimir Putin

“Out Of Russia Will Come Hope” Edgar Cayce by Alison Ray

Edgar Cayce gave 29 readings from 1921 to 1944 that have been grouped together as “World Affairs Readings” since the requestors were seeking to better understand the events happening around them from a global perspective (Series 3976). These readings twice mention that “out of Russia will come the hope of the world.” We have recently […]

Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Dr. Sam Bailey Freedom And Liberty Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory Health Journalism Political Teachers Theft They Live Totalitarianism Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos

What It Means To Be Healthy: Jerm Warfare Interviews Dr. Sam Bailey (1:02:42)

What It Means To Be Healthy: Jerm Warfare Interviews Dr. Sam Bailey (1:02:42) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate And Support The Work I Do Seven Days A Week Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

America Blowback Brain Cancel Culture Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Courage Creepy Joe Biden Cultural Europe Government History Inspiration Jews Laws LGBTQ Military Military-Industrial Complex Political Russia Satanic Talmud Teachers Theft They Live Videos Vladimir Putin War Woke

Putin Calls The West The “Empire Of Lies” (0:32)

Putin Calls The West The “Empire Of Lies” (0:32) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate And Support The Work I Do Seven Days A Week Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

America Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Brain Censorship Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Dr. Thomas Cowan Drug Pushers Education Face Masks Freedom And Liberty Government Health Inspiration Journalism Medical Political Satanic Science Teachers Totalitarianism Videos

Q&A With A Short Story On How To Get Around Mandates And Fines by Dr. Thomas Cowan (1:01:53)

Q&A With A Short Story On How To Get Around Mandates And Fines by Dr. Thomas Cowan (1:01:53) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate And Support The Work I Do Seven Days A Week Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

Brain Censorship Consciousness Dr. Rupert Sheldrake Dream Freedom And Liberty Graham Hancock Inspiration Love Meditation Premonition Reincarnation Religion / Spirituality Science Teachers United Kingdom Videos

The Mystery Of Consciousness: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and Graham Hancock (1:12:37)

The Mystery Of Consciousness: Dr. Rupert Sheldrake and Graham Hancock (1:12:37) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate And Support The Work I Do Seven Days A Week Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

Big Lie Brain Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Cultural Education Entrapment Environmental Freedom Fighter Nature Public Schools Science Teachers Theft Videos War Whistleblowers

What Is Science? by Allan Savory, Ecologist (1:37)

What Is Science? by Allan Savory, Ecologist (1:37) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest you take a look at which contains over 2,250 […]

America Beauty Biology Brain Consciousness Courage Dr. Thomas Cowan Education Exercise Freedom And Liberty Happiness Health Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Science Teachers Videos

New Year’s Resolutions: Three Things Everybody Should Do In 2022 by Dr. Thomas Cowan (59:28)

New Year’s Resolutions: Three Things Everybody Should Do In 2022 by Dr. Thomas Cowan (59:28) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest you take a […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Tech Blowback Catastrophe Computers Corruption Education Entrapment Frauds Government Internet Internet Of Things Jews Journalism Laws Lobbyists New World Order Political Satanic Surveillance Teachers Technocracy Technology War World Economic Forum

How Education International Is Pushing Teachers’ Unions Into The 4th Industrial Revolution by John Klyczek

Why have teachers’ unions been pushing ed-tech that is driving schools into the 4IR? Look no further than Education International, a global federation tied to UNESCO & the WEF that dominates most teachers’ unions in the US and beyond. For nearly a hundred years, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association […]

Animals Art Beauty Brain Cats Consciousness Ingenious Love Teachers Videos

Apprentice Potter (0:19)

Apprentice Potter (0:19) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest you take a look at which contains over 2,250 [now over 3,000] articles about […]

Bible Big Lie Big Pharma Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Entrapment Fear Freedom Fighter Globalists God Government Inspiration Laws Political Satanic Teachers They Live Totalitarianism Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports Videos War

How To Avoid The Mark Of The Beast by Brother Alexis Bugnolo (15:22)

How To Avoid The Mark Of The Beast by Brother Alexis Bugnolo (15:22) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest you take a look at […]

Articles Bible Big Lie Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Corruption Courage Family Fear Frauds God Happiness History Inspiration Jesus Christ Laws Love Never Give Up Propaganda Religion / Spirituality Teachers

