You’ll Never Find What You’re Not Looking For by Dr. David E. Martin (34:17) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
Day: December 2, 2024
New US Admin Stands For Same Grotesque And Brutal Policies Against Venezuela, Shows Just How Little They Actually Care For People by Eva Bartlett
Venezuelan non-president, Juan Guaido, is back in headlines after the new US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called him to discuss America’s favorite talking points: “a return to democracy” via “free and fair elections.” I’m sure the irony will not be lost on those who question the legitimacy of the US election that saw Biden […]
The Antibody Deception by Rosemary Frei (8:23)
The Antibody Deception by Rosemary Frei (8:23) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
The Covid-19 Questions Are Increasing by John Wear
If SARS-CoV-2 exists – Why has it never been isolated? If SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated – How can effective vaccines be developed? If the official COVID-19 narrative is defensible – Why censor people who dispute this narrative?
Barren Metal A History Of Capitalism As The Conflict Between Labor And Usury by Dr. E. Michael Jones (1:17:23)
Barren Metal A History Of Capitalism As The Conflict Between Labor And Usury by Dr. E. Michael Jones (1:17:23) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
CHD’s New ‘Medical Racism’ Film Exposes Long-Standing Experimentation On Minorities by Children’s Health Defense Team
Watch the trailer now! Medical Racism, premiering March 11, chronicles the medical cartel’s history of targeting minorities for unethical experiments, the acquiescence of regulatory agencies and medical ethicists, and the silence of physicians who allow these atrocities to continue today.
The Lockdown Has Killed Millions by Max Igan (45:29)
The Lockdown Has Killed Millions by Max Igan (45:29) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
British Government Study Confirms Covid-19 Vaccine Risk: Infections Increase In Fortnight After Jab by Jim Hoft
British Government Study Confirms Covid-19 Vaccine Risk: Infections Increase In Fortnight After Jab by Jim HoftAnyone raising concern about the safety of Covid-19 vaccines faces derision as an ‘anti-vaxxer’, but the real extremists are those who refuse to hear evidence that something is going badly wrong with this mass experimental encroachment on the sanctity of […]
CNN Admits Promoting Covid War: “It’s Really Good For Ratings” by Gerald Celente (24:36)
CNN Admits Promoting Covid War: “It’s Really Good For Ratings” by Gerald Celente (24:36)(To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)
FBI Official Nukes Key Capitol Riot Narrative, ‘To My Knowledge’ Zero Firearms Confiscated by Randy DeSoto
A top FBI official investigating the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol testified before the Senate on Wednesday that no firearms were confiscated that day. The admission certainly undermines the “armed insurrection” narrative the Democrats and their allies in the establishment media have been pushing for the past two months.