An early Van Gogh painting, The Parsonage Garden at Nuenen in Spring once on loan, is now missing.
Google, Apple ‘Erasing Palestine’ From Geographic Apps by Dima Abumaria
Activists Cyber-activist accuses US, Israeli governments of being behind efforts to ‘remove Palestinians from map of future’
COVID: What Was The Plan All Along? by Jon Rappoport
You’ve got, say, a dozen “pre-pandemic” tabletop exercises, and all in all, there are 300 people sitting at tables, and they believe they’re talking about a real deadly virus—because by prior medical training and propaganda, they were taught to be true believers. And at those exercises, there was one man sitting inconspicuously at the table, […]
Covid-19, A Once In A Century Fiasco by Jeffrey Dach MD
In The Making What is the IFR (infection fatality rate)? Dr. Ioannidis replies: “0.05% to 1% is a reasonable range for what the data tell us now for the infection fatality rate, with a median of about 0.25%. The death rate in a given country depends a lot on the age-structure, who are the people […]
US Sanctions Are Part Of A Multi-Front War On Syria, And Its Long-Suffering Civilians Are The Main Target by Eva K. Bartlett
The US is waging multiple fronts of war against Syria, including brutal sanctions, while claiming concern over the well-being of Syrian civilians – the vast majority of whom are suffering as a direct result of US policies.
Leaving Tire Marks On The Road Is Now A Hate Crime by Simon Black
Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.
FOX 35 Investigates: Florida Department Of Health Says Some Labs Have Not Reported Negative COVID-19 Results by Robert Guaderrama
Countless labs have reported a 100 percent positivity rate, which means every single person tested was positive. Other labs had very high positivity rates. FOX 35 News found that testing sites like one local Centra Care reported that 83 people were tested and all tested positive. Then, NCF Diagnostics in Alachua reported 88 percent of […]
Soon, You Will Need To Wear A Mask To Enter Virtually Every Major Retail Store In America by Tyler Durden
If you are adamant about not wearing a mask, you are not going to like this news one bit. Coming into this week, Costco, Starbucks, Best Buy and Panera Bread were requiring customers to wear masks to come into their stores, but most other major retailers were still giving people the freedom to choose whether […]
Do This Before Politicians Make You Pay Your “Fair Share”
Jeff Thomas: The most direct answer is that, if they’re going to survive the situation with their skin on, they’re going to have to rethink the way they hold on to wealth. But more broadly, they’re going to need to understand that the crisis that’s headed their way is not going to look the same […]
Life As We Know It May Soon Be Over And Replaced By The ‘New World Order’
Asian businesswoman using credit card to payment with facial recognition A small news report by Bloomberg earlier this week and published on MSN Money went mostly unnoticed in the corporate media, and even in the alternative media, and yet it might have been the most significant news story so far this year. Jill Ward from […]
Spingola Speaks with Deanna Spingola On Saturdays From 3pm To 6pm cdt
Listen Live: RBN Archives: Spingola Speaks Archives: Archives at Twitter and on schedule page:
Irish Holocaust by Christopher Fogarty
The Irish Holocaust (Book / Free eBook / Petition / Website)Ireland 1845-1850: The Perfect Holocaust and Who Kept It “Perfect”by Christopher Fogarty We are offering this historical masterpiece free to everyone! The book is also available in hard copy format direct from Christopher Fogarty, (email: and he will sign and inscribe any message you […]
Nobel Laureate Calls COVID-19 Manmade by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Nobel Laureate Luc Antoine Montagnier said on French media that COVID-19 was manmade, contains elements of HIV and a parasite that causes malaria, and resulted from an industrial accident during HIV vaccine development.
‘Good Shepherd’ Jesus Statue Decapitated Inside Florida Church by Joshua Caplan
A statue depicting Jesus Christ has been found decapitated inside a South Florida church, leaving congregants of the house of worship shaken.
