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The Leuchter Report by Fred Leuchter (1988)

End Of A Myth A Report on the Alleged Execution Gas Chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, Poland by an Execution Equipment Expert. Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

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The Enemies Of Liberty: Jews Anne Applebaum And David Axlerod (1:19)

The Enemies Of Liberty: Jews David Axlerod And Anne Applebaum (1:19) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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It’s Obvious Who Gains From Bucha Massacre But There’s Hardly Any Media Left To Say It by Finian Cunningham

The Western media narrative has no competitor. The media foghorns can blare all they want without hardly a dissenting voice tolerated, let alone heard. The apparent mass murder of civilians in Bucha and other locations in Ukraine has enraged Western public opinion against Russia. Russia is facing mounting accusations of genocide and its president Vladimir […]

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Sarah Corriher: 12-Year-Olds Given Gender Hormone Propaganda (11:17)

Sarah Corriher: 12-Year-Olds Given Gender Hormone Propaganda (11:17) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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Parable Of Plenty by Bill Bonner

The rich get richer, the poor get sanctioned and The Covid gets lost in the news cycle…And so it came to pass in the Year of Our Lord, 2008, the Fed panicked. In its hysteria, it bestowed on the rich such gifts as the world had never seen. The US stock market rose 5 times […]

America Ashli Babbitt Big Lie Black Lives Matter Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Courage Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Domestic Terrorism Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Inspiration January 6, 2021 Jews Laws Political Propaganda Rosanne Boyland Russia Talmud Theft Videos War

GOP Representative Jim Jordan: The Danger To Our Democracy (5:16)

GOP Representative Jim Jordan: The Danger To Our Democracy (5:16) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Chuck Baldwin Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Frauds Government Jews Journalism Lockdowns Mainstream Media PCR Test Political Propaganda Russia Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine War

You Seriously Believe The Same Media That Lied To You About Covid Is Now Telling You The Truth About Ukraine? by Chuck Baldwin

For over two years, the news media repeatedly lied to us about the phony Covid pandemic. Virtually everything it told us was a bald-faced lie. The accuracy of the PCR tests was a bald-faced lie. The need for social distancing was a bald-faced lie. The number of deaths due to Covid was a bald-faced lie. […]

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Ursula Haverbeck: A Courageous Woman Exposing The Biggest Lie (5:28)

Ursula Haverbeck: A Courageous Woman Exposing The Biggest Lie (5:28) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Ursula Haverbeck, 93, Sentenced To Jail Again (Text and Videos) [Bless You A Ursula, For Being A Courageous Woman And Exposing The Biggest Lie In History]A Berlin court has sentenced a 93-year-old […]

America Articles Assassinations Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Central Banks Consciousness Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Federal Reserve Finance Government Jews Mark R. Elsis Articles Military Political Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Totalitarianism War Whistleblowers World War I

Good Friday, April 6, 1917 by Mark R. Elsis

On December 23, 1913, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. On that day, our country was finagled from us by usurious counterfeiters. Since that day, the debt slavery Shylock charlatans, have grown evermore embolden in their quest for the complete dominance in every aspect of society and personal life. On June […]

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Petro-Ruble Takes Down Dollar And Drives Gold Up: Greg Hunter Interviews Bill Holter (48:07)

Petro-Ruble Takes Down Dollar And Drives Gold Up: Greg Hunter Interviews Bill Holter (48:07) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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The True Importance Of The Bucha False Flag: A Change Of Narrative by Andrei Raevsky

So, as predicted by pretty much everybody, the long announced false flag has happened. Yes, it was very poorly executed, botched really, but in a way this makes it even MORE effective? Why? It conditions the public of Zone A to uncritically accept any fairy tale, no matter how stupid, illogical and otherwise going against […]

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Putin Rolls The Ruble Wheel by Brother Nathanael (6:38)

