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Universal Declaration For The Future Of Humanity by Hardwick Alliance for Real Ecology

Empowering The Sovereign Peoples Of The World To Stop Global Totalitarianism, Corporate-Driven Ecocide And Unlawful Debt-Slavery By Implementing Solutions That Embrace Truth, Freedom, Justice And Prosperity For All Whilst Engaging The Common Sense And Human-Scale Values Of Real Ecology To Protect Our Precious Home, The Earth. This Universal Declaration is for every sovereign human being […]

Articles Blowback Carrying Capacity Catastrophe Censorship Chemicals Children Civil Disobedience Climate Change Cognitive Dissonance Consciousness Coral Reef Destruction Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Cultural Direct Actions Divide And Conquer Dumb Us Down Earth Economics Education Entrapment Environmental Externalities Extinctions Farming Fear Frauds Freedom And Liberty Freedom Fighter Future Gambling Gaslighting Geothermal Global Warming Globalists Glyphosate Government Greenhouse Effect Habitat Destruction Insecticides Insects Methane Emissions Microplastics Military Military-Industrial Complex Nature Nuclear Weapons Overfishing Overshoot Ozone Depletion Pesticides PFAS Phthalates Political Pollution Propaganda Psychology Rainforest Destruction Reduce / Reuse / Recycle Reforestation Regenerative Agriculture Renewable Energy Roundup Herbicide Satanic Science Sixth Mass Extinction Soil Solar Desalination Solar Energy Solar Oven Solar Water Heater Sustainability Technology Tidal Power War Water Conservation Water Fluoridation Water Pollution Wave Power Wetlands Whistleblowers Wind Power Wind Turbines

Earth’s ‘Vital Signs’ Worsening As Humanity’s Impact Deepens by Patrick Galey

“Policies to combat the climate crisis or any other symptoms should address their root cause: human overexploitation of the planet.” They said increasing ocean deoxygenation and warming waters were threatening warm-water coral reefs, upon which half a billion people rely for food, income and storm protection. Both ocean heat and global sea levels set new […]

Articles Blowback Catastrophe Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Debate Depopulation Earth Economics Education Endangered Species Environmental Extinctions Government Habitat Destruction Hominids Lobbyists Military Military-Industrial Complex Nature New Normal Overfishing Overshoot Phytoplankton Plastic Pollution Political Pollution Propaganda Psychology Rainforest Destruction Satanic Science Sustainability Technology Theft Toxic Chemicals Wall Street Corruption War Wetlands

Only 3 Percent Of Earth’s Land Hasn’t Been Marred By Humans by Jonathan Lambert

Human activity has had a far-ranging impact on the numbers and abundance of other species. The Serengeti looks largely like it did hundreds of years ago. Lions, hyenas and other top predators still stalk herds of wildebeests over a million strong, preventing them from eating too much vegetation. This diversity of trees and grasses support […]

Agriculture Aquaculture Articles Crimes Economics Education Environmental Externalities Methane Emissions Technology Wetlands Whistleblowers

Half Of Global Methane Emissions Come From Aquatic Ecosystems-Much Of It Human-Made by Judith Rosentreter, Alberto Borges, Ben Poulter and Bradley Eyre

Methane-a greenhouse gas far more potent than carbon dioxide-plays a major role in controlling the Earth’s climate. But methane concentrations in the atmosphere today are 150% higher than before the industrial revolution. In our paper published today in Nature Geoscience, we show as much as half of global methane emissions come from aquatic ecosystems. This […]

Articles Carrying Capacity Children's Health Defense Climate Change Corporations Corruption Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Earth Economics Environmental Global Warming Government Habitat Destruction Laws Lobbyists Military-Industrial Complex Nature Oceans Phytoplankton Political Pollution Rainforest Destruction Science Sustainability Technology Toxic Chemicals Water Pollution Wetlands

Continued Plundering Of Nature Will Lead To Total Ecosystem – And Economic – Collapse by Andrea Germanos

A new 600-page review commissioned by Britain’s treasury argues that nothing short of a coordinated, large-scale global recovery plan will bring Earth’s ecosystem back from the brink of collapse. The 600-page review was commissioned by Britain’s Treasury and authored by Partha Dasgupta, professor emeritus of economics at the University of Cambridge, who wrote that gross […]

