The unvaxxed will take back the world from their oppressors. I might suggest that the first order of business after the obvious arrest and trials would be worldwide Debt Cancellation to restore the economies of the various nations. Debt cancellation is the only painless way to quickly end a Depression. Since we have far more […]
Another Israeli Spy Story: When Will It End? by Philip Giraldi
One wonders when the penny will drop and the American people will rise up and say enough is enough. It is perhaps not necessary to point out how the mainstream media in the United States as well as in Europe and Oceania persist in ignoring or otherwise covering up stories that make the Israelis look […]
What’s Really Behind The War On Home Ownership? Becoming A “Nation Of Renters” Is Clearly A Big Part Of The New Normal by Kit Knightly
The incipient “Great Reset” is a multi-faceted beast. We talk a lot about vaccine passports and lockdowns and the Covid-realated aspects – and we should – but there’s more to it than that. Remember, they want you to “own nothing and be happy”. And right at the top of the list of things you definitely […]
World War II, The Third Reich And Hitler: A Witness Of History Remembers by Otto Ernst Remer
… The initial successes of our forces against the Soviets were due to the fact that the Russians were not stationed in defense positions, but were instead positioned right at the front for attack, which made it possible for us to quickly encircle large Soviet forces. Thus, in the first weeks of the war, we […]
The Problem Is Evil: Of Cyberterrorism, Great Resets, And Political Prisoners by Joaquin Flores
The present elite in the west is governed by a misanthropic principle, which views the exercise of power as something measured by the degree to which it can be exercised in the most painful way. How is a citizenry to respond to Evil, to publicly made threats that they are now in a period where […]
Countdown To Great Deplatforming Part 2? PayPal Partners With ADL Against ‘Axtremism And Hate’ by
Pro-censorship anti-bigotry group the Anti-Defamation League has partnered with PayPal to “fight hate” by cutting off its financing. But its definition of “hate,” criticized as expansive and fungible, has prompted concerns. The ADL and PayPal have banded together to “fight extremism and hate” by limiting users’ ability to donate money using the popular online payment […]
Rothschild’s Ex-Wife Found Dead, Hanging From Doorknob At Home by Jay Greenberg
Annabelle Neilson dies aged 49-years-old – police say death is ‘not suspicious’ Rothschild’s ex-wife Annabelle Neilson was found dead in her London home The ex-wife of elite banker Nataniel Rothschild has been found dead at her home in Chelsea, London. 49-year-old Annabelle Neilson’s body was discovered hanging from a doorknob in the bathroom of her […]
Churchill And U.S. Entry Into World War II by David Irving
… If I’m known for anything as a historian, apart from being a pain in the neck, it’s because I uncover things. And uncovering things does not necessarily mean you go into the archives and see something and say: “Look at this, this is something quite extraordinary.” If you go into the archives long enough, […]
Governments Are Using Credit Card Purchase Data As “Contact Tracing’ Covid Surveillance by Didi Rankovic
Invasive. The ongoing “war on cash” that far preceded the pandemic, whose goal is to steer people towards using traceable forms of payment, is coming in very handy in the COVID era precisely for the reason the policy is criticized in the first place – it makes it easy for authorities to keep tabs on […]
Proving Liberalism Is A Form Of Insanity by Video Rebel
Modern liberalism has sold Blacks on Identity politics because today’s Democrats cannot deliver their voters good schools, safer streets and rising incomes. And they have done the same to Gays, women and other minorities. Blacks had families both before and after the Civil War. Blacks had a lower illegitimacy rate after WW I than did […]
The Anti-Semitic Playbook Goes Way Back (0:37)
The Anti-Semitic Playbook Goes Way Back (0:37) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate today and support our work, thank you.