Putin Rolls The Ruble Wheel by Brother Nathanael (6:38) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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A Once In A Century Opportunity by Alastair Crooke

“The era of liberal globalization is over. Before our eyes, a new world economic order is being formed”Wow! How rapidly the wheel of fortune turns. It seems like only yesterday that a French Finance minister was touting the imminent the collapse of the Russian economy, and President Biden celebrated the Rouble being “reduced to rubble” […]

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The White Hat Delusion by Max Igan (46:08)

The White Hat Delusion by Max Igan (46:08) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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Proposed UK Law Will Jail People Whose Speech Causes “Psychological Harm” With “No Reasonable Excuse” by Tom Parker

Maximum penalty of up to two years in prison. The UK’s Online Safety Bill, a sweeping online censorship law that’s currently making its way through Parliament, will force Big Tech platforms to censor some categories of content that the government has deemed to be “harmful” and will introduce new criminal offenses for posts that are […]

Fish Nature Oceans Videos Wildlife

Air Jaws Ultimate Breach Off (2:58)

Air Jaws Ultimate Breach Off (2:58) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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Breaking Humanity’s Back With Needles, Bombs, And Starvation by Dr. Mark Sircus

America is also suiciding itself and its privileged position of holding the world’s reserve currency. As a result, the world order dominated by the United States is being ripped asunder, with Russia, China, India, and even Saudi Arabia leading the charge into a bipolar world. So is it goodbye to globalization, or is it globalized […]

America Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Central Intelligence Agency Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity History Jews Journalism Laws Military-Industrial Complex Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine War

Biden, Zelensky And The Neocons by Philip Giraldi

When you are in a hole, you can always dig deeper There are many backstories surfacing from what is going on in Ukraine and Washington that have been largely ignored amid the drumbeat of casualty counts combined with claims and counter-claims from the two sides. Two stories that I believe have received insufficient attention are […]

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World Government And The New World Order by Computing Forever (22:40)

World Government And The New World Order by Computing Forever (22:40) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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Russiagate: The Smoking Gun, Part II by Peter Van Buren

Part I of this article showed a conspiracy to smear Donald Trump with false allegations of collusion with Russia took place, with Hillary Clinton at its head. Part II today will show the FBI was an active participant in the conspiracy to destroy Trump. The facts are not in dispute. We are left only to […]

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Evil Corruption (1:43)

Evil Corruption (1:43) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free EarthNewspaper.com1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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The Nazi Atrocities Slur Is Great Propaganda But Does It Reflect Reality by Michael Walsh

The nations of the military victors of World War II, especially Russia, are convinced that ‘Nazis epitomise evil incarnate’. This media promoted belief is now deeply ingrained. It is a tattoo on the consciousness of Russians, Britons and Americans and is difficult to remove. Most Europeans have a more realistic and sanguine view of the […]

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A Joke In 1978 Is Fiscal Policy Today (1:26)

A Joke In 1978 Is Fiscal Policy Today (1:26) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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The Curious Butchers Of Bucha by Good Citizen

Examining accusations of Russian “War Crimes” and “Genocide” Unconfirmed headlines based on Ukrainian government assertions hit the western sewer rag headlines and instantly the lies are blasted around the world and amplified on attention networks to the unquestioning useful dupes who perform their outrage and hysteria right on cue. The propaganda war is not the […]

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“All These Stories About Jesus Rising From The Dead And Being The Son Of God, This Is Fake News” (2:14)

“All These Stories About Jesus Rising From The Dead And Being The Son Of God, This Is Fake News” (2:14) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To […]

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How Children Were Impacted By Lockdowns by The Naked Emperor

And how those impacts are still ongoing A number of reports were published today by the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) in the UK. These looked at the continuing effects of the pandemic on children. I will mainly quote their findings because there is no need to comment on how […]

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Ukraine’s “Bucha Massacre” Story Isn’t Adding Up by The New Atlas (13:08)

