Africa America Articles Assassinations Big Lie Big Pharma Bill Gates Black Projects Blowback Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Corporations Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Depopulation Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Elderly Espionage Eugenics Externalities Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Genocide Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health History Inalienable Rights Infertility Informed Consent Ingenious Inspiration Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Military New Normal New World Order PCR Test Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Science Self-Spreading / Transmissible Vaccines Slavery Soul Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism Toxic Chemicals United States Vaccine Shedding War Whistleblowers World Health Organization

Scientists Are Working On Vaccines That Spread Like A Disease. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? by Filippa Lentzos and Guy Reeves

The biologists Scott Nuismer and James Bull generated fresh media attention to self-spreading vaccines over the summer after publishing an article in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution. But the subsequent reporting on the topic gives short shrift to the potentially significant downsides to releasing self-spreading vaccines into the environment. Self-spreading vaccines could indeed entail […]

5G America Articles Artificial Intelligence Banking Big Food Big Lie Big Pharma Big Tech Bio-Barcodes Black Projects Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Catherine Austin Fitts Censorship Central Banks Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Communism Computers Consciousness Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Deep State Depopulation Digital Currency Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Elderly Espionage Eugenics Externalities Fear Federal Reserve Finance Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Gaslighting Genetically Modified Organism / GMOs Globalists Government Hacking Hate Crimes Health History Hydrogel Inalienable Rights Income Inequality Infertility Informed Consent Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Military Military-Industrial Complex New Normal New World Order Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Technocracy Technology The Great Reset Theft They Live Totalitarianism Transhuman United States Vaccine Passports Videos Wall Street Corruption War Whistleblowers

A Slave System Orchestrated By Central Banks, Catherine Austin Fitts Interviewed by David Knight (49:34)

A Slave System Orchestrated By Central Banks, Catherine Austin Fitts Interviewed by David Knight (49:34) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)

America Articles Artificial Intelligence Big Lie Big Tech Black Projects Censorship Central Intelligence Agency Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Computers Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity DARPA Digital Currency Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Dumb Us Down Education Externalities Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Hacking Journalism Laws Lobbyists National Security Agency Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War Whistleblowers

This Biden Proposal Could Make The US A “Digital Dictatorship” by Whitney Webb

A “new” proposal by the Biden administration to create a health-focused federal agency modeled after DARPA is not what it appears to be. Promoted as a way to “end cancer,” this resuscitated “health DARPA” conceals a dangerous agenda. Last Wednesday, President Biden was widely praised in mainstream and health-care-focused media for his call to create […]

America Articles Big Lie Biology Blowback Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Children's Health Defense Civil Disobedience Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Doctors Dumb Us Down Externalities Fear Florida Frauds Freedom And Liberty Genetically Modified Organism / GMOs Globalists Government Insects Medical New Normal Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War Whistleblowers

‘Dark Moment In History’ As GMO Mosquitoes Released In Florida

Environmentalists said the release of up to a billion GMO mosquitoes over a two-year period is about maximizing profits for biotech giant Oxitec, not about the pressing need to address mosquito-borne diseases. Environmentalists and Florida residents voiced concern and outrage last week as state government officials and the biotechnology giant Oxitec moved ahead with a […]

America American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Corruption Courage Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Dumb Us Down Economics Education Entrapment Externalities Frauds Freedom And Liberty Gaslighting Globalists Government Grant F. Smith Hate Crimes Inalienable Rights Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jews Laws Military Military-Industrial Complex Mossad Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Slavery Soul Surveillance Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War Whistleblowers

‘Abraham Accords’ Discredit The US by Grant Smith

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) continues to lobby Congress for more support for the so-called “Abraham Accords.” This Trump administration initiative sought to transcend the spectacular failure of the “Deal of the Century” initiative that called for Palestinian acquiescence to annexation and renunciation of sovereignty rights in exchange for vague and uncertain economic […]

America Articles Big Lie Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Children Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Debate Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Doctors Dumb Us Down Education Family Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Health History Laws Love Medical Money Political Satanic Science Slavery Soul Theft They Live United States War Whistleblowers

82% Of Americans Want Paid Maternity Leave Making It As Popular As Chocolate by Chris Knoester