Creepy Joe’s Jewish Family And Cabinet by Mark R. Elsis
As you read this short piece, remember, Jews are only 1 in 500 people on earth. The chance of these 28 Jews to be in the most important positions in the United States government, well, that’s impossible. But yet it has happened through a coup d’etat. With a blatantly stolen election, these 28 conniving Jews, […]
Ritual Murder Of The Russian Imperial Family by Michael Walsh
Before the outbreak of the Great War (1914 ~ 1918) there were available in selected Jewish-owned Warsaw shops greeting cards with images that were unavailable for Gentiles. The postcards carried the image of the tzadik. This is an image of a rabbinical Jew with the Torah in his one hand and a white fowl in […]
A Speech About Blockchain, Government, Taxes, Banks, Corruption, Cryptocurrency by John McAfee (31:03)
A Speech About Blockchain, Government, Taxes, Banks, Corruption, Cryptocurrency by John McAfee (31:03) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Subscribe To The Newsletter Support Honest, Independent, And Ad-Free News
The New World Order Is Here, Rebel Now (2:19)
The New World Order Is Here, Rebel Now (2:19) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Why Is The World’s Wealthiest Excluded From The Forbes List Of Richest People by Michael Walsh
Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws. ~ This is a House of Rothschilds maxim, widely attributed to banking tycoon Mayer Amschel Rothschild in 1838 and said to be a founding principle for the highly corrupt banking and political system we have today. […]
Biden Is Arming Al-Qaeda Again (I’ve Got The Receipts!) by Syrian Girl (10:02)
Biden Is Arming Al-Qaeda Again (I’ve Got The Receipts!) by Syrian Girl (10:02) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Invasion Of The Nation Snatchers by Brother Nathanael (5:31)
Invasion Of The Nation Snatchers by Brother Nathanael (5:31) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Agustin Carstens, Bank For International Settlements, And The Absolute Control Of Digital Currencies (0:56)
Agustin Carstens, Bank For International Settlements, And The Absolute Control Of Digital Currencies (0:56) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Meet Jigsaw: Google’s Intelligence Agency by PrivacyToGo
It’s no secret that Google regularly collaborates with intelligence agencies. They are a known NSA subcontractor. They launched Google Earth using a CIA spy satellite network. Their executive suite’s revolving door with DARPA is well known. In the wake of the January 6th Capitol event, the FBI used Google location data to pwn attendants with […]
A Country That Has Lost Its Way by Philip Giraldi
U.S. Government And Corporations Combine To Strip Citizens Of Their Rights The Biden Administration is calling on Americans to spy on friends, neighbors and family and reporting any “extremist” views to the authorities. The American people have increasingly become aware that government surveillance and corporate censorship have combined to keep people ignorant and controlled. What […]
Covid19 – The Final Nail In Coffin Of Medical Research by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick
Several years ago, I wrote a book called Doctoring Data. It was my attempt to help people navigate their way through medical headlines and medical data. One of the main reasons I was stimulated to write it, is because I had become deeply concerned that science, especially medical science, had been almost fully taken over […]
Jews And Competitive Victimhood by Brenton Sanderson
Despite being the wealthiest, most politically well-connected and influential group in Western nations, Jews have assiduously (and successfully) cultivated the notion they have always been, and remain, a cruelly-persecuted victim group deserving of everyone’s profound sympathy. The “Holocaust” narrative has, of course, been central to this endeavor. The entire social and political order of the […]
The War On Antisemitism Gains Momentum by Philip Giraldi
Silencing criticism of Israel is the primary objective. It has frequently been observed how Jewish organizations in the United States and Western Europe exploit their claimed perpetual victimhood to excuse their own ethnocentric manipulations while also providing cover for Israeli war crimes. What they refer to as the “Holocaust” is, of course, central to the […]
Elizabeth Dilling And The Great Sedition Trails by Michael Walsh
One day an awakened United States will emerge from the Jewish chrysalis. Pennsylvania Avenue will then perhaps be renamed Elizabeth Dilling Avenue. Today, slumbering in their Jewish shroud, few Americans have heard of a lady who should replace the Statue of Liberty. Elizabeth Dilling (1894 – 1966) was a publisher; she headed the Patriotic Research […]
John McAfee’s Widow Calls Mainstream Media A ‘Malignant Cancer,’ Says Suicide Story Was ‘Prepared’ And Fabricated by Gabriel Keane