Ukraine’s “Bucha Massacre” Story Isn’t Adding Up by The New Atlas (13:08) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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Get Them Young by Good Citizen

There are many forms of child abuse beyond the physical or psychological abuse of a parent or guardian to a child. This might be considered ‘old school’ child abuse and is still prevalent and pernicious. The idea that children need protection from harmful and abusive parents by the state still holds. However, over the last […]

Big Lie Catastrophe Children Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Critical Race Theory Domestic Terrorism Entrapment Florida Government Governor Ron DeSantis Jews Journalism Laws LGBTQ Never Give Up Political Public Schools Satanic Talmud Teachers Theft They Live Transgender Tulsi Gabbard Videos War

Florida’s Parental Rights Bill Protects Children Until Third Grade? by Tulsi Gabbard (1:44)

Florida’s Parental Rights Bill Protects Children Until Third Grade? by Tulsi Gabbard (1:44) When I first heard about Florida’s Parental Rights bill, I was shocked it only protects children up to K-3. Third grade? How about 12th grade—or not at all [Third grade? I totally agree and have been saying the same. It seems to […]

Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Freedom And Liberty Government Jews Journalism Military-Industrial Complex NATO Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Thierry Meyssan Ukraine War World War III

The War Propaganda Changes Its Shape by Thierry Meyssan (Text and Videos)

If the Russian army has won the war against the Banderites in Ukraine, NATO has won the cognitive war against its own citizens in the West. The Atlantic Alliance has developed a new form of propaganda based on what it denounced a short time ago: Fake News, that is to say not false information, but […]

America Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Dr. Robert Malone Dr. Ryan Cole Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory Inspiration Political Science Theft They Live Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War

Addressing Dr. McCullough, Dr. Malone, And Dr. Cole’s SARS-CoV-2 Claims: Where’s The Evidence? (1:04:07)

Addressing Dr. McCullough, Dr. Malone, And Dr. Cole’s SARS-CoV-2 Claims: Where’s The Evidence? (1:04:07) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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Scientists Recorded The Brain Activity Of A Person As They Died, And The Results Are Incredible by Admin

It turns out that your life may literally flash before your eyes as you die, according to some researchers in a recent first-of-its-kind report that revealed dying people’s brain activity. According to the team’s report published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, the researchers were first monitoring the brain waves of an 87-year-old epilepsy patient for […]

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Audios Big Lie Censorship Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Europe Freedom And Liberty Government Jews Journalism Laws Political Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine United Kingdom Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War

ACH (1744) Nick Griffin – From Covid To Ukraine (Audio 1:01:30)

ACH (1744) Nick Griffin – From Covid To Ukraine (Audio 1:01:30) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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Hungarian Prime Minister And Economic Nationalist Viktor Orban Easily Wins Reelection by Sundance

NATO, Globalists, World Economic Forum And Western War Alliance Very Upset The working class of Hungary have spoken. The people are not going to stop supporting Prime Minister Viktor Orban, their grandfatherly, pragmatic economic nationalist and populist leader. However, the U.S., NATO, Globalists, World Economic Forum and western alliance group, run by and from the […]

Agriculture America Big Food Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Commodities Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Farming Food Shortages Gardens Government Ice Age Farmer Jews Journalism Laws Political Satanic Talmud Taxes Theft They Live Totalitarianism Videos War

Biden Pays Farms To Stop – EU Out Of Feed – Meat Taxes And Chicken Permits – Up To You To Grow Food! (25:05)

Biden Pays Farms To Stop – EU Out Of Feed – Meat Taxes And Chicken Permits – Up To You To Grow Food! (25:05) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every […]

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World Government Summit Speculates On “Digital Money” For Full Centralized Control by Christina Maas (Text and Video)

A “financial system” to underpin the “world order.” On March 29 and 30th, senior government officials and leaders of international organizations from more than 190 countries met in Dubai for the World Government Summit 2022. The participants present their ideas for the future from their different fields. Dr. Pippa Malmgren, an economist who served as […]

