America Anthony Fauci Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Bill Gates Bill Sardi Black Projects Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Civil Disobedience Corporations Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Direct Actions DNA / mRNA Injection Dr. Ryan Cole Evictions Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Health Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Ingenious Inspiration Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical PCR Test Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism Toxic Chemicals Unemployment United States Whistleblowers

Dr. Ryan Cole Blows The Whole COVID-19 Propaganda Away by Bill Sardi

Dr. Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr. Cole has conducted over 100,000 Covid-19 lab tests and treated over 350,000 patients over his medical career. If You Find Informative, Please Make A ContributionDonate today and support the […]

America Articles Censorship Christianity Courage Cultural Debate Divide And Conquer Education Family Freedom And Liberty Friendship Government Hate Crimes History Identity Politics Inspiration Jews Laws Multiculturalism Paul Grubach Political Propaganda Psychology Racism Religion / Spirituality Roman Technology United States War Whistleblowers

In Defense Of Democratic White Nationalism by Paul Grubach

Liberty Lobby, founded in 1955 by political activist Willis Carto, was for many years based in Washington, D.C. This is how the former staff of Liberty Lobby described themselves: “The first citizens’ lobby in the United States, the Washington-based non-profit institution advocated America-first nationalism, armed neutrality, aloofness from involvement or interference in the affairs of […]

Addiction America Articles Big Oil Censorship Civil War Cognitive Dissonance Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Divide And Conquer Economics Energy Exxon False Flags Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government History Israel Jews Lobbyists Military Military-Industrial Complex Money Mossad Political Propaganda Psychology Sanctions Satanic Syria Theft They Live United States War War Criminals Whistleblowers

US And SDF Join Forces To Steal Syria’s Oil by Jeremy Salt

There’s hardly anything new in history about the powerful exploiting the weak, so all that sticks out about the theft of Syria’s oil as orchestrated by the US government is its brazen nature. In 2011, the US and its allies set out to destroy Syria. A decade later, they had failed to overthrow the government […]

America Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Big Lie Censorship Corporations Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Direct Actions Economics Fear Federal Reserve Finance Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Geopolitical Globalists Gold And Silver Government History Israel Jews Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Military Money Mossad New York City Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic September 11, 2001 Technology They Live United States Video Rebel War

Questions For DC Swamp Creatures by Video Rebel

On September 10, 2001 Donald Rumsfeld went on CBS Evening News and admitted that neither he nor the Pentagon comptroller rabbi Dov Zakheim could trace $2.3 trillion from the DOD budget. On September 11 the Pentagon was attacked killing over 50 civilian and military auditors who had been trying to see what happened to the […]

America Antifa Articles Ashli Babbitt Assassinations Big Lie Black Projects Cancel Culture Catastrophe Censorship Christianity Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Communism Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Direct Actions Domestic Terrorism Education Entrapment Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Hate Crimes Inalienable Rights Laws New Normal Police Police Brutality Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Slavery Surveillance Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War

DOJ Will Not Name Or Charge Officer Who Gunned Down Ashli Babbitt

Unprecedented level of cover-up for cop who killed unarmed election integrity protester. The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice announced Wednesday that they will not pursue charges against the Capitol Police officer who gunned down unarmed election integrity protester Ashli Babbitt on […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Tech California Censorship Civil Disobedience Cognitive Dissonance Communism Consciousness Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Economics Education Espionage Externalities Facebook Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Google Government Hacking Hate Crimes History Identity Politics Jews Laws Lobbyists Michael Walsh Multiculturalism Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Psychology Racism Satanic Slavery Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism War Whistleblowers X YouTube

Silicon Valley Aims To Gag Freedom Of Expression by Michael Walsh

The parent company of the increasingly powerful Silicon Valley tech giant, Alphabet Incorporated, has announced that it will donate €25 million to the newly established European Media and Information Fund, an organisation that claims to support ‘media literacy’ and combat so-called ‘fake news’. Since 2016, a year which saw Donald Trump elected to the presidency […]