“Words cannot describe how enraged I am at the fact that I had to hear the news of John’s death via a DM on Twitter. And now it’s being conveniently reported that there was a “suicide note” found in his pocket, something that was not mentioned when I collected John’s belongings from the prison and […]
A Crucial Lesson Of History: Why Do We Have Usury? by Anthony Migchels
Usury was forbidden in Europe, during the Medieval Era. But there was no mechanism to provide interest-free credit. As a result, there was credit scarcity. This was a very real problem, hindering economic expansion. And this was the rationale for letting the Money Lenders back in. 1500 Europe was a burgeoning Civilization, that was seeing […]
The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by Dr. E. Michael Jones (Book, 2nd Edition)
The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by Dr. E. Michael Jones is the story of the 2,000 year long battle between Logos and Anti-Logos: from the foot of the Cross in the Gospel of St. John, to the French Revolution, through the revolutionary movements of the 21st century, including the Neoconservative takeover of the United States. Israel […]
Advancing Digital Safety: A Framework To Align Global Action by World Economic Forum
Klaus and his buddies at the World Economic Forum want to team up with Big Tech to control and censor the internet. This is exactly what Orwell warned us about.
We Are At War – This Is Not A Drill by Max Igan (52:11)
We Are At War – This Is Not A Drill by Max Igan (52:11) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
The Truth About The Elites (5:00)
The Truth About The Elites (5:00) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
The Great Reset What Is It Really About by Anthony Migchels (28:18)
The Great Reset What Is It Really About by Anthony Migchels (28:18) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
The World Crisis = The Financial Crisis by Anthony Migchels
The World Crisis started September 2019, with the restart of Quantitative Easing by the Fed. It signaled the return of the 2008 Credit Crunch. Nothing was solved in 2008, only postponed, and now we face a Reckoning that can only be compared to the Fall of Rome, or even better: the Bronze Age Collapse. Babylon […]
Congressman Louis Thomas McFadden vs. The Federal Reserve System by John Wear
Most Americans have never heard of former U.S. Congressman Louis Thomas McFadden. This is unfortunate, because McFadden was one of the most courageous and honorable congressmen in American history. This article documents McFadden’s efforts to expose the unconstitutional and corrupt nature of the U.S. Federal Reserve System. Louis McFadden was born in Troy, Bradford County, […]
Dr. Ron Paul On The Highwire with Del Bigtree (1:04:48)
Dr. Ron Paul On The Highwire with Del Bigtree (1:04:48) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Banks Are Being Weaponized by Sarah Corriher (8:33)
Banks Are Being Weaponized by Sarah Corriher (8:33) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma And The Media by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Big Pharma and mainstream media are largely owned by two asset management firms: BlackRock and Vanguard. Drug companies are driving COVID-19 responses – all of which, so far, have endangered rather than optimized public health — and mainstream media have been willing accomplices in spreading their propaganda, a false official narrative that leads the public […]
Let’s Just Be Jews. U.S. On High Alert, Credible Threats Made, False Flag? by Wil Paranormal (5:57)
Let’s Just Be Jews. U.S. On High Alert, Credible Threats Made, False Flag? by Wil Paranormal (5:57) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Usury, Central Banking And The History Of Capitalism: Keith Woods Interviews Anthony Migchels (36:07)
Usury, Central Banking And The History Of Capitalism: Keith Woods Interviews Anthony Migchels (36:07) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Do Not Take Usury! Do Not Speculate! Produce And Add To The Greater Whole! by Anthony Migchels
In these latter days of the West and the American Empire, and the rise of the New Gold Standard, all the money grabbing looks more disgusting than ever. And we can’t even just blame the Bankers. Especially America has been obsessed with ‘the Stock Market’, and more recently ‘Bitcoin’. But it’s a fool’s game. Not […]
Meet The World Economic Forum by Corbett Report (1:09:57)
Meet The World Economic Forum by Corbett Report (1:09:57) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
The Hidden Powers Behind The Destruction Of America by Revisionist Historians for World Peace
The Khazarian Mafia Takes Complete Control of the United States of America. The specific threat to America is Zionist in nature – Zionism is not Judaism. While many Jews now see the distinction and are rejecting Zionism, many others have been and remain tools of Zionism, and thus, whether well-intentioned or not, are also a […]
What Hitler Believed by Robert S. Griffin, Ph.D.
