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Scapegoating The Romans And Pontius Pilate For Killing Jesus by Michael Hoffman

Nowhere does Moses Maimonides, the supreme halachic authority for western Judaics, blame the Romans, as do Popes Benedict XVI and Francis, as well as American conservatives and liberals. There are literally thousands of “conservative” leaders like the popes of Rome, O’Reilly, Napolitano, Pence, Pompeo, and television and radio “evangelicals” who minimize the role of Orthodox […]

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Dr. E. Michael Jones On Vatican 2 Teachings, Civilta Cattolica And Judeo Christianity Today (51:28)

Dr. E Michael Jones On Vatican 2 Teachings, Civilta Cattolica And Judeo Christianity Today (51:28) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)

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Hitler Answers Roosevelt Foreward by Mark Weber

The German Leader’s Reply to the American President’s Public Challenge Of the many speeches made by Adolf Hitler during his lifetime, certainly one of the most important was his address of April 28, 1939. It was also very probably the most eagerly anticipated and closely followed speech of the time, with many millions of people […]

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Biden Administration Urges Supreme Court To Let Cops Enter Homes And Seize Guns Without A Warrant by Nick Sibilla

Compounding the dishonesty, police then told Kim that Edward had consented to the confiscation. Believing the seizures were approved by her husband, Kim led the officers to the two handguns the couple owned, which were promptly seized. Even though Edward was immediately discharged from the hospital, police only returned the firearms after he filed a […]

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Is Tesla A Scam? Is Musk The Con-Artist He’s Being Made Out To Be? by Tesla Deaths (12:25)

Is Tesla A Scam? Is Musk The Con-Artist He’s Being Made Out To Be? by Tesla Deaths (12:25) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.)

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Professor Can’t Be Punished For Not Using Transgender Student’s Pronouns, Appeals Court Rules by Greg Piper

Judge had asked university if it would also force Jewish professor to address student as “My Fuhrer.”A public university violated a professor’s constitutional rights by punishing him for refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred pronouns, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday. In a unanimous opinion written by Judge Amul Thapar, a […]

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Florida Manatees Face New Threat: Rising Levels Of Glyphosate In Blood by Sustainable Pulse

A new study in Environment International found chronic exposure to increasing levels of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller, may have consequences for manatees’ immune and renal systems.A scientific study published last week concludes that Florida manatees are chronically exposed to glyphosate because of application of the herbicide to sugarcane and aquatic weeds. […]

America Corruption Courage Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Deep State Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Domestic Terrorism Education Entrapment Espionage Fear Federal Bureau Of Investigation Frauds Freedom And Liberty Government Hate Crimes History Inspiration January 6, 2021 Jeremy Brown Laws New Normal Oath Keepers Political Propaganda Psychology Satanic Slavery Surveillance Technocracy Technology Theft They Live Totalitarianism United States Videos War Whistleblowers

FBI Attempts To Recruit Former Green Beret To Infiltrate Oath Keepers (2:04:43)

FBI Attempts To Recruit Former Green Beret To Infiltrate Oath Keepers (2:04:43) (To view full screen, also with many links, click the link below.) Judge Denies Bail To Jeremy Brown – Former Green Beret Was Arrested Thursday After He Earlier Refused FBI Request To Be Informant Plant At January 6 RalliesOn Thursday afternoon at […]