“Right after the first meeting between Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer at the third round at Key Biscayne, on March 28, 2004, with Rafa winning (6-3 6-3), I stated, Rafael Nadal will be the greatest tennis player ever. Before I saw Rafa play, I always thought Björn Borg was the greatest.” Mark R. Elsis Nadal […]
Are These Antifa/BLM Riots A Jewish Coup? by Kevin MacDonald
The major new development in this summer’s Cultural Revolution: cleansing the internet of material the Left doesn’t like. Essentially, the Left appears to have figured out a way around the First Amendment, by co-opting the private sector. Jews and Jewish organizations have been heavily involved … Jewish organizations, which had loudly favored free speech when […]
Fundamental Constants Place A New Speed Limit On Sound by Emily Conover
Under normal conditions, sound waves can’t go faster than 36 kilometers per second. Sound zips along at different rates in different materials — moving faster in water than in air for example. But under conditions found naturally on Earth, no material can host sound waves that outpace this ultimate limit, which is about 100 times […]
What Will It Take For Masks And Face Shields To End? by Dr. Joseph Mercola
September 18, 2020, the CDC posted updated COVID-19 guidance that, for the first time, mentioned aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2, saying “this is thought to be the main way the virus spreads.” It also noted that aerosolized viruses can travel farther than 6 feet. The CDC deleted these sections September 21, claiming they were posted in […]
Palestinians Say US Policy Would Be Same Or Worse Under Biden by Mondoweiss Editors
Belarusian President Lukashenko Says IMF Offered A Billion USD Bribe To Impose Covid-19 Lockdown by Joaquin Flores
Secretive HHS AI Platform To Predict US Covid-19 Outbreaks Weeks In Advance by Whitney Webb
A new AI-powered module known as HHS Vision has been added to the controversial and secretive HHS Protect system for amassing data related to Covid-19. By year’s end, this opaque, yet increasingly influential, system is set to predict Covid-19 outbreaks without traditional testing. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/10/uncategorized/secretive-hhs-ai-platform-to-predict-us-covid-19-outbreaks-weeks-in-advance
Sackler Family Of Purdue Pharma Keeps Their Billions Amid Opioid Crisis by Jeremy Loffredo
[This deal sets a disastrous precedent of officially anointing a separate system of justice for the 1%. This is a jewish gangster family that knowingly committed premeditated genocide by killing hundreds of thousands of American children for profit.] Nearly half a million Americans have lost their lives from the ongoing public health emergency we’ve come […]
Journalism’s Gates Keepers by Tim Schwab
As philanthropists increasingly fill in the funding gaps at news organizations – a role that is almost certain to expand in the media downturn following the coronavirus pandemic – an underexamined worry is how this will affect the ways newsrooms report on their benefactors. Nowhere does this concern loom larger than with the Gates Foundation, […]
Destroying America 1963 To 2021. by Video Rebel
Catherine Austin Fitts said in 1995 the decision was made to pull the plug on America. Wall Street Bankers since then have stolen $50 trillion from American taxpayers. The level of corruption was high when Israel was able with the assistance of the CIA (Cocaine Importing Agency), the FBI and the Secret Service to kill […]
Ex-OPCW Chief Jose Bustani Reads Syria Testimony That US, UK Blocked At UN by Aaron Maté
At the UN Security Council, the US, UK, France and allies have blocked the testimony of Jose Bustani, the OPCW’s first Director General, on the chemical watchdog’s Syria cover-up scandal. The Grayzone has obtained Bustani’s prepared statement and is publishing it in full. https://thegrayzone.com/2020/10/05/ex-opcw-chief-jose-bustani-reads-syria-testimony-that-us-uk-blocked-at-un
We Are Being Lied To! Here Is How… by Spiro Skouras
President Trump’s doctor said that Trump’s diagnosis was confirmed using the PCR test. Just like virtually every other ‘confirmed case’ we hear reported. But was PCR really developed with the intention of diagnosing infectious diseases? Is PCR capable of diagnosing infectious diseases? How could a test developed almost 40 years ago be used to diagnose […]
“Liability-Free Vaccines” by Ginger Taylor, MS
“The controversy surrounding vaccinations will never be resolved until the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act is repealed, and until families 7th amendment rights to have their complaints heard in civil court, under established legal procedure and ruled on by a jury, is restored. Until there is a way to force public health officials, vaccine […]
Debunking The Myth Of Water Fluoridation By Hitler And “Those Evil Nazis!” by Justice For Germans