Finally, I took it upon myself to read Hitler’s magnum opus, Mein Kampf, and see what I could pick up about him for myself … Reading the book and putting this material together has given me a better handle on what Hitler believed … The quotes are from Mein Kampf, Hitler’s words. Hitler had a […]
Half Of All Unemployment Money Was Stolen By Criminals During Pandemic, Experts Say by Megan Henney and Hillary Vaughn
As much as $400 billion in unemployment benefits may have been fraudulent. Unemployment fraud surged during the coronavirus pandemic, with billions of dollars likely ending up in the hands of foreign crime syndicates based in China, Russia and other countries, experts say. As much as $400 billion in unemployment benefits may have been fraudulent, according […]
‘The Motherlode Of Jewish Lists’ Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Jewish Control Of American Society by The Millennium Report
The following list of articles and essays, videos and audios, websites and blogs which document the ironclad control of American society is quite comprehensive, yet by no means exhaustive. There are literally thousands of other Internet posts on this same subject matter. The historical revisionists and investigative journalists are highly encouraged to seek out those […]
How The Bank Bought Everything Up And How We’re Going To Buy It All Back by Anthony Migchels
Double entry bookkeeping, less accurately also known as ‘fractional reserve banking’, is how Banks create money. We have $250 Trillion in debt outstanding to a bunch of total idiots, who have created all the credit and money with the flick of a pen. Populists, monetary reformers, Christians, Muslims, normal people, they must know the basics: […]
Corporations Buying Neighborhoods So They Can Charge You Rent Forever by Really Graceful (8:11)
Corporations Buying Neighborhoods So They Can Charge You Rent Forever by Really Graceful (8:11) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
The New Gold Standard Is The Great Reset! by Anthony Migchels
The Great Reset is about the ‘reset’ of the Financial System. The follow up of the debt bubble, which cannot grow any longer. The coming Gold Standard has always been the Banker Plan, and will create the Greatest Depression, which will destroy what’s left of the West. Exposing the Gold Standard as the Banker Plan […]
David Rockefeller To Henry Kissinger To Klaus Schwab by Covid-1984 (2:19)
David Rockefeller To Henry Kissinger To Klaus Schwab by Covid-1984 (2:19) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Old Devils by William Elliott Whitmore (Great Song And Animation) (2:17)
Old Devils by William Elliott Whitmore (Great Song And Animation) (2:17) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Donate today and support our work, thank you.