Air Pollution America Articles Big Oil Catastrophe Chemicals Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Earth Economics Education Energy Environmental Government Heart Attack History Medical Microplastics Nature Oceans Plastic Pollution Political Pollution Propaganda Psychology Satanic Science Sustainability Technology Theft They Live Toxic Chemicals United States Water Pollution Whistleblowers

Confronting Plastic Pollution To Protect Environmental And Public Health by Public Library of Science

Some 8,300 million metric tons of plastics have been manufactured since production exploded in the 1950s, with more than 75 percent ending up as waste and 15 million metric tons reaching oceans every year. Plastic waste fragments into increasingly smaller but environmentally persistent “microplastics,” with potentially harmful effects on the health of people, wildlife and […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Tech Black Projects Censorship Central Intelligence Agency Civil Disobedience Corporations Corruption Courage Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism DARPA Deep State Direct Actions Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Education Espionage Externalities Facebook Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists Hacking History Inspiration Laws Military Military-Industrial Complex New Normal New World Order Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Slavery Soul Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War War Criminals Whistleblowers Whitney Webb

The Military Origins Of Facebook by Whitney Webb

Facebook’s growing role in the ever-expanding surveillance and “pre-crime” apparatus of the national security state demands new scrutiny of the company’s origins and its products as they relate to a former, controversial DARPA-run surveillance program that was essentially analogous to what is currently the world’s largest social network. Part 1 of this two-part series on […]

Articles Banking Big Oil Carbon Dioxide Catastrophe Censorship Central Banks Children's Health Defense Climate Change Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Economics Education Energy Environmental Externalities Fear Finance Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists Government Health Inspiration Methane Emissions Money New Normal New World Order Political Pollution Propaganda Satanic Science Technology Theft They Live Whistleblowers

Directors At Top Global Banks Linked To World’s Biggest Polluters, Investigation Shows by DeSmog

An analysis by DeSmog revealed 65% of directors from 39 big banks had connections to the world’s most polluting energy sources. The majority of directors at the world’s biggest banks have affiliations to polluting companies and organizations, a DeSmog investigation shows. The findings raise concerns over a systemic conflict of interest at a time when […]

America Articles Big Lie Corporations Corruption Cultural Government Jews Journalism Mainstream Media Masculinity Medical New Normal News Political Privacy Propaganda Psychology Transgender United States War Whistleblowers Woke

New York Times Is Normalizing Transgenderism One Headline At A Time by LifeSite News

If you don’t accept ‘transgender girls’ in boys sports, or vice versa, you’re stupid or bigoted. Then there is the stunning role reversal they have invented. The transgender movement, which exploded onto the scene in the last decade, is spearheading an assault on the traditional (and scientific) understanding of biological sex from the classroom to […]

Articles Big Lie Censorship Corporations Corruption Cosmology COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism DNA / mRNA Injection Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Governor Ron DeSantis Health History Jews Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical New Normal Political Propaganda Psychology Television Theft They Live United States Whistleblowers

CBS Lies By Omission About Governor Ron DeSantis by Andrea Widburg

There are two loci of corruption in America: Academia and the media. Academia churns out legions of indoctrinated young people, and the media churn out lies. The latest example is the way that CBS edited a press conference that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis held to make it appear that he had granted vaccination rights to […]

America Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Big Lie Black Projects Cancel Culture Catastrophe Censorship Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Constitution For The United States Corporations Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Education Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Hate Crimes Inspiration Jews New Normal Political Propaganda Psychology Russia Satanic Surveillance Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism War Whistleblowers

Russia Warns Of Increasing ‘Anti-White Racism’ In U.S. by Chris Menahan

“Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday warned that anti-white racism might be building in the United States and said that political correctness ‘taken to the extreme’ would have lamentable consequences,” AFP reports. In an interview with political scientists broadcast on national television, Moscow’s top diplomat said Russia had long supported a worldwide trend that […]

America Articles Big Lie Biology Comedy Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Domestic Terrorism Education Frauds Identity Politics Laws Mainstream Media Medical News Propaganda Satanic Science They Live Transgender United States Woke