Job’s Solution by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

If souls must die in millions to be saved, So be it – Covid mankind is depraved. As a conclusion to all Job’s sufferings, God blames Job’s four friends for their ignorance and harshness towards Job, but to Job himself He gives back his family and prosperity and much more than before (XLII, 7–17). Blessed […]

Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Brain Censorship Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Dr. Vernon Coleman Freedom And Liberty Government Inspiration Journalism Laws Satanic Science Teachers They Live Totalitarianism United Kingdom Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS War

Dr. Vernon Coleman’s Wednesday Review – Episode Six (27:10)

Dr. Vernon Coleman’s Wednesday Review – Episode Six (27:10) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest you take a look at which contains over […]

America Big Lie Big Pharma Books Brain Catholicism Censorship Christmas Corruption Courage Cultural Dr. E. Michael Jones Education Films Freedom Fighter Hate Crimes Inspiration Israel Jews Laws Political Psychology Religion / Spirituality Satanic Talmud Teachers Television Videos War

Jewish Psychology And Oligarchs: Aleš Ernecl Interviews Dr. E Michael Jones (1:18:29)

Jewish Psychology And Oligarchs: Aleš Ernecl Interviews Dr. E Michael Jones (1:18:29) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest you take a look at […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Brain Catastrophe Censorship Children Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Fear Frauds Globalists Government Laws New Normal Political Religion / Spirituality Satanic Teachers Theft They Live Totalitarianism Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports War

This Is What We’re Teaching Our Children by Brett Wilcox

This is what we’re teaching our children. We’re teaching our children that when adults are afraid the Constitution is null and void. That most adults fear nature more than they love freedom. That bullying is bad except when it’s government sponsored and culturally sanctioned. That hate speech is bad except when targeting the people the […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Children Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Entrapment Freedom And Liberty Government Inspiration Journalism Political Teachers Theft They Live United States Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS War

Can You Handle The Truth? by Greg Maybury

(If we Tolerate this, then our Children will be Next) Preamble: Like many people out there battling in their own way the tyranny and the treachery to which we’ve been subjected by our political, media, and bureaucratic ‘Brahmin castes’ (self-appointed as they are), I’m all fired n’ brim-stoned up. This article is something of a […]

Articles Beauty Biology Books Brain Consciousness Courage Dr. Rupert Sheldrake Education History Ingenious Inspiration Medical Morphic Resonance Science Teachers United Kingdom Videos

Morphic Resonance (Forty Years Of Research) by Rupert Sheldrake

Morphic resonance is a process whereby self-organising systems inherit a memory from previous similar systems. In its most general formulation, morphic resonance means that the so-called laws of nature are more like habits. The hypothesis of morphic resonance also leads to a radically new interpretation of memory storage in the brain and of biological inheritance. […]

Articles Beauty Blessed Virgin Mary Children China Compassion Courage Direct Actions Dream Family Fear Freedom And Liberty God Government History Ingenious Inspiration Love Medical Political Religion / Spirituality Soul Teachers United Kingdom

Gladys Alyward: Missionary Of Love by Heather Creekmore

What difference can one life make? The story of Gladys Alyward, a British-born evangelical missionary to China, is a great example of the impact one person can have. Gladys is this month’s feature in our “Year of Love” series because of her story of selfless sacrifice and how she put love into action. While she […]

Abortion America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Catastrophe Catholicism Children Christianity Corruption Courage COVID-19 Domestic Terrorism Education Frauds Hate Crimes Jews John-Henry Weston LGBTQ Political Propaganda Public Schools Satanic Teachers Theft Transgender Videos War Woke

The LGBT Mob Is Coming After Our Children: It’s Time To Fight Back by John-Henry Westen (Text and Video)

Teachers are trying to convince parents their toddlers are transsexual, schools are taking children to gay bars, and they are indoctrinating children into the woke agenda while actively concealing it from parents. The way we treat our most vulnerable has always been the mark of a civilized society and with our abortion and euthanasia laws […]

Big Lie Big Pharma Biology Brain Censorship Consciousness Courage Dr. Thomas Cowan Education Electronics Health Ingenious Inspiration Italy Medical Teachers United States Videos

Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends | Episode 40: Alessio Angeleri, Part 2 (53:15)

Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends | Episode 40: Alessio Angeleri, Part 2 (53:15) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) From: Dr. Vernon ColemanEarth Newspaper – A Major Source of InformationIf you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest you take a look at […]