Adolf Hitler’s Heroic War Record by Mike Walsh
Throughout the course of the war, he was cited for valour and distinguished conduct in the field. Corporal Hitler was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class on December 2, 1914. He was also awarded the Bavarian Military Medal 3rd class with bar, and later the Iron Cross 1st class. Adolf Hitler received, as did all […]
The Last Significant Person That Had To Be Assassinated by Mark R. Elsis
Phenomena Of The Snowflake Generation by Mike Walsh
The failure of the parents to impose rules on their children has led to a generation of infantilised dependent adults for whom the only tolerable limits are their own self-made safe spaces, according to sociologist Frank Furedi.
What A Surprise – There’s A Mass Exodus Out Of New York City! by Simon Black
Overall about 5% of the NYC population – over 400,000 people – have left since the coronavirus lockdowns began – and most of those were high-income earners.
UN Envoy Promotes “Peace” At Expense Of Justice by Maureen Clare Murphy
Israel only releases the documentation of its violence when it thinks it serves its narrative, as in the case of the execution of Erakat. More typically, security cameras are confiscated and any footage recorded never sees the light of day.
USA: The Slippery Slope Of Egalitarian Racism by Thierry Meyssan
The reactions to the murder of black George Flyod by a white policeman do not refer to the history of slavery in the United States, but – like the systemic opposition to President Trump- to a profound problem in Anglo-Saxon culture: Puritan fanaticism. The domestic violence that rocked this country during the two civil wars […]
The Big Egyptian Sphinx Cover Up by Malcolm Hutton and Gerry Cannon
Hidden Chambers, An Unexcavated Mound And Endless
COVID-19 Corruption: Wealthy And Well Connected Get Rich While People Suffer by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers
Feds: National License Plate Reading Program Rolling Out by Patrick Wood
Despite citizen resistance to license plate readers in general, the Federal government is creating a dragnet of scanners to locate vehicles throughout the nation. Under the guise of Customs and Border Protection, the program will work with private vendors to scan and aggregate pictures.
How Two Seemingly Unrelated Events Laid Israel’s Racism Problem Bare by Miko Peled
A viral video showing an Israeli family mocking impoverished Palestinian children and a controversial New York Times editorial by famed Zionist commentator Peter Beinart have exposed the racist underpinning of the so-called Jewish state.
The Allied Battle For Bolshevism by Mike Walsh
The prevailing view of the Reich’s invasion of the Soviet Union is based on misinformation. It is commonly held that the rapacious land-hungry Reich made a fatal blunder in taking on the unprepared but plucky Russians. This is a fairy tale as far removed from reality as are Hans Christian Andersen’s children’s tales.
Damage To The Soul by Craig Murray
The imprisonment of Julian Assange has been a catalogue of gross injustice heaped upon gross injustice, while a complicit media and indoctrinated population looks the other way. In a truly extraordinary twist, Assange is now being extradited on the basis of an indictment served in the UK, which is substantially different to the actual indictment […]
“Secure Tolerance”: The Jewish Plan To Permanently Silence The West, Part 3 of 3 by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
A key step towards making dissident thought unlawful, and ensuring “Secure Tolerance,” is the effort to represent it, in its totality, as culturally illicit. As early as 2015, Brian Marcus, head of the ADL’s Internet Division, had been contacting Internet Service Providers (ISPs) with threats that allowing “hate” material on their service “would be bad […]
At Least Three Ships Reportedly Catch Fire At Bushehr Port In Iran – Videos
Iran has seen a wave of explosions and fires around its military and industrial facilities since last month.
Yemen Bombardment: Saudi-Led Warplanes Target Residences, Kill Civilians
World Population Set To Shrink Rapidly Triggering ‘Radical Power Shift’, Warns New Bombshell Report
The Lancet has just published its ‘Global Burden of Disease Study’ which cites an accelerated decline in fertility rates across the developed world in coming decades. The report predicts that the world population will peak in 2064 at 9.7 billion people, before dropping precipitously to 8.8 billion by 2100.