Did the Germans use fluoride in the drinking water at concentration camps, or other places during World War II? No they did not! https://justice4germans.wordpress.com/2013/06/09/debunking-the-myth-of-water-fluoridation-by-hitler-and-those-evil-nazis
Sheriffs, Police Officers, Pastors, And Attorneys Are Fighting Covid Orders by Ginny Garner
County sheriffs, police officers, pastors and attorneys fighting Covid19 lockdowns, business closings, mask mandates and unconstitutional gun laws met in Lynchburg, Virginia on September 30 to share their strategies. The constitutional training conference was sponsored by the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) founded by former sheriff Richard Mack. US citizens were also invited […]
Proof That The Pandemic Was Planned With A Purpose by Stop World Control
A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: ‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’ In Spain a group of 600 medical doctors […]
6 Wikileaks Revelations Expose Corporate Abuse At Expense Of People And Planet by Jeremy Loffredo
Assange’s Wikileaks has won numerous journalism awards and has never had to retract a single publication despite releasing more than 10 million documents exposing, among other things, U.S. war crimes. Former CIA Director Leon Panetta recently indicated that the ongoing persecution of Assange is meant to “send a message to others not to do the […]
The Police Are Requesting Data From People’s Smart Speakers At An Alarming Rate by Robert Wheeler
Remember all those conspiracy theorists and Luddites who told you they didn’t want Echo or Alexa devices in their home because those gadgets were spying on them? Well, they were right. That’s not even up for debate. https://www.theorganicprepper.com/police-smart-speaker-data
‘Michigan Is Now Unlocked’: State Supreme Court Strikes Down Emergency Powers Law by Kyle Olson
The Michigan Supreme Court on Friday struck down a 1945 law that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) has been using to keep the state locked down since April. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/02/michigan-is-now-unlocked-state-supreme-court-strikes-down-emergency-powers-law
Fluoride On Trial (Text and Video) by Dr. Joseph Mercola
After a four-year process, a landmark fluoridation trial was held in federal court in June 2020. Fluoridation’s neurotoxic risk to vulnerable subpopulations was confirmed, along with the U.S. EPA’s failure to take action to protect citizens from these risks. A collection of some of the strongest fluoride studies in history have been published in 2019 […]
French Writer Hervé Ryssen Jailed For Criticizing Jews by Guillaume Durocher
The French identitarian writer and critic of Jewish power Hervé Ryssen was jailed on 18 September after having been found guilty of hate speech on three occasions. He has exhausted his right to appeal. He faces 17 months in jail and potentially more as he has other trials awaiting him. https://www.unz.com/gdurocher/french-writer-herve-ryssen-jailed-for-criticizing-jews Subscribe To The EarthNewspaper.com […]
Your Man In The Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 21 by Craig Murray
Twenty minutes sufficed for the reading of the “gist” of the astonishing testimony of two witnesses, their identity protected as their lives may be in danger, who stated that the CIA, operating through Sheldon Adelson, planned to kidnap or poison Assange, bugged not only him but his lawyers, and burgled the offices of his Spanish […]
Revealed: Key Assange Prosecution Witness Is Part Of Academic Cluster Which Has Received Millions Of Pounds From UK And US Militaries by Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis
Eyewitness To The Agony Of Julian Assange by John Pilger
What is at stake for the rest of us has long been at stake: freedom to call authority to account, freedom to challenge, to call out hypocrisy, to dissent. The difference today is that the world’s imperial power, the United States, has never been as unsure of its metastatic authority as it is today. Like […]
Do You Enjoy Beethoven? You Must Hate Women, Minorities, Poor… by Simon Black
Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice. https://www.sovereignman.com/trends/do-you-enjoy-beethoven-you-must-hate-women-minorities-poor-28951
Catherine Austin Fitts: The Deep State Chaos Op by Video Rebel
“The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the Bankers and the elite people control the world.” – Aaron Russo https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2020/10/02/catherine-austin-fitts-the-deep-state-chaos-op
Finally. Proof That Precious Metals Prices Have Been Manipulated… by Simon Black
Just a few days ago, in fact, the banking giant JP Morgan was fined nearly $1 billion for illegally manipulating precious metals prices.It turns out that, for at least six years, several traders at JP Morgan were engaging in ‘spoof trades’ of precious metals. Essentially that means they were booking fake trades for the sole […]
Engineering Contagion: UPMC, Corona-Thrax And “The Darkest Winter” by Whitney Webb