America California Consciousness Courage Dr. Thomas Cowan Education Family Farming Freedom And Liberty Fruits And Vegetables Future Gardens Happiness Health Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Medical Nature Organic Permaculture Plant Neurobiology Plants Religion / Spirituality Science Seeds Soil Sustainability Switzerland Teachers United States Videos

Conversations With Dr. Cowan & Friends | Episode 38: Carin Fortin & Delmar McComb Of Blossom’s Farm (47:54)

Conversations With Dr. Cowan & Friends | Episode 38: Carin Fortin & Delmar McComb Of Blossom’s Farm (47:54) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish […]

America American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Articles Big Lie Black Projects Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Communism Consciousness Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Critical Race Theory Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Entrapment Espionage Externalities Face Masks Fact Check Family Fear Federal Bureau Of Investigation Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Future Gambling Gaslighting Globalists Government Hate Crimes Identity Politics Inalienable Rights Jews Journalism Laws Lobbyists Medical Never Give Up New Normal New World Order Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Police Political Politically Correct Propaganda Protests Psychology Public Schools Religion / Spirituality Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Talmud Teachers Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Unvaccinated War

Merrick Garland’s America – The Justice Department Targets Dissenters by Philip Giraldi

There have been a number of suggestions online that the withdrawal of American soldiers from overseas is being undertaken to use the troops against those individuals and domestic groups that are being targeted by the Justice Department. The possibility has a certain coherency given that we have a White House that it believes it has […]

Art Artoons Assassinations Clothes Federal Bureau Of Investigation History Ignatius Graffeo Ingenious Inspiration John Lennon / Strawberry Fields (Film) Love Music Never Give Up New World Order Peace Political Privacy Religion / Spirituality T-Shirts Teachers The Beatles United Kingdom United States

John Lennon Imagine T-Shirt by Ignatius Graffeo

For you John, on what would have been your 81st birthday. If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from honest, independent and reliable sources, on a completely ad-free website. […]

America Biology Bodily Autonomy Dr. Thomas Cowan Electricity Energy Externalities Freedom And Liberty Frequencies Future Health Ingenious Journalism Medical Science Sound Surveillance Teachers United States Videos

Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends | Episode 37: Eileen McKusick (52:48)

Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends | Episode 37: Eileen McKusick (52:48) Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends | Episode 37: Eileen McKusick (52:48)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. […]

America Big Lie Big Pharma Black Projects Blowback Bodily Autonomy Cancel Culture Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Centers For Disease Control Children Christianity Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Communism Conflict Of Interest Consciousness Constitution For The United States Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Critical Race Theory Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Entrapment Espionage Externalities Face Masks Fact Check Family Fear Federal Bureau Of Investigation Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gambling Gaslighting Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health History Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Ingenious Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Never Give Up New Normal New World Order Police Political Politically Correct Propaganda Protests Psychology Public Schools Religion / Spirituality Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Talmud Teachers Technology Television Theft They Live Torture Totalitarianism Tucker Carlson United States Unvaccinated VAERS Videos War Whistleblowers

Tucker: Nothing Like This Has Ever Happened In Our Country (16:21)

Tucker: Nothing Like This Has Ever Happened In Our Country (16:21)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from […]

Big Oil Big Tech Biology Black Projects Blackmail Blowback Bodily Autonomy Brain Canada Catastrophe Censorship Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Dr. Julie Ponesse Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Entrapment Espionage Eugenics Externalities Fact Check Family Fear Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gambling Gaslighting Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health History Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Never Give Up New Normal New World Order Political Propaganda Psychology Religion / Spirituality Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Teachers Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism Unemployment Unvaccinated Videos War Whistleblowers

Dr. Julie Ponesse Was Dismissed For Not Submitting To Genetic Medical Experimentation On September 7 (4:54)

Dr. Julie Ponesse Was Dismissed For Not Submitting To Genetic Medical Experimentation On September 7 (4:54)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Biology Black Projects Blowback Bodily Autonomy Brain Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Communism Consciousness Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Entrapment Espionage Eugenics Externalities Family Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gambling Gaslighting Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health History Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Laws LifeSiteNews Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Never Give Up New Normal New World Order Political Propaganda Protests Psychology Religion / Spirituality Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Teachers Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS War Whistleblowers

How Americans Can Resist Coronavirus Shot Mandates – A Comprehensive Guide by LifeSiteNews Staff

