The New Normal – A Documentary by Happen.Network (53:12) (To view full screen click the link below.)
How To Fight The Fines And Grow A Spine by Dr. Amandha Vollmer (19:10)
How To Fight The Fines And Grow A Spine by Dr. Amandha Vollmer (19:10) (To view full screen click the link below.)
No ‘Virus’ Pandemic Exists by Gary D. Barnett
The Covid Fraud Is Nothing More Than A Cover For Many Other Evils The state is now God, and religion has been largely relegated to worship of the state. This has been the objective all along.
Make No Mistake – This Is Genocide by Dr. Vernon Coleman (14:32)
Make No Mistake – This Is Genocide by Dr. Vernon Coleman (14:32) (To view full screen click the link below.)
What Is Rent Seeking? With Michael Hudson And Pepe Escobar (1:36:42)
What Is Rent Seeking? With Michael Hudson And Pepe Escobar (1:36:42) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown (48:31)
Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown (48:31) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Cryptocurrencies, Silver And Gold To Skyrocket In January by Video Rebel
Why am I so confident about spiking prices for cryptocurrencies, silver and gold? Because The US M1 Money Supply rose from $3.963 trillion on December 30, 2019 to $6.742 trillion on December 28, 2020. That is a growth of $2.782 trillion in a year. That is an M1 Money Supply growth rate of 70.1% per […]
COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud by Iain Davis
COVID 19, and the subsequent governmental responses, appear to be part of an international conspiracy to commit fraud. It seems there is no evidence that a virus called SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called COVID 19. In doing so this “parasite class” have potentially committed countless crimes. These crimes can and should be investigated and prosecuted […]
Crucial Viral Update Europe And USA Explained by Ivor Cummins (22:41)
Crucial Viral Update Europe And USA Explained by Ivor Cummins (22:41) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Monopoly Board Game Updated For Our Times by Video Rebel
The new Federal Reserve edition of the popular board game Monopoly has been revised to fit the realities of the modern banking and real estate world. The most radical change is that the money in the game will no longer be issued as a public utility much like President Lincoln’s Greenbacks were. The new Monopoly […]
Tackling The Infrastructure And Unemployment Crises: The “American System” Solution by Ellen Brown
Millions of Americans have joined the ranks of the unemployed, and government relief checks and savings are running out; meanwhile, the country still needs trillions of dollars in infrastructure. Putting the unemployed to work on those infrastructure projects seems an obvious solution, especially given that the $600 or $700 stimulus checks Congress is planning on […]
Death By Government Edicts And Vaccination Is Planned Democide! by Gary D. Barnett
Democide is a concept proposed by Rudolph Rummel since at least 1994 to describe “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their ‘authoritative’ capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.” What better term could describe what is going on today? Governments and those controlling the political […]
Former General Who Called For The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestinians Picked To Head Israel’s Holocaust Museum by Jonathan Cook
Benjamin Netanyahu’s choice of Effi Eitam to lead Yad Vashem is another sign of how racist hyper-nationalism is the mainstream of Israeli politics
Dr. Amandha Vollmer On California Radio Discussing Germ Theory And The Terrain (30:25)
Dr. Amandha Vollmer On California Radio Discussing Germ Theory And The Terrain (30:25) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Utopia, Coming To A World Near You by Patrick Corbett
Are they planning on using their mandatory vaccines they’ve hyped so relentlessly to vaccinate virtually the entire world’s population? And will the vaccine be programmed to sterilize 60% or more of the women in the world? At this point I think most people would have to sit with that for a while, if not outright […]
A Year Without Santa Claus? by Dr. Joseph Mercola
While lockdowns were supposed to be temporary — initially just a couple of weeks to “flatten the curve” — nine months into the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s still no end in sight. Thanksgiving was canceled in many parts of the U.S., and many government leaders are now urging residents to cancel their Christmas celebrations too. What […]
Covid’s Logic by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
Satan is always, everywhere, defeated, But always some souls’ losses are repeated. Then in the spring of 2020 the revolutionaries began enslaving the (secondary) politics of the entire world in the chains of the huge Covid lie, namely that the Corona virus ranks alongside the bubonic plague as a danger to men. This cleverly chosen […]
48% Of U.S. Small Businesses Fear That They May Be Forced To “Shut Down Permanently” Soon by Michael Snyder
Based on this week’s Alignable Q4 Revenue Poll of 9,201 small business owners, 48% could shut down permanently before year’s end. In fact, this number jumped from 42% just two months ago, demonstrating how several factors have converged to devastate small businesses: COVID resurgences, forced government reclosures, elevated customer fears, and a surge in online […]
The Great Reset For Dummies by Tessa Lena
Where do we go from here? The Great Reset is a massively funded, desperately ambitious, internationally coordinated project led by some of the biggest multinational corporations and financial players on the planet and carried out by cooperating state bodies and NGOs. Its soul is a combination of early 20th century science fiction, idyllic Soviet posters, […]
The Great Reset by Sean Stinson
The end of Capitalism as we know it “building back better” means technocracy and the end of liberalism and democracy in one fell swoop A ‘state of emergency’ persists throughout much of the world and will likely remain indefinitely. All of this has been normalised under cover of a declared medical emergency, and like some […]
‘Covid-19’ Vaccine “Biological Weapons Of Mass Destruction.” by Dr. Igor Shepherd (1:36:46)
‘Covid-19’ Vaccine “Biological Weapons Of Mass Destruction.” by Dr. Igor Shepherd (1:36:46) (To view full screen click the link below.)
COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud by Iain Davis
It seems COVID 19 has been deliberately used as a casus belli to wage war on humanity. We have been imprisoned in our own homes, our freedom to roam restricted, freedom of speech and expression eroded, rights to protest curtailed, separated from loved ones, our businesses destroyed, psychologically bombarded, muzzled and terrorised.
Crimes Against Humanity: Fraudulent PCR Tests Taken To Court Interview With Lawyer Reiner Füllmich (36:57)
Crimes Against Humanity: Fraudulent PCR Tests Taken To Court Interview With Lawyer Reiner Füllmich (36:57) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Next Covid? by Bishop Richard N. Williamson
By His Truth, Jesus Christ made us all free. Preferring lies, great prisons we shall see. Therefore expect in the rest of 2020, according to a recent source in Canada, the rolling in of secondary lock-down restrictions, with a new “surge” of Covid-related deaths, and the rushed acquisition or construction of “isolation facilities” throughout the […]
It’s Worse Than We Thought by David Icke (14:00)
It’s Worse Than We Thought by David Icke (14:00) (To view full screen click the link below.)
New Lockdowns Announced In UK by Samuel May
So, during ‘Prime Minister’s statement on coronavirus, 31 October 2020’, the usual trio of Johnson, Whitty and Vallance ‘did their thing’ once again, and sold us a lie. We were shown some graph projections, made by the same people who were wrong in all their previous graph projections and which lacked any context whatsoever (like, […]
Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends Episode 8 Catherine Austin Fitts (1:23:46)
Conversations With Dr. Cowan And Friends Episode 8 Catherine Austin Fitts (1:23:46) (To view full screen click the link below.)
More Lockdowns, Economic Winter by Gerald Celente (21:15)
More Lockdowns, Economic Winter by Gerald Celente (21:15) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Open Letter To President Donald Trump by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano
Allow me to address you at this hour in which the fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity. I write to you as an Archbishop, as a Successor of the Apostles, as the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America. I am writing to […]
Class Consciousness In The Age Of COVID by Colin Todhunter
Prior to the appearance of COVID-related restrictions and lockdowns, neoliberal capitalism had turned to various mechanisms in the face of economic stagnation and massive inequalities: the raiding of public budgets, the expansion of credit to consumers and governments to sustain spending and consumption, financial speculation and militarism. Part and parcel of this has been a […]
Freedom Is Strength, Obedience Is Weakness, And Indifference Is Cowardice by Gary D. Barnett
What has befallen humanity? Why are we facing an end to freedom, beauty, and happiness? Why are so many fooled over and over again? Why has stupidity replaced sanity and logic? Why are the masses bound to darkness instead of accepting reality and truth? Why do the many without resisting allow themselves to be controlled […]
COVID-19 Greatest Crime Against Humanity by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (49:00)
COVID-19 Greatest Crime Against Humanity by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (49:00) (To view full screen click the link below.)