Researchers at a BSL-3 lab tied to the organizers of the 2001 Dark Winter simulation, DARPA, and the post-9/11 biodefense industrial complex are genetically modifying anthrax to express Covid-19 components, according to FOIA documents. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/09/investigative-series/engineering-contagion-upmc-corona-thrax-and-the-darkest-winter
What You Need To Know About The Act Of 1986 by Dr. Joseph Mercola
The documentary, “1986: The Act,” by Dr. Andrew Wakefield, is a historical description of how the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 came into being. The Act shields manufacturers from liability and requires those injured by vaccines to sue the U.S. government for compensation instead. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/09/26/act-of-1986.aspx
World War II Memorial Cancelled For Being Too White by Simon Black
Just when you think it couldn’t get more bizarre… we give you this week’s absurdity. https://www.sovereignman.com/trends/world-war-ii-memorial-cancelled-for-being-too-white-28925
Democrats Go All-Out For Israel by Philip Giraldi
Joe is a Zionist and Kamala panders to Jewish donors Those of us who have longed for an end to America’s military engagement in the Middle East have hoped for a candidate who was not tied hand and foot to Israel, which is the root cause of the badly-broken and essentially pointless U.S. foreign policy […]
There’s a Wire Above Manhattan That You’ve Probably Never Noticed by Jay Serafino
It’s hard to imagine that anything literally hanging from utility poles across Manhattan could be considered “hidden,” but throughout the borough, about 18 miles of translucent wire stretches around the skyline, and most people have likely never noticed. It’s called an eruv (plural eruvin), and its existence is thanks to the Jewish Sabbath. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/91594/theres-wire-above-manhattan-youve-probably-never-noticed
Digital Technocracy Trumps Paper-Money Democracy by Bill Sardi
It Isn’t About BLM, Or Face Masks, Or Lockdowns, Or Even Vaccination – – It Is About A Digital Currency That Will Take Away The Independence Of Every American. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/09/no_author/digital-technocracy-trumps-paper-money-democracy
Henry Ford: Would-Be Champion Of The “Good Jews” by John Wear
Henry Ford (1863-1947) was born the year of the battle of Gettysburg, and died two years after atomic bombs were dropped on Japan. His life personified the tremendous technological changes achieved in that span. Using his innate mechanical abilities, hard work and exceptional inventiveness, Ford led the transformation of American industry. Fortune magazine chose Ford […]
Poll: Only 13% Of Americans Say They Will Try First-Generation Coronavirus Vaccine Immediately by Edwin Mora
Sixty percent of Americans say they are not likely to get the first generation of a potential coronavirus vaccine as soon as it is available, an increase from 53 percent at the end of last month, an Axios-Ipsos poll revealed this week. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/09/24/poll-only-13-of-americans-say-they-will-try-first-generation-coronavirus-vaccine-immediately
Ohio Football Mom Tased And Arrested For Not Wearing Mask At A Game by Jack Windsor (Text and Video)
According to Tiffany Kennedy, the woman who shot the video, Kitts had not been warned for not wearing a mask prior to the officer approaching her. Kennedy also said that Kitts has asthma and that’s why she was not wearing a mask. “There is no reason to tase someone and arrest them for not wearing […]
The War On Assange Is A War On Truth by Dr. Ron Paul
It is dangerous to reveal the truth about the illegal and immoral things our government does with our money and in our name, and the war on journalists who dare reveal such truths is very much a bipartisan affair. Just ask Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who was relentlessly pursued first by the Obama Administration and […]
Mandatory Mask Wearing Is Silent Terrorism Meant For Psychological Submission by Gary D. Barnett
Since when is depriving the body and mind of oxygen, and breathing in expelled carbon dioxide (CO2) good for the health of humans? Since when is wearing a partial face covering that is multiple times more porous than can protect against any virus penetration helpful? Since when is hiding all expression from others not psychologically […]
Censorship And Secrecy Are Deadly To All Freedom And Liberty by Gary D. Barnett (JFK Video)
As all that know me fully understand, I have absolutely no use for politicians, the political class, or government, but on occasion, although rarely in history and non-existent today, one can find prescience and truth being spoken publicly in the political arena. John F. Kennedy had several strong speeches, but few more important in my […]
Erasing History And Erasing Truth: Censorship And Destroying Records Is The Cornerstone Of Tyrants by Gary D. Barnett
