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Some Clear Thinking On The Yesterday’s Massive Deficit Announcement by Simon Black

Central banks typically fight retail price inflation by raising interest rates. But again, if they do raise interest rates, the US government will have to refinance its maturing debt at higher rates. Think about this: if Treasury rates were only as high as they were in 2008 before the last crisis, the US government would […]

America Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Big Lie Black Projects Cancel Culture Catastrophe Censorship Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Constitution For The United States Corporations Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Education Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Hate Crimes Inspiration Jews New Normal Political Propaganda Psychology Russia Satanic Surveillance Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism War Whistleblowers

Russia Warns Of Increasing ‘Anti-White Racism’ In U.S. by Chris Menahan

“Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday warned that anti-white racism might be building in the United States and said that political correctness ‘taken to the extreme’ would have lamentable consequences,” AFP reports. In an interview with political scientists broadcast on national television, Moscow’s top diplomat said Russia had long supported a worldwide trend that […]

America Articles Catastrophe Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Dr. Ron Paul Economics Education Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists Government History Jews Lobbyists Military Military-Industrial Complex Nuclear Weapons Political Russia Satanic They Live Ukraine United States War Whistleblowers

Why Is The Biden Administration Pushing Ukraine To Attack Russia? by Ron Paul

… US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who was a chief architect of the US-backed coup against Ukraine in 2014, continued egging on the Ukrainians, promising full US support for the “territorial integrity” of Ukraine. Many Americans wonder why they are not even half as concerned about the territorial integrity of the United States! … […]

Africa Articles Catastrophe Corruption Crimes Earth Economics Education Elephants Environmental Extinctions Genocide Habitat Destruction History Nature Political Satanic Theft War Wildlife

African Elephants Only Occupy A Fraction Of Their Potential Range by Colorado State University

Many wildlife species are threatened by shrinking habitat. But according to new research, the potential range of African elephants could be more than five times larger than its current extent. Due to 2,000 years of human pressure, African elephants have suffered dramatic population declines, and their range has shrunk to just 17% of what it […]

America Articles Banking Big Lie Catastrophe Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Digital Currency Domestic Terrorism Economics Fear Federal Reserve Finance Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists Gold And Silver Government History Income Inequality Jews Laws Lobbyists Money Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Slavery Theft They Live Unemployment United States Usury Whistleblowers

The Fed vs. The Real World by Michael Wilkerson

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has made some interesting statements in recent weeks about the Fed’s view of inflation. In summary, Chairman Powell has stated that overall inflation remains below the Fed’s 2% long-term objective, and that while reopening of the economy could produce price increases later in the year, inflationary pressures from rising prices […]

Animals Articles Catastrophe Economics Environmental Invasive Species Jews Money Nature Science Surveillance Technology War Whistleblowers Wildlife

These Are The 5 Costliest Invasive Species, Causing Billions In Damages by Jonathan Lambert

The impact from all invasive species cost the global economy at least $1 trillion since 1970. Invasive species can wreak havoc on local ecosystems. Cleaning up that biological wreckage comes at a big price. These invaders, often thrust into new environments unintentionally (or intentionally, to combat pests) by humans, can transmit new diseases, devastate crops […]

America Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Cognitive Dissonance Communism Constitution For The United States Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Domestic Terrorism Education Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government History Israel Jews Laws Lobbyists New Normal New World Order Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Talmud The Great Reset Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War Whistleblowers World Economic Forum

Look At The Shocking Change White House Made To Official Website by Isa Cox

Now, the White House has now made a stunning and unprecedented change to its official website that only serves to underscore loud proclamations from critics that Vice President Kamala Harris is being groomed for running the whole operation herself – or is already doing so. President Joe Biden himself has contributed to such rumors by […]

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Multiple New Governors Take Cue from DeSantis, Take Vocal Stand Against Vaccine Passport by Erin Coates

The governors of Missouri and Kansas took a stand against the proposed COVID-19 “vaccine passports,” following the lead of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida. DeSantis signed an executive order last week, which bans Floridians from having to show their coronavirus immunity status. “Today I issued an executive order prohibiting the use of so-called COVID-19 […]

America Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Education Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Glenn Greenwald Hate Crimes Inalienable Rights Journalism Mainstream Media New Normal Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Soul They Live Totalitarianism United States War Whistleblowers

Journalists Attack The Powerless, Then Self-Victimize To Bar Criticisms of Themselves by Glenn Greenwald

Powerful media figures now invoke sexist and racist tropes to cast themselves as so fragile and marginalized that critiques of their work constitute bullying and assault. This USA Today article is thus yet another example of journalists at major media outlets abusing their platforms to attack and expose anything other than the real power centers […]

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A Third Of Global Farmland At ‘High’ Pesticide Pollution Risk by Kelly MacNamara

A third of the planet’s agricultural land is at “high risk” of pesticide pollution from the lingering residue of chemical ingredients that can leach into water supplies and threaten biodiversity, according to research published Monday. The use of pesticides has soared globally as agricultural production has expanded, prompting growing fears over environmental damage and calls […]

Articles Catastrophe Crimes Economics Education Environmental Extinctions Fish Government Laws Nature Oceans Overfishing Overshoot Satanic Science Sixth Mass Extinction Theft War Whistleblowers

Nearly 40 Sharks And Rays Reclassified As Threatened, Including One Species Of Ray Already Possibly Extinct

New updates on the conservation status of sharks and rays released today by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) show that 39 additional species are now facing a risk of extinction in the wild. This takes the total of all sharks and rays categorized as Vulnerable, Endangered, or Critically Endangered to 355. Ever […]

America Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Bill Gates Black Plague Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Children's Health Defense Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Civil War Cognitive Dissonance Communism Contact Tracing Corporations Corruption Courage COVID-19 Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Debate Digital Currency Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Domestic Terrorism Dumb Us Down Economics Education Elderly Eugenics Externalities Face Masks Fact Check False Flags Family Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Globalists Government Hate Crimes Health Inalienable Rights Informed Consent Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical New Normal New World Order PCR Test Political Privacy Propaganda Psychology Satanic Science Slavery Social Credit Score Soul Surveillance Technocracy Technology The Great Reset Theft They Live Totalitarianism Toxic Chemicals United States Vaccine Passports War Whistleblowers World Health Organization

Coming Soon – Vaccine Passports Will Determine Where You Can Go And What You Can Do by Megan Redshaw

The Biden administration is partnering with private companies to develop a vaccine passport system, claiming it’s the only path to normalcy, but critics warn passports will steal people’s liberty and data. The initiative, driven largely by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has gained momentum as a growing number of companies and venues […]

America Anthony Fauci Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Bill Gates Black Projects Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Civil Disobedience Civil Rights Cognitive Dissonance Corporations Corruption COVID-19 Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Direct Actions Divide And Conquer DNA / mRNA Injection Domestic Terrorism Education Elderly Eugenics Face Masks False Flags Fear Food And Drug Administration Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Hate Crimes Health History Inalienable Rights Inspiration Journalism Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Mainstream Media Medical Paul Joseph Watson PCR Test Political Propaganda Psychology Sanctions Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Technocracy Technology Texas Theft They Live Totalitarianism Toxic Chemicals United States Virtue Signalling War Whistleblowers World Health Organization

2 Weeks After Media Predicted Catastrophe, Texas Sees COVID Cases Drop To Record Low by Paul Joseph Watson

Hospitalizations at their lowest since October following lifting of mask mandate. More than 2 weeks after the media predicted catastrophe due to Texas lifting its mask mandate and Joe Biden labeled the move “neanderthal thinking,” COVID cases in Texas have dropped to a record low while hospitalizations are at their lowest since October.

