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A Short Library Of American Liberty by Chuck Baldwin

The Spanish-American philosopher Jorge Agustín Nicolás Ruiz de Santayana y Borrás (known in English as simply George Santayana) famously said in his book The Life Of Reason, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” For all intents and purposes, America is in the process of fulfilling Santayana’s proverb. If America’s founders […]

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This Could Be A Good Time by Computing Forever (13:43)

This Could Be A Good Time by Computing Forever (13:43) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Computing Forever Archive Subscribe To The Daily Newsletter Support Honest Independent Media

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Should We Honor Thanksgiving And The Pilgrims In 2021? by Michael Hoffman

The Orwellian Left aspires to create a Year One blank slate for its revolution, similar to the calendar of the Jacobins who launched the infamous terror in late 18th century France. It was the ambition of Robespierre and Danton that time itself was to be made subject to their dogmatic conceit. In our day, not […]

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John Wayne: The Forgotten History Of “The Duke” by Sam Jacobs

John Wayne is an American Hollywood icon every bit the equal of James Dean or Marilyn Monroe. He is also a man from another era, a man whose conservatism came as naturally as walking down the street. Affectionately known as “The Duke,” he spent three decades as a top box office draw with 179 film […]

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Creepy Joe’s Jewish Family And Cabinet by Mark R. Elsis

As you read this short piece, remember, Jews are only 1 in 500 people on earth. The chance of these 28 Jews to be in the most important positions in the United States government, well, that’s impossible. But yet it has happened through a coup d’etat. With a blatantly stolen election, these 28 conniving Jews, […]

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New Clues Suggest People Reached The Americas Around 30,000 Years Ago by Bruce Bower

Ancient bones from a Mexican rock-shelter point to humans arriving earlier than often assumed. Humans may have inhabited what’s now southern Mexico surprisingly early, between 33,448 and 28,279 years ago, researchers say. If so, those people arrived more than 10,000 years before folks often tagged as the first Americans (SN: 7/11/18). Other preliminary evidence puts […]

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An Ancient Dog Fossil Helps Trace Humans’ Path Into The Americas by Anushree Dave

An Ancient Dog Fossil Helps Trace Humans’ Path Into The Americas A roughly 10,000-year-old bone found in southern Alaska is among the Americas’ oldest dog fossils. The new finding also adds to an ongoing debate about what route humans took after arriving in North America via a land bridge in Alaska. One long-held idea is […]

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Stone Artifacts Hint That Humans Reached The Americas Surprisingly Early by Maria Temming

Archaeologists date their finds in Mexico to as early as about 33,000 years ago Humans may have arrived in North America way earlier than archaeologists thought. Stone tools unearthed in a cave in Mexico indicate that humans could have lived in the area as early as about 33,000 years ago, researchers report online July 22 […]