The Greatest Transfer Of Wealth In History by Really Graceful (8:15)
The Greatest Transfer Of Wealth In History by Really Graceful (8:15) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Melbourne Mayhem And Misery by Michael Walsh
Contrary to promises, Melbourne, which lives under some of the toughest and most enduring coronavirus restrictions, will not get a reprieve on Monday, Victoria state head has announced, leaving the distressed and near-bankrupt public fuming.
The Cult Of The Brave New Normal by Dr. Bruce Scott
In March, it was just a three-week lockdown, to flatten the curve so as not to overwhelm the NHS. The narrative has quickly evolved. It has progressed from what seemed a reasonable idea of keeping NHS bed space free based on the completely false Neil Fergusson prediction that hospitals would be overwhelmed by patients suffering […]
A Dire Warning On The Economy by Neil McCoy-Ward (15:42)
A Dire Warning On The Economy by Neil McCoy-Ward (15:42) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: International Message For Freedom And Hope (18:50)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: International Message For Freedom And Hope (18:50) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Fear Secures Obedience In COVID-19 War by Dr. Joseph Mercola (Text and Videos)
The data tell us SARS-CoV-2 is not the existential threat it’s been made out to be. The big picture emerging seems to point in one direction, and that is the implementation of a long-standing plan to usher in and permanently establish a technocratic society. In a few short months, we’ve been dramatically shifted from a […]
Dr. Suzanne Humphries: How A $10 Billion Investment By Bill Gates Changed Vaccination Policy Worldwide (Text and Videos)
Dr. Suzanne Humphries gave a lecture in Denmark in 2015 titled: Manufactured Consent. She explains how “informed consent” today regarding vaccines is really “manufactured consent” as a unified voice presenting only what they want the public to know regarding vaccines was crafted in 2010 when the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation invested 10 billion dollars […]
Has Anyone Noticed That The World’s Billionaires During The Covid Fraud Are Getting Richer While Everyone Else Is Facing Poverty? by Gary D. Barnett
During this time of a non-existent ‘virus’ pandemic, world lockdowns, mass business closings, economic failure, growing bankruptcies, panic, and starvation, the rich are laughing all the way to the bank. Coincidence? There is no such thing as coincidence, as everything happens for a reason, and in this case that reason is clear. Everything that is […]
Israel’s Settlement Approvals Hit Record High, Says Monitoring Group (Text and Videos)
Watchdog Peace Now says more than 12,000 illegal Israeli settlement homes were approved this year. Israel has pressed forward on plans for more than 3,000 West Bank settlement homes, making 2020 one of the most prolific years for illegal settlement building, according to a watchdog group. Thursday’s approvals, along with more than 2,000 new homes […]
Wagging The Dog Part 1: The Story Behind The Story Of Covid19 by Clint Richardson (9:44:35)
Wagging The Dog Part 1: The Story Behind The Story Of Covid19 by Clint Richardson (9:44:35) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Over 34,000 Health Experts Sign Declaration Against COVID-19 Lockdowns, Petition By Epidemiologists Claims by Omid Ghoreishi
Declaration by 3 epidemiologists from Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford elicits support and criticism. As of Oct. 14, close to 25,000 of the signatories signed as medical practitioners, and around 9,500 as public health scientists. They have joined more than 440,000 members of the general public in signing the petition. The petition requires signatories to provide […]
Goldman Sachs’s Third-Quarter Profit Nearly Doubles by Liz Hoffman
[50% to 60% of the 28 million small businesses the U.S. most likely will go under, but Goldman Sach’s profit nearly doubles.]
W.H.O. Condemns Coronavirus Lockdowns, Just ‘Doubling’ Global Poverty by Simon Kent
Dr. David Nabarro from the W.H.O. appealed to world leaders on Saturday, telling them to stop “using lockdowns as your primary control method” of the coronavirus. He claimed that the only thing lockdowns achieved was poverty – with no mention of the potential lives saved.
Hellstorm by Kyle Hunt (Documentary 2015) (1:30:20)
Hellstorm by Kyle Hunt (Documentary 2015) (1:30:20) (To view full screen click the link below.)