“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.” ~ John Stuart Mill, On Liberty ch. 2 (1859) https://www.garydbarnett.com/erasing-history-and-erasing-truth-censorship-and-destroying-records-is-the-cornerstone-of-tyrants
2021: The Year Of The Deadliest Vaccine by Gary D. Barnett
“There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good.” “There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that they are worthless, but they go on selling them, […]
Economic Doom Due To The Covid Response Is On The Horizon And Beyond by Gary D. Barnett
“Only a psychopath would ever think of doing these things, only a psychopath would dream of abusing other people in such a way, only a psychopath would treat people as less than human just for money. The shocking truth is, even though they now have most if not all of the money, they want still […]
Lock Step: How The Rockefeller Foundation Wants To Implement Its Autocratic Pandemic Scenario by Norbert Häring
Ten years ago, the rich and powerful Rockefeller Foundation played through and favorably described a scenario in which a pandemic would lead to autocratic forms of government with total surveillance and control of citizens. Now it has published a pandemic plan to make this scenario a reality. According to the preamble by the President of […]
National COVID-19 Testing Action Plan by The Rockefeller Foundation
The Last Rebels Of Europe by Mike Walsh
One of the most poignant transformations separating today’s generation from their forefathers is their total lack of resistance and their cowardly acceptance and their compliance with state repression. https://europeansworldwide.wordpress.com/2020/07/25/the-last-rebels-of-europe
Rollo Wrap
An environmentally responsible alternative to plastic packaging.https://planetark.org/about/supporters/rollo-wrap
NIA’s Charts Shows The Gold/Silver Ratio From 1901 Through Today
Did Sweden Get COVID Right? by Dr. Joseph Mercola
While most other countries instituted stay-at-home orders and shuttered schools and businesses, Sweden did not. Stanford’s Nobel-laureate Michael Levitt is among those in support of Sweden’s lighter restrictions; Levitt successfully predicted the trajectory of COVID-19 deaths in China and has stated that the pandemic would not be as dire as many have predicted, Scientists from […]
Motorcyclist Dies In Crash. Must Be COVID by Sovereign Man
Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice. https://www.sovereignman.com/trends/motorcyclist-dies-in-crash-must-be-covid-28419
Chinese Workers In Israel Required To Sign No-Sex Contract by Conal Urquhart
Chinese workers at a company in Israel have been forced to agree not to have sex with or marry Israelis as a condition of getting a job. According to a contact they are required to sign, male workers may not have any contact with Israeli women – including prostitutes, a police spokesman, Rafi Yaffe, said. […]
Retracted Coronavirus (COVID-19) Papers
“Secure Tolerance”: The Jewish Plan To Permanently Silence The West, Part 1 by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.
There are essentially two forms of censorship. The hard kind we are very familiar with. It consists in the banning or removal of websites, videos, books, podcasts, and social media accounts. It extends to defunding and deplatforming, and it reaches its apogee in the banning of activists from entering certain countries, in the arrest of […]
Former FDA Director Gottlieb Now Pfizer Board Member Secures $1.95 Billion For COVID Vaccine by Brian Shilavy
Questioning Covid
Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts from Around the World Interrogating the Mainstream Narrative Around the Pandemic We believe this crisis represents a world-changing opportunity to expose and transform antiquated ideologies that restrict health freedom. Germ theory is a scientifically bankrupt paradigm based in warfare models of pathogenic invasion. This theory has been leveraged as an […]
Is Silver On The Brink Of A Major Move? by Marin Katusa
Over 60% of silver is used in industrial applications, with the residual sub 40% used in jewelry and silver bullion. There’s certainly an argument to be made that silver is a base metal that likes to pretend that it’s still precious. One of the most important things to understand about any commodity is its supply […]
The Cossack Inferno by Mike Walsh
Waiting to escape Bolshevism’s murderous marauders was General Pyotr Wrangel’s Russian White Army. For years the general’s incredible wandering army had fought against the the Red Terror that was bringing death and destruction to occupied Russia. Finally, overwhelmed by the Soviets financed by Jacob Schiff’s Wall Street banks, 145,693 White Russians had only the exile […]
Ensuring Uptake Of Vaccines Against SARS-CoV-2 [Even though only 49% of Americans planned to get vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, they are trying their best to make it mandatory, or take everything away from a person who doesn’t get their poison.]