Monopoly: An Overview Of The Great Reset – Follow The Money by Covid Lie (45:23)
Monopoly: An Overview Of The Great Reset – Follow The Money by Covid Lie (45:23) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the work I do seven days a week. Each day I publish more than a […]
‘Silicon Six’ Dodged $100 Billion In Taxes Over Past Decade by Kenny Stancil
Researchers said Amazon, Facebook, Alphabet (the owner of Google), Netflix, Apple and Microsoft – known as the “Silicon Six” – are adept at reducing their tax liabilities by shifting profits to offshore tax havens. Bolstering demands for a global minimum tax to rein in corporations’ evasive tactics, a new analysis released last week showed that […]
Louis Thomas McFadden vs. The Federal Reserve System by John Wear
Most Americans have never heard of former U.S. Congressman Louis Thomas McFadden. This is unfortunate, because McFadden was one of the most courageous and honorable congressmen in American history. This article documents McFadden’s efforts to expose the unconstitutional and corrupt nature of the U.S. Federal Reserve System. McFadden realized that under the Federal Reserve System, […]
The Bilderberg Group by Mark Dice (8:11)
The Bilderberg Group by Mark Dice (8:11) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
David Rockefeller Explains How Population Growth Is The Elite’s #1 Concern by Covid-1984 (2:18)
David Rockefeller Explains How Population Growth Is The Elite’s #1 Concern by Covid-1984 (2:18) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Suffering A Sea-Change by Alasdair Macleod
There is an established theoretical relationship between bonds and equities which provides a framework for the future performance of financial assets. It would be a mistake to ignore it, ahead of the forthcoming rise in global interest rates. Price inflation is roaring, and so far, central banks are in denial. But it is increasingly difficult […]
How Jewish We Have Become by William Gayley Simpson
It is all too plain that the Jew has not only subjugated us as the British, French and Dutch never subjugated Africa and parts of Asia – so subjugated us that most of us are afraid to say aloud what we think of him even in what was once our own land, but worse than […]
Why Have The Jews Been Expelled From So Many Nations? (9:09)
Why Have The Jews Been Expelled From So Many Nations? (Really Starts At 2:10) (9:09) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Catherine Austin Fitts Interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (1:31:27)
Catherine Austin Fitts Interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (1:31:27) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Genocide And The Missing $100 Trillion by Video Rebel
Dr. Lee Merritt has said someone at the top has declared war on us. She also said that the mRNA injections are not vaccines. But they are binary weapons. She said two years after the mRNA bioweapons were injected into us that a second bioweapon could be released that will cause a mass level death […]
Controlling All Money Is Necessary In Order For The Ruling Class To Dominate The World by Gary D. Barnett
Money has been said to be the root of all evil, but that is not exactly correct. The root of all evil lies in the hearts of men, and those that control the money and monetary systems are able to control humanity, and in the process create and perpetuate evil. Money itself is like any […]
It’s All About Control by Patrick Henningsen (2:17)
It’s All About Control by Patrick Henningsen (2:17) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Europa: The Last Battle by Tobias Bratt (2017) (11:59:33)
Europa: The Last Battle by Tobias Bratt (2017) (11:59:33) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
The Ostrich Race Must Rise by Salamandren (6:12)
The Ostrich Race Must Rise by Salamandren (6:12) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Dr. Fauci, The 30 Families, Covid And The Great Reset by Video Rebel
Dr. Lee Merritt has said someone at the top has declared war on us. She also said that the mRNA injections are not vaccines. But they are binary weapons. She said two years after the mRNA bioweapons were injected into us that a second bioweapon could be released that will cause a mass level death […]
The Markets Are Rigged by Corbett Report (47:11)
The Markets Are Rigged by Corbett Report (47:11) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Hyperinflation, Third mRNA Jabs And Mutations by Video Rebel
America is unraveling by design. The Great Reset is a plan to reduce the world’s population and to transfer all wealth to billionaires. The World Economic Forum told us that by 2030 we would own nothing. That we would not even be able to afford clothes. We would have to lease the clothes on our […]
Speech In 1967 Foretold America In 2022 by Video Rebel
People talk of Civil War in America but one man made a speech at UCLA in 1967 that told us the two conditions that would take America from disturbances and turmoil to full blown revolution. He had noted the anti-police activity of the Left in the 1960s which had the approval of the Elite from […]
Jews: A Religious Community, A People, Or A Race? by Mark Weber
Defining “Jew” has never been simple. Is he someone who practices Judaism, the Jewish religion, or is he identified by his ancestry? While many Americans assume that Jews are essentially a religious group, Jews themselves take for granted that their community is much more ethnic-national than it is religious. Benjamin Netanyahu, who has served as […]
A Slave System Orchestrated By Central Banks, Catherine Austin Fitts Interviewed by David Knight (49:34)
A Slave System Orchestrated By Central Banks, Catherine Austin Fitts Interviewed by David Knight (49:34) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Why COVID Vaccines Are Dream Come True For Central Banks by Children’s Health Defense Team
Paired with the rollout of related surveillance technologies – digital tracking devices, vaccine passports, brain-machine interfaces and planet-wide 5G – COVID vaccines are a critical component of central bankers’ plan to establish a global control grid. This is unsurprising coming from a pharma-beholden and conflict-of-interest-riddled health agency like the NIH. But why are financial gurus […]
The Control Of Central Banks Worldwide By Rothschild by David Nova
The only countries left in 2018 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are: Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Syria.