Abortion Anti-Defamation League Anti-Semitism Articles Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Censorship Children Consciousness Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Domestic Terrorism Economics Education Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Health History Inspiration Israel Jews Laws Medical New Normal Political Propaganda Psychology Religion / Spirituality Satanic Science Slavery Soul Surveillance Talmud Technocracy Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States War Whistleblowers

The Blood Of Murdered Unborn Children Cries To God From Abortion-Tainted Vaccines And Medicines by Bishop Athanasius Schneider

Bishop Athanasius Schneider on abortion-tainted vaccines and the culture of death. Anti-Christian world powers that promote the culture of death are seeking to impose on the world’s population an implicit — though remote and passive — collaboration with abortion. Such remote collaboration, in itself, is also an evil because of the extraordinary historical circumstances in […]

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Israel: ‘We Can Destroy Iran’s Nuclear Programme’ by Middle East Monitor

A senior Israeli military official has declared that his country has the ability to “completely destroy Iran’s nuclear programme.” Tal Kalman, head of the Strategic Division and the Third-Circle Directorate of the Israeli army, told Israel Today that 2020 was a “good” year concerning war against Iran. Kalman added: “I do not want to call […]

America Articles Big Lie Catastrophe Censorship Civil Disobedience Communism Corruption Courage Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Economics Education Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government History Laws New Normal Political Propaganda Psychiatrist Satanic Slavery Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Whistleblowers

Has There Ever In US History Been A More Pitiful Cabinet? by Patricia McCarthy

Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski have once again betrayed the American people and voted to confirm one of the most insidious persons ever nominated to a Cabinet position, “Rachel” Levine. He will now be the assistant secretary of health. Levine was as toxic as N.Y. Gov. Cuomo when it came to rendering Pennsylvania nursing homes […]

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Scapegoating The Romans And Pontius Pilate For Killing Jesus by Michael Hoffman

Nowhere does Moses Maimonides, the supreme halachic authority for western Judaics, blame the Romans, as do Popes Benedict XVI and Francis, as well as American conservatives and liberals. There are literally thousands of “conservative” leaders like the popes of Rome, O’Reilly, Napolitano, Pence, Pompeo, and television and radio “evangelicals” who minimize the role of Orthodox […]

America Articles Catastrophe Censorship Constitution For The United States Corruption Creepy Joe Biden Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Education Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Laws Lobbyists Political Satanic Second Amendment Supreme Court Totalitarianism United States Whistleblowers

Biden Administration Urges Supreme Court To Let Cops Enter Homes And Seize Guns Without A Warrant by Nick Sibilla

Compounding the dishonesty, police then told Kim that Edward had consented to the confiscation. Believing the seizures were approved by her husband, Kim led the officers to the two handguns the couple owned, which were promptly seized. Even though Edward was immediately discharged from the hospital, police only returned the firearms after he filed a […]

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Florida Manatees Face New Threat: Rising Levels Of Glyphosate In Blood by Sustainable Pulse

A new study in Environment International found chronic exposure to increasing levels of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller, may have consequences for manatees’ immune and renal systems.A scientific study published last week concludes that Florida manatees are chronically exposed to glyphosate because of application of the herbicide to sugarcane and aquatic weeds. […]

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American Jewish Spy Freed By Trump Counsels Jews To Spy For Israel by PressTV

Jonathan Pollard, an American Jew who served thirty years in prison for spying for the Israeli regime, has suggested that he would counsel a young American Jew working in the American security apparatus to spy for Israel. “I’d tell him, not doing anything is unacceptable. So simply going home [to Israel] is not acceptable. Making […]

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Does Israel Flood Gaza’s Farms? by Amjad Ayman Yaghi

Does Israel deliberately flood Palestinian land? For many years, farmers in Gaza have complained about how sudden flows of rainwater have destroyed their crops. A recent report by the human rights group Al Mezan suggests the cause of many flooding incidents it has documented “cannot be natural.” Samir Zaqout, a representative of Al Mezan, said […]

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How Bill Gates Premeditated COVID Vaccine Injury Censorship by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Gates supported and helped organize Event 201, a meeting of global “experts” who developed strategies to control a potential pandemic, the population and the narrative surrounding the global event. Communication strategists were employed to help identify and plan for tactics that would control public behavior, improve surveillance and increase the number who would take a […]

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Biden’s HHS Pick Becerra Collaborated With Dems’ Mystery IT Man Imran Awan by Lloyd Billingsley

If Awan seeks a post at HHS, Becerra would surely hold the door open. The Senate has voted to confirm Xavier Becerra, Joe Biden’s pick to head the federal Department of Health and Human Services. As Deion Kathawa notes at American Greatness, the California attorney general is a rather odd choice for the job. After […]