Birth Of A New Earth Blog Creating our own New World – Leaving Evil Behind
The Facts On Masks With Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (Videos and Links)
There Is A Dark And Dangerous Forest Behind These Burning Trees… by The Saker
Roughly half-way through the year 2020 it is becoming pretty obvious that there are a number of major developments which almost got our total attention, and for good reason, as these are tectonic shifts which truly qualify as “catastrophe” (under the definition “a violent and sudden change in a feature of the earth“). These are: […]
The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage by Whitney Webb
Ghislaine Maxwell is hardly the only Maxwell sibling to continue their father’s controversial work for intelligence, with other siblings carrying the torch specifically for Robert Maxwell’s sizable role in the PROMIS software scandal and subsequent yet related hi-tech espionage operations.
Further Anomalies Of The Oxford Coronavirus Vaccine by John Stone
Manifestly, human testing proceeded both against an entirely misleading background, and prematurely – which poses the most serious ethical questions. And now that we know that though the product was defective everything ploughs on regardless – Oxford/AstraZeneca now have contracts for hundreds of millions of rounds of the vaccine from both the British and the […]
Museum Curator Resigns After He Is Accused Of Racism For Saying He Would Still Collect Art From White Men by Robby Soave
Irate employees of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art said the removal of Gary Garrels was “non-negotiable.”
Heat Dome, 2nd Wave Lockdowns And Mass Evictions Loom by Russ Winter
Nearly one-third of U.S. households – representing 32 percent – have still not made their full housing payment for the month of July, according to a survey from online rental platform Apartment List.
The Vaccination Racket
The Poisoned Needle (1957) by Eleanor McBean
Suppressed Facts About Vaccination
Jewish Celebrities Deny Their #JewishPrivilege By Playing Their Holocaust ‘Get Out Of Jail Free’ Card by CFT Team
The ‘logic’ here is that today Jews don’t actually have privilege because 75 years ago their ancestors died in World War II in a Holocaust created in large part by the British Ministry of Information as an anti-German propaganda psy-op.
Citizens Forced To Breathe Deadly Climate Change Gas by Jeff Harris
Way back in March of this year the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) were on record saying masks should only be worn by people who were around sick people. Healthy people didn’t need to wear masks. But all that has changed.
Germany Says No To Unnecessary Plastic Waste by Liam Taylor
Europe’s biggest economy and third largest population has just made a significant stride in reducing plastic waste by banning various single-use plastics and styrofoam.
Looks Like Sweden Was Right After All by Mike Whitney
Sweden is rapidly approaching the endgame which means that restrictions can be dropped entirely and normal life can resume. They will have maintained their dignity and freedom while the rest of the world hid under their beds for months on end.
Deep Underground Bases And The Satanic Breakaway State by Dr. Richard Sauder (1:15:46)
Deep Underground Bases And The Satanic Breakaway State by Dr. Richard Sauder (1:15:46) (To view full screen click the link below.) Event Horizon Chronicle SGTreport
Event Horizon Chronicle with Richard Sauder, Ph.D.
Hate Crime Hoaxes by Wilfred Reilly
Like Jussie Smollett’s Alleged Attack, Are More Common Than You Think In writing a book about hate crime hoaxes, I found more than 400. Such frauds damage good race relations.
The Missing Money by Solari Report
$21 Trillion Dollars Is Missing From The US Government. That Is $65,000 Per Person – As Much As The National Debt!
This 1.4-Million-Year-Old Hand Ax Adds To Homo Erectus’ Known Toolkit by Bruce Bower
East African find shows ancient hominids crafted a range of simple and more complex tools.
Why Do Patients Stop Dying When Doctors Go On Strike? by Raj Persaud, M.D. and Peter Bruggen, M.D.
Can psychology explain our surprise at mortality decreases when doctors strike?
The Greatest Intellectual Property Theft In History: Operation Paperclip by Larry Romanoff
The plunder of Germany’s scientific and industrial knowledge after World War Two.