Here is a comprehensive list of resources, including sample exemption letters, for Americans seeking relief from forced coronavirus injections. Americans in many different fields of work are suddenly having to choose between taking an abortion-tainted, poorly tested, and dangerous coronavirus injection or being fired from their jobs. Students are also having their educational opportunities denied […]

Adolf Hitler Art Beauty Brain Education Films Friendship Future Germany Government History Leni Riefenstahl Sports Teachers Track and Field Videos

Olympia Part One: Festival Of The Nations by Leni Riefenstahl (1938) (1:55:03)

Olympia Part One: Festival Of The Nations by Leni Riefenstahl (1938) (1:55:03)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, […]

Adolf Hitler Art Beauty Brain Education Films Friendship Future Germany Government History Leni Riefenstahl Sports Teachers Track and Field Videos

Olympia Part Two: Festival Of Beauty by Leni Riefenstahl (1938) (1:28:27)

Olympia Part Two: Festival Of Beauty by Leni Riefenstahl (1938) (1:28:27)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from […]

America Beauty Brain Consciousness Courage Dr. Thomas Cowan Earth Externalities Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Medical Nature Science Surveillance Teachers Technology United States Videos Water Water Pollution Whistleblowers

The Magic Of Water, Webinar September 3, 2021 by Dr. Thomas Cowan (59:25)

The Magic Of Water, Webinar September 3, 2021 by Dr. Thomas Cowan (59:25)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from honest, independent and reliable sources, on […]

America Big Lie Big Pharma Biology Black Projects Blowback Bodily Autonomy Brain Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Dr. Tim O'Shea Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Entrapment Espionage Eugenics Fact Check Family Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gambling Gaslighting Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health History Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Never Give Up New Normal New World Order Political Propaganda Protests Psychology Religion / Spirituality Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Teachers Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War Whistleblowers

Germ Theory Of Disease, The New State Religion by Dr. Tim O’Shea (52:54)

Germ Theory Of Disease, The New State Religion by Dr. Tim O’Shea (52:54)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from honest, independent and reliable sources, on […]

America Antibody-Dependent Enhancement Big Lie Big Pharma Biology Black Projects Blowback Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Dr. Robert Malone Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Elderly Entrapment Espionage Eugenics Externalities Family Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gambling Gaslighting Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health History Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Never Give Up New Normal New World Order Political Propaganda Psychology Religion / Spirituality Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Teachers Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War Whistleblowers

Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor Of Using “RNA As A Drug” And Core mRNA And DNA Vaccine Technologies (2:36:20)

Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor Of Using “RNA As A Drug” And Core mRNA And DNA Vaccine Technologies (2:36:20)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from honest, […]

America Big Lie Biology Blowback Censorship Chemicals Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Courage Dr. Thomas Cowan Education Energy Externalities History Ingenious Inspiration Italy Journalism Laws Medical Nature Physics Quantum Entanglement Science Sound Teachers Technology United States Videos Water Whistleblowers

Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends Episode 35: Alessio Angeleri (59:46)

Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends Episode 35: Alessio Angeleri (59:46) Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends Episode 35: Alessio Angeleri (59:46)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Big Tech Biology Black Projects Blowback Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Communism Computers Consciousness Corporations Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Entrapment Espionage Externalities Family Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gambling Gaslighting Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health History Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Jews Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Never Give Up New Normal New World Order Political Propaganda Protests Psychology Public Schools Religion / Spirituality Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Talmud Teachers Technocracy Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States

American Federation Of Teachers Sells Out To Rockefellers, Trilateralists, And Big Tech by John Klyczek

The country’s 2nd largest teachers union heavily lobbied the CDC to not reopen schools. While they framed their efforts as health and safety focused, there is more than meets the eye to the union’s push for indefinite remote learning. On May 1st, 2021, Americans for Public Trust leaked email correspondences between the American Federation of […]

America Anthony Fauci Big Lie Big Pharma Biology Black Projects Blowback Bodily Autonomy Brain Cancer Carbon Dioxide Censorship Centers For Disease Control Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Domestic Terrorism Dr. Vernon Coleman Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Elderly Entrapment Eugenics Externalities Face Masks Family Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gambling Gaslighting Genocide Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health History Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Never Give Up New Normal New World Order Political Propaganda Psychology Religion / Spirituality Satanic Science Slavery Surveillance Teachers Technology Theft They Live Torture Totalitarianism United Kingdom Videos War Whistleblowers World Health Organization

Masks Cause Cancer, Here Is The Proof by Dr. Vernon Coleman (6:04)