The Globalist Agenda: The COVID Plandemic Is Just The Beginning by Grace Van Berkum
What I am about to share will be affirming for some, and shocking for others. As many of you know, I have been extremely dedicated to investigating what has been happening in the world, on so many levels since March. I need to fully understand why so many things have not made sense to so […]
The Dark Side Of Israeli Independence by Brett Wilkins
On May 14, 1948, Israel declared its independence. Each May 15, Palestinians solemnly commemorate Nakba Day. Nakba means catastrophe, and that’s precisely what Israel’s independence has been for the more than 700,000 Arabs and their five million refugee descendants forced from their homes and into exile, often by horrific violence, to make way for the […]
Destroying America 1963 To 2021. by Video Rebel
Catherine Austin Fitts said in 1995 the decision was made to pull the plug on America. Wall Street Bankers since then have stolen $50 trillion from American taxpayers. The level of corruption was high when Israel was able with the assistance of the CIA (Cocaine Importing Agency), the FBI and the Secret Service to kill […]
My Last Video For YouTube by Dr. Vernon Coleman (13:56)
My Last Video For YouTube by Dr. Vernon Coleman (13:56) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Proof That The Pandemic Was Planned With A Purpose by Stop World Control
A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: ‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’ In Spain a group of 600 medical doctors […]
This Is Going To Happen In The Coming Months by David Icke (8:34)
This Is Going To Happen In The Coming Months by David Icke (8:34) (To view full screen click the link below.)
‘Michigan Is Now Unlocked’: State Supreme Court Strikes Down Emergency Powers Law by Kyle Olson
The Michigan Supreme Court on Friday struck down a 1945 law that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) has been using to keep the state locked down since April.
A Stern And Alarming Warning From A Man In Shasta County, California (2:37)
A Stern And Alarming Warning From A Man In Shasta County, California (2:37) (To view full screen click the link below.)
Erasing History And Erasing Truth: Censorship And Destroying Records Is The Cornerstone Of Tyrants by Gary D. Barnett
“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.” ~ John Stuart Mill, On Liberty ch. 2 (1859)
Economic Doom Due To The Covid Response Is On The Horizon And Beyond by Gary D. Barnett
“Only a psychopath would ever think of doing these things, only a psychopath would dream of abusing other people in such a way, only a psychopath would treat people as less than human just for money. The shocking truth is, even though they now have most if not all of the money, they want still […]
An Israeli Charity Group Is Uprooting Palestinians – Not Planting Trees by Jonathan Cook
The Jewish National Fund has won plaudits for its environmental work, but its agenda has been to evict on behalf of the state.
Trends Journal: Deny The Facts, Follow Leaders by Gerald Celente (12:18)
Trends Journal: Deny The Facts, Follow Leaders by Gerald Celente (12:18) (To view full screen click the link below.) Trends Journal
Over 50 Million Americans Caught This Virus In The Last 6 Months! And Its Not Covaids! (27:43)
Over 50 Million Americans Caught This Virus In The Last 6 Months! And Its Not Covaids! (27:43) (To view full screen click the link below.) Dollar Vigilante
We Are Victims Of The Greatest Crime In History by Dr. Vernon Coleman (24:46)
We Are Victims Of The Greatest Crime In History by Dr. Vernon Coleman (24:46) (To view full screen click the link below.) Dr. Vernon Coleman
My Investigation Of The So-Called COVID Deaths by Jon Rappoport
To sum it up: deaths labeled “COVID” have nothing to do with the purported virus. The purported virus has never been discovered. A claim of discovery was made, but proper scientific procedures were never carried out. “The virus” is one of the greatest frauds in modern history.