The New ‘Systemic Racism’ That Is Coming by Patrick J. Buchanan
To impose race and gender quotas like this on the workforce at NBCUniversal – half women, half persons of color – would seem to trample all over the spirit, if not the letter, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Better If Lunatics Ran The Asylum by Mike Walsh
Young people will be deeply impacted, but mental health issues affect everyone. Social isolation has intensified anxiety and depression so acutely amongst the elderly that suicide attempts in this group have seen a six-fold rise. Domestic violence charities have warned of a sharp increase in cases during the lockdown, murders have more than doubled and […]
Student BLM Activist At Texas A&M Left Racist Notes On His Own Car In Viral Hate Crime Hoax by Gabriel Keane
Shocking turn of events as yet another hate crime reportedly exposed as a hoax.
The COVID-19 Curve Has Been Flattened by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Even though the COVID-19 curve has been flattened, mainstream media outlets continue to push doomsday predictions of an impending explosion of deaths. According to Stanford University’s disease prevention chairman Dr. John Ioannidis, the COVID-19 fatality rate for those under the age of 45 is “almost zero,” and between the ages of 45 and 70, it’s […]
How To Decline A Vaccine… by The Healing Oracle Team
With vaccines looking like the inevitable outcome of the coronavirus hype. It looks likely that what will follow is mandatory vaccines, digital ID chip implants and many other assaults on our freedom to choose more or less anything.
Living In The Roach Motel by Jeff Thomas
In our formative years, we were led to believe that governments exist to serve the people, but as we matured, we (hopefully) came to realise that this is not at all the case. Governments by their very nature, are parasitic. They produce nothing and live off wealth created by the electorate. In order to advance […]
Eleanor Powell And Buttons – Lady Be Good (3:59)
Eleanor Powell And Buttons – Lady Be Good (3:59) (To view full screen click the link below.) Powell and Buttons doing a dance routine to the music of Lady Be Good from the 1941 film by the same name. Eleanor Powell, The Greatest Female Dancer Ever. “What we are is God’s gift to us. […]
Which Pandemic Assumptions Are You Accepting As Facts? by Janet Levatin, MD
“Broad proscriptions [condemnation] presented as deriving from what are alleged to be axiomatic truths (i.e., truths that need not be demonstrated) are a common social engineering device. Active state and corporate support for these campaigns are typically applied to the most dangerous truths about the system. … the mega-lie engineered and maintained by establishment medicine… […]
Measles Vaccination And Autism: The Inexcusable Suppression Of A Long-Documented Link by The Children’s Health Defense Team
Before a humble coronavirus became the planet’s viral scapegoat, the virus most often used to promote fear-and vaccination-has been measles. In fact, measles has provided public health officials with recurrent opportunities to fine-tune the CDC’s strategic “recipe” for fostering high vaccine demand: stir up “concern, anxiety, and worry” about disease; promote vaccination frequently and visibly; […]
Israel Defense Ministry Launches COVID-19 Voice Test For Americans by Raul Diego
A company formed at the behest of the Israeli Ministry of Defense has begun collecting voice data from Americans to detect COVID-19 symptoms through technology with dubious diagnostic value, but highly profitable applications in law enforcement.
Narcissists, Psychopaths, And Manipulators Are More Likely To Engage in ‘Virtuous Victim Signaling,’ Says Study by Elizabeth Nolan Brown
Amnesty International Claims Israeli ‘Security’ Firm’s Software Turns Cellphones Into ‘Pocket Spies’ by CFT Team
Amnesty International said that software developed by Israeli security firm NSO Group was used to attack a Moroccan journalist, the latest in a series of allegations against company.