Air Pollution America Articles Big Lie Big Oil Big Pharma Bodily Autonomy Carbon Dioxide Carrying Capacity Catastrophe Censorship Centers For Disease Control Chemicals Children's Health Defense Clearcutting Climate Change Contact Tracing Coral Reef Destruction Corporations Corruption COVID-19 Crimes Crimes Against Humanity Crony Capitalism Deep State Diabetes Digital Currency Earth Economics Education Endangered Species Endocrine Disruptors Environmental Excitotoxins Externalities Extinctions Exxon Federal Reserve Fluoride Foods Forced DNA / mRNA Injection Forests Frauds Freedom And Liberty Geoengineering Geopolitical Germ Theory vs. Terrain Theory Globalists Glyphosate Goldman Sachs Government Habitat Destruction Health Income Inequality Informed Consent Laws Lobbyists Lockdowns Medical Methane Emissions Military Military-Industrial Complex Money Nature Nuclear Weapons Obesity / Overweight Ocean Acidification Oceans Overshoot Ozone Depletion Pollution Poverty Propaganda Psychology Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Science Smart Technology Surveillance Sustainability Technocracy Technology Theft Toxic Chemicals Unemployment United States Wall Street Corruption Water Conservation Water Fluoridation Water Pollution Wetlands Whistleblowers World Economic Forum

It’s Time To Find Our Common Ground And Fight The Real Deep State by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Big Oil, King Coal, Big Chemical, Big Tech and Big Pharma are titans of a Deep State cartel that is driving our country down the road to plutocracy and environmental apocalypse. We must unite to fight them – and not each other.

Articles Chemicals Crimes Earth Endocrine Disruptors Environmental Fish Government Habitat Destruction Ocean Acidification Oceans Organic Permaculture Political Pollution Science Technology Toxic Chemicals United States Water Water Pollution Wetlands

Hormone-Mimicking Chemicals Harm Fish – And Their Unexposed Offspring by Brian Bienkowski

Fish exposed to endocrine-disrupting compounds pass on health problems to future generations, including deformities, reduced survival, and reproductive problems, according to a new study. The study, published in Environmental Science and Technology, is the first of its kind in a fish that can live in freshwater, brackish water or salt water, and suggests that compounds […]

America Art Audios Beauty Constitution For The United States Cultural Farming Forests History Inspiration Love Music Nature New York City Oceans Political Religion / Spirituality Soil Soul Travel United States Videos Wetlands Wildlife

This Land Is Your Land – Sang by Bruce Springsteen and Written by Woody Guthrie (3:24)

This Land Is Your Land – Sang by Bruce Springsteen and Written by Woody Guthrie (3:24) (To view full screen click the link below.) This Land Is Your Land Words and Music by Woody Guthrie Bruce Springsteen This Land Is Your Land Video to Music by Keven Omath

Articles Big Lie Big Pharma Bill Gates Black Projects Bodily Autonomy Censorship Centers For Disease Control Corporations Corruption COVID-19 Crimes DNA / mRNA Injection Doctors Economics Eugenics Freedom And Liberty Government Health Laws Lockdowns Medical Political Propaganda Psychology Rockefeller Foundation Lockstep Plan Science Surveillance Technology Toxic Chemicals Unemployment United States Videos War Wetlands World Economic Forum World Health Organization

Questioning Covid

Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts from Around the World Interrogating the Mainstream Narrative Around the Pandemic We believe this crisis represents a world-changing opportunity to expose and transform antiquated ideologies that restrict health freedom. Germ theory is a scientifically bankrupt paradigm based in warfare models of pathogenic invasion. This theory has been leveraged as an […]

Agriculture Air Pollution Carbon Capture And Storage Carbon Dioxide Carrying Capacity Clearcutting Climate Change Environmental Farming Foods Global Warming Greenhouse Effect Habitat Destruction Health Heat Wave Methane Emissions Nature Ocean Acidification Oxygen Ozone Depletion Phytoplankton Pollution Rainforest Destruction Reforestation Soil Solar Energy Solar Water Heater Sustainability Wall Street Corruption Wetlands Wildlife Wind Power Wind Turbines

Agriculture And Fossil Fuels Are Driving Record-High Methane Emissions by Maria Temming

Africa and Asia have seen releases of the heat-trapping gas surge In 2017, human activities pumped about 364 million metric tons of methane into the atmosphere, compared with 324 million tons per year, on average, in the early 2000s. About half of that 12 percent increase was the result of expanding agriculture and landfills, while […]