Dr. Lorraine Day Interviewed by Jim Fetzer And Crew (2:20:57)
Dr. Lorraine Day Interviewed by Jim Fetzer And Crew (2:20:57) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
The History And Organization Of The Federal Reserve by Solari Staff
The What and Why of the United States’ Most Powerful Banking Organization The Federal Reserve is one of the most influential organizations in the U.S. when it comes to economic policy. It is also one of the least well understood elements of the government–especially in that it is not really truly a government organization. Its […]
The Road To Global Fascism: How Wall Street Investment Banks Use Coercion To Promote Social Justice, Climate Change, And Globalism by Bob Bishop
The template for growing global fascism is CEO Larry Fink’s Blackrock investment bank ($8.7 trillion assets under management). This article will demonstrate Blackrock’s growing influence which promotes social justice, climate change, and globalism to the detriment of free enterprise. Larry Fink is a board member of the World Economic Forum, built around the motto “you […]
The “War On Cash” Is Really A War On Freedom by Ron Paul Liberty Report (25:45)
The “War On Cash” Is Really A War On Freedom by Ron Paul Liberty Report (25:45) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Some Thoughts On The Great Reset, Gold, And Bitcoin by Anthony Migchels
The reset of the financial system seems imminent. Debt can’t grow any longer, debt service is unaffordable. Something MUST be done, and soon. It will likely be preceded by some sort of crash, or even ‘cyber attack’. BTC is and remains a totally bogus item. I hate to say it, but I agree with the […]
Directors At Top Global Banks Linked To World’s Biggest Polluters, Investigation Shows by DeSmog
An analysis by DeSmog revealed 65% of directors from 39 big banks had connections to the world’s most polluting energy sources. The majority of directors at the world’s biggest banks have affiliations to polluting companies and organizations, a DeSmog investigation shows. The findings raise concerns over a systemic conflict of interest at a time when […]
Some Clear Thinking On The Yesterday’s Massive Deficit Announcement by Simon Black
Central banks typically fight retail price inflation by raising interest rates. But again, if they do raise interest rates, the US government will have to refinance its maturing debt at higher rates. Think about this: if Treasury rates were only as high as they were in 2008 before the last crisis, the US government would […]
M1 Money Supply Up 446%. Up 2,000% By Summer 2022 by Video Rebel
From October 2019 to February 2021 the US M1 Money Supply grew 446%. Don’t worry. The Biden administration and the Federal Reserve have solved the problem. They have announced they will no longer report the M1 Money Supply. This would be like the National Weather Service canceling tsunami alerts because they don’t want beachgoers to […]
The Petrodollar Is Dead! Long Live The IMF World Reserve Currency! by Anthony Migchels
Exactly 18 months after Mark Carney officially announced the end of the Petrodollar, and its replacement by an IMF World Reserve Currency, the IMF announces that they will create $650 billion worth of Special Drawing Rights. It’s an astounding event. The IMF ceases lending in Dollars, and starts using its own currency to bail out […]
The Fed vs. The Real World by Michael Wilkerson
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has made some interesting statements in recent weeks about the Fed’s view of inflation. In summary, Chairman Powell has stated that overall inflation remains below the Fed’s 2% long-term objective, and that while reopening of the economy could produce price increases later in the year, inflationary pressures from rising prices […]