Harry Vox Predicts What’s Happening Now In 2014 With Paul DeRienzo (14:46)
Harry Vox Predicts What’s Happening Now In 2014 With Paul DeRienzo (14:46) (To view full screen click the link below.) Scenarios For The Future Of Technology And International Development – May 2010 by The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network CORONA Plandemic And The NWO Takeover Plan by Rooster’s House (44:58) Coronavirus […]
Event 201 Covid Simulation Forum Discussion Scenarios For The Future Of Technology And International Development – May 2010 by The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network CORONA Plandemic And The NWO Takeover Plan by Rooster’s House (44:58) Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Training: Simulation Exercise by WHO Harry Vox Predicts What’s Happening Now In 2014 With Paul DeRienzo (14:46) […]
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Training: Simulation Exercise by WHO CORONA Plandemic And The NWO Takeover Plan by Rooster’s House (44:58) Scenarios For The Future Of Technology And International Development – May 2010 by The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network Event 201 Covid Simulation Forum Discussion Harry Vox Predicts What’s Happening Now In 2014 With Paul DeRienzo (14:46)
A Few Historical Frauds by Larry Romanoff
Einstein, Bell, Edison, Coca-Cola and the Wright Brothers There are only two nations in the world whose existence seems to be founded primarily on historical myths. In the US, false historical mythology permeates every nook and cranny of the American psyche, the result of more than 100 years of astonishing and unconscionable programming and propaganda, […]
Hitler Threw Out The Money Changers (30:23) by Jim Rizoli
Hitler Threw Out The Money Changers by Jim Rizoli (30:23) (To view full screen click the link below.) Hitler Too Slew The Moneylenders Chancellor Adolf Hitler began a national credit program by devising a plan of public works that included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new roads, […]
Race And Reason by Mike Walsh
“A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within. The essential causes of Rome’s decline lay in her people, her morals, her class struggle, her failing trade, her bureaucratic despotism, her stifling taxes, her consuming wars. The political causes of decay were rooted in one fact, that increasing despotism […]
Freemasons Sacred Numbers
‘They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped the creature rather than the Creator…’ Romans 1:25 This Scripture captures the entire essence of what occultists have been doing for almost 5,000 years. Today’s New Age adherents, who pride themselves so greatly on their sophistication and ‘spiritual knowledge’ worship all sorts of created […]
Origins Of The Big Lie Technique by Mike Walsh
The Big Lie Technique is unvaryingly said to be a technique originated by Chancellor Adolf Hitler or Dr Joseph Goebbels. As few people actually read Mein Kampf, the German social reformer’s authorised English language edition, the myth is endlessly recycled and believed. The few who have a copy of the James Murphy edition of Mein […]
Self-Destructive Civilizations May Doom Our Search For Alien Intelligence by Tom Siegfried
A lack of signals from space may also be bad news for Earthlings.
Viruses And The Germ Theory by Dr. John Bergman D.C. (45:31)
Viruses And The Germ Theory by Dr. John Bergman D.C. (45:31) (To view full screen click the link below.) Dr. John Bergman’s D.C. Extreme Health Academy with Dr. John Bergman D.C.
The Power Of Meditation (Text and Documentary) by Dr. Joseph Mercola
As of 2019, an estimated 200 million to 500 million people meditate regularly around the globe. Considering its many psychological and physical benefits, this is good news. There is a large body of evidence demonstrating the mind-body connection is real, and that your mind has a direct impact on your physical health.
The Hossbach ‘Protocol’: The Destruction Of A Legend Reviewed by Mark Weber
Hitler, we’re told over and over again, set out to conquer the world, or at least Europe. At the great postwar Nuremberg Tribunal the victorious Allies sought to prove that Hitler and his “henchmen” had engaged in a sinister “Conspiracy to Wage Aggressive War.” The most important piece of evidence produced to sustain this charge […]
Forced Vaccination Plan Unveiled by Bill Sardi
Stanford University Legal & Medical Authorities Join Forces To Fashion An Indiscriminate Mandated Mass-Vaccination Plan That Would Frighten The Public, Disregard Lawful Protections Of Informed Consent And Result In Needless Deaths. Our health overlords propose a dangerous infectious disease control plan that mandates indiscriminate immunization for all Americans, a plan that is far more dangerous […]
Masked Idiot Self-Harms by Mike Walsh
Yet another lesson on the foolishness and self-harm caused by wearing a face mask. A New Jersey driver crashed head-on into a pole, after passing out from wearing an N95 mask for hours, police said Friday.
