Air Pollution Ancient Forest Articles Carrying Capacity Catastrophe Chemicals Clearcutting Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Earth Economics Eve Of Destruction Externalities Forests Government Health Hominids Lobbyists Nature Ocean Acidification Oceans Sixth Mass Extinction Toxic Chemicals War Water Pollution

Manmade Mass Now Outweighs Life On Earth: Study by Patrick Galey

For the first time in history manmade materials now likely outweigh all life on Earth, scientists said Wednesday in research detailing the “crossover point” at which humanity’s footprint is heavier than that of the natural world. The weight of roads, buildings and other constructed or manufactured materials is doubling roughly every 20 years, and authors […]

Agriculture Aquifer / Groundwater Armageddon Articles Big Lie Black Projects Bodily Autonomy Catastrophe Censorship Chemicals Corporations Corruption Crimes Crony Capitalism Earth Economics Environmental Farming Food And Drug Administration Foods Freedom And Liberty Genetically Modified Organism / GMOs Glyphosate Government Health Laws Medical Organic Permaculture Political Propaganda Psychology Regenerative Agriculture Roundup Herbicide Satanic Science Seeds Soil Technology Theft United States Wall Street Corruption War Water Water Pollution

New Research Adds Evidence That Glyphosate Disrupts Hormones by Carey Gillam

Evidence suggests that Roundup, Monsanto’s well-known glyphosate-based herbicide, can alter the biosynthesis of the sexual hormones.New research is adding worrisome evidence to concerns that the widely used weed-killing chemical glyphosate may have the potential to interfere with human hormones. In a paper published in the journal Chemosphere, Glyphosate and the key characteristics of an endocrine […]

Archaeology Black Plague Catastrophe Earth Environmental Farming Foods History Middle Ages Paleoanthropology Plants Political Saudi Arabia Science Starvation Videos War Wildlife

Why Was 536 A.D The Worst Year In History? by 3BM Television Limited (49:37)

Why Was 536 A.D The Worst Year In History? by 3BM Television Limited (49:37) (To view full screen click the link below.)