Future Robots Science Technology Videos

Robot Made Of Magnetic Slime Could Be Deployed Inside The Body (0:59)

Robot Made Of Magnetic Slime Could Be Deployed Inside The Body (0:59) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

Articles Bishop Richard N. Williamson Blessed Virgin Mary Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Consciousness Corruption Courage Freedom And Liberty Globalists God Government Inspiration Jesus Christ Jews Journalism Laws Political Religion / Spirituality Russia Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine War

Russia Consecrated? by Bishop Richard N. Williamson

Men have no idea of how they make God feel – The punishment to come makes the mind reel! Ever since the Mother of God appeared several times in the early part of the 20th century to three Portuguese children, including Sister Lucy, in order to promise to Church and world a period of peace […]

Big Lie Big Pharma Big Tech Censorship Children Courage Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Freedom Fighter Government Journalism Laws LGBTQ Neil Oliver New World Order Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Theft They Live Transgender Ukraine Videos War

Neil Oliver On Joe Biden And The ‘New World Order’ (10:15)

Neil Oliver On Joe Biden And The ‘New World Order’ (10:15) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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How Many People Are The Vaccines Killing? by Dr. Vernon Coleman

Please share this very important article with everyone you know. Also, please help save lives and send this article to hospitals, doctors’ surgeries, care homes, schools, newspapers, journalists, etc. No one knows how many people the vaccines are killing – or how many they will kill. Those are just some of the possible deaths and […]

America Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Dr. Reiner Füellmich Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg Drug Pushers Government Jews Journalism Laws Military Satanic Talmud Theft Todd Callender Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War

Extreme Excess Mortality, Vaxx, 5G: Corona Investigative Committee Interviews Todd Callender (1:11:35)

Extreme Excess Mortality, Vaxx, 5G: Corona Investigative Committee Interviews Todd Callender (1:11:35) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

Adolf Hitler America Articles Big Lie Blowback Brain Catastrophe Catholicism Censorship Corruption Dr. E. Michael Jones Entrapment Freedom And Liberty Germany Government Holocaust Revisionism Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws NSDAP Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War World War II

Dr. E. Michael Jones Takes On The Holocaust – Part One by Hadding Scott

Are the Germans rebelling against Holocaust-guilt? Who is E. Michael Jones? [ 38 Posts: ] Dr. E. Michael Jones, erstwhile professor of American Literature at Saint Mary’s College in Indiana, teacher for three years (1973-1976) at a Gymnasium in Nordrhein-Westfalen, is a very conservative Catholic who has written a number of books espousing a […]

America Ashli Babbitt Aviation Big Lie Black Lives Matter Blowback Catastrophe Climate Change COVID-19 Cyberattack Films Hollywood January 6, 2021 Rosemary Frei Second Amendment Transgender Ukraine Videos

This Is A Masterpiece (0:23)

This Is A Masterpiece (0:23) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

Abortion America Articles Assassinations Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Children Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Frauds Government Infanticide Jews Journalism Laws Political Satanic Talmud Theft They Live War

Shocking Images Show 5 Babies Killed In Late-Term Abortions at D.C. Abortion Clinic by Steven Ertelt

WARNING: This article contains a graphic image of an unborn baby. Shocking images of five babies killed in late-term abortions have been released today that show in brutal reality what happens to unborn children who are killed in legal late-term abortions in America. The babies killed in the abortions were reportedly killed at the Washington […]

Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Canada Catastrophe Censorship Civil Disobedience Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Freedom And Liberty Government Jews Laws Political Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War

Extinction Level Fight For Mankind by A Warrior Calls (1:22:52)

Extinction Level Fight For Mankind by A Warrior Calls (1:22:52) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