CNN Claims ‘There Is No Consensus Criteria For Assigning Sex At Birth’ In News Article by Tim Pearce

“If you believe CNN’s last paragraph here, it is because you are an idiot.” CNN reported as fact on Tuesday that the meaning of “biological sex” is disputed and that “no consensus” exists for knowing a person’s sex at birth. The network published the claims in a news piece on South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s […]

America Articles Banking Big Lie Catastrophe Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Digital Currency Domestic Terrorism Economics Fear Federal Reserve Finance Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists Gold And Silver Government History Income Inequality Jews Laws Lobbyists Money Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Slavery Theft They Live Unemployment United States Usury Whistleblowers

The Fed vs. The Real World by Michael Wilkerson

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has made some interesting statements in recent weeks about the Fed’s view of inflation. In summary, Chairman Powell has stated that overall inflation remains below the Fed’s 2% long-term objective, and that while reopening of the economy could produce price increases later in the year, inflationary pressures from rising prices […]

Adolf Hitler Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Big Lie Censorship Corruption Crimes Debate Education Freedom And Liberty Germany Government History Holocaust Revisionism Jews Military Paul Grubach Political Propaganda Psychology Religion / Spirituality Satanic Science Surveillance Talmud They Live United Kingdom War Whistleblowers Winston Churchill World War II

Churchill, International Jews And The Holocaust: A Revisionist Analysis by Paul Grubach

Winston Churchill played an important role in the history of the twentieth century. For this reason alone, it is important that revisionists re-examine the beliefs and historical forces that motivated this lionized British icon. By improving our understanding of Churchill’s views of and his relationship with the Holocaust and the powerful Jewish groups that played […]

America Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Cognitive Dissonance Communism Constitution For The United States Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Domestic Terrorism Education Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government History Israel Jews Laws Lobbyists New Normal New World Order Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Talmud The Great Reset Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War Whistleblowers World Economic Forum

Look At The Shocking Change White House Made To Official Website by Isa Cox

Now, the White House has now made a stunning and unprecedented change to its official website that only serves to underscore loud proclamations from critics that Vice President Kamala Harris is being groomed for running the whole operation herself – or is already doing so. President Joe Biden himself has contributed to such rumors by […]

America Anthony Fauci Articles Artificial Intelligence Big Lie Big Pharma Bill Gates Black Projects Bodily Autonomy Cancel Culture Catastrophe Censorship Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Communism Computers Constitution For The United States Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Digital Currency Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Economics Education Entrapment Facial Recognition Fear Florida Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists Government Governor Ron DeSantis Hate Crimes Health History Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Inspiration Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical New Normal New World Order PCR Test Political Privacy Propaganda Psychology Rockefeller Foundation Lockstep Plan Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Technocracy Technology The Great Reset Theft They Live Totalitarianism Toxic Chemicals Travel Vaccine Passports War Whistleblowers World Economic Forum World Health Organization

Multiple New Governors Take Cue from DeSantis, Take Vocal Stand Against Vaccine Passport by Erin Coates

The governors of Missouri and Kansas took a stand against the proposed COVID-19 “vaccine passports,” following the lead of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida. DeSantis signed an executive order last week, which bans Floridians from having to show their coronavirus immunity status. “Today I issued an executive order prohibiting the use of so-called COVID-19 […]

America Articles Babylon Bee Black Lives Matter Cancel Culture Censorship Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Comedy Communism Corruption Crimes Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty George Soros Globalists Government Hate Crimes Hollywood Identity Politics Jews Multiculturalism New Normal New World Order Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Slavery Soul Surveillance Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War Whistleblowers Woke

Neighbors With ‘Black Lives Matter’, ‘Asian Lives Matter’, And ‘Hispanic Lives Matter’ Yard Signs Getting Awfully Close To ‘All Lives Matter’ by Babylon Bee

According to sources, some residents of a local upper-class suburb have accumulated “Black Lives Matter”, “Hispanic Lives Matter”, and “Asian Lives Matter” signs in their perfectly manicured front yards. Experts warn, however, that with the addition of more people groups every day, they are getting dangerously close to saying “All Lives Matter.”