Deep State Democrats To Cut Wages 60%. Then It Gets Worse by Video Rebel
The US budget deficit for the month of February 2021 was $312 billion. It was not until March that the Democrats were able to unilaterally give away $1.9 trillion in stimulus funds including cash to illegal aliens. Thus guaranteeing even more people would cross our unprotected borders claiming their share of the proceeds from the […]
Divide And Rule The Plan Of The 1% To Make You Disposable by Vandana Shiva (12:01)
Divide And Rule The Plan Of The 1% To Make You Disposable by Vandana Shiva (12:01) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
How Hitler Tackled Unemployment And Revived Germany’s Economy by Mark Weber
To deal with the massive unemployment and economic paralysis of the Great Depression, both the US and German governments launched innovative and ambitious programs. Although President Franklin Roosevelt’s “New Deal” measures helped only marginally, the Third Reich’s much more focused and comprehensive policies proved remarkably effective. Within three years unemployment was banished and Germany’s economy […]
Gold vs. The Stock Market by Simon Black
Last year the Fed increased the supply of US dollars in the financial system (M2) by 26% – the single largest annual increase since 1943. The Fed has nearly doubled the size of its balance sheet in the last 12 months alone, and nearly 10x’d its balance sheet since the financial crisis of 2008. 1. […]
American Education: Child Indoctrination, Struggle Sessions And Debt Slavery by Sam Jacobs
One of the biggest misconceptions about the indoctrination of youth is that it begins in college. There is an often touted statistic about how few college students change their opinions and world view over the course of a four-year liberal arts education. This ignores just how early the indoctrination of youth in America and the […]
How Central Banks Rick Rolled The USA And Why You Should “Go Buy Gold!” by Mike Maloney (17:48)
How Central Banks Rick Rolled The USA And Why You Should “Go Buy Gold!” by Mike Maloney (17:48) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
‘You Will Own Nothing, And You Will Be Happy’: Warnings Of ‘Orwellian’ Great Reset (7:24)
‘You Will Own Nothing, And You Will Be Happy’: Warnings Of ‘Orwellian’ Great Reset (7:24) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within Michael Collins Piper Interviewed by Texe Marrs (2007) (1:59:01)
The Judas Goats: The Enemy Within Michael Collins Piper Interviewed by Texe Marrs (2007) (1:59:01) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Opening The CIA’s Can Of Worms by Edward Curtin
The CIA and the media are part of the same criminal conspiracy,” wrote Douglas Valentine in his important book, The CIA As Organized Crime. This is true. The corporate mainstream media are stenographers for the national security state’s ongoing psychological operations aimed at the American people, just as they have done the same for an […]
NWO Plans To Depopulate The Earth by Steve Jones
Plans are underway now, implemented by the New World Order Elite, to depopulate the planet’s 6-7 billion people to a manageable level of between 500 million and 2 billion. To implement their “final solution” to depopulate 4-5 billion people from the Earth, the world’s elite will undoubtedly harness the newly emerging biotech and nanotechnology industries […]
Remodeling The Public Perception – Right Is Left And Up Is Down by Max Igan (34:24)
Remodeling The Public Perception – Right Is Left And Up Is Down by Max Igan (34:24) (To view full screen click the link below.)