Articles Bank For International Settlements Big Lie BlackRock Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Derrick Broze Digital Currency Economics Fear Frauds Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Slavery Talmud The Great Reset Theft They Live War World Economic Forum

While You Were Distracted By Will Smith, The International Elitists Met At The World Government Summit by Derrick Broze

Guests included Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and Kristalina Georgieva of the International Monetary Fund. While much of the “mainstream” world has spent the last few days obsessing over and debating the celebrity spectacle surrounding American actor Will Smith slapping American comedian Chris Rock, the international elitists were meeting in Dubai for the […]

Australia Blowback Bullying Consciousness Contagion Corruption Courage Crimes Direct Actions Entrapment Fear Frauds Freedom Fighter Happiness Inspiration Laws Masculinity Satanic Slavery Television Theft They Live Torture Videos

Fight Back Against Bullies by Mr. Inbetween (4:51)

Fight Back Against Bullies by Mr. Inbetween (4:51) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

America Articles Big Oil Blowback Catastrophe Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Economics Energy Europe Finance Freedom And Liberty Geopolitical Jews Journalism Money Political Russia Sanctions Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine Video Rebel Vladimir Putin Wall Street Corruption War

If I Were Vladimir Putin… by Video Rebel

Vladimir Putin has changed the world. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Wall Street had ruled the planet. Do it our way or else. Saddam Hussein dared to sell his oil for euros. His country was bombed, invaded and occupied. Colonel Qaddafi wanted to create an African dollar backed by oil and gold to […]

Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Children Civil Disobedience Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Drug Pushers Entrapment Fear Frauds Government Greg Reese Jews Journalism Political Satanic Science Talmud Technology Theft Transgender Transhuman United States Videos War

The Real Agenda Behind Transgenderism by Greg Reese (6:08)

The Real Agenda Behind Transgenderism by Greg Reese (6:08) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free EarthNewspaper.com1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Drug Pushers Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws Medical Political Propaganda Satanic Science Talmud Theft They Live Videos War

Modern Medicine: A Castle Built On Sand? by Patricia Harrity

All scientific research is built on particular dogmas including, or perhaps especially, biomedicine. It’s easier for some “scientists” to perpetuate falsehoods than it is to admit they were wrong, abandon long standing ideas, and start again from scratch. Many scientists would rather pursue trendy research areas in order to win accolades and secure grant money […]

America Big Lie Big Pharma Biology Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Courage Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Dr. Robert Malone Dr. Ryan Cole Dr. Thomas Cowan Drug Pushers Freedom And Liberty Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory Inspiration Jews Journalism Satanic United States Videos

Antiviral Or Nonsense by Dr. Thomas Cowan (1:14:24)

Anti-Viral Or Nonsense by Dr. Thomas Cowan (1:14:24) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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‘Rublegas:’ The World’s New Resource-Based Reserve Currency by Pepe Escobar

Rublegas is the commodity currency du jour and it isn’t nearly as complicated as NATO pretends. If Europe wants gas, all it needs to do is send its Euros to a Russian account inside Russia. Saddam, Gaddafi, Iran, Venezuela – they all tried but couldn’t do it. But Russia is on a different level altogether. […]

America Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity Del Bigtree DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Entrapment Fear Frauds Government Jews Mainstream Media Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War

Is Mandate Mayhem Over? by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (5:08)

Is Mandate Mayhem Over? by The Highwire with Del Bigtree (5:08) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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Teachers Were Secretly Giving Pre-Teen Students Puberty Blockers Behind Parents’ Backs by Matt Vespa

Out of control. This is simply getting out of control. Again, I’m not a culture warrior. These were never issues that got me animated, but now it looks like we all must fix bayonets and skewer the freaks who are turning our places of learning into dens of sexual deviancy. This isn’t about LGBT folks. […]

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A Short, But Great Interview (0:47)

A Short, But Great Interview (0:47) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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April Fools… U.S. Boosts Import Of Russian Oil While Urging World To Impose Ruinous Sanctions by Strategic Culture Editorial