The United States is the only wealthy nation that doesn’t guarantee paid leave to mothers after they give birth or adopt a child. The vast majority of Americans would like to see that change. According to a YouGov poll of 21,000 people conducted between March 25 and April 1, 2021, 82% of Americans think employees […]

America Andrew Torba Articles Big Lie Big Tech Censorship Civil Disobedience Computers Constitution For The United States Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Education Facebook Freedom And Liberty Gab Globalists Google Government Jesus Christ Jews Lobbyists New Normal News Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Technology They Live Totalitarianism United States War Whistleblowers X YouTube

Gab Samizdat by Andrew Torba

The oligarch elites may be able to censor, smear, and deplatform us all online, but they can’t seize all of our home printers. They can’t stop us passing out some pamphlets at church or in the streets. They can’t stop you from making stickers and posters. We are in an information war. While companies like […]

America Articles Big Lie Censorship Computers Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Debate Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Education Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Hacking Laws Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Satanic Science Slavery Surveillance Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War Whistleblowers

Ben Carson Calls For Investigation Of Election: ‘If There’s Nothing To Hide, There Should Be Nothing To Worry About’ by Martin Walsh

Former HUD Secretary Ben Carson is calling for a “real, open” investigation of the 2020 presidential election. During an interview on Fox News, Carson told host Neil Cavuto that he agrees that Donald Trump “was robbed” of an election victory. “I think it’s certainly worthy of investigation,” Carson said. Carson voiced his full support for […]

Addiction America Anthony Fauci Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Bill Gates Black Projects Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Drug Pushers Dumb Us Down Economics Education Entrapment Fear Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists Government Health Jon Rappoport Lobbyists Medical Money PCR Test Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Science Slavery Technology Television Theft They Live Totalitarianism Toxic Chemicals United States

The Pandemic On Television by Jon Rappoport

It should obvious to all but the most addled minds that television news anchors, their script writers, and editors never question the following (false) assertions: SARS-CoV-2 is real. It was discovered and sequenced. The test for the virus is accurate. Every positive test denotes a “case of COVID-19.” The case numbers and death numbers are […]

Articles Big Lie Biology Brain Children Christianity Civil Rights Communism Corruption Courage Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Doctors Domestic Terrorism Education Feminism Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists Government Identity Politics Inspiration Laws Political Politically Correct Propaganda Psychology Satanic Science Theft They Live Totalitarianism Transgender United States War Whistleblowers

Small Christian College Sues Biden Administration Over Campus-Housing Rules by Bob Adelmann

The College of the Ozarks, a small Christian college, has sued the Biden administration over its demand that, following an outrageous ruling by the Supreme Court, colleges must allow male and female students in the same bathrooms, dorm rooms, and dormitories. Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is assisting the college in its fight to retain its […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Oil Catastrophe Censorship Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Civil War Corporations Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Dumb Us Down Economics Externalities Exxon Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government History Iran Israel Israel Occupation Forces Jews Military Mossad Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Slavery Syria Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War

Is The US Preparing To Back An Offensive Against The Syrian Government? by Robert Inlakesh

After days of clashes between US-backed Kurdish forces in Syria’s north east, a US general says that he is expecting further clashes as US re-enforcements allegedly move into the country. The US Biden administration may well be considering further offensive action against the Syrian government through its proxy forces, despite claiming to have learned its […]

America Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Books Catastrophe Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Economics Education Entrapment Externalities Fear Finance Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists Government History Hollywood Ingenious Inspiration Jews Kevin MacDonald Mainstream Media Mark Weber Multiculturalism Music Propaganda Radio Satanic Slavery Talmud Technology Television Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Usury Wall Street Corruption War War Criminals Whistleblowers

The Culture Of Critique by Professor Kevin MacDonald (Book)

How have Jews acquired such great power and influence in the United States? In this meticulously referenced and compel­lingly argued study, a professor of psychology at California State University (Long Beach) explains how Jews have profound­ly shaped American society, politics and culture in conformity with Jewish group interests. This is the most important examination of […]

Articles Big Lie Bodily Autonomy Canada Catastrophe Censorship Consciousness Corruption Courage Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Cultural Debate Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Doctors Domestic Terrorism Education Externalities Family Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Health Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Jews Laws Medical New Normal Police Satanic Science Slavery Soul Technology Theft They Live Transgender War Whistleblowers