As Covid-19 continues to exact a heavy toll, development of a vaccine appears the most promising means of restoring normalcy to civil life. Perhaps no scientific breakthrough is more eagerly anticipated. But bringing a vaccine to market is only half the challenge; also critical is ensuring a high enough vaccination rate to achieve herd immunity. […]
Big Brother Zuckerberg by Mike Walsh
As Shyu begins his story, ‘I am exiled just because you didn’t like something I said. For 10 years I said all great things and then one time I say something that you may not necessarily like, you disable my entire account and I lose access to all the past 10 years information. And, there’s […]
Alan Dershowitz Smears Jeffrey Epstein Victim Maria Farmer As ‘Anti-Semitic’ by Chris Menahan
Jeffrey Epstein’s former defense attorney Alan Dershowitz on Wednesday smeared Epstein victim Maria Farmer as “anti-Semitic” while she’s in the middle of undergoing treatment for brain cancer and struggling to survive, let alone defend herself. http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=61607
BlackRock – The Jewish Company That Owns A Lot Of The World (2:03)
BlackRock – The Jewish Company That Owns A Lot Of The World (2:03) (To view full screen click the link below.) https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZvJUMlVic7Or Meet BlackRock, The New Great Vampire Squid BlackRock is a global financial giant with customers in 100 countries and its tentacles in major asset classes all over the world; and it now manages […]
Meet The New Neighbors Democrats Are Sending Your Way by Video Rebel
The Democrat’s 2020 platform negotiated by Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders calls for granting instant citizenship and voting rights to 32 million illegal aliens. Of course as soon as plans for instant citizenship are announced millions of people from Latin America to Asia to the Mideast and Africa will head to America to get in […]
Stone Artifacts Hint That Humans Reached The Americas Surprisingly Early by Maria Temming
Archaeologists date their finds in Mexico to as early as about 33,000 years ago Humans may have arrived in North America way earlier than archaeologists thought. Stone tools unearthed in a cave in Mexico indicate that humans could have lived in the area as early as about 33,000 years ago, researchers report online July 22 […]
Dispatches From The War: Three Men Who Control Corporate America by Jon Rappoport
Why did mega-corporations accept the Covid lockdowns? https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/07/22/dispatches-from-the-war-three-men-who-control-corporate-america
Esper: US Ships Won’t Be Stopped by Anybody In South China Sea by Jason Ditz
Says US will uphold keeping ships, carriers in disputed waters. In comments on Tuesday, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said that neither China nor anyone else was going to tell the US that their warships or aircraft carriers are not free to sail wherever they want in the South China Sea. https://news.antiwar.com/2020/07/21/esper-us-ships-wont-be-stopped-by-anybody-in-south-china-sea
An Israeli Charity Group Is Uprooting Palestinians – Not Planting Trees by Jonathan Cook
The Jewish National Fund has won plaudits for its environmental work, but its agenda has been to evict on behalf of the state. https://www.jonathan-cook.net/2020-07-21/jnf-uproot-palestinians-trees
Uber Announces Participating In Contact Tracing by Brian Shilhavy
They Will Turn You in to Health Authorities https://healthimpactnews.com/2020/uber-announces-participating-in-contact-tracing-they-will-turn-you-in-to-health-authorities
The Art Of The Gag by Buster Keaton (8:34)
The Art Of The Gag by Buster Keaton (8:34) (To view full screen click the link below.) https://www.bitchute.com/video/2PjJ1aVvRdRzThe Art Of The Gag by Buster Keaton Edited and Narrated by Tony Zhou International Buster Keaton Society http://www.busterkeaton.org Buster Keaton – IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000036 Buster Keaton – Biography https://www.biography.com/actor/buster-keaton
Don’t Talk To The Police by Law Professor James Duane (46:38)
Don’t Talk To The Police by Law Professor James Duane (46:38) (To view full screen click the link below.) https://www.bitchute.com/video/r8DXbdq4sLN3 The Right To Remain Silent: A New Answer To An Old Question by James J. Duane https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1998119
I Don’t Always Believe CIA Narratives. But When I Do, I Believe Them About China. by Caitlin Johnstone
Another Allied Holocaust Ignored by Mike Walsh