The contradictions that stem from American and European arrogance have finally hit breaking point. The United States reportedly boosted its import of Russian oil last month, according to official figures from the Energy Information Administration. The extra imported volume accounted for a 43 percent increase. This is in spite of an executive order by U.S. […]

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Baby Elephant Wants To Play (0:36)

Baby Elephant Wants To Play (0:36) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free EarthNewspaper.com1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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Beyond Gosnell: Freezer Of Aborted Babies Found At University Of Washington by The David Knight Show (5:24)

Beyond Gosnell: Freezer Of Aborted Babies Found At University Of Washington by The David Knight Show (5:24) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily […]

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Michael Hudson: US Dollar Hegemony Ended Abruptly Last Wednesday by Margaret Flowers (Audio 1:00:01)

On Wednesday, March 23, 2022, the United States announced that it would freeze Russia’s access to its gold. Russia has the fifth highest amount of gold in the world. Economist Michael Hudson explains that this action, which follows the US seizing Venezuela and Afghanistan’s gold and assets, has effectively ended dollar hegemony, which has been […]

Big Lie Big Pharma Catastrophe Censorship Computing Forever Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Freedom Fighter Genocide Government Ireland Jews Journalism Laws Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War

The Long Term Effects Of The Jabs by Computing Forever (20:04)

The Long Term Effects Of The Jabs by Computing Forever (20:04) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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Life In The Reich (Book .pdf) by Michael Walsh

Hitler’s Germany 1933 – 1945 From 1933 the German working class enjoyed a lifestyle superior to that of the rich in the West. Hitler’s Germany led the world in fashion, medicine, cinema, lifestyle, innovation, manufacturing, transport infrastructure, public facilities, cutting edge science, healthcare and education. Amazon deleted LIFE IN THE REICH because it demolished the […]

Big Food Big Lie Big Pharma Big Tech Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Entrapment Freedom Fighter Government Jews Journalism Laws Max Igan Political Propaganda Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine Videos War

Flood, Famine And War: The Great Reset Phase 3 by Max Igan (48:21)

Flood, Famine And War: The Great Reset Phase 3 by Max Igan (48:21) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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Nature Powergrab Initiated In USA by Meleni Aldridge and Melissa Smith

Is the largest corporate land grab in recent history hiding in plain sight? “We abuse land because we see it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.” Aldo Leopold Have you ever heard of a […]

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Everything Is A Lie, Ruble Rumbles, Inflation Rising by Greg Hunter (45:26)

Everything Is A Lie, Ruble Rumbles, Inflation Rising by Greg Hunter (45:26) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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The Future Of Digital Cash Is Not On The Blockchain by Gilad Edelman

If you want the privacy of paper money, you need something that leaves no paper trail.“If we’re to have a public option for digital finance, it needs to include everyone,” says Raúl Carrillo, a researcher at Yale Law School, who like Grey consulted on the legislation. “A key part of that is being able to […]

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This Con Has Been Happening For Years (0:25)

This Con Has Been Happening For Years (0:25) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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The War For Young Minds by Techno Fog

And the LGBTQIA+ agenda for kindergarteners The failure to appreciate danger, or the refusal to take seriously the promises of the adversary, are often the result of a deficiency of imagination. We look in shock at the indoctrination – and resulting sexualization – of the young, surprised that a secular progressive movement would go after […]

America Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship China Corruption Courage COVID-19 Entrapment Freedom And Liberty Gary D. Barnett Government Israel Jews Journalism Laws Political Russia Sanctions Satanic Talmud The Great Reset Theft They Live Ukraine War World Economic Forum

The “Great Reset,” Contradiction, Collusion, The U.S., Israel, China, Ukraine, Russia And Governments Of The World: Bedmates? by Gary D. Barnett