From “Event 201” To “Cyber Polygon”: The WEF’s Simulation Of A Coming “Cyber Pandemic” by Johnny Vedmore and Whitney Webb
Last year, the World Economic Forum teamed up with the Russian government and global banks to run a high-profile cyberattack simulation that targeted the financial industry, an actual event that would pave the way for a “reset” of the global economy. The simulation, named Cyber Polygon, may have been more than a typical planning exercise […]
Inconvenient Truths Not Approved By Al Gore by Video Rebel
Thermite was invented in 1893 in Germany. It has been used by welders for more than a 120 years to cut metal. Thermite has a metal oxide which increases the size of its flame by releasing oxygen. Sulfur, magnesium and aluminum can be added to increase the intensity of the burn. Nanothermite is available only […]
Solutions: Survival Currency by Corbett Report (1:00:31)
Solutions: Survival Currency by Corbett Report (1:00:31) (To view full screen click the link below.)
The Last Waltz For Europe by Michael Walsh
It was the last waltz for Europe and the last dance for humanity. Had one of Europe’s oldest, most successful and popular royal houses not been destroyed and consumed by New York-based banking houses the world would likely have been a far better place today. Instead, in 1917, American-Jewish banker Jacob Schiff backed by U.S. […]
“This Is A Financial Revolution. . .” by Simon Black
So these funds shorted the stock in a huge (and dubious) way, selling more shares of the company than were actually in existence. And a number of small investors saw these questionable short positions and said, ‘Enough is enough. We’re tired of hedge funds exploiting the market.’ So they’ve banded together and bid up the […]
Ship Of Fools
The MSM and Big Tech controls what most people believe is the truth but is really not. They are well organized by the political establishment. Your once normal daily life is being targeted, censored and manipulated with subversive fear mongering through advertising and the so-called medical “experts,” not for your safety, but for their financial […]
Global Initiative For COVID-19 Vaccine Records by Whitney Webb
Tech giants with deep ties to the U.S. national security state – Microsoft, Oracle and the MITRE Corporation – have partnered with health care companies to create the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI) to advance the implementation of digital COVID-19 vaccination records. The initiative is essentially built on a common framework of digital vaccination “wallets” called […]
What Is Rent Seeking? With Michael Hudson And Pepe Escobar (1:36:42)
What Is Rent Seeking? With Michael Hudson And Pepe Escobar (1:36:42) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown (48:31)
Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown (48:31) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Freedom Agenda 21 – Agorism In the New Year by Mike Swatek
Each of us can easily expand our fight for individual freedom in the new year. You can do many of the things shared below. In a nutshell, this includes anything, big or small, which weakens the state, its crony corporations or its global financial power-mad masters, altogether herein called, “the beast”. If we all resolve […]
Cryptocurrencies, Silver And Gold To Skyrocket In January by Video Rebel
Why am I so confident about spiking prices for cryptocurrencies, silver and gold? Because The US M1 Money Supply rose from $3.963 trillion on December 30, 2019 to $6.742 trillion on December 28, 2020. That is a growth of $2.782 trillion in a year. That is an M1 Money Supply growth rate of 70.1% per […]
Monopoly Board Game Updated For Our Times by Video Rebel
The new Federal Reserve edition of the popular board game Monopoly has been revised to fit the realities of the modern banking and real estate world. The most radical change is that the money in the game will no longer be issued as a public utility much like President Lincoln’s Greenbacks were. The new Monopoly […]
Tackling The Infrastructure And Unemployment Crises: The “American System” Solution by Ellen Brown
Millions of Americans have joined the ranks of the unemployed, and government relief checks and savings are running out; meanwhile, the country still needs trillions of dollars in infrastructure. Putting the unemployed to work on those infrastructure projects seems an obvious solution, especially given that the $600 or $700 stimulus checks Congress is planning on […]
Utopia, Coming To A World Near You by Patrick Corbett
Are they planning on using their mandatory vaccines they’ve hyped so relentlessly to vaccinate virtually the entire world’s population? And will the vaccine be programmed to sterilize 60% or more of the women in the world? At this point I think most people would have to sit with that for a while, if not outright […]
Reset Means Digital Control System Catherine Austin Fitts Interviewed by Greg Hunter (47:09)
Reset Means Digital Control System Catherine Austin Fitts Interviewed by Greg Hunter (47:09) (To view full screen click the link below.)