Dispatches From The War: Mr. Trump, The Enemy Is Deep Inside The Gate by Jon Rappoport
Political journalist Elias Marat reports: “…nearly one-third [of] U.S. households – representing 32 percent – have still not made their full housing payments for the month of July, according to a survey from online rental platform Apartment List.” “And with public health experts warning people to continue to ‘Stay at Home,’ the slogan is taking […]
The Covid Set-Up Is Now Fully In Play As CDC Outlines Plan For Death by Gary D. Barnett
This is the most dangerous time in the history of man. The seriousness of this plot cannot be underestimated. It is not due to any threat of conventional war, and it is not due to any threat of nuclear decimation, it is based on the fact that this is a psychological war waged by psychopaths […]
Mask Wearers Are Collaborators Who Could Destroy Us All by Dr. Vernon Coleman (17:18)
Mask Wearers Are Collaborators Who Could Destroy Us All by Dr. Vernon Coleman (17:18) (To view full screen click the link below.) Dr. Vernon Coleman
Exposing The Occult Corona-Initiation Ritual by Makia Freeman
The entire world is participating in an occult corona-initiation ritual, although hardly anyone will realize it. The measures and policies which governments have rolled out worldwide ever since Operation Coronavirus began – such as quarantine, lockdown, hand-washing, mask-wearing, social distancing and more – are in fact aspects of occult initiation ritual. These aspects have been […]
The Clown Cars Are Fully Loaded And Dr. Fauci’s Is Leading The Parade by David Stockman
When it comes to the topic of clown cars, we’d say Dr. Fauci gets a limo version all to himself. Yesterday he uttered the following incoherent babble, saying the recent surge in new cases is because the Virus Patrol didn’t go far enough in throwing 50 million Americans out of work. David Stockman And […]
July 17, 2020 Weekly News Wrap-Up by Greg Hunter (43:49)
July 17, 2020 Weekly News Wrap-Up by Greg Hunter (43:49) (To view full screen click the link below.) Greg Hunter’ USA Watchdog
Google, Apple ‘Erasing Palestine’ From Geographic Apps by Dima Abumaria
Activists Cyber-activist accuses US, Israeli governments of being behind efforts to ‘remove Palestinians from map of future’
COVID: What Was The Plan All Along? by Jon Rappoport
You’ve got, say, a dozen “pre-pandemic” tabletop exercises, and all in all, there are 300 people sitting at tables, and they believe they’re talking about a real deadly virus—because by prior medical training and propaganda, they were taught to be true believers. And at those exercises, there was one man sitting inconspicuously at the table, […]
Your Body, Their Choice by Corbett Report (1:05:53)
Your Body, Their Choice by Corbett Report (1:05:53) (To view full screen click the link below.) Corbett Report
Consequences Including Brutality by Dr. Pamela Popper (12:52)
Consequences Including Brutality by Dr. Pamela Popper (12:52) (To view full screen click the link below.) Make Americans Free Again The New Normal: Citizens In Charge Dr. Pamela Popper
Survival, Top Trend 2021 by Gerald Celente (22:34)
Survival, Top Trend 2021 by Gerald Celente (22:34) (To view full screen click the link below.) Trends Journal
Nobel Laureate Calls COVID-19 Manmade by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Nobel Laureate Luc Antoine Montagnier said on French media that COVID-19 was manmade, contains elements of HIV and a parasite that causes malaria, and resulted from an industrial accident during HIV vaccine development.
The Devil’s Retirement Plan by Brother Nathanael (4:41)
The Devil’s Retirement Plan by Brother Nathanael (4:41) (To view full screen click the link below.) Real Jew News with Brother Nathanael
The Great Reset – The Way Of The Future by Cliche Guevara (1:12:59)
The Great Reset – The Way Of The Future by Cliche Guevara (1:12:59) (To view full screen click the link below.) Cliche Guevara
Will The Federal Reserve Cause The Next Riots? by Dr. Ron Paul (3:54)
Will The Federal Reserve Cause The Next Riots? by Dr. Ron Paul (3:54) (To view full screen click the link below.) Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
What A Surprise – There’s A Mass Exodus Out Of New York City! by Simon Black
Overall about 5% of the NYC population – over 400,000 people – have left since the coronavirus lockdowns began – and most of those were high-income earners.
UN Envoy Promotes “Peace” At Expense Of Justice by Maureen Clare Murphy
Israel only releases the documentation of its violence when it thinks it serves its narrative, as in the case of the execution of Erakat. More typically, security cameras are confiscated and any footage recorded never sees the light of day.
USA: The Slippery Slope Of Egalitarian Racism by Thierry Meyssan
The reactions to the murder of black George Flyod by a white policeman do not refer to the history of slavery in the United States, but – like the systemic opposition to President Trump- to a profound problem in Anglo-Saxon culture: Puritan fanaticism. The domestic violence that rocked this country during the two civil wars […]
COVID-19 Corruption: Wealthy And Well Connected Get Rich While People Suffer by Kevin Zeese and Margaret Flowers
Heat Dome, 2nd Wave Lockdowns And Mass Evictions Loom by Russ Winter
Nearly one-third of U.S. households – representing 32 percent – have still not made their full housing payment for the month of July, according to a survey from online rental platform Apartment List.