Masks Cause Cancer, Here Is The Proof by Dr. Vernon Coleman (6:04)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from honest, independent and reliable sources, on a […]

Big Lie Big Pharma Biology Black Projects Blowback Bodily Autonomy Brain Canada Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Consciousness Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Elderly Entrapment Eugenics Externalities Family Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gambling Gaslighting Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health History Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Never Give Up New Normal New World Order Political Propaganda Psychology Religion / Spirituality Satanic Science Slavery Soul Teachers Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports Videos War

What Is IBS And How To Treat It Naturally by Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer (1:42:46)

What Is IBS And How To Treat It Naturally by Dr. Amandha Dawn Vollmer (1:42:46)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from honest, independent and reliable […]

America Ancient Civilizations Archaeology Beauty Big Lie Blowback Books Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Corruption Courage Cultural Education Egyptology / Pyramids Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gaslighting Globalists Government Graham Hancock History Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Lost Civilizations Never Give Up Political Propaganda Psychology Science Teachers UnchartedX United Kingdom Videos Whistleblowers

Graham Hancock On The UnchartedX Podcast (1:09:42)

Graham Hancock On The UnchartedX Podcast (1:09:42)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a dozen news articles and videos, from honest, independent and reliable sources, on a completely ad-free website. Thank you […]

America Antifa Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Biology Black Projects Blowback Bodily Autonomy Cancel Culture Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Corporations Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Critical Race Theory Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Entrapment Espionage Excitotoxins Family Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection France Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gaslighting Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health Identity Politics Inalienable Rights Jews Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical New Normal New World Order Political Privacy Propaganda Psychology Public Schools Racism Religion / Spirituality Satanic Science Simon Black Slavery Soul Surveillance Teachers Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Virtue Signalling Woke

Teachers Union Sues Mom For Demanding To See Her Child’s Curriculum by Simon Black

Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice. Donate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a […]

America Articles Brain Children Climate Change Consciousness Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Direct Actions Earth Education Environmental Externalities Freedom And Liberty Global Warming Government Health Ingenious Inspiration Nature Political Pollution Reforestation Science Soil Sustainability Teachers United States Wildlife

Planting Forests May Cool The Planet More Than Thought by Princeton University

Planting trees and replenishing forests are among the simplest and most appealing natural climate solutions, but the impact of trees on atmospheric temperature is more complex than meets the eye. One question among scientists is whether reforesting midlatitude locations such as North America or Europe could in fact make the planet hotter. Forests absorb large […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Biology Bishop Richard N. Williamson Black Projects Blessed Virgin Mary Blood / Blood Clots Blowback Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Centers For Disease Control Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Civil War Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Corporations Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Depopulation Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Entrapment Espionage Eugenics Externalities Family Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gambling Gaslighting Genocide Globalists God Government Hate Crimes Health History Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Ingenious Inspiration Jesus Christ Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical New Normal New World Order Political Propaganda Psychology Religion / Spirituality Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Teachers Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United Kingdom United States Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS War Whistleblowers

Godless Governments – I by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

The Eighth Commandment quite forbids all lies.With reason – human life they pulverise.Without a true God or His personal judgement at death to fear, what is there to stop rulers or ruling elites from exploiting their privileged rank for their own benefit and not that of the people they rule? A modern politician answers to […]

America Blowback Catastrophe Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Corruption Courage Cultural Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Education Entrapment Externalities Family Fear Freedom Fighter Gaslighting History Identity Politics Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Myths Political Propaganda Psychology Racism Religion / Spirituality Science Teachers United States Videos

“Blue Eyes – Brown Eyes” A Lesson On Discrimination (6:51)

“Blue Eyes – Brown Eyes” A Lesson On Discrimination (6:51)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate today and support our work.Thank you in advance for your generosity, so we may keep growing quickly.

America Big Lie Big Tech Blowback Brain Computers Consciousness Corporations Corruption Courage Crimes Crony Capitalism Dumb Us Down Education Espionage Externalities Family Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gaslighting Hacking History Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Political Propaganda Psychology Rob Braxman Science Surveillance Teachers Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Videos Whistleblowers

The Big Antivirus Lie In 2021 by Rob Braxman (22:32)

The Big Antivirus Lie In 2021 by Rob Braxman (22:32)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate today and support our work.Thank you in advance for your generosity, so we may keep growing quickly.

