Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Big Lie Censorship Corruption Crimes Frauds Globalists History Israel Jews Mossad New World Order Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D. Political Propaganda Psychology Racism Religion / Spirituality United States

Hypocrisy Thy Name Is Zion by Philip Giraldi

There is a tendency on the part of major Jewish groups in the United States and in Europe to discover what they describe as anti-Semitism wherever one turns … Jewish groups in the United States have been in the forefront in supporting BLM’s apparent mission to upend what used to pass for America’s European-derived culture […]

Air Pollution Articles Big Lie Big Oil Chemicals Climate Change Corruption Crimes Earth Economics Environmental Externalities Exxon Facebook Frauds Government Health Jeremy Loffredo Laws Lobbyists Political Pollution Propaganda Psychology United States Wall Street Corruption Water Pollution

Exxon Spends Millions On Facebook To Get Users To Lobby For Industry-Friendly Policies by Jeremy Loffredo

Exxon’s social media strategy employs the same tactics used by grassroots activist movements to pressure lawmakers and influence policy. Exxon has spent more than any other major corporation on Facebook ads related to social issues, elections or politics, and is the country’s ninth-largest buyer of such ads overall: $15.6 million from May 7, 2018 to […]

Adolf Hitler Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Big Lie Censorship Corruption Crimes Education Europe France Germany Government Hate Crimes History Israel Jews John Wear Laws Military NSDAP Palestine Political Propaganda Psychology Racism Satanic United Kingdom United States USSR War Whistleblowers World War II

Vengeful Jews Give The Lie To Allied War-Crimes Trials by John Wear

This article documents some of the Jewish attorneys, investigators and witnesses whose words and actions prove that the Allied-run war-crimes trials were politically motivated proceedings which failed to produce credible evidence of the so-called Holocaust.