I recently participated in a discussion thread to an article written by Thomas Dalton. A lady on this discussion thread asked me: “Is there a Jewish conspiratorial Holocaust hoax group. If there is one, I am not aware of one. Maybe you can point me in the right direction. Do you know anyone who has […]
Robert Faurisson
Did German Homicidal Gas Chambers Exist? by John Wear
A relative of a prominent Holocaust revisionist recently said that the argument Holocaust supporters fear most is “the physical, chemical, topographical, architectural, and documentary evidence of the impossibility of the homicidal gas chamber.” She writes, “And, believe me, the only thing they fear is that people may learn that there were no homicidal gas chambers, […]
Creepy Joe’s Jewish Family And Cabinet by Mark R. Elsis
As you read this short piece, remember, Jews are only 1 in 500 people on earth. The chance of these 28 Jews to be in the most important positions in the United States government, well, that’s impossible. But yet it has happened through a coup d’etat. With a blatantly stolen election, these 28 conniving Jews, […]
David Irving: A British Historian Examines The Supposed Jewish Extermination (41:57)
David Irving: A British Historian Examines The Supposed Jewish Extermination (41:57) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) https://www.bitchute.com/video/v4gw3tmhTPoZ
An Unproven Holocaust: The Unreliable Eyewitness Testimony To The Genocide Of European Jewry by John Wear
Inevitably when anyone questions the genocide of European Jewry, eyewitness testimony is raised as proof that the genocide happened. This article shows that the eyewitness accounts of the Holocaust story have proved to be extremely unreliable and ineffective in proving its validity. John Demjanjuk, a naturalized American citizen, was accused by eyewitnesses of being a […]
A Prominent False Witness: Elie Wiesel Incites Hate Against Germans by Robert Faurisson
Wiesel claims to be full of love for humanity. However, he does not refrain from an appeal to hatred. In his opinion: “Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate — healthy, virile hate — for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German. To do otherwise […]