Immolating Parental Rights And Overruling Truth How The Jailing Of A BC Father Shows The Extremes Of Transgender Ideology And The Failure Of The Media by Jenn Smith

Abstract: There are important parallels between the 1963 case of the self-immolation of Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thích Qu?ng Ð?c and the recent case in British Columbia (2021) of a father who was forced against his will by the court and the state to facilitate the pharmaceutical “sex reassignment” of his teenage daughter. Both cases speak […]

America Articles Censorship Christianity Courage Cultural Debate Divide And Conquer Education Family Freedom And Liberty Friendship Government Hate Crimes History Identity Politics Inspiration Jews Laws Multiculturalism Paul Grubach Political Propaganda Psychology Racism Religion / Spirituality Roman Technology United States War Whistleblowers

In Defense Of Democratic White Nationalism by Paul Grubach

Liberty Lobby, founded in 1955 by political activist Willis Carto, was for many years based in Washington, D.C. This is how the former staff of Liberty Lobby described themselves: “The first citizens’ lobby in the United States, the Washington-based non-profit institution advocated America-first nationalism, armed neutrality, aloofness from involvement or interference in the affairs of […]

Addiction America Articles Big Oil Censorship Civil War Cognitive Dissonance Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Divide And Conquer Economics Energy Exxon False Flags Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government History Israel Jews Lobbyists Military Military-Industrial Complex Money Mossad Political Propaganda Psychology Sanctions Satanic Syria Theft They Live United States War War Criminals Whistleblowers

US And SDF Join Forces To Steal Syria’s Oil by Jeremy Salt

There’s hardly anything new in history about the powerful exploiting the weak, so all that sticks out about the theft of Syria’s oil as orchestrated by the US government is its brazen nature. In 2011, the US and its allies set out to destroy Syria. A decade later, they had failed to overthrow the government […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Tech California Censorship Civil Disobedience Cognitive Dissonance Communism Consciousness Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Economics Education Espionage Externalities Facebook Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Google Government Hacking Hate Crimes History Identity Politics Jews Laws Lobbyists Michael Walsh Multiculturalism Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Psychology Racism Satanic Slavery Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism War Whistleblowers X YouTube

Silicon Valley Aims To Gag Freedom Of Expression by Michael Walsh

The parent company of the increasingly powerful Silicon Valley tech giant, Alphabet Incorporated, has announced that it will donate €25 million to the newly established European Media and Information Fund, an organisation that claims to support ‘media literacy’ and combat so-called ‘fake news’. Since 2016, a year which saw Donald Trump elected to the presidency […]

America Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Big Lie Black Projects Cancel Culture Catastrophe Censorship Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Constitution For The United States Corporations Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Education Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Hate Crimes Inspiration Jews New Normal Political Propaganda Psychology Russia Satanic Surveillance Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism War Whistleblowers

Russia Warns Of Increasing ‘Anti-White Racism’ In U.S. by Chris Menahan

“Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday warned that anti-white racism might be building in the United States and said that political correctness ‘taken to the extreme’ would have lamentable consequences,” AFP reports. In an interview with political scientists broadcast on national television, Moscow’s top diplomat said Russia had long supported a worldwide trend that […]

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Articles Beauty Blessed Virgin Mary Catholicism Christianity Corruption Courage Divide And Conquer God History Jesus Christ Lockdowns New Normal New World Order Political Satanic Science Soul Theft They Live Whistleblowers

Archbishop Viganò Weighs In On ‘Scandalous’ Prohibition Of Private Masses In St. Peter’s Basilica by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

‘For sixty years the doctrinal deviations introduced by Vatican II have insinuated that Mass offered without the people has no value, or that it has less value than a concelebration or a Mass at which the faithful assist.’ On March 12, by means of an ordinance issued without signature, protocol number, or addressee, the First […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Economics Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Freedom And Liberty Government Health Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Inspiration Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical New Normal New World Order PCR Test Political Science United States War Whistleblowers

Georgia To Lift All Remaining Covid-19 Restrictions by Lexi Lonas

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) announced on Wednesday that all remaining COVID-19 restrictions in the state will be lifted starting Thursday. “We know hard-working Georgians cannot endure another year like that last. That is why beginning tomorrow we are loosening the remaining restrictions on our economy here in Georgia,” Kemp said in a video statement […]