Although March 25 marks the Day of Soviet Deportations, such horrors, assisted by the Western Powers, were inflicted upon Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania through half a century of Soviet Occupation. Respite from Soviet depravity was enjoyed only during the period 1941 ~ 1944 when the Baltic States were liberated and occupied by the armies of […]
House Passes Bill To ‘Voluntarily’ Begin Placing Human Implantable Microchips Into The Bodies of All State Government Employees
Michigan State Rep. Bronna Kahle sponsored the successful bill, and while the microchips are not widely used throughout the state she believes they will become standard in the coming years. “With the way technology has increased over the years and as it continues to grow, it’s important Michigan job providers balance the interests of the […]
Group That Raises Money For Israeli Soldiers Got $2-5 Million Federal Loan by Alison Weir
An organization that holds opulent galas to raise money for foreign soldiers, received a forgivable federal loan of somewhere between $2 million to $5 million, while numerous American mom-and-pop businesses applied in vain for the coronavirus relief program. https://israelpalestinenews.org/group-that-raises-money-for-israeli-soldiers-got-2-5-million-federal-loan
Israeli Strikes In Syria: Iran Reveals Extent Of Losses And Warns Tel Aviv
Iranian Armed Forces’ spokesman Brigadier General Abu Al-Fadl Shukarji has warned Zionists against continuing their lies about targeting Iranian sites in Syria. https://thesaker.is/israeli-strikes-in-syria-iran-reveals-extent-of-losses-warns-tel-aviv
If The ‘New Normal’ Is Not Paranoid and Totalitarian Enough For You, Don’t Worry – It’s Just Getting Started by CJ Hopkins
So, how are you enjoying the “New Normal” so far? Is it paranoid and totalitarian enough for you? If not … well, hold on, because it’s just getting started. There is plenty more totalitarianism and paranoia still to come. https://www.anti-empire.com/if-the-new-normal-is-not-paranoid-and-totalitarian-enough-for-you-dont-worry-its-just-getting-started
Masks Are Neither Effective Nor Safe: A Summary Of The Science by Dr. Colleen Huber, NMD
Kentucky Couple Reportedly Placed Under House Arrest After Failing To Sign COVID-19 Quarantine Notice by Zuri Davis
Elizabeth Linscott, who tested positive for COVID-19, says she objected to the wording of the health department’s isolation orders. https://reason.com/2020/07/21/kentucky-couple-reportedly-placed-under-house-arrest-after-failing-to-sign-covid-19-quarantine-notice
DARPA’s Cocktail Menu Of Brave New World Human Control by Russ Winter
The “natural person” – as opposed to some contrived invention called a “trans-human” – has a right to be left unmolested by Crime Syndicate psychopaths who are determined to drive them like herds to market and cram an agenda of political domination disguised as scientific “advancements” down their throat. https://www.winterwatch.net/2020/07/darpas-cocktail-menu-of-brave-new-world-human-control
New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Now Oppose Black Lives Matter by Paul Joseph Watson
Numbers have flipped since early June. The survey, conducted by Civiqs, shows that in early June, 44 per cent of Americans supported BLM and 34 per cent opposed it. However, those numbers have now changed, with 41 per cent supporting BLM and 44 per cent opposing the movement. https://summit.news/2020/07/21/new-poll-shows-majority-of-americans-now-oppose-black-lives-matter
Buy This Pillow And Change Your Unhappy Life by Jeff Thomas
In all cases, some major event pushes the populace over the edge. Whether it’s a market crash, a war that has cost untold lives, or even a virus whose severity has been overdramatized and manipulated, when offered the miracle pillow, Boobus humanus has an extraordinary predilection for reaching out and grabbing it. https://internationalman.com/articles/buy-this-pillow-and-change-your-unhappy-life
Florida County Mandates Residents Wear ‘Face Coverings’ In Their Homes by Kyle Hunt
All persons who reside on any residential property, whether single family or multi-family, and irrespective of whether they own or rent the property, must ensure that all persons on the residential property, including guests, comply with all applicable guidelines of any Broward County Emergency Order, including the facial covering requirements. http://www.renegadetribune.com/florida-county-mandates-residents-wear-face-coverings-in-their-homes
The Crisis Of The American University: Defunding Is The Only Solution by Peter Baggins, Ph.D.
