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CBS Lies By Omission About Governor Ron DeSantis by Andrea Widburg

There are two loci of corruption in America: Academia and the media. Academia churns out legions of indoctrinated young people, and the media churn out lies. The latest example is the way that CBS edited a press conference that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis held to make it appear that he had granted vaccination rights to the Publix grocery store chain in exchange for campaign donations. To the media’s dismay, Florida sailed through the COVID panic because it didn’t panic. Governor Ron DeSantis made the logical decision when the disease hit America to protect the vulnerable and to allow all the others in his state to get on with their lives. To the Democrats’ chagrin, at the end of the day, Florida did no worse than the lockdown states, while preserving both its economy and its civil liberties. Because of his competence, conservatives are turning longing eyes to DeSantis as a possible Republican contender in 2024. The media, of course, must destroy him. In addition to repeatedly and falsely implying that Florida handled COVID badly and is a hotbed of disease, the media are now attacking DeSantis directly.

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