Judgment Day For Ghislaine Maxwell Finally Arrives. Or Maybe Not by Philip Giraldi
That Ghislaine Maxwell is finally in custody is certainly satisfying for all of us who believed her completely complicit in the horrible crimes against young girls committed by her associate Jeffrey Epstein. The internet is already alive with speculation regarding how long she will last in prison given the alleged death by suicide that eliminated […]
Iconoclasm In St. Louis: How Identity Politics Became Identity Theft by Dr. E. Michael Jones
Karl Marx once said that history repeats itself, first as tragedy and then as farce. Nothing proved the truth of Marx’s claim better than the farcical battle over the statue of St. Louis in, yes, St. Louis which followed hot on the heels of the tragedy of George Floyd in Minneapolis. The battle over the […]
Here’s What’s Driving Gold Higher – And What’s Next For The Gold Bull Market by Marin Katusa
For the first time since 2011, gold traded hands above $1,800 per ounce.
Basic Arithmetic Is Now Too Offensive For The ‘Cancel Culture’ by Simon Black
Making its rounds on Twitter is a Tweet stating: “Nope the idea of 2 + 2 equalling 4 is cultural, and because of western imperialism/colonization, we think of it as the only way of knowing.”
Good News About God with Dr. Lorraine Day
Hitler Too Slew The Moneylenders by Mike Walsh
Chancellor Adolf Hitler began a national credit program by devising a plan of public works that included flood control, repair of public buildings and private residences, and construction of new roads, bridges, canals, and port facilities. All these were paid for with money no longer issued by the privately-owned international bankers.
Social Justice In Response To A Predatory Ruling Elite by Kurt Nimmo
It’s true. America has a systemic problem. I’m not talking about racism. I am talking about social justice. No, not the identity and group-centric justice demanded by the foundation and corporate funded so-called left. I’m talking about social justice for a population subject to the abuse of a ruling financial elite.
Dr. E. Michael Jones On YouTube Censorship And The American Cultural Revolution (1:01:14)
Dr. E. Michael Jones On YouTube Censorship And The American Cultural Revolution (1:01:14) (To view full screen click the link below.) Dr. E. Michael Jones Dr. E. Michael Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine: https://culturewars.com
Dr. E. Michael Jones Books Banned By Amazon (8:17)
Dr. E. Michael Jones Books Banned By Amazon (8:17) (To view full screen click the link below.) Dr. E. Michael Jones Dr. E. Michael Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine: https://culturewars.com
Dr. E. Michael Jones Removal From YouTube Has Happened (6:13)
Dr. E. Michael Jones Removal From YouTube Has Happened (6:13) (To view full screen click the link below.) E. Michael Jones E. Michael Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine: https://culturewars.com
Occult Ritual Transformation And Coronavirus by Steve Barwick
How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order.
Shoals Of Hammerhead Sharks And A Snake Feeding On An Iguana In Stunning Images That Showcase The Incredible Wildlife Of The Galapagos Islands
State Senator And Dr. Scott Jensen Investigated For Speaking Truth (13:43)
State Senator And Dr. Scott Jensen Investigated For Speaking Truth (13:43) (To view full screen click the link below.) The Ridiculous CDC Guidlines by Dr. Scott Jensen (4:55) Minnesota Doctor Blasts ‘Ridiculous’ CDC Coronavirus Death Count Guidelines by Charles Creitz
Children In Sadistic Covid Captivity by Julian Rose
Of all the depressing sights witnessed during the insane process of Covid home imprisonment, stupid social distancing and mask madness, the regimentation of children into predesignated playground /classroom ‘chalked-off zones’ is the one I find the most blood chilling. There are a number of factors about this Covid-19 event that stand-out. Firstly, that it is […]
42% Of All COVID-19 Deaths Occurred In Nursing Homes by Dr. Joseph Mercola
On average, 42% of all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. have occurred in nursing homes, assisted living and other long-term care facilities. This is extraordinary considering this group accounts for just 0.62% of the population.