Last night while watching the film Trumbo, a typical Hollywood treatment of “How the Left was Wronged,” I was continually struck by how the story mirrors events over the past 50 years in academia, with the roles reversed. The First Amendment is in greater jeopardy today, not because of a few leftists in Hollywood in […]
Chronic Corruption Part III: President Stands Against CDC by Ty and Charlene Bollinger
There is currently a battle being waged for our nation’s safety, prosperity, and independence. This battle has put brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, and American against fellow Americans. This battle is between good and evil… and we need to work together if we’re going to win. https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/cdc-corruption-part-3
American Pravda: The Power Of Organized Crime by Ron Unz
How a Young Syndicate Lawyer from Chicago Earned a Fortune Looting the Property of the Japanese-Americans, then Lived Happily Ever After as America’s Most Respected Civil Libertarian Federal Appellate Court Judge. https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-the-power-of-organized-crime
A Tribute To True Masculinity by Mike Walsh
Imagine being a female and thinking that masculinity is toxic instead of being the sexiest, most mesmerizing, comforting thing you’ve ever come across in your life, and being aware of an instinctive primal level it is why you exist. Modern woman, you’ve broken in so many pieces. https://europeansworldwide.wordpress.com/2020/07/21/a-tribute-to-true-masculinity
UN Unleashes Army Of Trolls To Shut Down Opposition by Dr. Joseph Mercola
The United Nations has enlisted 10,000 “digital volunteers” to rid the Internet of so-called “false” information that’s supposedly worsening the COVID-19 pandemic. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/07/21/un-unleashes-army-of-trolls-to-shut-down-opposition.aspx
The Washington Redskins Have A New Name by Bob Voydat
Big Holes In The Covid ‘Spike’ Narrative by Dr. Ron Paul
Motorcycle accidents ruled Covid deaths? In the rush to paint Florida as the epicenter of the “second wave” of the coronavirus outbreak, government officials and their allies in the mainstream media have stooped to ridiculous depths to maximize the death count. A television station this weekend looked into two highly unusual Covid deaths among victims […]
Questions Raised After Fatal Motorcycle Crash Listed As COVID-19 Death by Danielle Lama
US Government Claims American Journalist Has No Right To Challenge Its Decision To Assassinate Him
The US Government has asked the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to affirm the dismissal of American journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem’s challenge to his Government’s apparent decision to assassinate him without telling him why, or affording him the constitutional right to due process. https://reprieve.org.uk/press/us-government-claims-american-journalist-has-no-right-to-challenge-its-decision-to-assassinate-him
Ancient Athens Has Irish Rival by Mike Walsh
Researchers from Northern Irish, Scottish, and German institutes uncovered a vast subterranean temple complex at Navan Fort in County Armagh in Northern Ireland, believed to have been the former seat of early Ulster kings. https://europeansworldwide.wordpress.com/2020/07/18/ancient-athens-has-irish-rival
Sperm Discovery Reveals Clue To Genetic ‘Immortality’ by The University Of Edinburgh
New insights into an elusive process that protects developing sperm cells from damage in growing embryos, sheds light on how genetic information passes down, uninterrupted, through generations. https://phys.org/news/2020-07-sperm-discovery-reveals-clue-genetic.html
My Investigation Of The So-Called COVID Deaths by Jon Rappoport
To sum it up: deaths labeled “COVID” have nothing to do with the purported virus. The purported virus has never been discovered. A claim of discovery was made, but proper scientific procedures were never carried out. “The virus” is one of the greatest frauds in modern history. https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2020/07/09/my-investigation-of-the-so-called-covid-deaths
The Swarm Is Coming (Text and Video) by Kevin Alfred Strom
I want you to watch an amazing video. It’s so revealing and important, I uploaded it locally so that all of you, even those of you hearing this program years from now, can find it, even if the social media censors take it down, and even if good folks take all the censored, lying social […]
New Insight Into The Origin Of Water On The Earth by Hokkaido University
Scientists have found the interstellar organic matter could produce an abundant supply of water by heating, suggesting that organic matter could be the source of terrestrial water. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-07/hu-nii071720.php
The Censored Nuclear Catastrophe by Mike Walsh
Merely for the purpose of studying the effects of a nuclear blast on civilians and ground forces, an explosive nuclear experiment was conducted at 09:53 hours on September 14, 1954. Under the direction of Marshall Zhukov, a Soviet bomber, flying at an altitude of 42,000 feet (13 kilometers), dropped a 40-kiloton nuclear bomb. https://europeansworldwide.wordpress.com/2020/07/20/the-censored-nuclear-catastrophe