There is an old expression that states: “May you live in interesting times,” but today, that is a monumental understatement. We certainly have always lived in interesting times, but today we live during terrifying times, while the common man continues to be mesmerized by ignorance, fear and indifference, and cannot begin to fathom the scope […]

Alex Newman Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Dr. Lee Merritt Government Jews Journalism Military Political Satanic Talmud Theft They Live United States Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War

U.S. Losing WWIII Amid Injection Devastation: Alex Newman Interviews Dr. Lee Merritt (20:37)

U.S. Losing WWIII Amid Injection Devastation: Alex Newman Interviews Dr. Lee Merritt (20:37) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

Adolf Hitler America Articles Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Domestic Terrorism Entrapment Fear Freedom Fighter Government History Jews Journalism Laws Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Propaganda Russia Satanic Talmud Theft They Live Ukraine War

And What About Those Biolabs? by Philip Giraldi

Stop the narrative I want to get off! The semi-official United States government plus media lie machine knows that constructing a plausible reason to bomb the crap out of someone all depends on where you begin your narrative. If you keep starting your accusations at a point where the target has done something bad, all […]

America Big Lie Big Pharma Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Fear Government Inspiration Jews Journalism Laws Military Political Satanic Talmud Theft Todd Callender TruNews Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War

Genetic-Altering Injections Could Nullify Human Rights: Rick Wiles Interviews Todd Callender (1:01:57)

Genetic-Altering Injections Could Nullify Human Rights: Rick Wiles Interviews Todd Callender (1:01:57) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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Abortion Tourism And Infanticide Are Now California Attractions by Katy Grimes

The Governor who shut down California’s beaches and legendary tourist attractions, churches, bars and restaurants as a response to the COVID pandemic, is now promoting abortion tourism, inviting tourists to visit California and get an abortion if their own state has abortion restrictions. Gov. Gavin Newsom and the State Legislature are offering taxpayer funds to […]

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Zelensky…CNN’s New Jew Darling by Brother Nathanael (5:28)

Zelensky…CNN’s New Jew Darling by Brother Nathanael (5:28) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

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A Brief Report For Those Trying To Understand The New World by Anna von Reitz

The Earth and our labor and the derivatives of our labor – copyrights, trademarks, patents, and so on – are the only sources of value on this planet and there is no exhaustion or limit of the riches and assets we all possess. This is true for all people of every nation. Support Honest […]

America Basketball Big Lie Big Pharma Civil Disobedience Courage COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity DNA / mRNA Injection Drug Pushers Freedom And Liberty God Inspiration Jews Never Give Up Political Sanctions Satanic Talmud Theft Totalitarianism Unvaccinated Vaccine Passports VAERS Videos War

NBA Superstar Kyrie Irving On Remaining Unvaccinated: “Nobody Is Going To Enslave Me” (1:30)

NBA Superstar Kyrie Irving On Remaining Unvaccinated: “Nobody Is Going To Enslave Me” (1:30) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter

America Articles Bank For International Settlements Big Lie Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Corruption Crimes Against Humanity Entrapment Frauds Jews Journalism Laws New World Order Political Propaganda Satanic Talmud The Great Reset Theft They Live Totalitarianism War World Economic Forum

The Rhodes Scholars Guiding Biden’s Presidency by Matthew Ehret

While the WEF’s Young Global Leader program has recently become infamous, it follows the model of a much older program and think tank established with the ill-begotten gains of Cecil Rhodes.The recent, pandemic-ridden years have involved a steep and often traumatic learning curve for many citizens across the Trans Atlantic. One particularly shocking revelation that […]

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U.S. Military Deaths Up 1100% And Exponentially Rising by Greg Reese (4:28)

U.S. Military Deaths Up 1100% And Exponentially Rising by Greg Reese (4:28) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Support Honest Independent Media, Donate To Ad-Free 1,000 Informative Articles, News Stories, And Videos Are Published Every Month Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter