Adolf Hitler Agriculture Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Architecture Articles Banking Beauty Brain Central Banks Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Courage Direct Actions Economics Evictions Family Farming Federal Reserve Freedom And Liberty Friendship Germany Government Health History Ingenious Inspiration Jews Laws Mark Weber NSDAP Political Science Technology Usury Whistleblowers World War I World War II

How Hitler Tackled Unemployment And Revived Germany’s Economy by Mark Weber

To deal with the massive unemployment and economic paralysis of the Great Depression, both the US and German governments launched innovative and ambitious programs. Although President Franklin Roosevelt’s “New Deal” measures helped only marginally, the Third Reich’s much more focused and comprehensive policies proved remarkably effective. Within three years unemployment was banished and Germany’s economy […]

America Beauty Brain Dr. Thomas Cowan Education Externalities Family Freedom And Liberty Friendship Health Ingenious Inspiration Love Medical Sauna Science Soul Technology United States Videos

Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends Episode 20: Brian Richards (1:03:58)

Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends Episode 20: Brian Richards (1:03:58) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)

Adolf Hitler Architecture Beauty Europe Germany Government History Ingenious Michael Walsh Railroad Technology Travel

The Great Railway Of Renaissance Europe by Michael Walsh

Adolf Hitler’s plans for renaissance Germany included an extraordinary new railway that by comparison would reduce all other railways rolling stock to almost laughable levels. This railway was designed to connect the most important cities in Greater Germany with trains 7 metre high (30 feet), carrying up to 4,000 passengers at speeds of 200 kilometres […]

Articles Artificial Intelligence Computers Holography Ingenious Science Technology

Using Artificial Intelligence To Generate 3D Holograms In Real-Time by Daniel Ackerman

Researchers have long sought to make computer-generated holograms, but the process has traditionally required a supercomputer to churn through physics simulations, which is time-consuming and can yield less-than-photorealistic results. Now, MIT researchers have developed a new way to produce holograms almost instantly—and the deep learning-based method is so efficient that it can run on a […]

Articles Artificial Intelligence Big Tech China Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Computers Crimes Cultural Facial Recognition Fear Freedom And Liberty Government Hacking History Ingenious New World Order Political Science Soul Surveillance Technocracy Technology Totalitarianism Whistleblowers

Coming To America? China Now Using “Emotion Recognition Technology” To Arrest People by Jenna Curren

According to a recent report in China’s state-run Global Times newspaper, Chinese people are increasingly becoming accustomed to the use of “emotion recognition technology,” which is artificial intelligence that essentially allows the government to track human feelings. The article illustrated the usefulness of this technology by providing an example in which police arrest passengers of […]

America Articles Bodily Autonomy California Computers Electricity Energy Hominids Ingenious Internet Science Surveillance Technocracy Technology Transhuman United States

‘Wearable Microgrid’ Uses The Human Body To Sustainably Power Small Gadgets by University of California

Nanoengineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a “wearable microgrid” that harvests and stores energy from the human body to power small electronics. It consists of three main parts: sweat-powered biofuel cells, motion-powered devices called triboelectric generators, and energy-storing supercapacitors. All parts are flexible, washable and can be screen printed onto clothing. […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Big Tech Bill Gates Black Projects Bodily Autonomy Cancel Culture Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Communism Consciousness Contact Tracing Contagion Corporations Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Debate Depopulation Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Economics Education Elderly Eugenics Evictions Externalities Face Masks Family Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Gary D. Barnett Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health Income Inequality Informed Consent Ingenious Inspiration Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical New Normal New World Order PCR Test Political Propaganda Psychology Sanctions Satanic Science Slavery Surveillance Technocracy Technology The Great Reset Theft They Live Totalitarianism Toxic Chemicals Unemployment United States War Woke World Economic Forum World Health Organization

Why Do Americans Need And Seek Masters To Rule Them? by Gary D. Barnett

“… the greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and desires nothing better than to be told what to do. Provided the rulers do not interfere with its material comforts and its cherished beliefs, it is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled.” – Aldous Huxley (2000). “Complete Essays: 1926-1929”, Ivan […]

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Bill Gates Black Projects Bodily Autonomy Computers Contagion Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Direct Actions DNA / mRNA Injection Education Externalities Face Masks Food And Drug Administration Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Health Informed Consent Ingenious Japan Lockdowns Medical PCR Test Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Science Slavery Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft Totalitarianism United States Virtue Signalling War Whistleblowers World Health Organization

Japan Supercomputer Shows Doubling Masks Offers Little Help Preventing Viral Spread by Rocky Swift

Japanese supercomputer simulations showed that wearing two masks gave limited benefit in blocking viral spread compared with one properly fitted mask. The findings in part contradict recent recommendations from the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that two masks were better than one at reducing a person’s exposure to the coronavirus.

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Black Projects Bodily Autonomy Censorship Centers For Disease Control Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Debate DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Dr. John P. A. Ioannidis Dumb Us Down Education Fact Check Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists Government Health Informed Consent Ingenious Inspiration Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Mathematics Medical New Normal PCR Test Political Propaganda Psychology Science Surveillance Technocracy Technology United States Whistleblowers World Health Organization

Infection Fatality Rate Of COVID-19 Inferred From Seroprevalence Data by Dr. John P. A. Ioannidis

For people < 70 years old, the infection fatality rate of COVId-19 across 40 locations with available data ranged from 0.00% to 0.31% (median 0.05%); the corrected values were similar. The median infection fatality rate across all 51 locations was 0.27% (corrected 0.23%). Dr. John P. A. Ioannidis Archive With 17 Posts Subscribe To The […]

America Articles Constitution For The United States Courage Direct Actions Freedom And Liberty Government History Ingenious Laws New Normal Police Political Second Amendment United States Whistleblowers

Sheriffs Can Arrest Feds Who Violate Citizens’ Gun Rights, New Missouri County Ordinance Says by Hank Berrien

One Missouri County, concerned that the federal government might infringe on the Second Amendment rights of its citizens, passed an ordinance this month which would invalidate any such attempt by the federal government.

America Articles Big Lie Black Projects Computers Corporations Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Florida Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Governor Ron DeSantis Hacking History Ingenious Inspiration Laws Lobbyists Political President Donald J. Trump Propaganda Psychology Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft United States Whistleblowers

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Proposes New Election Integrity Measures – Wants To Ban Mail-In Voting by Mike LaChance

Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is proposing new measures in election security, including the banning of mail-in voting and ballot harvesting. If the Republican party has any sense, they will launch a similar campaign nationwide.

America Articles California Ingenious Physics Science Technology United States

Walking Quadruped Is Controlled And Powered By Pressurized Air by University of California – San Diego

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have created a four-legged soft robot that doesn’t need any electronics to work. The robot only needs a constant source of pressurized air for all its functions, including its controls and locomotion systems. “This work represents a fundamental yet significant step towards fully-autonomous, electronics-free walking robots,” said […]

Articles Computers Ingenious Physics Science

Graphene ‘Nano-Origami’ Creates Tiniest Microchips Yet by University of Sussex

By creating kinks in the structure of graphene, researchers at the University of Sussex have made the nanomaterial behave like a transistor, and have shown that when a strip of graphene is crinkled in this way, it can behave like a microchip, which is around 100 times smaller than conventional microchips.

Articles Beauty Brain Caitlin Johnstone Consciousness Courage Cultural Direct Actions Education Elderly Fear Freedom And Liberty Friendship Happiness History Ingenious Inspiration Love Meditation Peace Soul Teachers United States

I Desire Your Freedom by Caitlin Johnstone

“I desire your freedom,” the old professor told me. “My freedom?” I asked, leaning in. “Yes. I want you to be free from all forms of tyranny and oppression. Inward and outward, from the past or in the present.”

Agorism America Articles Beauty Civil Disobedience Computers Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Direct Actions Economics Finance Frauds Freedom And Liberty Friendship Government Income Inequality Ingenious Inspiration Jews Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Love Money Political Propaganda Psychology Science Slavery Technology Theft United States Video Rebel Wall Street Corruption War Whistleblowers

Stimulus Checks Can Take Down The Deep State by Video Rebel

8 million people joined in the subreddit group WallStreetBets to stop Big Players from Naked Shorting Game Shop. A Naked Short happens when someone sells stock they do not own. Many of the subreddit participants made lots of money even doubling and tripling their initial investment. A lot of that was financed on a shoe […]

Animals Articles Brain Ingenious Inspiration Nature Science Technology

Pigs Show Potential For ‘Remarkable’ Level Of Behavioral, Mental Flexibility In New Study by Frontiers

“It is no small feat for an animal to grasp the concept that the behavior they are performing is having an effect elsewhere. That pigs can do this to any degree should give us pause as to what else they are capable of learning and how such learning may impact them,” said lead author Dr. […]

Brain Films Frequencies Holography Ingenious Mathematics Physics Quantum Entanglement Science Technology Television United Kingdom Videos

Holography ‘Quantum Leap’ Could Revolutionise Imaging by University of Glasgow

A new type of quantum holography which uses entangled photons to overcome the limitations of conventional holographic approaches could lead to improved medical imaging and speed the advance of quantum information science. A team of physicists from the University of Glasgow are the first in the world to find a way to use quantum-entangled photons […]

America Courage Direct Actions Freedom And Liberty Government Ingenious Laws New Normal Peace Petition Political Reforestation Unemployment United States

Re-Establish The United States Civilian Conservation Corps by Civilian Conservation Corps Initiative (Petition)

The Civilian Conservation Corps Initiative is a grassroots non-profit, bi-partisan organization, with a proposal to the American People and our Members of Congress to re-establish the enormously successful all public sector initiative the United States Civilain Conservation Corps (CCC).

Articles Films Holography Ingenious Science Technology Television Videos

Improvements To Holographic Displays Poised To Enhance Virtual And Augmented Reality by The Optical Society

Researchers have developed a new approach that improves the image quality and contrast for holographic displays. The new technology could help improve near-eye displays used for virtual and augmented reality applications. “Augmented and virtual reality systems are poised to have a transformative impact on our society by providing a seamless interface between a user and […]

America Articles Big Lie Civil Disobedience Computers Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Direct Actions Economics Frauds Freedom And Liberty Gold And Silver Government Ingenious Inspiration Laws Lockdowns New Normal Political Syria Technology Theft United States Wall Street Corruption War

Reddit Users Going After Silver For ‘Biggest Short Squeeze In The World’ by Jack Phillips

A number of Reddit users on the popular r/WallStreetBets forum have said they are planning to launch a coordinated effort to target silver as their next short-squeeze target. Posts encouraged individuals to use the IShares Silver Trust, the largest silver exchange-traded fund, and carry out what one user called the “biggest short squeeze in the […]

America Articles Banking Big Lie Civil Disobedience Computers Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Divide And Conquer Economics Finance Frauds Freedom And Liberty Goldman Sachs Government Ingenious Inspiration Internet Laws Love Mathematics Money Political Simon Black Technology Theft United States Wall Street Corruption War

“This Is A Financial Revolution. . .” by Simon Black

So these funds shorted the stock in a huge (and dubious) way, selling more shares of the company than were actually in existence. And a number of small investors saw these questionable short positions and said, ‘Enough is enough. We’re tired of hedge funds exploiting the market.’ So they’ve banded together and bid up the […]

Articles Electricity Energy Ingenious Renewable Energy Science Solar Energy Technology

A Strategy To Improve The Efficiency And Long-Term Stability Of Perovskite Solar Cells by Ingrid Fadelli

The design strategy introduced by Prof. Noh and his colleagues could soon be used to create 2-D/3-D halide junction perovskite solar cells that have both a high efficiency and a high thermal stability. In the future, their work could also inspire other research teams to employ the same strategy or devise similar approaches to improve […]

Art Articles History Ingenious John Lennon / Strawberry Fields (Film) Music Phil Spector Radio Sound Technology The Beatles

Phil Spector, Famed ‘Wall Of Sound’ Producer, Dead At 81 by Keith Harris

Phil Spector, the monumentally influential music producer whose “Wall of Sound” style revolutionized the way rock music was recorded in the early 1960s, died Saturday at the age of 81. From Dr. Vernon Coleman Earth Newspaper – A Major Source of Information If you’re looking for a cache of information about covid-19 I suggest […]

Agorism Agriculture America Articles Banking Big Lie Civil Disobedience Commodities Courage Cultural Economics Education Family Finance Foods Freedom And Liberty Friendship Government Health Ingenious Inspiration Laws Love Money Nature Organic Permaculture Political Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft United States Whistleblowers

Freedom Agenda 21 – Agorism In the New Year by Mike Swatek

Each of us can easily expand our fight for individual freedom in the new year. You can do many of the things shared below. In a nutshell, this includes anything, big or small, which weakens the state, its crony corporations or its global financial power-mad masters, altogether herein called, “the beast”. If we all resolve […]

Articles Computers Energy Efficiency Ingenious Mathematics Quantum Entanglement Science Technology

Researchers Create Entangled Photons 100 Times More Efficiently Than Previously Possible by Stevens Institute of Technology

Super-fast quantum computers and communication devices could revolutionize countless aspects of our lives—but first, researchers need a fast, efficient source of the entangled pairs of photons such systems use to transmit and manipulate information. Researchers at Stevens Institute of Technology have done just that, not only creating a chip-based photon source 100 times more efficient […]

Articles Energy Environmental Ingenious Science Technology United States

Research Breakthrough Could Transform Clean Energy Technology by Russ Bahorsky, Argonne National Laboratory

Using an innovative chemical strategy developed at UVA, however, a team of researchers led by chemistry professors Sen Zhang and T. Brent Gunnoe have produced a new form of catalyst using the elements cobalt and titanium. The advantage of these elements is that they are much more abundant in nature than other commonly used catalytic […]

Brain Dr. Rupert Sheldrake Education Ingenious Inspiration Love Morphic Resonance Science United Kingdom Videos

Morphic Resonance by Rupert Sheldrake (1:00:41)

Morphic Resonance by Rupert Sheldrake (1:00:41)(To view full screen click the link below.) Morphic Resonance by Rupert Sheldrake (1:00:41) (To view full screen click the link below.)

Art Beauty Europe Germany Ingenious Inspiration Love Ludwig van Beethoven Music Political Religion / Spirituality Videos

Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 3 in E flat major, Op. 55, Eroica, Conductor: Philippe Herreweghe (52:01)

Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 3 in E flat major, Op. 55, Eroica, Conductor: Philippe Herreweghe (52:01) (To view full screen click the link below.)

Art Articles Beauty Europe Germany Ingenious Inspiration Love Ludwig van Beethoven Michael Walsh Music Political Religion / Spirituality

Immortal Beloved Ludwig van Beethoven by Michael Walsh

The least known fact about Ludwig van Beethoven is that he never doubted that much of his work was in fact the work of God who used him as conduit or as a medium to bring to the world God’s music.

Art Beauty Europe Freedom And Liberty Germany Ingenious Inspiration Love Ludwig van Beethoven Music Religion / Spirituality Videos

Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, At The Berlin Celebration Concert 1989 (1:33:51)

Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, At The Berlin Celebration Concert 1989 (1:33:51) (To view full screen click the link below.)

Articles Beauty Brain Censorship Civil Disobedience Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Freedom And Liberty Germany Government History Ingenious Inspiration Ludwig van Beethoven Music Off-Guardian Political Religion / Spirituality

Beethoven In The Age Of Endarkenment by Ian Fantom

Beethoven was so political that, by the end of his life, some of his friends refused to dine with him: either they were bored of his constant politicizing or they feared police spies would overhear him.

Articles Brain China Computers Ingenious Science Technology

Chinese Photonic Quantum Computer Demonstrates Quantum Supremacy by Bob Yirka

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in China has built and tested a photonic quantum computer that demonstrates quantum supremacy. In their paper published in the journal Science, the group describes their computer, which they call Jiuzhang, and how well it performed while conducting Gaussian boson sampling. The researchers found that it took […]

Articles Brain Electricity Energy History Ingenious New York City Nikola Tesla Radio Science Technology

Nikola Tesla – The Genius Who Lit The World by Dr. Ljubo Vujovic

Tesla was a pioneer in many fields. The Tesla coil, which he invented in 1891, is widely used today in radio and television sets and other electronic equipment. That year also marked the date of Tesla’s United States citizenship. His alternating current induction motor is considered one of the ten greatest discoveries of all time. […]

Articles Brain Electricity Energy History Ingenious New York City Nikola Tesla Radio Science Technology

Nikola Tesla by

Nikola Tesla is one of those rare people who have marked their age and caused great changes in it, not only in the domain of the immediately applicable inventions, but also in the domain of new ideas and technology of the future. He is one of those people who have inspired many followers and fellow […]

Articles Brain Electricity Energy History Ingenious New York City Nikola Tesla Radio Science Technology

Nikola Tesla: The Extraordinary Life Of A Modern Prometheus by Richard Gunderman

The opening of a new biopic of Tesla provides a timely opportunity to review the life of a man who came from nowhere yet became world famous; claimed to be devoted solely to discovery but relished the role of a showman; attracted the attention of many women but never married; and generated ideas that transformed […]