Dispatches From The War: Mr. Trump, The Enemy Is Deep Inside The Gate by Jon Rappoport
Political journalist Elias Marat reports: “…nearly one-third [of] U.S. households – representing 32 percent – have still not made their full housing payments for the month of July, according to a survey from online rental platform Apartment List.” “And with public health experts warning people to continue to ‘Stay at Home,’ the slogan is taking […]
The Covid Set-Up Is Now Fully In Play As CDC Outlines Plan For Death by Gary D. Barnett
This is the most dangerous time in the history of man. The seriousness of this plot cannot be underestimated. It is not due to any threat of conventional war, and it is not due to any threat of nuclear decimation, it is based on the fact that this is a psychological war waged by psychopaths […]
Portland’s Government Protects Antifa And Far Left Against Feds by Timcast (23:48)
Portland’s Government Protects Antifa And Far Left Against Feds by Timcast (23:48) (To view full screen click the link below.) https://www.bitchute.com/video/UHvUqKsqOzGf Timcast https://www.timcast.com
COVID-19 “CARES Act” Bankrolls AI Post-Human Education by John Klyczek
In 1982, former Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement for the US Department of Education, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, blew the whistle on the Reagan Administration’s Project BEST (Better Education Skills through Technology): a techno-fascist plan to privatize the American school system by selling it out to Big Tech corporations that […]
Western Greatness And Its Enemies by F. Roger Devlin, Ph.D.
The West’s uniqueness lay not in institutions such as democracy and representative government, nor in great books and abundant artistic production, nor in free markets and a ‘work ethic’- but in a more primordial Faustian drive to overcome obstacles and achieve great things. https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2017/06/18/western-greatness-and-its-enemies
White Men Responsible For Almost All The Greatest Human Accomplishments by Dr. Ricardo Duchesne
The biggest reason why Whites are believed to be racist is that they are far the greatest achievers in human history and they created the nations non-whites crave to inhabit. The very existence of White Men goes against the principle of equality since they are responsible for almost 100% of the greatest achievements in all […]
Exposing The Occult Corona-Initiation Ritual by Makia Freeman
The entire world is participating in an occult corona-initiation ritual, although hardly anyone will realize it. The measures and policies which governments have rolled out worldwide ever since Operation Coronavirus began – such as quarantine, lockdown, hand-washing, mask-wearing, social distancing and more – are in fact aspects of occult initiation ritual. These aspects have been […]
Conclusive Proof – Masks Do Not Inhibit Viral Spread (Text and Video) by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Not a single randomized controlled trial with verified outcome has been able to detect a statistically significant advantage of wearing a mask versus not wearing a mask, when it comes to preventing infectious viral illness. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/07/19/are-face-masks-effective.aspx
Nolte: Connecticut ‘Satanic’ Desecration Marks 11th Attack On Christian Church by John Nolte
Here’s the rundown of attacks on the Christian church over just the last two months – ten in the last month – which coincides with the lawless rioting, vandalism, and looting at the hands of the corporate media’s and Democrat Party’s Brownshirts in the left-wing Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorist groups. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/07/18/connecticut-satanic-desecration-marks-11th-attack-christian-church
Trump: ‘No’ National Mask Mandate – ‘I Don’t Believe In That’ by Jeff Poor
French Cathedral Burns In Suspected Arson Fire by Hannah Brockhaus
A fire being investigated as arson at a historic cathedral in western France Saturday morning has been contained, according to the local fire chief, though not before the Gothic church’s great organ and rose window sustained severe damage. Fire Chief Laurent Ferlay told French television BFM July 18 the damage to the Cathedral of St. […]
The Clown Cars Are Fully Loaded And Dr. Fauci’s Is Leading The Parade by David Stockman
When it comes to the topic of clown cars, we’d say Dr. Fauci gets a limo version all to himself. Yesterday he uttered the following incoherent babble, saying the recent surge in new cases is because the Virus Patrol didn’t go far enough in throwing 50 million Americans out of work. http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2020/july/17/the-clown-cars-are-fully-loaded-and-dr-fauci-s-is-leading-the-parade David Stockman And […]
Government Caught Using Phony Covid Data by Mike Walsh
We’re told all this comes after Public Health England (PHE) confirmed that people who are dying of natural causes are also being counted as ‘COVID deaths’ by virtue of the fact that they had previously tested positive for the virus. Quite clearly, Hancock and the Tory government are implementing damage control here, as this scandal […]