Resistance To Lockdowns Growing by Mike Walsh
Mounted police used teargas and truncheons to disperse a crowd of several thousand protesters gathered outside the Serbian parliament in Belgrade, opposed to the government’s announcement of a new coronavirus lockdown.
America’s Supernational Sovereignty by Philip Giraldi
One of the most disturbing aspects of American foreign policy since 9/11 has been the assumption that decisions made by the United States are binding on the rest of the world, best exemplified by President George W. Bush’s warning that “there was a new sheriff in town.”
Federal Reserve: Everything Is Fine. Just Like In 2008 by Simon Black
Back in March, the head of the FDIC released a video asking Americans to NOT withdraw their money from the banks. “Your money is safe at the banks,” she said, with soft piano music in the background. “The last thing you should be doing is pulling your money out of the banks thinking it’s going […]
Malcolm X and Yuri Bezmenov Tried To Warn Us (9:40)
Malcolm X and Yuri Bezmenov Tried To Warn Us (9:40) (To view full screen click the link below.) Malcolm X And Yuri Bezmenov
Limited Hangout On Epstein-Maxwell by Mike King
Veteran Activists Have Called Out BLM As A Tool Of The Democrats From Day 1 by Helen Buyniski
But Agenda-Driven $Millions Drown Out The Grassroots
Ghana President Nana Akufo-Addo Exposes Rockefeller Foundation Lockstep Plan (14:07)
Ghana President Nana Akufo-Addo Exposes Rockefeller Foundation Lockstep Plan (14:07) (To view full screen click the link below.) Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development – May 2010 by The Rockefeller Foundation and Global Business Network CORONA Plandemic And The NWO Takeover Plan by Rooster’s House (44:58) Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) […]
Take Action: Send Your Legislators This Message Urging Them To Oppose 5G And Wireless Expansion
Pilot Comparative Study On The Health Of Vaccinated And Unvaccinated 6-12 Year Old US Children by Mark Blaxill
Vaccinated children were significantly more likely than the unvaccinated to have been diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disorder: most notably, the risk of being affected by an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) was 4.7 fold higher in vaccinated children; as well, ADHD risk was 4.7 fold higher and learning disability risk was 3.7 fold higher. Overall, the […]
The Biggest Global Hoax In History by Chuck Baldwin
I’ll say it straight out: The propaganda about COVID-1984 is the biggest global hoax in history. Corona poses zero threat to 99.9% of the population. Masks are a joke. Social distancing is a joke. Business closures are a joke. Church closures are a joke. Theater closures are a joke. Sporting event cancellations are a joke. […]
South Americans May Have Traveled To Polynesia 800 Years Ago by Bruce Bower
DNA analyses suggest that Indigenous people from South America had a role in the early peopling of Polynesia. More than 800 years ago, Indigenous people in South America traversed more than 7,000 kilometers of open sea to reach eastern Polynesia, a new study suggests.
The Last Pilgrimage by Mike Walsh
When the mother of my sons died on June 16 my grown-up boys volunteered to remember their mum (and me) by paying for my last pilgrimage to the Reich’s iconic shrines in Austria and Bavaria.
The Gentle Art Of Changing Jewish Names By Henry Ford, From The International Jew [1921]
Israel Feels Exposed As U.S. Drops Satellite-Imaging Cap by Dan Williams
Breaking News: US Empire Of Debt Is Dead by Video Rebel
Let’s go back to 1972 when Dr Hudson published Super Imperialism in which he said the US was paying for its wars and military occupations by printing dollars. Hudson was invited to speak at the State Department and the Pentagon. The diplomats liked him, understood him and voiced no objections to the policy of papering […]
Did You Know That Florida Now Has A Law That States They Can Force Vaccinate? by Derek Knauss
Some Conspiracy Theories Are For Real by Philip Giraldi
What is the best way to debunk a conspiracy theory? Call it a conspiracy theory, a label which in and of itself implies disbelief. The only problem with that is there have been many actual conspiracies both historically and currently and many of them are not in the least theoretical in nature.