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The U.S. Government And Its Military Have Declared War On The American People by Gary D. Barnett

In order for tyrants to claim and retain total power, the people must become ignorant of their own history and roots, and must through propaganda and fear be so terrified as to abandon all logic and responsibility in order to seek a false safety. In this country today, history and tradition are being destroyed, while the ruling class and government have stoked immense fear based on a propaganda campaign that was used to create a make-believe threat called Covid-19. Every element is now in place to transfer all power to the state, and in order for that coup to be successful for the tyrants, all dissent and disobedience to totalitarian mandates must be squelched. The key element to accomplish this lies in the ability for the government to instill division and distrust among the people themselves; so much so, that the masses turn on each other to assure compliance to order to have a false sense of security. This leads to voluntary servitude, which is vital to the evil governing system, because once force is the only option for the state, chaos, revolution, or violent civil unrest will replace tyranny.
This is no time to be complacent, and no time to ignore these risks. Worse times are coming regardless of this political nonsense, and increased control will be prevalent no matter the final outcome of this state selection process. Wake up people, as our lives are losing all meaning, and all the joy, emotion, and love of life are being systematically destroyed in favor of technocratic transhumanism, which can only lead to a robotic existence devoid of wonder and feeling.
Extreme evil is coming, and hell is coming with it, so cowardice in the face of this evil; refusing to take risks to remain free, guarantees a deserved slavery.

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