Art Articles Computers Corbett Report Education Family Freedom And Liberty Happiness Ingenious Inspiration Internet Journalism Political Privacy Propaganda Teachers Videos

Research Tools You Should Know About by Corbett Report (19:34)

Research Tools You Should Know About by Corbett Report (19:34)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate today and support our work, thank you.

America Big Lie Big Pharma Black Projects Blowback Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Dr. Carrie Madej Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Entrapment Espionage Externalities Family Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gambling Gaslighting Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health History Hydrogel Inalienable Rights Infertility Informed Consent Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical PCR Test Political Propaganda Psychology Rockefeller Foundation Lockstep Plan Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Teachers Technocracy Technology The Great Reset Theft They Live Totalitarianism Transhuman United States Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports Vaccine Shedding VAERS Videos War Whistleblowers World Economic Forum World Health Organization

Fighting For Freedom, Truth And Humanity: The Ripple Effect Podcast Interviews Dr. Carrie Madej (1:12:08)

Fighting For Freedom, Truth And Humanity: The Ripple Effect Podcast Interviews Dr. Carrie Madej (1:12:08) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)

Adolf Hitler America American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Antifa Banking Big Food Big Lie Big Oil Big Pharma Big Tech Bilderberg Group Black Lives Matter Black Projects BlackRock Blowback Cancel Culture Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Central Banks Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Civil War Cognitive Dissonance Communism Consciousness Corporations Corruption Council On Foreign Relations Courage COVID-19 Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism David Duke David Irving David Rockefeller Deanna Spingola Debate Deep State Depopulation Dieudonné Digital Currency Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Entrapment Espionage Europe Externalities False Flags Family Father Coughlin Federal Reserve Finance Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Fractional Reserve Banking France Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Gambling Gaslighting Genocide Germany Ghislaine Maxwell Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health History Hollywood Holocaust Revisionism Holodomor Inalienable Rights Ingenious Inspiration Insurance International Criminal Court International Monetary Fund Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jeffrey Epstein Jewish Bolshevik Revolution Jews Jim Rizoli Jonathan Cook Journalism Kevin MacDonald Laws Les Wexner Limited Hangout Lobbyists Lockdowns Mainstream Media Medical Military Military-Industrial Complex Money Mossad Multiculturalism Neanderthals New Normal New World Order Palestine Political Politically Correct Pornography Propaganda Psychiatrist Psychology Public Schools Purim Racism Sackler Family Satanic Science Slavery Social Credit Score Soul Surveillance Talmud Teachers Technocracy Technology Television The Great Reset Theft They Live Totalitarianism Transgender Transhuman United Kingdom United Nations United States USSR Usury Vaccine Passports Vaccine Shedding VAERS Videos War War Criminals Whistleblowers Woke World Economic Forum World Health Organization

The Truth About The Elites (5:00)

The Truth About The Elites (5:00) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)

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Secrets Of Sacred Geometry, Kosmographia The Randall Carlson Podcast (1:42:14)

Secrets Of Sacred Geometry, Kosmographia The Randall Carlson Podcast (1:42:14) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)

Animals Articles Biology Earth Ingenious Longevity Nature Russia Science Teachers Wildlife

Arctic Rotifer Lives After 24,000 Years In A Frozen State by Cell Press

Bdelloid rotifers are multicellular animals so small you need a microscope to see them. Despite their size, they’re known for being tough, capable of surviving through drying, freezing, starvation, and low oxygen. Now, researchers reporting in the journal Current Biology on June 7 have found that not only can they withstand being frozen, but they […]

America Articles Cultural Debate Education Freedom And Liberty Geopolitical Government History Ingenious Laws Michael Walsh Political Teachers United States

Overton Window by Michael Walsh

The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time. It is also known as the window of discourse. The term is named after American policy analyst Joseph P. Overton, who stated that an idea’s political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within this range, rather […]

America Articles Cancel Culture Censorship Children Corruption Courage Crimes Cultural Divide And Conquer Education Entrapment Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Identity Politics Inspiration Laws Masculinity New Normal Political Propaganda Psychology Public Schools Teachers They Live Totalitarianism Transgender United States Woke

Professor Can’t Be Punished For Not Using Transgender Student’s Pronouns, Appeals Court Rules by Greg Piper

Judge had asked university if it would also force Jewish professor to address student as “My Fuhrer.”A public university violated a professor’s constitutional rights by punishing him for refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred pronouns, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday. In a unanimous opinion written by Judge Amul Thapar, a […]